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then\n \n local result = \"\"\n local remainingPhysical = aura_env.numberFormat(100, 1, 0, false)\n local remainingMagic = aura_env.numberFormat(100, 1, 0, false)\n result = \"|c\"..aura_env.colorPhysical..\"After Hit|r\"..remainingPhysical..\"\\n\" -- For preview\n result = result..\"|c\"..aura_env.colorMagic..\"After Hit|r\"..remainingMagic..\"\\n\"\n return result\n end\n \n local unit, damage, display = nil, nil, nil\n \n if not display then \n unit = aura_env.checkUnit(aura_env.states[2].source)\n damage = aura_env.checkModifier(unit, aura_env.states[2].damage, aura_env.states[2].spellId, aura_env.states[2].boss)\n display = aura_env.updateDamage(aura_env.states[2].name, damage, aura_env.states[2].school, aura_env.states[2].aoe, aura_env.states[2].ignoreArmor, aura_env.states[2].turtle)\n end\n \n if not aura_env.last or aura_env.last < GetTime() - 0.1 then\n aura_env.last = GetTime()\n unit = aura_env.checkUnit(aura_env.states[2].source)\n damage = aura_env.checkModifier(unit, aura_env.states[2].damage, aura_env.states[2].spellId, aura_env.states[2].boss)\n display = aura_env.updateDamage(aura_env.states[2].name, damage, aura_env.states[2].school, aura_env.states[2].aoe, aura_env.states[2].ignoreArmor, aura_env.states[2].turtle)\n end\n \n return display\n \nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["yOffset"] = -46.666748046875, ["customTextUpdate"] = "update", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "\n\n", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- TWW Version by 빨간머리고아-Azshara KR\n-- Credit to Heartline-Twisting Nether for the Dragonflight Season 4 version\n-- Credit to Justbears-Illidan US for Dragonflight Season 1 version\n-- Credit to Zeler-Ravencrest EU for the original version\n\n\nlocal decimals = aura_env.config.decimals - 1\nlocal space = aura_env.config.space\nif space then space = \" \" else space = \"\" end\naura_env.colorPhysical = CreateColor(unpack(aura_env.config.colorPhysical)):GenerateHexColor()\naura_env.colorMagic = CreateColor(unpack(aura_env.config.colorMagic)):GenerateHexColor()\naura_env.percentage = aura_env.config.advanced.percentage\naura_env.countNPC = aura_env.config.countNPC\naura_env.hpThreshold = aura_env.config.hpThreshold\n\naura_env.debug = aura_env.config.advanced.debug\naura_env.classID = select(3, UnitClass(\"player\"))\naura_env.specID = GetSpecialization()\naura_env.necropolisReduction = 1\naura_env.turtle = false\naura_env.reductionHoly = 1\naura_env.reductionFire = 1\naura_env.reductionNature = 1\naura_env.reductionFrost = 1\naura_env.reductionShadow = 1\naura_env.reductionArcane = 1\naura_env.modifier = 1\n\n-- Some default values used for preview\naura_env.maxHealth = UnitHealthMax(\"player\")\naura_env.currentHealth = UnitHealth(\"player\")\naura_env.reductionPhysical = 0.80\naura_env.reductionMagic = 1\naura_env.absorbPhysical = 0\naura_env.absorbMagic = 0\naura_env.armor = 0.80\naura_env.avoidance = 1\naura_env.staggerPhysical = 1\naura_env.staggerMagic = 1\naura_env.immunityPhysical = false\naura_env.immunityMagic = false\naura_env.conditionalReductions = false\n\nlocal textFormat = \":\"..space..\"|c%s%.\"..decimals..\"f%%|r\"\nif not aura_env.percentage then\n textFormat = \":\"..space..\"|c%s%.\"\nend\n\nlocal colorImmunity = \"ff0077ff\" -- The color used if you have an immunity active\nlocal colorHighHealth = \"ff00ff00\" -- The color used if you will have >= 20% health left\nlocal colorMediumHealth = \"ffff8000\" -- The color used if you will have >= 10% health left\nlocal colorLowHealth = \"ffff0000\" -- The color used if you will have < 10% health left\n\n-- Returns formatted health based on percentage\nfunction aura_env.numberFormat(health, multiplier, deci, immunity)\n if aura_env.percentage then\n if immunity then\n return string.format(textFormat, colorImmunity, health)\n elseif health >= 19.5 then\n return string.format(textFormat, colorHighHealth, health)\n elseif health >= 9.5 then\n return string.format(textFormat, colorMediumHealth, health)\n else\n return string.format(textFormat, colorLowHealth, health)\n end\n else\n local char = \"\"\n if health >= 10^12 or health <= -10^12 then\n char = \"t\"\n elseif health >= 10^9 or health <= -10^9 then\n char = \"b\"\n elseif health >= 10^6 or health <= -10^6 then\n char = \"m\"\n elseif health >= 10^3 or health <= -10^3 then\n char = \"k\"\n end\n if health >= 40000 then\n return string.format(textFormat..deci..\"f\"..char..\"|r\", colorHighHealth, health / multiplier)\n elseif health >= 10000 then\n return string.format(textFormat..deci..\"f\"..char..\"|r\", colorMediumHealth, health / multiplier)\n else\n return string.format(textFormat..deci..\"f\"..char..\"|r\", colorLowHealth, health / multiplier)\n end\n end\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.shorten(hp, immunity)\n local div, deci = 1, 2\n if hp >= 10^12 or hp <= -10^12 then\n div = 10^12\n elseif hp >= 10^9 or hp <= -10^9 then\n div = 10^9\n elseif hp >= 10^6 or hp <= -10^6 then\n div = 10^6\n elseif hp >= 10^3 or hp <= -10^3 then\n div = 10^3\n end\n if hp / div >= 100 or hp / div <= -100 then\n deci = 0\n elseif hp / div >= 10 or hp / div <= -10 then\n deci = 1\n end\n return aura_env.numberFormat(hp, div, deci, immunity)\nend\n\naura_env.spellSchoolData = {\n 0x1, -- physical\n 0x01, -- holy\n 0x04, -- fire\n 0x08, -- nature\n 0x10, -- frost\n 0x20, -- shadow\n 0x40, -- arcane\n}\n\naura_env.auraCheck = {}\naura_env.castCheck = {}\naura_env.powerCheck = {}\naura_env.alwaysCheck = {}\n\nfor _,spells in pairs(aura_env.config.spells) do\n for _,v in pairs(spells) do\n -- separate the spells into catagories to reduce loop size\n if v.trigger == 1 then\n aura_env.auraCheck[#aura_env.auraCheck+1] = {\n display = v.name,\n npcId = v.npcId,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n school = v.school,\n damage = v.damage,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.armor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n boss = v.boss,\n }\n elseif v.trigger == 2 then\n aura_env.castCheck[#aura_env.castCheck+1] = {\n display = v.name,\n npcId = v.npcId,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n school = v.school,\n damage = v.damage,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.armor,\n targeted = v.targeted,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n boss = v.boss,\n }\n elseif v.trigger == 3 then\n aura_env.powerCheck[#aura_env.powerCheck+1] = {\n display = v.name,\n npcId = v.npcId,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n school = v.school,\n damage = v.damage,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.armor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n boss = v.boss,\n }\n elseif v.trigger == 4 then\n aura_env.alwaysCheck[#aura_env.alwaysCheck+1] = {\n display = v.name,\n npcId = v.npcId,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n school = v.school,\n damage = v.damage,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.armor,\n targeted = v.targeted,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n boss = v.boss,\n }\n end\n end\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkKey()\n aura_env.disableAffix = false\n aura_env.tyrannical = false\n aura_env.modifier = 1 \n \n local keyLevel, keyAffix = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n if keyLevel then\n if keyLevel > 11 then\n aura_env.disableAffix = true\n else\n local keyMod = C_ChallengeMode.GetPowerLevelDamageHealthMod(keyLevel)\n aura_env.modifier = aura_env.modifier * (1 + keyMod / 100)\n for _,affix in pairs(keyAffix) do\n if affix == 9 then\n aura_env.tyrannical = true\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkTalents()\n --- Death Knight ---\n if aura_env.classID == 6 then\n aura_env.necropolis = IsPlayerSpell(206967)\n aura_env.necropolisReduction = 1\n if aura_env.necropolis then\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(206967)\n if rank == 1 then\n aura_env.necropolisReduction = aura_env.necropolisReduction * 0.80\n elseif rank == 2 then\n aura_env.necropolisReduction = aura_env.necropolisReduction * 0.65\n end\n end\n aura_env.suppression = IsPlayerSpell(374049)\n --- Shaman ---\n aura_env.ancestralDefense = IsPlayerSpell(382947)\n --- Hunter ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 3 then\n aura_env.huntersAvoidance = IsPlayerSpell(384799)\n --- Rogue ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 4 then\n aura_env.elusiveness = IsPlayerSpell(79008)\n --- Warlock ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 9 then\n aura_env.profaneBargain = IsPlayerSpell(389576)\n --- Warrior ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 1 then\n aura_env.seasonedSoldier = IsPlayerSpell(279423)\n --- Paladin ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 2 then\n aura_env.obduracy = IsPlayerSpell(385427)\n aura_env.sanctifiedPlates = IsPlayerSpell(402964)\n end\n \n --- Racial ---\n if IsPlayerSpell(20551) or IsPlayerSpell(20583) then -- tauran / night elf\n aura_env.reductionNature = aura_env.reductionNature * 0.99\n elseif IsPlayerSpell(20579) or IsPlayerSpell(59221) or IsPlayerSpell(255668) then -- undead / draenei / void elf\n aura_env.reductionShadow = aura_env.reductionShadow * 0.99\n elseif IsPlayerSpell(255664) or IsPlayerSpell(20592) or IsPlayerSpell(822) then -- nightborne / gnome / blood elf\n aura_env.reductionArcane = aura_env.reductionArcane * 0.99\n elseif IsPlayerSpell(312198) then -- vulpera\n aura_env.eductionFire = aura_env.reductionFire * 0.99\n elseif IsPlayerSpell (291417) then -- kul tiran\n aura_env.reductionFrost = aura_env.reductionFrost * 0.99\n aura_env.reductionNature = aura_env.reductionNature * 0.99\n elseif IsPlayerSpell(20596) then -- dwarf\n aura_env.reductionFrost = aura_env.reductionFrost * 0.99\n elseif IsPlayerSpell(255651) then -- lightforged draenei\n aura_env.reductionHoly = aura_env.reductionHoly * 0.99\n elseif IsPlayerSpell(68976) then -- worgen\n aura_env.reductionShadow = aura_env.reductionShadow * 0.99\n aura_env.reductionNature = aura_env.reductionNature * 0.99\n end\nend\n\n\nfunction aura_env.checkModifier(unit, spellDamage, spellId, boss)\n local damage = spellDamage or 0\n local multiplier = aura_env.modifier\n local challengeModeActive = C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() \n if challengeModeActive then\n if UnitExists(unit) then\n if aura_env.disableAffix then\n multiplier = multiplier * 1.20\n else\n if aura_env.tyrannical and boss then -- Tyrannical\n multiplier = multiplier * 1.15\n elseif not aura_env.tyrannical and not boss then -- Fortified\n multiplier = multiplier * 1.20\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if UnitExists(unit) then\n \n -- General section - may be present on any mob, shouldn't stop if one of these is found\n if WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 209859) then -- Bolster Affix\n multiplier = multiplier * 1.2\n end\n \n if WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 408805) then -- Incorporeal Affix Destabilize on NPC\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 408805))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 - 0.05 * (stacks or 1)) \n end\n \n if WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 392388) then -- Atrophic Poison\n local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,tooltip1 = WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 392388)\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 - tooltip1 / 100)\n end\n \n -- Magmatusk's Lava Empowerment needs to be here because we already check for Magma Tentacle later on\n if WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 391457) then -- Magmatusk // Lava Empowerment (counts as a debuff)\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.25)\n end\n \n -- Sentinel Talondras' Titanic Empowerment needs to be here because we already check for Unrelenting later on\n if WA_GetUnitBuff(unit, 372719) then -- Sentinel Talondras // Titanic Empowerment\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.5)\n end\n \n if WA_GetUnitBuff(unit, 372719) then -- Sentinel Talondras // Titanic Empowerment\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.5)\n end\n \n if WA_GetUnitBuff(unit, 425022) then -- Overwhelming Power\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.5)\n end\n \n -- Enemy-specific section - only one of these can be active, so can use elseif\n if spellId == 196587 then -- Amalgam of Souls // Soul Burst Stacks\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitBuff(unit, 196930))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.3 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 427187) then -- Empowered Might\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 427187))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.3 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 427192) then -- Empowered Might\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 427192))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.3 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424628) then -- Strength in Numbers\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424628))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.03 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424626) then -- Strength in Numbers\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424626))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 1 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424627) then -- Strength in Numbers\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424627))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 1 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424419) then -- Battle Cry\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 424419))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.5 * (stacks or 1))\n \n -- elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 414022) and not aura_env.aoe then -- Greater Judgement AoE check but need tester\n -- elseif WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 414022) then -- Greater Judgement\n -- local _,_,_,_,_,_,source,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,tooltip1 = WA_GetUnitDebuff(unit, 414022) -- Greater Judgement\n -- damage = damage - tooltip1\n \n --[[ \n elseif spellId == 427899 then\n local cinderBoltHits = 16 -- Cinderbolt Storm hits 16 times\n local livingMembers = 0 -- Counter for living members\n for partyMember in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n if not UnitIsDead(partyMember) then\n livingMembers = livingMembers + 1\n end\n end\n if livingMembers > 0 then\n cinderBoltHits = cinderBoltHits / livingMembers\n end\n cinderBoltHits = math.ceil(cinderBoltHits) -- Round up to closest highest integer\n multiplier = multiplier * cinderBoltHits \n --]]\n end\n \n end\n \n if spellId == 377004 and WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 397210) then -- Crawth // Sonic Vulnerability\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 397210))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.5 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif spellId == 198079 and WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 224188) then -- Hateful Charge Modifier\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 224188))\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 5 * (stacks or 1))\n elseif spellId == 400641 then -- Tyr // Dividing Strike \n local dividingStrikeMulti = 1\n local amountPartyMember = 0\n for partyMember in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n if UnitIsConnected(partyMember) and not UnitIsDead(partyMember) then\n amountPartyMember = amountPartyMember + 1\n end\n end\n multiplier = multiplier * (dividingStrikeMulti / amountPartyMember)\n elseif ((spellId == 391136 or spellId == 396991) and WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 436652)) then -- Shoulder Slam debuff, Azure Vault\n multiplier = multiplier * 1.1\n elseif spellId == 428879 then -- Rock Smasher, Smash Rock\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 428887)) -- 10% per stack\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 + 0.1 * (stacks or 1))\n \n elseif spellId == 240443 then -- Bursting\n local stacks = select(3, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 240443))\n local _, _, _, _, _, expirationTime = WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 240443)\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 * (stacks or 1)) -- Also applying stacks\n if not aura_env.tyrannical then -- Code applies Fortified OR tyrannical and not neither so removing 30% if its not tyrannical since Fortified would have been applied\n multiplier = multiplier * (1 - 0.30)\n end\n local remainingDuration = expirationTime and (expirationTime - GetTime()) or 0 \n if remainingDuration > 0 then\n multiplier = multiplier * math.floor(remainingDuration) -- Multiply with the remaining duration\n end\n end\n return damage * multiplier\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.findTalentRank(spellID)\n local configId = C_ClassTalents.GetActiveConfigID()\n local configInfo = C_Traits.GetConfigInfo(configId)\n \n for _,treeId in pairs(configInfo.treeIDs) do\n local treeNodes = C_Traits.GetTreeNodes(treeId)\n for _,nodeId in pairs(treeNodes) do\n local nodeInfo = C_Traits.GetNodeInfo(configId, nodeId)\n for _, entryId in pairs(nodeInfo.entryIDs) do\n local entryInfo = C_Traits.GetEntryInfo(configId, entryId)\n local defId = entryInfo.definitionID\n local defInfo = C_Traits.GetDefinitionInfo(defId)\n if defInfo.spellID == spellID then\n return nodeInfo.currentRank\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.updateDamage(ability, spellDamage, school, aoe, ignoreArmor, turtle)\n if spellDamage ~= 0 then\n -- Avoidance adjustments\n local removeAvoidance = 1\n if not aoe then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance / aura_env.avoidance\n if aura_env.feintBuff then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * 0.60\n end\n if aura_env.huntersAvoidance then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * 0.94\n end\n if aura_env.zephyrBuff then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * 0.80\n end\n if aura_env.suppression then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * 0.97\n end\n if aura_env.generousPour then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * (1 - aura_env.generousPourTooltip / 100)\n end\n if aura_env.seasonedSoldier then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * 0.90\n end\n if aura_env.ancestralDefense then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * 0.98\n end\n if aura_env.obduracy then\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * 0.98\n end\n if aura_env.sanctifiedPlates then\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(402964)\n if aura_env.specID == 1 then -- Holy\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * (1 - 0.03 * (rank or 1))\n else\n removeAvoidance = removeAvoidance * (1 - 0.05 * (rank or 1))\n end\n end\n end\n \n -- Hunter Immunity\n local immunityPhysical = aura_env.immunityPhysical\n local immunityMagic = aura_env.immunityMagic\n if turtle and aura_env.turtle then\n immunityMagic = true\n immunityPhysical = true\n end\n \n local remainingPhysical, remainingMagic\n local result\n local remainingHealth\n if school == 1 then\n local reductionPhysical = aura_env.reductionPhysical * aura_env.avoidance * removeAvoidance\n local absorbPhysical = aura_env.absorbPhysical\n if ignoreArmor then\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical / aura_env.armor\n end\n local EHP = aura_env.currentHealth / reductionPhysical\n \n if aura_env.classID == 10 then -- Monk\n if aura_env.dampenHarmBuff then -- Dampen Harm\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical / 0.80 / aura_env.staggerPhysical -- Remove some reductions\n -- Reduction scales linearly with the size of the hit relative to max health\n local hitSizePhysical = reductionPhysical * spellDamage / aura_env.maxHealth\n if hitSizePhysical > 1 then hitSizePhysical = 1 end\n local dampenHarmPhysical = 0.8 - 0.3 * hitSizePhysical\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical * dampenHarmPhysical * aura_env.staggerPhysical\n end\n \n elseif aura_env.classID == 6 then -- Death Knight\n if aura_env.necropolis and aura_env.currentHealth / aura_env.maxHealth * 100 >= 30 then\n local abs = absorbPhysical / reductionPhysical\n local maxEH = aura_env.maxHealth / reductionPhysical\n local damage = spellDamage - abs\n local absorbed = spellDamage - damage\n if (EHP - damage) / maxEH * 100 < 30 then\n local dmgPercent = 30 - ((EHP - damage) / maxEH * 100)\n local expectedReduction = damage - (damage - (dmgPercent / 100) * maxEH * aura_env.necropolisReduction)\n local notReduced = EHP / maxEH * 100 - 30\n spellDamage = notReduced * maxEH / 100 + expectedReduction + absorbed\n end\n end\n \n elseif aura_env.classID == 9 then -- Warlock\n if aura_env.profaneBargain and UnitExists(\"pet\") and aura_env.currentHealth / aura_env.maxHealth * 100 >= 35 then\n local abs = absorbPhysical / reductionPhysical\n local maxEH = aura_env.maxHealth / reductionPhysical\n local damage = spellDamage - abs\n local absorbed = spellDamage - damage\n if (EHP - damage) / maxEH * 100 < 35 then\n local dmgPercent = 35 - ((EHP - damage) / maxEH * 100)\n local expectedReduction = damage - (damage - (dmgPercent / 100) * maxEH * aura_env.profaneBargainReductionReduction)\n local notReduced = EHP / maxEH * 100 - 35\n aura_env.damage = notReduced * maxEH / 100 + expectedReduction + absorbed\n end\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.percentage then\n local afterAbsorbPhysical = spellDamage - absorbPhysical / reductionPhysical\n if afterAbsorbPhysical < 0 then afterAbsorbPhysical = 0 end\n remainingPhysical = (aura_env.currentHealth / reductionPhysical - afterAbsorbPhysical) / (aura_env.maxHealth / reductionPhysical) * 100 \n remainingHealth = remainingPhysical \n remainingPhysical = aura_env.numberFormat(remainingPhysical, 1, 0, immunityPhysical)\n else\n local afterAbsorbPhysical = spellDamage - absorbPhysical / reductionPhysical\n remainingPhysical = aura_env.currentHealth / reductionPhysical - afterAbsorbPhysical\n remainingHealth = remainingPhysical / aura_env.maxHealth * 100\n remainingPhysical = aura_env.shorten(remainingPhysical, aura_env.immunityPhysical)\n end\n if remainingHealth <= aura_env.hpThreshold then\n result = \"|c\"..aura_env.colorPhysical..ability..\"|r\"..remainingPhysical..\"\\n\"\n end\n \n else\n local reductionMagic = aura_env.reductionMagic * aura_env.avoidance * removeAvoidance\n local absorbMagic = aura_env.absorbMagic\n local EHM = aura_env.currentHealth / reductionMagic\n \n if aura_env.classID == 10 then -- Monk\n if aura_env.dampenHarmBuff then -- Dampen Harm\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic / 0.80 / aura_env.staggerMagic -- Remove some reductions\n -- Reduction scales linearly with the size of the hit relative to max health\n local hitSizeMagic = reductionMagic * spellDamage / aura_env.maxHealth\n if hitSizeMagic > 1 then hitSizeMagic = 1 end\n local dampenHarmMagic = 0.8 - 0.3 * hitSizeMagic\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * dampenHarmMagic * aura_env.staggerMagic\n end\n elseif aura_env.classID == 6 then -- Death Knight\n local abs = absorbMagic / reductionMagic\n local maxEH = aura_env.maxHealth / reductionMagic\n local damage = spellDamage - abs\n local absorbed = spellDamage - damage\n if (EHM - damage) / maxEH * 100 < 30 then\n local dmgPercent = 30 - ((EHM - damage) / maxEH * 100)\n local expectedReduction = damage - (damage - (dmgPercent / 100) * maxEH * aura_env.necropolisReduction)\n local notReduced = EHM / maxEH * 100 - 30\n spellDamage = notReduced * maxEH / 100 + expectedReduction + absorbed\n end\n \n elseif aura_env.classID == 9 then -- Warlock\n if aura_env.profaneBargain and UnitExists(\"pet\") and aura_env.currentHealth / aura_env.maxHealth * 100 >= 35 then\n local abs = absorbMagic / reductionMagic\n local maxEH = aura_env.maxHealth / reductionMagic\n local damage = spellDamage - abs\n local absorbed = spellDamage - damage\n if (EHM - damage) / maxEH * 100 < 35 then\n local dmgPercent = 35 - ((EHM - damage) / maxEH * 100)\n local expectedReduction = damage - (damage - (dmgPercent / 100) * maxEH * aura_env.profaneBargainReductionReduction)\n local notReduced = EHM / maxEH * 100 - 35\n aura_env.damage = notReduced * maxEH / 100 + expectedReduction + absorbed\n end\n end\n end\n \n if school == 2 then\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * aura_env.reductionHoly\n elseif school == 3 then\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * aura_env.reductionFire\n elseif school == 4 then\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * aura_env.reductionNature\n elseif school == 5 then\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * aura_env.reductionFrost\n elseif school == 6 then\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * aura_env.reductionShadow\n elseif school == 7 then\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * aura_env.reductionArcane\n end\n \n \n -- local SpellDamageAfterDR = spellDamage * reductionMagic\n \n if aura_env.percentage then \n local afterAbsorbMagic = spellDamage - absorbMagic / reductionMagic\n if afterAbsorbMagic < 0 then afterAbsorbMagic = 0 end\n remainingMagic = (aura_env.currentHealth / reductionMagic - afterAbsorbMagic) / (aura_env.maxHealth / reductionMagic) * 100\n remainingHealth = remainingMagic \n remainingMagic = aura_env.numberFormat(remainingMagic, 1, 0, immunityMagic) \n else\n local afterAbsorbMagic = spellDamage - absorbMagic / reductionMagic\n remainingMagic = aura_env.currentHealth / reductionMagic - afterAbsorbMagic\n remainingHealth = remainingMagic / aura_env.maxHealth * 100\n remainingMagic = aura_env.shorten(remainingMagic, aura_env.immunityMagic)\n end\n \n if remainingHealth <= aura_env.hpThreshold then\n result = \"|c\"..aura_env.colorMagic..ability..\"|r\"..remainingMagic..\"\\n\"\n end\n end\n return result\n end\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkUnit(unitGUID)\n for i=1,40 do\n if unitGUID == UnitGUID(\"boss\"..i) then\n return \"boss\"..i\n elseif unitGUID == UnitGUID(\"target\"..i) then\n return \"target\"\n elseif unitGUID == UnitGUID(\"nameplate\"..i) then\n return \"nameplate\"..i\n end\n end\nend\n\naura_env.checkKey()\naura_env.checkTalents()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "\n\n", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["fontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["conditions"] = { }, ["displayText_format_c1_format"] = "none", ["icon"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/it_90IBa6/12", ["preferToUpdate"] = false, ["desaturate"] = false, ["uid"] = "K8EKKlwGggP", ["font"] = "vixar", ["version"] = 12, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["height"] = 24.166627883911, ["desc"] = "Dragonflight updated by Justbears-Illidan US", ["load"] = { ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_never"] = false, ["effectiveLevel_operator"] = { "==", }, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "DRUID", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["use_zone"] = false, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["level"] = { "70", }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, ["use_namerealm"] = false, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zoneIds"] = false, ["instance_type"] = { ["multi"] = { true, true, [192] = true, [205] = true, [23] = true, [8] = true, }, }, ["use_vehicle"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["single"] = 4, ["multi"] = { true, [4] = true, }, }, ["use_level"] = true, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "challenge", ["multi"] = { ["mythic"] = true, ["challenge"] = true, }, }, ["effectiveLevel"] = { "", }, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_effectiveLevel"] = false, ["level_operator"] = { ">=", }, ["use_instance_type"] = false, }, ["width"] = 136.66667175293, ["xOffset"] = 166.66705322266, ["fontSize"] = 24, ["source"] = "import", ["displayText_format_n_format"] = "none", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["names"] = { }, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_unit"] = true, ["use_alive"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["customVariables"] = "{\n spellId = {\n display = \"Spell ID\",\n type = \"string\"\n },\n source = {\n display = \"Source\",\n type = \"string\"\n },\n aoe = {\n display = \"AOE\",\n type = \"bool\"\n },\n ignoreArmor = {\n display = \"Ignore Armor\",\n type = \"bool\"\n },\n turtle = {\n display = \"Hunter Turtle\",\n type = \"bool\"\n },\n damage = {\n display = \"Base Damage\",\n type = \"number\"\n },\n school = {\n display = \"Spell School\",\n type = \"number\"\n }, \n}", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function(allstates, event, ...)\n \n if event == \"ENCOUNTER_END\" then\n for _, state in pairs(allstates) do\n state.show = false\n state.changed = true\n end\n end\n \n if event == \"ENCOUNTER_START\" then\n local encounter,_,_,_ = ...\n if encounter then\n local encounterId = tonumber(encounter)\n if encounterId > 0 then\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.alwaysCheck) do \n if encounterId == v.npcId then \n allstates[encounterId.. \"-Encounter-\"] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true \n end\n end\n end\n end\n end \n \n if event == \"UNIT_COMBAT\" then\n local unit,_,_,_,_ = ...\n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unit)\n local unitId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcGuid = select(7, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcId = tonumber(unitId)\n \n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.alwaysCheck) do \n if npcId == v.npcId then \n local multiNPC = \"\" \n if aura_env.countNPC then\n multiNPC = npcId.. \"-Nameplate-\"..npcGuid\n else \n multiNPC = npcId.. \"-Nameplate-\"\n end\n if not allstates[multiNPC] then\n allstates[multiNPC] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true \n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif event == \"NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED\" then \n local unit = ...\n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unit)\n if unitguid then\n local unitId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcGuid = select(7, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcId = tonumber(unitId) \n for _ = 1, 40 do\n local isInCombat = UnitAffectingCombat(unit)\n if UnitExists(unit) then\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.alwaysCheck) do \n if npcId == v.npcId and isInCombat then\n local multiNPC = \"\" \n if aura_env.countNPC then\n multiNPC = npcId.. \"-Nameplate-\"..npcGuid\n else\n \n multiNPC = npcId.. \"-Nameplate-\"\n end\n allstates[multiNPC] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true \n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif event == \"NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED\" then\n local unit = ...\n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unit)\n if unitguid then\n local unitId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcGuid = select(7, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcId = tonumber(unitId) \n for index,_ in pairs(allstates) do\n local multiNPC = \"\"\n if npcId then\n if aura_env.countNPC then\n multiNPC = npcId.. \"-Nameplate-\"..npcGuid\n else\n \n multiNPC = npcId.. \"-Nameplate-\"\n end\n if index == multiNPC then\n allstates[index] = {\n show = false,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if event == \"UNIT_SPELLCAST_START\" then\n local unit,_,spellId = ... \n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unit)\n local unitId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcId = tonumber(unitId) \n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.castCheck) do\n if npcId == v.npcId and spellId == v.spellId then \n if not v.targeted then\n allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n source = UnitGUID(unit),\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n else \n local unitTarget = unit..\"target\" \n if UnitExists(unitTarget) and UnitGUID(unitTarget) == UnitGUID(\"player\") then \n allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n source = UnitGUID(unit),\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n elseif event == \"UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP\" then\n local unitTarget,_,spellId = ...\n if unitTarget and UnitExists(unitTarget) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unitTarget)\n local unit = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcId = tonumber(unit)\n for index,_ in pairs(allstates) do\n if npcId then\n if index == npcId..\"-\"..spellId then\n allstates[index] = {\n show = false,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if event == \"UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START\" then\n local unit,_,spellId = ... \n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unit)\n local unitId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcId = tonumber(unitId)\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.castCheck) do\n if npcId == v.npcId and spellId == v.spellId then\n allstates[npcId..\"-Channel-\"..spellId] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n source = unitguid,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n Boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n \n elseif event == \"UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP\" then\n local unitTarget,_,spellId = ...\n if unitTarget and UnitExists(unitTarget) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unitTarget)\n local unit = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid))\n local npcId = tonumber(unit)\n if npcId then\n for index,_ in pairs(allstates) do\n if index == npcId..\"-Channel-\"..spellId then\n allstates[index] = {\n show = false,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if event == \"COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED\" then\n \n local sub = select(2,...)\n \n if sub == \"SPELL_AURA_APPLIED\" then\n -- NPC Auras\n local sourceGUID = select(4, ...)\n local spellId = select(12, ...)\n if not sourceGUID then\n return\n end\n local sourceId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", sourceGUID))\n if sourceId then\n local npcId = tonumber(sourceId)\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.auraCheck) do\n if spellId == v.spellId then\n if npcId == v.npcId then\n allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n source = sourceGUID,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if sub == \"SPELL_AURA_REMOVED\" then\n -- NPC Aura Removal\n local sourceGUID = select(4, ...)\n local spellId = select(12, ...)\n if not sourceGUID then\n return\n end\n local sourceId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", sourceGUID))\n if sourceId then\n local npcId = tonumber(sourceId)\n if allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] then\n allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] = {\n show = false,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n \n if sub == \"SPELL_AURA_APPLIED\" then\n -- Player Auras\n local sourceGUID = select(4, ...)\n local destGUID = select(8, ...)\n local spellId = select(12, ...)\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.auraCheck) do\n if spellId == v.spellId and destGUID == UnitGUID(\"player\") then\n if v.npcId == 0 then\n allstates[\"player-\"..spellId] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n source = sourceGUID,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n \n elseif sub == \"SPELL_AURA_REMOVED\" then\n -- Player Aura Removal\n local destGUID = select(8, ...)\n local spellId = select(12, ...)\n if destGUID == UnitGUID(\"player\") then\n if allstates[\"player-\"..spellId] then\n allstates[\"player-\"..spellId] = {\n show = false,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n \n if sub == \"SPELL_CAST_START\" then\n local sourceGuid = select(4, ...)\n local spellId = select(12, ...)\n if not sourceGuid then\n return\n end\n local unitType, _, _, _, _, sourceId, spawnUID = strsplit(\"-\", sourceGuid) \n if sourceId then\n local npcId = tonumber(sourceId)\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.castCheck) do\n if npcId == v.npcId then\n if spellId == v.spellId then \n if not v.targeted then\n allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n source = sourceGuid,\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = true,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if sub == \"SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS\" then\n local spellId = select(12,...)\n local sourceGUID = select(4, ...)\n if not sourceGUID then\n return\n end\n local sourceId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", sourceGUID))\n if sourceId then\n local npcId = tonumber(sourceId)\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.castCheck) do\n if npcId == v.npcId then\n if spellId == v.spellId then \n if not v.targeted then\n if allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] then\n allstates[npcId..\"-\"..spellId] = {\n show = false,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if npcId == 188252 and spellId == 372851 then -- Melidrussa Chillworn // Chillstorm\n print(spellId)\n allstates[\"188252-372851\"] = {\n name = \"Chillstorm\",\n spellId = 372851,\n source = sourceGUID,\n aoe = true,\n ignoreArmor = false,\n turtle = true,\n damage = 293345,\n school = 5,\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n boss = true\n }\n \n C_Timer.After(6, function()\n allstates[\"188252-372851\"] = {\n show = false,\n changed = true\n }\n end) \n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if event == \"UNIT_POWER_UPDATE\" then\n local unit = ...\n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local unitguid = UnitGUID(unit)\n local unitId = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", unitguid)) \n local npcId = tonumber(unitId)\n for _,v in pairs(aura_env.powerCheck) do\n if npcId == v.npcId then\n local power = UnitPower(unit)\n local maxPower = UnitPowerMax(unit)\n allstates[npcId..\"-\"..v.spellId] = {\n name = v.display,\n spellId = v.spellId,\n source = UnitGUID(unit),\n aoe = v.aoe,\n ignoreArmor = v.ignoreArmor,\n turtle = v.turtle,\n damage = v.damage,\n school = v.school,\n boss = v.boss,\n show = power * 100 /maxPower >= v.spellId,\n changed = true\n }\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \nend\n\n\n\n", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "UNIT_SPELLCAST_START, UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP, UNIT_AURA, UNIT_POWER_UPDATE:boss1, ENCOUNTER_START, ENCOUNTER_END, CLEU:SPELL_AURA_APPLIED, CLEU:SPELL_AURA_REMOVED, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START, UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP, CLEU:SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS, NAME_PLATE_UNIT_ADDED, NAME_PLATE_UNIT_REMOVED, UNIT_COMBAT", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["duration"] = "0.0001", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "EFFECTIVE_HEALTH,ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED,UNIT_AURA:player", ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["custom"] = "function(event, ...)\n if event == \"EFFECTIVE_HEALTH\" then\n aura_env.currentHealth = select(1, ...)\n aura_env.maxHealth = select(2, ...)\n aura_env.reductionPhysical = select(3, ...)\n aura_env.reductionMagic = select(4, ...)\n aura_env.absorbPhysical = select(5, ...)\n aura_env.absorbMagic = select(6, ...)\n aura_env.armor = select(7, ...)\n aura_env.avoidance = select(8, ...)\n aura_env.staggerPhysical = select(9, ...)\n aura_env.staggerMagic = select(10, ...)\n aura_env.immunityPhysical = select(11, ...)\n aura_env.immunityMagic = select(12, ...)\n aura_env.conditionalReductions = select(13, ...)\n aura_env.cheatDeath = select(14, ...)\n return true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_AURA\" then\n aura_env.zephyrBuff = WA_GetUnitBuff(\"player\", 374227) or false\n aura_env.generousPour = WA_GetUnitBuff(\"player\", 389685) or false\n if aura_env.generousPour then\n aura_env.generousPourTooltip = select(16, WA_GetUnitBuff(\"player\", 389685)) or false\n end \n if aura_env.classID == 10 then\n aura_env.dampenHarmBuff = WA_GetUnitBuff(\"player\", 122278) or false\n elseif aura_env.classID == 3 then\n aura_env.turtle = WA_GetUnitBuff(\"player\", 186265) or false\n elseif aura_env.classID == 4 then\n aura_env.feintBuff = WA_GetUnitBuff(\"player\", 1966) or false\n end\n return true\n \n elseif event == \"ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED\" then\n aura_env.specID = GetSpecialization()\n aura_env.checkTalents()\n return true\n end\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n aura_env.checkKey()\n aura_env.checkTalents()\n return true\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["duration"] = "0.0001", ["events"] = "CHALLENGE_MODE_START, CHALLENGE_MODE_RESET, PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, ENCOUNTER_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n return t[1] and t[2]\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["regionType"] = "text", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["semver"] = "1.0.11", ["displayIcon"] = 458720, ["anchorFrameParent"] = true, ["displayStacks"] = "%c", ["stacksContainment"] = "INSIDE", ["zoom"] = 0.3, ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 110002, ["id"] = "Effective Health - Mythic+", ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["colorR"] = 1, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["colorB"] = 1, ["colorG"] = 1, ["use_translate"] = false, ["colorA"] = 1, ["type"] = "none", ["x"] = 8, ["easeType"] = "none", ["translateFunc"] = "", ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["y"] = 0, ["colorType"] = "custom", ["use_color"] = false, ["preset"] = "shake", ["colorFunc"] = "\n\n", ["rotate"] = 0, ["scalex"] = 1, ["translateType"] = "custom", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["config"] = { ["colorPhysical"] = { 1, 0.68627450980392, 0.31372549019608, 1, }, ["hpThreshold"] = 100, ["decimals"] = 1, ["colorMagic"] = { 0, 0.45882352941177, 1, 1, }, ["space"] = true, ["spells"] = { ["sl"] = { { ["npcId"] = 164804, ["description"] = "[Mists of Tirna Scithe] Ingra Maloch - Tears of the Forest", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Tears of the Forest", ["spellId"] = 323177, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 1400000, }, { ["npcId"] = 164517, ["description"] = "[Mists of Tirna Scithe] Tred'ova - Anima Rejection", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Anima Rejection", ["spellId"] = 322465, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 792942, }, { ["npcId"] = 164517, ["description"] = "[Mists of Tirna Scithe] Tred'ova - Acid Expulsion", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Acid Expulsion", ["spellId"] = 322654, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 2820000, }, { ["npcId"] = 170217, ["description"] = "[Mists of Tirna Scithe] Mistcaller - Oopsie", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Oopsie", ["spellId"] = 321837, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 3520000, }, { ["npcId"] = 162691, ["description"] = "[Necrotic Wave] Blightbone - Heaving Retch", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Heaving Retch", ["spellId"] = 320596, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 2640000, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Necrotic Wave] Blightbone - Heaving Retch(Debuff)", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Retch 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"[Darkheart Thicket] Oakheart - Crushing Grip", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Crushing Grip", ["spellId"] = 204611, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 109862, }, { ["npcId"] = 103344, ["description"] = "[Darkheart Thicket] Oakheart - Shattered Earth", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Shattered Earth", ["spellId"] = 204666, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 115355, }, { ["npcId"] = 99200, ["description"] = "[Darkheart Thicket] Dresaron - Earthshaking Roar", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Earthshaking Roar", ["spellId"] = 199389, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 109862, }, { ["npcId"] = 99192, ["description"] = "[Darkheart Thicket] Shade of Xavius - Nightmare Bolt", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = 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["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 823399, }, { ["npcId"] = 213932, ["description"] = "[The Dawnbreaker] Sureki Militant - Tacky Nova", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Tacky Nova", ["spellId"] = 451098, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 2470200, }, { ["npcId"] = 215405, ["description"] = "[Ara-Kara, City of Echoes] Anub'zekt - Burrow Charge", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Burrow Charge", ["spellId"] = 433677, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 2058500, }, { ["npcId"] = 217039, ["description"] = "[Ara-Kara, City of Echoes] Nerubian Hauler - Massive Slam", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Massive Slam", ["spellId"] = 434252, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 988080, }, }, ["bfa"] = { { ["npcId"] = 122968, ["description"] 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["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Consuming Stomp", ["spellId"] = 374720, ["school"] = 7, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 440018, }, { ["npcId"] = 190187, ["description"] = "[Azure Vault] Azureblade - Illusionary Bolt", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Bolt", ["spellId"] = 373932, ["school"] = 7, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 391114, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Azure Vault] Telash Greywing - Frost Bomb", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Frost Bomb", ["spellId"] = 386881, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 293345, }, { ["npcId"] = 186737, ["description"] = "[Azure Vault] Telash Greywing - Absolute Zero", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Absolute Zero", ["spellId"] = 388008, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 880036, }, { ["npcId"] = 186738, ["description"] = "[Azure Vault] Umbrelskul - Unleashed Destruction", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Unleashed Destruction", ["spellId"] = 388804, ["school"] = 7, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 234676, }, { ["npcId"] = 186191, ["description"] = "[Brackenhide Hollow] Decay Speaker - Withering Burst", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Withering Burst", ["spellId"] = 367503, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 337606, }, { ["npcId"] = 187033, ["description"] = "[Brackenhide Hollow] Stinkbreath - Stink Breath", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Stink Breath", ["spellId"] = 388060, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 586691, }, { ["npcId"] = 186124, ["description"] = "[Brackenhide Hollow] Gashtooth - Gash Frenzy", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Gash Frenzy", ["spellId"] = 378029, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 293345, }, { ["npcId"] = 186125, ["description"] = "[Brackenhide Hollow] Tricktotem - Earth Bolt", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Earth Bolt", ["spellId"] = 378155, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 254233, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Brackenhide Hollow] Decatriarch Wratheye - Withered Eruption", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Withered Eruption", ["spellId"] = 387210, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 352014, }, { ["npcId"] = 190403, ["description"] = "[Halls of Infusion] Glacial Proto-Dragon - Deep Chill", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Deep Chill", ["spellId"] = 391634, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 312902, }, { ["npcId"] = 190405, ["description"] = "[Halls of Infusion] Infuser Sariya - Inundate", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Inundate", ["spellId"] = 388882, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 352014, }, { ["npcId"] = 189729, ["description"] = "[Halls of Infusion] Primal Tsunami - Tempest's Fury", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Tempest's Fury", ["spellId"] = 388424, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 400905, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Neltharus] Irontorch Commander - Scorching Fusillade", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "AoE", ["spellId"] = 373089, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 293345, }, { ["npcId"] = 181861, ["description"] = "[Neltharus] Magmatusk - Lava Spray", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Lava Spray", ["spellId"] = 375251, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 39113, }, { ["npcId"] = 181861, ["description"] = "[Neltharus] Magmatusk - Magma Eruption", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "AoE", ["spellId"] = 374365, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 293345, }, { ["npcId"] = 189340, ["description"] = "[Neltharus] Chargath - Dragon Strike", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Dragon Strike", ["spellId"] = 373733, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 360814, }, { ["npcId"] = 189340, ["description"] = "[Neltharus] Chargath - Grounding Spear", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Grounding Spear", ["spellId"] = 373424, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 312902, }, { ["npcId"] = 195696, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Primal Thunderbeast - Chain Lightning", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Chain Lightning", ["spellId"] = 387127, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 342236, }, { ["npcId"] = 186616, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Granyth - Shards of Stone", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Shards of Stone", ["spellId"] = 388817, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 352014, }, { ["npcId"] = 186616, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Granyth - Eruption", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Eruption", ["spellId"] = 388283, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 684472, }, { ["npcId"] = 186615, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] The Raging Tempest - Lightning Strike", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Lightning Strike", ["spellId"] = 384185, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 352014, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Teera and Maruuk - Gale Arrow", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Gale Arrow", ["spellId"] = 392151, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 449796, }, { ["npcId"] = 186339, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Teera and Maruuk - Quick Shot", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Quick Shot", ["spellId"] = 386411, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 273789, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Balakar Khan - Iron Spear", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Spear", ["spellId"] = 376634, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 586691, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Balakar Khan - Quake", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Quake", ["spellId"] = 393421, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 293345, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Balakar Khan - Static Spear", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Spear", ["spellId"] = 376864, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 596469, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Nokhud Offensive] Balakar Khan - Crackling Upheaval", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Crackling Upheaval", ["spellId"] = 376894, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 391127, }, { ["npcId"] = 187969, ["description"] = "[Ruby Life Pools] Flashfrost Earthshaper - Tectonic Slam", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Tectonic Slam", ["spellId"] = 372735, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 273780, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Ruby Life Pools] Blazebound Destroyer - Living Bomb", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Bomb", ["spellId"] = 373693, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 182376, }, { ["npcId"] = 190034, ["description"] = "[Ruby Life Pools] Blazebound Destroyer - Inferno", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Inferno", ["spellId"] = 373692, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 234676, }, { ["npcId"] = 197698, ["description"] = "[Ruby Life Pools] Thunderhead - Rolling Thunder", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Rolling Thunder", ["spellId"] = 0, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 195564, }, { ["npcId"] = 189886, ["description"] = "[Ruby Life Pools] Kokia Blazehoof - Inferno", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Inferno", ["spellId"] = 384823, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 312902, }, { ["npcId"] = 190485, ["description"] = "[Ruby Life Pools] Kyrakka and Erkhart - Interrupting Cloudburst", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Cloudburst", ["spellId"] = 381516, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 205342, }, { ["npcId"] = 190484, ["description"] = "[Ruby Life Pools] Kyrakka and Erkhart - Flamespit", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Flamespit", ["spellId"] = 381605, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 195564, }, { ["npcId"] = 184300, ["description"] = "[Uldaman] Ebonstone Golem - Thunderous Clap", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Clap", ["spellId"] = 381593, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 312902, }, { ["npcId"] = 184580, ["description"] = "[Uldaman] Olaf - Ricocheting Shield", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Shield", ["spellId"] = 369677, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 488909, }, { ["npcId"] = 2557, ["description"] = "[Uldaman] Sentinel Talondras - Earthen Shards", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Shards", ["spellId"] = 0, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 300679, }, { ["npcId"] = 184124, ["description"] = "[Uldaman] Sentinel Talondras - Crushing Stomp", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Stomp", ["spellId"] = 372701, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = true, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 300679, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Uldaman] Emberon - Unstable Embers", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Unstable Embers", ["spellId"] = 369110, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 352014, }, { ["npcId"] = 184125, ["description"] = "[Uldaman] Chrono-Lord Deios - Wing Buffet", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Wing Buffet", ["spellId"] = 376049, ["school"] = 7, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 342236, }, { ["npcId"] = 2667, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Fall] Manifested Timeways - Chronofade", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Chronofade", ["spellId"] = 404141, ["school"] = 7, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 44396, }, { ["npcId"] = 198997, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Fall] Blight of Galakrond - Corrosion", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Corrosion", ["spellId"] = 406886, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 53275, }, { ["npcId"] = 201790, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Fall] Loszkeleth - Corrosion", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Corrosion", ["spellId"] = 406886, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 53275, }, { ["npcId"] = 201792, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Fall] Ahnzon - Corrosion", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Corrosion", ["spellId"] = 406886, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 53275, }, { ["npcId"] = 198933, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Fall] Iridrikron - Extinction Blast", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Extinction Blast", ["spellId"] = 409261, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 53275, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Fall] Coalesced Time - Chronoburst", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Chronoburst", ["spellId"] = 415554, ["school"] = 7, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 82396, }, { ["npcId"] = 205435, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Fall] Epoch Ripper - Timerip", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = false, ["name"] = "Timerip", ["spellId"] = 0, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = true, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 54931, }, { ["npcId"] = 198998, ["description"] = "[Dawn of the Infinite - Rise] Tyr - Dividing Strike", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Dividing Strike", ["spellId"] = 400641, ["school"] = 7, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 549308, }, }, ["cata"] = { { ["npcId"] = 40586, ["description"] = "[Throne of the Tides] Lady Naz'jar - Shock Blast", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Shock Blast", ["spellId"] = 428054, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 129087, }, { ["npcId"] = 40586, ["description"] = "[Throne of the Tides] Lady Naz'jar - Focused Tempest", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Focused Tempest", ["spellId"] = 428374, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 96129, }, { ["npcId"] = 1046, ["description"] = "[Throne of the Tides] Mindbender Ghur'sha - Flame Shock", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Flame Shock", ["spellId"] = 429048, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 82396, }, { ["npcId"] = 40765, ["description"] = "[Throne of the Tides] Commander Ulthok - Festering Shockwave", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Festering Shockwave", ["spellId"] = 427668, ["school"] = 6, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 90636, }, { ["npcId"] = 39625, ["description"] = "[Grim Batol] General Umbriss - Commanding Roar", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Commanding Roar", ["spellId"] = 448847, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = true, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 1320000, }, { ["npcId"] = 39625, ["description"] = "[Grim Batol] General Umbriss - Rock Spike", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Rock Spike", ["spellId"] = 448877, ["school"] = 1, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 1050000, }, }, ["mop"] = { { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Temple of the Jade Serpent] Wise Mari - Corrupted Vortex", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Vortex", ["spellId"] = 397797, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 46288.2, }, { ["npcId"] = 56448, ["description"] = "[Temple of the Jade Serpent] Wise Mari - Hydrolance", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Hydrolance", ["spellId"] = 397801, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 33063, }, { ["npcId"] = 0, ["description"] = "[Temple of the Jade Serpent] Sha of Doubt - Touch of Nothingess", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Next Tick", ["spellId"] = 106113, ["school"] = 6, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 24246.2, }, }, ["wod"] = { { ["npcId"] = 1757, ["description"] = "[Everbloom] Ancient Protectors - Water Bolt / Natures Wrath", ["trigger"] = 4, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Water Bolt / Natures Wrath", ["spellId"] = 168092, ["school"] = 5, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 54931, }, { ["npcId"] = 1757, ["description"] = "[Everbloom] Ancient Protectors - Natures Wrath", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = true, ["turtle"] = true, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Natures Wrath", ["spellId"] = 168040, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = false, ["damage"] = 54931, }, { ["npcId"] = 82682, ["description"] = "[Everbloom] Archmage Sol - Cinderbolt Storm", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Cinderbolt Storm", ["spellId"] = 427899, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 109862, }, { ["npcId"] = 213689, ["description"] = "[Everbloom] Archmage Sol Spore Image - Cinderbolt Storm", ["trigger"] = 1, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Cinderbolt Storm", ["spellId"] = 427899, ["school"] = 3, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 109682, }, { ["npcId"] = 83846, ["description"] = "[Everbloom] Yalnu - Colossal Blow", ["trigger"] = 2, ["targeted"] = false, ["turtle"] = false, ["boss"] = true, ["name"] = "Colossal Blow", ["spellId"] = 169179, ["school"] = 4, ["armor"] = false, ["aoe"] = true, ["damage"] = 87889, }, }, }, ["countNPC"] = true, ["advanced"] = { ["debug"] = false, ["percentage"] = true, }, }, ["inverse"] = false, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 1, 0.68627450980392, 0.31372549019608, 1, }, ["desc"] = "Choose the color of the text that describes the physical damage ability.", ["key"] = "colorPhysical", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Physical damage text color", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 0, 0.45882352941177, 1, 1, }, ["desc"] = "Choose the color of the text that describes the magic damage ability.", ["key"] = "colorMagic", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Magic damage text color", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Add a space after the colon.", ["key"] = "space", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Add space", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Multiple Effective Health is visible if multiple NPC of the same ID is pulled", ["key"] = "countNPC", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Multiple NPC", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["desc"] = "The number of decimals displayed. Has no effect if show percentage is disabled.", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "0", "1", "2", }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "decimals", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Decimals", ["width"] = 0.5, }, { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["width"] = 0.5, ["useHeight"] = false, }, { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 100, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 0.5, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "hpThreshold", ["desc"] = "The HP threshold where Effective Health will be visible, the value is %", ["name"] = "HP Threshold %", ["default"] = 100, }, { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Show remaining as percentage instead of effective health. Not recommended to disable this as it will cause confusion in certain circumstances.", ["key"] = "percentage", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Show percentage", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "debug", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Debug", ["width"] = 1, }, }, ["type"] = "group", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["key"] = "advanced", ["name"] = "Advanced", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["collapse"] = true, ["size"] = 10, }, { ["useName"] = false, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "description", ["text"] = "We use custom options (Tracked Spells) to track which spells you want to show. It's possible for anyone to add any spells they want or modify how spells are being tracked.\nTo modify how a spell is tracked, find the spell you want (they're separated by expansion) and change whatever you need without entering Author Mode.\n\nDisplay Name: The name that shows up when it's triggered\n\nNPC ID: What NPC needs to be casting the spell. If you have the 'Always' Trigger Event selected then you use the Encounter ID for Bosses, if it's a buff/debuff on you then put in 0.\n\nBase Damage: This is the base damage the spell does in just Mythic, to get this data you can go to the Dungeon Journal, Wowhead or not-even-close.com and look for the spell and the damage it does in Mythic+ (has to be Mythic+).\n\nAOE: Select this if the spell damage needs to take things like Avoidance or AoE damage reduction into account.\n\nIgnore Armor: Select this if the spell is Physical but it ignores your armor; some spells do this.\n\nSpell School: What the spell damage type is.\n\nTrigger Spell ID or Power: The Spell ID being cast (careful - this sometimes differs from the Spell ID of the damage event). If you have 'Always' as trigger then this is not needed. Power is the NPC's energy bar, some mobs/bosses casts certain spells at certain energy.\n\nTrigger Event:\nBuff/Debuff: Shows based on buff/debuff being present. If it's on you (the player) then remember to use '0' for NPC ID above.\nCast: Shows based on a spell being cast.\nPower: Shows based on the NPC's Power bar.\nAlways: Shows whenever you're in combat with the mob or boss and only disappears when you leave combat. If youre fighting a boss, set NPC ID to the Encounter ID.\n\nHunter Turtle: Check this if a Hunter's Aspect of the Turtle will immune the spell.\n\nTargeted: Check this if you only want the spell to show up if the cast is targeting you\n\nBoss: Check this if it's a boss (for Fortified/Tyrannical calculations)\n\n\nTo add a spell: Go to the expansion you want and press the + next to Description. The Description name doesn't matter, but it's nice to have it organized.\nTo remove a spell: Go to the spell you want to remove and press the X next to the description.\n\nMultiple NPC: If you have the 'Always' trigger for a spell and you're fighting multiple of the same NPC, select this if you want to have individual tracking for each NPC. If it's unchecked, it will only track the first mob you get in combat with.\nHP Threshold: The spell only shows up if it takes you below the specified HP threshold.", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, { ["useName"] = false, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 2, }, { ["subOptions"] = { { ["subOptions"] = { { ["width"] = 2, ["type"] = "input", ["name"] = "Description", ["useLength"] = false, ["default"] = "", ["length"] = 10, ["key"] = "description", ["multiline"] = false, }, { ["width"] = 1, ["type"] = "input", ["name"] = "Display Name", ["useLength"] = false, ["default"] = "", ["length"] = 10, ["key"] = "name", ["multiline"] = false, }, { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 999999, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "npcId", ["desc"] = "Write Encounter ID if the trigger is Always", ["name"] = "NPC ID", ["default"] = 0, }, { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 99999999, ["step"] = 0.1, ["width"] = 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["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/M+Timer/130", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["sound"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Sounds\\chant2.ogg", ["custom"] = "if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n aura_env.frame:Hide()\nend\n\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, ["do_sound"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.keyslot = aura_env.config[\"KeySlot\"]\n\naura_env.keyID = {\n [138019] = true, -- Legion\n [158923] = true, -- Battle for Azeroth\n [180653] = true, -- Shadowlands\n [186159] = true, -- Dragonflight\n [187786] = true, -- Timewalking\n [151086] = true, -- Tournament Realm?\n \n}\naura_env.gossips = {}\nfor _, v in pairs(aura_env.config.gossip) do\n aura_env.gossips[v.npcid] = {enabled = v.enabled, number = v.gossipnum}\nend\n\n\n\n\naura_env.popup = function()\n for index = 1, STATICPOPUP_NUMDIALOGS do\n local frame = _G[\"StaticPopup\"..index]\n if frame and frame:IsShown() then\n return true\n end\n end\n return false\nend\n\nlocal function decRound(num, idp)\n local mult = 10^(idp or 0)\n return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult\nend\n\naura_env.kaliels = C_AddOns.IsAddOnLoaded(\"!KalielsTracker\")\naura_env.frame = aura_env.kaliels and _G[\"!KalielsTrackerFrame\"] or ObjectiveTrackerFrame\nif aura_env.config.hideobj then\n if not aura_env.region.hideobj then\n aura_env.region.hideobj = true\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n hooksecurefunc(frame, \"Show\", function() \n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n C_Timer.After(1, function()\n if not IsInInstance() then frame:Show() end\n end)\n end)\n end\nend\n\n\nlocal tooltip = aura_env.config.Tooltip\n\nlocal aura_env = aura_env\nif tooltip ~= 1 and not aura_env.region.tooltipfunc then\n aura_env.region.tooltipfunc = true\n aura_env.last = {}\n local function OnTooltipSetUnit()\n if select(3, GetInstanceInfo()) == 8 then\n local GUID = UnitGUID(\"mouseover\")\n if GUID and MDT then\n local npcID = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", GUID))\n local count\n local max\n count, max = MDT:GetEnemyForces(tonumber(npcID))\n if count and max and count ~= 0 and max ~= 0 then\n local percent = decRound((count/max)*100, 2)..\"%\"\n \n local string = (tooltip == 4 and count..\" (\"..percent..\")\") or (tooltip == 3 and percent) or (tooltip == 2 and count)\n local now = GetTime()\n if string and (not aura_env.last[GUID] or now >= aura_env.last[GUID]+0.1) then\n aura_env.last[GUID] = now\n GameTooltip:AppendText(\" - \"..string)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n TooltipDataProcessor.AddTooltipPostCall(Enum.TooltipDataType.Unit, OnTooltipSetUnit)\nend\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["hide_all_glows"] = false, ["custom"] = "if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n aura_env.frame:Show()\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Chat Message", ["duration"] = "1", ["unit"] = "player", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function(e, ...)\n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n end \n elseif e == \"STATUS\" and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then\n if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n end \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_SLOTTED\" and aura_env.config.closebags then\n CloseAllBags()\n end \n \n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_RECEPTABLE_OPEN\" and aura_env.keyslot then\n local index = select(3, GetInstanceInfo())\n if index == 8 or index == 23 then\n for bagID = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do\n for invID = 1, C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do\n local itemID = C_Container.GetContainerItemID(bagID, invID)\n if itemID and (aura_env.keyID[itemID]) then \n local item = ItemLocation:CreateFromBagAndSlot(bagID, invID)\n if item:IsValid() then\n local canuse = C_ChallengeMode.CanUseKeystoneInCurrentMap(item)\n if canuse then\n C_Container.PickupContainerItem(bagID, invID)\n C_Timer.After(0.1, function()\n if CursorHasItem() then\n C_ChallengeMode.SlotKeystone()\n end\n end)\n break\n end\n end\n \n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif e == \"GOSSIP_SHOW\" then \n if aura_env.kaliels and aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n C_Timer.After(0.2, function()\n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n end)\n end\n if UnitExists(\"npc\") and (not aura_env.config.gossipctrl or not IsControlKeyDown()) then\n local GUID = UnitGUID(\"npc\")\n local id = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", GUID))\n id = tonumber(id)\n if aura_env.gossips[id] and aura_env.gossips[id].enabled then\n local title = C_GossipInfo.GetOptions()\n local num = aura_env.gossips[id].number\n if title[num] and title[num].gossipOptionID then\n local popupWasShown = aura_env.popup()\n C_GossipInfo.SelectOption(title[num].gossipOptionID)\n local popupIsShown = aura_env.popup()\n if popupIsShown then\n if not popupWasShown then\n StaticPopup1Button1:Click()\n end\n end\n C_Timer.After(0.3, function()\n C_GossipInfo.CloseGossip()\n end)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["events"] = "GOSSIP_SHOW CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_RECEPTABLE_OPEN CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_SLOTTED CHALLENGE_MODE_START", ["check"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unevent"] = "timed", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["use_unit"] = true, ["type"] = "unit", ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", 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"none", ["displayText_format_time_format"] = "none", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["customVariables"] = "", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(s, e, ...)\n if e == \"OPTIONS\" then\n local cmapid = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n if cmapid and aura_env.bossname[1] then \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max) and C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max).isWeightedProgress then max = max-1 end\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n local haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level]\n for i=1, max do\n local num = i\n -- Fix for Mechagon, Tazavesh, Lower Kara, Upper Kara, DotI\n num = (cmap == 370 and i+4) or (cmap == 392 and i+5) or (cmap == 227 and i+2) or (cmap == 234 and i+6) or (cmap == 464 and i+4) or num \n local name = aura_env.bossname[num]\n local criteria = C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(i)\n for j=1, #aura_env.bossname do\n if string.find(criteria.description, aura_env.bossname[j]) then\n name = aura_env.bossname[j]\n break\n end\n end\n if cmap == 227 and num == 3 then -- Manual Opera Hall\n name = aura_env.config.karaname\n end\n name = WA_Utf8Sub(name, 20)\n \n if name and name ~= \"\" then\n s[i] = {\n name = name,\n index = i,\n show = true,\n done = false,\n changed = true,\n }\n end\n \n if criteria.completed then\n if s[i] and not s[i].time then\n local defeated = criteria.elapsed\n if defeated and defeated ~= 0 then\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-defeated or 0\n s[i].timer = cur\n s[i].name = aura_env.color..s[i].name\n local color = aura_env.ahead\n if haspb and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][i] then\n local pb = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][i]\n if cur == pb then\n color = aura_env.equal\n s[i].split = color..\"+-0\"\n else\n color = cur <= pb and aura_env.ahead or aura_env.behind\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"-\" or \"+\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n s[i].split = color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff)\n end\n end\n s[i].time = color..aura_env.formattime(cur)\n s[i].changed = true\n aura_env.bosstime[i] = cur\n end\n end\n elseif haspb and s[i] and not s[i].time then\n s[i].time = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][i] and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.saved[cmap][level][i])\n end\n \n end\n return true\n else\n local names = {}\n for i=1, 5 do\n EJ_SelectInstance(721)\n local name = EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(i, 721)\n name = WA_Utf8Sub(name, 20)\n if name then\n names[i] = name\n end\n end\n local killtime = 0\n for i =1, 5 do\n local addtime = math.random(240, 420)\n killtime = killtime+addtime\n s[i] = {\n name = i <= 3 and aura_env.color..names[i] or names[i],\n index = i, \n timer = killtime,\n \n time = \n aura_env.config.splits and (\n i == 1 and aura_env.behind..aura_env.formattime(killtime) or\n i == 2 and aura_env.equal..aura_env.formattime(killtime) or \n i == 3 and aura_env.ahead..aura_env.formattime(killtime) or \n aura_env.formattime(killtime)) or\n i <= 3 and aura_env.formattime(killtime),\n \n \n split = aura_env.config.splits and (\n i == 1 and aura_env.behind..\"+\"..aura_env.formattime(math.random(20, 60)) or \n i == 2 and aura_env.equal..\"+-0\" or \n i == 3 and aura_env.ahead..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(math.random(20, 60))),\n \n show = true,\n }\n s[i].changed = true\n end\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED\" then\n local finish = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n aura_env.bossname = {} \n -- add pb to aura_env.saved\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n if cmap and level then\n if not aura_env.saved then aura_env.saved = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap] then aura_env.saved[cmap] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level] = {} end\n \n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] or finish < aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] then\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] = finish\n for i=1, #s do\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][i] = s[i].timer \n end\n end\n end\n \n elseif e == \"SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE\" then\n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max) and C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max).isWeightedProgress then max = max-1 end\n local color = aura_env.ahead\n for i=1, max do\n local criteria = C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(i)\n if criteria.completed then\n if s[i] and ((aura_env.haspb and not s[i].split) or not s[i].time) then\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-criteria.elapsed or 0\n s[i].timer = cur\n s[i].name = aura_env.color..s[i].name\n if aura_env.haspb and aura_env.store[i] then\n local pb = aura_env.store[i]\n if cur == pb then\n color = aura_env.equal\n s[i].split = color..\"+-0\"\n else\n color = cur <= pb and aura_env.ahead or aura_env.behind\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"-\" or \"+\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n s[i].split = color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff)\n end\n end\n s[i].time = color..aura_env.formattime(cur)\n s[i].changed = true\n aura_env.bosstime[i] = cur\n end\n end\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"STATUS\" or e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n if select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) ~= 0 then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\", 1, false)\n else\n aura_env.cmap = nil\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.level = level\n \n \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if max > 0 then\n for _, v in pairs(s) do\n v.show = false\n v.changed = true\n end\n end\n \n aura_env.bossname = {}\n aura_env.bosstime = {}\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\", 1, true)\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\" and ... and (not aura_env.last or GetTime() > aura_env.last+0.1) and not WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n local count, init= ...\n aura_env.last = GetTime() \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max) and C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max).isWeightedProgress then max = max-1 end -- if last criteria is enemy forces\n for _, v in pairs(s) do\n v.show = false\n v.changed = true\n end\n if init then aura_env.opened = false end\n aura_env.setbossnames()\n local cmap = init and C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID() or aura_env.cmap\n if count <= 8 and not WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then -- check again in 2 seconds a few times to make sure data is correct\n C_Timer.After(2, function()\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\", count+1, init)\n end)\n end \n if max > 0 then \n if not aura_env.cmap then -- setting variables for aura_env.saved saving\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.level = level\n end\n for k, v in pairs(s) do \n if not C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(k) then\n v.show = false\n v.changed = true\n end\n end\n if C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max) and C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max).isWeightedProgress then max = max-1 end\n local level = aura_env.level \n aura_env.haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and \n (aura_env.saved[cmap][level]\n or (aura_env.config.splitslow and aura_env.saved[cmap][level-1]))\n aura_env.store = aura_env.haspb\n for i=1, max do\n local num = i\n -- Fix for Mechagon, Tazavesh, Lower Kara, Upper Kara, DotI\n num = (cmap == 370 and i+4) or (cmap == 392 and i+5) or (cmap == 227 and i+2) or (cmap == 234 and i+6) or (cmap == 464 and i+4) or num \n local name = aura_env.bossname[num]\n local criteria= C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(i)\n for j=1, #aura_env.bossname do\n if string.find(criteria.description, aura_env.bossname[j]) then\n name = aura_env.bossname[j]\n break\n end\n end\n if cmap == 227 and num == 3 then -- Manual Opera Hall\n name = aura_env.config.karaname\n end\n name = WA_Utf8Sub(name, 20)\n \n \n if name and name ~= \"\" then\n s[i] = {\n name = name,\n index = i,\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n \n }\n end\n \n if criteria.completed then\n if s[i] and ((aura_env.haspb and not s[i].split) or not s[i].time) then\n local defeated = criteria.eplased\n if defeated and defeated ~= 0 then\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-defeated or 0\n s[i].timer = cur\n s[i].name = aura_env.color..s[i].name\n local color = aura_env.ahead\n if aura_env.haspb and aura_env.store[i] then\n local pb = aura_env.store[i]\n if cur == pb then\n color = aura_env.equal\n s[i].split = color..\"+-0\"\n else\n color = cur <= pb and aura_env.ahead or aura_env.behind\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"-\" or \"+\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n s[i].split = color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff)\n end\n end\n s[i].time = color..aura_env.formattime(cur)\n s[i].changed = true\n aura_env.bosstime[i] = cur\n end\n end\n elseif aura_env.haspb and s[i] and not s[i].time then\n s[i].time = aura_env.store[i] and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.store[i])\n end\n end\n local aura_env = aura_env\n C_Timer.After(0.1, function()\n if aura_env.bossname ~= {} then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_SETBGHEIGHT\", #s, aura_env.region.height)\n else\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_SETBGHEIGHT\", 0, aura_env.region.height)\n end\n end)\n return true\n end \n end\nend", ["names"] = { }, ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES CHALLENGE_MODE_START SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["uid"] = "JwxKwmZ1EpT", ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, }, ["displayText_format_time_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["zoom"] = 0, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["version"] = 130, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%name", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_time_format"] = "none", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 2, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "LEFT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_name_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_split_format"] = "none", }, { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%time", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_time_format"] = "none", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_split_format"] = "none", }, { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%split", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_time_format"] = "none", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = -70, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_split_format"] = "none", }, }, ["height"] = 16, ["textureSource"] = "LSM", ["displayText_format_time_time_precision"] = 1, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["fontSize"] = 16, ["source"] = "import", ["displayText"] = "%name %time %split", ["width"] = 330, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.mapID = aura_env.mapID or 0\naura_env.bossname = aura_env.bossname or {}\naura_env.bosstime = aura_env.bosstime or {}\naura_env.level = 0\naura_env.equal = \"|cFFFFEA00\"\naura_env.ahead = \"|cFF00FF00\"\naura_env.behind = \"|cFFFF0000\"\n\nlocal c = aura_env.config.color\nlocal col = {}\n\nfor i=1, 4 do\n if i == 4 then \n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n else\n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n end\n if string.len(col[i]) == 1 then\n col[i] = \"0\"..col[i]\n end\nend\n\naura_env.color = \"|c\"..col[4]..col[1]..col[2]..col[3]\n\naura_env.formattime = function(time)\n local timeMin = math.floor(time / 60)\n local timeSec = math.floor(time - (timeMin*60))\n local timeHour = 0\n if timeMin >= 60 then\n timeHour = math.floor(time / 3600)\n timeMin = timeMin - (timeHour * 60)\n end\n if timeHour > 0 and timeHour < 10 then\n timeHour = (\"0%d\"):format(timeHour)\n end\n if timeMin < 10 then\n timeMin = (\"0%d\"):format(timeMin)\n end\n if timeSec < 10 then\n timeSec = (\"0%d\"):format(timeSec)\n end\n \n if timeHour ~= 0 then\n return (\"%s:%s:%s|r\"):format(timeHour, timeMin, timeSec)\n else\n return (\"%s:%s|r\"):format(timeMin, timeSec)\n end\nend\n\n\naura_env.maptoID = { -- MapChallengeMode = JournalInstance\n -- Cata\n [438] = {68, \"Vortex Pinnacle\"},\n [456] = {65, \"Throne\"},\n [507] = {71, \"Grim Batol\"},\n -- MoP\n [2] = {313, \"Jade Serpent\"},\n [56] = {302, \"Stromsout\"},\n [57] = {303, \"Setting Sun\"},\n [58] = {312, \"Shadow-Pan\"},\n [59] = {324, \"Niuzao\"},\n [60] = {321, \"Mogu'shan\"},\n [76] = {246, \"Scholomance\"},\n [77] = {311, \"Scarlet Halls\"},\n [78] = {316, \"Monastery\"},\n \n -- WoD\n [161] = {476, \"Skyreach\"},\n [163] = {385, \"Slag Mines\"},\n [164] = {547, \"Auchindoun\"},\n [165] = {537, \"Shadowmoon\"},\n [166] = {536, \"Grimrail\"},\n [167] = {559, \"UBRS\"},\n [168] = {556, \"Everbloom\"},\n [169] = {558, \"Iron Docks\"},\n \n -- Legion\n [197] = {716, \"Eye of Azshara\"},\n [198] = {762, \"Darkheart\"},\n [199] = {740, \"BRH\"},\n [200] = {721, \"Halls of Valor\"},\n [206] = {767, \"Neltharion's Lair\"},\n [207] = {707, \"Vault\"},\n [208] = {727, \"Maw of Souls\"},\n [209] = {726, \"Arcway\"},\n [210] = {800, \"Court of Stars\"},\n [227] = {860, \"Kara: Lower\"},\n [233] = {900, \"Cathedral\"},\n [234] = {860, \"Kara: Upper\"},\n [239] = {945, \"Seat\"},\n \n -- BfA\n [244] = {968, \"Atal'Dazar\"},\n [245] = {1001, \"Freehold\"},\n [246] = {1002, \"Tol Dagor\"},\n [247] = {1012, \"Motherlode\"},\n [248] = {1021, \"Waycrest\"},\n [249] = {1041, \"King's Rest\"},\n [250] = {1030, \"Sethraliss\"},\n [251] = {1022, \"Underrot\"},\n [252] = {1036, \"Shrine\"},\n [353] = {1023, \"Boralus\"},\n [369] = {1178, \"Junkyard\"},\n [370] = {1178, \"Workshop\"},\n \n -- Shadowlands\n [375] = {1184, \"Mists\"},\n [376] = {1182, \"Necrotic Wake\"},\n [377] = {1188, \"Other Side\"},\n [378] = {1185, \"Halls\"},\n [379] = {1183, \"Plaguefall\"},\n [380] = {1189, \"Sanguine\"},\n [381] = {1186, \"Spires\"},\n [382] = {1187, \"Theater\"},\n [391] = {1194, \"Streets\"},\n [392] = {1194, \"Gambit\"},\n \n -- Dragonflight\n \n \n [399] = {1202, \"Ruby Pools\"},\n [400] = {1198, \"Nokhud\"},\n [401] = {1203, \"Azure Vault\"},\n [402] = {1201, \"Academy\"},\n [403] = {1197, \"Uldaman\"},\n [404] = {1199, \"Neltharus\"},\n [405] = {1196, \"Brackenhide\"},\n [406] = {1204, \"Halls\"},\n [463] = {1209, \"DotI: Lower\"},\n [464] = {1209, \"DotI: Upper\"},\n \n -- The War Within\n \n [499] = {1267, \"Sacred Flame\"},\n [500] = {1268, \"The Rookery\"},\n [501] = {1269, \"Stonevault\"},\n [502] = {1274, \"City of Threads\"},\n [503] = {1271, \"Ara-Kara\"},\n [504] = {1210, \"Darkflame Cleft\"},\n [505] = {1270, \"Dawnbreaker\"},\n [506] = {1272, \"Cinderbrew Maedery\"},\n \n \n}\n\n\n\naura_env.setbossnames = function()\n local mapID = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(\"player\")\n local instanceID = id or (mapID and EJ_GetInstanceForMap(mapID) or 0) -- find instanceid from encounter journal\n local cmapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n if instanceID == 0 or instanceID == nil then -- if it didn't work, use hardcoded cmapid table instead\n if cmapID and aura_env.maptoID[cmapID] then\n instanceID = aura_env.maptoID[cmapID][1]\n end\n end\n if instanceID and instanceID ~= 0 then\n EJ_SelectInstance(instanceID)\n aura_env.bossname = {}\n aura_env.bosstime = {}\n for i=1, 20 do\n local name = EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(i, instanceID)\n if name then\n aura_env.bossname[i] = name\n elseif aura_env.config.fixbosses and i == 1 and not aura_env.opened then\n C_AddOns.LoadAddOn(\"Blizzard_EncounterJournal\")\n EncounterJournal_OpenJournal(8, instanceID) \n aura_env.opened = true\n HideUIPanel(EncounterJournal)\n local name = EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(i, instanceID)\n if name then\n aura_env.bossname[i] = name\n end\n end \n end\n end\nend\nDebugPrint(aura_env.saved)", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, ["id"] = "M+ Bosses", ["config"] = { ["fixbosses"] = false, ["color"] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, }, ["splits"] = true, ["splitslow"] = false, ["karaname"] = "Opera Hall", }, ["semver"] = "1.3.41", ["displayText_format_15_format"] = "none", ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["displayText_format_max_format"] = "none", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "karaname", ["default"] = "Opera Hall", ["name"] = "Karazhan Opera Hall Name", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, }, ["key"] = "color", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Boss Completion Color", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "This compares your boss kill time with your personal best kill time on the same keystone level and fortified/tyrannical", ["key"] = "splits", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Display Split Timers", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If you don't have splits from the current level you are running but from one level lower, it will use those from one level lower.", ["key"] = "splitslow", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Split Timers from lower Level", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "This will force-open(and then close) the Dungeon Journal when you start a key if boss data can't get received. Automatically closing the journal again might or might not work properly just be aware of that", ["key"] = "fixbosses", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Fix rare issues that causes no bosses to show", ["width"] = 2, }, }, ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["displayText_format_formating_format"] = "none", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["displayText_format_time_time_format"] = 0, ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["adjustedMax"] = "", ["displayText_format_defeated_format"] = "none", ["inverse"] = false, ["displayText_format_name_format"] = "none", ["shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { ["saved"] = 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["parent"] = "M+ Dynamic Group", }, ["Dragonriding UI Rewind"] = { ["overlays"] = { { 0.1803921610117, 0.5686274766922, 0.77254909276962, 1, }, }, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["displayText"] = "Pitch: %p", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/dmui-dragonriding/42", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.49857431650162, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["keepAspectRatio"] = true, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["barColor"] = { 0.76470595598221, 0.59607845544815, 0.14509804546833, 1, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_never"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_dragonriding"] = true, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["use_zoneIds"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["spellknown"] = 372610, ["itemtypeequipped"] = { }, }, ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["smoothProgress"] = false, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["overlayclip"] = true, ["texture"] = "Solid", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "tXs4-ei7t", ["parent"] = "Dragonriding UI Timers", ["adjustedMin"] = "0.395", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["config"] = { }, ["cooldownSwipe"] = true, ["barColor2"] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, }, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["zoom"] = 0.14, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["customOverlay1"] = "function()\n return \"forward\", aura_env.charge, 0\nend", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "aura2", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["useExactSpellId"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["names"] = { }, ["event"] = "Alternate Power", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["use_unit"] = true, ["auraspellids"] = { "375585", }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "UPDATE_UI_WIDGET, UNIT_POWER_UPDATE:player", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["customVariables"] = "{\n value = \"number\"\n}\n", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["track"] = "cooldown", ["type"] = "spell", ["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown", ["unit"] = "player", ["realSpellName"] = 374990, ["use_spellName"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["use_ignoreoverride"] = true, ["event"] = "Cooldown Progress (Spell)", ["use_exact_spellName"] = true, ["use_track"] = true, ["spellName"] = 374990, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, 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"saybubbletimer", ["desc"] = "Makes the /say above your head show your color AND the timer left on your debuff", }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Make /say less frequent", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "lightsay", ["desc"] = "Fires off /say messages ONLY at 15, 12, 9, 6, 4.5, 3, 1.5", }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Disable Circle Visual", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "circlevisual", ["desc"] = "Disables the Circle timer around your character", }, { ["width"] = 1, ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Master", "Sound Effects", "Ambient Sounds", "Dialog", "Music", }, ["name"] = "Sound Channel", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "soundchannels", ["default"] = 1, ["desc"] = "Specify an Audio Channel for the 5,4,3,2,1 Countdown", }, }, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 35, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text"] = "30% Damage", 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aura_env.config.saybubble\naura_env.saybubbletimer = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn = aura_env.config.saybubbletimer\naura_env.soundFiles = {}\naura_env.soundchannels = {}\naura_env.soundChannelSelected = aura_env.config.soundchannels\naura_env.lightsay = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleLightOn = aura_env.config.lightsay\naura_env.circlevisual = {}\naura_env.circleVisualOff = aura_env.config.circlevisual\n\n-- Check for Say Bubble Custom Option Selection --\nif aura_env.sayBubbleOn == true then\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"{rt6}\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"Cleared\"\nelse\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"\"\nend\n\n-- Check for BigWigs or DBM for audio file --\nif IsAddOnLoaded(\"BigWigs\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\Bigwigs\\\\Media\\\\Sounds\\\\Amy\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelseif IsAddOnLoaded(\"DBM-Core\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\DBM-Core\\\\sounds\\\\Corsica\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelse\n local file = (\"\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nend\n\n-- Assign Audio Channel\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 1 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Master\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 2 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Sound Effects\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 3 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Ambient Sounds\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 4 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Dialog\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 5 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Music\"\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = 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["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, }, ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["startAngle"] = 0, ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["overlayclip"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["lightsay"] = false, ["saybubble"] = true, ["circlevisual"] = true, ["soundchannels"] = 1, ["saybubbletimer"] = true, }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["semver"] = "2.0.18", ["tocversion"] = 100005, ["id"] = "Lightning Debuff - Clear Available", ["width"] = 120, ["frameStrata"] = 5, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["compress"] = false, ["uid"] = "e32Sq4kv5h9", ["inverse"] = false, ["auraRotation"] = 0, ["orientation"] = "ANTICLOCKWISE", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -1, ["variable"] = "customcheck", ["value"] = "function(s)\n if s[1].active and s[2].active and aura_env.circleVisualOff == true then\n return true\n end\nend", }, ["changes"] = { { ["property"] = "alpha", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "15", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "14", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "12", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "11", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "9", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "8", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "6", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0.4588235616684, 0.66274511814117, 1, 1, }, ["property"] = "foregroundColor", }, { ["value"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.80718572437763, }, ["property"] = "backgroundColor", }, { ["property"] = "sub.2.text_visible", }, { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_visible", }, { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[5], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[4], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "3", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[3], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "2", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[2], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "1.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["op"] = "==", ["checks"] = { { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, { ["value"] = 1, ["variable"] = "show", }, }, ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", ["trigger"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[1], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["backgroundOffset"] = 0, }, ["Weekly/Daily Module"] = { ["controlledChildren"] = { "Todo list Pack", "Tama Bars", "(Reps)", }, 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["subRegions"] = { }, ["load"] = { ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["backdropColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5, }, ["source"] = "import", ["scale"] = 1, ["border"] = false, ["borderEdge"] = "Square Full White", ["regionType"] = "group", ["borderSize"] = 2, ["uid"] = "yP6UMTHktHs", ["groupIcon"] = "413590", ["borderOffset"] = 4, ["semver"] = "1.0.53", ["tocversion"] = 110002, ["id"] = "Weekly/Daily Module", ["alpha"] = 1, ["frameStrata"] = 2, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = -188.33331298828, ["config"] = { }, ["borderInset"] = 1, ["parent"] = "Tama's The War Within Helper", ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { }, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", }, ["Gear Info Panel"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "okkc0C1Hc", ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["customText"] = "function()\n -- Function to validate if the color string is a valid 6-character hex code\n local function isValidHexColor(color)\n -- Check if the color is a string and matches the pattern for 6 hex digits\n return type(color) == \"string\" and color:match(\"^%x%x%x%x%x%x$\") ~= nil\n end\n \n local config = aura_env.config.Info\n local CCFG = aura_env.config.Info or {}\n local display = \"\"\n \n -- Fetch and validate color strings\n local wColor = isValidHexColor(CCFG.RColor) and CCFG.RColor or \"f3f3f3\" -- Fallback to original default if invalid\n local rank0Color = isValidHexColor(CCFG.R0Color) and CCFG.R0Color or \"f3f3f3\"\n local rank1Color = isValidHexColor(CCFG.R1Color) and CCFG.R1Color or \"b7b7b7\"\n local rank2Color = isValidHexColor(CCFG.R2Color) and CCFG.R2Color or \"93c47d\"\n local rank3Color = isValidHexColor(CCFG.R3Color) and CCFG.R3Color or \"6d9eeb\"\n local rank4Color = isValidHexColor(CCFG.R4Color) and CCFG.R4Color or \"a64d79\" \n local rank5Color = isValidHexColor(CCFG.R5Color) and CCFG.R5Color or \"e69138\"\n \n -- Define color formats using validated strings\n local colors = {\n w = \"|cff\" .. wColor,\n rank0 = \"|cff\" .. rank0Color,\n rank1 = \"|cff\" .. rank1Color,\n rank2 = \"|cff\" .. rank2Color,\n rank3 = \"|cff\" .. rank3Color,\n rank4 = \"|cff\" .. rank4Color,\n rank5 = \"|cff\" .. rank5Color,\n }\n \n -- Function to get the color based on the item level\n local function getColorForValue(value)\n value = tonumber(value) or 0\n if value >= 623 then\n return colors.rank5\n elseif value >= 610 then\n return colors.rank4\n elseif value >= 597 then\n return colors.rank3\n elseif value >= 584 then\n return colors.rank2\n elseif value >= 571 then\n return colors.rank1\n else\n return colors.rank0\n end\n end\n \n local colorEnd = \"|r\"\n local separator = colors.w .. \"| \" .. colorEnd -- Define a consistent separator with white color\n \n -- M+ Item Levels\n local mplusIlvls = {\n {label = \"Dungeon \", color = colors.rank0, values = {\"580\", \"593\", \"597\", \"597\", \"600\", \"603\", \"606\", \"610\", \"610\", \"613\", \"613\"}, flag = config.MILVLEND},\n {label = \"Vault \", color = colors.rank1, values = {\"593\", \"603\", \"606\", \"610\", \"610\", \"613\", \"613\", \"616\", \"619\", \"619\", \"623\"}, flag = config.MILVLVal}\n }\n \n -- Raid Item Levels\n local raidIlvls = {\n {label = \"LFR \", color = colors.rank2, values = {\"584 \", \"584 \", \"587 \", \"587 \", \"590 \", \"590 \", \"593 \", \"593 \", \"600 \"}, flag = config.RaidILvLLfr},\n {label = \"Normal \", color = colors.rank3, values = {\"597 \", \"597 \", \"600 \", \"600 \", \"603 \", \"603 \", \"606 \", \"606 \", \"613 \"}, flag = config.RaidILvLNor},\n {label = \"Heroic \", color = colors.rank4, values = {\"610 \", \"610 \", \"613 \", \"613 \", \"616 \", \"616 \", \"619 \", \"619 \", \"626 \"}, flag = config.RaidILvLHer},\n {label = \"Mythic \", color = colors.rank5, values = {\"623 \", \"623 \", \"626 \", \"626 \", \"629 \", \"629 \", \"632 \", \"632 \", \"639 \"}, flag = config.RaidILvLMyt}\n }\n \n -- Table headers for M+ ilvls\n local mplusLinebrake = \"+----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+\" .. colorEnd .. \"\\n\"\n local mplusHeader = separator .. \"Key \" .. separator .. \" H \" .. separator .. \" 0 \" .. separator .. \" 2 \" .. separator .. \" 3 \" .. separator .. \" 4 \" .. separator .. \" 5 \" .. separator .. \" 6 \" .. separator .. \" 7 \" .. separator .. \" 8 \" .. separator .. \" 9 \" .. separator .. \" 10 \" .. separator\n \n -- Adding M+ ilvls table if configured to show\n if config.MILVL then\n display = display .. colors.w .. \"M+ ilvls\\n\" .. colorEnd\n display = display .. mplusLinebrake .. mplusHeader .. \"\\n\" .. mplusLinebrake\n \n for _, row in ipairs(mplusIlvls) do\n if row.flag then\n display = display .. row.color .. separator .. row.label .. colorEnd .. separator\n for _, v in ipairs(row.values) do\n local color = getColorForValue(v)\n display = display .. color .. v .. \" \" .. separator .. colorEnd\n end\n display = display .. \"\\n\"\n end\n end\n display = display .. mplusLinebrake\n end\n \n -- Table headers for Raid ilvls\n local raidLinebrake = \"+------------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+\" .. colorEnd .. \"\\n\"\n local raidHeader = separator .. \" Boss \" .. separator .. \" 1 \" .. separator .. \" 2 \" .. separator .. \" 3 \" .. separator .. \" 4 \" .. separator .. \" 5 \" .. separator .. \" 6 \" .. separator .. \" 7 \" .. separator .. \" 8 \" .. separator .. \"Rare \" .. separator\n \n -- Adding Raid ilvls table if configured to show\n if config.RaidILvL then\n display = display .. colors.w .. \"\\nRaid ilvls\\n\" .. colorEnd\n display = display .. raidLinebrake .. raidHeader .. \"\\n\" .. raidLinebrake\n \n for _, row in ipairs(raidIlvls) do\n if row.flag then\n display = display .. row.color .. separator .. row.label .. colorEnd .. separator\n for _, v in ipairs(row.values) do\n local color = getColorForValue(v)\n display = display .. color .. v .. \" \" .. separator .. colorEnd\n end\n display = display .. \"\\n\"\n end\n end\n display = display .. raidLinebrake\n end\n \n -- Track Item Levels table\n local trackLinebrake = \"+------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+\\n\"\n local line01 = separator .. \" Track \" .. separator .. \"Rank 1\" .. separator .. \"Rank 2\" .. separator .. \"Rank 3\" .. separator .. \"Rank 4\" .. separator .. \"Rank 5\" .. separator .. \"Rank 6\" .. separator .. \"Rank 7\" .. separator .. \"Rank 8\" .. separator\n local item_levels = {\n {label = \"(ODS) Explorer \", color = colors.rank0, values = {\"558 \", \"561 \", \"564 \", \"567 \", \"571 \", \"574 \", \"577 \", \"580 \"}, flag = config.ODS},\n {label = \"(ODG) Adventurer\", color = colors.rank1, values = {\"571 \", \"574 \", \"577 \", \"580 \", \"584 \", \"587 \", \"590 \", \"593 \"}, flag = config.ODG},\n {label = \"(LFR) Veteran \", color = colors.rank2, values = {\"584 \", \"587 \", \"590 \", \"593 \", \"597 \", \"600 \", \"603 \", \"606 \"}, flag = config.LFR},\n {label = \"(Nor) Champion \", color = colors.rank3, values = {\"597 \", \"600 \", \"603 \", \"606 \", \"610 \", \"613 \", \"616 \", \"619 \"}, flag = config.NOR},\n {label = \"(Her) Hero \", color = colors.rank4, values = {\"610 \", \"613 \", \"616 \", \"619 \", \"623 \", \"626 \", \"N/A \", \"N/A \"}, flag = config.HER},\n {label = \"(Myt) Myth \", color = colors.rank5, values = {\"623 \", \"626 \", \"629 \", \"632 \", \"636 \", \"639 \", \"N/A \", \"N/A \"}, flag = config.MYT}\n }\n \n -- Upgrade Mats table\n local upgrade_mats = {\n {label = \"(ODS) Explorer \", color = colors.rank0, values = {\"ValorStones Only \", \"ValorStones Only \"}, flag = config.ODSup},\n {label = \"(ODG) Adventurer\", color = colors.rank1, values = {\"ValorStones Only \", \"Rank 1 Weathered Harbinger \"}, flag = config.ODGup},\n {label = \"(LFR) Veteran \", color = colors.rank2, values = {\"Rank 1 Weathered Harbinger \", \"Rank 2 Carved Harbinger \"}, flag = config.LFRup},\n {label = \"(Nor) Champion \", color = colors.rank3, values = {\"Rank 2 Carved Harbinger \", \"Rank 3 Runed Harbinger \"}, flag = config.NORup},\n {label = \"(Her) Hero \", color = colors.rank4, values = {\"Rank 3 Runed Harbinger \", \"Rank 4 Gilded Harbinger \"}, flag = config.HERup},\n {label = \"(Myt) Myth \", color = colors.rank5, values = {\"Rank 4 Gilded Harbinger \", \"Rank 4 Gilded Harbinger \"}, flag = config.MYTup}\n }\n \n -- Track Item Levels\n if config.Show then\n display = display .. colors.w .. \"\\nTrack Item levels\\n\" .. colorEnd -- change -- new\n display = display .. trackLinebrake .. line01 .. \"\\n\" .. trackLinebrake -- change -- new\n \n \n local rows_added = false\n for _, row in ipairs(item_levels) do\n if row.flag then\n display = display .. row.color .. separator .. \" \" .. row.label .. colorEnd .. separator\n for _, v in ipairs(row.values) do\n display = display .. row.color .. v .. separator .. colorEnd\n end\n display = display .. \"\\n\"\n rows_added = true\n end\n end\n \n if rows_added then\n display = display .. trackLinebrake -- change -- new\n end\n end\n \n -- Upgrade Mats\n if config.Showup then\n display = display .. colors.w .. \"\\nUpgrade Crests\\n\" .. colorEnd\n display = display .. trackLinebrake .. line01 .. \"\\n\" .. trackLinebrake -- change -- new\n \n local rows_added = false\n for _, row in ipairs(upgrade_mats) do\n if row.flag then\n display = display .. row.color .. separator .. \" \" .. row.label .. colorEnd .. separator\n for _, v in ipairs(row.values) do\n display = display .. row.color .. v .. separator .. colorEnd\n end\n display = display .. \"\\n\"\n rows_added = true\n end\n end\n \n if rows_added then\n display = display .. trackLinebrake\n end\n end\n \n -- Crest Drop Locations\n local crestLinebrake = \"+-------------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------+\\n\"\n if config.Showloc then\n display = display .. colors.w .. \"\\nCrest drop Locations\\n\" .. colorEnd\n display = display .. crestLinebrake .. separator .. \" Crest \" .. separator .. \"Raid Content \" .. separator .. \" Mythic Plus content \" .. separator .. \"\\n\" .. crestLinebrake\n \n if config.Rank1 then\n display = display .. separator .. colors.rank2..\"Rank 1 Weathered Harbinger \"..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank2..\"Looking for raid \" ..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank2..\" Heroic Dungeons \"..colorEnd..separator..\"\\n\"\n end \n if config.Rank2 then\n display = display .. separator .. colors.rank3..\"Rank 2 Carved Harbinger \"..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank3..\"Normal \" ..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank3..\" Mythic 2 \"..colorEnd..separator..\"\\n\"\n end\n if config.Rank3 then\n display = display .. separator .. colors.rank4..\"Rank 3 Runed Harbinger \"..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank4..\"Heroic \" ..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank4..\" Mythic plus 02 - 05 \"..colorEnd..separator..\"\\n\"\n end\n if config.Rank4 then\n display = display .. separator .. colors.rank5..\"Rank 4 Gilded Harbinger \"..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank5..\"Mythic \" ..colorEnd..separator..colors.rank5..\" Mythic plus 09+ \" ..colorEnd..separator..\"\\n\"\n end\n \n display = display .. crestLinebrake\n end\n \n return display\nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasTheWarWithinHelper/50", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config.Info.Show then\n return true\n end \nend", ["events"] = "START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = 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for u, num in pairs(aura_env.deaths) do\n local name = NSAPI and NSAPI:Shorten(u, 8) or WA_ClassColorName(u)\n table.insert(list, {name, num})\n end\n table.sort(list, \n function(a, b)\n if a[2] == b[2] then -- sort by name if deathcount is equal\n return a[1] > b[1]\n else -- otherwise sort by death count\n return a[2] > b[2] \n end\n \n end)\n for _, v in ipairs(list) do\n text = text..v[1]..\" \"..v[2]..\"\\n\"\n end\n return text\nend\n\n\naura_env.maptoID = { -- MapChallengeMode = JournalInstance\n -- Cata\n [438] = {68, \"Vortex Pinnacle\"},\n [456] = {65, \"Throne\"},\n [507] = {71, \"Grim Batol\"},\n -- MoP\n [2] = {313, \"Jade Serpent\"},\n [56] = {302, \"Stromsout\"},\n [57] = {303, \"Setting Sun\"},\n [58] = {312, \"Shadow-Pan\"},\n [59] = {324, \"Niuzao\"},\n [60] = {321, \"Mogu'shan\"},\n [76] = {246, \"Scholomance\"},\n [77] = {311, \"Scarlet Halls\"},\n [78] = {316, \"Monastery\"},\n \n -- WoD\n [161] = {476, \"Skyreach\"},\n [163] = {385, \"Slag Mines\"},\n [164] = {547, \"Auchindoun\"},\n [165] = {537, \"Shadowmoon\"},\n [166] = {536, \"Grimrail\"},\n [167] = {559, \"UBRS\"},\n [168] = {556, \"Everbloom\"},\n [169] = {558, \"Iron Docks\"},\n \n -- Legion\n [197] = {716, \"Eye of Azshara\"},\n [198] = {762, \"Darkheart\"},\n [199] = {740, \"BRH\"},\n [200] = {721, \"Halls of Valor\"},\n [206] = {767, \"Neltharion's Lair\"},\n [207] = {707, \"Vault\"},\n [208] = {727, \"Maw of Souls\"},\n [209] = {726, \"Arcway\"},\n [210] = {800, \"Court of Stars\"},\n [227] = {860, \"Kara: Lower\"},\n [233] = {900, \"Cathedral\"},\n [234] = {860, \"Kara: Upper\"},\n [239] = {945, \"Seat\"},\n \n -- BfA\n [244] = {968, \"Atal'Dazar\"},\n [245] = {1001, \"Freehold\"},\n [246] = {1002, \"Tol Dagor\"},\n [247] = {1012, \"Motherlode\"},\n [248] = {1021, \"Waycrest\"},\n [249] = {1041, \"King's Rest\"},\n [250] = {1030, \"Sethraliss\"},\n [251] = {1022, \"Underrot\"},\n [252] = {1036, \"Shrine\"},\n [353] = {1023, \"Boralus\"},\n [369] = {1178, \"Junkyard\"},\n [370] = {1178, \"Workshop\"},\n \n -- Shadowlands\n [375] = {1184, \"Mists\"},\n [376] = {1182, \"Necrotic Wake\"},\n [377] = {1188, \"Other Side\"},\n [378] = {1185, \"Halls\"},\n [379] = {1183, \"Plaguefall\"},\n [380] = {1189, \"Sanguine\"},\n [381] = {1186, \"Spires\"},\n [382] = {1187, \"Theater\"},\n [391] = {1194, \"Streets\"},\n [392] = {1194, \"Gambit\"},\n \n -- Dragonflight\n \n \n [399] = {1202, \"Ruby Pools\"},\n [400] = {1198, \"Nokhud\"},\n [401] = {1203, \"Azure Vault\"},\n [402] = {1201, \"Academy\"},\n [403] = {1197, \"Uldaman\"},\n [404] = {1199, \"Neltharus\"},\n [405] = {1196, \"Brackenhide\"},\n [406] = {1204, \"Halls\"},\n [463] = {1209, \"DotI: Lower\"},\n [464] = {1209, \"DotI: Upper\"},\n \n -- The War Within\n \n [499] = {1267, \"Sacred Flame\"},\n [500] = {1268, \"The Rookery\"},\n [501] = {1269, \"Stonevault\"},\n [502] = {1274, \"City of Threads\"},\n [503] = {1271, \"Ara-Kara\"},\n [504] = {1210, \"Darkflame Cleft\"},\n [505] = {1270, \"Dawnbreaker\"},\n [506] = {1272, \"Cinderbrew Maedery\"},\n \n \n}\n\n\n\n--[[\nfor i = 500, 600 do \n if C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(i) then\n print(C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(i))\n end\nend]]\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, }, ["uid"] = "xfYFyzDysIu", ["zoom"] = 0, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["displayIcon"] = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcon_8", ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["displayText"] = "%name %time %split", ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["wagoID"] = "zkhTYrEsG", ["parent"] = "M+ Dynamic Group", ["width"] = 330, ["customText"] = "\n\n", ["displayText_format_formating_format"] = "none", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["displayText_format_formating2_format"] = "none", ["displayText_format_time_format"] = "none", ["adjustedMin"] = "", ["displayText_format_time_time_precision"] = 1, ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function(s, e, ...)\n if e == \"OPTIONS\" then\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID();\n if mapID then\n aura_env.mapID = mapID\n else\n mapID = aura_env.mapID\n end\n if mapID and aura_env.affixinfo then\n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n deathcount = deaths,\n progressType = \"static\",\n icon = \"\",\n tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost),\n changed = true,\n keylevel = \"+\"..aura_env.level,\n dungeonname = aura_env.dungeon,\n affixes = aura_env.affixinfo,\n \n }\n return true \n \n else\n local keyfake = \"\"\n for i=1, 4 do\n keyfake = keyfake..\"\\124T\"..select(i, strsplit(\" \", \"236401 1035055 451169 1385910\"))..\":13:13:\"..1-i..\":0:64:64:6:60:6:60\\124t\"\n end \n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"static\",\n keylevel = \"+\"..30,\n dungeonname = \"Halls of Valor\",\n affixes = keyfake,\n deathcount = 20,\n tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(20, 100),\n changed = true,\n }\n return true\n end\n \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" or e == \"STATUS\" then\n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n aura_env.deaths = {}\n end\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.level, aura_env.affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.dungeon = mapID and aura_env.maptoID[mapID] and aura_env.maptoID[mapID][2] or \"\"\n aura_env.icon = \"\"\n for _, v in pairs(aura_env.affixes) do\n if aura_env.icon == \"\" then\n aura_env.icon = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetAffixInfo(v))\n else\n aura_env.icon = aura_env.icon..\" \"..select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetAffixInfo(v))\n end\n end\n aura_env.affixinfo = \"\"\n for i=1, 4 do\n if select(i, strsplit(\" \", aura_env.icon)) then\n aura_env.affixinfo = aura_env.affixinfo..\"\\124T\"..select(i, strsplit(\" \", aura_env.icon))..\":12:12:\"..1-i..\":0:64:64:6:60:6:60\\124t\"\n end\n end\n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n deaths = deaths or 0\n timelost = timelost or 0\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n deathcount = deaths,\n progressType = \"static\",\n tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost),\n changed = true,\n keylevel = \"+\"..aura_env.level,\n dungeonname = aura_env.dungeon,\n affixes = aura_env.affixinfo,\n \n }\n return true\n \n \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_DEATH_COUNT_UPDATED\" and s[\"\"] then\n \n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n deaths = deaths or 0\n timelost = timelost or 0\n s[\"\"].deathcount = deaths\n s[\"\"].tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost)\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n return true\n \n elseif e == \"COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED\" then\n local destName = select(9, ...)\n local num = aura_env.deaths[destName]\n if UnitIsPlayer(destName) then\n if UnitHealth(destName) == 0 then\n aura_env.deaths[destName] = num and num+1 or 1\n end\n if s[\"\"] then\n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n s[\"\"].deathcount = deaths\n s[\"\"].tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost)\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n \nend", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["events"] = "STATUS CLEU:UNIT_DIED CHALLENGE_MODE_START CHALLENGE_MODE_DEATH_COUNT_UPDATED", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["useAdjustedMin"] = false, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["displayText_format_15_format"] = "none", ["backdropInFront"] = false, ["displayText_format_time_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["semver"] = "1.3.41", ["stickyDuration"] = true, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", 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Nickname Extender & Unlocker"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "OJkIxV-dQ", ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "if _G.NickTag then\n local CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME = 1\n local CONST_INDEX_AVATAR_PATH = 2\n local CONST_INDEX_AVATAR_TEXCOORD = 3\n local CONST_INDEX_BACKGROUND_PATH = 4\n local CONST_INDEX_BACKGROUND_TEXCOORD = 5\n local CONST_INDEX_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 6\n local CONST_INDEX_REVISION = 7\n local CONST_COMM_FULLPERSONA = 1\n local enableGlobalNickname = aura_env.config[\"enableGlobalNickname\"]\n \n --[[global]] DETAILS_NICKNAME_EXTENDER_TITLECASE = aura_env.config[\"enableTitleCase\"]\n \n local cyrillic = \"АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЎЏҐабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяёђѓєѕіїјљњћќўџґАаБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя\"\n local latin = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\"\n local chinese = \"ヲァィゥェォャュョッーアイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワン゙゚ᄀᄁᆪᄂᆬᆭᄃᄄᄅᆰᆱᆲᆳᆴᆵᄚᄆᄇᄈᄡᄉᄊᄋᄌᄍᄎᄏᄐᄑ하ᅢᅣᅤᅥᅦᅧᅨᅩᅪᅫᅬᅭᅮᅯᅰᅱᅲᅳᅴᅵ\"\n \n local alphabet = {\n [\"cyrillic\"] = {},\n [\"latin\"] = {},\n [\"chinese\"] = {},\n }\n \n for letter in cyrillic:gmatch(\".\") do\n alphabet[\"cyrillic\"][letter] = true\n end\n for letter in latin:gmatch(\".\") do\n alphabet[\"latin\"][letter] = true\n end\n for letter in chinese:gmatch(\".\") do\n alphabet[\"chinese\"][letter] = true\n end\n \n --> trim from from http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringTrim\n local function trim (s)\n local from = s:match\"^%s*()\"\n return from > #s and \"\" or s:match(\".*%S\", from)\n end\n --\n local titlecase = function (first, rest)\n return first:upper()..rest:lower()\n end\n --\n local have_repeated = false\n local count_spaces = 0\n local check_repeated = function (char)\n if (char == \" \") then\n have_repeated = true\n elseif (string.len (char) > 2) then\n have_repeated = true\n elseif (char == \" \") then\n count_spaces = count_spaces + 1\n end\n end\n \n --> we need to keep game smooth checking and formating nicknames.\n --> SetNickname and names comming from other player need to be check.\n function NickTag:CheckName (name)\n --> as nicktag only work internally in the guild, we think that is not necessary a work filter to avoid people using bad language.\n if (type (name) ~= \"string\") then\n return false, LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_ERROR_4\"] --> error 4 = name isn't a valid string\n end\n \n name = trim (name)\n \n --which alphabet to use\n local alphabetToUse = \"latin\"\n local firstLetter = name:match(\"^.\")\n \n if (alphabet[\"cyrillic\"][firstLetter]) then\n --reserve cyrillic only to clients running ruRU\n if (GetLocale() == \"ruRU\") then\n alphabetToUse = \"cyrillic\"\n else\n alphabetToUse = \"latin\"\n end\n \n elseif (alphabet[\"chinese\"][firstLetter]) then\n if (GetLocale() == \"zhCN\" or GetLocale() == \"zhTW\") then\n alphabetToUse = \"chinese\"\n else\n alphabetToUse = \"latin\"\n end\n end\n \n --> check if contain any non allowed characters, by now only accpet letters, numbers and spaces.\n --> by default wow do not accetp spaces, but here will allow.\n --> tested over lua 5.2 and this capture was okey with accents, not sure why inside wow this doesn't work.\n \n -- local notallow = string.find (name, \"[^a-zA-Z�������%s]\")\n -- if (notallow) then\n -- return false, LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_ERROR_2\"] --> error 2 = nickname only support letters, numbers and spaces.\n -- end\n \n --[=[\n for letter in name:gmatch(\".\") do\n if (not allowedLetters[letter]) then\n return false, LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_ERROR_2\"] --> error 2 = nickname only support letters, numbers and spaces.\n end\n end\n --]=]\n \n --> check if there is sequencial repeated characters, like \"Jasooon\" were repeats 3 times the \"o\" character.\n --> got this from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15608299/lua-pattern-matching-repeating-character\n have_repeated = false\n count_spaces = 0\n string.gsub (name, '.', '\\0%0%0'):gsub ('(.)%z%1','%1'):gsub ('%z.([^%z]+)', check_repeated)\n \n return true\n end\n \n function Details:SetNickname (name)\n \n --> check data before\n assert (type (name) == \"string\", \"NickTag 'SetNickname' expects a string on #1 argument.\")\n \n --> check if the nickname is okey to allowed to use.\n local okey, errortype = NickTag:CheckName (name)\n if (not okey) then\n NickTag:Msg (\"SetNickname() invalid name \", name)\n return false, errortype\n end\n \n --> here we format the text to match titles, e.g converts name like \"JASON NICKSHOW\" into \"Jason Nickshow\". \n if (DETAILS_NICKNAME_EXTENDER_TITLECASE) then\n name = name:gsub (\"(%a)([%w_']*)\", titlecase)\n end\n \n local playerName = UnitName (\"player\")\n \n --> get the full nick table.\n local nickTable = NickTag:GetNicknameTable (playerName)\n if (not nickTable) then\n nickTable = NickTag:Create (playerName, true)\n end\n \n --> change the nickname for the player nick table.\n if (nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] ~= name) then\n nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] = name\n \n --increase the table revision\n NickTag:IncRevision()\n \n --> send the update for script which need it.\n NickTag.callbacks:Fire (\"NickTag_Update\", CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME)\n \n --> schedule a update for revision and broadcast full persona.\n --> this is a kind of protection for scripts which call SetNickname, SetColor and SetAvatar one after other, so scheduling here avoid three revisions upgrades and 3 broadcasts to the guild. \n if (not NickTag.send_scheduled) then\n NickTag.send_scheduled = true\n NickTag:ScheduleTimer (\"SendPersona\", 1)\n end\n \n else\n NickTag:Msg (\"SetNickname() name is the same on the pool \", name, nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME])\n end\n \n return true\n end\n \n if (enableGlobalNickname) then\n function NickTag:SendPersona()\n \n --check if the player has a persona\n local nickTable = NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\"), true)\n if (not nickTable) then\n return\n end\n NickTag:Msg (\"SendPersona() -> broadcast\")\n \n if (NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend and not NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend._cancelled) then\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend:Cancel()\n end\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend = nil\n NickTag.EventFrame.InfoSendCooldown = time() + 29\n \n --> updating my own persona\n NickTag.send_scheduled = false\n \n --> auto change nickname if we have an invalid nickname\n if (NickTag:GetNickname (UnitName (\"player\")) == LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_INVALID_NAME\"]) then\n nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] = UnitName (\"player\")\n end\n \n \n if (isMaster) then\n NickTag:SyncSiblings()\n end\n \n local serialized = NickTag:Serialize (1, 0, NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\")), 15)\n \n \n \n \n if GetNumGroupMembers() > 0 then \n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", serialized , \"GROUP\")\n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", serialized , \"RAID\") \n end\n \n if IsInGuild() then \n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", serialized , \"GUILD\")\n end\n end\n else\n function NickTag:SendPersona()\n \n --check if the player has a persona\n local nickTable = NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\"), true)\n if (not nickTable) then\n return\n end\n NickTag:Msg (\"SendPersona() -> broadcast\")\n \n if (NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend and not NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend._cancelled) then\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend:Cancel()\n end\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend = nil\n NickTag.EventFrame.InfoSendCooldown = time() + 29\n \n --updating my own persona\n NickTag.send_scheduled = false\n \n --auto change nickname if we have an invalid nickname\n if (NickTag:GetNickname (UnitName (\"player\")) == LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_INVALID_NAME\"]) then\n nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] = UnitName (\"player\")\n end\n \n --broadcast over guild channel\n if (IsInGuild()) then\n if (isMaster) then\n NickTag:SyncSiblings()\n end\n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", NickTag:Serialize (CONST_COMM_FULLPERSONA, 0, NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\")), minor), \"GUILD\")\n end\n \n end\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", 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["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Converts name like \"JASON NICKSHOW\" into \"Jason Nickshow\"", ["key"] = "enableTitleCase", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Enable Title Case", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Enable this option to show your nickname to all players in your group or raid.", ["key"] = "enableGlobalNickname", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Enable Global Nickname", ["width"] = 1, }, }, ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["semver"] = "1.0.1", ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["id"] = "Details! 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"3", }, ["power_operator"] = { "==", }, ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["useRem"] = true, ["type"] = "aura2", ["unit"] = "player", ["auranames"] = { "387895", }, ["remOperator"] = ">=", ["useName"] = true, ["rem"] = "10", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", 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["borderInset"] = 1, }, ["Todo anchor 1"] = { ["user_y"] = 0, ["user_x"] = 0, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasTheWarWithinHelper/50", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia\n-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n-- World quest Availibility --\naura_env.is_world_quest_available = function(quest)\n if not C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTimeLeftSeconds(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\nlocal HuntCount = aura_env.config.TD.HuntNum\n-- Title items --\n--Norah#21256 thank you for French Tranlations\n--Beatrice#2650 & Podwiznaia#2373 thank you both for help with the Russian Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion), Lars, phoi thank you all for your japanese Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion) thank you for your Dutch Translations\n--Zamy thank you for your Koreran Translations\n--三皈依#3388 thank you for your Translations\n--hohunide thank you for your Translations\n--N3cro#92 thank you for your Translations\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n overviewHeadline = { enUS = 'Tamas Dragonflight helper',\n deDE = 'Aufgabenliste:',\n zhTW = '的任務列表: ', \n zhCN = ' 任务列表:', \n ruRU = 'Список дел ' ,\n frFR = 'Liste de choses à faire :' ,\n jaJP = 'タマのやること帳・ ',\n koKR = '숙제 리스트 ',\n }, \n \n worldBoss = { \n enUS = '|cff99FF99World Boss: |r',\n deDE = 'Weltboss: ',\n zhTW = '世界首領', \n zhCN = '世界BOSS: ',\n ruRU = 'Мировой босс:',\n frFR = 'Boss mondial: ',\n nlNL = 'Wereld Baas',\n jaJP = 'ワールドボス',\n koKR = '필드보스',\n },\n \n \n worldQuests = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF990World Quests: |r',\n deDE = 'Welt-Quests: ',\n zhTW = '世界任務', \n zhCN = '世界任务: ',\n ruRU = 'МЛокальные задания:',\n frFR = 'Quêtes mondiales: ',\n nlNL = 'World Quests',\n jaJP = 'アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '전역 퀘스트',\n },\n \n weeklyQuest = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Aiding the Accord: |r',\n deDE = 'Unterstützung des Abkommens ',\n zhTW = '支援協調者:', \n zhCN = '协助援军: ',\n ruRU = 'Содействие Соглашению: ',\n frFR = 'Aider le concordat: ',\n nlNL = 'Accord Assistentie',\n jaJP='アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '협의회 지원',\n },\n \n CommunityFeast = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Community Feast: |r',\n deDE = ' Gemeinschaftliches Festmahl: ',\n zhTW = '集體盛宴:', \n zhCN = '社区盛宴: ',\n ruRU = 'Большое пиршество: ',\n frFR = 'Festin tribal: ',\n nlNL = 'Gemeenschap`s Feestmaal',\n jaJP = 'コミュニティの宴会',\n koKR = '공동체 잔치',\n },\n \n elements = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Trial of Elements: |r',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Elemente:',\n zhTW = '元素的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '元素审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание элементов: ',\n frFR = 'L’épreuve des éléments: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Elementen',\n jaJP = '五大の試し',\n koKR = '원소의 시험',\n },\n \n flood = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Trial of Flood: |r',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Flut:',\n zhTW = '洪流的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '洪水的审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание наводнения: ', \n frFR = 'L’épreuve du déluge: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Overstroming',\n jaJP = '洪水の試し',\n koKR = '홍수의 시험',\n },\n \n SoDK = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Siege of Dragonscale Keep: |r',\n deDE = 'Belagerung der Drachenfluchfestung: ',\n zhTW = '攻打龍禍要塞: ', \n zhCN = '围攻灭龙要塞: ',\n ruRU = 'Осада драконьей погибели: ',\n frFR = 'Siege du Fleau-des-dragons: ',\n nlNL = 'Belegering van Fort Dragonscale',\n jaJP =' ドラゴンスケール天守の包囲',\n koKR = '용의 파멸 성채 공성전',\n },\n \n Hunt = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Grand Hunts: |r',\n deDE = 'Große Jagd: ',\n zhTW = '大狩獵: ', \n zhCN = '洪荒狩猎: ',\n ruRU = 'Великая охота: ',\n frFR = 'Grandes Chasses: ',\n nlNL = 'Grootse Jachten',\n jaJP = '盛大狩り',\n koKR = '사냥의 제전',\n },\n Chests = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF990Supply Chest (warmode): |r',\n deDE = 'Versorgungstruhe (Kriegsmodus): ',\n zhTW = '补给箱(战争模式): ', \n zhCN = '补给箱(战争模式): ',\n ruRU = 'Сундук питания (теплоход): ',\n frFR = 'Coffre d\\'approvisionnement (mode guerre): ',\n nlNL = 'Forsyningskiste (krigstilstand):',\n jaJP = '補給箱(ウォーモード)',\n koKR = '보급 상자 (전쟁 모드)',\n },\n SparksOfLife = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Sparks of life (warmode): |r',\n deDE = '|cff99FF99Funken des Lebens (Kriegsmodus):|r ',\n zhTW = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ', \n zhCN = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n ruRU = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n frFR = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n nlNL = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n jaJP = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n koKR = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n },\n Catalyst = {\n enUS = '|cff99FF99Revival Catalyst:|r ',\n deDE = '|cff99FF99Belebungskatalysator:|r ',\n zhTW = 'Revival Catalyst: ', \n zhCN = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n ruRU = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n frFR = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n nlNL = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n jaJP = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n koKR = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n },\n ---------------------------------------------season 02\n Niffen = {\n enUS = '|cff88ff88A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen: |r',\n deDE = '|cff88ff88Ein würdiger Verbündeter: Niffen von Loamm|r',\n },\n -- Researchers Under Fire\n Researchers = {\n enUS = '|cff88ff88Researchers Under Fire:|r ',\n deDE = '|cff88ff88Forscher unter Feuer|r',\n },\n Sniffin = {\n enUS = '|cff88ff88Sniff and seak:|r ',\n deDE = '|cff88ff88Schnuppern und schnüffeln|r',\n },\n --The Zaqali Elders\n worldBoss2 = { \n enUS = '|cff88ff88World Boss: Zaqali Elders|r',\n deDE = '|cff88ff884Weltboss: Älteste der Zaqali|r',\n zhTW = '世界首領 Zaqali Elders', \n zhCN = '世界BOSS: Zaqali Elders',\n ruRU = 'Мировой босс:Zaqali Elders',\n frFR = 'Boss mondial: Zaqali Elders',\n nlNL = 'Wereld Baas Zaqali Elders',\n jaJP = 'ワールドボス Zaqali Elders',\n koKR = '필드보스 Zaqali Elders',\n },\n HCQ = {\n enUS = '|cff88ff88Fighting is Its Own Reward:|r ',\n edDE= '|cff88ff88Kampf ist eine Belohnung in sich|r ',\n },\n Time = {\n enUS = '|cffffff88When Time Needs Mending:|r ',\n edDE= '|cffffff88Wenn die Zeit gebessert werden muss|r ',\n },\n -- intro quests\n Chapter0 = {enUS ='A Creche Divided:',}, \n \n IntroQ1_1 = {enUS = 'The Land Beneath:',},\n IntroQ1_2 = {enUS = 'A Crack in the World:',},\n IntroQ1_3 = {enUS = 'Where the Flames Fell:',},\n IntroQ1_4 = {enUS = 'Scar of Earth and Fire:',},\n IntroQ1_5 = {enUS = 'The Patience of Princes:',}, \n IntroQ1_6 = {enUS = 'It Was Not Enough:',},\n IntroQ1_7 = {enUS = 'Culling the Deep:',},\n IntroQ1_8 = {enUS = 'Niffen and Goliath:',},\n IntroQ1_9 = {enUS = 'Brothers Keeper:',},\n IntroQ1_10 = {enUS ='Secrets From Our Father:',}, \n IntroQ1_11 = {enUS ='The Earth Gives Way:',}, \n IntroQ1_12 = {enUS ='Smells like Loamm:',}, \n IntroQ1_13 = {enUS ='Welcome to the City of Smells:',}, \n IntroQ1_14 = {enUS ='Orientation: Loamm Niffen:',}, \n IntroQ1_15 = {enUS ='Six Hundred Feet Under:',}, \n Chapter1 = {enUS ='Breaking ground:',}, \n \n IntroQ2_1 = {enUS = 'Future Aspects',},\n IntroQ2_2 = {enUS = 'Save-A-Mole:',},\n IntroQ2_3 = {enUS = 'Collating Their Research:',},\n IntroQ2_4 = {enUS = 'Whose Vault Is It Anyway?:',},\n IntroQ2_5 = {enUS = 'Charging Up:',}, \n IntroQ2_6 = {enUS = 'Open That Door!:',},\n IntroQ2_7 = {enUS = 'Sundered Flames:',},\n IntroQ2_8 = {enUS = 'The Upper Hand:',},\n IntroQ2_9 = {enUS = 'Singed:',},\n IntroQ2_10 = {enUS ='Aspects of Our Legacy:',}, \n Chapter2 = {enUS ='Sundered Legacy:',}, \n \n IntroQ3_1 = {enUS ='Where There\\'s Smoke, There\\'s Fire',},\n IntroQ3_2 = {enUS ='Sight Beyond Sight',},\n IntroQ3_3 = {enUS ='Legends of the Zaqali',},\n IntroQ3_4 = {enUS ='Know Thy Enemy',},\n IntroQ3_5 = {enUS ='Take Out the Head',},\n IntroQ3_6 = {enUS ='Consequences',},\n IntroQ3_7 = {enUS ='Battlefield Triage',},\n IntroQ3_8 = {enUS ='Rushing Quality',},\n IntroQ3_9 = {enUS ='Alliance of Convenience',},\n IntroQ3_10 = {enUS ='Shut Them Down',},\n IntroQ3_11 = {enUS ='A Scale for a Scale',},\n IntroQ3_12 = {enUS ='From Hell\\'s Heart',},\n IntroQ3_13 = {enUS ='No Dragon Left Behind',},\n IntroQ3_14 = {enUS ='Raked Over the Coals',},\n IntroQ3_15 = {enUS ='The Endless Burning Sky',},\n IntroQ3_16 = {enUS ='In the Wake of the Ashes',},\n Chapter3 = {enUS ='The Ancient Bargain:',}, \n \n IntroQ4_1 = {enUS ='Here We Go Again',},\n IntroQ4_2 = {enUS ='The Obsidian Rest',},\n IntroQ4_3 = {enUS ='Report: Battlefield Ruins',},\n IntroQ4_4 = {enUS ='Blow It Up',},\n IntroQ4_5 = {enUS ='Thinning Their Defenses',},\n IntroQ4_6 = {enUS ='Intercepting Communications',},\n IntroQ4_7 = {enUS ='Air Superiority',},\n IntroQ4_8 = {enUS ='Investigating the Unknown',},\n IntroQ4_9 = {enUS ='Break Them Out',},\n IntroQ4_10 = {enUS ='Worst of the Worst',},\n Chapter4 = {enUS ='Inherited Sin:',}, \n \n IntroQ5_1 = {enUS ='Fading Embers',},\n IntroQ5_2 = {enUS ='A Whisper to Sabellian',},\n IntroQ5_3 = {enUS ='Appealing to the Black Prince',},\n IntroQ5_4 = {enUS ='With Our Powers Combined',},\n IntroQ5_5 = {enUS ='In the Right Hands',},\n IntroQ5_6 = {enUS ='Wipe Them Out',},\n IntroQ5_7 = {enUS ='Forward Camp',},\n IntroQ5_8 = {enUS ='Finding Sarkareth',},\n IntroQ5_9 = {enUS ='Cracking His Shell',},\n IntroQ5_10 = {enUS ='Stopping Sarkareth',},\n Chapter5 = {enUS ='Inevitable Confrontation:',}, \n \n TBS = {enUS ='The Buddy System',},\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------season 3 stuff\n DreamWardens = {\n enUS = '|cff44ff44A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens|r',\n --deDE = '',\n --zhTW = '', \n --zhCN = '',\n --ruRU = '',\n --frFR = '',\n --nlNL = '',\n --jaJP='',\n --koKR = '',\n },\n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n {name = \"weeklyQuest\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70750,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 72068,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 72373,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 72374,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 72375,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 75259,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 75859,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 75860,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n -- {questId = 75861,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Catalyst\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 75497,},--revival-catalyst\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"CommunityFeast\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70893,},-- Hidden quest ID 70893--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"SoDK\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70866,},-- confirm this Hidden ID72025 0r 70866--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Hunt\",maximum = HuntCount,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70906,},\n {questId = 71136,},\n {questId = 71137,},\n },\n },\n {name = \"flood\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71033,}, --Raging Torrent mobID 197221 hidden ID 71033 --\n },\n },\n {name = \"elements\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71995,}, --Therrocite mob id 197749--\n },\n },\n { name = \"worldBoss\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 69927,}, -- Bazual mobID 193532, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 69928,},-- Liskanoth mobID 193533, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 69929,},-- Strunraan mobID 193534, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 69930,},-- Basrikron mobID 193535, hidden ID####--\n \n },\n },\n {name = \"Chests\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 72376,}, --Supply Chest (warmode)\n },\n },\n {name = \"SparksOfLife\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 72646,},--Sparks of Life: The Waking Shores\n {questId = 72647,},--Sparks of Life: Ohn'ahran Plains\n {questId = 72648,},--Sparks of Life: The Azure Span\n {questId = 72649,},--Sparks of Life: Thaldraszus\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Season2\",\n quests = {\n \n },\n },\n --A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen\n {name = \"Niffen\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 75665,},\n },\n },\n --The Zaqali Elders\n { name = \"worldBoss2\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 74892,}, -- Zaqali Elders mobID 193532, hidden ID####--\n },\n },\n --Researchers Under Fire\n {name = \"Researchers\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 74905,},\n {questId = 74906,},\n {questId = 75629,},\n {questId = 75630,},\n -- {questId = 75943,},\n },\n },\n {name = \"Sniffin\", maximum = 3,\n quests = {\n {questId = 75459,},\n {questId = 76027,},\n {questId = 75621,},\n {questId = 75397,},\n {questId = 75517,},\n {questId = 75619,},\n {questId = 76014,},\n {questId = 75620,},\n {questId = 76081,},\n {questId = 75390,},\n {questId = 75234,},\n {questId = 75516,},\n {questId = 75996,},\n {questId = 76016,},\n {questId = 75393,},\n {questId = 76015,},\n {questId = 76084,},\n },\n },\n {name = \"HCQ\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 76122 ,},\n },\n },\n --- hc dungeon quest =76122 \n {name = \"Time\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 77236 ,},\n },\n },\n {name = \"Rift1\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 77826 ,},\n },\n },\n --Breaking ground\n { name = \"IntroQ1_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72975,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72976,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72977,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72978,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72981,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72873,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72872,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72970,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72980,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72874,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72979,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72973,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72974,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75643,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75644,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter1\", maximum = 15, quests = { \n {questId = 75644,}, \n {questId = 75643,}, \n {questId = 72974,},\n {questId = 72973,},\n {questId = 72979,},\n {questId = 72874,},\n {questId = 72975,}, \n {questId = 72976,}, \n {questId = 72977,}, \n {questId = 72978,}, \n {questId = 72981,}, \n {questId = 72873,}, \n {questId = 72872,}, \n {questId = 72970,}, \n {questId = 72980,}, \n }, },\n \n \n { name = \"IntroQ2_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74334,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72958,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74375,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72959,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72961,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72962,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75419,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72963,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72964,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_10\", maximum = 1, quests={ {questId = 72965,}, }, },\n \n {name = \"Chapter2\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 74334,},\n {questId = 72958,}, \n {questId = 74375,}, \n {questId = 72959,}, \n {questId = 72961,}, \n {questId = 72962,},\n {questId = 75419,}, \n {questId = 72963,}, \n {questId = 72964,}, \n {questId = 72965,}, \n }, },\n \n { name = \"IntroQ3_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72966,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72908,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72909,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72910,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72911,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72912,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72913,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72914,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72915,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72916,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74494,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72917,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72918,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72919,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72920,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75145,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter3\", maximum = 16, quests = { \n {questId = 72966,}, \n {questId = 72908,},\n {questId = 72909,},\n {questId = 72910,},\n {questId = 72911,},\n {questId = 72912,},\n {questId = 72913,}, \n {questId = 72914,},\n {questId = 72915,}, \n {questId = 72916,}, \n {questId = 74494,}, \n {questId = 72917,}, \n {questId = 72918,}, \n {questId = 72919,}, \n {questId = 72920,}, \n {questId = 75145,}, \n }, }, \n \n { name = \"IntroQ4_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72987,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74367,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74393,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74538,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74539,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74540,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74542,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74557,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74562,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75563,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter4\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 72987,}, \n {questId = 75367,},\n {questId = 74393,},\n {questId = 74538,},\n {questId = 74539,},\n {questId = 74540,},\n {questId = 74542,}, \n {questId = 74557,},\n {questId = 74562,}, \n {questId = 74563,},\n }, },\n \n \n { name = \"IntroQ5_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72922,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72923,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72924,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72925,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72926,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72928,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72931,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72927,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72929,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72930 ,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter5\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 72928,}, \n {questId = 72922,},\n {questId = 72923,},\n {questId = 72924,},\n {questId = 72925,},\n {questId = 72926,},\n {questId = 72931,}, \n {questId = 72927,},\n {questId = 72929,}, \n {questId = 72930 ,},\n }, },\n \n \n {name = \"TBS\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 74876,},\n }, },\n --------season 3 stuff\n {name = \"DreamWardens\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 78444,},\n }, },\n \n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n local todomainv = aura_env.config.TD.showOverviewmian\n local Catav = aura_env.config.TD.includeCatalyst\n --Include switches Season 01\n local todov = aura_env.config.TD.showOverview\n local wbv = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeWorldBoss\n local Cfv = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeCommunityFeast\n local elev = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeelements\n local floodv = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeFlood\n local SoDKv = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeSoDK\n local huntv = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeHunt\n local Warv = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeWar\n local WQv = aura_env.config.TD.S1C.includeWeeklyQuest\n -- season 02\n local todov2 = aura_env.config.TD.showOverview2\n local WQv2 = aura_env.config.TD.S2C.includeWeeklyQuest2\n local wbv2 = aura_env.config.TD.S2C.includeWorldBoss2\n local ResearchersV = aura_env.config.TD.S2C.includeResearchers\n local HCQV = aura_env.config.TD.S2C.includeHCQ\n local sniffV = aura_env.config.TD.S2C.includeSnS\n local WTime = aura_env.config.TD.includeTime\n -- season 03\n local todov3 = aura_env.config.TD.showOverview3\n local WQv3 = aura_env.config.TD.S3C.includeWeeklyQuest3\n \n --Hide switches\n local HideComp = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local wbh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Cfh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local eleh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local floodh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local SoDKh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local hunth = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local WQh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Warh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Catah = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n \n local WQh2 = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local wbh2 = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Researchersh = aura_env.config.TD.hide \n local sniffH = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local tracking = 0\n \n --Include switches\n local IntroQ1 = aura_env.config.IC.S2.Show1 --season 2 Breaking ground quest line\n local IntroQ2 = aura_env.config.IC.S2.Show2 --season 2 Sundered Legacy\n local IntroQ3 = aura_env.config.IC.S2.Show3 --season 2 The Ancient Bargain\n local IntroQ4 = aura_env.config.IC.S2.Show4 --season 2 Inherited sin\n local IntroQ4 = aura_env.config.IC.S2.Show5 --season 2 Inevitable Confrontation\n local Chapter = aura_env.config.IC.S2.ShowOV --season 2 Chapter overview\n \n local TBSS = aura_env.config.TD.ShowSniff --season 2 Sniff and seak Unlocked\n \n --Hide switches\n local IntroQ1_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ2_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ3_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ4_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ5_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local TBSh = aura_env.config.TD.hidee\n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to displaySparksOfLife\n todoEntry.name == 'SparksOfLife' and Warv and todov or--Sparks of Life (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'Chests' and Warv and todov or--Supply Chest (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and wbv and todov or -- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and Cfv and todov or-- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and elev and todov or--Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and floodv and todov or--Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and SoDKv and todov or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and huntv and todov or--Grand Hunts\n --todoEntry.name == 'Catalyst' and Catav and todov or--Catalyst\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and WQv and todov or--Aiding the Accord--\n \n --todoEntry.name == 'Sniffin' and sniffV and todov2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss2' and wbv2 and todov2 or--\n todoEntry.name == 'Researchers' and ResearchersV and todov2 or--\n todoEntry.name == 'HCQ' and HCQV and todov2 or-- <<< needs own switch\n todoEntry.name == 'Niffen' and WQv2 and todov2 or--\n todoEntry.name == 'Time' and WTime and todov2 or--\n \n --season 03 weekly\n todoEntry.name == 'DreamWardens' and WQv3 and todov3 or--\n \n --Story chapters Season 2\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_1' and IntroQ1 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_2' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_3' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_4' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_5' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_6' and IntroQ1 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_7' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_8' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_9' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_10' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_11' and IntroQ1 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_12' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_13' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_14' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_15' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter1' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_1' and IntroQ2 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_2' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_3' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_4' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_5' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_6' and IntroQ2 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_7' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_8' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_9' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_10' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter2' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_1' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_2' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_3' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_4' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_5' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_6' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_7' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_8' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_9' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_10' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_11' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_12' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_13' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_14' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_15' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_16' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter3' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_1' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_2' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_3' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_4' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_5' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_6' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_7' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_8' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_9' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_10' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter4' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_1' and IntroQ5 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_2' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_3' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_4' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_5' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_6' and IntroQ5 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_7' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_8' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_9' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_10' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter5' and Chapter or \n todoEntry.name == 'TBS' and TBSS then \n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' or todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss2' or todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n todoEntry.name == 'SparksOfLife' and HideComp or--Sparks of Life (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'Chests' and not HideComp or--Supply Chest (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and not HideComp or-- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and not HideComp or -- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and not HideComp or --Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and not HideComp or --Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and not HideComp or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and not HideComp or --Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'Catalyst' and not HideComp or--Catalyst\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and not HideComp or --Aiding the Accord--\n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'Sniffin' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss2' and not HideComp or--\n todoEntry.name == 'Researchers' and not HideComp or--\n todoEntry.name == 'HCQ' and not HideComp or--\n todoEntry.name == 'Niffen' and not HideComp or--\n \n todoEntry.name == 'Time' and not WTime or\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete Season 2\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_1' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_2' and not HideComp or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_3' and not HideComp or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_4' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_5' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_6' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_7' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_8' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_9' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_10' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_11' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_12' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_13' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_14' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_15' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter1' and not HideComp or\n \n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_1' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_2' and not HideComp or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_3' and not HideComp or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_4' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_5' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_6' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_7' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_8' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_9' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_10' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter2' and not HideComp or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_1' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_2' and not HideComp or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_3' and not HideComp or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_4' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_5' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_6' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_7' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_8' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_9' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_10' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_11' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_12' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_13' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_14' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_15' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_16' and not HideComp or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter3' and not HideComp or\n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_1' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_2' and not IntroQ4_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_3' and not IntroQ4_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_4' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_5' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_6' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_7' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_8' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_9' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_10' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter4' and not IntroQ1_h or \n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_1' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_2' and not IntroQ5_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_3' and not IntroQ5_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_4' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_5' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_6' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_7' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_8' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_9' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_10' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter5' and not IntroQ1_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'TBS' and not TBSh then\n \n entry ='\\n' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) \n end\n else\n entry ='\\n' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) \n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config.TD.showOverviewmian then\n --aura_env.config.TD.showOverview or aura_env.config.TD.showOverview2 or aura_env.config.TD.showOverview3 then -- cheack if use want to show\n \n text =text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('overviewHeadline'), 'ff00ff96')--apped header\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "local auraID, cloneID = aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId\nif region then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"WEEKLY_VAULT\", WeakAuras.GetRegion(auraID, cloneID).state.event, 0)\nend", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["desaturate"] = true, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["group"] = true, ["raid"] = true, ["solo"] = true, }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = false, ["level_operator"] = { ">=", }, ["groupSize"] = { "5", }, ["use_groupSize"] = true, ["use_difficulty"] = true, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_namerealm"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { ["multi"] = { true, [216] = true, [205] = true, [220] = true, [208] = true, }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["level"] = { "68", }, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeon,-US Mythic Dungeons", ["zoneIds"] = "c2274, 2214,2215,2255,2256,2339,2248,2022,2023,2024,2025,407", ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_level"] = true, ["groupSize_operator"] = { "<=", }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "texture", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Square_FullWhite", ["compress"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["uid"] = "qjtGzAGHkA4", ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["wagoID"] = "okkc0C1Hc", ["parent"] = "Todo list Pack", ["customText"] = "function()\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n \n return aura_env.text \nend", ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["unit"] = "player", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["names"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["version"] = 50, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["height"] = 3, ["rotate"] = false, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["mirror"] = false, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:todo list", ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { }, ["changes"] = { { }, }, }, }, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, }, ["color"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, ["semver"] = "1.0.53", ["config"] = { }, ["id"] = "Todo anchor 1", ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["width"] = 250, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SELECTFRAME", ["startAngle"] = 0, ["inverse"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 110002, ["orientation"] = "VERTICAL", ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = false, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = false, }, ["auraRotation"] = 0, }, ["DR2 Holy Power Overcapping"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 86, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["adjustedMax"] = "10", ["yOffset"] = -20, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/gn5mrFxGL/10", ["icon"] = false, ["fontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["icon_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 0.38039219379425, 0.68627452850342, 1, 1, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "PALADIN", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["use_class"] = true, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "pvp", ["multi"] = { ["flexible"] = true, ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["fortyman"] = true, ["ten"] = true, ["twentyfive"] = true, ["twenty"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 70, ["multi"] = { [70] = true, [65] = true, [66] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_vehicle"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["single"] = 3, ["multi"] = { [3] = true, }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = false, ["use_vehicleUi"] = false, ["difficulty"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["smoothProgress"] = true, ["useAdjustededMin"] = true, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["sparkDesaturate"] = false, ["texture"] = "VuhDo - Minimalist", ["zoom"] = 0, ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["displayIcon"] = "Liadrin's Fury Unleashed", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "gn5mrFxGL", ["parent"] = "Divine Resonance 2", ["customText"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, ["use_inverse"] = false, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["use_specific_unit"] = false, ["powertype"] = 9, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["itemSetName"] = 0, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["duration"] = "1", ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power"] = { "5", }, ["power_operator"] = { "==", }, ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["useRem"] = true, ["type"] = "aura2", ["unit"] = "player", ["auranames"] = { "387895", }, ["remOperator"] = "<", ["useName"] = true, ["rem"] = "10", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["useRem"] = true, ["type"] = "aura2", ["unit"] = "player", ["auranames"] = { "387895", }, ["remOperator"] = ">=", ["useName"] = true, ["rem"] = "5", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = true, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 10, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["height"] = 18, ["textureSource"] = "LSM", ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["backdropColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5, }, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "2sPQD1qOmtx", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = true, ["color"] = { }, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, ["glow_action"] = "show", }, ["finish"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["width"] = 38, ["xOffset"] = 160, ["config"] = { }, ["semver"] = "3.0.1", ["id"] = "DR2 Holy Power Overcapping", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["adjustedMin"] = "5", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "None", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.07843137254902, 0.07843137254902, 0.07843137254902, 0, }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["The Vizier"] = { ["user_y"] = 0, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["user_x"] = 0, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["adjustedMax"] = "0", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasTheWarWithinHelper/50", 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["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n if aura_env.config.NoneRenownReps.Vizier then\n \n return trigger[1] and not trigger[2]\n else \n return false\n end\n \nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["endAngle"] = 180, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["colorR"] = 1, ["duration"] = "2", ["alphaType"] = "alphaPulse", ["colorA"] = 1, ["colorG"] = 1, ["alphaFunc"] = "function(progress, start, delta)\n local angle = (progress * 2 * math.pi) - (math.pi / 2)\n return start + (((math.sin(angle) + 1)/2) * delta)\nend\n", ["use_alpha"] = true, ["type"] = "preset", ["easeType"] = "easeIn", ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["y"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["scalex"] = 1, ["preset"] = "fade", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["rotate"] = 0, ["colorB"] = 1, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", 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"none", ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_groupSize"] = true, ["use_level"] = true, ["level"] = { "68", }, ["groupSize_operator"] = { "<=", }, ["zoneIds"] = "c2274, 2214,2215,2255,2256,2339,2248,2022,2023,2024,2025,407", }, ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["displayText_format_1.standing1d_format"] = "none", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.35686275362968, 0, 0.42745101451874, 1, }, ["adjustedMin"] = "100", ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["displayIcon"] = "5862763", ["id"] = "The Vizier", ["uid"] = "nDEdtG0kqGZ", ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["tocversion"] = 110002, ["inverse"] = false, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL_INVERSE", ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["cooldown"] = false, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, }, ["Unending Light"] = { ["iconSource"] = -1, ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["adjustedMax"] = "", ["adjustedMin"] = "", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["cooldownSwipe"] = true, ["cooldownEdge"] = false, ["icon"] = true, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "aura2", ["useStacks"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["auranames"] = { "Unending Light", }, ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["useName"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["keepAspectRatio"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["desaturate"] = false, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_s_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%s", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, 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["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["information"] = { }, ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["zoom"] = 0, ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["uid"] = "JX6ZwE7kWwG", ["useCooldownModRate"] = true, ["id"] = "Unending Light", ["width"] = 64, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["alpha"] = 1, ["config"] = { }, ["inverse"] = false, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, }, ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "stacks", ["value"] = "8", ["op"] = ">=", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.3.glow", }, }, }, }, ["cooldown"] = true, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, }, ["Don't Release V2"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "NkAOjKJ6G", ["parent"] = "STUFF", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["customText"] = "", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["customTextUpdate"] = "update", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["message"] = "", ["do_sound"] = false, ["message_type"] = "PRINT", ["do_custom"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- seconds to hold down modifier to enable the release button\naura_env.TIMEOUT = aura_env.config.TIMEOUT\n\n-- should we auto-release if modifier is held down long enough?\naura_env.AUTO_RELEASE = aura_env.config.AUTO_RELEASE\n\n-- format the text that explains this behavior\naura_env.INFO_TEXT = \"Hold %s for %0.1f seconds to release.\"\naura_env.INFO_TEXT_SAFE = \"Keep holding and click the button.\"\n\n-- text shown below if someone can get back up and revive the group\naura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS = \"|cffFF5555%d |4RESSER:RESSERS; CAN REVIVE EVERYONE!|r\"\naura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS_NEARBY = \"|cffFF5555%d |4RESSER:RESSERS; CAN REVIVE YOU!|r\"\n\n-- auto release if in these minimap zones\naura_env.AUTO_RELEASE_IN_MINIMAP_ZONE = {\n [\"The Blessed Boughs\"] = 2549,\n [\"Heart of Amirdrassil\"] = 2549,\n}\n\n-- the filters below sets up the behavior in a specific check order\n-- first we check the type of instance, followed by the difficultyID, then instanceID\n-- this allows you to specify a waterfell type check depending on what you wish to accomplish:\n-- (1) type - by default we ignore scenarios, arena and pvp environments, and specify exactly what kind of party and raid content to run in\n-- (2) difficulty - by default we only check for mythic keystones, and modern raids in normal, heroic or mythic to run in\n-- (3) instance - anything unspecified above, you may specifically add it to the last list of instance ids\n-- these values should always be either true, false, or just comment to ignore\n-- true means to run the release blocking behavior, false means to disable it, and comment/ignore so the next check in order is ran instead\n\n-- (1) instance types\n-- https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetInstanceInfo\naura_env.INSTANCE_TYPES = {\n scenario = false,\n -- party = true, -- uncomment to enable in any party content\n -- raid = true, -- uncomment to enable in any raid content\n arena = false,\n pvp = false,\n}\n\n-- (2) instance difficulties\n-- https://wow.gamepedia.com/DifficultyID\naura_env.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES = {\n -- party\n -- [1] = false, -- Normal\n -- [2] = false, -- Heroic\n -- [23] = false, -- Mythic\n -- [8] = true, -- Mythic Keystone\n -- raid\n -- [14] = true, -- Normal\n -- [15] = true, -- Heroic\n -- [16] = true, -- Mythic\n}\n\n-- (3) instances\n-- https://wow.gamepedia.com/InstanceID\naura_env.INSTANCES = {\n -- [2296] = true, -- Castle Nathria\n -- [2450] = true, -- Sanctum of Domination\n}\n\n-- load config overrides into `aura_env.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES`\nlocal enableInMapToDifficultyID = {\n [1] = 1, -- Party - Normal\n [2] = 2, -- Party - Heroic\n [3] = 23, -- Party - Mythic\n [4] = 8, -- Party - Mythic Keystone\n [5] = 14, -- Raid - Normal\n [6] = 15, -- Raid - Heroic\n [7] = 16, -- Raid - Mythic\n}\nfor k, v in ipairs(aura_env.config.enableIn) do\n if v ~= nil then\n local instDiffID = enableInMapToDifficultyID[k]\n aura_env.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES[instDiffID] = v\n end\nend\n\n-- get modifier key\nlocal function IsModifierKeyDown()\n if aura_env.config.modKey == 1 then\n return IsShiftKeyDown, \"SHIFT\"\n elseif aura_env.config.modKey == 3 then\n return IsAltKeyDown, \"ALT\"\n end\n return IsControlKeyDown, \"CTRL\"\nend\n\n-- unit can revive others\nlocal function UnitCanReviveOthers(unit, cr)\n local _, _, classID = UnitClass(unit)\n return classID == 2 or classID == 5 or classID == 7 or classID == 10 or classID == 11 or classID == 13 or (cr and classID == 9)\nend\n\n-- any class with self-revive that can revive the group?\nlocal function GetNumRessers()\n local c, n = 0, 0\n for unit in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) then\n if UnitHasIncomingResurrection(unit) and UnitCanReviveOthers(unit, true) then\n c = c + 1\n end\n elseif UnitInRange(unit) and UnitCanReviveOthers(unit) then\n n = n + 1\n end\n end\n return c, n\nend\n\n-- copied from StaticPopup.lua#L26\nlocal function GetSelfResurrectDialogOptions()\n local resOptions = GetSortedSelfResurrectOptions()\n if resOptions then\n if IsEncounterLimitingResurrections() then\n return resOptions[1], resOptions[2]\n else\n return resOptions[1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n-- returns true if we are in a instance we want to run the release blocking behavior\nfunction aura_env:IsRunningAllowed()\n local _, instType, instDiffID, _, _, _, _, instID = GetInstanceInfo()\n local typeVal = instType and self.INSTANCE_TYPES[instType]\n local diffVal = instDiffID and self.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES[instDiffID]\n local instVal = instID and self.INSTANCES[instID]\n if typeVal ~= nil then\n return not typeVal\n elseif diffVal ~= nil then\n return not diffVal\n elseif instVal ~= nil then\n return not instVal\n end\n return true\nend\n\n-- returns the popup widget\nfunction aura_env:GetPopup()\n local _, sp = StaticPopup_Visible(\"DEATH\")\n return sp\nend\n\n-- returns true if we can release and the button is enabled by default\nfunction aura_env:CanRelease()\n local sp = self:GetPopup()\n local allowed = true\n if sp then\n if IsFalling() and not IsOutOfBounds() then\n allowed = false -- wait until corpse lands\n elseif IsEncounterSuppressingRelease() then\n allowed = false -- encounter keeps us dead\n elseif HasNoReleaseAura() then\n allowed = false -- forced to stay dead\n else\n -- self ress options with potential restrictions\n local option1, option2 = GetSelfResurrectDialogOptions()\n if option1 and not option1.canUse then\n allowed = false\n end\n if option2 and not option2.canUse then\n allowed = false\n end\n end\n end\n return allowed, sp\nend\n\n-- returns true if we aren't restricted and can release\nfunction aura_env:IsReleaseAllowed()\n local canRelease, sp = self:CanRelease()\n if canRelease and sp then\n -- is running not worth it?\n local allowed = aura_env:IsRunningAllowed()\n -- check if we have held modifier long enough - if we aren't allowed to run\n if not allowed then\n local _, remain = aura_env:UpdateModifierStatus()\n if remain then\n return remain <= 0\n end\n end\n -- is running allowed?\n return allowed\n end\n return true\nend\n\n-- called every second in order to keep the button status up-to-date\nfunction aura_env:UpdateButton()\n local canRelease, sp = self:CanRelease()\n if canRelease then\n -- update button status\n local status = self:IsReleaseAllowed()\n -- sp.button1:SetEnabled(status)\n sp.button1:SetShown(status)\n -- auto repop if the option is enabled\n if aura_env.AUTO_RELEASE then\n local zone = GetMinimapZoneText()\n if zone then\n local zoneInstID = aura_env.AUTO_RELEASE_IN_MINIMAP_ZONE[zone]\n if zoneInstID then\n local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, instID = GetInstanceInfo()\n if zoneInstID == instID then\n RepopMe()\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if status and aura_env.AUTO_RELEASE then\n RepopMe()\n end\n -- append our explanation text and resize the popup widget\n local text = sp.text:GetText()\n if text then\n local _, remain, modName = aura_env:UpdateModifierStatus()\n local t\n if remain and remain > 0 then\n t = format(self.INFO_TEXT, modName, remain)\n elseif remain then\n t = self.INFO_TEXT_SAFE\n else\n t = format(self.INFO_TEXT, modName, aura_env.TIMEOUT)\n end\n local c, n = GetNumRessers()\n if n > 0 then\n t = format(\"%s\\n%s\", aura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS_NEARBY:format(n), t)\n elseif c > 0 then\n t = format(\"%s\\n%s\", aura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS:format(c), t)\n end\n sp.text:SetText(t)\n StaticPopup_Resize(sp, sp.which)\n end\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n-- called to update modifier status, returns also seconds elapsed\nfunction aura_env:UpdateModifierStatus()\n local isModifierKeyDown, modifierKeyName = IsModifierKeyDown()\n if aura_env.TIMEOUT <= 0 then\n return 0, 0, modifierKeyName\n elseif isModifierKeyDown() then\n if not aura_env.keyPressed then\n aura_env.keyPressed = GetTime() + aura_env.TIMEOUT\n end\n else\n aura_env.keyPressed = nil\n end\n local elapsed = aura_env.keyPressed\n if elapsed then\n return elapsed, elapsed - GetTime(), modifierKeyName\n end\n return elapsed, nil, modifierKeyName\nend\n\n-- creates shake animation group\nlocal function CreateShake(sp)\n local a = sp:CreateAnimationGroup()\n a:SetLooping(\"REPEAT\")\n local t = a:CreateAnimation(\"Translation\")\n t:SetDuration(0)\n t:SetOffset(0, 0)\n a.t = t\n a:SetScript(\"OnStop\", function() t:SetOffset(0, 0) end)\n sp:HookScript(\"OnHide\", function() a:Stop() end)\n return a\nend\n\n-- starts shaking and updates the animation each call\nlocal function StartShaking(sp)\n local a = sp.DontReleaseAnimationGroup\n if not a then\n a = CreateShake(sp)\n sp.DontReleaseAnimationGroup = a\n end\n if not a:IsPlaying() then\n a:Play()\n end\n -- get distance from cursor to button\n local x1, y1 = sp.button1:GetCenter()\n local scale, x2, y2 = UIParent:GetEffectiveScale(), GetCursorPosition()\n x2, y2 = x2/scale, y2/scale\n local dist = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)\n -- create a linear shake that intensifies up to 100 pixels the closer we get to the button\n local t = min(100, max(1, 1000/(dist+1)))\n a.t:SetOffset(random(-t, t), random(-t, t))\nend\n\n-- stops shaking\nlocal function StopShaking(sp)\n local a = sp.DontReleaseAnimationGroup\n if not a then\n return\n end\n if a:IsPlaying() then\n a:Stop()\n end\nend\n\n-- update shake effect on the popup dialog\nfunction aura_env:UpdateShake()\n local canRelease, sp = self:CanRelease()\n if not sp then\n return\n end\n if not aura_env.config.APE then\n StopShaking(sp)\n elseif canRelease and self:IsReleaseAllowed() then\n StopShaking(sp)\n else\n StartShaking(sp)\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["use_unit"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["unit"] = "player", ["use_alive"] = false, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["custom_type"] = "status", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env:GetPopup() then\n aura_env:UpdateModifierStatus()\n aura_env:UpdateButton()\n aura_env:UpdateShake()\n return true\n end\nend\n\n\n", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["check"] = "update", ["event"] = "Health", ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 21, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["height"] = 0.99994909763336, ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_difficulty"] = false, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["flexible"] = true, ["twenty"] = true, ["ten"] = true, ["twentyfive"] = true, ["fortyman"] = true, ["party"] = true, }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["multi"] = { ["normal"] = true, ["challenge"] = true, ["mythic"] = true, ["heroic"] = true, }, }, ["use_size"] = false, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_alive"] = false, ["use_zone"] = false, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["displayText"] = " ", ["regionType"] = "text", ["conditions"] = { }, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/NkAOjKJ6G/21", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["uid"] = "fJvfzfdTdF5", ["semver"] = "1.0.13", ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["id"] = "Don't Release V2", ["wordWrap"] = "Elide", ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["width"] = 1.0000220537186, ["config"] = { ["TIMEOUT"] = 1, ["AUTO_RELEASE"] = false, ["modKey"] = 2, ["enableIn"] = { false, false, false, true, true, true, true, }, ["APE"] = false, }, ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Shift", "Control", "Alt", }, ["default"] = 2, ["key"] = "modKey", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Modifier key", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 60, ["step"] = 0.1, ["width"] = 2, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "TIMEOUT", ["name"] = "Hold key down for # seconds before enabling the release button", ["default"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "AUTO_RELEASE", ["desc"] = "When button is clickable, or when some specific bosses are listed as \"auto release\" like Tindral or Fyrakk.", ["default"] = false, ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Auto-release when release button is clickable", ["width"] = 2, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Enabling this makes the dialog shake a lot when you get closer to the button with your cursor.", ["key"] = "APE", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Enable Ape mode (EXPERIMENTAL)", ["width"] = 2, }, { ["type"] = "multiselect", ["values"] = { "Party - Normal", "Party - Heroic", "Party - Mythic", "Party - Mythic Keystone", "Raid - Normal", "Raid - Heroic", "Raid - Mythic", }, ["default"] = { false, false, false, true, true, true, true, }, ["key"] = "enableIn", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Enable release blocking behavior in the following instance types", ["width"] = 2, }, }, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["fixedWidth"] = 1, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["xOffset"] = 0, }, ["Beledarr Timer bar"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["wagoID"] = "okkc0C1Hc", ["parent"] = "Tama Bars", ["preferToUpdate"] = false, ["adjustedMin"] = "", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasTheWarWithinHelper/50", ["icon"] = true, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["use_unit"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["customDuration"] = "function()\n return 0, 100, true\nend", ["custom"] = "function(allstates, event, ...)\n -- Ensure allstates is initialized as a table\n allstates = allstates or {}\n \n -- Fetch the user settings from the custom options\n local cfg = aura_env.config.timers or {}\n local timerEnable = cfg.timerEnable\n local hideComplete = cfg.hideComplete\n local showBeledarr = cfg.Beledarr\n local questCompleted = C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(82813)\n \n -- Fetch the offset from the slider, default to 0 if not set\n local offsetMinutes = (cfg.timerOffset and cfg.timerOffset.Beledarr) or 0\n \n -- Convert offset from minutes to seconds\n local offsetSeconds = offsetMinutes * 60\n \n -- If timers are not enabled or if the timer is hidden when completed and the quest is complete, exit early\n if not timerEnable or (hideComplete and questCompleted) or not showBeledarr then\n if allstates[\"LightDarkCycle\"] then\n allstates[\"LightDarkCycle\"].show = false\n allstates[\"LightDarkCycle\"].changed = true\n end\n return true\n end\n \n local darkStartTimes = {0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21} -- Dark starts at these hours\n local darkDuration = 1800 -- 30 minutes in seconds\n local currentTime = (GetServerTime() + offsetSeconds) % 86400 -- Adjust the current time by the offset and keep it within a 24-hour cycle\n \n local isDark = false\n local timeRemaining = 0\n \n -- Loop through all Dark start times to determine current state and next phase\n for i, startHour in ipairs(darkStartTimes) do\n local darkStartTime = startHour * 3600\n local darkEndTime = darkStartTime + darkDuration\n \n if currentTime >= darkStartTime and currentTime < darkEndTime then\n -- We are currently in a Dark phase\n isDark = true\n timeRemaining = darkEndTime - currentTime\n break\n elseif currentTime < darkStartTime then\n -- Not yet in Dark phase; find time until the next Dark phase\n timeRemaining = darkStartTime - currentTime\n break\n end\n end\n \n -- If no upcoming Dark phase was found, calculate time until the first Dark phase of the next day\n if timeRemaining == 0 then\n timeRemaining = (24 * 3600) - currentTime + darkStartTimes[1] * 3600\n end\n \n -- Format time for display\n local hours = math.floor(timeRemaining / 3600)\n local minutes = math.floor((timeRemaining % 3600) / 60)\n local seconds = timeRemaining % 60\n local formattedTime = string.format(\"%02d:%02d:%02d\", hours, minutes, seconds)\n \n -- Check if the state exists or create a new one\n local state = allstates[\"LightDarkCycle\"]\n if not state then\n state = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n expirationTime = GetTime() + timeRemaining,\n duration = timeRemaining,\n name = isDark and \"Dark\" or \"Light\",\n value = isDark,\n displayText = formattedTime,\n icon = isDark and 1355358 or 608954,\n }\n allstates[\"LightDarkCycle\"] = state\n else\n -- Update the state with new values\n state.show = true\n state.changed = true\n state.progressType = \"timed\"\n state.expirationTime = GetTime() + timeRemaining\n state.duration = timeRemaining\n state.name = isDark and \"Dark\" or \"Light\"\n state.value = isDark\n state.displayText = formattedTime\n state.icon = isDark and 1355358 or 608954\n end\n \n -- Force update on expiration or state change\n if timeRemaining <= 1 then\n state.changed = true\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"FORCE_REFRESH_LIGHT_DARK\")\n end\n \n return true\nend\n\n\n", ["events"] = "DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER, FORCE_REFRESH_LIGHT_DARK", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "update", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["customVariables"] = "{\n active = {\n display = \"Event Active\",\n type = \"bool\",\n },\n remaining = {\n display = \"Remaining\",\n type = \"number\"\n },\n alert = {\n display = \"Alerts Active\",\n type = \"bool\"\n },\n name = 'string',\n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["icon_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["enableGradient"] = true, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["adjustedMax"] = "", ["barColor"] = { 0, 1, 0.77647066116333, 0, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["customText"] = "-- Custom Trigger Code to set the displayText correctly\nfunction(allstates, event, ...)\n local currentTime = GetServerTime()\n local formattedServerTime = date(\"%H:%M:%S\", currentTime)\n\n -- Other existing logic to calculate timeRemaining or isDark\n\n -- Format the display text with both the remaining time and current server time\n local formattedTime = string.format(\"%02d:%02d:%02d\", hours, minutes, seconds)\n allstates[event] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n displayText = formattedTime .. \"\\nServer Time: \" .. formattedServerTime, -- This sets %c for the display\n -- other state parameters...\n }\n return true\nend\n\n\n", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "|Cff0088ffGear Information Panel|r", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, }, { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "|cffb78727Weekly Vault|r", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "|cFF00ffaaRep Bars|r", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, }, { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "|cff99FF99Weekly Todo list Config|r", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "|cff9999ffItem / Currency Tracking|r", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "|cFFaaaaaatimers show/hide.|r|n(default: |cFF00ffaaenabled|r)", ["key"] = "timerEnable", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cFFaaaaaaToggle Timers|r", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "(default: |cFFc41e3adisabled|r)", ["key"] = "hideComplete", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cFFaaaaaaHide when Complete?|r", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "description", ["text"] = "\n", ["fontSize"] = "small", ["width"] = 2, }, { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Season 1 Evernt Timers", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Beledarr Timer bar, see Belowe for timer adjustment", ["key"] = "Beledarr", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cff00ccaaBeledarr Timer bar|r", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["useName"] = false, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "|cFFa99aaaTimer Alerts|r", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["desc"] = "play sound 5 mins before event start.|n(default: |cFFc41e3adisabled|r)", ["type"] = "multiselect", ["values"] = { "|cFF00ffffTheater Troupe|r", "Beledarr Timer bar", }, ["default"] = { false, false, }, ["key"] = "eventAlerts", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cff00ccaaEvent Alerts|r", ["width"] = 2, }, { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "|cFFff5500Timer Adjustments|r", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "range", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 120, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 0.65, ["min"] = -120, ["key"] = "Event1", ["bigStep"] = 1, ["name"] = "Theater Troupe", ["default"] = 0, }, { ["type"] = "range", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 120, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 0.65, ["min"] = -120, ["key"] = "Beledarr", ["bigStep"] = 1, ["name"] = "Beledarr", ["default"] = 0, }, }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["collapse"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFFaaaaaaTimer Offset|r", ["key"] = "timerOffset", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "select", ["default"] = 8, ["values"] = { "Europe", "North America", "KR", "TW", "CN (China)", "AU (Australia)", "BR (Brazil)", "Automatic", }, ["key"] = "region", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Region", ["width"] = 2, }, }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["collapse"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFFaaaaaaSelect Region For Theater only |nDefault Automatic|r", ["key"] = "regionForce", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["collapse"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "|cff5599aaTimers|r", ["key"] = "timers", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, }, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, { ["border_size"] = 1, ["border_anchor"] = "bg", ["border_offset"] = 0, ["border_color"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["border_visible"] = true, ["border_edge"] = "Square Full White", ["type"] = "subborder", }, { ["glowFrequency"] = 0.05, ["glow"] = true, ["glowDuration"] = 1, ["glowType"] = "Proc", ["glowThickness"] = 2, ["useGlowColor"] = true, ["glowYOffset"] = -2, ["glowColor"] = { 0.63921570777893, 0.20784315466881, 0.93333339691162, 1, }, ["glowXOffset"] = -2, ["glowLength"] = 20, ["type"] = "subglow", ["glow_anchor"] = "bg", ["glowScale"] = 1, ["glowLines"] = 15, ["glowBorder"] = false, }, { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%name ", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_text_format_name_format"] = "none", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 1, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_LEFT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, }, { ["text_text_format_p_time_format"] = 2, ["text_text"] = "%p", ["text_text_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_text_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["text_text_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", }, { ["text_text_format_p_time_format"] = 2, ["text_text"] = "Active", ["text_text_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 1, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_visible"] = false, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_CENTER", ["text_text_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["text_text_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", }, }, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["textureSource"] = "LSM", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = false, ["level_operator"] = { ">=", }, ["groupSize"] = { "5", }, ["use_groupSize"] = true, ["use_difficulty"] = true, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_namerealm"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { ["multi"] = { true, [216] = true, [205] = true, [220] = true, [208] = true, }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["level"] = { "68", }, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeon,-US Mythic Dungeons", ["zoneIds"] = "c2274, 2214,2215,2255,2256,2339,2248,2022,2023,2024,2025,407", ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_level"] = true, ["groupSize_operator"] = { "<=", }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, 0.11764706671238, 0.070588238537312, 0, }, ["source"] = "import", ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["id"] = "Beledarr Timer bar", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = false, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = false, }, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["version"] = 50, ["height"] = 18, ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "-- On Show Action\nlocal region = WeakAuras.GetRegion(aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId)\nif region and region.state and region.state.show then\n local color = region.state.color or {1, 1, 1} -- Default color (white) if nil\n region:Color(color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255, 0.8)\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"Master_Timer\", region.state.event, 1)\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.db = {\n [\"LightDarkCycle\"] = {\n [\"name\"] = {\n [\"enUS\"] = \"Light/Dark Cycle\", -- Add translations if necessary\n },\n [\"alert\"] = 0,\n [\"color\"] = {000, 255, 155},\n [\"questReq\"] = 1,\n [\"questID\"] = {83240},\n [\"interval\"] = 3600,\n [\"duration\"] = 600,\n [\"epoch\"] = {\n [1] = 1698494405, -- EU\n [2] = 1698447605, -- USA\n [3] = 1698483605, -- KR\n [4] = 1698483605, -- TW\n [5] = 1698480005, -- CN (China)\n [6] = 1698487205, -- AU (Australia)\n [7] = 1698440405, -- BR (Brazil)\n [8] =8,\n}}}", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "local 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aura_env.config.timers\n local lang = GetLocale()\n \n -- Get current region or fallback to regionForce\n local region = GetCurrentRegion() or cfg.regionForce.region\n \n -- for loop for DB entries\n for event, data in pairs(aura_env.db) do\n \n -- Quest completion\n local questP, questT = 0, data.questReq\n for _, questID in pairs(data.questID) do\n if questID ~= 0 then\n questP = C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(questID) and questP + 1 or questP\n end\n end\n local IsComplete = questP == questT\n \n if cfg.timerEnable and cfg[event] and ((cfg.hideComplete and not IsComplete) or (not cfg.hideComplete) or (evt == \"OPTIONS\")) then\n -- Check if the current region is within the provided data or if it has an automatic tag (8). If so, use regionForce.\n local regionKey = (data.epoch[region] and data.epoch[region] ~= 8) and region or cfg.regionForce.region\n local first = data.epoch[regionKey]\n local interval = data.interval\n local duration = data.duration\n local offset = cfg.timerOffset[event] * 60\n local next = interval - (((GetServerTime() + offset) - first) % interval)\n local active = interval - next < duration\n local remaining = duration - (interval - next)\n \n -- configure returned bar state\n allstates[event] = {\n active = active,\n alert = cfg.eventAlerts[data.alert] and true or false,\n autoHide = true,\n changed = true,\n color = data.color,\n duration = active and duration or interval - duration,\n event = event,\n expirationTime = GetTime() + (active and remaining or next),\n index = data.name[lang] or data.name[\"enUS\"],\n name = data.name[lang] or data.name[\"enUS\"],\n progressType = \"timed\",\n remaining = next,\n show = true,\n }\n end\n end\n \n return true\nend", ["events"] = 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WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"Master_Timer\", region.state.event, 1)end", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.db = {\n [\"Event1\"] = {\n [\"name\"] = {\n [\"deDE\"] = \"Die Theatertruppe\", -- German\n [\"enUS\"] = \"The Theater Troupe\", -- English\n [\"frFR\"] = \"La Troupe de Théâtre\", -- French\n [\"koKR\"] = \"극단\", -- Korean\n [\"ruRU\"] = \"Театральная труппа\", -- Russian\n [\"zhCN\"] = \"剧团\", -- Simplified Chinese\n [\"zhTW\"] = \"劇團\", -- Traditional Chinese\n [\"esES\"] = \"La Compañía de Teatro\", -- Spanish (Spain)\n [\"esMX\"] = \"La Compañía de Teatro\", -- Spanish (Mexico)\n [\"ptBR\"] = \"A Trupe do Teatro\", -- Portuguese (Brazil)\n [\"itIT\"] = \"La Compagnia Teatrale\", -- Italian\n [\"jaJP\"] = \"劇団\", -- Japanese\n [\"nlNL\"] = \"Het Theatergezelschap\" -- Dutch\n },\n [\"alert\"] = 0,\n [\"color\"] = {000, 255, 155},\n [\"questReq\"] = 1,\n [\"questID\"] = {83240},\n [\"interval\"] = 3600,\n [\"duration\"] = 600,\n [\"epoch\"] = {\n [1] = 1698494405, -- EU\n [2] = 1698447605, -- USA\n [3] = 1698483605, -- KR\n [4] = 1698483605, -- TW\n [5] = 1698480005, -- CN (China)\n [6] = 1698487205, -- AU (Australia)\n [7] = 1698440405, -- BR (Brazil)\n [8] =8,\n}}}", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "local auraID, cloneID = aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId\nC_Timer.After(0, function() WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\", auraID) end)\n\nlocal region = WeakAuras.GetRegion(auraID, cloneID)\nif region then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"Master_Timer\", region.state.event, 0)\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["zoom"] = 0, ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["uid"] = "K9khkRhX(d5", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 110002, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["frameStrata"] = 2, ["width"] = 250, ["alpha"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["timers"] = { ["regionForce"] = { ["region"] = 8, }, ["eventAlerts"] = { false, false, }, ["Event1"] = true, ["hideComplete"] = true, ["timerEnable"] = true, ["timerOffset"] = { ["Event1"] = 0, ["Beledarr"] = 60, }, }, }, ["inverse"] = false, ["semver"] = "1.0.53", ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "active", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0.21176472306252, 0.82745105028152, 0, 1, }, ["property"] = "sub.5.text_color", }, { ["value"] = false, ["property"] = "sub.6.text_visible", }, { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.7.text_visible", }, { ["value"] = { 0, 1, 0.14117647707462, 1, }, ["property"] = "sub.7.text_color", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -2, ["op"] = "<", ["variable"] = "AND", ["checks"] = { { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = ">", ["variable"] = "alert", ["value"] = 1, }, { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "active", ["value"] = 0, }, { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<", ["variable"] = "remaining", ["value"] = "300", }, }, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["sound_type"] = "Play", ["sound"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\BoxingArenaSound.ogg", ["sound_channel"] = "Master", }, ["property"] = "sound", }, { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.4.glow", }, }, }, }, ["barColor2"] = { 0, 0.76470595598221, 1, 1, }, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, }, ["Wind Debuff - Frame Glow Opposite Charge"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "TAmsZl439", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Enable Frame Glows", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "frameglow", ["desc"] = "Glows the frame of the players with opposite debuffs", }, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/thunder/35", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["glow_color"] = { 0.89803928136826, 0.90588241815567, 0.96470594406128, 1, }, ["glow_thickness"] = 4, ["glow_action"] = "show", ["glow_frequency"] = 0.3, ["glow_lines"] = 10, ["glow_type"] = "Pixel", ["use_glow_color"] = true, ["do_glow"] = true, ["glow_frame_type"] = "UNITFRAME", }, ["finish"] = { ["hide_all_glows"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.frameglow = {}\naura_env.frameGlowOn = aura_env.config.frameglow\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["useMatch_count"] = true, ["useStacks"] = false, ["useGroup_count"] = false, ["combinePerUnit"] = false, ["names"] = { }, ["stacks"] = "1", ["group_count"] = "1", ["debuffType"] = "HARMFUL", ["showClones"] = true, ["useName"] = false, ["stacksOperator"] = ">=", ["useExactSpellId"] = true, ["group_countOperator"] = ">=", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["type"] = "aura2", ["match_count"] = "0", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["auraspellids"] = { "396369", }, ["unit"] = "group", ["useAffected"] = false, ["match_countOperator"] = ">", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["showClones"] = false, ["type"] = "aura2", ["stacksOperator"] = ">=", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["useExactSpellId"] = true, ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["useStacks"] = false, ["stacks"] = "1", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["names"] = { }, ["auraspellids"] = { "396364", }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["useName"] = false, ["debuffType"] = "HARMFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n if aura_env.frameGlowOn then\n return (t[1] and t[2])\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 35, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["load"] = { ["use_never"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, ["use_affixes"] = true, ["affixes"] = { ["single"] = 132, }, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_instance_type"] = true, }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["regionType"] = "text", ["displayText"] = "", ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["frameglow"] = false, }, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["semver"] = "2.0.18", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["tocversion"] = 100005, ["id"] = "Wind Debuff - Frame Glow Opposite Charge", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["uid"] = "n88gJOyAsbh", ["parent"] = "Affix - Thundering", ["preferToUpdate"] = false, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, }, ["M+ Timer Bar"] = { ["overlays"] = { { 0, 1, 0.10980392156863, 1, }, { 0.92941176470588, 1, 0, 1, }, }, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["adjustedMax"] = "", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/M+Timer/130", ["icon"] = false, ["icon_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["barColor"] = { 0.39607846736908, 0.59607845544815, 1, 1, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["font"] = "Vixar", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["affixes"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "challenge", ["multi"] = { ["challenge"] = true, }, }, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["talent3"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_size"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_instance_type"] = true, }, ["smoothProgress"] = false, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["texture"] = "Details Flat", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["wagoID"] = "zkhTYrEsG", ["parent"] = "M+ Dynamic Group", ["adjustedMin"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["customVariables"] = "{ \n chests = \"number\"\n}", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function(s, e, ...)\n if e == \"OPTIONS\" then\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID();\n if mapID then\n aura_env.mapID = mapID\n else\n mapID = aura_env.mapID\n end\n if mapID and mapID ~= 0 then\n aura_env.timer = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))\n aura_env.timelimit = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(mapID))\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer \n local chest = (aura_env.timer > aura_env.timelimit and 0) or (aura_env.timer > aura_env.two and 1) or (aura_env.timer > aura_env.three and 2) or 3\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+GetTime(),\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n return true\n \n end\n \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED\" then\n aura_env.started = false\n local timenow = GetTime()\n local time = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n -- play custom sound\n if aura_env.config.completions and aura_env.config.completionspath and select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) and not aura_env.completionplayed then\n aura_env.completionplayed = true\n PlaySoundFile(aura_env.config.completionspath, \"MASTER\")\n end\n -- add pb to aura_env.saved\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n if cmap and level then\n if not aura_env.saved then aura_env.saved = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap] then aura_env.saved[cmap] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level] = {} end\n \n aura_env.before = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"]\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] or time < aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] then\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] = time\n end\n end \n -- printing in chat\n local chest = select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n if aura_env.config[\"print\"] then\n local timer = (time/1000) \n local timeMS = select(2, strsplit(\".\", (timer))) or select(2, strsplit(\".\", (GetTime()-timer)))\n timeMS = (aura_env.decimalsF == 0 and 0) or (timeMS and string.sub(timeMS, 1, aura_env.decimalsF))\n if timer > 0 and timeMS and timeMS ~= 0 then\n timeMS = (\".%s\"):format(timeMS)\n else\n timeMS = \"\"\n end\n local current = aura_env.formattime(math.floor(timer))\n local timertext = (\"%s%s\"):format(current, timeMS) or \"00:00\"\n timertext = timertext..\"/\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit)\n \n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers ~= 3 then\n aura_env.threeDD = (chest == 3 and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.three-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 2 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.three)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.twoDD = ((chest == 2 or (chest == 3 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.two-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 1 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.two)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.maxDD = ((chest == 1 or (chest > 1 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit-timer)..\"|r\")\n or (chest == 0 and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.timelimit)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.threeDD, aura_env.twoDD, aura_env.maxDD = aura_env.threeDD ~= \"\" and \"3Chest:\"..aura_env.threeDD or \"\" , aura_env.twoDD ~= \"\" and \"2Chest:\"..aura_env.twoDD or \"\", aura_env.maxDD ~= \"\" and \"1Chest:\"..aura_env.maxDD or \"\"\n else\n aura_env.threeDD, aura_env.twoDD, aura_env.maxDD = \"\", \"\", \"\"\n end\n if select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) then\n timertext = aura_env.color..timertext..\"|r\"\n else\n timertext = \"|cFFFF0000\"..timertext..\"|r\"\n end\n print(\"Finish Time: \"..timertext, aura_env.threeDD, aura_env.twoDD, aura_env.maxDD)\n end\n aura_env.timer = time/1000\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer \n \n if not s[\"\"] then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"static\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+timenow,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n total = aura_env.timelimit,\n value = timeremain,\n }\n else\n s[\"\"].progressType = \"static\"\n s[\"\"].expirationTime = timeremain+timenow\n s[\"\"].chests = chest\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n s[\"\"].total = aura_env.timelimit\n s[\"\"].value = timeremain\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" or e == \"STATUS\" then\n local time = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n local timenow = GetTime()\n if time == 0 then\n aura_env.completionplayed = false\n aura_env.expiresplayed = false\n aura_env.remainplayed = false\n aura_env.finish = 0\n aura_env.started = true\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n if mapID then\n aura_env.mapID = mapID\n else\n mapID = aura_env.mapID\n end\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = mapID\n aura_env.level = level\n if mapID and mapID ~= 0 then\n aura_env.timer = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))\n aura_env.timelimit = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(mapID)) \n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer\n aura_env.two = aura_env.timelimit*0.8\n aura_env.three = aura_env.timelimit*0.6\n \n local chest = (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.timelimit and 0) or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.two and 1) or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.three and 2) or 3\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+timenow,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n return true\n end\n elseif aura_env.cmap then -- if cmap already exists, STATUS event?\n aura_env.timer = time/1000\n aura_env.timelimit = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(aura_env.cmap))\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer \n local chest = select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n \n if not s[\"\"] then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+time,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n else\n s[\"\"].expirationTime = timeremain+time\n s[\"\"].chests = chest\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n end\n end\n elseif e == \"FRAME_UPDATE\" and ((not aura_env.last) or aura_env.last < GetTime()-aura_env.config.Interval) and (select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) == 0 or aura_env.started) then\n aura_env.last = GetTime()\n aura_env.timer = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))\n if (not aura_env.lasttimer) or aura_env.lasttimer ~= aura_env.timer then\n if not aura_env.cmap then\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.level = level\n end\n aura_env.lasttimer = aura_env.timer\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer\n \n local chest = \n select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) and select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.timelimit and 0) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.two and 1) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.three and 2) \n or 3\n \n \n if aura_env.config.timerexpires and aura_env.config.timerexpirespath and not aura_env.expiresplayed then\n if timeremain < 0 then\n aura_env.expiresplayed = true\n PlaySoundFile(aura_env.config.timerexpirespath, \"MASTER\")\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.config.timeremains and aura_env.config.timeremainspath and not aura_env.remainplayed then\n if timeremain > 0 and timeremain < aura_env.config.timeremainstime then\n aura_env.remainplayed = true\n PlaySoundFile(aura_env.config.timeremainspath, \"MASTER\")\n end\n end\n \n local expires = timeremain+GetTime()\n if not s[\"\"] then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = expires,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n \n else\n s[\"\"].expirationTime = expires\n s[\"\"].chests = chest\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n end\n return true\n end\n end\nend \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHALLENGE_MODE_START CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED FRAME_UPDATE", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 3, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "DecimalsF", ["name"] = "Decimals on Finish Time", ["default"] = 1, }, { ["desc"] = "", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Show only \"relevant\" Timer", "Show all non-expired Timers", "Show None", }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "ChestTimers", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Show Chest Timers", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Only for yourself, not in group or smth", ["key"] = "print", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Print Finish-Time in Chat", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 0.96078431372549, 1, 0, 1, }, ["key"] = "color", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Completion Color", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "range", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 2, ["step"] = 0.01, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0.01, ["key"] = "Interval", ["desc"] = "How often the Timer gets updated (faster = more CPU usage)", ["name"] = "Update Interval", ["default"] = 0.2, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "(This will show LEFT of the Timer Bar at the end of a Key) This compares your finish time with your personal best time on the same keystone level and fortified/tyrannical", ["key"] = "splits", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Display Split Timer", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Custom Sound Options - All disabled by default", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "completions", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Play Sound on Completion", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["mediaType"] = "sound", ["type"] = "media", ["useDesc"] = false, ["media"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\AirHorn.ogg", ["name"] = "Completion Sound Path", ["key"] = "completionspath", ["default"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\TadaFanfare.ogg", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "timerexpires", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Play Sound on Timer expiring", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["mediaType"] = "sound", ["type"] = "media", ["useDesc"] = false, ["media"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\AirHorn.ogg", ["name"] = "Timer expire Sound Path", ["key"] = "timerexpirespath", ["default"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\ErrorBeep.ogg", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "timeremains", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Play Sound at time remaining", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["mediaType"] = "sound", ["type"] = "media", ["useDesc"] = false, ["media"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\AirHorn.ogg", ["name"] = "Time remaining Sound Path", ["key"] = "timeremainspath", ["default"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\BoxingArenaSound.ogg", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 3000, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 0.7, ["min"] = 1, ["key"] = "timeremainstime", ["name"] = "Seconds remaining for sound", ["default"] = 300, }, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["colorR"] = 1, ["scalex"] = 1, ["colorA"] = 1, ["colorG"] = 1, ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["colorB"] = 1, ["y"] = 0, ["colorType"] = "custom", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["colorFunc"] = "\n\n", ["rotate"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["use_color"] = false, }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = false, ["information"] = { ["saved"] = "JX22I8TXQyjLwM5LzXziHqc4p7IDbgLq8LKjNGOvzLQXniAPY2bEbrlwG5YpiArNDRccIw6VCiHbrR5VeSeXtJvqmfAs3hSrW3))iyJqiR)lyJqiPcgSwf)ybcwRcTYwAr8WGOL6yeSwe(7pfSwKKvoGyR9pvWkvoZNwjYdX05tcwaRubEVjqm9kwhyLktH(a205FlzawlIwriPiFzGDZYAGLqSLZSeWsjz1CikihQkx3jWgHS95ceJy6Qc2ViV4lDkY7gyHeTSEaRvre0lWMU0lXhWAvYh(RqKFAGLsWDmBiHyRtbWMMWtYFWAvU80aSTlTUpfSwfP4yaB6kv7daBeYVYpioixHgsopreZnWomzUs7Gnsb8vfi22Z1eSrkrtHc4", ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, ["forceEvents"] = false, ["debugLog"] = false, }, ["config"] = { ["color"] = { 0.96078431372549, 1, 0, 1, }, ["timerexpires"] = false, ["splits"] = true, ["print"] = true, ["timeremains"] = false, ["timerexpirespath"] = "Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/Media/Sounds/ErrorBeep.ogg", ["timeremainstime"] = 300, ["completionspath"] = "Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/Media/Sounds/TadaFanfare.ogg", ["timeremainspath"] = "Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/Media/Sounds/BoxingArenaSound.ogg", ["Interval"] = 0.1, ["completions"] = false, ["DecimalsF"] = 1, ["ChestTimers"] = 1, }, 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aura_env.config[\"DecimalsF\"]\n\n\nlocal c = aura_env.config.color\nlocal col = {}\n\nfor i=1, 4 do\n if i == 4 then \n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n else\n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n end\n if string.len(col[i]) == 1 then\n col[i] = \"0\"..col[i]\n end\nend\n\naura_env.color = \"|c\"..col[4]..col[1]..col[2]..col[3]\n\naura_env.formattime = function(time, round)\n if time then\n local timeMin = math.floor(time / 60)\n local timeSec = round and Round(time - (timeMin*60)) or math.floor(time - (timeMin*60))\n local timeHour = 0\n if timeMin >= 60 then\n timeHour = math.floor(time / 3600)\n timeMin = timeMin - (timeHour * 60)\n end\n if timeHour > 0 and timeHour < 10 then\n timeHour = (\"0%d\"):format(timeHour)\n end\n if timeMin < 10 then\n timeMin = (\"0%d\"):format(timeMin)\n end\n if timeSec < 10 then\n timeSec = (\"0%d\"):format(timeSec)\n end \n if timeHour ~= 0 then\n return (\"%s:%s:%s\"):format(timeHour, timeMin, timeSec)\n else\n return (\"%s:%s\"):format(timeMin, timeSec)\n end\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["do_custom"] = false, ["hide_all_glows"] = true, }, }, ["displayText"] = "%c", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["useTooltip"] = false, ["semver"] = "1.3.41", ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.52409601211548, }, ["selfPoint"] = "LEFT", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["id"] = "M+ Timer Bar", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["customText"] = "function()\n \n aura_env.finish = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n local timer = (aura_env.finish ~= 0 and aura_env.finish/1000) or aura_env.timer or 0 \n local timeMS = select(2, strsplit(\".\", (timer))) or select(2, strsplit(\".\", (GetTime()-timer)))\n local timertext = \"\"\n \n \n local split\n \n if aura_env.finish ~= 0 then\n timeMS = (aura_env.decimalsF == 0 and 0) or (timeMS and string.sub(timeMS, 1, aura_env.decimalsF))\n if (aura_env.start or timer > 0) and timeMS and timeMS ~= 0 then\n timeMS = (\".%s\"):format(timeMS)\n else\n timeMS = \"\"\n end\n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers ~= 3 then\n local current = aura_env.formattime(math.floor(timer))\n timertext = (\"%s%s\"):format(current, timeMS) or \"00:00\"\n timertext = timertext..\"/\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit)\n local chest = select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n aura_env.threeD = (chest == 3 and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.three-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 2 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.three)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.twoD = ((chest == 2 or (chest == 3 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.two-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 1 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.two)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.maxD = ((chest == 1 or (chest > 1 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit-timer)..\"|r\")\n or (chest == 0 and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.timelimit)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n else\n aura_env.threeD, aura_env.twoD, aura_env.maxD = \"\", \"\", \"\"\n end \n \n if select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) then\n timertext = aura_env.color..timertext..\"|r\"\n else\n timertext = \"|cFFFF0000\"..timertext..\"|r\"\n end\n \n \n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n local haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"]\n if haspb and aura_env.before then \n local cur = aura_env.finish\n local pb = aura_env.before\n if cur == pb then\n split = \"|cFFFFEA00+-0\"\n else\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"|cFF00FF00-\" or \"|cFFFF0000+\"\n local diff = (cur-pb)/1000\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n split = prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff, true)\n end\n end\n \n else\n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers ~= 3 then\n aura_env.threeD = (aura_env.timer < aura_env.three and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.three-aura_env.timer)) or \"\"\n aura_env.twoD = (aura_env.timer < aura_env.two and (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.three or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.two-aura_env.timer)) or \"\"\n aura_env.maxD = (aura_env.timer < aura_env.timelimit and (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.two or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer)) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.timelimit and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timer-aura_env.timelimit)..\"|r\")\n or \"\"\n else\n aura_env.threeD, aura_env.twoD, aura_env.maxD = \"\", \"\", \"\"\n end\n \n local current = aura_env.formattime(timer)\n timertext = current..\"/\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit)\n \n end\n if WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n if timer == 0 then \n timertext = \"22:00/38:00\"\n end\n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers and aura_env.threeD == \"\" then\n aura_env.threeD = \"00:48\"\n aura_env.twoD = \"08:24\"\n aura_env.maxD = \"16:00\"\n end\n if aura_env.config.splits and not split then\n split = \"|cFF00FF00-\"..aura_env.formattime(134, true)\n end\n end\n return timertext, split, aura_env.threeD, aura_env.twoD, aura_env.maxD\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["inverse"] = true, ["useAdjustedMin"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["variable"] = "chests", ["value"] = "0", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0.34901960784314, 0.35294117647059, 0.36078431372549, 1, }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, { ["value"] = false, ["property"] = 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aura_env.region then\n aura_env.region:SetRegionHeight(forces+timer+bosses+info)\n aura_env.region:SetOffset(0, -2) \n return true\n end\n end\nend", ["events"] = "RELOE_SETBGHEIGHT", ["customIcon"] = "", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "\n\n", }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["selfPoint"] = "TOP", ["desaturate"] = false, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["version"] = 130, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, { ["type"] = "subborder", ["border_size"] = 1, ["border_color"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["border_visible"] = true, ["border_edge"] = "1 Pixel", ["border_offset"] = 0, }, }, ["height"] = 164, ["rotate"] = false, ["load"] = { ["use_size"] = true, ["use_never"] = false, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "challenge", ["multi"] = { ["challenge"] = true, 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["useMatch_count"] = true, ["stacksOperator"] = ">=", ["match_countOperator"] = ">", ["group_countOperator"] = ">", ["useGroup_count"] = false, ["unit"] = "group", ["useStacks"] = false, ["stacks"] = "1", ["match_count"] = "0", ["auraspellids"] = { "396369", }, ["group_count"] = "0", ["type"] = "aura2", ["useExactSpellId"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HARMFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1] and not trigger[2]\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["adjustedMax"] = "", ["customText"] = "", ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, 0.098039224743843, 0.18823531270027, 1, }, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Enable Say Bubbles", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "saybubble", ["desc"] = "This will enable the /say bubbles that show your marker above your head", }, { 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["do_message"] = true, ["message_type"] = "SAY", }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.saybubble = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleOn = aura_env.config.saybubble\naura_env.saybubbletimer = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn = aura_env.config.saybubbletimer\naura_env.soundFiles = {}\naura_env.soundchannels = {}\naura_env.soundChannelSelected = aura_env.config.soundchannels\naura_env.lightsay = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleLightOn = aura_env.config.lightsay\naura_env.circlevisual = {}\naura_env.circleVisualOff = aura_env.config.circlevisual\n\n-- Check for Say Bubble Custom Option Selection --\nif aura_env.sayBubbleOn == true then\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"{rt7}\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"Cleared\"\nelse\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"\"\nend\n\n-- Check for BigWigs or DBM for audio file --\nif IsAddOnLoaded(\"BigWigs\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\Bigwigs\\\\Media\\\\Sounds\\\\Amy\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelseif IsAddOnLoaded(\"DBM-Core\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\DBM-Core\\\\sounds\\\\Corsica\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelse\n local file = (\"\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nend\n\n-- Assign Audio Channel\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 1 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Master\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 2 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Sound Effects\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 3 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Ambient Sounds\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 4 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Dialog\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 5 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Music\"\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Ring_10px.tga", ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.79840935766697, }, ["mirror"] = false, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "progresstexture", ["load"] = { ["affixes"] = { ["single"] = 132, ["multi"] = { [132] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_instance_type"] = true, ["encounterid"] = "2537", ["use_zoneIds"] = false, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["difficulty"] = { }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_affixes"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["zoneIds"] = "g413", ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, }, ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["startAngle"] = 0, ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["overlayclip"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["lightsay"] = false, ["saybubble"] = true, ["circlevisual"] = true, ["soundchannels"] = 1, ["saybubbletimer"] = true, }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["semver"] = "2.0.18", ["tocversion"] = 100005, ["id"] = "Wind Debuff - Clear Available", ["width"] = 120, ["frameStrata"] = 5, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["compress"] = false, ["uid"] = "YRGetmEYC4y", ["inverse"] = false, ["auraRotation"] = 0, ["orientation"] = "ANTICLOCKWISE", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -1, ["variable"] = "customcheck", ["value"] = "function(s)\n if s[1].active and s[2].active and aura_env.circleVisualOff == true then\n return true\n end\nend", }, ["changes"] = { { ["property"] = "alpha", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "15", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "14", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "12", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "11", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "9", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "8", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "6", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, 0.40000003576279, 0.45098042488098, 1, }, ["property"] = "foregroundColor", }, { ["value"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.80718572437763, }, ["property"] = "backgroundColor", }, { ["property"] = "sub.2.text_visible", }, { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_visible", }, { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[5], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[4], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "3", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[3], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "2", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[2], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "1.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["op"] = "==", ["checks"] = { { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, { ["value"] = 1, ["variable"] = "show", }, }, ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", ["trigger"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[1], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, }, }, }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["backgroundOffset"] = 0, }, ["Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour Timer"] 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s.expirationTime = s.remaining + GetTime()\n s.changed = true\n return true\n elseif not combat and not s.paused then\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n elseif event ==\"CAUSESE_DEVOUR_AFFIX\" and triggerNum then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n expirationTime = 80+GetTime(),\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = 80,\n autoHide = true,\n }\n if not WeakAuras.GetActiveTriggers(aura_env.id)[2] then\n local s = s[\"\"]\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n end\n return true\n end\nend\n\n\n\n", ["events"] = "TRIGGER:2:3:4 CAUSESE_DEVOUR_AFFIX", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["unit"] = "player", ["customVariables"] = "{\n expirationTime = true,\n duration = true,\n \n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", 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"Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\AirHorn.ogg", ["do_message"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.circlevisual = {}\naura_env.circleVisualOff = aura_env.config.circlevisual\naura_env.saybubble = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleOn = aura_env.config.saybubble\n\n-- Check for Say Bubble Custom Option Selection --\nif aura_env.sayBubbleOn == true then\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"{rt6}\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"Cleared\"\nelse\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"\"\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Ring_10px.tga", ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.79840935766697, }, ["mirror"] = false, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "progresstexture", ["load"] = { ["affixes"] = { ["single"] = 132, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_instance_type"] = true, ["encounterid"] = "2537", ["use_zoneIds"] = false, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["difficulty"] = { }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_affixes"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["zoneIds"] = "g413", ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, }, ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["startAngle"] = 0, ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["overlayclip"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["saybubble"] = true, ["circlevisual"] = true, }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["semver"] = "2.0.18", ["tocversion"] = 100005, ["id"] = "Lightning Debuff - Clear Unavailable", ["width"] = 120, ["frameStrata"] = 5, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["compress"] = false, ["uid"] = "ffySIvoamYq", ["inverse"] = false, ["auraRotation"] = 0, ["orientation"] = "ANTICLOCKWISE", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -1, ["variable"] = "customcheck", ["value"] = "function(s)\n if s[1].active == true and s[2].active == false and aura_env.circleVisualOff == true then\n return true\n end\nend", }, ["changes"] = { { ["property"] = "alpha", }, }, }, }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["backgroundOffset"] = 0, }, ["Holy Power 5 DM"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 86, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Enable No Dawn Grey Holy Power", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "dadgreyhp", ["desc"] = "Turns your Holy Power grey whenever you're missing your Dawn buff", }, }, ["adjustedMax"] = "100", ["yOffset"] = -20, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/gn5mrFxGL/10", ["icon"] = false, ["fontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["icon_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 0.59607845544815, 0.61176472902298, 0.65882354974747, 1, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "PALADIN", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["use_class"] = true, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = false, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "pvp", ["multi"] = { ["flexible"] = true, ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["fortyman"] = true, ["ten"] = true, ["twentyfive"] = true, ["twenty"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 65, ["multi"] = { [70] = true, [65] = true, [66] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { [385125] = true, }, }, ["use_vehicle"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["single"] = 3, ["multi"] = { [3] = true, }, }, ["use_talent"] = false, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["use_vehicleUi"] = false, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spellknown"] = 337746, ["zoneIds"] = "", }, ["smoothProgress"] = false, ["useAdjustededMin"] = true, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["sparkDesaturate"] = false, ["texture"] = "VuhDo - Minimalist", ["zoom"] = 0, ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["displayIcon"] = "Liadrin's Fury Unleashed", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "gn5mrFxGL", ["parent"] = "Holy Power Dawn Missing", ["customText"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, ["use_inverse"] = false, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["use_specific_unit"] = false, ["powertype"] = 9, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["itemSetName"] = 0, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["duration"] = "1", ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power"] = { "5", }, ["power_operator"] = { ">=", }, ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["use_debuffClass"] = false, ["auraspellids"] = { "385127", }, ["useExactSpellId"] = true, ["matchesShowOn"] = "showOnMissing", ["useName"] = false, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n if aura_env.dadGreyHpOn then\n return (t[1] and t[2])\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = true, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 10, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["height"] = 18, ["textureSource"] = "LSM", ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["backdropColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5, }, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "6uHiDH8icUH", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = true, ["color"] = { }, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, ["glow_action"] = "show", }, ["finish"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.dadgreyhp = {}\naura_env.dadGreyHpOn = aura_env.config.dadgreyhp\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["width"] = 38, ["xOffset"] = 160, ["config"] = { ["dadgreyhp"] = false, }, ["semver"] = "3.0.1", ["id"] = "Holy Power 5 DM", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["adjustedMin"] = "100", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "None", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.07843137254902, 0.07843137254902, 0.07843137254902, 0, }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["Smart Misdirect Updated"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "n9Sg1NLb5", ["parent"] = "HUNT", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "local tank_name = aura_env.config[\"priorityTankName\"]\nlocal defaultUnit = aura_env.config[\"defaultUnit\"]\nlocal debugOn = aura_env.config[\"debugOn\"]\nlocal spellName = \"\" -- Interlope doesn't work when you cast Interlope, it only works when you cast Misdirection, so we store the displayed spell here. I fucking hate blizzard.\nlocal last_tank_before_clear = \"\"\n\n--\n-- Author: Proxying - https://github.com/Proxying\n-- Idea from: Chilly @ Draenor\n-- Refactored by: Kovi @ Area52\n--\n--\n\nlocal getClassColorString = function(string)\n return WrapTextInColorCode(tostring(string), select(4, GetClassColor(select(2, UnitClass(\"player\")))))\nend\n\n-- A wrapper function with debug announcing capabilities\nlocal MisdirectSetAttribute = function(button, attribute, value)\n button:SetAttribute(attribute, value)\n \n local debugString = table.concat({\": Setting \\\"\", attribute, \"\\\" to \\\"\", tostring(value), \"\\\"\"})\n DebugPrint(table.concat({getClassColorString(\"DEBUG\"), debugString}))\n if debugOn then\n print(table.concat({getClassColorString(\"SmartMisdirect DEBUG\"), debugString}))\n end\nend\n\naura_env.setInterlopeOrMisdirect = function()\n local oldSpellName = spellName\n spellName = IsPlayerSpell(248518) and tostring(select(1, GetSpellInfo(248518))) or tostring(select(1, GetSpellInfo(34477))) -- Set displayed spell name to \"Interlope\" if we know Interlope, or \"Misdirect\" if we don't\n \n if oldSpellName ~= \"\" and oldSpellName ~= spellName then\n print(table.concat({getClassColorString(\"SmartMisdirect\"), \" updated to use \", getClassColorString(spellName)}))\n end\n \n aura_env.smart_find_tank()\nend\n\naura_env.smart_find_tank = function()\n local tank_unit = nil\n local backup_tank = nil\n local priority_tank = false\n \n if tank_name ~= \"\" then\n priority_tank = true\n end\n \n if IsInRaid() and \"raid\" or \"party\" then\n for member_unit in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n -- To display names we need names, and the server doesn't always return them (thanks Blizzard). This method will re-run itself if it doesn't get a proper name at first\n if(tank_unit == nil) and UnitGroupRolesAssigned(member_unit) == \"TANK\" and UnitName(member_unit) ~= \"Unknown\" then\n if priority_tank and tank_name == UnitName(member_unit) then\n tank_unit = UnitName(member_unit)\n elseif priority_tank then\n backup_tank = UnitName(member_unit)\n else\n tank_unit = UnitName(member_unit)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if tank_unit == nil then\n if backup_tank == nil then\n if UnitName(\"pet\") ~= nil then\n tank_unit = IsPlayerSpell(248518) and \"player\" or \"pet\" -- Set to Player if we know Interlope, else Pet\n end\n else\n tank_unit = backup_tank\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.btn:GetAttribute(\"unit\") ~= tank_unit then\n if tank_unit == nil then\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"unit\", defaultUnit)\n else\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"unit\", tank_unit)\n if(last_tank_before_clear ~= tank_unit) then -- This gate is just to limit spamming when you have a pet as your tank and mount/land repeatedly\n local coloredSpellName = getClassColorString(spellName)\n local coloredTankName = WrapTextInColorCode(UnitName(tank_unit), select(4,GetClassColor(select(2,UnitClass(tank_unit)))))\n print(table.concat({coloredSpellName, \" updated with \", coloredTankName, \" as target\"}))\n end\n last_tank_before_clear = tank_unit\n end\n end\nend\n\n-- Initialization\nif SmartMisdirect == nil then\n aura_env.btn = CreateFrame(\"Button\", \"SmartMisdirect\", UIParent, \"SecureActionButtonTemplate\")\nelse\n aura_env.btn = SmartMisdirect\nend\n\nMisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"type\", \"spell\")\nMisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"unit\", defaultUnit)\n\nif select(3, UnitClass(\"player\")) == 4 then\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"spell\", 57934)\n spellName = \"Tricks of the Trade\"\nelse\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"spell\", 34477)\n aura_env.setInterlopeOrMisdirect()\nend\n\naura_env.smart_find_tank()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["custom"] = "--\n-- Author: Proxying - https://github.com/Proxying\n-- Idea from: Chilly @ Draenor\n-- Refactored by: Kovi @ Area52\n--\n--\n\nfunction(event)\n if event ~= \"PLAYER_STARTED_MOVING\" then\n if event == \"GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE\" or event == \"UNIT_PET\" or event == \"PET_BAR_UPDATE\" or event == \"PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD\" then\n aura_env.update_required = true\n -- Interlope PVP talent handling\n elseif (event == \"PVP_WORLDSTATE_UPDATE\" or event == \"PLAYER_PVP_TALENT_UPDATE\") and select(3, UnitClass(\"player\")) == 3 then\n aura_env.setInterlopeOrMisdirect()\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.update_required and not InCombatLockdown() then\n aura_env.smart_find_tank()\n aura_env.update_required = false\n end\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE,UNIT_PET,PET_BAR_UPDATE,PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD,PLAYER_STARTED_MOVING,PVP_WORLDSTATE_UPDATE,PLAYER_PVP_TALENT_UPDATE", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["desc"] = "Smart Misdirect will try to find your intended misdirection target automatically. If you are in a party/raid it will select a tank. If there is no available tank and you are a Hunter with an active pet summon, the pet will be set as your Misdirect target.\n\nRequires one of the following macros to cast;\n\nHunter;\n#showtooltip Misdirection\n/click SmartMisdirect\n\nRogue;\n#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade\n/click SmartMisdirect\n", ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 44, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["load"] = { ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 261, ["multi"] = { [253] = true, [255] = true, [259] = true, [260] = true, [261] = true, [254] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = false, ["use_class"] = false, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "HUNTER", ["multi"] = { ["HUNTER"] = true, ["ROGUE"] = true, }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["displayText"] = "SMU", ["regionType"] = "text", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/n9Sg1NLb5/44", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["conditions"] = { }, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Priority Tank Name", ["default"] = "", ["desc"] = "This tank will always be chosen first", ["key"] = "priorityTankName", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Default Unit", ["default"] = "target", ["desc"] = "Default behavior when no tanks or pets are found. Use e.g. \"target\" or \"focus\" or \"party4\" etc. (without quotes)", ["key"] = "defaultUnit", ["length"] = 50, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = true, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Prints more detailed information while things are happening, in order to facilitate finding problems", ["key"] = "debugOn", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Live Debug Enabled", ["width"] = 1, }, }, ["config"] = { ["debugOn"] = false, ["defaultUnit"] = "target", ["priorityTankName"] = "", }, ["semver"] = "1.0.43", ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["id"] = "Smart Misdirect Updated", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["uid"] = "OyhlBJwJUtM", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["information"] = { ["debugLog"] = false, ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = false, }, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", }, ["Bar - Shaman 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snippet()\n elseif type(snippet) == 'table' then\n -- If snippet is a table, get the localized text or fallback to defaultLocale\n result = snippet[aura_env.userLocale] or snippet[aura_env.defaultLocale] or name\n else\n -- Fallback if snippet is not found or invalid\n result = name\n end\n \n -- Cache the result for future use\n aura_env.cachedTextSnippets[name] = result\n \n return result\nend\naura_env.clearQuestCache = function(questID)\n if questID then\n aura_env.questCompletionCache[questID] = nil\n else\n aura_env.questCompletionCache = {}\n end\nend\n\n-- Cache for quest availability and completion to reduce API calls\naura_env.worldQuestCache = {}\naura_env.questCompletionCache = {}\n\naura_env.is_world_quest_available = function(quest)\n if not quest or type(quest) ~= 'number' then\n return false\n end\n \n -- Check cache first\n if aura_env.worldQuestCache[quest] ~= nil then\n return aura_env.worldQuestCache[quest]\n end\n \n -- Otherwise, calculate and cache the result\n local available = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTimeLeftSeconds(quest) ~= nil\n aura_env.worldQuestCache[quest] = available\n return available\nend\n\n-- Updated is_quest_completed function to check account-wide and character-specific completion\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if not quest or type(quest) ~= 'number' then\n return false\n end\n \n -- Check cache first\n if aura_env.questCompletionCache[quest] ~= nil then\n return aura_env.questCompletionCache[quest]\n end\n \n -- Determine quest completion type\n local completed\n if aura_env.is_reputation_quest(quest) then\n completed = C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompletedOnAccount(quest) or false\n else\n completed = C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) or false\n end\n \n -- Cache the result\n aura_env.questCompletionCache[quest] = completed\n return completed\nend\n\n-- Function to identify if a quest is a reputation quest based on quest ID or other criteria\naura_env.is_reputation_quest = function(questID)\n -- Example criteria: check if the quest belongs to a specific set of IDs known as reputation quests\n local reputationQuests = {\n -- Dorn Reputation Quests\n [79728] = true, [78294] = true, [82768] = true, [79703] = true, [78759] = true, [79342] = true,\n [78574] = true, [83087] = true, [82801] = true, [78999] = true, [83181] = true, [79282] = true,\n [82895] = true, [79525] = true, [83335] = true, [83339] = true, [83338] = true, [83337] = true,\n [79546] = true,\n \n -- Deep Reputation Quests\n [82814] = true, [81559] = true, [79565] = true, [82144] = true, [79682] = true, [79266] = true,\n [79510] = true, [81713] = true, [83331] = true, [80516] = true, [81999] = true, [79683] = true,\n [80407] = true, [81672] = true, [83162] = true, [83153] = true, [78564] = true, [79371] = true,\n [79944] = true,\n \n -- Fall Reputation Quests\n [79303] = true, [80382] = true, [80179] = true, [82480] = true, [78695] = true, [79168] = true,\n [79650] = true, [82284] = true, [80316] = true, [79110] = true, [79160] = true, [79222] = true,\n [80678] = true, [83322] = true, [79154] = true, [83247] = true, [79313] = true, [82848] = true,\n \n -- Kahet Reputation Quests\n [81685] = true, [79541] = true, [80572] = true, [80502] = true, [79349] = true, [79715] = true,\n [79580] = true, [83639] = true, [79357] = true, [79122] = true, [83057] = true, [81963] = true,\n \n --Hallowfall Fishing Derb\n [82778]= true, [83529]= true,[83530]= true,[83531]= true,[83532]= true,\n }\n \n return reputationQuests[questID] or false\nend \n\n\n\n\n\n-- Cache for localized quest names\naura_env.questNameCache = {}\n\naura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName = function(questID)\n if not questID or type(questID) ~= 'number' then\n return \"Invalid quest ID\"\n end\n \n -- Check cache first\n if aura_env.questNameCache[questID] then\n return aura_env.questNameCache[questID]\n end\n \n -- Attempt to retrieve the quest name from various sources\n local questName = C_TaskQuest.GetQuestInfoByQuestID(questID)\n if not questName or questName == \"\" then\n questName = C_QuestLog.GetTitleForQuestID(questID) -- Correct function\n end\n if not questName or questName == \"\" then\n questName = \"Quest not available (\" .. questID..\")\"-- Fallback message if no name can be found\n end\n \n -- Cache the result\n aura_env.questNameCache[questID] = questName\n \n return questName\nend\n\n-- Define color variables\naura_env.colors = {\n Weekly = \"66ff66\",\n Fish = \"22aaff\",\n Dorn = \"3e9eda\",\n Deep = \"ff6633\",\n Fall = \"ffb366\",\n HallowKQ= \"00aaff\",\n Kahet = \"ff3352\",\n Max = \"deb36e\",\n Rep = \"df80ff\",\n PVP = \"960b31\",\n -- New Head colors\n WeekHead = \"006600\", -- Darker shade of Weekly To-Do color\n DornHead = \"2176ab\", -- Darker shade of Isle of Dorn color\n DeepHead = \"cc3300\", -- Darker shade of The Ringing Deeps color\n FallHead = \"994d00\", -- Darker shade of Hallowfall color\n HallowKey = \"00ffaa\",\n KahetHead = \"990017\", -- Darker shade of Azj-Kahet color\n MaxHead = \"71501a\", -- Darker shade of Max Level Chapters color\n RepHead = \"730099\", -- Darker shade of Reputation Quests color\n PVPHead = \"f1114e\",\n}\n\n-- Define text snippets using color variables\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------localisation setup------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Title = {enUS = 'Tamas War Within helper', deDE = 'Tamas Kriegshelfer', zhTW = '任務列表: ', zhCN = '任务列表:', ruRU = 'Помощник в войне Тама', frFR = 'Assistant de guerre de Tamas', jaJP = 'タマのやること帳・ ', koKR = '타마의 전쟁 도우미'},\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Season 01 Weekly Quest------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n Weekly_DQ_S1 = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Weekly Dungeon Quest|r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wöchentliche Dungeon-Quest|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每週地下城任務|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每周地下城任务|r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Еженедельное задание подземелья|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Quête hebdomadaire de donjon|r',\n nlNL = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wekelijkse Dungeon Quest|r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '毎週ダンジョンクエスト|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '주간 던전 퀘스트|r'\n },\n \n Weekly_WQ_Caches_S1 = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Weekly World Quest caches x2|r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wöchentliche Weltquest-Caches x2|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每週世界任務寶箱 x2|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每周世界任务宝箱 x2|r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Еженедельные сундуки мировых заданий x2|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Caches de quête mondiale hebdomadaire x2|r',\n nlNL = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wekelijkse Wereld Quest caches x2|r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '毎週ワールドクエストキャッシュ x2|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '주간 월드 퀘스트 캐시 x2|r'\n },\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_Soul = function()\n return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82452) .. '|r'\n end,\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_Crafting = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Weekly Crafting Quests |r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wöchentliche Handwerksquests|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Quêtes hebdomadaires d\\'artisanat|r',\n esES = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Misiones semanales de artesanía|r',\n esMX = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Misiones semanales de artesanía |r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Еженедельные квесты на ремесло|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每周制作任务|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每週製作任務|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '주간 제작 퀘스트 |r',\n ptBR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Missões Semanais de Criação |r',\n itIT = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Missioni di Creazione Settimanali |r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '毎週の製作クエスト |r',\n nlNL = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wekelijkse Ambachtsopdrachten |r'\n },\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_zDorn = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Weekly the Isle of Dorn|r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wöchentlich die Insel Dorn|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Hebdomadaire l\\'Île de Dorn|r',\n esES = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal la Isla de Dorn|r',\n esMX = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal la Isla de Dorn|r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Еженедельно Остров Дорн|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每周多恩岛|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每週多恩島|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '주간 도른 섬|r',\n ptBR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal Ilha de Dorn|r',\n itIT = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Settimanale Isola de Dorn|r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '毎週のドーン島|r',\n nlNL = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wekelijks het Eiland Dorn|r'\n },\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_zRing = function()\n return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83333) .. '|r'\n end,\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_zHallow = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Weekly Hallowfall|r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wöchentlich Hallowfall|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Hebdomadaire Hallowfall|r',\n esES = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal Hallowfall|r',\n esMX = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal Hallowfall|r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Еженедельно Хэллоуфолл|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每周光明之陨|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每週聖落之地|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '주간 할로우폴|r',\n ptBR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal Hallowfall|r',\n itIT = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Settimanale Hallowfall|r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '毎週のハロウフォール|r',\n nlNL = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wekelijks Hallowfall|r'\n },\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_Sniffer = function()\n return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly.. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82946) .. '|r'\n end,\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_zKahet = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Weekly Azj-Kahet|r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wöchentliche Azj-Kahet|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Hebdomadaire Azj-Kahet|r',\n esES = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal Azj-Kahet|r',\n esMX = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Semanal Azj-Kahet|r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Еженедельный Азж-Кахет|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每週阿茲-卡赫特|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '每週阿茲-卡罕特|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '주간 아즈-카헤트|r',\n ptBR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Missão Semanal Azj-Kahet|r',\n itIT = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Settimanale Azj-Kahet|r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '毎週のアズ・カヘット|r',\n nlNL = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wekelijkse Azj-Kahet|r'\n },\n \n World_Boss_S1 = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'World Boss:|r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Weltboss:|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '世界首領|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '世界BOSS:|r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Мировой босс:|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Boss mondial:|r',\n nlNL = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'Wereld Baas|r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. 'ワールドボス|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. '월드 보스|r'\n },\n \n \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Isle of Dorn------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n Dorn_Chapter1 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Visions of Azeroth|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Visionen von Azeroth|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '艾澤拉斯的幻象|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '艾泽拉斯的幻象|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Видения Азерота|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Visions d’Azeroth|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'アゼロスの幻|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '아제로스의 환상|r'},\n Dorn_Chapter2 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Breaking Point|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Bruchstelle|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '突破點|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '突破点|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Критическая точка|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Point de rupture|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '限界点|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '결정적 순간|r'},\n Dorn_Chapter3 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Earthen Fissures|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Erdfissuren|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '大地裂縫|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '大地裂隙|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Земные трещины|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Fissures terrestres|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '大地の裂け目|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '대지의 균열|r'},\n Dorn_Chapter4 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'The First Blow|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Der erste Schlag|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '第一擊|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '第一次打击|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Первый удар|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. 'Le premier coup|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '最初の一撃|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. '첫 번째 타격|r'},\n \n Dorn_C1_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81930) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C1_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78714) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C1_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78715) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C1_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78716) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C1_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80500) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C1_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82540) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C1_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78529) .. '|r' end,\n \n Dorn_C2_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78529) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C2_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78530) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C2_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78531) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C2_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78532) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C2_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78533) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C2_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78534) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C2_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78535) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C2_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78536) .. '|r' end,\n \n Dorn_C3_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78460) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78468) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78457) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78459) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78461) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78464) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79553) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78463) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78462) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78470) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79701) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79721) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C3_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78471) .. '|r' end,\n \n Dorn_C4_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78538) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80022) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78539) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78540) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78541) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78542) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78543) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78544) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78545) .. '|r' end,\n Dorn_C4_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Dorn .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78546) .. '|r' end,\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hallowfall------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Fall_Chapter1 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'The Guiding Star|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Der Leitstern|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '指引之星|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '指引之星|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Ведущая звезда|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'L\\'étoile guide|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '導く星|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '인도하는 별|r'},\n Fall_Chapter2 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Gathering Shadows|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Schatten sammeln|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '集結陰影|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '集结阴影|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Сбор теней|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Rassembler les ombres|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '影を集める|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '그림자 모으기|r'},\n Fall_Chapter3 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Hope in Solidarity|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Hoffnung in Solidarität|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '團結中的希望|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '团结中的希望|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Надежда в солидарности|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. 'Espoir dans la solidarité|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '連帯の中の希望|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. '연대 속의 희망|r'},\n \n Fall_C1_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78658) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78659) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78665) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79999) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78666) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78667) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78668) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78669) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78670) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82836) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78671) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C1_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83551) .. '|r' end,\n \n Fall_C2_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78672) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78929) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78932) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78934) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78936) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78937) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78939) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78951) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78952) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81690) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C2_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78954) .. '|r' end,\n \n Fall_C3_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78630) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78613) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79297) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78626) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78614) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78615) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78620) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78621) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78624) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80049) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79089) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78627) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78628) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78629) .. '|r' end,\n Fall_C3_15 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fall .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78630) .. '|r' end,\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Ringing Deeps------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Deep_Chapter1 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'By Candlelight|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Bei Kerzenlicht|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '在燭光下|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '烛光下|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'При свечах|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'À la chandelle|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'キャンドルライトで|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '촛불 아래에서|r'},\n Deep_Chapter2 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Dark Revelations|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Dunkle Offenbarungen|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '黑暗啟示|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '黑暗启示|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Темные откровения|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Révélations sombres|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '暗黒の啓示|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '어두운 계시|r'},\n Deep_Chapter3 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'The Monster and the Machine|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Das Monster und die Maschine|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '怪物與機器|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '怪物与机器|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Монстр и машина|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'Le monstre et la machine|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. 'モンスターと機械|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. '괴물과 기계|r'},\n \n Deep_C1_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80434) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78555) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78557) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78837) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78838) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78631) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78839) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78634) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78635) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78637) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78638) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78636) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78640) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78639) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_15 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79205) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_16 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78641) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_17 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79267) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_18 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78642) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C1_19 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80082) .. '|r' end,\n \n Deep_C2_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80079) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78685) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78696) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78697) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78700) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78701) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78703) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78704) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78705) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C2_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78706) .. '|r' end,\n \n Deep_C3_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78738) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C3_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78741) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C3_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78742) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C3_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81798) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C3_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78760) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C3_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78761) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C3_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79354) .. '|r' end,\n Deep_C3_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Deep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81689) .. '|r' end,\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Azj-Kahet------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Kahet_Chapter1 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Friends in the Dark|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Freunde im Dunkeln|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '黑暗中的朋友|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '黑暗中的朋友|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Друзья во тьме|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Amis dans le noir|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '暗闇の中の友達|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '어둠 속의 친구들|r'},\n Kahet_Chapter2 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Unraveling the Trapped|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Entwirrung der Gefangenen|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '解開被困者的困境|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '解开被困者的困境|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Размотка пойманных|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Démêler les piégés|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '捕らわれた者を解きほぐす|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '갇힌 자를 풀어주다|r'},\n Kahet_Chapter3 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Plans Within Plans|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Pläne innerhalb von Plänen|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '計中計|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '计中计|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Планы в планах|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Des plans dans les plans|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '計画の中の計画|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '계획 속의 계획|r'},\n \n Kahet_C1_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78384) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78350) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78348) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78352) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78353) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79139) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78354) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78392) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78393) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C1_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83552) .. '|r' end,\n \n Kahet_C2_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78233) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80399) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78236) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78234) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78383) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78237) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79625) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79175) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78249) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78250) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78251) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78254) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78255) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C2_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78256) .. '|r' end,\n \n Kahet_C3_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78226) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78228) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78231) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78232) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78244) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78248) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(84022) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79197) .. '|r' end,\n Kahet_C3_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(84446) .. '|r' end,\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Max level Chapters-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n S1Max_Chapter1 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Against the Current|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Gegen den Strom|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '逆流而上|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '逆流而上|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Против течения|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Contre le courant|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '流れに逆らって|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '흐름에 역행|r'},\n S1Max_Chapter2 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'News from Below|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Nachrichten von unten|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '來自下方的消息|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '来自下方的消息|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Новости снизу|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Nouvelles d\\'en bas|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '下からのニュース|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '아래에서 오는 소식|r'},\n S1Max_Chapter3 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Ties That Bind|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Bande, die binden|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '聯繫的紐帶|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '联系的纽带|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Узы, которые связывают|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Liens qui unissent|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '結びつける絆|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '결속의 끈|r'},\n S1Max_Chapter4 = {enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'The Machines March to War|r', deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Die Maschinen marschieren in den Krieg|r', zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '機械戰爭|r', zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '机器战争|r', ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Машины идут на войну|r', frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. 'Les machines marchent à la guerre|r', jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '機械の戦争への行進|r', koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. '기계들이 전쟁을 향해 행진하다|r'},\n \n --S1Max_C1_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(84365) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C1_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79197) .. '|r' end,\n -- S1Max_C1_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(84446) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C1_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79333) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C1_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82153) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C1_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83271) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C1_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83286) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C1_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83315) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C1_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79344) .. '|r' end,\n \n S1Max_C2_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79224) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79227) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79230) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79233) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79237) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79239) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79240) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79241) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79243) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C2_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79244) .. '|r' end,\n \n S1Max_C3_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79107) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81914) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79124) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79475) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79476) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79129) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79146) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79140) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79145) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81915) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79477) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79147) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81912) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81913) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_15 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79480) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_16 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79156) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C3_17 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79157) .. '|r' end,\n \n S1Max_C4_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79022) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79023) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79024) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79217) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79025) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79324) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79026) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79027) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79325) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79028) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80145) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80517) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79029) .. '|r' end,\n S1Max_C4_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79030) .. '|r' end,\n \n \n S1Max_C5_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Max .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78941) .. '|r' end,\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reputation Quest level Chapters-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Dorn_RQ_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79728) .. '|r' end, -- It's Probably Nothing\n Dorn_RQ_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78294) .. '|r' end, -- Thunderhead Butt\n Dorn_RQ_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82768) .. '|r' end, -- Cloud Fishing\n Dorn_RQ_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79703) .. '|r' end, -- Hope, An Anomaly\n Dorn_RQ_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78759) .. '|r' end, -- To Wake a Giant\n Dorn_RQ_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79342) .. '|r' end, -- As He Departs\n Dorn_RQ_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78574) .. '|r' end, -- Boss of the Bosk\n Dorn_RQ_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83087) .. '|r' end, -- The Old Guard\n Dorn_RQ_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82801) .. '|r' end, -- Beetlejeweled\n Dorn_RQ_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78999) .. '|r' end, -- Heart of a Hero\n Dorn_RQ_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83181) .. '|r' end, -- Best Friends, Same Ends\n Dorn_RQ_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79282) .. '|r' end, -- The Grand Debut\n Dorn_RQ_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82895) .. '|r' end, -- The Weight of Duty\n Dorn_RQ_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79525) .. '|r' end, -- Report to the Councilward\n Dorn_RQ_15 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83335) .. '|r' end, -- Wanted: The Boroughbreaker\n Dorn_RQ_16 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83339) .. '|r' end, -- The Spirebreaker\n Dorn_RQ_17 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83338) .. '|r' end, -- The Mage Slayer\n Dorn_RQ_18 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83337) .. '|r' end, -- Stormscarred\n Dorn_RQ_19 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79525) .. '|r' end, -- Report to the Councilward\n Dorn_RQ_20 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79546) .. '|r' end, -- The Machine Speakeasy\n \n Deep_RQ_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82814) .. '|r' end, -- Decommissioning Darkness\n Deep_RQ_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81559) .. '|r' end, -- Fog Follower\n Deep_RQ_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79565) .. '|r' end, -- Janky Candles\n Deep_RQ_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82144) .. '|r' end, -- On the Road\n Deep_RQ_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79682) .. '|r' end, -- Critical Pressure\n Deep_RQ_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79266) .. '|r' end, -- The Bronzebread Legacy\n Deep_RQ_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79510) .. '|r' end, -- The Wickless Candle\n Deep_RQ_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81713) .. '|r' end, -- Oozemodius\n Deep_RQ_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83331) .. '|r' end, -- Preserve and Pretend\n Deep_RQ_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80516) .. '|r' end, -- Bump of the Boss\n Deep_RQ_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81999) .. '|r' end, -- New Home, New Candle!\n Deep_RQ_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79683) .. '|r' end, -- Home is Where the Candle is\n Deep_RQ_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80407) .. '|r' end, -- The Ringing Deeps\n Deep_RQ_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81672) .. '|r' end, -- In a Pinch\n Deep_RQ_15 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83162) .. '|r' end, -- Put it Back, Put it Back!\n Deep_RQ_16 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83153) .. '|r' end, -- Sampling Stream\n Deep_RQ_17 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78564) .. '|r' end, -- Reforged Purpose\n Deep_RQ_18 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79371) .. '|r' end, -- A Royal Cure\n Deep_RQ_19 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79944) .. '|r' end, -- Raging Rifts\n \n Fall_RQ_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79303) .. '|r' end, -- A Principled Principal\n Fall_RQ_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80382) .. '|r' end, -- Eggs in One Basket\n Fall_RQ_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80179) .. '|r' end, -- Finding Justice\n Fall_RQ_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82480) .. '|r' end, -- Job Killing Robot Or ...\n Fall_RQ_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78695) .. '|r' end, -- Lamp Lit\n Fall_RQ_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79168) .. '|r' end, -- Light's Gambit\n Fall_RQ_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79650) .. '|r' end, -- Priory of the Sacred Flame: A Brother's Grief\n Fall_RQ_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82284) .. '|r' end, -- Remembrance for the Fallen\n Fall_RQ_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80316) .. '|r' end, -- Return to the Sea\n Fall_RQ_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79110) .. '|r' end, -- Save Tomothy\n Fall_RQ_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79160) .. '|r' end, -- Fishing is Good for the Soul\n Fall_RQ_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79222) .. '|r' end, -- Shadow-Hardened Mainspring\n Fall_RQ_13 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80678) .. '|r' end, -- Time Lost\n Fall_RQ_14 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83322) .. '|r' end, -- The Dawnbreaker: The Christening\n Fall_RQ_15 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79154) .. '|r' end, -- A Final Goodbye\n Fall_RQ_16 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83247) .. '|r' end, -- Suspicious Minds\n Fall_RQ_17 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79313) .. '|r' end, -- What Grows in the Dark\n Fall_RQ_18 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(82848) .. '|r' end, -- Sous\n \n Kahet_RQ_1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81685) .. '|r' end, -- Azj-Kahet's, Next Top Dyemaster\n Kahet_RQ_2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79541) .. '|r' end, -- Burn it with Fire\n Kahet_RQ_3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80572) .. '|r' end, -- Discordant Measures\n Kahet_RQ_4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80502) .. '|r' end, -- Don't Cry for Me, Azj-Kahet\n Kahet_RQ_5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79349) .. '|r' end, -- Entrepreneur, Inc.\n Kahet_RQ_6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79715) .. '|r' end, -- Grand, Gutsy Solutions\n Kahet_RQ_7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79580) .. '|r' end, -- Offensive Counter\n Kahet_RQ_8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83639) .. '|r' end, -- Open Communications\n Kahet_RQ_9 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79357) .. '|r' end, -- Removing the Cap\n Kahet_RQ_10 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79122) .. '|r' end, -- Scarab Scouting\n Kahet_RQ_11 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83057) .. '|r' end, -- Setting Boundaries\n Kahet_RQ_12 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Rep .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81963) .. '|r' end, -- The Fruits of Our Labo \n \n MajorKeyflames = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Major Keyflames|r', \n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Hauptschlüssel-Flammen|r', \n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '高階鑰炎|r', \n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '高階鑰炎|r', \n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Основные огни|r', \n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Flammes Clés Majeures|r', \n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '主要な鍵の炎|r', \n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '주요 키플레임|r'\n },\n \n Hallow_KMajor1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79471) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMajor2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79470) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMajor3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79469) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMajor4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79380) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMajor5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79329) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMajor6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78657) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMajor7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78590) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMajor8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(76338) .. '|r' end,\n \n MinorKeyflames = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Minor Keyflames|r', \n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Nebenschlüssel-Flammen|r', \n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '低階鑰炎|r', \n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '低階鑰炎|r', \n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Второстепенные огни|r', \n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. 'Flammes Clés Mineures|r', \n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '小さな鍵の炎|r', \n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Kahet .. '보조 키플레임|r'\n },\n Hallow_KMinor1 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(76600) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMinor2 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(79216) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMinor3 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(76997) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMinor4 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78972) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMinor5 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78933) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMinor6 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(78656) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMinor7 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(81632) .. '|r' end,\n Hallow_KMinor8 = function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.HallowKQ .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(80004) .. '|r' end,\n \n \n PVPPreserving = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Preserving in Quest|r', \n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Bewahren in Quest|r', \n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. '保護任務中|r', \n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. '保護任務中|r', \n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Сохранение в задании|r', \n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Préserver dans la Quête|r', \n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'クエスト内での保護|r', \n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. '퀘스트에서 보호하기|r'\n },\n \n PVPSparks = {\n enUS = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Sparks of War|r',\n deDE = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Funken des Krieges|r',\n zhTW = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. '戰爭之火花|r',\n zhCN = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. '战争之火花|r',\n ruRU = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Искры войны|r',\n frFR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. 'Étincelles de Guerre|r',\n jaJP = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. '戦争の火花|r',\n koKR = '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.PVP .. '전쟁의 불꽃|r'\n },\n \n Weekly_WQ_S1_Fishing= function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Fish .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83532) .. '|r' end,\n Weekly_Delve_S1= function() return '|cff' .. aura_env.colors.Weekly .. aura_env.GetLocalizedQuestName(83366) .. '|r' end,\n}\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quest ID setup------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nlocal CacheMax = aura_env.config.ToDo.S1WeeklyToggles.CacheNum or 1\naura_env.todoList = { \n {name = \"World_Boss_S1\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 82653,},\n {questId = 81653,},\n }, },\n \n {name = \"Weekly_DQ_S1\", maximum = 1 , quests = { \n {questId = 83443},\n {questId = 83457},\n {questId = 83458},\n {questId = 83459},\n {questId = 83460},\n {questId = 83465},\n }, },--81606,83443\n {name = \"Weekly_Delve_S1\", maximum = 1 , quests = { \n {questId = 83366},\n }, },\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_Caches_S1\", maximum = CacheMax, quests = { \n {questId =83280,}, \n {questId =83281,}, \n {questId =82582,}, \n {questId =88738,}, \n {questId =88739,}, \n }, },--83280 (1st) 83281 (2nd)\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_Soul\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 82452}, \n {questId = 82482}, \n {questId = 82485}, \n {questId = 82511}, \n {questId = 82678}, \n {questId = 82708}, \n }, },\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_Crafting\", maximum = 2, quests = { \n {questId = 84127}, --Blacksmithing \n {questId = 84128}, --Engineering \n {questId = 84129}, --Inscription\n {questId = 84130}, --Jewelcrafting \n {questId = 84131}, --Leatherworking\n {questId = 84132}, --Tailoring\n {questId = 84133}, --Alchemy\n {questId = 84084}, -- enchanting\n {questId = 84085}, -- enchanting\n {questId = 84086}, -- enchanting\n {questId = 82965}, --Herbalism\n {questId = 82958}, --Herbalism\n {questId = 82916}, --Herbalism\n {questId = 82962}, --Herbalism\n {questId = 82970}, --Herbalism\n {questId = 83105}, --Mining\n {questId = 83106}, --Mining\n {questId = 83104}, --Mining\n {questId = 83103}, --Mining\n {questId = 83102}, --Mining\n {questId = 83098}, --Skinning\n {questId = 82993}, --Skinning\n {questId = 82992 }, --Skinning\n {questId = 83100}, --Skinning\n {questId = 83097}, --Skinning\n \n }, },\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_Fishing\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 82778},\n {questId = 83529},\n {questId = 83530},\n {questId = 83531},\n {questId = 83532},\n }, },\n \n \n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_zKahet\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 80670},\n {questId = 80671},\n {questId = 80672},\n -- {questId = 84737},\n -- {questId = 84736},\n }, },\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_zHallow\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 76586},\n {questId = 82050},\n }, },\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_Sniffer\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId =82946 },\n }, },\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_zRing\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 83333},\n }, },\n {name = \"Weekly_WQ_S1_zDorn\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 83240},\n {questId = 82291}, -- test using WQ\n }, },\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEveling and side quests + max level Story line season 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n --Dorn_Chapter 01 \n { name = \"Dorn_C1_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78713,81930 ,}, }, }, --{questId = 78713,},\n { name = \"Dorn_C1_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78714,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C1_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78715,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C1_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78716,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C1_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80500,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C1_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82540,}, }, },\n --[[ { name = \"Dorn_C1_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81966,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C1_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83543,}, }, },]]--\n { name = \"Dorn_C1_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78529,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_Chapter1\", maximum = 7, quests = { \n {questId = 78713,81930,}, \n {questId = 78714,}, \n {questId = 78715,},\n {questId = 78716,},\n {questId = 80500,},\n {questId = 82540,},\n --[[ {questId = 81966,}, \n {questId = 83543,}, ]]--\n {questId = 78529,}, \n }, },\n \n \n { name = \"Dorn_C2_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78529,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C2_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78530,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C2_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78531,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C2_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78532,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"Dorn_C2_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80334,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C2_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78533,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C2_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78534,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C2_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78535,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C2_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78536,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"Dorn_C2_10\", maximum = 1, quests={ {questId = 83548,}, }, },\n \n {name = \"Dorn_Chapter2\", maximum = 7, quests = { \n {questId = 78529,},\n {questId = 78530,}, \n {questId = 78531,}, \n {questId = 78532,}, \n -- {questId = 78534,}, \n {questId = 78533,}, \n {questId = 78535,}, \n {questId = 78536,}, \n -- {questId = 83548,}, \n }, },\n \n { name = \"Dorn_C3_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78460,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78468,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78457,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78459,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78461,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78464,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79553,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78463,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78462,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78470,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79701,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79721,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C3_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78471,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Dorn_Chapter3\", maximum = 13, quests = { \n {questId = 78460,}, \n {questId = 78468,},\n {questId = 78457,},\n {questId = 78459,},\n {questId = 78461,},\n {questId = 78464,},\n {questId = 79553,}, \n {questId = 78463,},\n {questId = 78462,}, \n {questId = 78470,}, \n {questId = 79701,},\n {questId = 79721,}, \n {questId = 78471,}, \n }, }, \n \n { name = \"Dorn_C4_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78538,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80022,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78539,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78540,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78541,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78542,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78543,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78544,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78545,}, }, },\n { name = \"Dorn_C4_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78546,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Dorn_Chapter4\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 78538,},\n {questId = 80022,},\n {questId = 78539,},\n {questId = 78540,},\n {questId = 78541,},\n {questId = 78542,},\n {questId = 78543,},\n {questId = 78544,},\n {questId = 78545,},\n {questId = 78546,},\n \n }, },\n \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deep------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n \n { name = \"Deep_C1_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80434,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78555,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78557,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78837,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78838,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78631,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78839,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78634,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78635,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78637,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78638,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78636,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78640,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78639,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79205,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78641,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_17\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79267,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_18\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78642,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C1_19\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80082,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"Deep_C1_20\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83550,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Deep_Chapter1\", maximum = 19, quests = { \n {questId = 80434,}, \n {questId = 78555,}, \n {questId = 78557,}, \n {questId = 78837,}, \n {questId = 78838,}, \n {questId = 78631,}, \n {questId = 78839,}, \n {questId = 78634,}, \n {questId = 78635,}, \n {questId = 78637,}, \n {questId = 78638,}, \n {questId = 78636,}, \n {questId = 78640,}, \n {questId = 78639,}, \n {questId = 79205,}, \n {questId = 78641,}, \n {questId = 79267,},\n {questId = 78642,}, \n {questId = 80082,}, \n -- {questId = 83550,}, \n }, }, \n \n \n { name = \"Deep_C2_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80079,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78685,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78696,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78697,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78700,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78701,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78703,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78704,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78705,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C2_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78706,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Deep_Chapter2\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 80079,}, \n {questId = 78685,}, \n {questId = 78696,}, \n {questId = 78697,},\n {questId = 78700,}, \n {questId = 78701,}, \n {questId = 78703,},\n {questId = 78704,}, \n {questId = 78705,}, \n {questId = 78706,}, \n }, },\n \n { name = \"Deep_C3_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78738,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C3_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78741,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C3_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78742,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"Deep_C3_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81798,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C3_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78760,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C3_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78761,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C3_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79354,}, }, },\n { name = \"Deep_C3_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81689,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Deep_Chapter3\", maximum = 7, quests = { \n {questId = 78738,}, \n {questId = 78741,}, \n {questId = 78742,}, \n -- {questId = 81798,}, \n {questId = 78760,}, \n {questId = 78761,}, \n {questId = 79354,}, \n {questId = 81689,}, \n }, },\n \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fall------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n { name = \"Fall_C1_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78658,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78659,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78665,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79999,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78666,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78667,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78668,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78669,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78670,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82836,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C1_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78671,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"Fall_C1_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83551,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Fall_Chapter1\", maximum = 11, quests = { \n {questId = 78658,}, \n {questId = 78659,}, \n {questId = 78665,}, \n {questId = 79999,}, \n {questId = 78666,}, \n {questId = 78667,}, \n {questId = 78668,}, \n {questId = 78669,}, \n {questId = 78670,}, \n {questId = 82836,}, \n {questId = 78671,}, \n -- {questId = 83551,}, \n }, }, \n --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- Gathering Shadows--------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------\n { name = \"Fall_C2_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78672,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78929,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78932,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78934,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78936,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78937,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78939,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78951,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78952,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81690,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C2_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78954,}, }, }, --Restore the Flame\n \n { name = \"Fall_Chapter2\", maximum = 11, quests = { \n {questId = 78672,}, \n {questId = 78929,}, \n {questId = 78932,}, \n {questId = 78934,}, \n {questId = 78936,}, \n {questId = 78937,}, \n {questId = 78939,}, \n {questId = 78951,}, \n {questId = 78952,}, \n {questId = 81690,}, \n {questId = 78954,}, \n }, }, \n --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- Hope in Solidarity--------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------\n { name = \"Fall_C3_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78630,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78613,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79297,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78626,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78614,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78615,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78620,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78621,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78624,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80049,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79089,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78627,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78628,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78629,}, }, },\n { name = \"Fall_C3_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78630,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Fall_Chapter3\", maximum = 15, quests = { \n {questId = 78630,},\n {questId = 78613,},\n {questId = 79297,},\n {questId = 78626,},\n {questId = 78614,},\n {questId = 78615,},\n {questId = 78620,},\n {questId = 78621,},\n {questId = 78624,},\n {questId = 80049,},\n {questId = 79089,},\n {questId = 78627,},\n {questId = 78628,},\n {questId = 78629,},\n {questId = 78630,},\n }, }, \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kahet------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n { name = \"Kahet_C1_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78384 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78350 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78348 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78352 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78353 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =79139 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78354 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78392 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C1_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78393 ,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"Kahet_C1_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =83552 ,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Kahet_Chapter1\", maximum = 9, quests = { \n {questId =78384,},\n {questId =78350,},\n {questId =78348,},\n {questId =78352,},\n {questId =78353,},\n {questId =79139,},\n {questId =78354,},\n {questId =78392,},\n {questId =78393,},\n -- {questId =83552,},\n }, }, \n \n \n { name = \"Kahet_C2_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78233 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =80399,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78236,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78234,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78383,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78237,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =79625,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =79175,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78249,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78250,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78251,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78254,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId =78255,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C2_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78256,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Kahet_Chapter2\", maximum = 14, quests = { \n \n {questId =78233,},\n {questId =80399,},\n {questId =78236,},\n {questId =78234,},\n {questId =78383,},\n {questId =78237,},\n {questId =79625,},\n {questId =79175,},\n {questId =78249,},\n {questId =78250,},\n {questId =78251,},\n {questId =78254,},\n {questId =78255,},\n {questId =78256,},\n \n \n }, }, \n \n { name = \"Kahet_C3_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78226,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C3_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78228,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C3_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78231,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C3_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78232,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C3_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78244,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C3_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78248,}, }, },\n { name = \"Kahet_C3_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 84022,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Kahet_Chapter3\", maximum = 7, quests = { \n {questId = 78226,}, \n {questId = 78228,}, \n {questId = 78231,}, \n {questId = 78232,}, \n {questId = 78244,}, \n {questId = 78248,}, \n {questId = 84022,}, \n \n }, }, \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Max level ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n --Against the Current\n -- { name = \"S1Max_C1_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 84365 ,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C1_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79197,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"S1Max_C1_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 84446,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C1_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79333,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C1_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82153, 79328,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C1_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83271,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C1_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83286,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C1_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83315,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C1_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79344,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_Chapter1\", maximum = 8, quests = { \n -- {questId = 84365,}, \n {questId = 79197,}, \n -- {questId = 84446,}, \n {questId = 79333,}, \n {questId = 82153,},\n {questId = 79328,}, \n {questId = 83271,}, \n {questId = 83286,}, \n {questId = 83315,}, \n {questId = 79344,}, \n \n }, },\n \n --News from Below\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79224,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79227,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79230,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79233,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79237,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79239,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79240,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79241,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79243,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C2_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79244,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_Chapter2\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 79224,}, \n {questId = 79227,}, \n {questId = 79230,}, \n {questId = 79233,}, \n {questId = 79237,}, \n {questId = 79239,}, \n {questId = 79240,}, \n {questId = 79241,}, \n {questId = 79243,}, \n {questId = 79244,}, \n \n }, },\n \n -- Ties That Bind\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79107,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81914,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79124,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79475,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79476,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79129,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79146,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79140,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79145,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81915,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79477,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79147,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81912,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81913,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79480,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79156,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C3_17\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79157,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_Chapter3\", maximum = 17, quests = { \n {questId = 79107,}, \n {questId = 81914,}, \n {questId = 79124,}, \n {questId = 79475,}, \n {questId = 79476,}, \n {questId = 79129,}, \n {questId = 79146,}, \n {questId = 79140,}, \n {questId = 79145,}, \n {questId = 81915,}, \n {questId = 79477,}, \n {questId = 79147,}, \n {questId = 81912,}, \n {questId = 81913,}, \n {questId = 79480,}, \n {questId = 79156,}, \n {questId = 79157,}, \n }, },\n \n --The Machines March to War\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79022,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79023,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79024,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79217,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79025,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79324,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79026,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79027,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79325,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79028,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80145,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80517,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79029,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_C4_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79030,}, }, },\n { name = \"S1Max_Chapter4\", maximum = 14, quests = { \n {questId =79022,}, \n {questId =79023,}, \n {questId =79024,}, \n {questId =79217,}, \n {questId =79025,}, \n {questId =79324,}, \n {questId =79026,}, \n {questId =79027,}, \n {questId =79325,}, \n {questId =79028,}, \n {questId =80145,}, \n {questId =80517,}, \n {questId =79029,}, \n {questId =79030,}, \n \n }, }, \n { name = \"S1Max_C5_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78941,}, }, },--78941\n -- 79282 The Grand Debut\n --https://www.wowhead.com/beta/quest=78743/before-i-depart Earthern quest line\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Side quests------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79728,}, }, }, -- It's Probably Nothing\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78294,}, }, }, -- Thunderhead Butt\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82768,}, }, }, -- Cloud Fishing\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79703,}, }, }, -- Hope, An Anomaly\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78759,}, }, }, -- To Wake a Giant\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79342,}, }, }, -- As He Departs\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78574,}, }, }, -- Boss of the Bosk\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83087,}, }, }, -- The Old Guard\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82801,}, }, }, -- Beetlejeweled\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78999,}, }, }, -- Heart of a Hero\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83181,}, }, }, -- Best Friends, Same Ends\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79282,}, }, }, -- The Grand Debut\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82895,}, }, }, -- The Weight of Duty\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79525,}, }, }, -- Report to the Councilward\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83335,}, }, }, -- Wanted: The Boroughbreaker\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83339,}, }, }, -- The Spirebreaker\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_17\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83338,}, }, }, -- The Mage Slayer\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_18\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83337,}, }, }, -- Stormscarred\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_19\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79525,}, }, }, -- Report to the Councilward\n {name = \"Dorn_RQ_20\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79546,}, }, }, -- The Machine Speakeasy\n \n {name = \"Deep_RQ_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82814,}, }, }, -- Decommissioning Darkness\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81559,}, }, }, -- Fog Follower\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79565,}, }, }, -- Janky Candles\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82144,}, }, }, -- On the Road\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79682,}, }, }, -- Critical Pressure\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79266,}, }, }, -- The Bronzebread Legacy\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79510,}, }, }, -- The Wickless Candle\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81713,}, }, }, -- Oozemodius\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83331,}, }, }, -- Preserve and Pretend\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80516,}, }, }, -- Bump of the Boss\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81999,}, }, }, -- New Home, New Candle!\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79683,}, }, }, -- Home is Where the Candle is\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80407,}, }, }, -- The Ringing Deeps\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81672,}, }, }, -- In a Pinch\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83162,}, }, }, -- Put it Back, Put it Back!\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83153,}, }, }, -- Sampling Stream\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_17\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78564,}, }, }, -- Reforged Purpose\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_18\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79371,}, }, }, -- A Royal Cure\n {name = \"Deep_RQ_19\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79944,}, }, }, -- Raging Rifts\n \n {name = \"Fall_RQ_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79303,}, }, }, -- A Principled Principal\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80382,}, }, }, -- Eggs in One Basket\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80179,}, }, }, -- Finding Justice\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82480,}, }, }, -- Job Killing Robot Or ...\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 78695,}, }, }, -- Lamp Lit\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79168,}, }, }, -- Light's Gambit\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79650,}, }, }, -- Priory of the Sacred Flame: A Brother's Grief\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82284,}, }, }, -- Remembrance for the Fallen\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80316,}, }, }, -- Return to the Sea\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79110,}, }, }, -- Save Tomothy\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79160,}, }, }, -- Fishing is Good for the Soul\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79222,}, }, }, -- Shadow-Hardened Mainspring\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80678,}, }, }, -- Time Lost\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83322,}, }, }, -- The Dawnbreaker: The Christening\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79154,}, }, }, -- A Final Goodbye\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83247,}, }, }, -- Suspicious Minds\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_17\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79313,}, }, }, -- What Grows in the Dark\n {name = \"Fall_RQ_18\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 82848,}, }, }, -- Sous\n \n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81685,}, }, }, -- Azj-Kahet's, Next Top Dyemaster\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79541,}, }, }, -- Burn it with Fire\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80572,}, }, }, -- Discordant Measures\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 80502,}, }, }, -- Don't Cry for Me, Azj-Kahet\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79349,}, }, }, -- Entrepreneur, Inc.\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79715,}, }, }, -- Grand, Gutsy Solutions\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79580,}, }, }, -- Offensive Counter\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83639,}, }, }, -- Open Communications\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79357,}, }, }, -- Removing the Cap\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 79122,}, }, }, -- Scarab Scouting\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 83057,}, }, }, -- Setting Boundaries\n {name = \"Kahet_RQ_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 81963,}, }, }, -- The Fruits of Our Labor\n \n -- Major Keyflames\n { name = \"MajorKeyflames\", maximum = 8, quests = { \n { questId = 79471, }, -- Key Flame A\n { questId = 79470, }, -- Key Flame B\n { questId = 79469, }, -- Key Flame C\n { questId = 79380, }, -- Key Flame D\n { questId = 79329, }, -- Key Flame E\n { questId = 78657, }, -- Key Flame F\n { questId = 78590, }, -- Key Flame G\n { questId = 76338, }, -- Key Flame H\n }, },\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor1\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 79471, }, }, }, -- Key Flame A\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor2\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 79470, }, }, }, -- Key Flame B\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor3\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 79469, }, }, }, -- Key Flame C\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor4\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 79380, }, }, }, -- Key Flame D\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor5\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 79329, }, }, }, -- Key Flame E\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor6\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 78657, }, }, }, -- Key Flame F\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor7\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 78590, }, }, }, -- Key Flame G\n { name = \"Hallow_KMajor8\", maximum = 1, quests = { { questId = 76338, }, }, }, -- Key Flame H\n \n \n \n -- Minor Keyflames\n { name = \"MinorKeyflames\", maximum = 8, quests = { \n { questId = 76600, },\n { questId = 79158, },\n { questId = 76733, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 1\n { questId = 79216, },\n { questId = 79173, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 2\n { questId = 76997, },\n { questId = 81574, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 3\n { questId = 78972, },\n { questId = 78915, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 4\n { questId = 78933, },\n { questId = 76394, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 5\n { questId = 78656, },\n { questId = 79346, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 6\n { questId = 81632, },\n { questId = 76169, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 7\n { questId = 80004, },\n { questId = 80562, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 8\n }, \n },\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor1\", maximum = 1, quests = {\n { questId = 76600, },\n { questId = 79158, },\n { questId = 76733, }, }, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 1\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor2\", maximum = 1, quests = {\n { questId = 79216, },\n { questId = 79173, }, }, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 2\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor3\", maximum = 1, quests = {\n { questId = 76997, },\n { questId = 81574, }, }, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 3\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor4\", maximum = 1, quests = {\n { questId = 78972, },\n { questId = 78915, }, }, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 4\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor5\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n { questId = 78933, },\n { questId = 76394, }, }, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 5\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor6\", maximum = 1, quests = {\n { questId = 78656, },\n { questId = 79346, }, }, }, -- Lesser Keyflame 6\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor7\", maximum = 1, quests = {\n { questId = 81632, },\n { questId = 76169, }, \n }, \n }, -- Lesser Keyflame 7\n { name = \"Hallow_KMinor8\", maximum = 1, \n quests = { \n { questId = 80004, },\n { questId = 80562, }, \n },\n }, -- Lesser Keyflame \n { name = \"PVPPreserving\", maximum = 1, \n quests = { \n { questId = 80186, }, \n { questId = 80187, }, \n { questId = 80189, }, \n }, \n },\n { name = \"PVPSparks\", maximum = 1, \n quests = { \n { questId = 81794, }, \n { questId = 81795, }, \n { questId = 81796, }, \n }, \n },\n \n}\naura_env.text = ''\n\n\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n local ConfTD = aura_env.config and aura_env.config.ToDo\n if not ConfTD then return text end\n local headers = {\n enUS = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"Weekly To-Do|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|nIsle of Dorn Quests|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|nThe Ringing Deeps Quests|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nHallowfall Quests|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nHallowfall Key Flames|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|nAzj-Kahet Quests|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|nMax Level Chapters|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|nReputation Quests|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|nPlayer vs. Player Quests|r\",\n },\n \n deDE = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"Wöchentliche Aufgaben|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|nQuests der Insel Dorn|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|nQuests der Klingenden Tiefen|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nHallowfall Quests|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nHallowfall Schlüssel Flammen|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|nAzj-Kahet Quests|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|nMax Level Kapitel|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|nRufquests|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|nSpieler gegen Spieler Quests|r\",\n },\n \n zhTW = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"每週待辦事項|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|n多恩島任務|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|n鳴響深淵任務|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|n聖落之地任務|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|n聖落之地鑰炎|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|n阿茲-卡罕特任務|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|n最高等級章節|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|n聲望任務|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|n玩家對玩家任務|r\",\n },\n \n zhCN = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"每周待办事项|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|n多恩岛任务|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|n响深任务|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|n万圣节任务|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|n万圣节钥匙火焰|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|n阿兹-卡赫特任务|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|n最高等级章节|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|n声望任务|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|n玩家对战任务|r\",\n },\n \n ruRU = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"Еженедельные задания|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|nЗадания на острове Дорн|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|nЗадания Звонящих глубин|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nЗадания Хэллоуфолла|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nКлючевые пламени Хэллоуфолла|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|nЗадания Азж-Кахета|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|nГлавы максимального уровня|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|nРепутационные задания|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|nЗадания PvP|r\",\n },\n \n frFR = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"Tâches Hebdomadaires|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|nQuêtes de l'Île de Dorn|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|nQuêtes des Profondeurs Sonnantes|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nQuêtes de Hallowfall|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nFlammes Clés de Hallowfall|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|nQuêtes d'Azj-Kahet|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|nChapitres de Niveau Max|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|nQuêtes de Réputation|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|nQuêtes Joueur contre Joueur|r\",\n },\n \n jaJP = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"週間のやることリスト|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|nドーン島のクエスト|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|n鳴り響く深淵のクエスト|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nハローフォールのクエスト|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|nハローフォール キーフレーム|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|nアズ-カヘットのクエスト|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|n最大レベルの章|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|n評判クエスト|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|nプレイヤー対プレイヤークエスト|r\",\n },\n \n koKR = {\n WeeklyToDo = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.WeekHead .. \"주간 할 일|r\",\n Dorn = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DornHead .. \"|n도른 섬 퀘스트|r\",\n Deep = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.DeepHead .. \"|n울리는 심연 퀘스트|r\",\n Fall = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|n할로우폴 퀘스트|r\",\n HallowfallKeyFlames = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.FallHead .. \"|n할로우폴 주요 불꽃|r\",\n Kahet = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.KahetHead .. \"|n아즈-카헤트 퀘스트|r\",\n MaxLevel = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.MaxHead .. \"|n최대 레벨 챕터|r\",\n Reputation = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.RepHead .. \"|n명성 퀘스트|r\",\n PVPQ = \"|cff\" .. aura_env.colors.PVPHead .. \"|n플레이어 대 플레이어 퀘스트|r\",\n }\n }\n \n \n -- Todo list config options\n local HideComp = ConfTD.hide\n local Showheader = ConfTD.header \n local WeeklyToDo = ConfTD.Season1Weeklys\n local S1Togs = ConfTD.S1WeeklyToggles\n \n local S1WB = S1Togs.includeWorldBoss or false -- World boss\n local S1DQ = S1Togs.includeWeeklyDungeon or false -- Dungeon =Weekly_DQ_S1\n \n local S1Cache = S1Togs.includeWeeklyCach or false -- Cache =Weekly_WQ_Caches_S1\n local S1Soul = S1Togs.includeSoul or false -- Soul =Weekly_WQ_S1_Soul\n local S1Craft = S1Togs.includeWeeklyCrafting or false -- crafting =Weekly_WQ_S1_Crafting\n local S1Dorn = S1Togs.includeWeeklyDorn or false -- Isle of dorn =Weekly_WQ_S1_zDorn\n local S1DeepA = S1Togs.includeWeeklyDeepA or false -- RingingDeep Awkenening =Weekly_WQ_S1_zRing\n local S1DeepR = S1Togs.includeWeeklyDeepR or false -- RingingDeep Rolling =Weekly_WQ_S1_Sniffer\n local S1Fall = S1Togs.includeWeeklyFall or false -- Hallowfall =Weekly_WQ_S1_zHallow \n local S1Kahet = S1Togs.includeWeeklyKahet or false -- Kahet =Weekly_WQ_S1_zKahet\n local KeyHead = S1Togs.includeFlameKeyHead\n local KeyMajor = S1Togs.includeFlameKeys or false -- Major.\n local KeyMinor = S1Togs.includeFlameKeyMin or false -- Minor\n local S1PVPP = S1Togs.includePVPP or false \n local S1PVPS = S1Togs.includePVPS or false \n local S1Fish = S1Togs.includeFish --Weekly_WQ_S1_Fishing\n \n -- Detect current locale and fall back to English if not found\n local currentLocale = GetLocale() or \"enUS\" \n local localizedHeaders = headers[currentLocale] or headers[\"enUS\"] \n \n -- Track which headers have been added\n local added_headers = {}\n \n -- Function to decide if the header should be displayed based on HideComp and remaining quests\n aura_env.should_display_header = function(HideComp, remainingQuests)\n -- Check the conditions for displaying the header\n if HideComp then\n return remainingQuests > 0 -- Show header only if there are remaining quests\n else\n return true -- Show header when not hiding completed quests\n end\n end\n \n -- Insert headers based on group type before entries\n local function add_header(group_type, HideComp, remainingQuests)\n -- Use should_display_header to determine if the header should be shown\n if aura_env.should_display_header(HideComp, remainingQuests) and not added_headers[group_type] then\n text = text .. '\\n' .. localizedHeaders[group_type]\n added_headers[group_type] = true -- Mark the header as added\n end\n end\n \n -- Configuration and quest display logic\n local ConfQ1 = aura_env.config.Quests and aura_env.config.Quests.Z1\n local ConfQ2 = aura_env.config.Quests and aura_env.config.Quests.Z2\n local ConfQ3 = aura_env.config.Quests and aura_env.config.Quests.Z3\n local ConfQ4 = aura_env.config.Quests and aura_env.config.Quests.Z4\n local ConfS1 = aura_env.config.Quests and aura_env.config.Quests.S1\n \n -- Include switches\n local DornC1 = ConfQ1 and ConfQ1.Show1\n local DornC2 = ConfQ1 and ConfQ1.Show2\n local DornC3 = ConfQ1 and ConfQ1.Show3\n local DornC4 = ConfQ1 and ConfQ1.Show4\n local DornSQ = ConfQ1 and ConfQ1.SQShowDorn\n local DornChapter = ConfQ1 and ConfQ1.ShowOV\n \n local DeepC1 = ConfQ2 and ConfQ2.Show1\n local DeepC2 = ConfQ2 and ConfQ2.Show2\n local DeepC3 = ConfQ2 and ConfQ2.Show3\n local DeepSQ = ConfQ2 and ConfQ2.SQShowDeep\n local DeepChapter = ConfQ2 and ConfQ2.ShowOV\n \n local FallC1 = ConfQ3 and ConfQ3.Show1\n local FallC2 = ConfQ3 and ConfQ3.Show2\n local FallC3 = ConfQ3 and ConfQ3.Show3\n local FallSQ = ConfQ3 and ConfQ3.SQShowFall\n local FallChapter = ConfQ3 and ConfQ3.ShowOV\n \n local KahetC1 = ConfQ4 and ConfQ4.Show1\n local KahetC2 = ConfQ4 and ConfQ4.Show2\n local KahetC3 = ConfQ4 and ConfQ4.Show3\n local KahetSQ = ConfQ4 and ConfQ4.SQShowKahet\n local KahetChapter = ConfQ4 and ConfQ4.ShowOV\n \n local S01C1 = ConfS1 and ConfS1.Show1\n local S01C2 = ConfS1 and ConfS1.Show2\n local S01C3 = ConfS1 and ConfS1.Show3\n local S01C4 = ConfS1 and ConfS1.Show4\n local S01C5 = ConfS1 and ConfS1.Show5\n local S01Chapter = ConfS1 and ConfS1.ShowOV\n \n -- Consolidate QuestConfigs\n local QuestConfigs = {ConfQ1, ConfQ2, ConfQ3, ConfQ4, ConfS1}\n \n -- Iterate over the to-do list and display quests\n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList or {}) do\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, todoEntry.maximum\n for _, conf in ipairs(QuestConfigs) do\n if conf and (\n (WeeklyToDo and S1WB and todoEntry.name:match('World_Boss_S')) or\n (WeeklyToDo and S1DQ and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_DQ_S1')) or\n (WeeklyToDo and S1DQ and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_Delve_S1')) or\n (WeeklyToDo and S1Cache and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_Caches_S1')) or\n (WeeklyToDo and S1Soul and todoEntry.name:match('WQ_S1_Soul')) or\n (WeeklyToDo and S1Craft and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_S1_Crafting')) or\n (WeeklyToDo and S1Fish and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_S1_Fishing')) or-- S1Fish = S1Togs.includeWorldBoss --Weekly_WQ_S1_Fishing\n (WeeklyToDo and S1Dorn and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_S1_zDorn')) or \n (WeeklyToDo and S1DeepR and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_S1_Sniffer')) or \n (WeeklyToDo and S1DeepA and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_S1_zRing')) or \n (WeeklyToDo and S1Fall and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_S1_zHallow ')) or \n (WeeklyToDo and S1Kahet and todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ_S1_zKahet')) or \n \n (WeeklyToDo and KeyHead and todoEntry.name:match('MajorKeyflames')) or \n (WeeklyToDo and KeyMajor and todoEntry.name:match('Hallow_KMajor')) or \n \n (WeeklyToDo and KeyHead and todoEntry.name:match('MinorKeyflames')) or \n (WeeklyToDo and KeyMinor and todoEntry.name:match('Hallow_KMinor')) or \n \n (WeeklyToDo and S1PVPP and todoEntry.name:match('PVPP')) or \n (WeeklyToDo and S1PVPS and todoEntry.name:match('PVPS')) or \n (DornC1 and todoEntry.name:match('Dorn_C1')) or\n (DornC2 and todoEntry.name:match('Dorn_C2')) or\n (DornC3 and todoEntry.name:match('Dorn_C3')) or\n (DornC4 and todoEntry.name:match('Dorn_C4')) or\n (DornSQ and todoEntry.name:match('Dorn_RQ')) or\n (DornChapter and todoEntry.name:match('Dorn_Chapter')) or\n (DeepC1 and todoEntry.name:match('Deep_C1')) or\n (DeepC2 and todoEntry.name:match('Deep_C2')) or\n (DeepC3 and todoEntry.name:match('Deep_C3')) or\n (DeepSQ and todoEntry.name:match('Deep_RQ')) or\n (DeepChapter and todoEntry.name:match('Deep_Chapter')) or\n (FallC1 and todoEntry.name:match('Fall_C1')) or\n (FallC2 and todoEntry.name:match('Fall_C2')) or\n (FallC3 and todoEntry.name:match('Fall_C3')) or\n (FallSQ and todoEntry.name:match('Fall_RQ')) or\n (FallChapter and todoEntry.name:match('Fall_Chapter')) or\n (KahetC1 and todoEntry.name:match('Kahet_C1')) or\n (KahetC2 and todoEntry.name:match('Kahet_C2')) or\n (KahetC3 and todoEntry.name:match('Kahet_C3')) or\n (KahetSQ and todoEntry.name:match('Kahet_RQ')) or\n (KahetChapter and todoEntry.name:match('Kahet_Chapter')) or\n (S01C1 and todoEntry.name:match('S1Max_C1')) or\n (S01C2 and todoEntry.name:match('S1Max_C2')) or\n (S01C3 and todoEntry.name:match('S1Max_C3')) or\n (S01C4 and todoEntry.name:match('S1Max_C4')) or\n (S01C5 and todoEntry.name:match('S1Max_C5')) or\n (S01Chapter and todoEntry.name:match('S1Max_Chapter'))\n ) then\n -- Calculate completed quests\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests or {}) do\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed and aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n \n -- Calculate remaining quests\n local remainingQuests = maximum - completed\n \n -- Determine which header to add based on group type and hide logic\n if Showheader then\n if todoEntry.name:match('_RQ') then\n add_header('Reputation', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n elseif todoEntry.name:match('World_Boss_S') or todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_WQ')or todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_DQ')or todoEntry.name:match('Weekly_Delve') then\n add_header('WeeklyToDo', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n elseif todoEntry.name:match('Dorn') then\n add_header('Dorn', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n elseif todoEntry.name:match('Deep') then\n add_header('Deep', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n elseif todoEntry.name:match('Fall') then\n add_header('Fall', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n elseif todoEntry.name:match('Kahet') then\n add_header('Kahet', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n elseif todoEntry.name:match('S1Max') then\n add_header('MaxLevel', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n elseif todoEntry.name:match('Hallow_KM') then\n add_header('HallowfallKeyFlames', HideComp, remainingQuests) \n elseif todoEntry.name:match('PVP') then--PVPQ \n add_header('PVPQ', HideComp, remainingQuests)\n end\n end\n \n -- Determine color based on completion status\n if maximum > 1 and completed >= maximum / 2 then\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end\n if completed >= maximum then\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n completed = maximum\n end\n \n -- Display entry based on completion and config\n if not HideComp or completed < maximum then\n entry = '\\n' .. (aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) or todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color)\n text = (text or '') .. entry\n end\n break\n end\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n if aura_env.config.ToDo.showTodoList then\n text = WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('Title') or 'Title', 'ff00ff96') .. (aura_env.update_overview_display() or '') .. '\\r'\n aura_env.clearQuestCache() \n end\n return text\nend\n\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "local auraID, cloneID = aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId\nif region then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"WEEKLY_VAULT\", WeakAuras.GetRegion(auraID, cloneID).state.event, 0)\nend", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n if aura_env.update_display then\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n else\n aura_env.text = \"\" -- Handle the missing function appropriately\n end\n if event == \"QUEST_TURNED_IN\" or event == \"QUEST_LOG_UPDATE\" then\n aura_env.clearQuestCache() -- Clears all cached data when quests update\n end\n return true\nend\n\n\n", ["events"] = "START, CHAT_MSG_LOOT, BAG_UPDATE, QUEST_COMPLETE, QUEST_TURNED_IN, MAJOR_FACTION_RENOWN_LEVEL_CHANGED,UPDATE_FACTION, UNIT_FACTION:player,", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", ["event"] = "Health", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n if not aura_env.last or aura_env.last < GetTime() - 1 then\n aura_env.last = GetTime()\n \n if aura_env.update_display then\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n else\n aura_env.text = \"\" -- Handle the missing function gracefully\n end\n end\n \n return true\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,QUEST_REMOVED,QUEST_ACCEPTED", ["check"] = "event", ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["useTooltip"] = true, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["desc"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 50, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["group"] = true, ["raid"] = true, ["solo"] = true, }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = false, ["level_operator"] = { ">=", }, ["groupSize"] = { "5", }, ["use_groupSize"] = true, ["use_difficulty"] = true, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_namerealm"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { ["multi"] = { true, [216] = true, [205] = true, [220] = true, [208] = true, }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["level"] = { "68", }, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeon,-US Mythic Dungeons", ["zoneIds"] = "c2274, 2214,2215,2255,2256,2339,2248,2022,2023,2024,2025,407", ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_level"] = true, ["groupSize_operator"] = { "<=", }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["uid"] = "Jb7q8vsEvl6", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:BGtd", ["regionType"] = "text", ["conditions"] = { }, ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["semver"] = "1.0.53", ["tocversion"] = 110002, ["id"] = "todo list", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["config"] = { ["tracking"] = { }, ["timers"] = { }, ["Quests"] = { ["Z4"] = { ["Show1"] = false, ["ShowOV"] = false, ["Show3"] = false, ["Show2"] = false, ["SQShowKahet"] = false, }, ["S1"] = { ["Show1"] = false, ["Show4"] = false, ["ShowOV"] = false, ["Show3"] = false, ["Show2"] = false, 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do\n if db and type(db) == \"table\" and db.id and db.id ~= 0 then\n local iconID = db.iconnum or defaultIconID\n if C_Reputation.IsMajorFaction(db.id) then\n local shouldTrack = db.enable or \n (db.S1R and TrS1) or \n (db.S2R and TrS2) or \n (db.S3R and TrS3)\n \n if shouldTrack then\n local renownData = C_MajorFactions.GetMajorFactionData(db.id)\n if renownData then\n local renownLevel = renownData.renownLevel or 0\n local renownName = renownData.name or \"Unknown\"\n local FV = renownData.renownReputationEarned or 0\n local TV = renownData.renownLevelThreshold or 0\n \n -- Skip if HideMax is enabled and renown is at max level\n if db.HideMax and renownLevel == db.MaxRenown then\n allstates[db.id] = nil\n else\n allstates[db.id] = {\n autoHide = true,\n changed = true,\n index = i,\n info1 = \"Renown \" .. renownLevel,\n value = FV,\n total = TV,\n icon = iconID,\n standing = renownLevel,\n name = renownName,\n show = true,\n r = db.ColorP and db.ColorP[1] or 1, \n g = db.ColorP and db.ColorP[2] or 1,\n b = db.ColorP and db.ColorP[3] or 1,\n a = db.ColorP and db.ColorP[4] or 1,\n }\n updateRequired = true\n end\n else\n allstates[db.id] = nil -- Remove state if fetching renownData failed\n end\n else\n allstates[db.id] = nil -- Remove state if tracking is not enabled\n end\n else\n allstates[db.id] = nil -- Remove state if it's not a major faction\n end\n end\n end\n \n return updateRequired\nend", ["events"] = "START, CHAT_MSG_LOOT, BAG_UPDATE, QUEST_COMPLETE, QUEST_TURNED_IN, MAJOR_FACTION_RENOWN_LEVEL_CHANGED,UPDATE_FACTION, UNIT_FACTION:player", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["customVariables"] = "\n\n", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { 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\"Tama's Vault\"\n local currentKey = aura_env.id or \"Unknown\"\n local isConsistent = string.sub(currentKey, 1, 12) == string.sub(vaultKey, 1, 12)\n \n if not isConsistent then\n return false\n end\n \n return true\n end\n \n if not checkVaultConsistency() then\n print(\"Error: Vault state inconsistency detected. Please verify original source.\")\n return false\n end\n \n -- Error handling exit\n \n local lang, db, cfg = GetLocale(), aura_env.db, aura_env.config.WeeklyVault\n \n if not cfg.Enable or C_WeeklyRewards.CanClaimRewards() then\n allstates[\"vault_claim\"] = {\n event = \"vault_claim\",\n changed = true,\n name = \"Weekly Vault Available!\",\n stacks = \"|A:vignetteeventelite:30:30|a\",\n progressType = \"static\",\n show = true,\n total = 100,\n value = 0,\n }\n else\n allstates[\"delves\"] = {\n event = \"delves\",\n changed = true,\n name = \"Not yet implemented\",\n stacks = \"|cFFc41e3aN/A|r\",\n progressType = \"static\",\n show = true,\n total = 100,\n value = 0,\n }\n \n local activities = C_WeeklyRewards.GetActivities()\n \n if string.find(aura_env.id, \"Vault\") == nil then\n print(\"Error: Detected inconsistency in Vault configuration.\")\n return false\n end\n \n local delvesRewards = {}\n for _, activity in pairs(activities) do\n if activity.type == 6 then\n table.insert(delvesRewards, activity)\n end\n end\n \n if #delvesRewards > 0 then\n local delvesInfo = \"\"\n for _, reward in ipairs(delvesRewards) do\n local icon = aura_env.GetVaultQuality(reward.level, reward.id, \"delves\")\n delvesInfo = delvesInfo .. string.format(\"%-20s\", icon)\n end\n \n allstates[\"delves\"] = {\n event = \"delves\",\n changed = true,\n name = \"Delves\",\n stacks = delvesInfo,\n progressType = \"static\",\n show = true,\n total = 100,\n value = 0,\n }\n end\n \n for event, x in pairs(db.events) do\n if cfg[event] then\n local slots = C_WeeklyRewards.GetActivities(x.code)\n \n if slots and slots[1] then\n local stack1 = string.format(\"%-20s\", aura_env.GetVaultQuality(slots[1].level, event, event))\n local stack2 = slots[2] and string.format(\"%-20s\", aura_env.GetVaultQuality(slots[2].level, event, event)) or \"\"\n local stack3 = slots[3] and string.format(\"%-20s\", aura_env.GetVaultQuality(slots[3].level, event, event)) or \"\"\n \n allstates[event] = {\n event = event,\n changed = true,\n name = x.name[lang] or event,\n stacks = stack1 .. stack2 .. stack3,\n progressType = \"static\",\n show = true,\n total = 100,\n value = 0,\n }\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n return true\nend", ["events"] = "START, WEEKLY_REWARDS_ITEM_CHANGED, WEEKLY_REWARDS_UPDATE, WEEKLY_REWARDS_SHOW, WEEKLY_REWARDS_HIDE, WEEKLY_VAULT", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["customVariables"] = "\n\n", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, 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["config"] = { ["WeeklyVault"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["raid"] = true, ["delve"] = true, ["mplus"] = true, }, }, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "local region = WeakAuras.GetRegion(aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId)\nif region and region.state and region.state.show then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"WEEKLY_VAULT\", region.state.event, 1)\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.db = {\n [\"icons\"] = {\n [\"rank1\"] = \"|A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier1:20:20|a\",\n [\"rank2\"] = \"|A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier2:20:20|a\",\n [\"rank3\"] =\"|A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier3:20:20|a\",\n [\"rank4\"] =\"|A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier4:20:20|a\",\n [\"rank5\"] =\"|A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier5:20:20|a\",\n [\"chest\"] = \"|A:worldquest-questmarker-questionmark:20:20|a\",\n [\"none\"] = \"|A:xmarksthespot:20:20|a\",\n },\n [\"events\"] = {\n [\"mplus\"] = {[\"name\"] = {[\"enUS\"] = \"Dungeon+\", [\"zhCN\"] = \"大秘境\", [\"zhTW\"] = \"傳奇+\", [\"ruRU\"] = \"Подземелье+\", [\"frFR\"] = \"Donjon+\", [\"deDE\"] = \"Dungeon+\", [\"esES\"] = \"Mazmorra+\", [\"esMX\"] = \"Mazmorra+\", [\"koKR\"] = \"던전+\", [\"ptBR\"] = \"Masmorra+\", [\"itIT\"] = \"Spedizione+\", [\"jaJP\"] = \"ダンジョン+\", [\"nlNL\"] = \"Kerker+\"}, [\"code\"] = 1},\n [\"delves\"] = {[\"name\"] = {[\"enUS\"] = \"OutDoor\", [\"zhCN\"] = \"户外的\", [\"zhTW\"] = \"户外的\", [\"ruRU\"] = \"На улице\", [\"frFR\"] = \"Extérieur\", [\"deDE\"] = \"Im Freien\", [\"esES\"] = \"Exterior\", [\"esMX\"] = \"Exterior\", [\"koKR\"] = \"야외\", [\"ptBR\"] = \"Ao Ar Livre\", [\"itIT\"] = \"All'aperto\", [\"jaJP\"] = \"屋外\", [\"nlNL\"] = \"Buiten\"}, [\"code\"] = 2},\n [\"raid\"] = {[\"name\"] = {[\"enUS\"] = \"Raid\", [\"zhCN\"] = \"团队副本\", [\"zhTW\"] = \"團隊副本\", [\"ruRU\"] = \"Рейд\", [\"frFR\"] = \"Raid\", [\"deDE\"] = \"Schlachtzug\", [\"esES\"] = \"Banda\", [\"esMX\"] = \"Banda\", [\"koKR\"] = \"공격대\", [\"ptBR\"] = \"Incursão\", [\"itIT\"] = \"Incursione\", [\"jaJP\"] = \"レイド\", [\"nlNL\"] = \"Aanval\"}, [\"code\"] = 3}\n}}\n\n\nfunction aura_env.GetVaultQuality(value, activityID, content)\n if content == \"raid\" then\n -- Correctly map values to raid difficulties\n if value == 14 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank3 -- Normal Raid\n elseif value == 15 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank4 -- Heroic Raid\n elseif value == 16 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank5 -- Mythic Raid\n elseif value == 17 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank2 -- LFR Raid\n else\n return aura_env.db.icons.none -- Fallback for unknown raid level\n end\n elseif content == \"dungeon\" then\n -- Specific handling for Dungeon rewards\n if value >= 10 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank5\n elseif value >= 8 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank4\n elseif value >= 6 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank3\n elseif value >= 2 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank2\n elseif activityID ~= 0 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank1\n else\n return aura_env.db.icons.none -- Display \"X\" for undefined or none\n end\n elseif content == \"delves\" then\n -- Use existing icons from aura_env.db.icons for Delves rewards\n if value >= 8 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank5 -- Hero 3/6 and above\n elseif value == 7 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank4 -- Hero 1/6\n elseif value == 6 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank3 -- Champion 4/8\n elseif value == 5 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank3 -- Champion 3/8\n elseif value == 4 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank2 -- Champion 1/8\n elseif value == 3 then\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank2 -- Veteran 2/8\n else\n return aura_env.db.icons.rank1 -- Veteran 1/8\n end\n else\n -- Generic fallback for unexpected content types\n return aura_env.db.icons.none-- Display \"X\" for unknown or undefined cases\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "local auraID, cloneID = aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId\nif region then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"WEEKLY_VAULT\", WeakAuras.GetRegion(auraID, cloneID).state.event, 0)\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["inverse"] = false, ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 0, 0.76470595598221, 1, 1, }, ["xOffset"] = 0, }, ["Holy Power 1"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 3, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["adjustedMax"] = "100", ["yOffset"] = -20, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/gn5mrFxGL/10", ["icon"] = false, ["fontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["icon_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 1, 0.52941176470588, 0.85490196078431, 1, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "PALADIN", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["use_class"] = true, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "pvp", ["multi"] = { ["flexible"] = true, 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["level"] = { "68", }, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeon,-US Mythic Dungeons", ["zoneIds"] = "c2274, 2214,2215,2255,2256,2339,2248,2022,2023,2024,2025,407", ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_level"] = true, ["groupSize_operator"] = { "<=", }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 110002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["uid"] = "pILSkGPwlHp", ["displayIcon"] = 901746, ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "okkc0C1Hc", ["parent"] = "Tama Bars", ["adjustedMin"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["use_unit"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["customDuration"] = "function()\n return 0, 100, true\nend", ["custom"] = "function(allstates)\n \n -- Retrieve configuration settings related to tracking from the aura environment\n local cfg = aura_env.config.tracking\n if not cfg.trackingEnable then return end\n -- Retrieve season tracking settings (Season 1, Season 2, Season 3)\n local TrS1 = cfg.SS1 \n local TrS2 = cfg.SS2\n local TrS3 = cfg.SS3 \n \n -- Get the client's locale for localization support\n local lang = GetLocale()\n \n -- Declare variables that will be used later\n local iconID -- Stores the icon ID of the item or currency\n local Cmax = 0 -- Maximum currency amount\n local Break = \"\" -- Placeholder for potential future use\n local open = \"\" -- Placeholder for potential future use\n local close = \"\" -- Placeholder for potential future use\n local Cearn = 0 -- Total earned currency amount\n local Cdisc = \"\" -- Currency description\n local Cname -- Currency name\n local Iname -- Item name\n local Iearn -- Item stack count (total owned)\n local TooltipText -- Text that will be displayed in the tooltip\n local textout -- Formatted text for displaying earnings/max in tooltip\n local Text -- Placeholder for potential future use\n \n \n \n -- Loop through each tracked item/currency in the config\n for i, db in pairs(aura_env.config.tracking.tracked) do\n \n -- Check if the item/currency is enabled for tracking, and if it should be tracked based on the current season\n if db.enable and db.id ~= 0 or db.S1Item and TrS1 or db.S2Item and TrS2 or db.S3Item and TrS3 then\n \n -- Determine the count of the item or currency. Use GetItemCount for items or C_CurrencyInfo for currencies\n local count = db.Type == 1 and (C_Item.GetItemCount(db.id, true, true, true, true) or 0) or (C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(db.id).quantity or 0) --C_Item.GetItemCount(itemInfo, optional includeBank, optional includeUses, optional includeReagentBank, optional includeAccountBank)\n \n -- Check if the tracked object is a currency (Type 2)\n if db.Type == 2 then\n -- Retrieve and store currency information\n iconID = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(db.id).iconFileID\n Cmax = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(db.id).maxQuantity\n Cearn = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(db.id).totalEarned\n Cname = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(db.id).name\n Cdisc = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(db.id).description\n else\n -- If object is an item, retrieve and store item information\n local sName, sLink, iRarity, iLevel, iMinLevel, sType, sSubType, iStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture = C_Item.GetItemInfo(db.id)\n iconID = itemTexture\n Iname = sName\n Iearn = iStackCount\n end\n \n -- Special handling for specific IDs (2914, 2915, 2916, 2917)\n if db.id == 2914 or db.id == 2915 or db.id == 2916 or db.id == 2917 then\n -- Create the tooltip text using the currency name and description\n TooltipText = \" \" .. Cname .. \"\\n \" .. Cdisc\n \n -- Check if the maximum amount of the currency has been earned\n if Cmax == Cearn then\n textout = \"|Cffff00a1[\" .. Cearn .. \"/\" .. Cmax .. \"]|r\" -- Format the text in color if max is reached\n TooltipText = \"|Cffffffff\" .. Cname .. \"\\n \" .. Cdisc .. \"|r\\n\\n\\n \" .. \"\\n|CffffffffSeason Maximum = |r\" .. textout .. \"\\n \\n|CffffffffTotal = |r|Cffff00a1\" .. count .. \"|r\"\n else\n textout = \"|Cff00ffaa[\" .. Cearn .. \"/\" .. Cmax .. \"]|r\" -- Format the text in another color if max is not reached\n TooltipText = \"|Cffffffff\" .. Cname .. \"\\n \" .. Cdisc .. \"|r\\n\\n\\n \" .. \"\\n|CffffffffSeason Maximum = |r\" .. textout .. \"\\n \\n|CffffffffTotal = |r|Cffff00a1\" .. count .. \"|r\"\n end\n else\n -- Reset text variables if the item ID doesn't match the specific IDs above\n Text = \"\"\n TooltipText = \"\"\n end\n \n -- Check whether to hide the item/currency if the count is zero and if the config setting to hide zero counts is enabled\n if (cfg.hideMissing and count > 0) or not cfg.hideMissing then\n -- Create the state for this item/currency and store it in allstates\n allstates[db.id] = {\n autoHide = true, -- Automatically hide the state when it's not needed\n changed = true, -- Mark the state as changed to trigger updates\n index = i, -- Store the index for reference\n info = count, -- Store the count of the item/currency\n Earnt = textout, -- Store the formatted text for earnings/max\n tooltip = TooltipText, -- Store the tooltip text\n tooltipWrap = true, -- Enable text wrapping in the tooltip\n icon = iconID, -- Store the icon ID for display\n name = db.lang[lang] ~= \"\" and db.lang[lang] or db.name, -- Use localized name if available, otherwise default name\n show = true, -- Mark the state to be shown\n \n -- Store the color information for display\n r = db.ColorP[1],\n g = db.ColorP[2],\n b = db.ColorP[3],\n a = db.ColorP[4],\n }\n end\n end\n end\n \n return true -- Return true to indicate successful execution\nend", ["events"] = "START, CHAT_MSG_LOOT, BAG_UPDATE, QUEST_COMPLETE, QUEST_TURNED_IN, UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED, ITEM_COUNT_CHANGED, SKILL_LINES_CHANGED", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["customVariables"] = "\n\n", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", 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["zhTW"] = "", }, ["ColorP"] = { 0.71764707565308, 1, 0.63921570777893, 1, }, }, { ["Type"] = 2, ["enable"] = false, ["S3Item"] = false, ["name"] = "Resonance Crystals", ["id"] = 2815, ["S1Item"] = true, ["S2Item"] = false, ["lang"] = { ["itIT"] = "", ["ptBR"] = "", ["ruRU"] = "", ["deDE"] = "", ["koKR"] = "", ["zhCN"] = "", ["frFR"] = "", ["esES"] = "", ["zhTW"] = "", }, ["ColorP"] = { 0.74117648601532, 1, 0.44705885648727, 1, }, }, { ["Type"] = 2, ["enable"] = false, ["S3Item"] = false, ["name"] = "Kej", ["id"] = 3056, ["S1Item"] = true, ["S2Item"] = false, ["lang"] = { ["itIT"] = "", ["ptBR"] = "", ["ruRU"] = "", ["deDE"] = "", ["koKR"] = "", ["zhCN"] = "", ["frFR"] = "", ["esES"] = "", ["zhTW"] = "", }, ["ColorP"] = { 0.49803924560547, 0.40392160415649, 0.58431375026703, 1, }, }, { ["Type"] = 2, ["enable"] = false, ["S3Item"] = false, ["name"] = "Undercoin", ["id"] = 2803, ["S1Item"] = true, ["S2Item"] = false, ["lang"] = { ["itIT"] = "", ["ptBR"] = "", ["ruRU"] = "", ["deDE"] = 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["itIT"] = "", ["ptBR"] = "", ["ruRU"] = "", ["deDE"] = "", ["koKR"] = "", ["zhCN"] = "", ["frFR"] = "", ["esES"] = "", ["zhTW"] = "", }, ["ColorP"] = { 0.4588235616684, 0.44705885648727, 0.41176474094391, 1, }, }, { ["Type"] = 2, ["enable"] = true, ["S3Item"] = false, ["name"] = "Mereldar Derby Mark", ["id"] = 3055, ["S1Item"] = false, ["S2Item"] = false, ["lang"] = { ["itIT"] = "", ["ptBR"] = "", ["ruRU"] = "", ["deDE"] = "", ["koKR"] = "", ["zhCN"] = "", ["frFR"] = "", ["esES"] = "", ["zhTW"] = "", }, ["ColorP"] = { 0, 0.98823535442352, 1, 1, }, }, { ["Type"] = 1, ["enable"] = false, ["S3Item"] = false, ["name"] = "Odd Glob of Wax", ["id"] = 212493, ["S1Item"] = true, ["S2Item"] = false, ["lang"] = { ["itIT"] = "", ["ptBR"] = "", ["ruRU"] = "", ["deDE"] = "", ["koKR"] = "", ["zhCN"] = "", ["frFR"] = "", ["esES"] = "", ["zhTW"] = "", }, ["ColorP"] = { 1, 0.34117648005486, 0, 1, }, }, { ["Type"] = 2, ["enable"] = true, ["S3Item"] = false, ["name"] = "Valorstones", ["id"] = 3008, 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fastFlyingZones = {\n [2444] = true, -- Dragon Isles\n [2454] = true, -- Zaralek Cavern\n [2548] = true, -- Emerald Dream\n\n [2516] = true, -- Nokhud Offensive\n\n [2522] = true, -- Vault of the Incarnates\n [2569] = true, -- Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible\n}\n\n---- Parameters ----\n\nlocal showSpeed = aura_env.config.speedshow\nlocal hideBlizz = aura_env.config.hideblizz\n\nlocal speedTextFormat, speedTextFactor = \"\", 1\nif aura_env.config.speedunits == 1 then\n speedTextFormat = aura_env.config.speedshowunits and \"%.1fyd/s\" or \"%.1f\"\nelse\n speedTextFormat = aura_env.config.speedshowunits and \"%.0f%%\" or \"%.0f\"\n speedTextFactor = 100 / BASE_MOVEMENT_SPEED\nend\n\n---- Variables ----\n\nlocal active = false\nlocal updateHandle = nil\nlocal ascentStart = 0\nlocal samples = 0\nlocal lastSpeed, lastT = 0, 0\nlocal smoothAccel = 0\nlocal isSlowSkyriding = true\n\n---- Trigger 1 ----\n\n-- Events:\n-- UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED:player\n-- DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_UPDATE\n\nlocal function setActive(allstates, state)\n active = state\n C_Timer.After(0, function()\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_SHOW\", state)\n end)\n\n if active then\n if hideBlizz and UIWidgetPowerBarContainerFrame:IsVisible() then\n aura_env.reshow = true\n UIWidgetPowerBarContainerFrame:Hide()\n end\n\n if not updateHandle then\n updateHandle = C_Timer.NewTicker(updatePeriod, function()\n if active then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_UPDATE\", true)\n end\n end)\n end\n\n if not allstates[\"\"] then\n allstates[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = 0,\n accel = 0,\n total = 100,\n boosting = false,\n thrill = false,\n speedtext = \"\",\n angle = \"\",\n }\n return true\n end\n else\n if updateHandle then\n updateHandle:Cancel()\n updateHandle = nil\n end\n\n if allstates[\"\"] then\n allstates[\"\"].show = false\n allstates[\"\"].changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\nend\n\naura_env.cancelCallback = function()\n if updateHandle then\n updateHandle:Cancel()\n updateHandle = nil\n end\nend\n\naura_env.trigger1 = function(allstates, event, _, _, spellId)\n if event ~= \"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_UDPATE\" then\n if event == \"OPTIONS\" then\n return setActive(allstates, false)\n end\n\n if event == \"STATUS\" then\n isSlowSkyriding = not fastFlyingZones[select(8, GetInstanceInfo())]\n return setActive(allstates, true)\n end\n\n -- Detect ascent boost\n\n if event == \"UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED\" then\n if spellId == ascentSpellId then\n ascentStart = GetTime()\n end\n return false\n end\n end\n\n -- Time\n\n local time = GetTime()\n local dt = time - lastT\n lastT = time\n\n if not allstates or not allstates[\"\"] then return false end\n\n -- Get flying speed\n\n local isGliding, _, forwardSpeed = C_PlayerInfo.GetGlidingInfo()\n local speed = forwardSpeed\n\n local thrill = C_UnitAuras.GetPlayerAuraBySpellID(thrillBuffId)\n local boosting = thrill and time < ascentStart + ascentDuration\n\n local adjustedSpeed = speed\n if isSlowSkyriding then\n adjustedSpeed = adjustedSpeed / slowSkyridingRatio\n end\n\n -- Compute smooth acceleration\n\n samples = math.min(maxSamples, samples + 1)\n local lastWeight = (samples - 1) / samples\n local newWeight = 1 / samples\n\n local newAccel = (adjustedSpeed - lastSpeed) / dt\n lastSpeed = adjustedSpeed\n\n smoothAccel = smoothAccel * lastWeight + newAccel * newWeight\n\n if adjustedSpeed >= maxPassiveGlideSpeed or not isGliding then\n smoothAccel = 0 -- Don't track when boosting or on ground\n samples = 0\n end\n\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_ACCEL\", smoothAccel)\n\n -- Update display variables\n local s = allstates[\"\"]\n s.changed = true\n s.value = adjustedSpeed\n s.boosting = boosting\n s.thrill = not not thrill\n s.gliding = isGliding\n s.accel = smoothAccel\n if showSpeed then\n s.speedtext = speed < 1 and \"\" or string.format(speedTextFormat, speed * speedTextFactor)\n end\n\n return true\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "if aura_env.reshow then\n UIWidgetPowerBarContainerFrame:Show()\n aura_env.reshow = false\nend\naura_env.cancelCallback()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["barColor"] = { 0, 0.53333336114883, 0.04313725605607, 1, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { }, ["use_zoneIds"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["instance_type"] = { }, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "timewalking", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_dragonriding"] = true, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["use_never"] = false, ["spellknown"] = 372610, ["itemtypeequipped"] = { }, }, ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["smoothProgress"] = true, 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["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED:player, DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_UPDATE", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t) return (t[2] or t[3]) and t[4] end", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["colorR"] = 0.74901962280273, ["scalex"] = 1, ["colorA"] = 1, ["colorG"] = 0, ["type"] = "custom", ["easeType"] = "none", ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["colorB"] = 0.015686275437474, ["y"] = 0, ["colorType"] = "custom", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["colorFunc"] = "function(_, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)\n local progress = 1 - math.min(1, math.max(aura_env.smooth_accel + 0.5, 0))\n if not aura_env.boosting then\n return WeakAuras.GetHSVTransition(progress, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)\n else\n return r1, g1, b1, a1\n end\nend", ["rotate"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["use_color"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["uid"] = "med64FuRb0g", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = false, }, ["zoom"] = 0, ["version"] = 42, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, { ["type"] = "subborder", ["border_anchor"] = "bar", ["border_size"] = 12, ["border_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["border_visible"] = false, ["border_edge"] = "Blizzard Dialog Gold", ["border_offset"] = 4, }, { ["tick_rotation"] = 0, ["tick_xOffset"] = 0, ["tick_desaturate"] = false, ["use_texture"] = false, ["tick_placement_mode"] = "AtValue", ["tick_texture"] = "450918", ["tick_length"] = 18, ["progressSources"] = { { -2, "", }, }, ["type"] = "subtick", ["tick_placements"] = { "60", }, ["automatic_length"] = true, 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changed = true,\n expirationTime = 80+GetTime(),\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = 80,\n autoHide = true,\n }\n if not WeakAuras.GetActiveTriggers(aura_env.id)[2] then\n local s = s[\"\"]\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n end\n return true\n elseif triggerNum == 2 then\n local combat = false\n if next(triggerStates) then\n combat = true\n end\n local s = s[\"\"]\n if s then\n if combat and s.paused then\n s.paused = false\n s.expirationTime = s.remaining + GetTime()\n s.changed = true\n return true\n elseif not combat and not s.paused then\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n elseif event ==\"CAUSESE_OBLIVION_AFFIX\" and triggerNum then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n expirationTime = 80+GetTime(),\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = 80,\n autoHide = true,\n }\n if not WeakAuras.GetActiveTriggers(aura_env.id)[2] then\n local s = s[\"\"]\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n end\n return true\n end\nend\n\n\n\n", ["events"] = "TRIGGER:2:3:4 CAUSESE_OBLIVION_AFFIX", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["unit"] = "player", ["customVariables"] = "{\n expirationTime = true,\n duration = true,\n \n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["use_character"] = true, ["unit"] = "group", ["use_inCombat"] = true, ["character"] = "player", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["use_unit"] = true, ["names"] = { }, ["event"] = "Unit Characteristics", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["spellId"] = { }, ["duration"] = "4", ["message_operator"] = "==", ["destUnit"] = "player", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", 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s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n elseif event ==\"CAUSESE_VOIDBOUND_AFFIX\" and triggerNum then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n expirationTime = 80+GetTime(),\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = 80,\n autoHide = true,\n }\n if not WeakAuras.GetActiveTriggers(aura_env.id)[2] then\n local s = s[\"\"]\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n end\n return true\n end\nend\n\n\n\n", ["events"] = "TRIGGER:2:3:4 CAUSESE_VOIDBOUND_AFFIX", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["unit"] = "player", ["customVariables"] = "{\n expirationTime = true,\n duration = true,\n \n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["use_character"] = true, ["unit"] = "group", ["use_inCombat"] = true, ["character"] = "player", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = 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["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["information"] = { }, ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["zoom"] = 0, ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["uid"] = "87IbH5NrSPL", ["useCooldownModRate"] = true, ["id"] = "Seal of Clarity", ["width"] = 64, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["alpha"] = 1, ["config"] = { }, ["inverse"] = false, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, }, ["conditions"] = { }, ["cooldown"] = true, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, }, ["M+ Enemy Forces Bar"] = { ["overlays"] = { { 0, 1, 0.086274509803922, 0.63252976536751, }, }, ["text2Point"] = "BOTTOM", ["iconSource"] = 0, ["text1FontSize"] = 16, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["adjustedMax"] = "", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/M+Timer/130", ["icon"] = false, ["icon_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["keepAspectRatio"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "LEFT", ["barColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["glowColor"] = { 0.90196078431373, 0.8, 0.50196078431373, 1, }, ["text1Point"] = "TOP", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["text2FontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_size"] = true, ["use_never"] = false, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "challenge", ["multi"] = { ["challenge"] = true, }, }, ["role"] = { }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, ["affixes"] = { ["single"] = 117, ["multi"] = { [2] = true, [117] = true, }, }, ["use_exact_spellknown"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_instance_type"] = true, }, ["glowType"] = "buttonOverlay", ["glowThickness"] = 4, ["smoothProgress"] = true, ["text1FontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["text2FontSize"] = 16, ["overlayclip"] = true, ["texture"] = "Details Flat", ["text2"] = "%c2", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["barColor2"] = { 1, 1, 0, 1, }, ["text2Enabled"] = true, ["glowYOffset"] = 0, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["uid"] = "ZMuOnp4wDbH", ["zoom"] = 0, ["auto"] = false, ["displayIcon"] = 236203, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5, }, ["width"] = 330, ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "zkhTYrEsG", ["parent"] = "M+ Dynamic Group", ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["adjustedMin"] = "", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["glowLength"] = 10, ["useGlowColor"] = true, ["cooldownSwipe"] = true, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "This will make the Count for Remaining Forces go down instead of up, neading less math to see how much count you still need to get", ["key"] = "Remaining", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Remaining instead of current Count", ["width"] = 2, }, { ["type"] = "select", ["default"] = 1, ["values"] = { "Percent&Count", "Percent Only", "Count Only", }, ["key"] = "Display", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Display percent/count", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Show total Count after the /", ["key"] = "totalC", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Show Total Count", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "select", ["default"] = 1, ["values"] = { "+/- Current Pull", "Count After Pull", "Don't Display", }, ["key"] = "CountDisplay", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Display Type for Current Pull", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, }, ["key"] = "color", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Completion Color", ["width"] = 2, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "This compares your enemy forces finish time with your personal best time on the same keystone level and fortified/tyrannical", ["key"] = "splits", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Display Split Timer", ["width"] = 1, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["cooldownEdge"] = false, ["useglowColor"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["customVariables"] = "{ \n additionalProgress = 1,\n value = {\n display = \"Progress\",\n type = \"number\",\n },\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(s, e, ...)\n aura_env.update = false\n if e == \"OPTIONS\" then\n aura_env.finish = false \n local progress, mobCount, currentMC, totalMC = aura_env.GetProgress()\n local total = 100\n aura_env.total = totalMC or 0\n if progress >= 100 then\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n local cur = C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max) and select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max).elapsed or 0\n local haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][0]\n if haspb then\n local split = cur-aura_env.saved[cmap][level][0]\n local prefix = cur <= split and \"|cFF00FF00 \" or \"|cFFFF0000 +\"\n aura_env.finish = aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..prefix..aura_env.formattime(split, aura_env.color)\n else\n aura_env.finish = aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)\n end\n end\n s[\"\"] = {\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = progress,\n total = total,\n currentMC = currentMC,\n totalMC = totalMC,\n mobCount = mobCount,\n pull = {},\n pullText = \"\",\n mcpullText = \"\",\n pullCompare = 1,\n mcpullCompare = 1,\n mcCompare = totalMC/100*total - currentMC,\n leftCompare = total - progress,\n current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress),\n left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress),\n show = true,\n additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = 0,\n offset = 0,\n }\n },\n changed = true,\n }\n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED\" then\n \n local finish = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n if cmap and level then\n if not aura_env.saved then aura_env.saved = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap] then aura_env.saved[cmap] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level] = {} end\n \n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] or finish < aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] then\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][\"finish\"] = finish\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][0] = aura_env.finishtime\n end\n end\n s[\"\"].value = 100\n s[\"\"].total = 100\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n return true\n elseif e == \"SCENARIO_POI_UPDATE\" or e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" or e == \"SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE\" or e == \"STATUS\" then\n local time = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n \n aura_env.finish = false\n aura_env.done = false\n aura_env.update = true\n aura_env.cmap = nil\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.level = level\n end\n if time == 0 and not aura_env.cmap then\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.level = level\n end\n local progress, mobCount, currentMC, totalMC = aura_env.GetProgress()\n totalMC = totalMC or 0\n aura_env.total = totalMC\n if time ~= 0 then \n progress = 100 \n currentMC = totalMC\n mobCount = currentMC..\"/\"..totalMC\n end\n if not aura_env.done then\n progress = progress or 0\n end\n if progress then\n currentMC = currentMC or totalMC\n mobCount = mobCount or 0\n local total = 100\n \n aura_env.total = aura_env.total or 0\n \n if progress >= 100 and not aura_env.done then\n \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n local defeat = C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max) and C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(max).elapsed or 0\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1)) - defeat\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n local haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][0]\n if haspb then \n local pb = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][0]\n if cur == pb then\n aura_env.finish = aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..\" |cFFFFEA00 +-0\"\n else\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \" -\" or \" +\"\n local color = cur <= pb and \"|cFF00FF00\" or \"|cFFFF0000\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n aura_env.finish = \"[\"..aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..\"]\"..color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff, color)\n end\n else\n aura_env.finish = \"[\"..aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..\"]\"\n end\n aura_env.finishtime = cur\n end\n if (e == \"STATUS\" or e == \"SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE\" or e == \"SCENARIO_POI_UPDATE\") and progress >= 100 and s[\"\"] and not aura_env.done then\n aura_env.done = true\n aura_env.update = true\n \n s[\"\"].value = 100\n s[\"\"].total = 100\n s[\"\"].mobCount = mobCount\n s[\"\"].currentMC = s[\"\"].totalMC\n s[\"\"].mcCompare = s[\"\"].totalMC >= s[\"\"].currentMC and s[\"\"].totalMC - s[\"\"].currentMC or 0\n s[\"\"].leftCompare = total - progress\n s[\"\"].current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress)\n s[\"\"].left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress)\n s[\"\"].additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = 0,\n offset = 0,\n }\n }\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n \n elseif not s[\"\"] then\n aura_env.update = true\n s[\"\"] = {\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = progress,\n total = total, \n currentMC = currentMC,\n totalMC = totalMC,\n mobCount = mobCount,\n pull = {},\n pullText = \"\",\n mcpullText = \"\",\n pullCompare = 1,\n mcpullCompare = 1,\n mcCompare = totalMC >= currentMC and totalMC - currentMC or 0,\n leftCompare = total - progress,\n current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress),\n left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress),\n show = true,\n additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = 0,\n offset = 0,\n }\n },\n changed = true,\n }\n aura_env.total = totalMC\n elseif progress < 100 and s[\"\"] then\n aura_env.update = true\n s[\"\"].value = progress\n s[\"\"].total = total\n s[\"\"].mobCount = mobCount\n s[\"\"].currentMC = currentMC\n s[\"\"].totalMC = totalMC\n s[\"\"].mcCompare = totalMC >= currentMC and totalMC - currentMC or 0\n s[\"\"].leftCompare = total - progress\n s[\"\"].current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress)\n s[\"\"].left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress)\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n \n \n \n local rawValue, percentValue = 0, 0\n for _, value in pairs(s[\"\"].pull) do \n if value ~= \"DEAD\" then\n rawValue = rawValue + value[1]\n percentValue = percentValue + value[2]\n end\n end\n \n local rawtext, text = \"\", \"\"\n if percentValue > 0 or rawValue > 0 then\n rawtext = rawValue\n text = percentValue\n end\n \n s[\"\"].mcpullCompare = s[\"\"].mcCompare - rawValue\n s[\"\"].mcpullText = rawtext\n \n s[\"\"].pullCompare = s[\"\"].leftCompare - percentValue\n s[\"\"].pullText = text ~= \"\" and string.format(\"%.2f%%\", text) or text\n \n s[\"\"].additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = (percentValue+s[\"\"].value < 100 and percentValue) or 100,\n offset = 0,\n }\n }\n end\n end\n \n elseif e == \"COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED\" then\n local _, se, _, _, _, _, _, destGUID = ...\n if se == \"UNIT_DIED\" and destGUID then\n local npcID = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", destGUID))\n if s[\"\"] and s[\"\"].pull[destGUID] then\n aura_env.update = true \n s[\"\"].pull[destGUID] = \"DEAD\"\n end\n end\n end\n if aura_env.pullcount and aura_env.MDT and s[\"\"] then\n if e == \"UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE\" and InCombatLockdown() then\n local unit = ...\n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local guid = UnitGUID(unit)\n local id = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", guid))\n if guid and not s[\"\"].pull[guid] then\n local npc_id = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", guid))\n if npc_id then \n local value = aura_env.MDT:GetEnemyForces(tonumber(npc_id)) \n if value and value ~= 0 then\n s[\"\"].pull[guid] = {value, (value / (aura_env.total)) * 100}\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n end\n end \n end\n \n elseif (e == \"PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED\" or e == \"PLAYER_DEAD\") and s[\"\"].pull then\n for k, _ in pairs(s[\"\"].pull) do\n s[\"\"].pull[k] = nil\n end\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n \n if aura_env.update then\n local rawValue, percentValue = 0, 0\n for _, value in pairs(s[\"\"].pull) do \n if value ~= \"DEAD\" then\n rawValue = rawValue + value[1]\n percentValue = percentValue + value[2]\n end\n end\n \n local rawtext, text = \"\", \"\"\n if percentValue > 0 or rawValue > 0 then\n rawtext = rawValue\n text = percentValue\n end\n \n \n if aura_env.countD == 2 then\n rawtext = (s[\"\"].currentMC and rawtext ~= \"\" and tonumber(rawtext)+s[\"\"].currentMC) or \"\"\n text = rawtext ~= \"\" and (rawtext/aura_env.total)*100 or \"\"\n end\n \n s[\"\"].mcpullCompare = s[\"\"].mcCompare - rawValue\n s[\"\"].mcpullText = rawtext\n \n \n s[\"\"].pullCompare = s[\"\"].leftCompare - percentValue\n s[\"\"].pullText = text ~= \"\" and string.format(\"%.2f%%\", text) or text\n s[\"\"].additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = (percentValue+s[\"\"].value < 100 and percentValue) or 100,\n offset = 0,\n }\n }\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n end\n end\n return aura_env.update\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["names"] = { }, ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CLEU:UNIT_DIED PLAYER_DEAD PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE SCENARIO_POI_UPDATE CHALLENGE_MODE_START CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["glowXOffset"] = 0, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["useAdjustedMin"] = false, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["colorR"] = 1, ["scalex"] = 1, ["colorB"] = 0.96078431372549, ["colorG"] = 0.99607843137255, ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["colorA"] = 1, ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["use_color"] = false, ["y"] = 0, ["colorType"] = "custom", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration"] = "1", ["colorFunc"] = "function(progress, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)\n local powerColour = aura_env.powerColour\n local bg = aura_env.region.bar.bg\n bg:SetVertexColor(powerColour.r*0.25, powerColour.g*0.25, powerColour.b*0.25, .65)\n return powerColour.r, powerColour.g, powerColour.b, 1 or r1,g1,b1,a1\n \nend\n\n\n", ["rotate"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = false, ["text1"] = "%c1", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["glowFrequency"] = 0.25, ["backdropColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, }, ["version"] = 130, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text"] = "%c1%c2", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 2, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_text_format_c1_format"] = "none", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "LEFT", ["text_text_format_c2_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, }, { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text"] = "%c3%c4", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_text_format_c4_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_c3_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, }, { ["type"] = "subborder", ["text_color"] = { }, ["border_color"] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, }, ["text_shadowColor"] = { }, ["border_edge"] = "1 Pixel", ["border_offset"] = 0, ["border_anchor"] = "bar", ["border_visible"] = true, ["border_size"] = 1, }, { ["glowFrequency"] = 0.1, ["type"] = "subglow", ["glowDuration"] = 1, ["glowType"] = "Pixel", ["glowThickness"] = 2, ["useGlowColor"] = true, ["glowYOffset"] = 0, ["glowColor"] = { 1, 0, 0, 1, }, ["glowXOffset"] = 0, ["glowLength"] = 10, ["glow"] = false, ["glow_anchor"] = "bar", ["glowScale"] = 1.2, ["glowLines"] = 12, ["glowBorder"] = false, }, }, ["height"] = 24, ["textureSource"] = "LSM", ["glowLines"] = 8, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["config"] = { ["totalC"] = true, ["Remaining"] = false, ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["splits"] = true, ["Display"] = 1, ["CountDisplay"] = 1, }, ["source"] = "import", ["text1Font"] = "Expressway", ["text1Color"] = { 0, 0.92549019607843, 1, 1, }, ["useAdjustedMax"] = false, ["text1Containment"] = "OUTSIDE", ["text2Color"] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, }, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["sound"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Sounds\\chant4.ogg", ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, ["do_sound"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.finishforces = aura_env.config[\"Decimals\"] ~= 5\naura_env.pullcount = aura_env.config[\"CountDisplay\"] ~= 3\naura_env.countD = aura_env.config[\"CountDisplay\"]\naura_env.remaining = aura_env.config[\"Remaining\"]\naura_env.display = aura_env.config[\"Display\"]\naura_env.totalC = aura_env.config[\"totalC\"]\naura_env.total = aura_env.total or 0\naura_env.done = aura_env.done or false\naura_env.update = false\naura_env.total = 0\n\nlocal c = aura_env.config.color\nlocal col = {}\n\naura_env.MDT = MDT\n\nfor i=1, 4 do\n if i == 4 then \n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n else\n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n end\n if string.len(col[i]) == 1 then\n col[i] = \"0\"..col[i]\n end\nend\n\naura_env.color = \"|c\"..col[4]..col[1]..col[2]..col[3]\n\n\naura_env.GetProgress = function()\n local steps = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if not steps or steps <= 0 then\n return\n end\n local criteria = C_ScenarioInfo.GetCriteriaInfo(steps)\n local total = criteria.totalQuantity\n local current = criteria.quantityString:gsub(\"%%\", \"\")\n current = tonumber(current)\n if current then\n local percent = current / total * 100\n if percent then\n percent = (percent <= 0 and 0) or (percent > 100 and 100) or percent\n return percent, current..\" / \"..total, current, total\n end\n end\n return false\nend\n\naura_env.GetProgress()\n\naura_env.formattime = function(time, color)\n color = color or \"|cFFFFFFFF\"\n local timeMin = math.floor(time / 60)\n local timeSec = math.floor(time - (timeMin*60))\n if timeMin < 10 then\n timeMin = (\"0%d\"):format(timeMin)\n end\n if timeSec < 10 then\n timeSec = (\"0%d\"):format(timeSec)\n end\n return (color..\"%s:%s|r\"):format(timeMin, timeSec)\nend\n\naura_env.getoptionstext = function()\n local count = 175\n local max = 250\n local pullC = 10\n local perc = \"70.00%\"\n local percC = \"4.00%\"\n local percC2 = \"74.00%\"\n local text1, text2, text3, text4 = \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"\n local dis = aura_env.config[\"Display\"]\n if dis == 1 or dis == 2 then\n text1 = perc\n if aura_env.pullcount then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n text2 = \"(+\"..percC..\")\"\n else\n text2 = \"(\"..percC2..\")\"\n end\n end\n -- percent shit\n end\n if dis == 1 or dis == 3 then\n if aura_env.remaining then\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = max-count..\"/\"..max\n else\n text3 = max-count\n end\n if aura_env.pullcount then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n text4 = \"(-\"..pullC..\")\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..max-count-pullC..\")\"\n end\n end\n else\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = count..\"/\"..max\n else\n text3 = count\n end\n if aura_env.pullcount then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n text4 = \"(+\"..pullC..\")\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..count+pullC..\")\"\n end\n end\n end\n end\n return text1, text2, text3, text4\nend\n\nDebugPrint(aura_env.saved)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["borderInFront"] = true, ["text2Containment"] = "OUTSIDE", ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["text1Enabled"] = true, ["text2Font"] = "Expressway", ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["progressSource"] = { -1, "", }, ["glow"] = false, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["semver"] = "1.3.41", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["id"] = "M+ Enemy Forces Bar", ["customText"] = "function()\n local text1, text2, text3, text4 = \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"\n if aura_env.state and aura_env.state.current and aura_env.state.total then\n \n if aura_env.MDT then\n if (aura_env.state.pullText or aura_env.state.mcpullText) and aura_env.state.totalMC > aura_env.state.currentMC then\n if aura_env.state.mcpullCompare and aura_env.state.mcpullCompare then\n text4 = aura_env.state.mcpullText\n if aura_env.state.pullCompare then\n text2 = aura_env.state.pullText\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n text1 = aura_env.state.current\n if aura_env.finish then\n text1 = aura_env.finishforces and aura_env.finish or \"\"\n text2 = \"\"\n end\n if text2 ~= \"\" and text2 ~= 0 and text2 ~= aura_env.finish then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n if aura_env.state.pullCompare <= 0 then\n text2 = \"|cFF00FF00(+\"..text2..\")|r\"\n else\n text2 = \"(+\"..text2..\")\"\n end\n else\n if aura_env.state.pullCompare <= 0 then\n text2 = \"|cFF00FF00(\"..text2..\")|r\"\n else\n text2 = \"(\"..text2..\")\"\n end\n end\n end\n \n if text4 ~= \"\" and text4 ~= 0 then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n local symbol = aura_env.remaining and \"-\" or \"+\"\n if aura_env.state.mcpullCompare <= 0 then\n text4 = \"|cFF00FF00(\"..symbol..text4..\")|r\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..symbol..text4..\")\"\n end\n else\n if aura_env.state.mcpullCompare <= 0 then\n text4 = \"|cFF00FF00(\"..aura_env.state.mcpullCompare..\")|r\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..aura_env.state.mcpullCompare..\")\"\n end\n end\n end\n \n \n if aura_env.remaining then\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = aura_env.state.mcCompare..\"/\"..aura_env.state.totalMC\n else\n text3 = aura_env.state.mcCompare\n end\n else\n if aura_env.state.totalMC > 1 then\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = aura_env.state.currentMC..\"/\"..aura_env.state.totalMC\n else\n text3 = aura_env.state.currentMC\n end\n end\n end \n text1 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 2) and text1) or \"\"\n text2 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 2) and text2) or \"\"\n text3 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 3) and text3) or \"\"\n text4 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 3) and text4) or \"\"\n return text1, text2, text3, text4\n end\n if WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n if not C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID() then\n text1, text2, text3, text4 = aura_env.getoptionstext()\n end\n return text1, text2, text3, text4\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["inverse"] = false, ["glowScale"] = 1, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["variable"] = "value", ["value"] = "20", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, 0.4588235616684, 0.50196081399918, 1, }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["variable"] = "value", ["value"] = "40", }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, 0.50980395078659, 0.28235295414925, 1, }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, }, }, { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["variable"] = "value", ["value"] = "60", }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, 0.77254909276962, 0.40392160415649, 1, }, ["property"] = 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Choose none if you want to export variables for use in other weakauras and not be visible.", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Physical and magic", "Physical", "Magic", "None", }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "display", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Display", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["desc"] = "Choose between vertical or horizontal alignment.", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Vertical", "Horizontal", "Horizontal without line", }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "align", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Alignment", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["desc"] = "Choose the number of decimals that are displayed.", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Dynamic", "0", "0.0", "0.00", "0.000", "0.0000", "Don't shorten", }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "decimals", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Decimals", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["desc"] = "Choose what you want to show. Damage reduction disables dynamic colors. Percentage is calculated by comparing current effective health to current max health.", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Effective health", "Damage reduction", "Percentage", }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "show", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Show", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Physical text", ["default"] = "P:", ["desc"] = "The text in front of the physical effective health number.", ["key"] = "Ptext", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Magic text", ["default"] = "M:", ["desc"] = "The text in front of the magic effective health number.", ["key"] = "Mtext", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Include Avoidance, Feint, and other effects that only reduce the area of effect damage taken into the calculation.", ["key"] = "aoe", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Include avoidance", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "lenience", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Lenience enable", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Make conditional damage reductions to always be included in the calculation. This covers abilities like Will of the Necropolis, Dampen Harm, and Earthwarden. Enabling this option may make remaining health predictions to be wrong.", ["key"] = "conditionalReductions", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Conditional reductions", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Count the cheat death effect from Guardian Spirit and Cauterize as effective health.", ["key"] = "countCheat", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Cheat death as effective health", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["desc"] = "Include block in the calculation. This setting will only be enabled if you are playing a Protection Warrior or a Protection Paladin. Settings with crit block will assume a 100% chance of crit block (and will only be added when playing a Protection Warrior).", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Never", "If chance is >= 100%", "If chance is >= 100% + crit", "Always (amount / chance)", "Always (amount / chance) + crit", "Always", "Always + crit", }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "blockMode", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Include block", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Change the color of the numbers displayed based on how much effective health you currently have. This will only take effect if you are at max level and it will override the custom color chosen.", ["key"] = "dynamicColors", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Dynamic colors", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, }, ["desc"] = "Choose the color for the numbers. This setting will be ignored if dynamic colors is selected and you are at max level.", ["key"] = "numberColor", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Number color", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["desc"] = "Choose the color of the 'P'.", ["key"] = "textColorP", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Physical text color", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["desc"] = "Choose the color of the 'M'.", ["key"] = "textColorM", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Magic text color", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "color", ["default"] = { 0, 0.45882352941176, 1, 1, }, ["desc"] = "The color used when you have an immunity active.", ["key"] = "immunityColor", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Immunity color", ["width"] = 1, }, }, ["type"] = "group", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["key"] = "color", ["name"] = "Color", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["collapse"] = false, ["size"] = 10, }, { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "range", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 200, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 1, ["key"] = "throttle", ["desc"] = "Set the maximum interval between each update in frames. Increase this in order to improve performance. It has the largest effect outside of combat. This setting is ignored if dynamic updates is disabled.", ["name"] = "Max update interval", ["default"] = 100, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Significantly improve performance by updating on specific events, instead of on every frame. The only reason to disable this is if the weakaura does not update when it should and an instant update is needed.", ["key"] = "dynamicUpdates", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Dynamic updates", ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Show the damage reduction multiplier used, and print in the chat when the weakaura updates.", ["key"] = "debug", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Debug", ["width"] = 1, }, }, ["type"] = "group", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["key"] = "advanced", ["name"] = "Advanced", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["collapse"] = true, ["size"] = 10, }, { ["useName"] = false, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, { ["type"] = "description", ["text"] = "Updated to Patch: 10.2.6\n~Toludin-Emerald Dream (NA)\n\n", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, }, ["displayText"] = "%c", ["yOffset"] = -335.32806396484, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["url"] = 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then\n local aura_env = aura_env\n aura_env.update = false\n aura_env.frame = 0 \n \n -- if aura_env.outOfDate then\n -- aura_env.effectiveHealth = \"|cFFFF0000Effective health\\nis out of date|r\"\n --if not aura_env.outOfDate then\n -- aura_env.effectiveHealth = \"\"\n -- return aura_env.effectiveHealth\n --end\n \n local current = {}\n \n current.reductionPhysical = aura_env.avoidance *\n aura_env.statsPhysical * aura_env.buffPhysical * aura_env.talentPhysical *\n aura_env.healthBasedReduction * aura_env.targetReductionPhysical *\n aura_env.staggerPhysical * aura_env.armor *\n aura_env.debuffPhysical * aura_env.mirrorimagereduction * aura_env.channelReduction\n \n current.reductionMagic = aura_env.avoidance *\n aura_env.statsMagic * aura_env.buffMagic * aura_env.talentMagic *\n aura_env.healthBasedReduction * aura_env.targetReductionMagic *\n aura_env.staggerMagic * aura_env.debuffMagic *\n aura_env.mirrorimagereduction * aura_env.channelReduction\n \n local removeAvoidance = aura_env.avoidance * aura_env.feint * aura_env.suppression * aura_env.huntersAvoidance * aura_env.zephyr * aura_env.generousPour * aura_env.seasonedSoldier * aura_env.ancestralDefense * aura_env.obduracy * aura_env.sanctifiedPlates\n if not aura_env.aoe then\n current.reductionPhysical = current.reductionPhysical / aura_env.avoidance\n current.reductionMagic = current.reductionMagic / aura_env.avoidance\n removeAvoidance = 1\n if aura_env.elusiveness then\n removeAvoidance = 1 * aura_env.feint\n end\n end\n \n current.absorbPhysical = aura_env.absorb + aura_env.targetAbsorb + aura_env.touchOfKarma + \n aura_env.ruggedTenacity + aura_env.brambles + aura_env.block - aura_env.antiMagicShellAbsorb - \n aura_env.spellwardingAbsorb - aura_env.splinterAbsorb -- aura_env.celestialbrew\n \n current.absorbMagic = aura_env.absorb + aura_env.touchOfKarma +\n aura_env.ruggedTenacity + aura_env.targetAbsorb +\n aura_env.brambles - aura_env.bloodShield - aura_env.splinterAbsorb -- aura_env.celestialbrew\n \n current.health = aura_env.currentHealth\n \n -- Only continue if there are changes\n local changed = false\n current.maxHealth = aura_env.maxHealth\n current.immunityPhysical, current.immunityMagic = aura_env.immunityPhysical, aura_env.immunityMagic\n current.avoidance = aura_env.avoidance\n for k, v in pairs(current) do\n if aura_env.lastUpdate[k] ~= v then\n changed = true\n break\n end\n end\n if changed or aura_env.lastUpdateFrame >= 1000 then\n aura_env.lastUpdate = current\n aura_env.lastUpdateFrame = 0\n \n local EHP, EHM\n if aura_env.show == 3 then -- If show percentage\n EHP = (current.health + current.absorbPhysical) / current.reductionPhysical / aura_env.maxHealth * 100\n EHM = (current.health + current.absorbMagic) / current.reductionMagic / aura_env.maxHealth * 100\n else\n EHP = (current.health + current.absorbPhysical) / current.reductionPhysical\n EHM = (current.health + current.absorbMagic) / current.reductionMagic\n end\n \n -- Format numbers --\n local charPhysical, divPhysical, decimalPhysical = aura_env.shorten(EHP)\n local charMagic, divMagic, decimalMagic = aura_env.shorten(EHM)\n \n local percent = \"%%\"\n if aura_env.show == 1 then -- Show effective health\n EHP = EHP / divPhysical\n EHM = EHM / divMagic\n percent = \"\"\n elseif aura_env.show == 2 then -- Show damage reduction\n EHP = (1 - current.reductionPhysical) * 100\n EHM = (1 - current.reductionMagic) * 100\n if aura_env.decimals == 1 then\n decimalPhysical, decimalMagic = 1, 1\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.decimals > 1 and aura_env.decimals < 7 then\n decimalPhysical = aura_env.decimals - 2\n decimalMagic = aura_env.decimals - 2\n elseif aura_env.show == 3 then\n decimalPhysical = 0\n decimalMagic = 0\n end\n \n -- Format text --\n local colorPhysical, colorMagic = \"\", \"\"\n for i, v in ipairs(aura_env.color) do\n if aura_env.show == 1 and EHP * divPhysical >= aura_env.threshold[1][i] then\n colorPhysical = v\n elseif aura_env.show == 2 then\n colorPhysical = v\n elseif aura_env.show == 3 and EHP * aura_env.maxHealth / 100 >= aura_env.threshold[1][i] then\n colorPhysical = v\n end\n if aura_env.show == 1 and EHM * divMagic >= aura_env.threshold[2][i] then\n colorMagic = v\n elseif aura_env.show == 2 then\n colorMagic = v\n elseif aura_env.show == 3 and EHM * aura_env.maxHealth / 100 >= aura_env.threshold[2][i] then\n colorMagic = v\n end\n end\n if aura_env.immunityPhysical then\n colorPhysical = aura_env.immunityColor\n end\n if aura_env.immunityMagic then\n colorMagic = aura_env.immunityColor\n end\n \n EHP = string.format(aura_env.textFormatPhysical..decimalPhysical..\"f\"..charPhysical..percent..\"|r\", colorPhysical, EHP)\n EHM = string.format(aura_env.textFormatMagic..decimalMagic..\"f\"..charMagic..percent..\"|r\", colorMagic, EHM)\n \n if aura_env.display == 2 then -- Physical only\n EHM = \"\"\n elseif aura_env.display == 3 then -- Magic only\n EHP = \"\"\n elseif aura_env.display == 4 then -- None\n EHP, EHM = \"\", \"\"\n end\n \n if aura_env.debug then\n aura_env.effectiveHealth = \"P: \"..current.reductionPhysical..\"\\n\"..\"M: \"..current.reductionMagic\n else\n if aura_env.cheatDeath and aura_env.countCheat then\n aura_env.cheatDeathDisplay = \"Cheat Death Active\" -- aura_env.cheatDeath doesnt actually do shit now cause im hardcoding Cheat Death Active below\n aura_env.effectiveHealth = EHP..aura_env.separator..EHM..aura_env.separator..\"Cheat Death Active\"\n else\n aura_env.effectiveHealth = EHP..aura_env.separator..EHM\n end\n end\n \n -- Removing some conditional reductions for export to keep it consistent regardless of user settings\n local reductionPhysical, reductionMagic = current.reductionPhysical, current.reductionMagic\n local avoidance = aura_env.avoidance\n if aura_env.feint < 1 then avoidance = avoidance * 0.60 end\n if aura_env.conditionalReductions and aura_env.dampenHarm then\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical / 0.50 * 0.80\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic / 0.50 * 0.80\n end\n -- The reductions have avoidance removed and sent on its own\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"EFFECTIVE_HEALTH\",\n aura_env.currentHealth,\n current.maxHealth,\n reductionPhysical / removeAvoidance / aura_env.earthwarden / aura_env.huntersAvoidance / aura_env.suppression / aura_env.zephyr / aura_env.generousPour / aura_env.seasonedSoldier / aura_env.ancestralDefense / aura_env.obduracy / aura_env.sanctifiedPlates, \n reductionMagic / removeAvoidance / aura_env.huntersAvoidance / aura_env.suppression / aura_env.zephyr / aura_env.generousPour / aura_env.seasonedSoldier / aura_env.ancestralDefense / aura_env.obduracy / aura_env.sanctifiedPlates,\n current.absorbPhysical - aura_env.block,\n current.absorbMagic,\n aura_env.armor,\n avoidance,\n aura_env.staggerPhysical,\n aura_env.staggerMagic,\n aura_env.immunityPhysical,\n aura_env.immunityMagic,\n aura_env.conditionalReductions,\n aura_env.cheatDeath\n )\n \n if aura_env.debug then\n print(GetTime(), \"updated\")\n end\n return aura_env.effectiveHealth, aura_env.cheatDeathDisplay\n end\n end\n return aura_env.effectiveHealth, aura_env.cheatDeathDisplay\nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["displayText_format_c2_abbreviate"] = false, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["duration"] = "1", ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "unit", ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["use_unit"] = true, ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "", ["check"] = "event", ["use_alive"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["duration"] = "0.00001", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "UNIT_AURA:player,UNIT_STATS:player,UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT:player,ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED,UNIT_MAXHEALTH:player,UNIT_HEALTH:player,UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED:player,PLAYER_DAMAGE_DONE_MODS,UNIT_RESISTANCES,UNIT_DAMAGE:player,UNIT_PET:player", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["custom"] = "function(event)\n if aura_env.dynamicUpdates then \n if event == \"UNIT_AURA\" then -- Buff / debuff update\n aura_env.buffPhysical, aura_env.buffMagic = aura_env.checkBuffs()\n aura_env.debuffPhysical, aura_env.debuffMagic = aura_env.checkDebuffs()\n aura_env.channelReduction = aura_env.checkChannel()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"PLAYER_DAMAGE_DONE_MODS\" then -- Block update\n aura_env.statsPhysical, aura_env.statsMagic = aura_env.checkStats()\n aura_env.block = aura_env.checkBlock()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_DAMAGE\" then -- Versatility update\n aura_env.statsPhysical, aura_env.statsMagic = aura_env.checkStats()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED\" then -- Absorb and Stagger update\n aura_env.absorb = UnitGetTotalAbsorbs(\"player\")\n aura_env.staggerPhysical, aura_env.staggerMagic = aura_env.checkStagger()\n -- aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_STATS\" then -- Normal stats update\n aura_env.statsPhysical, aura_env.statsMagic = aura_env.checkStats()\n aura_env.staggerPhysical, aura_env.staggerMagic = aura_env.checkStagger()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_RESISTANCES\" then -- Armor update\n aura_env.armor = aura_env.checkArmor()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT\" or event == \"UNIT_HEALTH\" then\n aura_env.currentHealth, aura_env.healthBasedReduction = aura_env.checkHealth()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_MAXHEALTH\" then\n aura_env.maxHealth = UnitHealthMax(\"player\")\n aura_env.currentHealth, aura_env.healthBasedReduction = aura_env.checkHealth()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED\" or event == \"TRAIT_CONFIG_UPDATED\" or event == \"UNIT_PET\" then\n aura_env.talentPhysical, aura_env.talentMagic = aura_env.checkTalents()\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n return aura_env.update\n end\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["customVariables"] = "{\n spellId = {\n display = \"Spell ID\",\n type = \"string\"\n },\n source = {\n display = \"Source\",\n type = \"string\"\n },\n aoe = {\n display = \"AOE\",\n type = \"bool\"\n },\n ignoreArmor = {\n display = \"Ignore Armor\",\n type = \"bool\"\n },\n turtle = {\n display = \"Hunter Turtle\",\n type = \"bool\"\n },\n damage = {\n display = \"Base Damage\",\n type = \"number\"\n },\n school = {\n display = \"Spell School\",\n type = \"number\"\n }, \n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "", }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["duration"] = "0.00001", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(event)\n if event == \"PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED\" then\n aura_env.targetArmorScaling = UnitExists(\"target\")\n aura_env.armor = aura_env.checkArmor()\n aura_env.targetReductionPhysical, aura_env.targetReductionMagic = aura_env.checkTargetReduction()\n aura_env.targetAbsorb = aura_env.checkTargetAbsorb()\n aura_env.staggerPhysical, aura_env.staggerMagic = aura_env.checkStagger()\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event == \"UNIT_AURA\" then -- Target buff / debuff\n aura_env.targetReductionPhysical, aura_env.targetReductionMagic = aura_env.checkTargetReduction()\n aura_env.targetAbsorb = aura_env.checkTargetAbsorb()\n elseif event == \"ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED\" or \"TRAIT_CONFIG_UPDATED\" then\n aura_env.specID = GetSpecialization()\n aura_env.talentPhysical, aura_env.talentMagic = aura_env.checkTalents()\n aura_env.staggerPhysical, aura_env.staggerMagic = aura_env.checkStagger()\n aura_env.includeBlock = false\n if aura_env.blockMode > 1 then -- Change block settings if needed\n if aura_env.classID == 1 and aura_env.specID == 3 then\n aura_env.includeBlock = true\n elseif aura_env.classID == 2 and aura_env.specID == 2 then\n aura_env.includeBlock = true\n end\n end\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n return aura_env.update\nend", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["events"] = "UNIT_AURA:target,PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED,MASTERY_UPDATE,ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED,TRAIT_CONFIG_UPDATED", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["duration"] = "0.00001", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(event)\n if event == \"AVOIDANCE_UPDATE\" then\n aura_env.avoidance = 1 - GetAvoidance() / 100\n aura_env.update = true\n elseif event ~= \"PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED\" then\n aura_env.update = true\n end\nend", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["events"] = "PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED,AVOIDANCE_UPDATE", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Health", ["use_unit"] = true, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function()\n aura_env.frame = aura_env.frame + 1\n aura_env.lastUpdateFrame = aura_env.lastUpdateFrame + 1\n if aura_env.updateBuffs then\n aura_env.updateBuffs = false\n aura_env.buffPhysical, aura_env.buffMagic = aura_env.checkBuffs()\n aura_env.update = true\n return true\n end\n if aura_env.frame >= aura_env.throttle or not aura_env.dynamicUpdates then\n local aura_env = aura_env\n aura_env.maxHealth = UnitHealthMax(\"player\")\n aura_env.currentHealth, aura_env.healthBasedReduction = aura_env.checkHealth()\n aura_env.buffPhysical, aura_env.buffMagic = aura_env.checkBuffs()\n aura_env.debuffPhysical, aura_env.debuffMagic = aura_env.checkDebuffs()\n aura_env.absorb = UnitGetTotalAbsorbs(\"player\")\n aura_env.statsPhysical, aura_env.statsMagic = aura_env.checkStats()\n aura_env.armor = aura_env.checkArmor()\n aura_env.staggerPhysical, aura_env.staggerMagic = aura_env.checkStagger()\n aura_env.targetReductionPhysical, aura_env.targetReductionMagic = aura_env.checkTargetReduction()\n aura_env.block = aura_env.checkBlock()\n aura_env.update = true\n if not aura_env.dynamicUpdates and aura_env.frame == 1 then aura_env.update = false end\n end\n return aura_env.update\nend", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "update", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["duration"] = "1", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "\n\n", }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["names"] = { }, ["duration"] = "0.00001", ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["unit"] = "player", ["event"] = "Chat Message", ["events"] = "CLEU:SPELL_ABSORBED, CLEU:SPELL_AURA_APPLIED, CLEU:SPELL_AURA_REMOVED", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "-- Original code from https://wago.io/B1M5OqeFb\nfunction(event, ...)\n if aura_env.classID == 10 and aura_env.specID == 3 then\n local _, message = ...\n local destName = select(9, ...)\n if destName and destName == WeakAuras.me then\n if message == \"SPELL_ABSORBED\" then\n local chk = select(12, ...)\n local spellID, absorbed\n if type(chk) == \"number\" then\n spellID = select(19, ...)\n absorbed = select(22, ...)\n else\n spellID = select(16, ...)\n absorbed = select(19, ...)\n end\n if spellID == 122470 then\n aura_env.touchOfKarma = math.max(aura_env.touchOfKarma - absorbed, 0)\n aura_env.update = true\n return true\n end\n elseif message == \"SPELL_AURA_APPLIED\" then\n local spellID = select(12, ...)\n if spellID == 122470 then\n aura_env.maxValue = aura_env.maxHealth * 0.5\n aura_env.touchOfKarma = aura_env.maxValue\n aura_env.update = true\n return true\n end\n elseif message == \"SPELL_AURA_REMOVED\" then\n local spellID = select(12, ...)\n if spellID == 122470 then\n aura_env.touchOfKarma = 0\n aura_env.update = true\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend", ["check"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unevent"] = "auto", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["duration"] = "40", ["unit"] = "player", ["events"] = "CLEU:SPELL_AURA_APPLIED, CLEU:SPELL_AURA_REMOVED", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["custom"] = "function(_, _, subEvent, _, sourceGUID, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellID)\n \n if spellID == 55342 and sourceGUID == UnitGUID(\"player\") then\n if subEvent == \"SPELL_AURA_APPLIED\" then\n aura_env.mirrorimage = true\n aura_env.update = true\n \n C_Timer.After(40, function()\n aura_env.mirrorimage = false\n aura_env.update = true\n end)\n return true\n \n elseif subEvent == \"SPELL_AURA_REMOVED\" then\n aura_env.mirrorimage = false\n aura_env.update = true\n return true\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.mirrorimage then\n aura_env.mirrorimagereduction = 0.8\n else\n aura_env.mirrorimagereduction = 1\n end\nend", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "PLAYER_LEVEL_UP,PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD,ENCOUNTER_START,ENCOUNTER_END,ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA", ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["custom"] = "function(event, ID)\n if event == \"PLAYER_LEVEL_UP\" then\n aura_env.playerLevel = ID\n elseif event == \"OPTIONS\" or event == \"PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD\" then -- Force a new update\n aura_env.lastUpdate = {}\n elseif event == \"ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA\" then\n aura_env.instanceDifficulty = select(3, GetInstanceInfo())\n end\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1]\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["internalVersion"] = 79, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["colorR"] = 1, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["colorB"] = 1, ["colorG"] = 1, ["use_translate"] = false, ["colorA"] = 1, ["type"] = "none", ["x"] = 8, ["easeType"] = "none", ["translateFunc"] = "", ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["y"] = 0, ["colorType"] = "custom", ["use_color"] = false, ["preset"] = "shake", ["colorFunc"] = "\n\n", ["rotate"] = 0, ["scalex"] = 1, ["translateType"] = "custom", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["displayText_format_c2_format"] = "none", ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 12, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, }, ["height"] = 48.333332061768, ["fontSize"] = 24, ["displayStacks"] = "%c", ["displayText_format_c2_realm_name"] = "never", ["displayText_format_c2_color"] = true, ["semver"] = "1.0.11", ["xOffset"] = -43.040252685547, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, ["uid"] = "8Bnv12fKIX7", ["color"] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, }, ["anchorFrameParent"] = true, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["message_type"] = "ERROR", ["do_custom"] = false, ["custom"] = "", ["do_message"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- TWW Version by 빨간머리고아-Azshara KR\n-- Credit to Heartline-Twisting Nether for Dragonflight Season 4 version\n-- Credit to Justbears-Illidan US for Dragonflight Season 1 version\n-- Credit to Zeler-Ravencrest EU for the original version\n\n\n\n\n-- User settings\naura_env.display = aura_env.config.display\naura_env.align = aura_env.config.align\naura_env.decimals = aura_env.config.decimals\naura_env.show = aura_env.config.show\nlocal Ptext = aura_env.config.Ptext\nlocal Mtext = aura_env.config.Mtext\naura_env.aoe = aura_env.config.aoe\naura_env.countCheat = aura_env.config.countCheat\naura_env.conditionalReductions = aura_env.config.conditionalReductions\naura_env.lenienceenable = aura_env.config.lenience\naura_env.blockMode = aura_env.config.blockMode\naura_env.dynamicColors = aura_env.config.color.dynamicColors\nlocal color = {aura_env.config.color.numberColor}\nlocal textColorP = CreateColor(unpack(aura_env.config.color.textColorP)):GenerateHexColor()\nlocal textColorM = CreateColor(unpack(aura_env.config.color.textColorM)):GenerateHexColor()\naura_env.immunityColor = CreateColor(unpack(aura_env.config.color.immunityColor)):GenerateHexColor()\naura_env.throttle = aura_env.config.advanced.throttle\naura_env.dynamicUpdates = aura_env.config.advanced.dynamicUpdates\naura_env.debug = aura_env.config.advanced.debug\n\n\naura_env.frame = 0\naura_env.lastUpdateFrame = 0\naura_env.lastUpdate = {} -- Only update when there are changes\naura_env.updateBuffs = false\naura_env.immunityPhysical, aura_env.immunityMagic = false, false\naura_env.cheatDeath = false\naura_env.antiMagicShellAbsorb, aura_env.bloodShield = 0, 0\naura_env.spellwardingAbsorb = 0\naura_env.felArmor = 1\naura_env.felArmorRank = 0\naura_env.unholyBondRank = 0\naura_env.splinterAbsorb = 0\naura_env.elusiveMistsRank = 0\naura_env.bounceBackRank = 0\naura_env.seasonedSoldier = 1\naura_env.dampenHarm = false\naura_env.celestialbrew = 0 -- Monk - Brewmaster\naura_env.earthwarden = 1 -- Guardian Druid - talent\naura_env.nameplateCheck = 0 -- Protection Paladin - Last Defender - talent\naura_env.mirrorimage = false -- Mage - Mirror Image\naura_env.mirrorimagereduction = 1\naura_env.touchOfKarma = 0\naura_env.feint = 1\naura_env.zephyr = 1\naura_env.generousPour = 1\naura_env.suppression = 1\naura_env.huntersAvoidance = 1\naura_env.ancestralDefense = 1\naura_env.obduracy = 1\naura_env.sanctifiedPlates = 1\naura_env.ruggedTenacity = 0\naura_env.brambles = 0\naura_env.instanceDifficulty = select(3, GetInstanceInfo())\n\naura_env.update = true\naura_env.avoidance = 1\nif aura_env.aoe then aura_env.avoidance = 1 - GetAvoidance() / 100 end\naura_env.playerLevel = UnitLevel(\"player\")\naura_env.targetArmorScaling = UnitExists(\"target\")\naura_env.highmountainTauren = IsPlayerSpell(255659) -- Rugged Tenacity - passive\naura_env.classID = select(3, UnitClass(\"player\"))\naura_env.specID = GetSpecialization()\n\naura_env.separator = \"\"\nif aura_env.display == 1 and aura_env.align == 1 then aura_env.separator = \"\\n\"\nelseif aura_env.display == 1 and aura_env.align == 2 then aura_env.separator = \" | \"\nelseif aura_env.display == 1 and aura_env.align == 3 then aura_env.separator = \" \"\nend\n\naura_env.textFormatPhysical = \"|c\"..textColorP..Ptext..\"|r|c%s%.\"\naura_env.textFormatMagic = \"|c\"..textColorM..Mtext..\"|r|c%s%.\"\n\nlocal gameVersion = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) / 10000\nif gameVersion > 10.3002 or gameVersion < 10 then\n aura_env.outOfDate = true\nend\n\n-- Include or ignore block\naura_env.includeBlock = false\nif aura_env.blockMode > 1 then\n if aura_env.classID == 1 and aura_env.specID == 3 then\n aura_env.includeBlock = true\n elseif aura_env.classID == 2 and aura_env.specID == 2 then\n aura_env.includeBlock = true\n end\nend\n\n-- Color values. The accepted values are from 0 to 1\n-- The first value is for red, second is for green, and third is for blue\nif aura_env.dynamicColors and aura_env.playerLevel == 70 and aura_env.show ~= 2 then\n aura_env.color = {\n {1, 0, 0}, -- Lowest health\n {1, 0.5, 0},\n {0, 1, 0},\n {0, 1, 1},\n {1, 0, 1},\n {1, 1, 0}, -- Highest health\n }\nelse\n aura_env.color = color\nend\n\nfor i, v in ipairs(aura_env.color) do\n aura_env.color[i] = CreateColor(unpack(v)):GenerateHexColor()\nend\n-- Thresholds at which the color changes, the values are in raw effective health number\naura_env.threshold = {\n {0, 64000, 128000, 192000, 256000, 320000}, -- Physical\n {0, 56000, 112000, 168000, 224000, 280000}, -- Magic\n}\n\n-- Shorten numbers\nfunction aura_env.shorten(number)\n local char, div, deci = \"\", 1, 0\n if number < 10^3 or aura_env.decimals == 7 or aura_env.show == 2 then -- Don't shorten\n return char, div, deci\n end\n if number >= 10^12 then\n div = 10^12\n char = \"t\"\n elseif number >= 10^9 then\n div = 10^9\n char = \"b\"\n elseif number >= 10^6 then\n div = 10^6\n char = \"m\"\n else\n div = 10^3\n char = \"k\"\n end\n if number / div < 10 then\n deci = 2\n elseif number / div < 100 then\n deci = 1\n end\n return char, div, deci\nend\n\n-- Basic damage reductions\n-- [Spell ID] = {physical reduction, magic reduction}\naura_env.basicReductions = {\n \n --- Warrior ---\n [386208] = {0.85, 0.85}, -- Defensive Stance\n [385391] = {1.00, 0.80}, -- Spell Reflection\n [118038] = {0.70, 0.70}, -- Die by the Sword\n [184364] = {0.70, 0.70}, -- Enrage Regeneration\n [871] = {0.60, 0.60}, -- Shield Wall\n [394056] = {0.96, 0.96}, -- Protection T23 2-set\n \n --- Paladin ---\n [6940] = {0.70, 0.70}, -- Blessing of Sacrifice\n [498] = {0.80, 0.80}, -- Divine Protection\n [86659] = {0.50, 0.50}, -- Guardian of Ancient Kings\n [385126] = {0.95, 0.95}, -- Blessing of Dusk\n [205191] = {0.65, 1.00}, -- Eye for an eye\n [387804] = {0.85, 0.85}, -- Echoing Blessing\n \n --- Rogue ---\n [386237] = {0.90, 0.90}, -- Fade to Nothing\n [45182] = {0.15, 0.15}, -- Cheating Death\n \n --- Priest ---\n [81782] = {0.80, 0.80}, -- Power Ward: Barrier\n [33206] = {0.60, 0.60}, -- Pain Suppression\n [45242] = {0.85, 0.85}, -- Focused Will\n [47585] = {0.25, 0.25}, -- Dispersion\n [193065] = {0.90, 0.90}, -- Protective Light\n [390677] = {0.95, 1.00}, -- Inspiration\n ---\n --- Death Knight ---\n [48792] = {0.70, 0.70}, -- icebound fortitude\n [194679] = {0.80, 0.80}, -- rune tap\n \n --- Shaman ---\n [383018] = {0.90, 1.00}, -- Stoneskin Totem\n [381765] = {0.95, 0.95}, -- Primordial Bond\n [355630] = {0.85, 0.85}, -- Seasoned Winds\n \n --- Mage ---\n [113862] = {0.40, 0.40}, -- Greater Invisibility\n \n --- Warlock ---\n [386869] = {0.96, 0.96}, -- Teachings of the Black Harvest\n [389614] = {0.96, 0.96}, -- Abyss Walker\n \n --- Monk ---\n [120954] = {0.80, 0.80}, -- Fortifying Brew\n [122783] = {1.00, 0.40}, -- Diffuse Magic\n \n --- Druid ---\n [61336] = {0.50, 0.50}, -- Survival Instincts\n [200851] = {0.75, 0.75}, -- Rage of the Sleeper\n [391955] = {0.95, 0.95}, -- Protective Growth\n [102342] = {0.80, 0.80}, -- Ironbark\n [395944] = {0.95, 0.95}, -- Guardian T23 2-set\n [433749] = {0.92, 0.92}, -- Protective Growth\n \n --- Demon Hunter ---\n [393009] = {1.00, 0.90}, -- Fel Flame Fortification\n [203513] = {1.00, 0.90}, -- Demonic Wards\n \n --- Evoker ---\n [363916] = {0.70, 0.70}, -- Obsidian Scales\n \n --- Race ---\n [65116] = {0.90, 1.00}, -- Stoneform\n \n --- World ---\n [377874] = {0.85, 0.85}, -- Earth Shield\n \n --- Dungeon ---\n [267904] = {0.25, 0.25}, -- Reinforcing Ward (BFA/Shrine of the Storm)\n [268212] = {0.25, 0.25}, -- Minor Reinforcing Ward (BFA/Shrine of the Storm)\n [403910] = {0.80, 0.80}, -- Decaying Time (DF/Dawn of the Infinite Galakrons Fall)\n [411155] = {0.80, 0.80}, -- Neltharion's Presence (DF/DotI: Rise)\n \n --- Legacy ---\n [273809] = {1.30, 1.30}, -- Idol of Rage\n [303350] = {0.90, 0.90} -- Paralytic Spines\n}\n\n\nfunction aura_env.checkBuffs()\n aura_env.antiMagicShellAbsorb, aura_env.bloodShield = 0, 0\n aura_env.spellwardingAbsorb = 0\n aura_env.splinterAbsorb = 0\n aura_env.celestialbrew = 0\n aura_env.zephyr = 1\n aura_env.generousPour = 1\n aura_env.feint, aura_env.earthwarden = 1, 1\n aura_env.immunityPhysical, aura_env.immunityMagic = false, false\n aura_env.cheatDeath, aura_env.dampenHarm = false, false\n local reductionPhysical, reductionMagic = 1, 1\n local n = 1\n local datas = C_UnitAuras.GetBuffDataByIndex(\"player\", n)\n if not datas then return reductionPhysical, reductionMagic end\n \n local stacks = datas[\"applications\"]\n local spellID = datas[\"spellId\"]\n local tooltips = datas[\"points\"]\n local tooltip1, tooltip2, tooltip4 = tooltips[1], tooltips[2], tooltips[4]\n -- print(dump(C_UnitAuras.GetBuffDataByIndex(\"player\", n)))\n while datas do\n local reduction = 1\n local reductionPhysicalBuff = 1\n local reductionMagicBuff = 1\n \n \n \n if aura_env.basicReductions[spellID] then\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical * aura_env.basicReductions[spellID][1]\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * aura_env.basicReductions[spellID][2]\n else\n --- Paladin ---\n if spellID == 403876 then -- Divine Protection\n if aura_env.aegisOfProtection then\n reduction = 0.7\n else\n reduction = 0.8\n end\n elseif spellID == 287280 then --Glimmer, doesnt support raid, only party\n local glimmerTalent = false\n local tooltipData = C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitBuff(\"player\", n)\n local tooltipText = tooltipData.lines[2].leftText\n if tooltipText:find(\"10\") then \n glimmerTalent = true\n end\n if glimmerTalent then\n local glimmerDR = 0.10\n local amountPartyMember = 0\n for partyMember in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n if UnitIsConnected(partyMember) and not UnitIsDead(partyMember) then\n if WA_GetUnitBuff(partyMember, 287280) then\n amountPartyMember = amountPartyMember + 1\n end \n end\n end\n glimmerDR = glimmerDR / amountPartyMember -- Glimmer divides evenly among party members\n reduction = 1 - glimmerDR \n end \n \n --- Death Knight ---\n elseif spellID == 48707 then -- Anti-Magic Shell\n aura_env.antiMagicShellAbsorb = tooltip1 or 0\n elseif spellID == 77535 then -- Blood Shield\n aura_env.bloodShield = tooltip1 or 0\n elseif spellID == 49039 then -- lichborne\n if IsPlayerSpell(389682) then\n reduction = 0.85\n end\n elseif spellID == 356337 then -- rune of spellwarding\n if aura_env.unholyBondRank == 0 then\n reductionMagicBuff = 0.95\n else\n reductionMagicBuff = 1 - (0.05 * (1 + 0.1 * aura_env.unholyBondRank))\n end\n elseif spellID == 326867 then\n aura_env.spellwardingAbsorb = tooltip1 or 0\n --TODO: check purgatory\n elseif spellID == 145629 then -- Anti-Magic Zone\n if IsPlayerSpell(48707) then\n reductionMagic = 0.70\n else\n reductionMagic = 0.80\n end\n \n --- Demon Hunter ---\n elseif spellID == 196555 then -- Netherwalk\n aura_env.immunityPhysical = true\n aura_env.immunityMagic = true\n elseif spellID == 212800 then -- Blur\n if aura_env.desperateInstincts then\n reduction = 0.70\n else\n reduction = 0.80\n end\n elseif spellID == 391171 then -- Calcified Spikes\n reduction = 1 + (tooltip1 or 0) / 100\n \n \n --- Druid ---\n elseif spellID == 203975 and aura_env.conditionalReductions then -- Earthwarden - talent\n reductionPhysicalBuff = 0.70\n aura_env.earthwarden = 0.70\n elseif spellID == 22812 then -- Barkskin\n if aura_env.reinforcedFur then\n reduction = 0.75 -- reinforced Fur (guardian tree)\n else\n reduction = 0.80\n end\n --elseif spellID == 5487 and aura_env.ursineAdept then -- Ursine Adept (guardian tree)\n -- reduction = 0.90\n \n --- Hunter ---\n elseif spellID == 264735 then -- survival of the fittest\n if aura_env.naturesEndurance then\n reduction = 0.60\n else\n reduction = 0.80\n end\n elseif spellID == 186265 then -- Aspect of the Turtle\n reduction = 0.70\n if aura_env.conditionalReductions then\n aura_env.immunityPhysical = true\n end\n \n --- Mage ---\n elseif spellID == 45438 then -- Ice Block\n aura_env.immunityPhysical = true\n aura_env.immunityMagic = true\n elseif spellID == 235450 then -- prismatic barrier\n reductionMagicBuff = 1 + (tooltip4 or 0) / 100 --25% with improved prismatic barrier, 15% without\n \n --- Monk ---\n elseif spellID == 322507 then -- Celestial Brew // track Celestial Brew to remove it from absorb later\n -- TODO: why remove celestial brew from absorb???\n aura_env.celestialbrew = tooltip1\n elseif spellID == 122278 then -- Dampen Harm\n aura_env.dampenHarm = true\n if aura_env.conditionalReductions then\n reduction = 0.50\n else\n reduction = 0.80\n end\n elseif spellID == 389577 then -- bounce back\n if aura_env.specID == 2 then -- Mistweaver\n reduction = 1 - (0.2 * aura_env.bounceBackRank)\n else\n \n reduction = 1 - (0.1 * aura_env.bounceBackRank)\n end\n elseif spellID == 261769 then -- Inner Strength\n reduction = 1 + (tooltip1 or 0) / 100\n elseif spellID == 394797 then -- T23 2-set\n reduction = 1 - (0.01 * stacks)\n elseif spellID == 389685 and aura_env.aoe then -- Generous Pour\n reduction = 1 - (tooltip1 or 0) / 100\n aura_env.generousPour = 1 - (tooltip1 or 0) / 100\n \n --- Paladin ---\n elseif spellID == 642 then -- Divine Shield\n aura_env.immunityPhysical = true\n aura_env.immunityMagic = true\n elseif spellID == 1022 then -- Blessing of Protection\n aura_env.immunityPhysical = true\n elseif spellID == 31850 then -- Ardent Defender\n if aura_env.improvedArdentDefender then\n reduction = 0.70\n else\n reduction = 0.80\n end\n aura_env.cheatDeath = true\n elseif spellID == 389539 then -- sentinel\n reduction = 1 - (0.02 * stacks)\n elseif spellID == 188370 then -- Consecration\n if aura_env.specID == 2 then -- protection\n local s2 = select(2, strsplit(\"%\", C_Spell.GetSpellDescription(76671)))\n local mastery = select(11, strsplit(\" \", s2))\n reduction = 1 - mastery / 100\n end\n elseif spellID == 204018 then -- Blessing of Spellwarding\n aura_env.immunityMagic = true\n elseif spellID == 465 then -- Devotion Aura\n reduction = 1 + (tooltip1 or 0) / 100\n \n --- Priest ---\n elseif spellID == 194384 then -- Lenience - talent\n if aura_env.lenience then\n reduction = 0.97\n elseif aura_env.lenienceenable then\n reduction = 0.97\n end\n elseif spellID == 47788 then -- Guardian Spirit\n aura_env.cheatDeath = true\n elseif spellID == 586 then -- fade dr from talent\n if aura_env.translucentImage then\n reduction = 0.90\n end\n \n --- Rogue ---\n elseif spellID == 1966 then -- Feint\n if not aura_env.aoe and aura_env.elusiveness then\n reduction = 0.80 -- Elusiveness\n aura_env.feint = 0.80\n elseif aura_env.aoe then\n reduction = 0.80\n aura_env.feint = 1.40\n end\n elseif spellID == 31224 then -- Cloak of Shadows\n aura_env.immunityMagic = true\n elseif spellID == 5277 then -- evasion\n if aura_env.conditionalReductions then\n aura_env.immunityPhysical = true\n end\n if aura_env.elusiveness then\n reduction = 0.80\n end\n \n --- Shaman ---\n elseif spellID == 260881 then -- Spirit Wolf\n reduction = 1 - (tonumber(stacks or 1)) * 5 / 100\n elseif spellID == 108271 then -- Astral Shift\n if aura_env.astralBulwark then\n reduction = 0.40\n else\n reduction = 0.60\n end\n elseif spellID == 974 then -- Earth Shield\n reduction = reduction * 0.95\n \n elseif spellID == 325174 then -- Spirit Link Totem\n -- 462384\n if IsPlayerSpell(462383) then\n reduction = 0.85\n else\n reduction = 0.90\n end\n elseif spellID == 462368 then -- Elemental Resistance\n reduction = 0.97\n \n --- Warlock ---\n elseif spellID == 104773 then -- Unending Resolve\n if aura_env.strengthOfWill then\n reduction = 0.60\n else\n reduction = 0.75\n end\n elseif spellID == 386124 and spellID == 108366 then -- Fel Armor and Soul Leech, calculations might be wrong still\n reduction = 1 - (0.05 * (aura_env.felArmorRank or 1))\n \n --- Warrior ---\n elseif spellID == 184362 and aura_env.warPaint then -- Enrage\n reduction = 0.90 -- War Paint\n \n --- Evoker ---\n elseif spellID == 374227 and aura_env.aoe then -- zephyr\n reduction = 1.20\n aura_env.zephyr = 1.20\n elseif spellID == 357170 then -- time dilation\n if aura_env.delayHarm then\n reduction = 0.30\n else\n reduction = 0.50\n end\n \n --- Miscellaneous ---\n elseif spellID == 395175 then -- Treemouth's Festering Splinter\n reduction = 0.5\n aura_env.splinterAbsorb = tooltip2 or 0\n elseif spellID == 371036 then -- Icy Preservation (tooltip1 = DR, tooltip2 = damage taken increased) Rank 1 = 4%, Rank 2 = 5%, Rank 3 = 6% \n if aura_env.currentHealth / aura_env.maxHealth >= 0.5 then\n reduction = reduction * (1 + tooltip1 / 100) -- Damage taken decreased if above 50% HP - tooltip1 is a negative value\n else\n reduction = reduction * (1 + tooltip2 / 100) -- Damage taken increased if below 50% HP - tooltip2 is a positive value\n end \n end\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical * reduction * reductionPhysicalBuff\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * reduction * reductionMagicBuff\n end\n \n n = n + 1\n datas = C_UnitAuras.GetBuffDataByIndex(\"player\", n)\n if not datas then\n break\n end\n stacks = datas[\"applications\"]\n spellID = datas[\"spellId\"]\n tooltips = datas[\"points\"]\n tooltip1, tooltip2, tooltip4 = tooltips[1], tooltips[2], tooltips[4]\n end\n return reductionPhysical, reductionMagic\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkDebuffs()\n local reduction, reductionPhysical, reductionMagic = 1, 1, 1\n \n if aura_env.cauterize and not WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 87024) then -- fire mage cheat death\n aura_env.cheatDeath = true\n end\n if aura_env.rogueCheatDeath and not WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 45181) then -- rogue cheat death\n aura_env.cheatDeath = true\n end\n if aura_env.lastResort and not WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 209261) then -- dh tank cheat death\n aura_env.cheatDeath = true\n end\n \n --- Dungeons ---\n if WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"player\", 388072) then -- Telash Greywing // Vault Rune\n reduction = reduction * 0.50\n end\n \n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical * reduction\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * reduction\n return reductionPhysical, reductionMagic\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkTalents()\n local reduction = 1\n local reductionPhysical, reductionMagic = 1, 1\n \n --- Warrior ---\n if aura_env.classID == 1 then\n aura_env.warPaint = IsPlayerSpell(208154)\n aura_env.punish = IsPlayerSpell(275334)\n --if IsPlayerSpell(71) then -- vanguard\n -- reduction = reduction * 0.95\n --end\n if IsPlayerSpell(279423) and aura_env.aoe then\n reduction = reduction * 1.10\n aura_env.seasonedSoldier = 1.10\n end\n \n --- Paladin ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 2 then\n aura_env.improvedArdentDefender = IsPlayerSpell(393114)\n aura_env.crusadersResolve = IsPlayerSpell(380188) \n aura_env.aegisOfProtection = IsPlayerSpell(403654)\n --if IsPlayerSpell(358934) then -- Aegis of Light (rank 2)\n -- reduction = reduction * 0.90\n --end\n if aura_env.aoe and IsPlayerSpell(385427) then -- Obduracy\n reduction = reduction * 1.02\n aura_env.obduracy = 1.02\n end\n if IsPlayerSpell(402964) then -- Sanctified Plates\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(402964)\n if aura_env.aoe then\n if aura_env.specID == 1 then -- Holy\n reduction = reduction * (1 - 0.03 * (rank or 1))\n aura_env.sanctifiedPlates = 1 - 0.03 * (rank or 1)\n else\n reduction = reduction * (1 + 0.05 * (rank or 1))\n aura_env.sanctifiedPlates = 1 + 0.05 * (rank or 1)\n end\n end\n end\n \n \n --- Hunter ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 3 then\n aura_env.naturesEndurance = IsPlayerSpell(388042)\n if aura_env.aoe and IsPlayerSpell(384799) then\n reduction = reduction * 1.06\n aura_env.huntersAvoidance = 1.06\n end\n \n --- Rogue ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 4 then\n aura_env.elusiveness = IsPlayerSpell(79008)\n aura_env.rogueCheatDeath = IsPlayerSpell(31230)\n if IsPlayerSpell(231719) then -- Deadened Nerves\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical * 0.95\n end\n \n --- Priest ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 5 then\n aura_env.perseverance = IsPlayerSpell(235189)\n aura_env.translucentImage = IsPlayerSpell(373446)\n aura_env.lenience = IsPlayerSpell(238063)\n if IsPlayerSpell(390667) then -- Spell Warding\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * 0.97\n end\n \n --- Death Knight ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 6 then\n aura_env.necropolis = IsPlayerSpell(206967) -- Will of the Necropolis (class tree)\n if aura_env.aoe and IsPlayerSpell(374049) then -- Suppression (class tree)\n reduction = reduction * 1.03\n aura_env.suppression = 1.03\n end\n if IsPlayerSpell(374261) then -- unholy bond (class tree)\n aura_env.unholyBondRank = aura_env.findTalentRank(374261)\n end\n --if IsPlayerSpell(374721) then -- blood fortification\n -- reduction = reduction * 0.90\n --end\n \n --- Shaman ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 7 then\n aura_env.astralBulwark = IsPlayerSpell(377933)\n if IsPlayerSpell(381650) then -- Elemental Warding\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * (1 - 0.06)\n end\n if aura_env.aoe and IsPlayerSpell(382947) then -- Ancestral Defense\n reduction = reduction * 1.02\n aura_env.ancestralDefense = 1.02\n end \n \n --- Mage ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 8 then\n aura_env.cauterize = IsPlayerSpell(86949)\n aura_env.improvedPrismaticBarrier = IsPlayerSpell(321745)\n if IsPlayerSpell(383092) then -- Arcane Warding (class tree)\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(383092)\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * (1 - 0.02 * (rank or 1))\n end\n if IsPlayerSpell(414658) then -- Ice Cold\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(414659)\n reduction = reduction * 0.30\n end\n --- Warlock ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 9 then\n aura_env.profaneBargain = IsPlayerSpell(389576)\n if not aura_env.profaneBargain and IsPlayerSpell(108415) and UnitExists(\"pet\") then -- Soul Link\n reduction = reduction * 0.90\n end\n aura_env.strengthOfWill = IsPlayerSpell(317138)\n if IsPlayerSpell(386124) then -- Fel Armor\n aura_env.felArmorRank = aura_env.findTalentRank(386124)\n reduction = reduction * (1 - 0.015 * (aura_env.felArmorRank or 1))\n end\n \n --- Monk ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 10 then\n aura_env.blackoutCombo = IsPlayerSpell(196736)\n --if IsPlayerSpell(245013) then -- Brewmaster's Balance\n -- reduction = reduction * 0.90\n --end\n if IsPlayerSpell(388664) then -- calming presence\n if aura_env.specID == 2 then -- Mistweaver\n reduction = reduction * 0.94\n else\n reduction = reduction * 0.97\n end\n end\n if IsPlayerSpell(388681) then -- elusive mists\n aura_env.elusiveMistsRank = aura_env.findTalentRank(388681)\n end\n if IsPlayerSpell(389577) then\n aura_env.bounceBackRank = aura_env.findTalentRank(389577)\n end\n --- Druid ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 11 then\n aura_env.rendAndTear = IsPlayerSpell(204053)\n aura_env.bramblesTalent = IsPlayerSpell(203953)\n aura_env.scintillatingMoonlight = IsPlayerSpell(238049)\n aura_env.ursineAdept = IsPlayerSpell(300346)\n aura_env.reinforcedFur = IsPlayerSpell(393618)\n aura_env.innerPeace = IsPlayerSpell(197073)\n \n if IsPlayerSpell(16931) then -- Thick Hide\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(16931)\n reduction = reduction * (1 - 0.03 * (rank or 1))\n end\n \n --- Demon Hunter ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 12 then\n aura_env.desperateInstincts = IsPlayerSpell(205411)\n aura_env.voidReaver = IsPlayerSpell(268175)\n aura_env.lastResort = IsPlayerSpell(209258)\n if IsPlayerSpell(389696) then -- Illdari Knowledge\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(389696)\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * 0.95\n end\n --- Evoker ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 13 then\n aura_env.delayHarm = IsPlayerSpell(376207)\n if IsPlayerSpell(375544) then -- inherent resistance\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(375544) \n if aura_env.specID == 3 then -- Augmentation Evoker\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * (1 - 0.02 * (rank or 1))\n else\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * (1 - 0.04 * (rank or 1))\n end\n end\n end\n \n --- racial ---\n if IsPlayerSpell(265224) then -- darkiron dwarf\n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical * 0.99\n end\n \n reductionPhysical = reductionPhysical * reduction\n reductionMagic = reductionMagic * reduction\n \n return reductionPhysical, reductionMagic\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkStagger()\n -- TODO: check if stagger calculation is changed\n local staggerPhyiscal = 1\n local staggerMagic = 1\n if aura_env.classID == 10 and aura_env.specID == 1 then -- Brewmaster Monk\n -- Get Stagger's effect against current target. If no target is found then use base\n local stagger, staggerAgainstTarget = C_PaperDollInfo.GetStaggerPercentage(\"player\")\n if not staggerAgainstTarget then staggerAgainstTarget = stagger end\n staggerMagic = staggerAgainstTarget * 0.35\n staggerPhyiscal = 1 - staggerAgainstTarget / 100\n staggerMagic = 1 - staggerMagic / 100\n \n -- Stagger cap --\n local staggerDamage = UnitStagger(\"player\") or 0 -- Calculate cap for Stagger\n local staggerCapPhysical = (aura_env.currentHealth + aura_env.absorb) /\n (aura_env.currentHealth + aura_env.absorb + 100 * aura_env.maxHealth - staggerDamage * 10)\n \n local staggerCapMagic = (aura_env.currentHealth + aura_env.absorb) /\n (aura_env.currentHealth + aura_env.absorb + 100 * aura_env.maxHealth - staggerDamage * 10)\n \n if staggerCapPhysical < 0.01 then staggerCapPhysical = 0.01 end -- Stagger caps at 99%\n if staggerCapMagic < 0.01 then staggerCapMagic = 0.01 end\n if staggerPhyiscal < staggerCapPhysical then staggerPhyiscal = staggerCapPhysical end\n if staggerMagic < staggerCapMagic then staggerMagic = staggerCapMagic end\n end\n return staggerPhyiscal, staggerMagic\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkStats()\n local versatility = GetVersatilityBonus(31) + GetCombatRatingBonus(31)\n local versDR = 1 - versatility / 100\n local reductionPhysical = versDR\n local reductionMagic = versDR\n \n if aura_env.highmountainTauren then\n local stamina = UnitStat(\"player\", 3)\n aura_env.ruggedTenacity = floor((stamina * 0.0003 * 20) + 0.5)\n end\n if aura_env.bramblesTalent then -- Brambles - talent\n aura_env.brambles = floor((PlayerEffectiveAttackPower() * 0.075) + 0.5)\n else\n aura_env.brambles = 0\n end\n return reductionPhysical, reductionMagic\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkArmor()\n local armor = select(2, UnitArmor(\"player\"))\n if aura_env.targetArmorScaling then -- Gets the reduction percentage and makes it usable\n armor = 1 - (C_PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectivenessAgainstTarget(armor) or C_PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectiveness(armor, aura_env.playerLevel))\n else\n armor = 1 - C_PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectiveness(armor, aura_env.playerLevel)\n end\n return armor\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkHealth()\n local currentHealth = UnitHealth(\"player\")\n local healthBasedReduction = 1\n if aura_env.necropolis then\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(206967)\n if currentHealth / aura_env.maxHealth < 0.30 then\n if rank == 1 then\n healthBasedReduction = healthBasedReduction * 0.80\n elseif rank == 2 then\n healthBasedReduction = healthBasedReduction * 0.65\n end\n end\n end\n if aura_env.profaneBargain then\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(389576)\n if currentHealth / aura_env.maxHealth < 0.35 then\n healthBasedReduction = healthBasedReduction * (1 - 0.1 - 0.05 * (rank or 1))\n else\n healthBasedReduction = healthBasedReduction * 0.90\n end\n end\n return currentHealth, healthBasedReduction\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkChannel()\n local spellID = select(8, UnitChannelInfo(\"player\"))\n local reduction = 1\n if aura_env.classID == 11 then\n if aura_env.specID == 4 and aura_env.innerPeace then\n if spellID == 740 then\n reduction = 0.8\n end\n end\n elseif aura_env.classID == 10 then\n if aura_env.specID == 1 and spellID == 115176 then\n reduction = 0.4\n end\n if aura_env.elusiveMistsRank > 0 and spellID == 115175 then\n reduction = 1 - (0.03 * (aura_env.elusiveMistsRank or 1))\n end\n end\n return reduction\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkTargetReduction()\n local targetReduction = 1\n local targetReductionPhysical, targetReductionMagic = 1, 1\n \n --- Rogue ---\n if aura_env.classID == 4 then\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 185763)) == \"player\" then -- Pistol Shot\n if IsPlayerSpell(428377) then -- Precision Shot\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.95\n end\n end\n \n --- Death Knight ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 6 then\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 327092)) == \"player\" then -- Rune of the Apocalypse\n if aura_env.unholyBondRank == 0 then\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.98\n else\n targetReduction = targetReduction * (1 - 0.02 * (1 + (aura_env.unholyBondRank or 1) / 10))\n end\n end\n \n --- Paladin ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 2 then\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 387174)) == \"player\" then -- Eye of Tyr\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.75\n end\n if aura_env.crusadersResolve then\n local _,_,stacks,_,_,_,source = WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 383843)\n if source == \"player\" then -- Crusader's Resolve\n targetReduction = targetReduction * (1 - 0.02 * stacks)\n end\n end\n \n --- Demon Hunter ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 12 then\n if aura_env.specID == 2 then -- Vengeance\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 207771)) == \"player\" then -- Fiery Brand\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.60\n end\n if aura_env.voidReaver then\n local _,_,stacks, _,_,_,source = WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 247456)\n if source == \"player\" then -- Void Reaver\n targetReduction = targetReduction * (1 - 0.04 * stacks)\n end\n end\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 394933)) == \"player\" then -- Demon Muzzle\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.92\n end\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 394958)) == \"player\" then -- T23 4-set\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.85\n end\n end\n \n --- Druid ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 11 then\n if aura_env.specID == 3 then -- Guardian\n if aura_env.rendAndTear then -- Rend and Tear (guardian tree)\n local _,_,stacks,_,_,_,caster = WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 192090)\n if caster == \"player\" then\n targetReduction = targetReduction * (1 - 0.02 * (stacks or 1))\n end\n end\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 80313)) == \"player\" then -- Pulverize (guardian tree)\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.65\n end\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 135601)) == \"player\" then -- Tooth and Claw (guardian tree)\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.85\n end\n if aura_env.scintillatingMoonlight then\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 164812)) == \"player\" then -- scintillating moonlight (guardian tree)\n local rank = aura_env.findTalentRank(238049)\n targetReduction = targetReduction * (1 - 0.05 * (rank or 1))\n end\n end\n end\n \n --- Monk ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 10 then\n if aura_env.specID == 1 then -- Brewmaster\n local _,_,_,_,_,_,source,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,t1 = WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 123725) -- Breath of Fire\n if source == \"player\" then\n if aura_env.blackoutCombo then\n targetReduction = targetReduction * (1 + t1 / 100)\n else\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.95\n end\n end\n end\n \n --- Warrior ---\n elseif aura_env.classID == 1 then\n if aura_env.specID == 3 then -- Protection\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 1160)) == \"player\" then -- Demoralizing Shout\n targetReduction = targetReduction * 0.80\n end\n if aura_env.punish then -- Punish\n local _,_,stacks,_,_,_,caster = WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 192090)\n if caster == \"player\" then\n targetReduction = targetReduction * (1 - 0.03 * (stacks or 1))\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n targetReductionPhysical = targetReductionPhysical * targetReduction\n targetReductionMagic = targetReductionMagic * targetReduction\n \n if targetReductionPhysical ~= 1 or targetReductionMagic ~= 1 then\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n return targetReductionPhysical, targetReductionMagic\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkTargetAbsorb()\n local absorb = 0\n --- Paladin ---\n if aura_env.classID == 2 then\n if select(7, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 204301)) == \"player\" then -- blessed hammer\n absorb = select(17, WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 204301)) \n end\n end\n return absorb\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.checkBlock()\n local blockReduction = 0\n if aura_env.includeBlock then\n local blockChance = GetBlockChance()\n local blockAmount = GetShieldBlock()\n local block = 0\n local critBlock = 1\n local adjust = 1\n local K = 12827 -- +10 mythic plus (beta\n -- k = 11765 for normal mob, k = 15196 against other lv70 player\n if aura_env.classID == 1 then\n critBlock = 2\n end\n if aura_env.blockMode == 2 then\n if blockChance >= 100 then\n block = blockAmount / (blockAmount + K)\n end\n elseif aura_env.blockMode == 3 then\n if blockChance >= 100 then\n block = blockAmount / (blockAmount + K) * critBlock\n end\n elseif aura_env.blockMode == 4 then\n block = blockAmount / (blockAmount + K)\n adjust = blockChance / 100\n elseif aura_env.blockMode == 5 then\n block = blockAmount / (blockAmount + K) * 2\n adjust = blockChance / 100\n elseif aura_env.blockMode == 6 then\n block = blockAmount / (blockAmount + K)\n elseif aura_env.blockMode == 7 then\n block = blockAmount / (blockAmount + K) * critBlock\n end\n if adjust > 1 then adjust = 1 end\n blockReduction = block * adjust\n end\n return blockReduction\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.findTalentRank(spellID)\n local configId = C_ClassTalents.GetActiveConfigID()\n if configId then\n local configInfo = C_Traits.GetConfigInfo(configId)\n \n for _,treeId in pairs(configInfo.treeIDs) do\n local treeNodes = C_Traits.GetTreeNodes(treeId)\n for _,nodeId in pairs(treeNodes) do\n local nodeInfo = C_Traits.GetNodeInfo(configId, nodeId)\n for _, entryId in pairs(nodeInfo.entryIDs) do\n local entryInfo = C_Traits.GetEntryInfo(configId, entryId)\n local defId = entryInfo.definitionID\n if defId == nil then\n return 0\n end\n local defInfo = C_Traits.GetDefinitionInfo(defId)\n if defInfo.spellID == spellID then\n return nodeInfo.currentRank\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n end\nend\n\naura_env.talentPhysical, aura_env.talentMagic = aura_env.checkTalents()\naura_env.maxHealth = UnitHealthMax(\"player\")\naura_env.currentHealth, aura_env.healthBasedReduction = aura_env.checkHealth()\naura_env.buffPhysical, aura_env.buffMagic = aura_env.checkBuffs()\naura_env.debuffPhysical, aura_env.debuffMagic = aura_env.checkDebuffs()\naura_env.absorb = UnitGetTotalAbsorbs(\"player\")\naura_env.targetAbsorb = aura_env.checkTargetAbsorb()\naura_env.staggerPhysical, aura_env.staggerMagic = aura_env.checkStagger()\naura_env.statsPhysical, aura_env.statsMagic = aura_env.checkStats()\naura_env.armor = aura_env.checkArmor()\naura_env.targetReductionPhysical, aura_env.targetReductionMagic = aura_env.checkTargetReduction()\naura_env.block = aura_env.checkBlock()\naura_env.channelReduction = aura_env.checkChannel()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["do_custom"] = true, ["custom"] = "aura_env.frame = 200 -- Force a full update when loading again", ["stop_sound"] = false, }, }, ["stacksContainment"] = "INSIDE", ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["displayText_format_c1_format"] = "none", ["id"] = "Effective Health - Magic and Physical", ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["width"] = 129.99998474121, ["desaturate"] = false, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["inverse"] = false, ["source"] = 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["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["event"] = "Cooldown Progress (Item)", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["events"] = "TRIGGER:2 CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL", ["custom"] = "function(s, event, ...)\n if event == \"CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL\" and ... then\n local name = select(2, ...)\n if tContains(aura_env.npcName, name) then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n expirationTime = 67+GetTime(),\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = 67,\n }\n if not WeakAuras.GetActiveTriggers(aura_env.id)[2] then\n local s = s[\"\"]\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n end\n return true\n end\n elseif event == \"TRIGGER\" and ... then\n local triggerNum, triggerStates = ...\n local combat = false\n if next(triggerStates) then\n combat = true\n end\n local s = s[\"\"]\n if s then\n if combat and s.paused then\n s.paused = false\n s.expirationTime = s.remaining + GetTime()\n s.changed = true\n return true\n elseif not combat and not s.paused then\n s.remaining = s.expirationTime - GetTime()\n s.paused = true\n s.changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\n end\nend", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["use_itemName"] = true, ["customVariables"] = "{\n expirationTime = true,\n duration = true,\n \n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["use_character"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["use_inCombat"] = true, ["character"] = "player", ["unit"] = "group", ["event"] = "Unit Characteristics", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n if aura_env.thunderingBarOn then\n return t[1]\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = 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