Blizzard_Console_SavedVars = { ["version"] = 3, ["height"] = 300.0000610351563, ["messageHistory"] = { { "Shadow cascade blending changed to 0", 0, }, { "Shadow RT mode changed to 0 (Disabled)", 0, }, { "maxLightCount must be in range 0 to 32.", 0, }, { "CVar 'maxLightCount' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "Clustered shading enabled.", 0, }, { "Not forcing clustered shading.", 0, }, { "SSAO mode set to 0", 0, }, { "SSAO type set to 0", 0, }, { "Depth Based Opacity Disabled", 0, }, { "SkyCloudLOD set to 0", 0, }, { "Texture filtering mode updated.", 0, }, { "Terrain mip level changed to 1.", 0, }, { "Outline mode changed to 1", 0, }, { "Physics interaction level changed to 0", 0, }, { "Render scale changed to 0.833333", 0, }, { "Resample quality changed to 1", 0, }, { "MSAA disabled", 0, }, { "MSAA for alpha-test enabled.", 0, }, { "VALAR mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "lodObjectSizeScale cannot be changed.", 0, }, { "Volume fog disabled.", 0, }, { "dynamicLod enabled", 0, }, { "World preload object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World load object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload non critical enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload high res textures enabled.", 0, }, { "FFX: Color Blind Test Mode Disabled", 0, }, { "Error display disabled", 0, }, { "Error display shown", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Now filtering: all messages", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AmbienceHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AllyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_EnemyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_NPCHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "ChromaEffects disabled", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Starting login launcherPortal=\"\" loginPortal=\"\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Resetting", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Initializing", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Attempting logon host=\"\" port=\"1119\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Logon complete.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Reconnect token saved; creationTime=\"1733863164\" expirationTime=\"1733877564\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting realm list ticket", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received realm list ticket code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received sub region list code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting last played chars numSubRegions=\"3\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Realm list ready.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Joining realm subRegion=\"3-4-89\" realmAddress=\"3-2-8\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] OnRealmJoin code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleConnect()\n", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Received AuthedToWoW result=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnecting connectionId=\"1\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnecting from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with established.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnected connectionId=\"1\" result=\"( code=\"ERROR_NETWORK_MODULE_SOCKET_CLOSED (1016)\" localizedMessage=\"\" debugMessage=\"\")\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnected from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[WowEntitlements] [BNetAccount-0-0000064BB531] [WowAccount-0-0000017ECAB5] Initialized with 59 entitlements.", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000061", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000069", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000006d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e57f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/10/2024 (Tue) 21:38", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c440", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000025", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000e460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000e470", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000027", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000e470", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000027", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 0.600000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/10/2024 (Tue) 21:40", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Skill 183 increased from 165 to 175", 0, }, { "Skill 798 increased from 165 to 175", 0, }, { "Skill 2723 increased from 165 to 175", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 4, intensity 0.278103\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 4, intensity 0.278103\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 4, intensity 0.300000\n", 0, }, { "Skill 183 increased from 175 to 180", 0, }, { "Skill 798 increased from 175 to 180", 0, }, { "Skill 2723 increased from 175 to 180", 0, }, { "Skill 183 increased from 180 to 190", 0, }, { "Skill 798 increased from 180 to 190", 0, }, { "Skill 2723 increased from 180 to 190", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 0.134178\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 0.134178\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000061", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000069", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000006d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e57f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:10", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000029", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:13", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000029", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:14", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Changed difficulty successfully", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008000", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c000", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c400", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010c400", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010c410", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000023", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000018c410", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000018c410", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000023", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:55", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000029", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/10/2024 (Tue) 23:04", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Sorting particles normally.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded rendering enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded BeginDraw enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithread shadows changed to 1.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded prepass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded alpha M2 pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque WMO pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded terrain pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded volumetric fog enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded Refraction Pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded miscellaneous passes enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded decal passes disabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded outline passes enabled.", 0, }, { "Use trigger on BeginDrawComplete enabled.", 4, }, { "Multithreaded alpha pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded daynight update enabled.", 0, }, { "Water detail changed to 0", 0, }, { "Ripple detail changed to 0", 0, }, { "Reflection mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "Reflection downscale changed to 0", 0, }, { "Sunshafts quality changed to 0", 0, }, { "Refraction mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "Volume fog enabled.", 0, }, { "Particulate volumes enabled.", 0, }, { "Projected textures enabled.", 0, }, { "Spell Clutter intensity value set", 0, }, { "Shadow mode changed to 0 - Blob shadows", 0, }, { "Shadow texture size changed to 1024.", 0, }, { "Soft shadows changed to 0.", 0, }, { "Shadow cascade blending changed to 0", 0, }, { "Shadow RT mode changed to 0 (Disabled)", 0, }, { "maxLightCount must be in range 0 to 32.", 0, }, { "CVar 'maxLightCount' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "Clustered shading enabled.", 0, }, { "Not forcing clustered shading.", 0, }, { "SSAO mode set to 0", 0, }, { "SSAO type set to 0", 0, }, { "Depth Based Opacity Disabled", 0, }, { "SkyCloudLOD set to 0", 0, }, { "Texture filtering mode updated.", 0, }, { "Terrain mip level changed to 1.", 0, }, { "Outline mode changed to 1", 0, }, { "Physics interaction level changed to 0", 0, }, { "Render scale changed to 0.833333", 0, }, { "Resample quality changed to 1", 0, }, { "MSAA disabled", 0, }, { "MSAA for alpha-test enabled.", 0, }, { "VALAR mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "lodObjectSizeScale cannot be changed.", 0, }, { "Volume fog disabled.", 0, }, { "dynamicLod enabled", 0, }, { "World preload object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World load object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload non critical enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload high res textures enabled.", 0, }, { "FFX: Color Blind Test Mode Disabled", 0, }, { "Error display disabled", 0, }, { "Error display shown", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Now filtering: all messages", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AmbienceHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AllyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_EnemyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_NPCHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "ChromaEffects disabled", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Starting login launcherPortal=\"\" loginPortal=\"\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Resetting", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Initializing", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Attempting logon host=\"\" port=\"1119\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Logon complete.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Reconnect token saved; creationTime=\"1734895271\" expirationTime=\"1734909671\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting realm list ticket", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received realm list ticket code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received sub region list code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting last played chars numSubRegions=\"3\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Realm list ready.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Joining realm subRegion=\"3-4-89\" realmAddress=\"3-2-8\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] OnRealmJoin code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleConnect()\n", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Received AuthedToWoW result=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnecting connectionId=\"1\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnecting from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with established.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnected connectionId=\"1\" result=\"( code=\"ERROR_NETWORK_MODULE_SOCKET_CLOSED (1016)\" localizedMessage=\"\" debugMessage=\"\")\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnected from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[WowEntitlements] [BNetAccount-0-0000064BB531] [WowAccount-0-0000017ECAB5] Initialized with 59 entitlements.", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000061", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000069", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000006d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e57f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:20", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008000", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c000", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c400", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010c400", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010c480", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000023", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000018c480", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000018c480", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000023", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:22", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleDisconnect()\n", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with destroyed.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnected from WoW previouslyConnected=\"true\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Starting login launcherPortal=\"\" loginPortal=\"\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Resetting", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Destroying isInitialized=\"true\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Initializing", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Attempting logon host=\"\" port=\"1119\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Logon complete.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Reconnect token saved; creationTime=\"1734895379\" expirationTime=\"1734909779\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting realm list ticket", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received realm list ticket code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received sub region list code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting last played chars numSubRegions=\"3\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Realm list ready.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Joining realm subRegion=\"3-4-89\" realmAddress=\"3-2-8\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] OnRealmJoin code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleConnect()\n", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Received AuthedToWoW result=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnecting connectionId=\"2\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnecting from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnected connectionId=\"2\" result=\"( code=\"ERROR_NETWORK_MODULE_SOCKET_CLOSED (1016)\" localizedMessage=\"\" debugMessage=\"\")\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnected from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with established.", 0, }, { "[WowEntitlements] [BNetAccount-0-0000064BB531] [WowAccount-0-0000017ECAB5] Initialized with 59 entitlements.", 0, }, { "Got new connection 2", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting change realm list", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received realm list ticket code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received sub region list code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting realm lists numSubRegions=\"3\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Realm list ready.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Joining realm subRegion=\"3-4-89\" realmAddress=\"3-1-7\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] OnRealmJoin code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "Disconnecting for reason 12", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleDisconnect()\n", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with destroyed.", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleConnect()\n", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Received AuthedToWoW result=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with established.", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c440", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000025", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000e460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e470", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000027", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e470", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000027", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:23", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c040", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c440", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000025", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000e460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e460", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e470", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000027", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e470", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000027", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:23", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting change realm list", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received realm list ticket code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received sub region list code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting realm lists numSubRegions=\"3\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Realm list ready.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Joining realm subRegion=\"3-4-89\" realmAddress=\"3-2-8\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] OnRealmJoin code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "Disconnecting for reason 12", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleDisconnect()\n", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with destroyed.", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleConnect()\n", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Received AuthedToWoW result=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with established.", 0, }, { "Got new connection 2", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000029", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000014e5cf", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:24", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000061", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000069", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000006d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e57f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:26", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000004141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000004143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000029", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000004163", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000003d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000104163", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000104173", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x00001041f3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000003f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x00001041f3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000003f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:28", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008000", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c000", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c400", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010c400", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010c410", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000023", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000018c410", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000018c410", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000023", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:29", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c103", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c503", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000029", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c523", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000e523", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e523", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e533", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e5b3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000010e5b3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000002f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:29", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: ShowObjUsage\n", 0, }, { "Attempted to register existing command: SetDifficulty\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000061", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000069", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000006d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e57f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/22/2024 (Sun) 20:30", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Sorting particles normally.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded rendering enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded BeginDraw enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithread shadows changed to 1.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded prepass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded alpha M2 pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque WMO pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded terrain pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded volumetric fog enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded Refraction Pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded miscellaneous passes enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded decal passes disabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded outline passes enabled.", 0, }, { "Use trigger on BeginDrawComplete enabled.", 4, }, { "Multithreaded alpha pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded daynight update enabled.", 0, }, { "Water detail changed to 0", 0, }, { "Ripple detail changed to 0", 0, }, { "Reflection mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "Reflection downscale changed to 0", 0, }, { "Sunshafts quality changed to 0", 0, }, { "Refraction mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "Volume fog enabled.", 0, }, { "Particulate volumes enabled.", 0, }, { "Projected textures enabled.", 0, }, { "Spell Clutter intensity value set", 0, }, { "Shadow mode changed to 0 - Blob shadows", 0, }, { "Shadow texture size changed to 1024.", 0, }, { "Soft shadows changed to 0.", 0, }, { "Shadow cascade blending changed to 0", 0, }, { "Shadow RT mode changed to 0 (Disabled)", 0, }, { "maxLightCount must be in range 0 to 32.", 0, }, { "CVar 'maxLightCount' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "Clustered shading enabled.", 0, }, { "Not forcing clustered shading.", 0, }, { "SSAO mode set to 0", 0, }, { "SSAO type set to 0", 0, }, { "Depth Based Opacity Disabled", 0, }, { "SkyCloudLOD set to 0", 0, }, { "Texture filtering mode updated.", 0, }, { "Terrain mip level changed to 1.", 0, }, { "Outline mode changed to 1", 0, }, { "Physics interaction level changed to 0", 0, }, { "Render scale changed to 0.833333", 0, }, { "Resample quality changed to 1", 0, }, { "MSAA disabled", 0, }, { "MSAA for alpha-test enabled.", 0, }, { "VALAR mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "lodObjectSizeScale cannot be changed.", 0, }, { "Volume fog disabled.", 0, }, { "dynamicLod enabled", 0, }, { "World preload object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World load object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload non critical enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload high res textures enabled.", 0, }, { "FFX: Color Blind Test Mode Disabled", 0, }, { "Error display disabled", 0, }, { "Error display shown", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Now filtering: all messages", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AmbienceHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AllyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_EnemyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_NPCHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "ChromaEffects disabled", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Starting login launcherPortal=\"\" loginPortal=\"\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Resetting", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Initializing", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Attempting logon host=\"\" port=\"1119\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Logon complete.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Reconnect token saved; creationTime=\"1734908945\" expirationTime=\"1734923345\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting realm list ticket", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received realm list ticket code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received sub region list code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting last played chars numSubRegions=\"3\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Realm list ready.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Joining realm subRegion=\"3-4-89\" realmAddress=\"3-2-8\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] OnRealmJoin code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleConnect()\n", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Received AuthedToWoW result=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "Got new connection 2", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnecting connectionId=\"1\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnecting from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with established.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnected connectionId=\"1\" result=\"( code=\"ERROR_NETWORK_MODULE_SOCKET_CLOSED (1016)\" localizedMessage=\"\" debugMessage=\"\")\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnected from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[WowEntitlements] [BNetAccount-0-0000064BB531] [WowAccount-0-0000017ECAB5] Initialized with 59 entitlements.", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000061", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000069", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000006d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e57f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/23/2024 (Mon) 0:08", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to recID 1 intensity 0\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to recID 1 intensity 0\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to recID 1 intensity 0\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer aborted (reason: 30)", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Skill 2881 increased from 64 to 65", 0, }, { "Skill 2881 increased from 65 to 66", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received PreloadMap Destination MapID:2601, Current MapID:2552, PreviousTransitionID:-1, Position (2091.59, -2454.33, 739.533)", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Preload initiated.", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Cancel Preload of MapID:2601", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received PreloadMap Destination MapID:2601, Current MapID:2552, PreviousTransitionID:-1, Position (2039.49, -2455.07, 741.995)", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Preload initiated.", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Cancel Preload of MapID:2601", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received Cancel Preload for MapID 2601, but we have not preloaded it. Current preloaded map: -1", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received Cancel Preload for MapID 2601, but we have not preloaded it. Current preloaded map: -1", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received Cancel Preload for MapID 2601, but we have not preloaded it. Current preloaded map: -1", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received Cancel Preload for MapID 2601, but we have not preloaded it. Current preloaded map: -1", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received Cancel Preload for MapID 2601, but we have not preloaded it. Current preloaded map: -1", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received Cancel Preload for MapID 2601, but we have not preloaded it. Current preloaded map: -1", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received Cancel Preload for MapID 2601, but we have not preloaded it. Current preloaded map: -1", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Sorting particles normally.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded rendering enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded BeginDraw enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithread shadows changed to 1.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded prepass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded alpha M2 pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded opaque WMO pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded terrain pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded volumetric fog enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded Refraction Pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded miscellaneous passes enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded decal passes disabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded outline passes enabled.", 0, }, { "Use trigger on BeginDrawComplete enabled.", 4, }, { "Multithreaded alpha pass enabled.", 0, }, { "Multithreaded daynight update enabled.", 0, }, { "Water detail changed to 0", 0, }, { "Ripple detail changed to 0", 0, }, { "Reflection mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "Reflection downscale changed to 0", 0, }, { "Sunshafts quality changed to 0", 0, }, { "Refraction mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "Volume fog enabled.", 0, }, { "Particulate volumes enabled.", 0, }, { "Projected textures enabled.", 0, }, { "Spell Clutter intensity value set", 0, }, { "Shadow mode changed to 0 - Blob shadows", 0, }, { "Shadow texture size changed to 1024.", 0, }, { "Soft shadows changed to 0.", 0, }, { "Shadow cascade blending changed to 0", 0, }, { "Shadow RT mode changed to 0 (Disabled)", 0, }, { "maxLightCount must be in range 0 to 32.", 0, }, { "CVar 'maxLightCount' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "Clustered shading enabled.", 0, }, { "Not forcing clustered shading.", 0, }, { "SSAO mode set to 0", 0, }, { "SSAO type set to 0", 0, }, { "Depth Based Opacity Disabled", 0, }, { "SkyCloudLOD set to 0", 0, }, { "Texture filtering mode updated.", 0, }, { "Terrain mip level changed to 1.", 0, }, { "Outline mode changed to 1", 0, }, { "Physics interaction level changed to 0", 0, }, { "Render scale changed to 0.833333", 0, }, { "Resample quality changed to 1", 0, }, { "MSAA disabled", 0, }, { "MSAA for alpha-test enabled.", 0, }, { "VALAR mode changed to 0", 0, }, { "lodObjectSizeScale cannot be changed.", 0, }, { "Volume fog disabled.", 0, }, { "dynamicLod enabled", 0, }, { "World preload object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World load object sort enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload non critical enabled.", 0, }, { "World preload high res textures enabled.", 0, }, { "FFX: Color Blind Test Mode Disabled", 0, }, { "Error display disabled", 0, }, { "Error display shown", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Displaying errors through fatal errors", 0, }, { "Now filtering: all messages", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AmbienceHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_AllyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_EnemyPlayerHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "CVar 'Sound_NPCHighpassDSPCutoff' failed validation for its initial value.", 0, }, { "ChromaEffects disabled", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Starting login launcherPortal=\"\" loginPortal=\"\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Resetting", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Initializing", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Attempting logon host=\"\" port=\"1119\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for server response.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Logon complete.", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Reconnect token saved; creationTime=\"1734949433\" expirationTime=\"1734963833\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting realm list ticket", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received realm list ticket code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Waiting for realm list.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Received sub region list code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Requesting last played chars numSubRegions=\"3\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Realm list ready.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Joining realm subRegion=\"3-4-89\" realmAddress=\"3-2-8\"", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] OnRealmJoin code=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "NetClient::HandleConnect()\n", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Received AuthedToWoW result=\"ERROR_OK (0)\"", 0, }, { "Got new connection 2", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnecting connectionId=\"1\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnecting from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[IBN_BackInterface] [F] Session with established.", 0, }, { "[IBN_Login] [F] Front disconnected connectionId=\"1\" result=\"( code=\"ERROR_NETWORK_MODULE_SOCKET_CLOSED (1016)\" localizedMessage=\"\" debugMessage=\"\")\"", 0, }, { "[GlueLogin] [F] Disconnected from authentication server.", 0, }, { "[WowEntitlements] [BNetAccount-0-0000064BB531] [WowAccount-0-0000017ECAB5] Initialized with 59 entitlements.", 0, }, { "-------------------------------------------------- Previous Session --------------------------------------------------", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000100", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000101", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000000141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x0000008141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000021", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000000c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c141", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c143", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c543", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000061", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x0000000069", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000006d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c547", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c54f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004c56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e56f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007d", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e57f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 2 set to 0x000004e5ff", 0, }, { "Proficiency in item class 4 set to 0x000000007f", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Time set to 12/23/2024 (Mon) 11:24", 0, }, { "Gamespeed set from 0.017 to 0.017", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received PreloadMap Destination MapID:2601, Current MapID:2552, PreviousTransitionID:-1, Position (2464.36, -2300.5, 1035.51)", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Preload initiated.", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Cancel Preload of MapID:2601", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Received PreloadMap Destination MapID:2552, Current MapID:2601, PreviousTransitionID:-1, Position (2262.34, -2240.17, -553.144)", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Preload initiated.", 0, }, { "[Airlock] Cancel Preload of MapID:2552", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 5, intensity 1.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 0.800000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 0.800000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "World transfer pending...", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 3, intensity 0.287938\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 2, intensity 0.800000\n", 0, }, { "Got new connection 3", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 3, intensity 0.287938\n", 0, }, { "Weather changed to 1, intensity 0.000000\n", 0, }, }, ["isShown"] = false, ["fontHeight"] = 14, ["commandHistory"] = { }, }