1982 lines
72 KiB
Executable File
1982 lines
72 KiB
Executable File
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["Helefir-Draenor"] = {
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[3] = {
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["Timer361568cdcountTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn361278dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
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["2461"] = {
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn362622youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368740you"] = true,
["announce363130count"] = true,
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["announceother368024stack"] = true,
["Show special announce for $spell:363088SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn368027defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother368025stack"] = true,
["Timer362659cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn368024taunt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn368740youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368027defensive"] = false,
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["SpecWarn368024taunt2SWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn363795tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
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["Timer363130cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362622cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer368027cdcountTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn368025taunt"] = true,
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["Show special announce for $spell:363088"] = true,
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["Timer363795cdcount"] = true,
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["SpecWarn362622you"] = true,
["Timer363537activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer363537active"] = true,
["Show special announce for $spell:363088SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368025tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn368738youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn364652dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn363795you"] = true,
["2459"] = {
[3] = {
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["Timer365373cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn361513dodgecount"] = true,
["SetIconOnStaggeringBarrage"] = true,
["SpecWarn361513dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
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["announce361643count"] = true,
["Timer361643cdcountTColor"] = 6,
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["Timer361643cdcount"] = true,
["Timer365373castcountCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer365373cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce359483count"] = true,
["SpecWarn361018targetcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361513cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn363607interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer361513cdcountTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer359483cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer359483cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Yell361018iconfade"] = true,
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["Yell361018shortposition"] = true,
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["SpecWarn365373countSWSound"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn361966tauntSWNote"] = true,
["2465"] = {
[3] = {
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["Timer360448cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer359829cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn359979tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn366070gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn359976tauntSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn359976tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer359829cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359976taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn360448dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359770countSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn359829count"] = true,
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["Timer359829cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn359979tauntSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn366070gtfo"] = true,
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["SpecWarn359979taunt"] = true,
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["SpecWarn359770countSWSound"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn360448dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
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["2464"] = {
[3] = {
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["Timer365436cdcountTColor"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn364942countSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer364942cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer366678cdcount"] = true,
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["SpecWarn365219defensive"] = true,
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["SpecWarn363772youSWNote"] = true,
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["Yell365150shortposition"] = true,
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["Timer360373cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer365150cdcountTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn365371dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn363772you"] = true,
["SpecWarn362028movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn366374countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360378tauntSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer362631cdcount"] = true,
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["SpecWarn366285youSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn365150youposSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363332cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn365219defensiveSWNote"] = true,
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["Yell360281shortposition"] = true,
["SpecWarn367051count"] = true,
["Yell363772shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn360281you"] = true,
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["Timer359856cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn365219tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363893defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363772cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer362631cdcountTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn365219tauntSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn366374countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn359856moveto"] = true,
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["SpecWarn365219defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
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["timerDispels"] = true,
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["SpecWarn360378tauntSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn360378taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn366285you"] = true,
["Timer366678cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["timerPitsCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360281moveto"] = true,
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["SpecWarn366678spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn362631run"] = true,
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["Timer365169cdcount"] = true,
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["Timer365219cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360373cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer365033cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn363893defensive"] = true,
["Timer367051cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer367051cd"] = true,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
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["SpecWarn365169count"] = true,
["Timer363893cdcount"] = true,
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["SpecWarn365219you"] = true,
["SpecWarn362192taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn365219taunt"] = true,
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["Timer365436cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell360281iconfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn363893defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365033cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer360373cdcount"] = true,
["Yell365219shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn359856movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365033countSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn362028moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn365033count"] = true,
["SpecWarn367051countSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer364942cdcount"] = true,
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["Timer360281cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer362028cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360281movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn364942count"] = true,
["Yell363893"] = true,
["talent3"] = "Guardian",
["2463"] = {
[3] = {
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["announce359235cast"] = true,
["Timer367079cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365297youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer369210cd"] = true,
["Yell368969shortfade"] = true,
["Timer361676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362056dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnCrushing2"] = true,
["SpecWarn362056dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn362056dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn360977taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn365297youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362056cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer361676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer362056cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn368957countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360115countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn368969count"] = true,
["Timer359236castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer359236cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn360115count"] = true,
["Timer365297cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360977tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer367079cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360115cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn361676moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce359236cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn365297you"] = true,
["Timer365297cdcount"] = true,
["announce367079count"] = true,
["Timer369210cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn361676moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn368969countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360977moveto"] = true,
["Timer359236castTColor"] = 6,
["Timer369210cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn367079countSWNote"] = true,
["Yell3689692"] = false,
["SpecWarn361676moveaway"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["NPAuraOnFractal"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
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["SpecWarn360977movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn368969countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360977movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer362056cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360115cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn367079countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn367079count"] = false,
["SpecWarn360977tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360115cdcount"] = true,
["2469"] = {
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn365966youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365021you"] = true,
["Timer361989cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362405countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363024defensiveSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer362055fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announce362862spell"] = true,
["Timer362055fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn361815count"] = true,
["Timer366849cdcount"] = true,
["Timer364020cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365120cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn363024defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365295cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361989cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["PairingBehavior"] = "Generic",
["SpecWarn361815countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361993moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn362771tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365295cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365008interruptcount"] = false,
["SetIconOnGrimReflection"] = true,
["Timer365120cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362771cdcount"] = true,
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["SpecWarn365966you"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["Timer365966cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn365008interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365966cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn362771defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365966moveaway"] = true,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:364248"] = true,
["SpecWarn365805countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn365805count"] = true,
["Timer365295cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn361992movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365120cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361993movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362405countSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell365966repeaticon"] = true,
["Timer362405cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell365966"] = true,
["SpecWarn364248tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365966youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn364031dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn365966moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363024defensive"] = true,
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["Timer366849cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce365295spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn365966moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn365805countSWNote"] = true,
["announce365872cast"] = true,
["Timer364020cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn362405count"] = true,
["SpecWarn361815countSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell365021shortposition"] = true,
["SpecWarn364248tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer364020cd"] = true,
["Timer365030cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:364248SWNote"] = true,
["announce364020spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn365008interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365120switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361989moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Timer365021targetcount"] = false,
["Timer365030cdcount"] = true,
["Timer366849cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn365120switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362771defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365021youSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnMonstrousSoul"] = true,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["Timer365030cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell365021iconfade"] = true,
["Timer361989cdcount"] = true,
["Timer362862cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn364031dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362862cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer362862cd"] = true,
["Timer362771cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362771tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362771taunt"] = true,
["Timer365966cd"] = true,
["Timer362055fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn361992movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:364248SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn362771defensive"] = true,
["Timer361815cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn364248taunt"] = true,
["SetIconOnAnduinsHope"] = true,
["SpecWarn361989moveaway"] = true,
["Timer361815cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn364031dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365021youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361993movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announceother365030targetcount"] = true,
["Timer365021targetcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361815cdcount"] = true,
["Timer365021targetcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn361989moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer362405cdcount"] = true,
["Timer362405cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn361992moveto"] = true,
["2457"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer360418fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360229cdcount"] = true,
["Timer360012cdcount"] = true,
["Timer359960cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell360146iconfade"] = true,
["Timer360300activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn359963tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360012cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["announce361945spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361923interruptcount"] = false,
["Yell360146shortposition"] = true,
["Timer360319cdcount"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360012moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother360012target"] = true,
["Yell360012"] = true,
["announceother360146targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359960defensive"] = true,
["Timer360717cdcount"] = true,
["announce360229count"] = true,
["Yell364985repeaticon"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["SpecWarn360012movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360300active"] = true,
["Timer360145cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012you"] = true,
["announce363191ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360012youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360319count"] = true,
["announce363191spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn360241dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360284cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer360284cd"] = true,
["Timer359960cdCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360146you"] = true,
["SpecWarn360148dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360284defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnFearfulTrepidation"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn360148dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn360012moveaway"] = true,
["announceother360284stack"] = true,
["Timer360229cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer360145cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer359960cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284taunt"] = true,
["Timer360145cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360418fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer361913cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timer360717cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360319countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360717countSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer360717cdcountTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn360284tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360319cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360012youSWNote"] = true,
["announce360319ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer361913cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360284stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn360241dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360241dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn360148dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360229cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360717count"] = true,
["SpecWarn359960defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360012moveto"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn360146youSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360717countSWNote"] = true,
["announce360420spell"] = true,
["Timer360012cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer360418fades"] = true,
["announce361913count"] = true,
["NPAuraOnFullyFormed"] = true,
["SpecWarn359960defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["NPAuraOnIncompleteForm"] = false,
["SetIconOnManifestShadows"] = true,
["SpecWarn360319countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360146youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn359963taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn361923interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361913cdcount"] = true,
["Timer360300activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn359963tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361923interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360319cdcountTColor"] = 6,
["2467"] = {
[3] = {
["announceother368080stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn362275countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362206you"] = true,
["Timer361548activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer363533cdcount"] = true,
["Timer363533cast"] = true,
["Timer363533castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce368080ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn363533countSWSound"] = 2,
["announce362390count"] = true,
["announce364386cast"] = true,
["Yell361548shortposition"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362206youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363533cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["announce362088count"] = true,
["SpecWarn362184defensive"] = true,
["Timer364114cdTColor"] = 6,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362184defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn362275countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362390cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362088stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn366379count"] = true,
["SpecWarn368082moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn363533moveto"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["announce362770addsleft"] = true,
["announceother362273stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn362798gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announce362207you"] = true,
["announceother362206target"] = true,
["announce362275count"] = true,
["SpecWarn366379countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361548youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368082moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362798gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362390cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361548you"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Timer362390cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361548cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362275count"] = false,
["Yell362206shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn363533count"] = true,
["SpecWarn368082moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce363108spell"] = true,
["Timer364114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer364114cd"] = true,
["Timer362184cd2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn362088stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn364386soakSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer361548cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn364114spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361548activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell361548iconfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn362184defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn364114spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn363533movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SetIconOnQuasar"] = false,
["SetIconOnDarkEclipse"] = true,
["Timer361548active"] = true,
["SpecWarn362088stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer363533castTColor"] = 5,
["Timer363533cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362184cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362184cd2"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn361548youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer361548cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn362206youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363533movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother361548target"] = true,
["Timer366379cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer366379cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn364386soakSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn362798gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn364114spell"] = true,
["Timer362275cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce366606spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn363533countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362275cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer362275cdcount"] = true,
["Timer366379cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn364386soak"] = true,
["Yell368082shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn366379countSWSound"] = 2,
["2458"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer359610cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer366693cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer365315next"] = true,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["Timer366693cdcount"] = true,
["Timer364447cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce360404spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn360162defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Yell364881shortfade"] = true,
["Yell359610"] = true,
["Timer360162cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn360412movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer364447cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn359610moveaway"] = true,
["Timer361001cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn360414tauntSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceother364447stack"] = true,
["Timer364447cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce366693count"] = true,
["SpecWarn359610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer360658next"] = true,
["Timer359610cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother359610target"] = true,
["SpecWarn364447stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer359610cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn364447stack"] = true,
["Timer360412cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn364881moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer365315nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer360412castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360412cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360162cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360414taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn360658switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer364881cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer366693cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn364447taunt"] = true,
["Timer360412castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360162defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer364881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer364881cd"] = true,
["Timer361001cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer360162cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn364881youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn364447stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn364881moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn364881moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn364881youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360412movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce360176spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn364881you"] = true,
["SpecWarn360412moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn364447tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer361001cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360414tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360658switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360658switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn360162defensive"] = true,
["Timer365315nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother360458target"] = true,
["Timer360658nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce361001count"] = true,
["SpecWarn359610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother364881target"] = true,
["Timer360412cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer360412cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn364447tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360658nextTColor"] = 1,
["2470"] = {
[3] = {
["NPAuraOnOverseersOrders"] = true,
["Timer362801cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn362803tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363520dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365681cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365681cd"] = true,
["announceother362882target"] = true,
["SpecWarn362882dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer363520nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell362882"] = true,
["Timer363485cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn362882dodgecount"] = true,
["Yell362803shortfade"] = true,
["Timer362841cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce362841spell"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn363520dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer363485cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NPAuraOnAscension"] = true,
["Timer362615nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconGlyphofRelocation"] = false,
["SpecWarn363485switch"] = false,
["Timer362803targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce363139ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn365681taunt"] = true,
["announceother362615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn362882dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer362803target"] = true,
["SpecWarn362841dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer363520nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362801cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer363485cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362803moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer363520nextcount"] = true,
["announce364040cast"] = true,
["SetIconOnHyperlightAdds"] = true,
["SpecWarn362849countSWSound"] = 2,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Timer362849cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362803targetTColor"] = 2,
["Timer365681cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn362615youposSWNote"] = true,
["announce363139spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn365681tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWormhole"] = true,
["SpecWarn362849countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362882cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother365681stack"] = true,
["Timer362841cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362841cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn364030interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn364030interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn364030interruptcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn365681tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365681defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn365681defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362849cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn365681defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362803moveaway"] = true,
["Timer362882cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell362615iconfade"] = true,
["Timer362849cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn363485switchSWSound"] = 1,
["NPAuraOnDecipherRelic"] = true,
["Timer362615nextcount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn362849count"] = true,
["SpecWarn362803taunt"] = true,
["Yell362803"] = true,
["SpecWarn362841dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn362615youposSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362841dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363520dodgecount"] = true,
["Timer362801cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer362882cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn363485switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn362615youpos"] = true,
["Yell362615position"] = true,
["Timer362615nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn362803tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362803moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Helca-Draenor"] = {
["2460"] = {
["Timer366062castTColor"] = 5,
["Timer361304cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361568cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361278cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer360687cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361745aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360295switchcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362132moveto"] = true,
["RitualistIconSetting"] = "SetOne",
["SpecWarn361789run"] = true,
["Yell362352shortyell"] = true,
["Timer361789cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn361304dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360687cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn361278dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer361066cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361568cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["announceother360687target"] = true,
["Timer361568cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360687moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn362383interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365126countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361789runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361745youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365272tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer361789cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360295cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365272defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer365126cdcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn362132movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announce366062cast"] = true,
["SetIconOnDeathtouch"] = false,
["Timer360687cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365272cdcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn362132movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnNightHunter"] = false,
["SpecWarn362383interrupt"] = false,
["announceother362352target"] = true,
["SpecWarn361278dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["Yell360687shortposition"] = true,
["Timer361745ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn365126countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn364839moveaway"] = true,
["Yell361745iconfade"] = true,
["Timer361304cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer365126cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer360295cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361745youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361304dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother361745target"] = true,
["Timer366062cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn364839moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnSeed"] = true,
["Timer365272cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362132cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["announce361066count"] = true,
["Timer366062castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361789cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360295switchcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn362383interruptSWNote"] = true,
["NPAuraOnWrackingPain"] = true,
["Timer362132cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361066cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365272defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnRitualist"] = true,
["SpecWarn361745you"] = true,
["SpecWarn361304dodgecount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn361789runSWSound"] = 4,
["NPAuraOnImprintedSafeguards"] = true,
["Timer361304cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362132cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360687moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360295switchcount"] = false,
["Timer361278cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360687moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce360845cast"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn365126count"] = true,
["Timer361278cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell361745shortposition"] = true,
["SpecWarn365272defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn361278dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365272tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361066cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365272cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn364839moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["Timer361745aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer360295cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365126cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn365272taunt"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["2461"] = {
["SpecWarn368024taunt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer362622cdcount"] = true,
["Timer364652cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn364652dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer363088cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell363795shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn362622youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368740you"] = true,
["announce363130count"] = true,
["announce365257spell"] = true,
["announceother368024stack"] = true,
["Show special announce for $spell:363088SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn368027defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother368025stack"] = true,
["Timer362659cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn368024taunt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn368740youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368027defensive"] = false,
["announce368027spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn368740youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363795cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn368024taunt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer362622fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn363795tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Timer363088cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer363130cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362622cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer368027cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["NPAuraOnEphemeralBarrier"] = true,
["Timer363130activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer362622fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer362622cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn368738you"] = true,
["SpecWarn364652dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn368025tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368025taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn364652dodge"] = true,
["Timer364652cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer363537activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer363130cdcount"] = true,
["Timer363088cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361200activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361200activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn363795youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer368027cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Show special announce for $spell:363088"] = true,
["Timer362622fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer363130activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361200active"] = true,
["SpecWarn362622youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363130active"] = true,
["SpecWarn368027defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363130cdcountTColor"] = 6,
["Timer364652cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn368738youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363795youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363795cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer363795cdcount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn363795taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn363795tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer362659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnDeconstructingEnergy"] = true,
["Timer368027cdcount"] = false,
["Timer363537activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell363795"] = true,
["SpecWarn362622you"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer363537active"] = true,
["Show special announce for $spell:363088SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368025tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn368738youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn363795you"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["2459"] = {
["SpecWarn363607interruptcount"] = false,
["Timer361513cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361967target"] = true,
["SpecWarn365373count"] = true,
["SpecWarn365418spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn365418spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn361018youposcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell361966shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn361018youposcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother361018targetcount"] = true,
["Timer361018cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer365373cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn361513dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn361513dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnStaggeringBarrage"] = true,
["SpecWarn361513dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer365373cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365373castcountTColor"] = 5,
["announce361643count"] = true,
["Timer361643cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn361966stack"] = true,
["Timer365373castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361513cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn361966tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361018youposcount"] = true,
["Timer365373cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer361513cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["announce359483count"] = true,
["SpecWarn361018targetcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361018targetcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn363607interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer361643cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn361966stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer359483cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Yell361018iconfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn361018targetcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn365373countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361018cdcount"] = true,
["Timer359483cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361967targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn361966stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361967targetTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceother361966stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn361966taunt"] = true,
["Timer361018cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer359483cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell361018shortposition"] = true,
["announce365373count"] = true,
["SpecWarn363607interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361643cdcountTColor"] = 6,
["Timer365373castcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365373countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn365418spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361966tauntSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["2465"] = {
["SpecWarn359829countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360448cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360448cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer359829cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn359979tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn366070gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn359976tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother359976stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn359976tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer359829cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359976taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn360448dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359770countSWNote"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn359829count"] = true,
["announce364778cast"] = true,
["timerComboCD"] = true,
["announceother359979stack"] = true,
["Timer359829cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn359829countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360448dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn359979tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn359770count"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer359770cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer359770cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn366070gtfo"] = true,
["Timer359770cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359979taunt"] = true,
["timerComboCDCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn366070gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360448cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359770countSWSound"] = 2,
["announce359829count"] = true,
["SpecWarn360448dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["timerComboCDTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["2464"] = {
["SpecWarn360425gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell365150iconfade"] = true,
["SetIconOnChainsofAnguish"] = true,
["Yell363893shortfade"] = true,
["Timer365436cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer364942cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn364942countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn365436moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer364942cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer366678cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365219youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365219defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn360281movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announceother366285targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn363772youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer366285cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn365371dodge"] = true,
["Timer366285cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce363332spell"] = true,
["Yell366285shortposition"] = true,
["Yell365150shortposition"] = true,
["Timer365150cdcount"] = true,
["Timer365436cdcount"] = true,
["Timer365169cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer365150cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer366285cdcount"] = true,
["Timer360373cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer365150cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn366678spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365371dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother365219target"] = true,
["Timer365169cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn363772you"] = true,
["SpecWarn362028movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer366132cdTColor"] = 3,
["warnHealAzeroth"] = true,
["Timer359856cdcount"] = true,
["Timer363893cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer366678cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn366374countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360378tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer363332cd"] = true,
["Timer362631cdcount"] = true,
["timerDispelsTColor"] = 5,
["Timer360281cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn366285youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365033countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn362028movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["timerPitsTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn365150youpos"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Timer362028cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn362631runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn360378count"] = true,
["Timer365033cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365150youposSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362192tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363332cdTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn362192tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365219defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer363772cd"] = true,
["Yell360281shortposition"] = true,
["SpecWarn367051count"] = true,
["Yell363772shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn360281you"] = true,
["SpecWarn364942countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer359856cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer359856cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn365219tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363893defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer363772cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell366285iconfade"] = true,
["Timer360281cdcount"] = true,
["Timer362631cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn366678spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnDomination2"] = true,
["Timer367051cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn365219tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother363893targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn366374countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn359856moveto"] = true,
["Timer360378cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn365436moveaway"] = true,
["SetIconOnCopulsion"] = true,
["SpecWarn365219defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360425gtfo"] = true,
["timerPits"] = true,
["timerDispels"] = true,
["Timer363772cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother365150targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn366374count"] = true,
["SpecWarn359856movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer366132cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362028cdcount"] = true,
["Yell363772shortyell"] = false,
["SpecWarn363772youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn366678spell"] = true,
["announceother363772target"] = true,
["SpecWarn365150youposSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360378taunt"] = true,
["Timer365219cdcount"] = true,
["Timer365169cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn366285you"] = true,
["Timer366678cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["timerPitsCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360281moveto"] = true,
["timerHealAzerothTColor"] = 5,
["SetIconOnDamnation"] = true,
["SpecWarn362631run"] = true,
["announce366022cast"] = true,
["warnDispel"] = true,
["SetIconOnMartyrdom2"] = false,
["Timer365219cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer362631cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn365169countSWSound"] = 3,
["timerHealAzerothCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360281youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer366132cd"] = true,
["Timer360373cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["timerDispelsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365033cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360281youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer364942cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn363893defensive"] = true,
["Timer367051cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn367051countSWSound"] = 2,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["Timer365219cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer363893cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365169count"] = true,
["announceother362075target"] = true,
["SpecWarn365169countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360378countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn365033countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn362192taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn366285youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["Timer363893cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer365436cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell360281iconfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn363893defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365033cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer360373cdcount"] = true,
["Yell365219shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn359856movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365219taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn365219youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365219you"] = true,
["SpecWarn362028moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn360425gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365033count"] = true,
["SpecWarn367051countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360378cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer367051cd"] = true,
["announceother365169target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer362028cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn365371dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn365436moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362631runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother360281targetcount"] = true,
["Timer360281cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["timerHealAzeroth"] = true,
["announce360373count"] = true,
["announce368383ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn360378countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360378tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360281movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360378cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn364942count"] = true,
["Yell363893"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Holy",
["2463"] = {
["announce368529cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn368957count"] = true,
["Timer367079cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["announce359235cast"] = true,
["Timer367079cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365297youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer369210cd"] = true,
["Yell368969shortfade"] = true,
["Timer361676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn367079count"] = false,
["SpecWarn360115count"] = true,
["SpecWarn362056dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer361676cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360977taunt"] = true,
["Timer359236cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn368957countSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer361676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn362056dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn368957countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360115countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn368969count"] = true,
["SpecWarn360977tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer365297cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365297youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer359236castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn368969countSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer369210cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer367079cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360115cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn361676moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announce359236cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn365297you"] = true,
["SpecWarn362056dodge"] = true,
["announce367079count"] = true,
["Yell3689692"] = false,
["Timer365297cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn361676moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360977moveto"] = true,
["Timer359236castTColor"] = 6,
["Timer369210cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer362056cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360977movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361676moveaway"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn360115countSWNote"] = true,
["NPAuraOnFractal"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer365297cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn367079countSWNote"] = true,
["announceother365297targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn367079countSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer362056cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn360977movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer362056cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360115cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn368969countSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnCrushing2"] = true,
["SpecWarn360977tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360115cdcount"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["2469"] = {
["Timer362771cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn365966youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365021you"] = true,
["Timer361989cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362405countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn363024defensiveSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer362055fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announce362862spell"] = true,
["Timer362055fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn361815count"] = true,
["Timer366849cdcount"] = true,
["Timer364020cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer365120cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn363024defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365295cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361989cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["PairingBehavior"] = "Generic",
["SpecWarn361815countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361993moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn362771tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365295cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365008interruptcount"] = false,
["SetIconOnGrimReflection"] = true,
["Timer365120cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362771cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn365120switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn365966you"] = true,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:364248"] = true,
["SpecWarn365805count"] = true,
["SpecWarn365008interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365966moveaway"] = true,
["Yell365966repeaticon"] = true,
["Yell365966"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["SpecWarn365966youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnAnduinsHope"] = true,
["Timer365295cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn361992movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365120cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361993movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362405countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365966moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Timer362405cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer364020cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn364248tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Yell365021shortposition"] = true,
["SpecWarn364031dispel"] = true,
["Timer362862cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn363024defensive"] = true,
["announceother366849target"] = true,
["Timer366849cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce365295spell"] = true,
["Timer365966cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn365805countSWNote"] = true,
["announce364020spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn365008interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361989moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn361815countSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn365021youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn364248tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365120switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer365030cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:364248SWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnMonstrousSoul"] = true,
["SpecWarn362771defensive"] = true,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn361989moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Timer365021targetcount"] = false,
["Timer365030cdcount"] = true,
["Timer366849cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer365966cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn362771defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365021youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer362862cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361989moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn365966moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Yell365021iconfade"] = true,
["Timer361989cdcount"] = true,
["Timer362862cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn364031dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer364020cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce365872cast"] = true,
["Timer362771cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362771tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362771taunt"] = true,
["Timer365966cd"] = true,
["Timer362055fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn361992movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:364248SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Timer365030cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer361815cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer362405cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn365120switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn364248taunt"] = true,
["Timer361815cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn364031dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn365805countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn361992moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn362405count"] = true,
["Timer365021targetcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn362771defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn361993movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announceother365030targetcount"] = true,
["Timer362405cdcount"] = true,
["Timer361815cdcount"] = true,
["Timer365021targetcountTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["2457"] = {
["Timer360418fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360229cdcount"] = true,
["Timer360012cdcount"] = true,
["Timer359960cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell360146iconfade"] = true,
["Timer360300activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn359963tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360012cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["announce361945spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn361923interruptcount"] = false,
["Yell360146shortposition"] = true,
["Timer360319cdcount"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360012moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother360012target"] = true,
["Yell360012"] = true,
["announceother360146targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn359960defensive"] = true,
["Timer360717cdcount"] = true,
["announce360229count"] = true,
["Yell364985repeaticon"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["SpecWarn360012movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360300active"] = true,
["Timer360145cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012you"] = true,
["announce363191ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360012youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360319count"] = true,
["announce363191spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn360241dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360284cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn359963tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360229cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer359960cdCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360146you"] = true,
["SpecWarn360148dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360284defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnFearfulTrepidation"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn360148dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012moveaway"] = true,
["announceother360284stack"] = true,
["Timer360145cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer360418fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer359960cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn360284taunt"] = true,
["Timer360145cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360717countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360319countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360717cdcountTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn360319countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn360717countSWSound"] = 2,
["NPAuraOnIncompleteForm"] = false,
["SpecWarn360284stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360319cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360012youSWNote"] = true,
["announce360319ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn359960defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer361913cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360284defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284defensive"] = true,
["Timer360284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer360012cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360241dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn360148dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn359960defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer360229cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn360717count"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn360012moveto"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn360146youSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer361913cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["announce360420spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer360418fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn360241dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announce361913count"] = true,
["Timer361913cdcount"] = true,
["NPAuraOnFullyFormed"] = true,
["SetIconOnManifestShadows"] = true,
["SpecWarn360284tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn360146youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn359963taunt"] = true,
["Timer360717cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn361923interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer360284cd"] = false,
["Timer360319cdcountTColor"] = 6,
["Timer360300activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn361923interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["2467"] = {
["announceother368080stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn362275countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn362206you"] = true,
["Timer361548activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer363533cdcount"] = true,
["Timer363533cast"] = true,
["Timer363533castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce368080ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn363533countSWSound"] = 2,
["announce362390count"] = true,
["announce364386cast"] = true,
["Yell361548shortposition"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
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["2458"] = {
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["SpecWarn360414tauntSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer364881cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["2470"] = {
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["SpecWarn362882dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer365681cdTColor"] = 5,
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["Timer362841cdCVoice"] = 0,
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