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["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power_operator"] = "<=", ["event"] = "Class/Spec", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["power"] = "2", ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["use_unit"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, -- [1] ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = true, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 10, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = 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0.07843137254902, -- [2] 0.07843137254902, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["M+ Utility"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "zkhTYrEsG", ["parent"] = "M+ Timer ", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/M+Timer/118", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["sound"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Sounds\\chant2.ogg", ["do_custom"] = true, ["custom"] = "if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n aura_env.frame:Hide()\nend\n\n\n\n", ["do_sound"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["hide_all_glows"] = false, ["custom"] = "if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n aura_env.frame:Show()\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.keyslot = aura_env.config[\"KeySlot\"]\n\naura_env.keyID = {\n [138019] = true, -- Legion\n [158923] = true, -- Battle for Azeroth\n [180653] = true, -- Shadowlands\n [186159] = true, -- Dragonflight?\n [187786] = true, -- Timewalking\n [151086] = true, -- Tournament Realm?\n \n}\naura_env.gossips = {}\nfor _, v in pairs(aura_env.config.gossip) do\n aura_env.gossips[v.npcid] = {enabled = v.enabled, number = v.gossipnum}\nend\n\n\n\n\naura_env.popup = function()\n for index = 1, STATICPOPUP_NUMDIALOGS do\n local frame = _G[\"StaticPopup\"..index]\n if frame and frame:IsShown() then\n return true\n end\n end\n return false\nend\n\nlocal function decRound(num, idp)\n local mult = 10^(idp or 0)\n return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult\nend\n\naura_env.kaliels = IsAddOnLoaded(\"!KalielsTracker\")\naura_env.frame = aura_env.kaliels and _G[\"!KalielsTrackerFrame\"] or ObjectiveTrackerFrame\nif aura_env.config.hideobj then\n if not aura_env.region.hideobj then\n aura_env.region.hideobj = true\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n hooksecurefunc(frame, \"Show\", function() \n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n C_Timer.After(1, function()\n if not IsInInstance() then frame:Show() end\n end)\n end)\n end\nend\n\n\nlocal tooltip = aura_env.config.Tooltip\n\nlocal aura_env = aura_env\nif tooltip ~= 1 and not aura_env.region.tooltipfunc then\n aura_env.region.tooltipfunc = true\n aura_env.last = {}\n local function OnTooltipSetUnit()\n if select(3, GetInstanceInfo()) == 8 then\n local GUID = UnitGUID(\"mouseover\")\n if GUID and MDT then\n local npcID = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", GUID))\n local count\n local max\n count, max = MDT:GetEnemyForces(tonumber(npcID))\n if count and max and count ~= 0 and max ~= 0 then\n local percent = decRound((count/max)*100, 2)..\"%\"\n \n local string = (tooltip == 4 and count..\" (\"..percent..\")\") or (tooltip == 3 and percent) or (tooltip == 2 and count)\n local now = GetTime()\n if string and (not aura_env.last[GUID] or now >= aura_env.last[GUID]+0.1) then\n aura_env.last[GUID] = now\n GameTooltip:AppendText(\" - \"..string)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n TooltipDataProcessor.AddTooltipPostCall(Enum.TooltipDataType.Unit, OnTooltipSetUnit)\nend\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["type"] = "custom", ["unevent"] = "timed", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["event"] = "Chat Message", ["unit"] = "player", ["use_unit"] = true, ["events"] = "GOSSIP_SHOW CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_RECEPTABLE_OPEN CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_SLOTTED CHALLENGE_MODE_START", ["custom"] = "function(e, ...)\n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n end \n elseif e == \"STATUS\" and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then\n if aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n end \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_SLOTTED\" and aura_env.config.closebags then\n CloseAllBags()\n end \n \n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_RECEPTABLE_OPEN\" and aura_env.keyslot then\n local index = select(3, GetInstanceInfo())\n if index == 8 or index == 23 then\n for bagID = 0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do\n for invID = 1, C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) do\n local itemID = C_Container.GetContainerItemID(bagID, invID)\n if itemID and (aura_env.keyID[itemID]) then \n local item = ItemLocation:CreateFromBagAndSlot(bagID, invID)\n if item:IsValid() then\n local canuse = C_ChallengeMode.CanUseKeystoneInCurrentMap(item)\n if canuse then\n C_Container.PickupContainerItem(bagID, invID)\n C_Timer.After(0.1, function()\n if CursorHasItem() then\n C_ChallengeMode.SlotKeystone()\n end\n end)\n break\n end\n end\n \n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif e == \"GOSSIP_SHOW\" then \n if aura_env.kaliels and aura_env.config[\"hideobj\"] then\n local frame = aura_env.frame\n C_Timer.After(0.2, function()\n if IsInInstance() and C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() then frame:Hide() end\n end)\n end\n if UnitExists(\"npc\") and (not aura_env.config.gossipctrl or not IsControlKeyDown()) then\n local GUID = UnitGUID(\"npc\")\n local id = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", GUID))\n id = tonumber(id)\n if aura_env.gossips[id] and aura_env.gossips[id].enabled then\n local title = C_GossipInfo.GetOptions()\n local num = aura_env.gossips[id].number\n if title[num] and title[num].gossipOptionID then\n local popupWasShown = aura_env.popup()\n C_GossipInfo.SelectOption(title[num].gossipOptionID)\n local popupIsShown = aura_env.popup()\n if popupIsShown then\n if not popupWasShown then\n StaticPopup1Button1:Click()\n end\n end\n C_Timer.After(0.2, function()\n C_GossipInfo.CloseGossip()\n end)\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["check"] = "event", ["duration"] = "1", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["use_unit"] = true, ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 118, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["load"] = { ["use_size"] = true, ["use_never"] = false, ["talent"] = { 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["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["desc"] = "(Just for Display in Custom Options)", ["default"] = "NPC Name", ["multiline"] = false, ["key"] = "name", ["length"] = 10, ["name"] = "Name", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [4] }, ["hideReorder"] = false, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 4, ["name"] = "Gossip Setup", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["collapse"] = false, ["type"] = "group", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "array", ["key"] = "gossip", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [6] }, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["semver"] = "1.3.29", ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["id"] = "M+ Utility", ["config"] = { ["KeySlot"] = true, ["hideobj"] = true, ["gossip"] = { { ["enabled"] = true, ["npcid"] = 97081, ["name"] = "Halls of Valor - King Bjorn", ["gossipnum"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["enabled"] = true, ["npcid"] = 95843, ["name"] = "Halls of Valor - King Haldor", ["gossipnum"] = 1, }, -- [2] { ["enabled"] = true, ["npcid"] = 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then\n if (aura_env.state.pullText or aura_env.state.mcpullText) and aura_env.state.totalMC > aura_env.state.currentMC then\n if aura_env.state.mcpullCompare and aura_env.state.mcpullCompare then\n text4 = aura_env.state.mcpullText\n if aura_env.state.pullCompare then\n text2 = aura_env.state.pullText\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n text1 = aura_env.state.current\n \n if aura_env.finish then\n text1 = aura_env.finishforces and aura_env.finish or \"\"\n text2 = \"\"\n end\n if text2 ~= \"\" and text2 ~= 0 and text2 ~= aura_env.finish then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n if aura_env.state.pullCompare <= 0 then\n text2 = \"|cFF00FF00(+\"..text2..\")|r\"\n else\n text2 = \"(+\"..text2..\")\"\n end\n else\n if aura_env.state.pullCompare <= 0 then\n text2 = \"|cFF00FF00(\"..text2..\")|r\"\n else\n text2 = \"(\"..text2..\")\"\n end\n end\n end\n \n if text4 ~= \"\" and text4 ~= 0 then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n local symbol = aura_env.remaining and \"-\" or \"+\"\n if aura_env.state.mcpullCompare <= 0 then\n text4 = \"|cFF00FF00(\"..symbol..text4..\")|r\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..symbol..text4..\")\"\n end\n else\n if aura_env.state.mcpullCompare <= 0 then\n text4 = \"|cFF00FF00(\"..aura_env.state.mcpullCompare..\")|r\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..aura_env.state.mcpullCompare..\")\"\n end\n end\n end\n \n \n if aura_env.remaining then\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = aura_env.state.mcCompare..\"/\"..aura_env.state.totalMC\n else\n text3 = aura_env.state.mcCompare\n end\n else\n if aura_env.state.totalMC > 1 then\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = aura_env.state.currentMC..\"/\"..aura_env.state.totalMC\n else\n text3 = aura_env.state.currentMC\n end\n end\n end\n text1 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 2) and text1) or \"\"\n text2 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 2) and text2) or \"\"\n text3 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 3) and text3) or \"\"\n text4 = ((aura_env.display == 1 or aura_env.display == 3) and text4) or \"\"\n return text1, text2, text3, text4\n end\n if WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n if not C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID() then\n text1, text2, text3, text4 = aura_env.getoptionstext()\n end\n return text1, text2, text3, text4\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["cooldownSwipe"] = true, ["text2Point"] = "BOTTOM", ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["cooldownEdge"] = false, ["useAdjustedMin"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["events"] = "CLEU:UNIT_DIED PLAYER_DEAD PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE SCENARIO_POI_UPDATE CHALLENGE_MODE_START CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE", ["custom"] = "function(s, e, ...)\n aura_env.update = false\n if e == \"OPTIONS\" then\n aura_env.finish = false \n local progress, mobCount, currentMC, totalMC = aura_env.GetProgress()\n local total = 100\n aura_env.total = totalMC or 0\n if progress >= 100 then\n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-select(11, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(max))\n local haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][0]\n if haspb then\n local split = cur-aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][0]\n local prefix = cur <= split and \"|cFF00FF00 \" or \"|cFFFF0000 +\"\n aura_env.finish = aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..prefix..aura_env.formattime(split, aura_env.color)\n else\n aura_env.finish = aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)\n end\n end\n s[\"\"] = {\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = progress,\n total = total,\n currentMC = currentMC,\n totalMC = totalMC,\n mobCount = mobCount,\n pull = {},\n pullText = \"\",\n mcpullText = \"\",\n pullCompare = 1,\n mcpullCompare = 1,\n mcCompare = totalMC/100*total - currentMC,\n leftCompare = total - progress,\n current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress),\n left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress),\n show = true,\n additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = 0,\n offset = 0,\n }\n },\n changed = true,\n }\n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED\" then\n local finish = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n if affix and cmap and level then\n if not aura_env.saved then aura_env.saved = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap] then aura_env.saved[cmap] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] = {} end\n \n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] or finish < aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] then\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] = finish\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][0] = aura_env.finishtime\n end\n end\n elseif e == \"SCENARIO_POI_UPDATE\" or e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" or e == \"SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE\" or e == \"STATUS\" then\n local time = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n aura_env.finish = false\n aura_env.done = false\n aura_env.update = true\n aura_env.cmap = nil\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.affix = 0\n aura_env.level = level\n for k, v in pairs(affixes) do\n if v == 9 or v == 10 then\n aura_env.affix = v\n break\n end\n end\n -- aura_env.obdef = 0\n end\n if time == 0 and not aura_env.cmap then\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.affix = 0\n aura_env.level = level\n for k, v in pairs(affixes) do\n if v == 9 or v == 10 then\n aura_env.affix = v\n break\n end\n end\n end\n local progress, mobCount, currentMC, totalMC = aura_env.GetProgress()\n totalMC = totalMC or 0\n aura_env.total = totalMC\n if time ~= 0 then \n progress = 100 \n currentMC = totalMC\n mobCount = currentMC..\"/\"..totalMC\n end\n if not aura_env.done then\n progress = progress or 0\n end\n if progress then\n currentMC = currentMC or 0\n mobCount = mobCount or 0\n local total = 100\n \n aura_env.total = aura_env.total or 0\n \n if progress >= 100 and not aura_env.done then\n \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n local defeat = select(11, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(max)) or 0\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1)) - defeat\n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n local haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][0]\n if haspb then \n local pb = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][0]\n if cur == pb then\n aura_env.finish = aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..\" |cFFFFEA00 +-0\"\n else\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \" -\" or \" +\"\n local color = cur <= pb and \"|cFF00FF00\" or \"|cFFFF0000\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n aura_env.finish = \"[\"..aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..\"]\"..color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff, color)\n end\n else\n aura_env.finish = \"[\"..aura_env.formattime(cur, aura_env.color)..\"]\"\n end\n aura_env.finishtime = cur\n end\n if (e == \"STATUS\" or e == \"SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE\" or e == \"SCENARIO_POI_UPDATE\") and progress >= 100 and s[\"\"] and not aura_env.done then\n aura_env.done = true\n aura_env.update = true\n \n \n s[\"\"].value = progress\n s[\"\"].total = total\n s[\"\"].mobCount = mobCount\n s[\"\"].currentMC = s[\"\"].totalMC\n s[\"\"].mcCompare = s[\"\"].totalMC/100*total - s[\"\"].currentMC\n s[\"\"].leftCompare = total - progress\n s[\"\"].current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress)\n s[\"\"].left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress)\n s[\"\"].additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = 0,\n offset = 0,\n }\n }\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n \n elseif not s[\"\"] then\n aura_env.update = true\n s[\"\"] = {\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = progress,\n total = total,\n currentMC = currentMC,\n totalMC = totalMC,\n mobCount = mobCount,\n pull = {},\n pullText = \"\",\n mcpullText = \"\",\n pullCompare = 1,\n mcpullCompare = 1,\n mcCompare = totalMC/100*total - currentMC,\n leftCompare = total - progress,\n current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress),\n left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress),\n show = true,\n additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = 0,\n offset = 0,\n }\n },\n changed = true,\n }\n aura_env.total = totalMC\n elseif progress < 100 and s[\"\"] then\n aura_env.update = true\n s[\"\"].value = progress\n s[\"\"].total = total\n s[\"\"].mobCount = mobCount\n s[\"\"].currentMC = currentMC\n s[\"\"].totalMC = totalMC\n s[\"\"].mcCompare = totalMC/100*total - currentMC\n s[\"\"].leftCompare = total - progress\n s[\"\"].current = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", progress)\n s[\"\"].left = string.format(\"%.2f%%\", total - progress)\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n \n \n \n local rawValue, percentValue = 0, 0\n for _, value in pairs(s[\"\"].pull) do \n if value ~= \"DEAD\" then\n rawValue = rawValue + value[1]\n percentValue = percentValue + value[2]\n end\n end\n \n local rawtext, text = \"\", \"\"\n if percentValue > 0 or rawValue > 0 then\n rawtext = rawValue\n text = percentValue\n end\n \n s[\"\"].mcpullCompare = s[\"\"].mcCompare - rawValue\n s[\"\"].mcpullText = rawtext\n \n s[\"\"].pullCompare = s[\"\"].leftCompare - percentValue\n s[\"\"].pullText = text ~= \"\" and string.format(\"%.2f%%\", text) or text\n \n s[\"\"].additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = (percentValue+s[\"\"].value < 100 and percentValue) or 100,\n offset = 0,\n }\n }\n end\n end\n \n elseif e == \"COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED\" then\n local _, se, _, _, _, _, _, destGUID = ...\n if se == \"UNIT_DIED\" then\n if s[\"\"] then\n if aura_env.MDT and destGUID and s[\"\"].pull[destGUID]then\n s[\"\"].pull[destGUID] = \"DEAD\"\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if aura_env.pullcount and aura_env.MDT and s[\"\"] then\n if e == \"UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE\" and InCombatLockdown() then\n local unit = ...\n if unit and UnitExists(unit) then\n local guid = UnitGUID(unit)\n local id = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", guid))\n if guid and not s[\"\"].pull[guid] then\n local npc_id = select(6, strsplit(\"-\", guid))\n if npc_id then \n local value = aura_env.MDT:GetEnemyForces(tonumber(npc_id)) \n if value and value ~= 0 then\n s[\"\"].pull[guid] = {value, (value / (aura_env.total)) * 100}\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n end\n end \n end\n \n elseif (e == \"PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED\" or e == \"PLAYER_DEAD\") and s[\"\"].pull then\n for k, _ in pairs(s[\"\"].pull) do\n s[\"\"].pull[k] = nil\n end\n aura_env.update = true\n end\n \n if aura_env.update then\n local rawValue, percentValue = 0, 0\n for _, value in pairs(s[\"\"].pull) do \n if value ~= \"DEAD\" then\n rawValue = rawValue + value[1]\n percentValue = percentValue + value[2]\n end\n end\n \n local rawtext, text = \"\", \"\"\n if percentValue > 0 or rawValue > 0 then\n rawtext = rawValue\n text = percentValue\n end\n \n \n if aura_env.countD == 2 then\n rawtext = (s[\"\"].currentMC and rawtext ~= \"\" and tonumber(rawtext)+s[\"\"].currentMC) or \"\"\n text = rawtext ~= \"\" and (rawtext/aura_env.total)*100 or \"\"\n end\n \n s[\"\"].mcpullCompare = s[\"\"].mcCompare - rawValue\n s[\"\"].mcpullText = rawtext\n \n \n s[\"\"].pullCompare = s[\"\"].leftCompare - percentValue\n s[\"\"].pullText = text ~= \"\" and string.format(\"%.2f%%\", text) or text\n s[\"\"].additionalProgress = {\n { \n direction = \"forward\",\n width = (percentValue+s[\"\"].value < 100 and percentValue) or 100,\n offset = 0,\n }\n }\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n end\n end\n return aura_env.update\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["names"] = { }, ["check"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["customVariables"] = "{ \n additionalProgress = 1,\n value = {\n display = \"Progress\",\n type = \"number\",\n },\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["id"] = "M+ Enemy Forces Bar", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["glowXOffset"] = 0, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["colorR"] = 1, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["colorB"] = 0.96078431372549, ["colorG"] = 0.99607843137255, ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["scalex"] = 1, ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["duration"] = "1", ["y"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["rotate"] = 0, ["colorType"] = "custom", ["colorFunc"] = "function(progress, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)\n local powerColour = aura_env.powerColour\n local bg = aura_env.region.bar.bg\n bg:SetVertexColor(powerColour.r*0.25, powerColour.g*0.25, powerColour.b*0.25, .65)\n return powerColour.r, powerColour.g, powerColour.b, 1 or r1,g1,b1,a1\n \nend\n\n\n", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["use_color"] = false, ["colorA"] = 1, }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = false, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["semver"] = "1.3.29", ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["text2Font"] = "Expressway", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["version"] = 118, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [2] { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text"] = "%c1%c2", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = -1, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 1, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_text_format_c1_format"] = "none", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_BOTTOMLEFT", ["text_text_format_c2_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 14, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", }, -- [3] { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text"] = "%c3%c4", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 3, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 1, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_BOTTOMRIGHT", ["text_text_format_c4_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_c3_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 14, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "subborder", ["text_color"] = { }, ["border_color"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_shadowColor"] = { }, ["border_edge"] = "1 Pixel", ["border_offset"] = 0, ["border_anchor"] = "bar", ["border_size"] = 1, ["border_visible"] = true, }, -- [5] { ["glowFrequency"] = 0.1, ["type"] = "subglow", ["useGlowColor"] = true, ["glowType"] = "Pixel", ["glowThickness"] = 2, ["glowYOffset"] = 0, ["glowColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["glowXOffset"] = 0, ["glowScale"] = 1.2, ["glow"] = false, ["glow_anchor"] = "bar", ["glowLength"] = 10, ["glowLines"] = 12, ["glowBorder"] = false, }, -- [6] }, ["height"] = 24, ["source"] = "import", ["glowLines"] = 8, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["glowFrequency"] = 0.25, ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["text2Containment"] = "OUTSIDE", ["config"] = { ["totalC"] = true, ["Remaining"] = false, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["splits"] = true, ["Display"] = 1, ["CountDisplay"] = 1, }, ["text1Color"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.92549019607843, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["useAdjustedMax"] = false, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["sound"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Sounds\\chant4.ogg", ["do_custom"] = false, ["custom"] = "", ["do_sound"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.finishforces = aura_env.config[\"Decimals\"] ~= 5\naura_env.pullcount = aura_env.config[\"CountDisplay\"] ~= 3\naura_env.countD = aura_env.config[\"CountDisplay\"]\naura_env.remaining = aura_env.config[\"Remaining\"]\naura_env.display = aura_env.config[\"Display\"]\naura_env.totalC = aura_env.config[\"totalC\"]\naura_env.total = aura_env.total or 0\naura_env.done = aura_env.done or false\naura_env.update = false\naura_env.total = 0\n\nlocal c = aura_env.config.color\nlocal col = {}\n\nfor i=1, 4 do\n if i == 4 then \n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n else\n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n end\n if string.len(col[i]) == 1 then\n col[i] = \"0\"..col[i]\n end\nend\n\naura_env.color = \"|c\"..col[4]..col[1]..col[2]..col[3]\n\naura_env.GetProgress = function()\n local steps = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if not steps or steps <= 0 then\n return\n end\n local _, _, _, _, total, _, _, current = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(steps)\n if current then\n current = tonumber(string.sub(current, 1, string.len(current) - 1)) or 0\n local percent = current / total * 100\n if percent then\n percent = (percent <= 0 and 0) or (percent > 100 and 100) or percent\n return percent, current..\" / \"..total, current, total\n end\n end\n return false\nend\naura_env.GetProgress()\n\naura_env.MDT = MDT\n\naura_env.formattime = function(time, color)\n color = color or \"|cFFFFFFFF\"\n local timeMin = math.floor(time / 60)\n local timeSec = math.floor(time - (timeMin*60))\n if timeMin < 10 then\n timeMin = (\"0%d\"):format(timeMin)\n end\n if timeSec < 10 then\n timeSec = (\"0%d\"):format(timeSec)\n end\n return (color..\"%s:%s|r\"):format(timeMin, timeSec)\nend\n\naura_env.getoptionstext = function()\n local count = 175\n local max = 250\n local pullC = 10\n local perc = \"70.00%\"\n local percC = \"4.00%\"\n local percC2 = \"74.00%\"\n local text1, text2, text3, text4 = \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\"\n local dis = aura_env.config[\"Display\"]\n if dis == 1 or dis == 2 then\n text1 = perc\n if aura_env.pullcount then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n text2 = \"(+\"..percC..\")\"\n else\n text2 = \"(\"..percC2..\")\"\n end\n end\n -- percent shit\n end\n if dis == 1 or dis == 3 then\n if aura_env.remaining then\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = max-count..\"/\"..max\n else\n text3 = max-count\n end\n if aura_env.pullcount then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n text4 = \"(-\"..pullC..\")\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..max-count-pullC..\")\"\n end\n end\n else\n if aura_env.totalC then\n text3 = count..\"/\"..max\n else\n text3 = count\n end\n if aura_env.pullcount then\n if aura_env.countD == 1 then\n text4 = \"(+\"..pullC..\")\"\n else\n text4 = \"(\"..count+pullC..\")\"\n end\n end\n end\n end\n return text1, text2, text3, text4\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["text2Color"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text1Containment"] = "OUTSIDE", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["text1Enabled"] = true, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Remaining instead of current Count", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Remaining", ["desc"] = "This will make the Count for Remaining Forces go down instead of up, neading less math to see how much count you still need to get", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Percent&Count", -- [1] "Percent Only", -- [2] "Count Only", -- [3] }, ["default"] = 1, ["name"] = "Display percent/count", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "Display", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Show Total Count", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "totalC", ["desc"] = "Show total Count after the /", }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "+/- Current Pull", -- [1] "Count After Pull", -- [2] "Don't Display", -- [3] }, ["default"] = 1, ["name"] = "Display Type for Current Pull", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "CountDisplay", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "color", ["key"] = "color", ["default"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["name"] = "Completion Color", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Display Split Timer", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "splits", ["desc"] = "This compares your enemy forces finish time with your personal best time on the same keystone level and fortified/tyrannical", }, -- [6] }, ["text1Font"] = "Expressway", ["text1"] = "%c1", ["backdropColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["glowLength"] = 10, ["text2"] = "%c2", ["useGlowColor"] = true, ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["useglowColor"] = false, ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["width"] = 300, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = false, ["auto"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "20", ["variable"] = "value", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "40", ["variable"] = "value", }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, -- [1] 0.33333333333333, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [2] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "60", ["variable"] = "value", }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, -- [1] 0.66666666666667, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [3] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "80", ["variable"] = "value", }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [4] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<", ["value"] = "100", ["variable"] = "value", }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.67843137254902, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [5] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "100", ["variable"] = "value", }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0.50196081399918, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "barColor", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [6] }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["glowBorder"] = false, }, ["Group Finder Custom Extension"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "6-GG3RMcC", ["parent"] = "STUFF", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/6-GG3RMcC/40", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["sound"] = " custom", ["do_sound"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "--------------------------------------------------- GetPlaystyleString Fix --------------------------------------------\n-- By overwriting C_LFGList.GetPlaystyleString, we taint the code writing the tooltip (which does not matter),\n-- and also code related to the dropdows where you can select the playstyle. The only relevant protected function\n-- here is C_LFGList.SetEntryTitle, which is only called from LFGListEntryCreation_SetTitleFromActivityInfo.\n-- Players that do not have an authenticator attached to their account cannot set the title or comment when creating\n-- groups. Instead, Blizzard sets the title programmatically. If we taint this function, these players can not create\n-- groups anymore, so we check on an arbitrary mythic plus dungeon if the player is authenticated to create a group.\n\n-- Overwrite C_LFGList.GetPlaystyleString with a custom implementation because the original function is\n-- hardware protected, causing an error when a group tooltip is shown as we modify the search result list.\n-- Original code from https://github.com/ChrisKader/LFMPlus/blob/36bca68720c724bf26cdf739614d99589edb8f77/core.lua#L38\n-- but sligthly modified.\n\n_G[\"Playstyle_String_Fix\"] = aura_env.config.Playstyle_String_Fix\n\nlocal Playstyle_String_Fix = _G[\"Playstyle_String_Fix\"];\n\n\nif Playstyle_String_Fix then \n \n local activityIdOfArbitraryMythicPlusDungeon = 703 -- Mists of Tirna Scithe\n \n if C_LFGList.IsPlayerAuthenticatedForLFG(activityIdOfArbitraryMythicPlusDungeon) then\n \n C_LFGList.GetPlaystyleString = function(playstyle, activityInfo)\n if not ( activityInfo and playstyle and playstyle ~= 0\n and C_LFGList.GetLfgCategoryInfo(activityInfo.categoryID).showPlaystyleDropdown ) then\n return nil\n end\n local globalStringPrefix\n if activityInfo.isMythicPlusActivity then\n globalStringPrefix = \"GROUP_FINDER_PVE_PLAYSTYLE\"\n elseif activityInfo.isRatedPvpActivity then\n globalStringPrefix = \"GROUP_FINDER_PVP_PLAYSTYLE\"\n elseif activityInfo.isCurrentRaidActivity then\n globalStringPrefix = \"GROUP_FINDER_PVE_RAID_PLAYSTYLE\"\n elseif activityInfo.isMythicActivity then\n globalStringPrefix = \"GROUP_FINDER_PVE_MYTHICZERO_PLAYSTYLE\"\n end\n return globalStringPrefix and _G[globalStringPrefix .. tostring(playstyle)] or nil\n end\n \n -- Disable automatic group titles to prevent tainting errors\n C_LFGList.SetEntryTitle = function(_) end\n \n end\nend\n\n---------------------------------------------- Rio Raiting and Raid Progress ------------------------------------------\nif (IsAddOnLoaded(\"RaiderIO\")) then\n local DungeonCategory = 2\n local RaidCategory = 3\n local DEBUG = false\n local isForceRIO = false\n \n --- UTILS --\n \n local function dPrint(name, data)\n if not DEBUG then\n return\n end\n \n if ViragDevTool ~= nil then\n ViragDevTool_AddData(data, name)\n else\n print(name, \"-\", data)\n end\n end\n \n local function timeIt(name, func, ...)\n if type(func) ~= \"function\" then\n return\n end\n \n if not DEBUG then\n return func(...)\n end\n \n local start = debugprofilestop()\n local result = {func(...)}\n local data = string.format(\"%.10f\\n\", (debugprofilestop() - start) * 1000)\n dPrint(name, data)\n return unpack(result)\n end\n \n -- Rio Score --\n \n local function GetRioScore(fullname, inGameScore)\n local score = 0 \n \n if fullname == nil then\n return score\n end\n \n if not RaiderIO then\n return score\n end\n \n if not string.match(fullname, \"-\") then\n local realmName = string.gsub(GetRealmName(), \" \", \"\")\n fullname = fullname .. \"-\" .. realmName\n end\n \n local isShowPrevRio = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1PreviousRIO\"];\n local mainRIO = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1MainRIO\"];\n \n \n local NoRIO = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NotShowRio\"]\n \n local FACTIONS = { Alliance = 1, Horde = 2, Neutral = 3 }\n local playerFactionID = FACTIONS[UnitFactionGroup(\"player\")] \n local playerProfile = RaiderIO.GetProfile(fullname, 1);\n \n if playerProfile == nil then\n playerProfile = RaiderIO.GetProfile(fullname, 2);\n end\n \n \n \n local currentScore = 0;\n local previousScore = 0;\n local currentMainScore = 0;\n local previousMainScore = 0;\n local keystoneFivePlus = 0;\n local keystoneTenPlus = 0;\n local keystoneFifteenPlus = 0;\n local keystoneTwentyPlus = 0; \n \n \n if (playerProfile ~= nil) then\n if playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile ~= nil then\n currentScore = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.currentScore or 0; \n previousScore = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.previousScore or 0;\n currentMainScore = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.mainCurrentScore or 0;\n previousMainScore = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.mainPreviousScore or 0;\n \n keystoneFivePlus = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.keystoneFivePlus or 0;\n keystoneTenPlus = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.keystoneTenPlus or 0;\n keystoneFifteenPlus = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.keystoneFifteenPlus or 0;\n keystoneTwentyPlus = playerProfile.mythicKeystoneProfile.keystoneTwentyPlus or 0;\n end\n end \n \n score = currentScore\n \n \n if mainRIO and score < currentMainScore then\n score = currentMainScore\n end\n \n if isShowPrevRio and score < previousScore then\n score = previousScore\n end \n \n if (inGameScore ~= nil) then \n if score < inGameScore then\n score = inGameScore\n end\n end \n \n -- Timed Keys -- \n \n local TIMEDKEYS5 = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys5\"];\n local TIMEDKEYS10 = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys10\"];\n local TIMEDKEYS15 = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys15\"];\n local TIMEDKEYS20 = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys20\"];\n \n \n if TIMEDKEYS5 and currentScore > 1 then\n _G.TIMED5 = keystoneFivePlus\n _G.TIMEDSPACE5 = \" \"\n else\n _G.TIMED5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE5 = \"\"\n end \n \n \n if TIMEDKEYS10 and currentScore > 1 then\n _G.TIMED10 = keystoneTenPlus\n _G.TIMEDSPACE10 = \" \"\n else\n _G.TIMED10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE10 = \"\"\n end\n \n \n if TIMEDKEYS15 and currentScore > 1 then\n _G.TIMED15 = keystoneFifteenPlus\n _G.TIMEDSPACE15 = \" \"\n else\n _G.TIMED15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE15 = \"\"\n end\n \n \n if TIMEDKEYS20 and currentScore > 1 then\n _G.TIMED20 = keystoneTwentyPlus\n _G.TIMEDSPACE20 = \" \"\n else\n _G.TIMED20 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE20 = \"\" \n end \n \n if NoRIO then\n _G.TIMED5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED20 = \"\" \n _G.TIMEDSPACE5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE20 = \"\"\n end \n \n return score;\n end\n \n local NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_DATA = {\n -- Order these from largest to smallest\n -- (significandDivisor and fractionDivisor should multiply to be equal to breakpoint)\n { breakpoint = 10000000000000, abbreviation = \"T\", significandDivisor = 1000000000000, fractionDivisor = 1 },\n { breakpoint = 1000000000000, abbreviation = \"T\", significandDivisor = 100000000000, fractionDivisor = 10 },\n { breakpoint = 10000000000, abbreviation = \"B\", significandDivisor = 1000000000, fractionDivisor = 1 },\n { breakpoint = 1000000000, abbreviation = \"B\", significandDivisor = 100000000, fractionDivisor = 10 },\n { breakpoint = 10000000, abbreviation = \"M\", significandDivisor = 1000000, fractionDivisor = 1 },\n { breakpoint = 1000000, abbreviation = \"M\", significandDivisor = 100000, fractionDivisor = 10 },\n { breakpoint = 10000, abbreviation = \"K\", significandDivisor = 1000, fractionDivisor = 1 },\n { breakpoint = 100, abbreviation = \"K\", significandDivisor = 100, fractionDivisor = 10 },\n }\n \n local function AbbreviateNumbersEN(value)\n local isUseLocalizedAbrreviation = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1UseLocalAbbr\"]\n \n if isUseLocalizedAbrreviation == true then\n return AbbreviateNumbers(value)\n end\n \n for _, data in ipairs(NUMBER_ABBREVIATION_DATA) do\n if value >= data.breakpoint then\n local finalValue = math.floor(value / data.significandDivisor) / data.fractionDivisor\n return finalValue .. data.abbreviation\n end\n end\n return tostring(value)\n end\n \n local function getRaidScore(progress)\n return progress.progress + progress.difficulty * 1000\n end\n \n local function componentToHex(c)\n c = math.floor(c * 255)\n local hex = string.format(\"%x\", c)\n if (hex:len() == 1) then\n return \"0\" .. hex\n end\n return hex\n end\n \n local function rgbToHex(r, g, b)\n return componentToHex(r) .. componentToHex(g) .. componentToHex(b)\n end\n \n local function getColorStr(hexColor)\n return \"|cff\" .. hexColor .. \"+|r\"\n end\n \n local function getCurrentCategoryID()\n if C_LFGList.HasActiveEntryInfo() then\n -- We have either created or joined a group and can see applicants\n local activeEntryInfo = C_LFGList.GetActiveEntryInfo()\n if activeEntryInfo then\n aInfo = C_LFGList.GetActivityInfoTable(activeEntryInfo.activityID)\n return aInfo.categoryID\n end\n end\n \n if LFGListFrame.SearchPanel:IsShown() then\n -- We are in group search windows\n return LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.categoryID\n end\n \n return nil\n end\n \n local function createProgress(progress, bossCount, difficulty)\n return { [\"progress\"] = progress ~= nil and progress or 0,\n [\"bossCount\"] = bossCount ~= nil and bossCount or 0,\n [\"difficulty\"] = difficulty ~= nil and difficulty or 1 }\n end\n \n local function getRioScoreColorText(rioScore)\n if not RaiderIO then\n return nil\n end\n \n local r, g, b = RaiderIO.GetScoreColor(rioScore)\n local hex = rgbToHex(r, g, b)\n return getColorStr(hex)\n end\n \n local function getRaidProgressText(progress)\n if progress ~= nil and progress.progress <= 0 then\n return \"\"\n end\n local difficultyNames = {\n [1] = \"N\",\n [2] = \"H\",\n [3] = \"M\",\n }\n \n local colorText = getColorStr(RaiderIO.GetRaidDifficultyColor(progress.difficulty)[4])\n colorText = colorText:gsub(\"+\", progress.progress .. \"/\" .. progress.bossCount .. difficultyNames[progress.difficulty])\n return progress.progress ~= 0 and colorText or \"\"\n end\n \n local function getHighestRaidProgress(fullname)\n if fullname == nil then\n return createProgress()\n end\n \n if not string.match(fullname, \"-\") then\n local realmName = string.gsub(GetRealmName(), \" \", \"\")\n fullname = fullname .. \"-\" .. realmName\n end\n \n local FACTIONS = { Alliance = 1, Horde = 2, Neutral = 3 }\n local playerFactionID = FACTIONS[UnitFactionGroup(\"player\")]\n local playerProfile = RaiderIO.GetProfile(fullname, 1);\n \n if playerProfile == nil then\n playerProfile = RaiderIO.GetProfile(fullname, 2);\n end \n \n local progress = 0\n local difficulty = 1\n local bossCount = 0\n \n local Alt = 0;\n local Main = 0;\n local profileProgress = 0;\n \n -- Raid Progress -- \n \n if (playerProfile ~= nil) then\n if playerProfile.raidProfile ~= nil then\n Alt = playerProfile.raidProfile.progress or 0;\n Main = playerProfile.raidProfile.mainProgress or 0;\n \n local profileProgress = Alt \n \n \n local mainRaid = _G[\"ShowRAIDRaitingWA1MainRaid\"];\n \n if mainRaid then\n profileProgress = Main\n end\n \n if profileProgress == 0 then\n profileProgress = Alt\n end\n \n table.sort(profileProgress, function(a, b)\n return a.difficulty < b.difficulty\n end)\n for i = #profileProgress, 1, -1 do\n progress = profileProgress[i].progressCount or 0\n bossCount = profileProgress[i].raid.bossCount or 0\n difficulty = profileProgress[i].difficulty\n if progress > 0 then\n break\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n return createProgress(progress, bossCount, difficulty)\n end\n \n local function getFiltrationInfo(name, inGameScore)\n if name == nil then\n return nil\n end\n \n local isHasActivity = C_LFGList.HasActiveEntryInfo()\n local currentCategoryID = getCurrentCategoryID()\n \n local rioScore = GetRioScore(nil)\n local rioColorText = \"\"\n local rioScoreText = \"\"\n local isRioValid = false\n \n local isShowRespectiveDung = currentCategoryID == DungeonCategory and _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1OnlyShowRespictiveProg\"]\n local isShowApplicantRIO = isHasActivity and not _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NotShowApplicantRio\"]\n local isShowLeaderRIO = not isHasActivity and not _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NotShowRio\"]\n local isShowRio = isShowRespectiveDung and (isShowApplicantRIO or isShowLeaderRIO)\n or not _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1OnlyShowRespictiveProg\"] and (isShowApplicantRIO or isShowLeaderRIO)\n \n if isShowRio then\n rioScore = GetRioScore(name, inGameScore)\n rioColorText = getRioScoreColorText(rioScore)\n \n isRioValid = rioScore > 0\n \n if isRioValid then\n local rioAbbreviated = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1UseAbbrRIO\"] and AbbreviateNumbersEN(rioScore) or rioScore\n rioScoreText = rioColorText:gsub(\"+\", rioAbbreviated)\n end\n end\n \n local raidProgress = getHighestRaidProgress(nil)\n local raidProgressText = \"\"\n local isRaidProgValid = false\n \n local isShowRespectiveRaid = currentCategoryID == RaidCategory and _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1OnlyShowRespictiveProg\"]\n local isShowRaidProg = not _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NoShowRaidProg\"] and isShowRespectiveRaid\n or not _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1OnlyShowRespictiveProg\"] and not _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NoShowRaidProg\"]\n \n \n if isShowRespectiveRaid then\n _G.TIMED5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED20 = \"\" \n _G.TIMEDSPACE5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE20 = \"\"\n end\n \n if not (currentCategoryID == 2 or currentCategoryID == 3) then\n _G.TIMED5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED20 = \"\" \n _G.TIMEDSPACE5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE20 = \"\"\n end\n \n \n if isShowRaidProg then\n raidProgress = getHighestRaidProgress(name)\n raidProgressText = getRaidProgressText(raidProgress)\n isRaidProgValid = raidProgress.progress > 0\n end\n \n local filters = {\n [2] = { 1, 2 },\n [3] = { 2, 1 },\n [\"default\"] = { 1, 2 },\n [\"data\"] = {\n [1] = { value = rioScore, isVisible = isShowRio, text = rioScoreText, isValid = isRioValid, sortingValue = rioScore },\n [2] = { value = raidProgress, isVisible = isShowRaidProg, text = raidProgressText, isValid = isRaidProgValid, sortingValue = getRaidScore(raidProgress) }\n }\n }\n \n local order = filters[currentCategoryID] == nil and filters.default or filters[currentCategoryID]\n local result = {}\n \n for i = 1, #order do\n result[i] = filters.data[order[i]]\n end\n \n return #result == 0 and nil or result\n end\n \n local function getRioScoreText(filterInfo)\n local resultText = \"\"\n \n if filterInfo == nil then\n return resultText\n end\n \n for i = 1, #filterInfo do\n if filterInfo[i].text ~= \"\" and filterInfo[i].isVisible and filterInfo[i].isValid then\n if resultText ~= \"\" then\n resultText = resultText .. \" \"\n end\n resultText = resultText .. filterInfo[i].text\n end\n end\n \n if resultText == \"\" then\n return resultText\n end\n \n local textFormat = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TextFormatRIO\"]\n local trim = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1Trim\"]\n if (textFormat ~= nil and trim ~= nil and trim(textFormat) ~= \"\") then\n resultText = textFormat:gsub(\"@rio\", resultText)\n end \n \n return resultText .. \" \"\n end\n \n \n local function getIndex(values, val)\n local index = {}\n \n for k, v in pairs(values) do\n index[v] = k\n end\n \n return index[val]\n end\n \n local function filterTable(t, ids)\n for _, id in ipairs(ids) do\n for j = #t, 1, -1 do\n if (t[j] == id) then\n tremove(t, j)\n break\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n local function addFilteredId(self, id)\n if (not self.filteredIDs) then\n self.filteredIDs = { }\n end\n tinsert(self.filteredIDs, id)\n end\n \n aura_env.Trim = function(str)\n local match = string.match\n return match(str, '^()%s*$') and '' or match(str, '^%s*(.*%S)')\n end\n \n -- LFG Icons and Text --\n \n aura_env.UpdateApplicantMember = function(member, appID, memberIdx, ...)\n if (RaiderIO == nil) then\n return\n end\n \n local textName = member.Name:GetText()\n local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, relationship, dungeonScore = C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(appID, memberIdx)\n local filterInfo = timeIt(\"UpdateApplicantMember -> getFiltrationInfo\", getFiltrationInfo, name, dungeonScore)\n local rioText = getRioScoreText(filterInfo)\n \n if (memberIdx > 1) then\n member.Name:SetText(\" \" .. rioText .. textName)\n else\n member.Name:SetText(rioText .. textName)\n end\n \n local totalNameLength = 150\n local nameLength = totalNameLength\n if (relationship) then\n nameLength = nameLength - 22\n end\n \n local inviteButton = member:GetParent().InviteButton\n inviteButton:SetWidth(24)\n inviteButton:SetText(\"\")\n \n if inviteButton.Icon == nil then\n local texture = inviteButton:CreateTexture(nil, \"ARTWORK\")\n texture:SetPoint(\"CENTER\", 0, 0)\n texture:SetAtlas(\"groupfinder-icon-greencheckmark\", true)\n inviteButton.Icon = texture\n end\n \n local xOffset = 2\n member.RoleIcon1:ClearAllPoints()\n member.RoleIcon1:SetPoint(\"LEFT\", totalNameLength + xOffset + -5, 0)\n member.ItemLevel:ClearAllPoints()\n member.ItemLevel:SetPoint(\"LEFT\", totalNameLength + xOffset + 57, 0)\n member.Rating:SetText(\"\")\n if (not member.covenantIcon) then\n member.covenantIcon = member:CreateTexture(\"$parent.CovenantIcon\", \"ARTWORK\")\n member.covenantIcon:ClearAllPoints()\n member.covenantIcon:SetPoint(\"LEFT\", member, \"LEFT\", 238, 0);\n member.covenantIcon:SetWidth(15)\n member.covenantIcon:SetHeight(15)\n member.covenantIcon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0, 1)\n end\n \n if (member.Name:GetWidth() > nameLength) then\n member.Name:SetWidth(nameLength)\n end \n \n end\n \n aura_env.SearchEntryUpdate = function(entry, ...)\n if (not LFGListFrame.SearchPanel:IsShown()) then\n return\n end\n \n local categoryID = getCurrentCategoryID()\n local resultID = entry.resultID\n local resultInfo = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo(resultID)\n local leaderName = resultInfo.leaderName\n \n for i = 1, 5 do\n local texture = \"tex\" .. i\n if (entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture]) then\n entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture]:Hide()\n end\n end\n \n if (categoryID == 2 and _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NotShowClasses\"] ~= true) then\n local numMembers = resultInfo.numMembers\n \n entry.DataDisplay:SetPoint(\"RIGHT\", entry.DataDisplay:GetParent(), \"RIGHT\", 0, -5)\n \n local orderIndexes = {}\n \n for i = 1, numMembers do\n local role, class = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberInfo(resultID, i)\n local orderIndex = getIndex(LFG_LIST_GROUP_DATA_ROLE_ORDER, role)\n table.insert(orderIndexes, { orderIndex, class })\n end\n \n table.sort(orderIndexes, function(a, b)\n return a[1] < b[1]\n end)\n \n local xOffset = -88\n \n for i = 1, numMembers do\n local class = orderIndexes[i][2]\n local classColor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class]\n local r, g, b, a = classColor:GetRGBA()\n local texture = \"tex\" .. i\n \n if (not entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture]) then\n entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture] = entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate:CreateTexture(nil, \"ARTWORK\")\n entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture]:SetSize(10, 3)\n entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture]:SetPoint(\"RIGHT\", entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate, \"RIGHT\", xOffset, 15)\n end\n \n entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture]:Show()\n entry.DataDisplay.Enumerate[texture]:SetColorTexture(r, g, b, 0.75)\n \n xOffset = xOffset + 18\n end\n end\n \n local name = entry.Name:GetText() or \"\"\n local filterInfo = timeIt(\"SearchEntryUpdate -> getFiltrationInfo\", getFiltrationInfo, leaderName, resultInfo.leaderOverallDungeonScore)\n local rioText = getRioScoreText(filterInfo)\n entry.Name:SetText(rioText .. name)\n end\n \n local function sortFiltrationInfos(filterInfo1, filterInfo2)\n local sortMethod = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1SortMethod\"] or 1\n local sortResult = false\n if (filterInfo1 ~= nil and filterInfo2 ~= nil) then\n for i = 1, #filterInfo1 do\n if (filterInfo1[i].sortingValue ~= filterInfo2[i].sortingValue and filterInfo2[i].isVisible) then\n if (sortMethod == 3) then\n sortResult = filterInfo1[i].sortingValue > filterInfo2[i].sortingValue\n else\n sortResult = filterInfo1[i].sortingValue < filterInfo2[i].sortingValue\n end\n break\n end\n end\n end\n return sortResult\n end\n \n aura_env.SortSearchResults = function(results)\n if (not LFGListFrame.SearchPanel:IsShown()) then\n return\n end\n local sortMethod = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1SortMethod\"] or 1\n local removeRole = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1RemoveWithoutRole\"] or false\n local removeOwnClass = _G[\"removeOwnClass\"] or false\n local minRio = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1MinRio\"] or -1\n local maxRio = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1MaxRio\"] or 9999\n local filterRIO = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1FilterRIO\"] or false\n local categoryID = LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.categoryID\n \n local function RemainingSlotsForLocalPlayerRole(lfgSearchResultID)\n local roleRemainingKeyLookup = {\n [\"TANK\"] = \"TANK_REMAINING\",\n [\"HEALER\"] = \"HEALER_REMAINING\",\n [\"DAMAGER\"] = \"DAMAGER_REMAINING\",\n }\n local roles = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberCounts(lfgSearchResultID)\n local playerRole = GetSpecializationRole(GetSpecialization())\n return roles[roleRemainingKeyLookup[playerRole]]\n end\n \n local function FilterSearchResults(searchResultID)\n local searchResultInfo = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo(searchResultID)\n \n if (searchResultInfo == nil) then\n return\n end\n \n local remainingRole = RemainingSlotsForLocalPlayerRole(searchResultID) > 0\n \n if removeRole == true then\n if (remainingRole == false) then\n addFilteredId(LFGListFrame.SearchPanel, searchResultID)\n end\n end\n \n if removeOwnClass == true then\n local categoryID = getCurrentCategoryID()\n \n if categoryID == 2 and not IsInGroup() then --Filter only groups that contain own class when we are alone.\n local numMembers = searchResultInfo.numMembers\n \n for i = 1, numMembers do\n local role, class = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberInfo(searchResultID, i)\n \n local ownClass = select(2,UnitClass(\"player\"))\n local ownRole = GetSpecializationRole(GetSpecialization())\n \n if class == ownClass and role == ownRole then\n addFilteredId(LFGListFrame.SearchPanel, searchResultID)\n break\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n local leaderName = searchResultInfo.leaderName\n local rioScore = 0\n \n if (leaderName ~= nil) then\n rioScore = GetRioScore(leaderName)\n end\n \n if (not RaiderIO) then\n filterRIO = false\n end\n \n if (filterRIO == true) then\n if (rioScore < minRio or rioScore > maxRio) then\n addFilteredId(LFGListFrame.SearchPanel, searchResultID)\n end\n end\n end\n \n local function SortSearchResultsCB(searchResultID1, searchResultID2)\n local searchResultInfo1 = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo(searchResultID1)\n local searchResultInfo2 = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo(searchResultID2)\n \n if (searchResultInfo1 == nil) then\n return false\n end\n \n if (searchResultInfo2 == nil) then\n return true\n end\n \n local remainingRole1 = RemainingSlotsForLocalPlayerRole(searchResultID1) > 0\n local remainingRole2 = RemainingSlotsForLocalPlayerRole(searchResultID2) > 0\n \n local leaderName1 = searchResultInfo1.leaderName\n local leaderName2 = searchResultInfo2.leaderName\n \n local filterInfo1 = timeIt(\"SearchEntryUpdate -> SortSearchResults -> getFiltrationInfo\", getFiltrationInfo, leaderName1, searchResultInfo1.leaderOverallDungeonScore)\n local filterInfo2 = timeIt(\"SearchEntryUpdate -> SortSearchResults -> getFiltrationInfo\", getFiltrationInfo, leaderName2, searchResultInfo2.leaderOverallDungeonScore)\n \n if (remainingRole1 ~= remainingRole2) then\n return remainingRole1\n end\n \n return sortFiltrationInfos(filterInfo1, filterInfo2)\n end\n \n if (#results > 0 and categoryID == 2) then\n for _, id in ipairs(results) do\n FilterSearchResults(id)\n end\n \n if (LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.filteredIDs) then\n filterTable(LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.results, LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.filteredIDs)\n LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.filteredIDs = nil\n end\n end\n \n if sortMethod ~= 1 then\n table.sort(results, SortSearchResultsCB)\n end\n \n if #results > 0 then\n LFGListSearchPanel_UpdateResults(LFGListFrame.SearchPanel)\n end\n end\n \n aura_env.SortApplicants = function(applicants) \n local sortMethod = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantSortMethod\"] or 1;\n local minRio = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantMinRio\"] or -1;\n local maxRio = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantMaxRio\"] or 9999;\n local filterRIO = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantFilterRIO\"] or false;\n local categoryID = LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.selectedCategory;\n \n local function FilterApplicants(applicantID)\n local applicantInfo = C_LFGList.GetApplicantInfo(applicantID);\n \n if (applicantInfo == nil) then\n return;\n end \n \n local name = C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(applicantInfo.applicantID, 1);\n local rioScore = 0;\n \n if (name ~= nil) then\n rioScore = GetRioScore(name);\n end \n \n if (filterRIO == true) then\n if (rioScore < minRio or rioScore > maxRio) then\n addFilteredId(LFGListFrame.ApplicationViewer, applicantID)\n end\n end\n end\n \n local function SortApplicantsCB(applicantID1, applicantID2)\n local applicantInfo1 = C_LFGList.GetApplicantInfo(applicantID1);\n local applicantInfo2 = C_LFGList.GetApplicantInfo(applicantID2);\n \n if (applicantInfo1 == nil) then\n return false;\n end \n \n if (applicantInfo2 == nil) then\n return true;\n end \n \n local name1 = C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(applicantInfo1.applicantID, 1);\n local name2 = C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(applicantInfo2.applicantID, 1);\n \n local rioScore1 = 0;\n local rioScore2 = 0; \n \n if (name1 ~= nil) then\n rioScore1 = GetRioScore(name1);\n end \n if (name2 ~= nil) then\n rioScore2 = GetRioScore(name2);\n end\n \n if (sortMethod == 3) then\n return rioScore1 > rioScore2;\n else\n return rioScore1 < rioScore2;\n end\n end\n \n if (categoryID == 2 and #applicants > 0) then\n for i,id in ipairs(applicants) do\n FilterApplicants(id)\n end\n \n if (LFGListFrame.ApplicationViewer.filteredIDs) then\n filterTable(applicants, LFGListFrame.ApplicationViewer.filteredIDs);\n LFGListFrame.ApplicationViewer.filteredIDs = nil;\n end\n end\n \n if (sortMethod ~= 1 and #applicants > 1) then \n table.sort(applicants, SortApplicantsCB); \n LFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateResults(LFGListFrame.ApplicationViewer);\n end\n \n if (#applicants > 0) then \n LFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateResults(LFGListFrame.ApplicationViewer);\n end\n end\n \n -- Globals --\n \n -- Rio --\n \n -- Show Main Rio Rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1MainRIO\"] = aura_env.config.ShowMainRIO;\n -- Show Previous Rio Rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1PreviousRIO\"] = aura_env.config.ShowPreviousRIO;\n -- Only Show Respictive Rio/Raid --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1OnlyShowRespictiveProg\"] = aura_env.config.OnlyShowRespictiveProg\n \n \n -- Don't Show Rio Rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NotShowRio\"] = aura_env.config.NotShowRio\n -- Don't Show Applicant Rio --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NotShowApplicantRio\"] = aura_env.config.NotShowRio\n \n \n -- Use abbreviation for RIO --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1UseLocalAbbr\"] = aura_env.config.UseLocalAbbr\n -- Sort by RIO rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1SortMethod\"] = aura_env.config.RioSort\n -- Applicants sort by RIO rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantSortMethod\"] = aura_env.config.ApplicantRioSort\n -- Text Format RIO --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TextFormatRIO\"] = aura_env.config.TextFormatRIO\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1Trim\"] = aura_env.Trim\n -- Enable RIO rating filter for groups --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1FilterRIO\"] = aura_env.config.FilterRIO\n -- Enable RIO rating filter for applicants --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantFilterRIO\"] = aura_env.config.ApplicantFilterRIO\n -- Min Rio rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1MinRio\"] = aura_env.config.MinRio\n -- Max Rio rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1MaxRio\"] = aura_env.config.MaxRio\n -- Applicant Min Rio rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantMinRio\"] = aura_env.config.ApplicantMinRio\n -- Applicant Max Rio rating --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1ApplicantMaxRio\"] = aura_env.config.ApplicantMaxRio\n -- Use abbreviation for RIO\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1UseAbbrRIO\"] = aura_env.config.UseAbbrRIO\n \n \n -- Raid --\n \n -- Show Main Raid --\n _G[\"ShowRAIDRaitingWA1MainRaid\"] = aura_env.config.ShowMainRaid\n -- Don't Show Raid Progress --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NoShowRaidProg\"] = aura_env.config.NoShowRaidProg\n \n \n -- Show Timed Keys - \n \n -- 5er Keys --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys5\"] = aura_env.config.ShowTimedKeys5\n -- 10er Keys --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys10\"] = aura_env.config.ShowTimedKeys10\n -- 15er Keys --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys15\"] = aura_env.config.ShowTimedKeys15\n -- 20er Keys --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1TimedKeys20\"] = aura_env.config.ShowTimedKeys20\n \n \n -- Other --\n \n -- Don't Show Classes --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1NotShowClasses\"] = aura_env.config.NotShowClasses\n -- Don't show parties without slot for your role --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1RemoveWithoutRole\"] = aura_env.config.RemoveWithoutRole\n \n \n _G[\"removeOwnClass\"] = aura_env.config.removeOwnClass\n \n \n local isLoad = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1\"]\n \n if (not isLoad) then \n hooksecurefunc(\"LFGListUtil_SortSearchResults\", aura_env.SortSearchResults);\n hooksecurefunc(\"LFGListSearchEntry_Update\", aura_env.SearchEntryUpdate);\n hooksecurefunc(\"LFGListUtil_SortApplicants\", aura_env.SortApplicants);\n hooksecurefunc(\"LFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateApplicantMember\", aura_env.UpdateApplicantMember);\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1\"] = true;\n end\nend\n\n------------------------------------------------ Group finder Regions ( EU / US ) ------------------------------------------\nif (GetCurrentRegion() == 3 or GetCurrentRegion() == 1) then \n local GlobalRegionNotSupportedPrinted = false\n local RealmUnknownPrinted = {}\n local REGION_TEXT = {\n [\"deDE\"] = \"Germany\",\n [\"frFR\"] = \"France\",\n [\"enGB\"] = \"Great Britain\",\n [\"itIT\"] = \"Italy\", \n [\"esES\"] = \"Spain\",\n [\"ruRU\"] = \"Russia\",\n [\"ptBR\"] = \"Portuguese\",\n [\"oce\"] = \"Oceanic\",\n [\"usp\"] = \"US Pacific\",\n [\"usm\"] = \"US Mountain\",\n [\"usc\"] = \"US Central\",\n [\"use\"] = \"US East\",\n [\"mex\"] = \"Mexico\",\n [\"bzl\"] = \"Brazil\"\n }\n local REGION_TEXT_META = {}\n REGION_TEXT_META.__index = function(table, key) return \"Unknown\" end\n setmetatable(REGION_TEXT, REGION_TEXT_META)\n \n local REGION_COLORED = {\n [\"deDE\"] = \"|cFF00FF00DE|r\",\n [\"frFR\"] = \"|cFF00FFFFFR|r\", \n [\"enGB\"] = \"|cFFFF00FFGB|r\",\n [\"itIT\"] = \"|cFFFFFF00IT|r\",\n [\"esES\"] = \"|cFFFFBF00ES|r\",\n [\"ruRU\"] = \"|cFFCCCCFFRU|r\",\n [\"ptBR\"] = \"|cFF8fce00PT|r\",\n [\"oce\"] = \"|cFF00FF00OCE|r\",\n [\"usp\"] = \"|cFF00FFFFUSP|r\",\n [\"usm\"] = \"|cFFFF00FFUSM|r\",\n [\"usc\"] = \"|cFFFFFF00USC|r\",\n [\"use\"] = \"|cFFFFBF00USE|r\",\n [\"mex\"] = \"|cFFCCCCFFMEX|r\",\n [\"bzl\"] = \"|cFF8fce00BZL|r\"\n }\n local REGION_COLORED_META = {}\n REGION_COLORED_META.__index = function(table, key) return \"|cFFFFFFFF?|r \" end\n setmetatable(REGION_COLORED, REGION_COLORED_META)\n \n \n local REGION_REALMS_EU = {\n [\"deDE\"] = {\n \"Aegwynn\", \"Alexstrasza\", \"Alleria\", \"Aman’Thul\", \"Aman'Thul\", \"Ambossar\",\n \"Anetheron\", \"Antonidas\", \"Anub'arak\", \"Area52\", \"Arthas\",\n \"Arygos\", \"Azshara\", \"Baelgun\", \"Blackhand\", \"Blackmoore\",\n \"Blackrock\", \"Blutkessel\", \"Dalvengyr\", \"DasKonsortium\",\n \"DasSyndikat\", \"DerMithrilorden\", \"DerRatvonDalaran\",\n \"DerAbyssischeRat\", \"Destromath\", \"Dethecus\", \"DieAldor\",\n \"DieArguswacht\", \"DieNachtwache\", \"DieSilberneHand\", \"DieTodeskrallen\",\n \"DieewigeWacht\", \"DunMorogh\", \"Durotan\", \"Echsenkessel\", \"Eredar\",\n \"FestungderStürme\", \"Forscherliga\", \"Frostmourne\", \"Frostwolf\",\n \"Garrosh\", \"Gilneas\", \"Gorgonnash\", \"Gul'dan\", \"Kargath\", \"Kel'Thuzad\",\n \"Khaz'goroth\", \"Kil'jaeden\", \"Krag'jin\", \"KultderVerdammten\", \"Lordaeron\",\n \"Lothar\", \"Madmortem\", \"Mal'Ganis\", \"Malfurion\", \"Malorne\", \"Malygos\", \"Mannoroth\",\n \"Mug'thol\", \"Nathrezim\", \"Nazjatar\", \"Nefarian\", \"Nera'thor\", \"Nethersturm\",\n \"Norgannon\", \"Nozdormu\", \"Onyxia\", \"Perenolde\", \"Proudmoore\", \"Rajaxx\", \"Rexxar\",\n \"Sen'jin\", \"Shattrath\", \"Taerar\", \"Teldrassil\", \"Terrordar\", \"Theradras\", \"Thrall\",\n \"Tichondrius\", \"Tirion\", \"Todeswache\", \"Ulduar\", \"Un'Goro\", \"Vek'lor\", \"Wrathbringer\",\n \"Ysera\", \"ZirkeldesCenarius\", \"Zuluhed\"\n },\n [\"frFR\"] = {\n \"Arakarahm\", \"Arathi\", \"Archimonde\", \"Chantséternels\", \"Cho’gall\", \"Cho'gall\",\n \"ConfrérieduThorium\", \"ConseildesOmbres\", \"Dalaran\", \"Drek’Thar\", \"Drek'Thar\",\n \"Eitrigg\", \"Eldre’Thalas\", \"Eldre'Thalas\", \"Elune\", \"Garona\", \"Hyjal\", \"Illidan\",\n \"Kael’thas\", \"Kael'thas\", \"KhazModan\", \"KirinTor\", \"Krasus\", \"LaCroisadeécarlate\",\n \"LesClairvoyants\", \"LesSentinelles\", \"MarécagedeZangar\", \"Medivh\", \"Naxxramas\",\n \"Ner’zhul\", \"Ner'zhul\", \"Rashgarroth\", \"Sargeras\", \"Sinstralis\", \"Suramar\",\n \"Templenoir\", \"Throk’Feroth\", \"Throk'Feroth\", \"Uldaman\", \"Varimathras\", \"Vol’jin\",\n \"Vol'jin\", \"Ysondre\"\n \n \n },\n [\"enGB\"] = {\n \"AeriePeak\", \"Agamaggan\", \"Aggramar\", \"Ahn'Qiraj\", \"Al'Akir\", \"Alonsus\", \"Anachronos\",\n \"Arathor\", \"ArenaPass\", \"ArenaPass1\", \"ArgentDawn\", \"Aszune\", \"Auchindoun\", \"AzjolNerub\",\n \"Azuremyst\", \"Balnazzar\", \"Blade'sEdge\", \"Bladefist\", \"Bloodfeather\", \"Bloodhoof\", \"Bloodscalp\",\n \"Boulderfist\", \"BronzeDragonflight\", \"Bronzebeard\", \"BurningBlade\", \"BurningLegion\", \"BurningSteppes\",\n \"C'Thun\", \"ChamberofAspects\", \"Chromaggus\", \"ColinasPardas\", \"Crushridge\", \"CultedelaRivenoire\",\n \"Daggerspine\", \"DarkmoonFaire\", \"Darksorrow\", \"Darkspear\", \"Deathwing\", \"DefiasBrotherhood\",\n \"Dentarg\", \"Doomhammer\", \"Draenor\", \"Dragonblight\", \"Dragonmaw\", \"Drak'thul\", \"Dunemaul\",\n \"EarthenRing\", \"EmeraldDream\", \"Emeriss\", \"Eonar\", \"Executus\", \"Frostmane\", \"Frostwhisper\",\n \"Genjuros\", \"Ghostlands\", \"GrimBatol\", \"Hakkar\", \"Haomarush\", \"Hellfire\", \"Hellscream\",\n \"Jaedenar\", \"Karazhan\", \"Kazzak\", \"Khadgar\", \"Kilrogg\", \"Kor'gall\", \"KulTiras\", \"LaughingSkull\",\n \"Lightbringer\", \"Lightning'sBlade\", \"Magtheridon\", \"Mazrigos\", \"Moonglade\", \"Nagrand\",\n \"Neptulon\" , \"Nordrassil\", \"Outland\", \"Quel'Thalas\", \"Ragnaros\", \"Ravencrest\", \"Ravenholdt\", \n \"Runetotem\", \"Saurfang\", \"ScarshieldLegion\", \"Shadowsong\", \"ShatteredHalls\", \"ShatteredHand\",\n \"Silvermoon\", \"Skullcrusher\", \"Spinebreaker\", \"Sporeggar\", \"SteamwheedleCartel\", \"Stormrage\",\n \"Stormreaver\", \"Stormscale\", \"Sunstrider\", \"Sylvanas\", \"Talnivarr\", \"TarrenMill\", \"Terenas\", \n \"Terokkar\", \"TheMaelstrom\", \"TheSha'tar\", \"TheVentureCo\", \"Thunderhorn\", \"Trollbane\", \"Turalyon\",\n \"Twilight'sHammer\", \"TwistingNether\", \"Vashj\", \"Vek'nilash\", \"Wildhammer\", \"Xavius\", \"Zenedar\"\n \n },\n [\"itIT\"] = {\n \"Nemesis\", \"Pozzodell'Eternità\"\n \n },\n [\"esES\"] = {\n \"DunModr\", \"EuskalEncounter\", \"Exodar\", \"LosErrantes\", \"Minahonda\", \"Sanguino\", \"Shen'dralar\",\n \"Tyrande\", \"Uldum\", \"Zul'jin\"\n \n },\n [\"ruRU\"] = {\n \"Азурегос\", \"Борейскаятундра\", \"ВечнаяПесня\", \"Галакронд\", \"Голдринн\", \"Гордунни\",\n \"Гордунни\", \"Гром\", \"Дракономор\", \"Корольлич\", \"Пиратскаябухта\", \"Подземье\", \"ПропускнаАрену1\",\n \"Разувий\", \"Ревущийфьорд\", \"СвежевательДуш\", \"Седогрив\", \"СтражСмерти\", \"Термоштепсель\",\n \"ТкачСмерти\", \"ЧерныйШрам\", \"Ясеневыйлес\"\n \n },\n [\"ptBR\"] = {\"Aggra(Português)\"\n \n }\n }\n \n local REGION_REALMS_US = {\n [\"oce\"] = {\n \"Aman'Thul\", \"Barthilas\", \"Caelestrasz\", \"Dath'Remar\", \"Dreadmaul\",\n \"Frostmourne\", \"Gundrak\", \"Jubei'Thos\", \"Khaz'goroth\", \"Nagrand\",\n \"Saurfang\", \"Thaurissan\"\n },\n [\"usp\"] = {\n \"Aerie Peak\", \"Anvilmar\", \"Arathor\", \"Antonidas\", \"Azuremyst\",\n \"Baelgun\", \"Blade's Edge\", \"Bladefist\", \"Bronzebeard\", \"Cenarius\",\n \"Darrowmere\", \"Draenor\", \"Dragonblight\", \"Echo Isles\", \"Galakrond\",\n \"Gnomeregan\", \"Hyjal\", \"Kilrogg\", \"Korialstrasz\", \"Lightbringer\",\n \"Misha\", \"Moonrunner\", \"Nordrassil\", \"Proudmoore\", \"Shadowsong\",\n \"Shu'Halo\", \"Silvermoon\", \"Skywall\", \"Suramar\", \"Uldum\", \"Uther\",\n \"Velen\", \"Windrunner\", \"Blackrock\", \"Blackwing Lair\", \"Bonechewer\",\n \"Boulderfist\", \"Coilfang\", \"Crushridge\", \"Daggerspine\", \"Dark Iron\",\n \"Destromath\", \"Dethecus\", \"Dragonmaw\", \"Dunemaul\", \"Frostwolf\",\n \"Gorgonnash\", \"Gurubashi\", \"Kalecgos\", \"Kil'Jaeden\", \"Lethon\", \"Maiev\",\n \"Nazjatar\", \"Ner'zhul\", \"Onyxia\", \"Rivendare\", \"Shattered Halls\",\n \"Spinebreaker\", \"Spirestone\", \"Stonemaul\", \"Stormscale\", \"Tichondrius\",\n \"Ursin\", \"Vashj\", \"Blackwater Raiders\", \"Cenarion Circle\",\n \"Feathermoon\", \"Sentinels\", \"Silver Hand\", \"The Scryers\",\n \"Wyrmrest Accord\", \"The Venture Co\"\n },\n [\"usm\"] = {\n \"Azjol-Nerub\", \"AzjolNerub\", \"Doomhammer\", \"Icecrown\", \"Perenolde\",\n \"Terenas\", \"Zangarmarsh\", \"Kel'Thuzad\", \"Darkspear\", \"Deathwing\",\n \"Bloodscalp\", \"Nathrezim\", \"Shadow Council\"\n },\n [\"usc\"] = {\n \"Aegwynn\", \"Agamaggan\", \"Aggramar\", \"Akama\", \"Alexstrasza\", \"Alleria\",\n \"Archimonde\", \"Azgalor\", \"Azshara\", \"Balnazzar\", \"Blackhand\",\n \"Blood Furnace\", \"Borean Tundra\", \"Burning Legion\", \"Cairne\",\n \"Cho'gall\", \"Chromaggus\", \"Dawnbringer\", \"Dentarg\", \"Detheroc\",\n \"Drak'tharon\", \"Drak'thul\", \"Draka\", \"Eitrigg\", \"Emerald Dream\",\n \"Farstriders\", \"Fizzcrank\", \"Frostmane\", \"Garithos\", \"Garona\",\n \"Ghostlands\", \"Greymane\", \"Grizzly Hills\", \"Gul'dan\", \"Hakkar\",\n \"Hellscream\", \"Hydraxis\", \"Illidan\", \"Kael'thas\", \"Khaz Modan\",\n \"Kirin Tor\", \"Korgath\", \"Kul Tiras\", \"Laughing Skull\", \"Lightninghoof\",\n \"Madoran\", \"Maelstrom\", \"Mal'Ganis\", \"Malfurion\", \"Malorne\", \"Malygos\",\n \"Mok'Nathal\", \"Moon Guard\", \"Mug'thol\", \"Muradin\", \"Nesingwary\",\n \"Quel'Dorei\", \"Ravencrest\", \"Rexxar\", \"Runetotem\", \"Sargeras\",\n \"Scarlet Crusade\", \"Sen'Jin\", \"Sisters of Elune\", \"Staghelm\",\n \"Stormreaver\", \"Terokkar\", \"The Underbog\", \"Thorium Brotherhood\",\n \"Thunderhorn\", \"Thunderlord\", \"Twisting Nether\", \"Vek'nilash\",\n \"Whisperwind\", \"Wildhammer\", \"Winterhoof\"\n },\n [\"use\"] = {\n \"Altar of Storms\", \"Alterac Mountains\", \"Andorhal\", \"Anetheron\",\n \"Anub'arak\", \"Area 52\", \"Argent Dawn\", \"Arthas\", \"Arygos\", \"Auchindoun\",\n \"Black Dragonflight\", \"Bleeding Hollow\", \"Bloodhoof\", \"Burning Blade\",\n \"Dalaran\", \"Dalvengyr\", \"Demon Soul\", \"Drenden\", \"Durotan\", \"Duskwood\",\n \"Earthen Ring\", \"Eldre'Thalas\", \"Elune\", \"Eonar\", \"Eredar\", \"Executus\",\n \"Exodar\", \"Fenris\", \"Firetree\", \"Garrosh\", \"Gilneas\", \"Gorefiend\",\n \"Grizzly Hills\", \"Haomarush\", \"Jaedenar\", \"Kargath\", \"Khadgar\",\n \"Lightning's Blade\", \"Llane\", \"Lothar\", \"Magtheridon\", \"Mannoroth\",\n \"Medivh\", \"Nazgrel\", \"Norgannon\", \"Ravenholdt\", \"Scilla\", \"Shadowmoon\",\n \"Shandris\", \"Shattered Hand\", \"Skullcrusher\", \"Smolderthorn\",\n \"Steamwheedle Cartel\", \"Stormrage\", \"Tanaris\", \"The Forgotten Coast\",\n \"Thrall\", \"Tortheldrin\", \"Trollbane\", \"Turalyon\", \"Uldaman\",\n \"Undermine\", \"Warsong\", \"Ysera\", \"Ysondre\", \"Zul'jin\", \"Zuluhed\"\n },\n [\"mex\"] = {\"Drakkari\", \"Quel'Thalas\", \"Ragnaros\"},\n [\"bzl\"] = {\"Azralon\", \"Gallywix\", \"Goldrinn\", \"Nemesis\", \"Tol Barad\"\n \n }\n }\n \n \n local function PrintGlobalRegionNotSupported()\n if not GlobalRegionNotSupportedPrinted then\n print(\"LFG Regions currently only support EU / US region \")\n GlobalRegionNotSupportedPrinted = true\n end\n end\n \n local function PrintRealmNotFound(realm)\n if realm and not RealmUnknownPrinted[realm] then\n print(\"LFG Regions: the realm \" .. realm ..\n \" could not be matched to a region.\")\n RealmUnknownPrinted[realm] = true\n end\n end\n \n local REGION_REALMS = REGION_REALMS_EU\n \n \n if GetCurrentRegion() == 3 then\n REGION_REALMS = REGION_REALMS_EU\n end\n \n if GetCurrentRegion() == 1 then\n REGION_REALMS = REGION_REALMS_US\n end\n \n \n \n local function GetRegion(name)\n if not name then return nil end\n if not (GetCurrentRegion() == 3 or GetCurrentRegion() == 1) then\n PrintGlobalRegionNotSupported()\n return nil\n end\n \n local leaderRealm = name:match(\"%-(.+)\")\n if leaderRealm then\n leaderRealm = leaderRealm:lower():gsub(\" \", \"\")\n else\n leaderRealm = GetRealmName():lower():gsub(\" \", \"\")\n end\n for region, regionRealms in pairs(REGION_REALMS) do\n for _, realm in pairs(regionRealms) do\n if realm:lower():gsub(\" \", \"\") == leaderRealm then\n return region\n end\n end\n end\n PrintRealmNotFound(leaderRealm)\n return nil\n end\n \n \n local function GetRegionText(name) return REGION_TEXT[GetRegion(name)] end\n local function GetRegionColored(name) return REGION_COLORED[GetRegion(name)] end\n \n \n _G.TIMED5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMED20 = \"\"\n \n _G.TIMEDSPACE5 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE10 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE15 = \"\"\n _G.TIMEDSPACE20 = \"\"\n \n \n local function OnLFGListSearchEntryUpdate(self)\n if (_G[\"ShowRegionLeader\"] == true) then\n local searchResultInfo = C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo(self.resultID)\n local region = GetRegionColored(searchResultInfo.leaderName)\n self.ActivityName:SetFormattedText(\"%s|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF1eff00%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF0070dd%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFa335ee%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFff8000%s|r %s\", region, _G.TIMEDSPACE5, _G.TIMED5, _G.TIMEDSPACE10, _G.TIMED10, _G.TIMEDSPACE15, _G.TIMED15, _G.TIMEDSPACE20, _G.TIMED20,\n self.ActivityName:GetText())\n else\n self.ActivityName:SetFormattedText(\"|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF1eff00%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF0070dd%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFa335ee%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFff8000%s|r %s\", _G.TIMEDSPACE5, _G.TIMED5, _G.TIMEDSPACE10, _G.TIMED10, _G.TIMEDSPACE15, _G.TIMED15, _G.TIMEDSPACE20, _G.TIMED20,\n self.ActivityName:GetText())\n end\n \n end\n \n \n local function OnLFGListApplicationViewerUpdateApplicantMember(member, appID,\n memberIdx,\n status,\n pendingStatus)\n if (_G[\"ShowRegionApplicant\"] == true) then \n local name = C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(appID, memberIdx);\n local region = GetRegionColored(name)\n member.Name:SetFormattedText(\"%s|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF1eff00%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF0070dd%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFa335ee%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFff8000%s|r %s\", region, _G.TIMEDSPACE5, _G.TIMED5, _G.TIMEDSPACE10, _G.TIMED10, _G.TIMEDSPACE15, _G.TIMED15, _G.TIMEDSPACE20, _G.TIMED20, member.Name:GetText())\n else\n member.Name:SetFormattedText(\"|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF1eff00%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFF0070dd%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFa335ee%s|r|cFFFFFFFF%s|r|cFFff8000%s|r %s\", _G.TIMEDSPACE5, _G.TIMED5, _G.TIMEDSPACE10, _G.TIMED10, _G.TIMEDSPACE15, _G.TIMED15, _G.TIMEDSPACE20, _G.TIMED20, member.Name:GetText())\n end\n \n end\n \n \n -- Export functions and make them global for other addons like Premade Groups Filter --\n \n local PremadeRegions = 0;\n \n PremadeRegions = {}\n PremadeRegions.GetRegion = GetRegion\n PremadeRegions.GetRegionText = GetRegionText\n PremadeRegions.GetRegionColored = GetRegionColored\n \n -- Globals --\n \n -- Show Leader Region --\n _G[\"ShowRegionLeader\"] = aura_env.config.ShowRegionLeader;\n -- Show Applicant Region --\n _G[\"ShowRegionApplicant\"] = aura_env.config.ShowRegionApplicant;\n \n \n local isLoad = _G[\"ShowRegionWA1\"];\n \n \n if (not isLoad) then\n hooksecurefunc(\"LFGListSearchEntry_Update\", OnLFGListSearchEntryUpdate)\n hooksecurefunc(\"LFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateApplicantMember\",\n OnLFGListApplicationViewerUpdateApplicantMember)\n _G[\"ShowRegionWA1\"] = true;\n end \n \nend\n\n--------------------------------------- Click any groups in LFG to apply ---------------------------------------\n\naura_env.isHookSet = {}\n\n-------------------------------------- Hide other region addons in the group finder -----------------------------------\n\n\n_G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1HideOther\"] = aura_env.config.HideOther\n\n\nlocal HideOther = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1HideOther\"];\n\n\n\nif HideOther and (IsAddOnLoaded(\"TooltipRealmInfo\")) then\n TooltipRealmInfoDB.finder_counryflag = false\nend\n\nif HideOther and (IsAddOnLoaded(\"GroupfinderFlags\")) then\n GroupfinderFlagsDB.showFlagInGrpFinder = false\nend\n\n--------------------------------------------------- Hide Elitism Helper -----------------------------------------------\n\naura_env.messagesSend = 1\naura_env.hasbeenSend = false\n\nlocal function HideEH (e, msg,author,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,messageID,_)\n if e == \"CHAT_MSG_PARTY\" or e == \"CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER\" then\n if msg and msg:lower():sub(1,4) == \"\" then\n if not aura_env.sender or aura_env.sender ~= author then\n aura_env.sender = author\n \n local function AntiElitismIgnoreFilter(self, event, msg, author, ...)\n if msg and strfind(msg,aura_env.sender,10) then\n return true\n \n else \n return nil\n end\n end\n \n ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(\"CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM\", AntiElitismIgnoreFilter)\n end\n \n end\n end\nend\n\n\nlocal function AntiElitismFilter(self, event, msg, author, ...)\n if msg and msg:lower():sub(1,4) == \"\" then\n return true\n else \n return nil\n end\nend\n\n\nif aura_env.config[\"hideChat\"] == true then\n ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(\"CHAT_MSG_PARTY\", AntiElitismFilter)\n ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(\"CHAT_MSG_PARTY_LEADER\", AntiElitismFilter)\nend\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------- Notifications -------------------------------------------------\n\n-- Hide notifications --\n_G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1HideNotifications\"] = aura_env.config.HideNotifications\n\n-- Double-Click any groups in LFG to apply --\n_G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1DoubleClick\"] = aura_env.config.DoubleClick\n\n-- Auto accepted role check for queue --\n_G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1AutoAccepte\"] = aura_env.config.AutoAccepte\n\nlocal Notification = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1HideNotifications\"];\n\nlocal AutoAccepte = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1AutoAccepte\"];\n\nlocal DoubleClick = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1DoubleClick\"];\n\nlocal function OnEvent(self, event, isLogin, isReload)\n if (isLogin or isReload) and not (IsAddOnLoaded(\"RaiderIO\")) then\n print(\"WA Custom Extension: |cFFFF0000Raider IO Addon is not Installed|r\")\n end\n if (isLogin or isReload) and not Notification then\n print(\"WA Custom Extension: |cFF00FF00Check |cFF00FFFFCustom Options|r for personalization|r\")\n end\n \n if (isLogin or isReload) and DoubleClick and not Notification then\n print(\"WA Custom Extension: |cFF00FF00Double click to queue, Hold |cFF00FFFFShift|r to set a note - ON\")\n end\n \n if (isLogin or isReload) and DoubleClick and not Notification and (IsAddOnLoaded(\"PremadeGroupsFilter\")) then\n if PremadeGroupsFilterSettings.oneClickSignUp == true then\n print(\"WA Custom Extension: |cFFFF0000PremadeGroupsFilter Option: Log in to groups with one click is Activ. In case of problems please turn off the option.|r\")\n end\n end\n \n if (isLogin or isReload) and AutoAccepte and not Notification then\n print(\"WA Custom Extension: |cFF00FF00Auto accepted role check - ON\") \n end\n \n if (isLogin or isReload) and not C_LFGList.IsPlayerAuthenticatedForLFG(activityIdOfArbitraryMythicPlusDungeon) and not Notification then \n print(\"WA Custom Extension: |cFFFF0000The Blizzard-Error 'Interface action failed because of an AddOn'|r |cFF00FFFF(GetPlaystyleString)|r |cFFFF0000is not automatically fixed because you don't seem to have a fully secured account|r |cFF00FFFF(Authenticator / SMS Verification )|r |cFFFF0000and otherwise can't create organized groups.|r\")\n end\n \nend\n\n\nlocal f = CreateFrame(\"Frame\")\nf:RegisterEvent(\"PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD\")\nf:SetScript(\"OnEvent\", OnEvent)\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------\n-- Group Finder Custom Extension by Gallifrey87 ------\n----------------- Other Credits ----------------------\n-- Dungeon RIO and Classes Rayvor#2460 --------------\n-- Premade Regions -------- Baerenhard and Rustyb0y --\n------------- Blizzard problems fix ------------------\n-- GetPlaystyleString ----- ChrisKader & Baerenhard --\n------------------------------------------------------\n-- Wago URL ---- https://wago.io/6-GG3RMcC -----------\n------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["duration"] = "1", ["use_unit"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["type"] = "unit", ["unevent"] = "auto", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["unit"] = "target", ["buffShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "------------------------------------------------- Auto accepted role check --------------------------------------------\nfunction()\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1HideNotifications\"] = aura_env.config.HideNotifications\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1AutoAccepte\"] = aura_env.config.AutoAccepte \n \n local AutoAccepte = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1AutoAccepte\"];\n local Notification = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1HideNotifications\"]; \n \n if AutoAccepte and (IsInGroup() or IsInRaid()) and not WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n LFDRoleCheckPopupAcceptButton:Click()\n if not Notification then\n print(\"WA Custom Extension: |cFF00FF00Auto accepted role check. You can change your role in the Group Finder.|r\")\n end\n return nil;\n end\nend\n\n\n", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["events"] = "LFG_ROLE_CHECK_SHOW", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "LFG_LIST_AVAILABILITY_UPDATE", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["custom"] = "----------------------------------------- Addon: WorldQuestsList Turn LFG Option Off -----------------------------------\nfunction()\n if PVEFrame:IsVisible() and (IsAddOnLoaded(\"WorldQuestsList\")) then\n VWQL.DisableLFG = true\n end \nend", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [3] { ["trigger"] = { ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "QUEST_WATCH_LIST_CHANGED,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["custom"] = "----------------------------------------- Addon: WorldQuestsList Turn LFG Option ON -----------------------------------\nfunction()\n if not PVEFrame:IsVisible() and (IsAddOnLoaded(\"WorldQuestsList\")) then \n VWQL.DisableLFG = false\n end\nend", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [4] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["duration"] = "1", ["unit"] = "player", ["events"] = "LFG_LIST_APPLICATION_STATUS_UPDATED", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom"] = "function()\n _G[\"Auto_Accept_Invite\"] = aura_env.config.Auto_Accept_Invite \n local Auto_Accept_Invite = _G[\"Auto_Accept_Invite\"];\n \n if Auto_Accept_Invite and LFGListInviteDialog.AcceptButton:IsVisible() then\n LFGListInviteDialog.AcceptButton:Click()\n end\nend", ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [5] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["custom"] = "function(event, button)\n --------------------------------------- Click any groups in LFG to apply ---------------------------------------\n \n -- Click --\n \n -- Click any groups in LFG to apply --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1DoubleClick\"] = aura_env.config.DoubleClick\n \n -- Auto accepted role check for queue --\n _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1AutoAccepte\"] = aura_env.config.AutoAccepte\n \n \n local DoubleClick = _G[\"ShowRIORaitingWA1DoubleClick\"];\n \n \n if DoubleClick and ( UnitIsGroupLeader(\"Player\") == true or (not IsInGroup() or not IsInRaid()) ) then\n \n -- Auto skips note, Hold Shift to set a note\n LFGListApplicationDialog:SetScript(\"OnShow\", function() if not (IsShiftKeyDown()) then LFGListApplicationDialog.SignUpButton:Click() end; end)\n \n -- Click to queue\n \n if button == \"LeftButton\" then\n if not LFGListApplicationDialog:IsVisible() then\n if LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.ScrollBox:IsMouseOver() == true and LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.ScrollBox:IsVisible() == true then\n if LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.SignUpButton:IsEnabled() == true then \n LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.SignUpButton:Click()\n end \n else\n LFGListApplicationDialog:Hide()\n end \n \n for _, button in pairs(LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.CategoryButtons) do\n if button:IsMouseOver() == true then\n aura_env.previousGroupButton = button\n break\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\nend", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [6] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["desc"] = "by Gallifrey87", ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 40, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["load"] = { ["use_never"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "", }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["regionType"] = "text", ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["conditions"] = { }, ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["displayText"] = "%p", ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["ShowRegionLeader"] = true, ["ApplicantFilterRIO"] = false, ["HideNotifications"] = false, ["MaxRio"] = 9999, ["ApplicantMinRio"] = 0, ["UseAbbrRIO"] = true, ["MinRio"] = 0, ["TextFormatRIO"] = "[@rio]", ["NotShowRio"] = false, ["NDlWRwsLr"] = "https://wago.io/NDlWRwsLr", ["ShowMainRaid"] = true, ["HideOther"] = false, ["ShowTimedKeys15"] = false, ["ShowPreviousRIO"] = false, ["6-GG3RMcC"] = "https://wago.io/6-GG3RMcC", ["Playstyle_String_Fix"] = true, ["RemoveWithoutRole"] = true, ["NotShowClasses"] = false, ["RioSort"] = 3, ["ShowTimedKeys20"] = false, ["NoShowRaidProg"] = false, ["ShowRegionApplicant"] = true, ["OnlyShowRespictiveProg"] = true, ["AutoAccepte"] = false, ["ApplicantRioSort"] = 3, ["ShowTimedKeys10"] = false, ["removeOwnClass"] = false, ["ApplicantMaxRio"] = 9999, ["DoubleClick"] = true, ["Auto_Accept_Invite"] = false, ["ShowTimedKeys5"] = false, ["ShowMainRIO"] = true, ["hideChat"] = true, ["FilterRIO"] = false, }, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["semver"] = "1.0.39", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["id"] = "Group Finder Custom Extension", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Show Timed Keys", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 0.45, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowTimedKeys5", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFF00FF00+5|r", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 0.3, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowTimedKeys10", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFF0070DD+10|r", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 0.3, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowTimedKeys15", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFFA335EE+15|r", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 0.3, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowTimedKeys20", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFFFF8000+20|r", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 0.3, }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Which Rio display ?", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [7] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowMainRIO", ["default"] = true, ["name"] = "Show main's RIO rating", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1.1, }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowMainRaid", ["default"] = true, ["name"] = "Show main's Raid progress", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 0.9, }, -- [9] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowPreviousRIO", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "Show previous season RIO rating", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1.1, }, -- [10] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Rio options", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [11] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1.2, ["name"] = "Show RIO/Raid for respective category", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "OnlyShowRespictiveProg", ["desc"] = "", }, -- [12] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 0.8, ["name"] = "Use abbreviation for RIO", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "UseAbbrRIO", ["desc"] = "RIO score will be shown like |cFFA335EE2.2K|r instead of |cFFA335EE2200|r", }, -- [13] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Sorting by Rio", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [14] { ["desc"] = "|cFFff0000This also means that the signed up groups are no longer on top. I would like to fix this later.|r", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "None", -- [1] "Ascending", -- [2] "Descending", -- [3] }, ["default"] = 1, ["name"] = "Sort by RIO rating", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "RioSort", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [15] { ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "None", -- [1] "Ascending", -- [2] "Descending", -- [3] }, ["default"] = 3, ["name"] = "Applicants sort by RIO rating", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "ApplicantRioSort", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [16] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Show Player Region EU / US", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [17] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowRegionLeader", ["default"] = true, ["name"] = "Show Leader Region", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 0.9, }, -- [18] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ShowRegionApplicant", ["default"] = true, ["name"] = "Show Applicant Region", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [19] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Hide other region addons in the group finder", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "HideOther", ["desc"] = "Hide |cFF00FFFFGroupfinderFlags|r and |cFF00FFFFTooltipRealmInfo|r in the group finder.To Show again turn off and go to the settings of |cFF00FFFFGroupfinderFlags|r or |cFF00FFFFTooltipRealmInfo|r.", }, -- [20] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Group tools", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [21] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Blocked with patch 10.07|r Click any groups in LFG to apply. Hold |cFF00FFFFShift|r to set a note", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "DoubleClick", ["desc"] = "To switch off you need |cFFff0000reload UI|r.", }, -- [22] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "AutoAccepte", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Blocked with patch 10.07|r Auto accepted role check for queue", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [23] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Blocked with patch 10.07|r Auto Accept invites ", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Auto_Accept_Invite", ["desc"] = "Auto Accept invites to groups", }, -- [24] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 0.2, }, -- [25] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 0.1, }, -- [26] { ["text"] = " |cFFefc401Hide Groups without slot for your|r", ["type"] = "description", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [27] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 0.3, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Role|r", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "RemoveWithoutRole", ["desc"] = "", }, -- [28] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 0.3, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Class|r", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "removeOwnClass", ["desc"] = "", }, -- [29] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Other tools", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [30] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 0.8, ["name"] = "Hide Elitism Helper SPAM", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "hideChat", ["desc"] = "Works only in chat, not in the speech bubble. ( To show |cFF00FFFFElitism Helper|r you need turn off and |cFFff0000reload UI|r.)", }, -- [31] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Rio rating filter ", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [32] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "FilterRIO", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "Enable RIO rating filter for groups", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [33] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 9999, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = -1, ["key"] = "MinRio", ["default"] = 0, ["name"] = "Minimal RIO rating", }, -- [34] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 9999, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = -1, ["key"] = "MaxRio", ["default"] = 9999, ["name"] = "Maximum RIO rating", }, -- [35] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "ApplicantFilterRIO", ["default"] = false, ["name"] = "Enable RIO rating filter for applicants", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [36] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 9999, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = -1, ["key"] = "ApplicantMinRio", ["default"] = 0, ["name"] = "Minimal applicant RIO rating", }, -- [37] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 9999, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = -1, ["key"] = "ApplicantMaxRio", ["default"] = 9999, ["name"] = "Maximum applicant RIO rating", }, -- [38] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Others", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [39] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 0.1, }, -- [40] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 0.65, ["desc"] = "use tag @rio for show rio raiting text", ["name"] = " Text format RIO", ["multiline"] = false, ["default"] = "[@rio]", ["length"] = 10, ["key"] = "TextFormatRIO", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [41] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 0.1, }, -- [42] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "HideNotifications", 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aura_env.config.saybubble\naura_env.saybubbletimer = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn = aura_env.config.saybubbletimer\naura_env.soundFiles = {}\naura_env.soundchannels = {}\naura_env.soundChannelSelected = aura_env.config.soundchannels\naura_env.lightsay = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleLightOn = aura_env.config.lightsay\naura_env.circlevisual = {}\naura_env.circleVisualOff = aura_env.config.circlevisual\n\n-- Check for Say Bubble Custom Option Selection --\nif aura_env.sayBubbleOn == true then\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"{rt6}\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"Cleared\"\nelse\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"\"\nend\n\n-- Check for BigWigs or DBM for audio file --\nif IsAddOnLoaded(\"BigWigs\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\Bigwigs\\\\Media\\\\Sounds\\\\Amy\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelseif IsAddOnLoaded(\"DBM-Core\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\DBM-Core\\\\sounds\\\\Corsica\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelse\n local file = (\"\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nend\n\n-- Assign Audio Channel\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 1 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Master\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 2 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Sound Effects\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 3 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Ambient Sounds\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 4 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Dialog\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 5 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Music\"\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["orientation"] = "ANTICLOCKWISE", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -1, ["variable"] = "customcheck", ["value"] = "function(s)\n if s[1].active and s[2].active and aura_env.circleVisualOff == true then\n return true\n end\nend", }, ["changes"] = { { ["property"] = "alpha", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "15", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [2] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "14", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [3] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [4] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [5] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "12", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [6] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "11", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [7] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [8] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [9] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "9", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [10] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "8", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [11] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [12] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [13] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "6", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [14] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0.4588235616684, -- [1] 0.66274511814117, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "foregroundColor", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0.80718572437763, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "backgroundColor", }, -- [2] { ["property"] = "sub.2.text_visible", }, -- [3] { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_visible", }, -- [4] { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[5], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [5] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [6] }, }, -- [15] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [16] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[4], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [17] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "3", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[3], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [18] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "2", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[2], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [19] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "1.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [20] { ["check"] = { ["op"] = "==", ["checks"] = { { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = 1, ["variable"] = "show", }, -- [2] }, ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", ["trigger"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[1], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [21] }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["backgroundOffset"] = 0, }, ["Weekly/Daily Module"] = { ["controlledChildren"] = { "Todo list Pack", -- [1] "Bars Pack (Reps ,Event Timers ect)", -- [2] "Rares Packs", -- [3] }, ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["wagoID"] = "9MpDLGWp3", ["xOffset"] = 127.80338075426, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["groupIcon"] = 413590, ["anchorPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["borderColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, 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["auraspellids"] = { "396369", -- [1] }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["useName"] = false, ["debuffType"] = "HARMFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n if aura_env.frameGlowOn then\n return (t[1] and t[2])\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 35, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["load"] = { ["use_never"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, ["use_affixes"] = true, ["affixes"] = { ["single"] = 132, }, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_instance_type"] = true, }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, 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Nickname Extender & Unlocker"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "OJkIxV-dQ", ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "if _G.NickTag then\n local CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME = 1\n local CONST_INDEX_AVATAR_PATH = 2\n local CONST_INDEX_AVATAR_TEXCOORD = 3\n local CONST_INDEX_BACKGROUND_PATH = 4\n local CONST_INDEX_BACKGROUND_TEXCOORD = 5\n local CONST_INDEX_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 6\n local CONST_INDEX_REVISION = 7\n local CONST_COMM_FULLPERSONA = 1\n local enableGlobalNickname = aura_env.config[\"enableGlobalNickname\"]\n \n --[[global]] DETAILS_NICKNAME_EXTENDER_TITLECASE = aura_env.config[\"enableTitleCase\"]\n \n local cyrillic = \"АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЎЏҐабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяёђѓєѕіїјљњћќўџґАаБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя\"\n local latin = \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\"\n local chinese = \"ヲァィゥェォャュョッーアイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワン゙゚ᄀᄁᆪᄂᆬᆭᄃᄄᄅᆰᆱᆲᆳᆴᆵᄚᄆᄇᄈᄡᄉᄊᄋᄌᄍᄎᄏᄐᄑ하ᅢᅣᅤᅥᅦᅧᅨᅩᅪᅫᅬᅭᅮᅯᅰᅱᅲᅳᅴᅵ\"\n \n local alphabet = {\n [\"cyrillic\"] = {},\n [\"latin\"] = {},\n [\"chinese\"] = {},\n }\n \n for letter in cyrillic:gmatch(\".\") do\n alphabet[\"cyrillic\"][letter] = true\n end\n for letter in latin:gmatch(\".\") do\n alphabet[\"latin\"][letter] = true\n end\n for letter in chinese:gmatch(\".\") do\n alphabet[\"chinese\"][letter] = true\n end\n \n --> trim from from http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringTrim\n local function trim (s)\n local from = s:match\"^%s*()\"\n return from > #s and \"\" or s:match(\".*%S\", from)\n end\n --\n local titlecase = function (first, rest)\n return first:upper()..rest:lower()\n end\n --\n local have_repeated = false\n local count_spaces = 0\n local check_repeated = function (char)\n if (char == \" \") then\n have_repeated = true\n elseif (string.len (char) > 2) then\n have_repeated = true\n elseif (char == \" \") then\n count_spaces = count_spaces + 1\n end\n end\n \n --> we need to keep game smooth checking and formating nicknames.\n --> SetNickname and names comming from other player need to be check.\n function NickTag:CheckName (name)\n --> as nicktag only work internally in the guild, we think that is not necessary a work filter to avoid people using bad language.\n if (type (name) ~= \"string\") then\n return false, LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_ERROR_4\"] --> error 4 = name isn't a valid string\n end\n \n name = trim (name)\n \n --which alphabet to use\n local alphabetToUse = \"latin\"\n local firstLetter = name:match(\"^.\")\n \n if (alphabet[\"cyrillic\"][firstLetter]) then\n --reserve cyrillic only to clients running ruRU\n if (GetLocale() == \"ruRU\") then\n alphabetToUse = \"cyrillic\"\n else\n alphabetToUse = \"latin\"\n end\n \n elseif (alphabet[\"chinese\"][firstLetter]) then\n if (GetLocale() == \"zhCN\" or GetLocale() == \"zhTW\") then\n alphabetToUse = \"chinese\"\n else\n alphabetToUse = \"latin\"\n end\n end\n \n --> check if contain any non allowed characters, by now only accpet letters, numbers and spaces.\n --> by default wow do not accetp spaces, but here will allow.\n --> tested over lua 5.2 and this capture was okey with accents, not sure why inside wow this doesn't work.\n \n -- local notallow = string.find (name, \"[^a-zA-Z�������%s]\")\n -- if (notallow) then\n -- return false, LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_ERROR_2\"] --> error 2 = nickname only support letters, numbers and spaces.\n -- end\n \n --[=[\n for letter in name:gmatch(\".\") do\n if (not allowedLetters[letter]) then\n return false, LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_ERROR_2\"] --> error 2 = nickname only support letters, numbers and spaces.\n end\n end\n --]=]\n \n --> check if there is sequencial repeated characters, like \"Jasooon\" were repeats 3 times the \"o\" character.\n --> got this from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15608299/lua-pattern-matching-repeating-character\n have_repeated = false\n count_spaces = 0\n string.gsub (name, '.', '\\0%0%0'):gsub ('(.)%z%1','%1'):gsub ('%z.([^%z]+)', check_repeated)\n \n return true\n end\n \n function Details:SetNickname (name)\n \n --> check data before\n assert (type (name) == \"string\", \"NickTag 'SetNickname' expects a string on #1 argument.\")\n \n --> check if the nickname is okey to allowed to use.\n local okey, errortype = NickTag:CheckName (name)\n if (not okey) then\n NickTag:Msg (\"SetNickname() invalid name \", name)\n return false, errortype\n end\n \n --> here we format the text to match titles, e.g converts name like \"JASON NICKSHOW\" into \"Jason Nickshow\". \n if (DETAILS_NICKNAME_EXTENDER_TITLECASE) then\n name = name:gsub (\"(%a)([%w_']*)\", titlecase)\n end\n \n local playerName = UnitName (\"player\")\n \n --> get the full nick table.\n local nickTable = NickTag:GetNicknameTable (playerName)\n if (not nickTable) then\n nickTable = NickTag:Create (playerName, true)\n end\n \n --> change the nickname for the player nick table.\n if (nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] ~= name) then\n nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] = name\n \n --increase the table revision\n NickTag:IncRevision()\n \n --> send the update for script which need it.\n NickTag.callbacks:Fire (\"NickTag_Update\", CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME)\n \n --> schedule a update for revision and broadcast full persona.\n --> this is a kind of protection for scripts which call SetNickname, SetColor and SetAvatar one after other, so scheduling here avoid three revisions upgrades and 3 broadcasts to the guild. \n if (not NickTag.send_scheduled) then\n NickTag.send_scheduled = true\n NickTag:ScheduleTimer (\"SendPersona\", 1)\n end\n \n else\n NickTag:Msg (\"SetNickname() name is the same on the pool \", name, nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME])\n end\n \n return true\n end\n \n if (enableGlobalNickname) then\n function NickTag:SendPersona()\n \n --check if the player has a persona\n local nickTable = NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\"), true)\n if (not nickTable) then\n return\n end\n NickTag:Msg (\"SendPersona() -> broadcast\")\n \n if (NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend and not NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend._cancelled) then\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend:Cancel()\n end\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend = nil\n NickTag.EventFrame.InfoSendCooldown = time() + 29\n \n --> updating my own persona\n NickTag.send_scheduled = false\n \n --> auto change nickname if we have an invalid nickname\n if (NickTag:GetNickname (UnitName (\"player\")) == LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_INVALID_NAME\"]) then\n nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] = UnitName (\"player\")\n end\n \n \n if (isMaster) then\n NickTag:SyncSiblings()\n end\n \n local serialized = NickTag:Serialize (1, 0, NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\")), 15)\n \n \n \n \n if GetNumGroupMembers() > 0 then \n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", serialized , \"GROUP\")\n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", serialized , \"RAID\") \n end\n \n if IsInGuild() then \n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", serialized , \"GUILD\")\n end\n end\n else\n function NickTag:SendPersona()\n \n --check if the player has a persona\n local nickTable = NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\"), true)\n if (not nickTable) then\n return\n end\n NickTag:Msg (\"SendPersona() -> broadcast\")\n \n if (NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend and not NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend._cancelled) then\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend:Cancel()\n end\n NickTag.EventFrame.ScheduledSend = nil\n NickTag.EventFrame.InfoSendCooldown = time() + 29\n \n --updating my own persona\n NickTag.send_scheduled = false\n \n --auto change nickname if we have an invalid nickname\n if (NickTag:GetNickname (UnitName (\"player\")) == LibStub (\"AceLocale-3.0\"):GetLocale (\"NickTag-1.0\")[\"STRING_INVALID_NAME\"]) then\n nickTable [CONST_INDEX_NICKNAME] = UnitName (\"player\")\n end\n \n --broadcast over guild channel\n if (IsInGuild()) then\n if (isMaster) then\n NickTag:SyncSiblings()\n end\n NickTag:SendCommMessage (\"NickTag\", NickTag:Serialize (CONST_COMM_FULLPERSONA, 0, NickTag:GetNicknameTable (UnitName (\"player\")), minor), \"GUILD\")\n end\n \n end\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 2, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["load"] = { ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["regionType"] = "text", ["displayText"] = "", ["conditions"] = { }, ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["parent"] = "STUFF", ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["enableGlobalNickname"] = true, ["enableTitleCase"] = false, }, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "description", ["text"] = "\n\n", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "description", ["text"] = "If you change the settings below you have to set your nickname again in Details! to apply the change.\n\n", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 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In other continents it only triggers when you trigger the global cooldown or while an ability is on cooldown.", ["type"] = "description", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [4] }, ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, }, ["Tama's Dragonflight helper"] = { ["controlledChildren"] = { "Profession module", -- [1] "Weekly/Daily Module", -- [2] "User guide (Note shown) Work in progress", -- [3] }, ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["wagoID"] = "9MpDLGWp3", ["parent"] = "TAMA2", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 23.33285970197231, ["anchorPoint"] = "LEFT", ["borderColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = 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["borderOffset"] = 4, ["semver"] = "5.0.4", ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["id"] = "Todo list Pack", ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = -134.32095898522, ["config"] = { }, ["borderInset"] = 1, ["borderEdge"] = "1 Pixel", ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { }, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", }, ["1007 Timers"] = { ["user_y"] = 0, ["user_x"] = 0, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = -5, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT", ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.5, -- [1] 0.5, -- [2] 0.5, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT", ["desaturate"] = true, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "texture", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Square_FullWhite", ["compress"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["uid"] = "Itgnck(Upmj", ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["wagoID"] = "kYkx6YlLA", ["parent"] = "Timers", ["customText"] = "function()\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n \n return aura_env.text \nend", ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["names"] = { }, ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["version"] = 19, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["height"] = 5, ["rotate"] = false, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["mirror"] = false, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:1007 todo list", ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["auraRotation"] = 0, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n-- World quest Availibility --\naura_env.is_world_quest_available = function(quest)\n if not C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTimeLeftSeconds(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Enlightened Faction --\naura_env.factionID = 2478\n-- Title items --\n--Norah#21256 thank you for French Tranlations\n--Beatrice#2650 & Podwiznaia#2373 thank you both for help with the Russian Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion), Lars, phoi thank you all for your japanese Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion) thank you for your Dutch Translations\n--Zamy thank you for your Koreran Translations\n--三皈依#3388 thank you for your Translations\n--hohunide thank you for your Translations\n--N3cro#92 thank you for your German Translations\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n overviewHeadline = { enUS = ' Todo list:',\n deDE = 'Aufgabenliste:',\n zhTW = '的任務列表: ', \n zhCN = ' 任务列表:', \n ruRU = 'Список дел ' ,\n frFR = 'Liste de choses à faire :' ,\n jaJP = 'タマのやること帳・ ',\n koKR = '숙제 리스트 ',\n },\n \n worldBoss = { \n enUS = 'World Boss: ',\n deDE = 'Weltboss: ',\n zhTW = '世界首領', \n zhCN = '世界BOSS: ',\n ruRU = 'Мировой босс:',\n frFR = 'Boss mondial: ',\n nlNL = 'Wereld Baas',\n jaJP = 'ワールドボス',\n koKR = '필드보스',\n },\n \n worldQuests = {\n enUS = 'World Quests: ',\n deDE = 'Welt-Quests: ',\n zhTW = '世界任務', \n zhCN = '世界任务: ',\n ruRU = 'МЛокальные задания:',\n frFR = 'Quêtes mondiales: ',\n nlNL = 'World Quests',\n jaJP = 'アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '전역 퀘스트',\n },\n \n weeklyQuest = {\n enUS = 'Aiding the Accord: ',\n deDE = 'Unterstützung des Abkommens ',\n zhTW = '支援協調者:', \n zhCN = '协助援军: ',\n ruRU = 'Содействие Соглашению: ',\n frFR = 'Aider le concordat: ',\n nlNL = 'Accord Assistentie',\n jaJP='アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '협의회 지원',\n },\n \n CommunityFeast = {\n enUS = 'Community Feast: ',\n deDE = 'Gemeinschaftsfest: ',\n zhTW = '集體盛宴:', \n zhCN = '社区盛宴: ',\n ruRU = 'Большое пиршество: ',\n frFR = 'Festin tribal: ',\n nlNL = 'Gemeenschap`s Feestmaal',\n jaJP = 'コミュニティの宴会',\n koKR = '공동체 잔치',\n },\n \n elements = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Elements: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Elemente:',\n zhTW = '元素的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '元素审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание элементов: ',\n frFR = 'L’épreuve des éléments: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Elementen',\n jaJP = '五大の試し',\n koKR = '원소의 시험',\n },\n \n flood = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Flood: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Flut:',\n zhTW = '洪流的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '洪水的审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание наводнения: ', \n frFR = 'L’épreuve du déluge: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Overstroming',\n jaJP = '洪水の試し',\n koKR = '홍수의 시험',\n },\n \n SoDK = {\n enUS = 'Siege of Dragonscale Keep: ',\n deDE = 'Belagerung der Drachenschuppenburg: ',\n zhTW = '攻打龍禍要塞: ', \n zhCN = '围攻灭龙要塞: ',\n ruRU = 'Осада драконьей погибели: ',\n frFR = 'Siege du Fleau-des-dragons: ',\n nlNL = 'Belegering van Fort Dragonscale',\n jaJP =' ドラゴンスケール天守の包囲',\n koKR = '용의 파멸 성채 공성전',\n },\n \n Hunt = {\n enUS = 'Grand Hunts: ',\n deDE = 'GroBe Jagden: ',\n zhTW = '大狩獵: ', \n zhCN = '洪荒狩猎: ',\n ruRU = 'Великая охота: ',\n frFR = 'Grandes Chasses: ',\n nlNL = 'Grootse Jachten',\n jaJP = '盛大狩り',\n koKR = '사냥의 제전',\n },\n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n {name = \"weeklyQuest\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70750,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n },\n },\n \n {name = \"CommunityFeast\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70893,},-- Hidden quest ID 70893--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"SoDK\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70866,},-- confirm this Hidden ID72025 0r 70866--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Hunt\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70906,},-- WS 25.44,92.29-- Epic\n -- {questId = 69998,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n -- {questId = 69999,},-- WS 40.98,84.46--\n -- {questId = 70000,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n },\n },\n {name = \"flood\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71033,}, --Raging Torrent mobID 197221 hidden ID 71033 --\n },\n },\n {name = \"elements\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71995,}, --Therrocite mob id 197749--\n },\n },\n \n { name = \"worldBoss\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 65234,}, -- Bazual mobID 193532, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65262,},-- Liskanoth mobID 193533, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65231,},-- Strunraan mobID 193534, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65115,},-- Basrikron mobID 193535, hidden ID####--\n \n },\n },\n \n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to display\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and aura_env.config['includeWorldQuest'] or -- < not need in this version \n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and aura_env.config['includeWorldBoss'] or -- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and aura_env.config['includeCommunityFeast'] or-- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and aura_env.config['includeelements'] or--Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and aura_env.config['includeFlood'] or--Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and aura_env.config['includeSoDK'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and aura_env.config['includeHunt'] or--Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and aura_env.config['includeWeeklyQuest'] then--Aiding the Accord--\n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldQuestsIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldBossIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and not aura_env.config['hideCommunityFeastIfCompleted'] or -- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and not aura_env.config['hideelementsIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and not aura_env.config['hideFloodIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and not aura_env.config['hideSoDKIfCompleted'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and not aura_env.config['hideHuntIfCompleted'] or --Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and not aura_env.config['hideWeeklyQuestIfCompleted'] then --Aiding the Accord--\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config['showOverview'] then -- cheack if use want to show\n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('overviewHeadline'), 'ff00ff96') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", }, }, ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["semver"] = "1.0.18", ["startAngle"] = 0, ["id"] = "1007 Timers", ["anchorFrameType"] = "SELECTFRAME", ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["width"] = 250, ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["level"] = "70", ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["use_size"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["use_level"] = true, ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_alive"] = true, ["level_operator"] = ">=", ["zoneIds"] = "2151,2100,2101,2102,2109,2110,2111,2118,2131,2026", }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["inverse"] = false, ["config"] = { }, ["orientation"] = "VERTICAL", ["conditions"] = { 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aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n Header = { \n enUS = 'Tamas Embers of Neltharion Helper',\n \n },\n -- intro quests\n Chapter0 = {enUS ='A Creche Divided:',}, \n \n IntroQ1_1 = {enUS = 'The Land Beneath:',},\n IntroQ1_2 = {enUS = 'A Crack in the World:',},\n IntroQ1_3 = {enUS = 'Where the Flames Fell:',},\n IntroQ1_4 = {enUS = 'Scar of Earth and Fire:',},\n IntroQ1_5 = {enUS = 'The Patience of Princes:',}, \n IntroQ1_6 = {enUS = 'It Was Not Enough:',},\n IntroQ1_7 = {enUS = 'Culling the Deep:',},\n IntroQ1_8 = {enUS = 'Niffen and Goliath:',},\n IntroQ1_9 = {enUS = 'Brothers Keeper:',},\n IntroQ1_10 = {enUS ='Secrets From Our Father:',}, \n IntroQ1_11 = {enUS ='The Earth Gives Way:',}, \n IntroQ1_12 = {enUS ='Smells like Loamm:',}, \n IntroQ1_13 = {enUS ='Welcome to the City of Smells:',}, \n IntroQ1_14 = {enUS ='Orientation: Loamm Niffen:',}, \n IntroQ1_15 = {enUS ='Six Hundred Feet Under:',}, \n Chapter1 = {enUS ='Breaking ground:',}, \n \n IntroQ2_1 = {enUS = 'Future Aspects',},\n IntroQ2_2 = {enUS = 'Save-A-Mole:',},\n IntroQ2_3 = {enUS = 'Collating Their Research:',},\n IntroQ2_4 = {enUS = 'Whose Vault Is It Anyway?:',},\n IntroQ2_5 = {enUS = 'Charging Up:',}, \n IntroQ2_6 = {enUS = 'Open That Door!:',},\n IntroQ2_7 = {enUS = 'Sundered Flames:',},\n IntroQ2_8 = {enUS = 'The Upper Hand:',},\n IntroQ2_9 = {enUS = 'Singed:',},\n IntroQ2_10 = {enUS ='Aspects of Our Legacy:',}, \n Chapter2 = {enUS ='Sundered Legacy:',}, \n \n IntroQ3_1 = {enUS ='Where There\\'s Smoke, There\\'s Fire',},\n IntroQ3_2 = {enUS ='Sight Beyond Sight',},\n IntroQ3_3 = {enUS ='Legends of the Zaqali',},\n IntroQ3_4 = {enUS ='Know Thy Enemy',},\n IntroQ3_5 = {enUS ='Take Out the Head',},\n IntroQ3_6 = {enUS ='Consequences',},\n IntroQ3_7 = {enUS ='Battlefield Triage',},\n IntroQ3_8 = {enUS ='Rushing Quality',},\n IntroQ3_9 = {enUS ='Alliance of Convenience',},\n IntroQ3_10 = {enUS ='Shut Them Down',},\n IntroQ3_11 = {enUS ='A Scale for a Scale',},\n IntroQ3_12 = {enUS ='From Hell\\'s Heart',},\n IntroQ3_13 = {enUS ='No Dragon Left Behind',},\n IntroQ3_14 = {enUS ='Raked Over the Coals',},\n IntroQ3_15 = {enUS ='The Endless Burning Sky',},\n IntroQ3_16 = {enUS ='In the Wake of the Ashes',},\n Chapter3 = {enUS ='The Ancient Bargain:',}, \n \n IntroQ4_1 = {enUS ='Here We Go Again',},\n IntroQ4_2 = {enUS ='The Obsidian Rest',},\n IntroQ4_3 = {enUS ='Report: Battlefield Ruins',},\n IntroQ4_4 = {enUS ='Blow It Up',},\n IntroQ4_5 = {enUS ='Thinning Their Defenses',},\n IntroQ4_6 = {enUS ='Intercepting Communications',},\n IntroQ4_7 = {enUS ='Air Superiority',},\n IntroQ4_8 = {enUS ='Investigating the Unknown',},\n IntroQ4_9 = {enUS ='Break Them Out',},\n IntroQ4_10 = {enUS ='Worst of the Worst',},\n Chapter4 = {enUS ='Inherited Sin:',}, \n \n IntroQ5_1 = {enUS ='Fading Embers',},\n IntroQ5_2 = {enUS ='A Whisper to Sabellian',},\n IntroQ5_3 = {enUS ='Appealing to the Black Prince',},\n IntroQ5_4 = {enUS ='With Our Powers Combined',},\n IntroQ5_5 = {enUS ='In the Right Hands',},\n IntroQ5_6 = {enUS ='Wipe Them Out',},\n IntroQ5_7 = {enUS ='Forward Camp',},\n IntroQ5_8 = {enUS ='Finding Sarkareth',},\n IntroQ5_9 = {enUS ='Cracking His Shell',},\n IntroQ5_10 = {enUS ='Stopping Sarkareth',},\n Chapter5 = {enUS ='Inevitable Confrontation:',}, \n \n -- IntroQ6_1 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_2 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_3 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_4 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_5 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_6 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_7 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_8 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_9 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_10 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_11 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_12 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_13 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_14 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_15 = {enUS ='',},\n -- IntroQ6_16 = {enUS ='',},\n -- Chapter6 = {enUS ='A Flame, Extinguished:',}, \n TBS = {enUS ='The Buddy System',},\n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n --Breaking ground\n { name = \"IntroQ1_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72975,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72976,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72977,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72978,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72981,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72873,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72872,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72970,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72980,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72874,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72979,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72973,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72974,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75643,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ1_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75644,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter1\", maximum = 15, quests = { \n {questId = 75644,}, \n {questId = 75643,}, \n {questId = 72974,},\n {questId = 72973,},\n {questId = 72979,},\n {questId = 72874,},\n {questId = 72975,}, \n {questId = 72976,}, \n {questId = 72977,}, \n {questId = 72978,}, \n {questId = 72981,}, \n {questId = 72873,}, \n {questId = 72872,}, \n {questId = 72970,}, \n {questId = 72980,}, \n }, },\n \n \n { name = \"IntroQ2_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74334,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72958,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74375,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72959,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72961,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72962,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75419,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72963,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72964,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2_10\", maximum = 1, quests={ {questId = 72965,}, }, },\n \n {name = \"Chapter2\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 74334,},\n {questId = 72958,}, \n {questId = 74375,}, \n {questId = 72959,}, \n {questId = 72961,}, \n {questId = 72962,},\n {questId = 75419,}, \n {questId = 72963,}, \n {questId = 72964,}, \n {questId = 72965,}, \n }, },\n \n { name = \"IntroQ3_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72966,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72908,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72909,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72910,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72911,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72912,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72913,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72914,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72915,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72916,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74494,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72917,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72918,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72919,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72920,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75145,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter3\", maximum = 16, quests = { \n {questId = 72966,}, \n {questId = 72908,},\n {questId = 72909,},\n {questId = 72910,},\n {questId = 72911,},\n {questId = 72912,},\n {questId = 72913,}, \n {questId = 72914,},\n {questId = 72915,}, \n {questId = 72916,}, \n {questId = 74494,}, \n {questId = 72917,}, \n {questId = 72918,}, \n {questId = 72919,}, \n {questId = 72920,}, \n {questId = 75145,}, \n }, }, \n \n { name = \"IntroQ4_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72987,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74367,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74393,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74538,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74539,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74540,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74542,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74557,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74562,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74563,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter4\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 72987,}, \n {questId = 74367,},\n {questId = 74393,},\n {questId = 74538,},\n {questId = 74539,},\n {questId = 74540,},\n {questId = 74542,}, \n {questId = 74557,},\n {questId = 74562,}, \n {questId = 74563,},\n }, },\n \n \n { name = \"IntroQ5_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72922,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72923,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72924,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72925,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72926,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72928,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 27931,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72927,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72929,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72930 ,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"Chapter5\", maximum = 10, quests = { \n {questId = 72928,}, \n {questId = 72922,},\n {questId = 72923,},\n {questId = 72924,},\n {questId = 72925,},\n {questId = 72926,},\n {questId = 27931,}, \n {questId = 72927,},\n {questId = 72929,}, \n {questId = 72930 ,},\n }, },\n \n \n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"IntroQ6_3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"IntroQ6_4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"IntroQ6_5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"IntroQ6_7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n -- { name = \"IntroQ6_11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n ---{ name = \"IntroQ6_14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n --{ name = \"IntroQ6_16\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = ,}, }, },\n \n --{ name = \"Chapter6\", maximum = 16, quests = { \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,},\n -- {questId = ,},\n -- {questId = ,},\n -- {questId = ,},\n -- {questId = ,},\n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,},\n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- {questId = ,}, \n -- }, },\n {name = \"TBS\", maximum = 1, quests = { \n {questId = 74876,},\n }, },\n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n --Include switchesCatalyst\n local IntroQ1 = aura_env.config.TD.Show1\n local IntroQ2 = aura_env.config.TD.Show2\n local IntroQ3 = aura_env.config.TD.Show3\n local IntroQ4 = aura_env.config.TD.Show4\n local IntroQ4 = aura_env.config.TD.Show5\n local Chapter = aura_env.config.TD.ShowOV\n \n local TBSS = aura_env.config.TD.ShowSniff\n \n --Hide switches\n local IntroQ1_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ2_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ3_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ4_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local IntroQ5_h = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Chapter_h = aura_env.config.TD.HideOV\n \n local TBSh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n \n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to display \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_1' and IntroQ1 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_2' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_3' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_4' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_5' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_6' and IntroQ1 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_7' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_8' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_9' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_10' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_11' and IntroQ1 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_12' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_13' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_14' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_15' and IntroQ1 or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter1' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_1' and IntroQ2 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_2' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_3' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_4' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_5' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_6' and IntroQ2 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_7' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_8' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_9' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_10' and IntroQ2 or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter2' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_1' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_2' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_3' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_4' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_5' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_6' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_7' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_8' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_9' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_10' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_11' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_12' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_13' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_14' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_15' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_16' and IntroQ3 or \n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter3' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_1' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_2' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_3' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_4' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_5' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_6' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_7' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_8' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_9' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_10' and IntroQ4 or \n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter4' and Chapter or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_1' and IntroQ5 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_2' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_3' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_4' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_5' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_6' and IntroQ5 or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_7' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_8' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_9' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_10' and IntroQ5 or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter5' and Chapter or\n \n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'TBS' and TBSS then\n \n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_1' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_2' and not IntroQ1_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_3' and not IntroQ1_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_4' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_5' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_6' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_7' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_8' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_9' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_10' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_11' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_12' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_13' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_14' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1_15' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter1' and not Chapter_h or\n \n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_1' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_2' and not IntroQ1_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_3' and not IntroQ1_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_4' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_5' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_6' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_7' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_8' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_9' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2_10' and not IntroQ1_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter2' and not Chapter_h or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_1' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_2' and not IntroQ3_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_3' and not IntroQ3_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_4' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_5' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_6' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_7' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_8' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_9' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_10' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_11' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_12' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_13' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_14' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_15' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3_16' and not IntroQ3_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter3' and not Chapter_h or\n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_1' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_2' and not IntroQ4_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_3' and not IntroQ4_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_4' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_5' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_6' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_7' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_8' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_9' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4_10' and not IntroQ4_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter4' and not Chapter_h or \n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_1' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_2' and not IntroQ5_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_3' and not IntroQ5_h or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_4' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_5' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_6' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_7' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_8' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_9' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5_10' and not IntroQ5_h or\n todoEntry.name == 'Chapter5' and not Chapter_h or \n \n \n ---Unlocks\n \n todoEntry.name == 'TBS' and not TBSh then\n \n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config.TD.showOverview then -- cheack if use want to show\n \n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('Header'), 'ffcf00ff') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n -- end\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display() \n \n return true\nend", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display() \n \n return true\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["check"] = "event", ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["custom_type"] = "status", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["desc"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 13, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] 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currencyInfo = C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(idnum)\n local currencyAmount = currencyInfo.quantity\n local currencymax = currencyInfo.maxQuantity\n if currencyAmount >= 10^6 then\n return string.format(\"%.1fm\", currencyAmount / 10^6) ..\"/\".. currencymax\n elseif currencyAmount >= 10^3 then\n return string.format(\"%.1fk\", currencyAmount / 10^3) ..\"/\".. currencymax\n else\n return tostring(currencyAmount) ..\"/\".. currencymax\n end\n allstates[flightstoneId] = {\n changed = true,\n show = true,\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = aura_env.getCurrencyCount(amount, max),\n icon = idnum,\n name = idnum,\n index =idnum,\n }\n return currencyAmount..\"/\".. currencymax\nend\n\n\n\n", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "item", ["use_count"] = false, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["use_itemName"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["itemName"] = 204075, ["genericShowOn"] = 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ColorRank0 .. \"(ODS) Explorer 376 379 382 385 | 389 392 395 398\\n\" ..ColorEnd\n display = display .. ColorRank1 .. \"(ODG) Adventurer 389 392 395 398 | 402 405 408 411\\n\" ..ColorEnd\n display = display .. ColorRank2 .. \"(LFR) Veteran. 402 405 408 411 | 415 418 421 424\\n\" ..ColorEnd\n display = display .. ColorRank3 .. \"(Nor) Champion. 415 418 421 424 | 428 431 434 437\\n\" ..ColorEnd\n display = display .. ColorRank4 .. \"(Her) Hero 428 431 434 437 | 441\\n\" ..ColorEnd\n display = display .. ColorRank5 .. \"(Myt) Mythic 441+ |\\n\" ..ColorEnd\n \n display = display .. ColorRankW .. \"\\nUpdrage mats ---------------------------- \\|\\ ---------------------------------------\\n\" ..ColorEnd\n \n \n display = display .. ColorRank0 .. \"Explorer -- \".. ColorEnd ..\"\\|\\ \\n\" \n display = display .. ColorRank2 .. \"Adventurer -- \".. ColorEnd ..\"\\|\\ \" .. WelpCol..\"\\n\"\n display = display .. ColorRank2 .. \"(LFR) Veteran \" .. ColorEnd .. WelpCol..\" \\|\\ \" .. DrakCol..\"\\n\"\n display = display .. ColorRank3 .. \"(Nor) Champion \" .. ColorEnd .. DrakCol..\" \\|\\ \"..WyrmCol..\"\\n\"\n display = display .. ColorRank4 .. \"(Her) Hero \" .. ColorEnd .. WyrmCol..\" \\|\\ \"..AspeCol..\"\\n\"\n display = display .. ColorRank5 .. \"(Myt) Mythic \" .. ColorEnd .. AspeCol..\" \\|\\ \"\n \n return display\nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config.Info.Show then\n return true\n end \nend\n", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 13, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["load"] = { ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, 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= 10, ["name"] = "Time remaining Sound Path", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [13] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 3000, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 0.7, ["min"] = 1, ["key"] = "timeremainstime", ["default"] = 300, ["name"] = "Seconds remaining for sound", }, -- [14] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/M+Timer/118", ["icon"] = false, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0.086274509803922, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["font"] = "Vixar", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["affixes"] 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timer = (aura_env.finish ~= 0 and aura_env.finish/1000) or aura_env.timer or 0 \n local timeMS = select(2, strsplit(\".\", (timer))) or select(2, strsplit(\".\", (GetTime()-timer)))\n local timertext = \"\"\n \n \n local split\n \n if aura_env.finish ~= 0 then\n timeMS = (aura_env.decimalsF == 0 and 0) or (timeMS and string.sub(timeMS, 1, aura_env.decimalsF))\n if (aura_env.start or timer > 0) and timeMS and timeMS ~= 0 then\n timeMS = (\".%s\"):format(timeMS)\n else\n timeMS = \"\"\n end\n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers ~= 3 then\n local current = aura_env.formattime(math.floor(timer))\n timertext = (\"%s%s\"):format(current, timeMS) or \"00:00\"\n timertext = timertext..\"/\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit)\n local chest = select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n aura_env.threeD = (chest == 3 and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.three-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 2 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.three)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.twoD = ((chest == 2 or (chest == 3 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.two-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 1 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.two)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.maxD = ((chest == 1 or (chest > 1 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit-timer)..\"|r\")\n or (chest == 0 and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.timelimit)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n else\n aura_env.threeD, aura_env.twoD, aura_env.maxD = \"\", \"\", \"\"\n end \n \n if select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) then\n timertext = aura_env.color..timertext..\"|r\"\n else\n timertext = \"|cFFFF0000\"..timertext..\"|r\"\n end\n \n \n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n local haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"]\n if haspb and aura_env.before then \n local cur = aura_env.finish\n local pb = aura_env.before\n if cur == pb then\n split = \"|cFFFFEA00+-0\"\n else\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"|cFF00FF00-\" or \"|cFFFF0000+\"\n local diff = (cur-pb)/1000\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n split = prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff, true)\n end\n end\n \n else\n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers ~= 3 then\n aura_env.threeD = (aura_env.timer < aura_env.three and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.three-aura_env.timer)) or \"\"\n aura_env.twoD = (aura_env.timer < aura_env.two and (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.three or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.two-aura_env.timer)) or \"\"\n aura_env.maxD = (aura_env.timer < aura_env.timelimit and (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.two or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer)) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.timelimit and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timer-aura_env.timelimit)..\"|r\")\n or \"\"\n else\n aura_env.threeD, aura_env.twoD, aura_env.maxD = \"\", \"\", \"\"\n end\n \n local current = aura_env.formattime(timer)\n timertext = current..\"/\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit)\n \n end\n if WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n if timer == 0 then \n timertext = \"22:00/38:00\"\n end\n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers and aura_env.threeD == \"\" then\n aura_env.threeD = \"00:48\"\n aura_env.twoD = \"08:24\"\n aura_env.maxD = \"16:00\"\n end\n if aura_env.config.splits and not split then\n split = \"|cFF00FF00-\"..aura_env.formattime(134, true)\n end\n end\n return timertext, split, aura_env.threeD, aura_env.twoD, aura_env.maxD\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function(s, e, ...)\n if e == \"OPTIONS\" then\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID();\n if mapID then\n aura_env.mapID = mapID\n else\n mapID = aura_env.mapID\n end\n if mapID and mapID ~= 0 then\n aura_env.timer = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))\n aura_env.timelimit = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(mapID))\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer \n local chest = (aura_env.timer > aura_env.timelimit and 0) or (aura_env.timer > aura_env.two and 1) or (aura_env.timer > aura_env.three and 2) or 3\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+GetTime(),\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n return true\n \n end\n \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED\" then\n aura_env.started = false\n local timenow = GetTime()\n local time = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n -- play custom sound\n if aura_env.config.completions and aura_env.config.completionspath and select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) and not aura_env.completionplayed then\n aura_env.completionplayed = true\n PlaySoundFile(aura_env.config.completionspath, \"MASTER\")\n end\n -- add pb to aura_env.saved\n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n if affix and cmap and level then\n if not aura_env.saved then aura_env.saved = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap] then aura_env.saved[cmap] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] = {} end\n \n aura_env.before = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"]\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] or time < aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] then\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] = time\n end\n end \n -- printing in chat\n if aura_env.config[\"print\"] then\n local timer = (time/1000) \n local timeMS = select(2, strsplit(\".\", (timer))) or select(2, strsplit(\".\", (GetTime()-timer)))\n timeMS = (aura_env.decimalsF == 0 and 0) or (timeMS and string.sub(timeMS, 1, aura_env.decimalsF))\n if timer > 0 and timeMS and timeMS ~= 0 then\n timeMS = (\".%s\"):format(timeMS)\n else\n timeMS = \"\"\n end\n local current = aura_env.formattime(math.floor(timer))\n local timertext = (\"%s%s\"):format(current, timeMS) or \"00:00\"\n timertext = timertext..\"/\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit)\n \n if aura_env.config.ChestTimers ~= 3 then\n \n local chest = select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n aura_env.threeDD = (chest == 3 and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.three-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 2 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.three)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.twoDD = ((chest == 2 or (chest == 3 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.two-timer)..\"|r\")\n or ((chest == 1 or aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2) and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.two)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.maxDD = ((chest == 1 or (chest > 1 and aura_env.config.ChestTimers == 2)) and aura_env.color..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(aura_env.timelimit-timer)..\"|r\")\n or (chest == 0 and \"|cFFFF0000+\"..aura_env.formattime(timer-aura_env.timelimit)..\"|r\") or \"\"\n aura_env.threeDD, aura_env.twoDD, aura_env.maxDD = aura_env.threeDD ~= \"\" and \"3Chest:\"..aura_env.threeDD or \"\" , aura_env.twoDD ~= \"\" and \"2Chest:\"..aura_env.twoDD or \"\", aura_env.maxDD ~= \"\" and \"1Chest:\"..aura_env.maxDD or \"\"\n else\n aura_env.threeDD, aura_env.twoDD, aura_env.maxDD = \"\", \"\", \"\"\n end\n if select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) then\n timertext = aura_env.color..timertext..\"|r\"\n else\n timertext = \"|cFFFF0000\"..timertext..\"|r\"\n end\n print(\"Finish Time: \"..timertext, aura_env.threeDD, aura_env.twoDD, aura_env.maxDD)\n end\n aura_env.timer = time/1000\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer \n local chest = select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n \n if not s[\"\"] then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+timenow,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n else\n s[\"\"].expirationTime = timeremain+timenow\n s[\"\"].chests = chest\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" or e == \"STATUS\" then\n local time = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n local timenow = GetTime()\n if time == 0 then\n aura_env.completionplayed = false\n aura_env.expiresplayed = false\n aura_env.remainplayed = false\n aura_env.finish = 0\n aura_env.started = true\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n if mapID then\n aura_env.mapID = mapID\n else\n mapID = aura_env.mapID\n end\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = mapID\n aura_env.affix = 0\n aura_env.level = level\n for _, v in pairs(affixes) do\n if v == 9 or v == 10 then\n aura_env.affix = v\n break\n end\n end\n if mapID and mapID ~= 0 then\n aura_env.timer = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))\n aura_env.timelimit = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(mapID)) \n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer\n aura_env.two = aura_env.timelimit*0.8\n aura_env.three = aura_env.timelimit*0.6\n \n local chest = (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.timelimit and 0) or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.two and 1) or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.three and 2) or 3\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+timenow,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n return true\n end\n elseif aura_env.cmap then -- if cmap already exists, STATUS event?\n aura_env.timer = time/1000\n aura_env.timelimit = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(aura_env.cmap))\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer \n local chest = select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n \n if not s[\"\"] then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = timeremain+time,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n else\n s[\"\"].expirationTime = timeremain+time\n s[\"\"].chests = chest\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n end\n end\n elseif e == \"FRAME_UPDATE\" and ((not aura_env.last) or aura_env.last < GetTime()-aura_env.config.Interval) and (select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) == 0 or aura_env.started) then\n aura_env.last = GetTime()\n aura_env.timer = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))\n if (not aura_env.lasttimer) or aura_env.lasttimer ~= aura_env.timer then\n if not aura_env.cmap then\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.affix = 0\n aura_env.level = level\n for _, v in pairs(affixes) do\n if v == 9 or v == 10 then\n aura_env.affix = v\n break\n end\n end\n end\n aura_env.lasttimer = aura_env.timer\n local timeremain = aura_env.timelimit-aura_env.timer\n \n local chest = \n select(4, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) and select(5, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.timelimit and 0) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.two and 1) \n or (aura_env.timer >= aura_env.three and 2) \n or 3\n \n \n if aura_env.config.timerexpires and aura_env.config.timerexpirespath and not aura_env.expiresplayed then\n if timeremain < 0 then\n aura_env.expiresplayed = true\n PlaySoundFile(aura_env.config.timerexpirespath, \"MASTER\")\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.config.timeremains and aura_env.config.timeremainspath and not aura_env.remainplayed then\n if timeremain > 0 and timeremain < aura_env.config.timeremainstime then\n aura_env.remainplayed = true\n PlaySoundFile(aura_env.config.timeremainspath, \"MASTER\")\n end\n end\n \n local expires = timeremain+GetTime()\n if not s[\"\"] then\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n duration = aura_env.timelimit,\n expirationTime = expires,\n chests = chest,\n changed = true,\n }\n \n else\n s[\"\"].expirationTime = expires\n s[\"\"].chests = chest\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n end\n return true\n end\n end\nend \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["events"] = "CHALLENGE_MODE_START CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED FRAME_UPDATE", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["customVariables"] = "{ \n chests = \"number\"\n}", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["useAdjustedMin"] = false, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["colorR"] = 1, ["scalex"] = 1, ["colorA"] = 1, ["colorG"] = 1, ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["scaley"] = 1, ["alpha"] = 0, ["use_color"] = false, ["y"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["colorType"] = "custom", ["rotate"] = 0, ["colorFunc"] = "\n\n", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["colorB"] = 1, }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = false, ["stickyDuration"] = true, ["version"] = 118, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [2] { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text"] = "%c1", 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["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["selfPoint"] = "LEFT", ["id"] = "M+ Timer Bar", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["semver"] = "1.3.29", ["useTooltip"] = false, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["displayText"] = "%c", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["width"] = 300, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["do_custom"] = false, ["hide_all_glows"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.mapID = aura_env.mapID or 0\naura_env.timer = aura_env.timer or 0\naura_env.timelimit = aura_env.timelimit or 0\naura_env.two = aura_env.two or 0\naura_env.three = aura_env.three or 0\naura_env.decimalsF = aura_env.config[\"DecimalsF\"]\n\n\nlocal c = aura_env.config.color\nlocal col = {}\n\nfor i=1, 4 do\n if i == 4 then \n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n else\n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n end\n if string.len(col[i]) == 1 then\n col[i] = \"0\"..col[i]\n end\nend\n\naura_env.color = \"|c\"..col[4]..col[1]..col[2]..col[3]\n\naura_env.formattime = function(time, round)\n if time then\n local timeMin = math.floor(time / 60)\n local timeSec = round and Round(time - (timeMin*60)) or math.floor(time - (timeMin*60))\n local timeHour = 0\n if timeMin >= 60 then\n timeHour = math.floor(time / 3600)\n timeMin = timeMin - (timeHour * 60)\n end\n if timeHour > 0 and timeHour < 10 then\n timeHour = (\"0%d\"):format(timeHour)\n end\n if timeMin < 10 then\n timeMin = (\"0%d\"):format(timeMin)\n end\n if timeSec < 10 then\n timeSec = (\"0%d\"):format(timeSec)\n end \n if timeHour ~= 0 then\n return (\"%s:%s:%s\"):format(timeHour, timeMin, timeSec)\n else\n return (\"%s:%s\"):format(timeMin, timeSec)\n end\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["backdropColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 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'\\r' --append todo list items\n return text\nend\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["names"] = { }, ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["use_unit"] = true, ["dynamicDuration"] = false, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["type"] = "unit", ["namerealm"] = "Unluckyluke-Silvermoon, Telepozer-Silvermoon", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Health", ["use_unit"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1]\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["useTooltip"] = true, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["desc"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 98, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["load"] = { ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_encounter"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = true, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, 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for Mechagon, Tazavesh, Lower Kara, Upper Kara\n num = (cmap == 370 and i+4) or (cmap == 392 and i+5) or (cmap == 227 and i+2) or (cmap == 234 and i+6) or num \n \n local name = aura_env.bossname[num]\n local criteriaString = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i)\n for j=1, #aura_env.bossname do\n if string.find(criteriaString, aura_env.bossname[j]) then\n name = aura_env.bossname[j]\n break\n end\n end\n if cmap == 227 and num == 3 then -- Manual Opera Hall\n name = aura_env.config.karaname\n end\n name = WA_Utf8Sub(name, 20)\n \n if name and name ~= \"\" then\n s[i] = {\n name = name,\n index = i,\n show = true,\n done = false,\n changed = true,\n }\n end\n \n if select(3, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i)) then\n if s[i] and not s[i].time then\n local defeated = select(11, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i))\n if defeated and defeated ~= 0 then\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-defeated or 0\n s[i].timer = cur\n s[i].name = aura_env.color..s[i].name\n local color = aura_env.ahead\n if haspb and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][i] then\n local pb = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][i]\n if cur == pb then\n color = aura_env.equal\n s[i].split = color..\"+-0\"\n else\n color = cur <= pb and aura_env.ahead or aura_env.behind\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"-\" or \"+\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n s[i].split = color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff)\n end\n end\n s[i].time = color..aura_env.formattime(cur)\n s[i].changed = true\n aura_env.bosstime[i] = cur\n end\n end\n elseif haspb and s[i] and not s[i].time then\n s[i].time = aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][i] and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][i])\n end\n \n end\n return true\n else\n local names = {}\n for i=1, 5 do\n EJ_SelectInstance(721)\n local name = EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(i, 721)\n name = WA_Utf8Sub(name, 20)\n if name then\n names[i] = name\n end\n end\n local killtime = 0\n for i =1, 5 do\n local addtime = math.random(240, 420)\n killtime = killtime+addtime\n s[i] = {\n name = i <= 3 and aura_env.color..names[i] or names[i],\n index = i, \n timer = killtime,\n \n time = \n aura_env.config.splits and (\n i == 1 and aura_env.behind..aura_env.formattime(killtime) or\n i == 2 and aura_env.equal..aura_env.formattime(killtime) or \n i == 3 and aura_env.ahead..aura_env.formattime(killtime) or \n aura_env.formattime(killtime)) or\n i <= 3 and aura_env.formattime(killtime),\n \n \n split = aura_env.config.splits and (\n i == 1 and aura_env.behind..\"+\"..aura_env.formattime(math.random(20, 60)) or \n i == 2 and aura_env.equal..\"+-0\" or \n i == 3 and aura_env.ahead..\"-\"..aura_env.formattime(math.random(20, 60))),\n \n show = true,\n }\n s[i].changed = true\n end\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETED\" then\n local finish = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo())\n aura_env.bossname = {} \n -- add pb to aura_env.saved\n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local cmap = aura_env.cmap\n local level = aura_env.level \n if affix and cmap and level then\n if not aura_env.saved then aura_env.saved = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap] then aura_env.saved[cmap] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level] = {} end\n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] then aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix] = {} end\n \n if not aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] or finish < aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] then\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][\"finish\"] = finish\n for i=1, #s do\n aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix][i] = s[i].timer \n end\n end\n end\n \n elseif e == \"SCENARIO_CRITERIA_UPDATE\" then\n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if select(13, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(max)) then max = max-1 end\n local color = aura_env.ahead\n for i=1, max do\n if select(3, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i)) then\n if s[i] and ((aura_env.haspb and not s[i].split) or not s[i].time) then\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-select(11, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i)) or 0\n s[i].timer = cur\n s[i].name = aura_env.color..s[i].name\n if aura_env.haspb and aura_env.store[i] then\n local pb = aura_env.store[i]\n if cur == pb then\n color = aura_env.equal\n s[i].split = color..\"+-0\"\n else\n color = cur <= pb and aura_env.ahead or aura_env.behind\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"-\" or \"+\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n s[i].split = color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff)\n end\n end\n s[i].time = color..aura_env.formattime(cur)\n s[i].changed = true\n aura_env.bosstime[i] = cur\n end\n end\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"STATUS\" or e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n if select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo()) ~= 0 then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\", 1, false)\n else\n aura_env.cmap = nil\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.affix = 0\n aura_env.level = level\n for _, v in pairs(affixes) do\n if v == 9 or v == 10 then\n aura_env.affix = v\n break\n end\n end\n \n \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if max > 0 then\n for _, v in pairs(s) do\n v.show = false\n v.changed = true\n end\n end\n \n aura_env.bossname = {}\n aura_env.bosstime = {}\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\", 1, true)\n end\n return true\n elseif e == \"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\" and ... and (not aura_env.last or GetTime() > aura_env.last+0.1) and not WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n local count, init= ...\n aura_env.last = GetTime() \n local max = select(3, C_Scenario.GetStepInfo())\n if select(13, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(max)) then max = max-1 end -- if last criteria is enemy forces\n for _, v in pairs(s) do\n v.show = false\n v.changed = true\n end\n aura_env.setbossnames()\n local cmap = init and C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID() or aura_env.cmap\n if count <= 8 and not WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then -- check again in 2 seconds a few times to make sure data is correct\n C_Timer.After(2, function()\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_BOSS_UPDATES\", count+1, init)\n end)\n end \n if max > 0 then \n if not aura_env.cmap then -- setting variables for aura_env.saved saving\n local level, affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.cmap = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.affix = 0\n aura_env.level = level\n for _, v in pairs(affixes) do\n if v == 9 or v == 10 then\n aura_env.affix = v\n break\n end\n end\n end\n for k, v in pairs(s) do \n if not C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(k) then\n v.show = false\n v.changed = true\n end\n end\n if select(13, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(max)) then max = max-1 end\n local affix = aura_env.affix\n local level = aura_env.level \n aura_env.haspb = aura_env.config.splits and aura_env.saved and aura_env.saved[cmap] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level] and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix]\n aura_env.store = aura_env.haspb and aura_env.saved[cmap][level][affix]\n for i=1, max do\n local num = i\n -- Fix for Mechagon, Tazavesh, Lower Kara, Upper Kara\n num = (cmap == 370 and i+4) or (cmap == 392 and i+5) or (cmap == 227 and i+2) or (cmap == 234 and i+6) or num \n \n local name = aura_env.bossname[num]\n local criteriaString = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i)\n for j=1, #aura_env.bossname do\n if string.find(criteriaString, aura_env.bossname[j]) then\n name = aura_env.bossname[j]\n break\n end\n end\n if cmap == 227 and num == 3 then -- Manual Opera Hall\n name = aura_env.config.karaname\n end\n name = WA_Utf8Sub(name, 20)\n \n \n if name and name ~= \"\" then\n s[i] = {\n name = name,\n index = i,\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n \n }\n end\n \n if select(3, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i)) then\n if s[i] and ((aura_env.haspb and not s[i].split) or not s[i].time) then\n local defeated = select(11, C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(i))\n if defeated and defeated ~= 0 then\n local cur = select(2, GetWorldElapsedTime(1))-defeated or 0\n s[i].timer = cur\n s[i].name = aura_env.color..s[i].name\n local color = aura_env.ahead\n if aura_env.haspb and aura_env.store[i] then\n local pb = aura_env.store[i]\n if cur == pb then\n color = aura_env.equal\n s[i].split = color..\"+-0\"\n else\n color = cur <= pb and aura_env.ahead or aura_env.behind\n local prefix = cur <= pb and \"-\" or \"+\"\n local diff = cur-pb\n if diff < 0 then diff = diff*-1 end\n s[i].split = color..prefix..aura_env.formattime(diff)\n end\n end\n s[i].time = color..aura_env.formattime(cur)\n s[i].changed = true\n aura_env.bosstime[i] = cur\n end\n end\n elseif aura_env.haspb and s[i] and not s[i].time then\n s[i].time = aura_env.store[i] and aura_env.formattime(aura_env.store[i])\n end\n end\n local aura_env = aura_env\n C_Timer.After(0.1, function()\n if aura_env.bossname ~= {} then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_SETBGHEIGHT\", #s, aura_env.region.height)\n else\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"RELOE_SETBGHEIGHT\", 0, aura_env.region.height)\n end\n end)\n return true\n end \n end\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["names"] = { }, ["check"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["customVariables"] = "", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["displayText_format_defeated_format"] = "none", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["displayText_format_time_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["information"] = { ["debugLog"] = false, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, ["forceEvents"] = false, ["saved"] = "JrXcHlXKxmrT7i8ZISxXAw8mP0YmVmlodje8wMc4", }, ["zoom"] = 0, ["version"] = 118, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%name", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_time_format"] = "none", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_LEFT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text_format_name_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_split_format"] = "none", }, -- [3] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%time", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_time_format"] = "none", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_split_format"] = "none", }, -- [4] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%split", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_time_format"] = "none", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = -54, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_split_format"] = "none", }, -- [5] }, ["height"] = 16, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["fontSize"] = 16, ["source"] = "import", ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["displayText_format_time_time_format"] = 0, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.mapID = aura_env.mapID or 0\naura_env.bossname = aura_env.bossname or {}\naura_env.bosstime = aura_env.bosstime or {}\naura_env.level = 0\naura_env.equal = \"|cFFFFEA00\"\naura_env.ahead = \"|cFF00FF00\"\naura_env.behind = \"|cFFFF0000\"\n\nlocal c = aura_env.config.color\nlocal col = {}\n\nfor i=1, 4 do\n if i == 4 then \n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n else\n col[i] = string.format(\"%x\", c[i] *255)\n end\n if string.len(col[i]) == 1 then\n col[i] = \"0\"..col[i]\n end\nend\n\naura_env.color = \"|c\"..col[4]..col[1]..col[2]..col[3]\n\naura_env.formattime = function(time)\n local timeMin = math.floor(time / 60)\n local timeSec = math.floor(time - (timeMin*60))\n local timeHour = 0\n if timeMin >= 60 then\n timeHour = math.floor(time / 3600)\n timeMin = timeMin - (timeHour * 60)\n end\n if timeHour > 0 and timeHour < 10 then\n timeHour = (\"0%d\"):format(timeHour)\n end\n if timeMin < 10 then\n timeMin = (\"0%d\"):format(timeMin)\n end\n if timeSec < 10 then\n timeSec = (\"0%d\"):format(timeSec)\n end\n \n if timeHour ~= 0 then\n return (\"%s:%s:%s|r\"):format(timeHour, timeMin, timeSec)\n else\n return (\"%s:%s|r\"):format(timeMin, timeSec)\n end\nend\n\n\naura_env.maptoID = { -- MapChallengeMode = JournalInstance\n -- MoP\n [2] = {313, \"Jade Serpent\"},\n [56] = {302, \"Stromsout\"},\n [57] = {303, \"Setting Sun\"},\n [58] = {312, \"Shadow-Pan\"},\n [59] = {324, \"Niuzao\"},\n [60] = {321, \"Mogu'shan\"},\n [76] = {246, \"Scholomance\"},\n [77] = {311, \"Scarlet Halls\"},\n [78] = {316, \"Monastery\"},\n \n -- WoD\n [161] = {476, \"Skyreach\"},\n [163] = {385, \"Slag Mines\"},\n [164] = {547, \"Auchindoun\"},\n [165] = {537, \"Shadowmoon\"},\n [166] = {536, \"Grimrail\"},\n [167] = {559, \"UBRS\"},\n [168] = {556, \"Everbloom\"},\n [169] = {558, \"Iron Docks\"},\n \n -- Legion\n [197] = {716, \"Eye of Azshara\"},\n [198] = {762, \"Darkheart\"},\n [199] = {740, \"BRH\"},\n [200] = {721, \"Halls of Valor\"},\n [206] = {767, \"Neltharion's Lair\"},\n [207] = {707, \"Vault\"},\n [208] = {727, \"Maw of Souls\"},\n [209] = {726, \"Arcway\"},\n [210] = {800, \"Court of Stars\"},\n [227] = {860, \"Kara: Lower\"},\n [233] = {900, \"Cathedral\"},\n [234] = {860, \"Kara: Upper\"},\n [239] = {945, \"Seat\"},\n \n -- BfA\n [244] = {968, \"Atal'Dazar\"},\n [245] = {1001, \"Freehold\"},\n [246] = {1002, \"Tol Dagor\"},\n [247] = {1012, \"Motherlode\"},\n [248] = {1021, \"Waycrest\"},\n [249] = {1041, \"King's Rest\"},\n [250] = {1030, \"Sethraliss\"},\n [251] = {1022, \"Underrot\"},\n [252] = {1036, \"Shrine\"},\n [353] = {1023, \"Boralus\"},\n [369] = {1178, \"Junkyard\"},\n [370] = {1178, \"Workshop\"},\n \n -- Shadowlands\n [375] = {1184, \"Mists\"},\n [376] = {1182, \"Necrotic\"},\n [377] = {1188, \"Other Side\"},\n [378] = {1185, \"Halls\"},\n [379] = {1183, \"Plaguefall\"},\n [380] = {1189, \"Sanguine\"},\n [381] = {1186, \"Spires\"},\n [382] = {1187, \"Theater\"},\n [391] = {1194, \"Streets\"},\n [392] = {1194, \"Gambit\"},\n \n -- Dragonflight\n \n \n [399] = {1202, \"Ruby Pools\"},\n [400] = {1198, \"Nokhud\"},\n [401] = {1203, \"Azure Vault\"},\n [402] = {1201, \"Academy\"},\n [403] = {1197, \"Uldaman\"},\n [404] = {1199, \"Neltharus\"},\n [405] = {1196, \"Brackenhide\"},\n [406] = {1204, \"Halls\"},\n}\n\n\n\naura_env.setbossnames = function()\n \n local mapID = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(\"player\")\n local instanceID = mapID and EJ_GetInstanceForMap(mapID) or 0 -- find instanceid from encounter journal\n local cmapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n if instanceID == 0 or instanceID == nil then -- if it didn't work, use hardcoded cmapid table instead\n if cmapID and aura_env.maptoID[cmapID] then\n instanceID = aura_env.maptoID[cmapID][1]\n end\n end\n if instanceID and instanceID ~= 0 then\n EJ_SelectInstance(instanceID)\n aura_env.bossname = {}\n aura_env.bosstime = {}\n for i=1, 20 do\n local name = EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(i, instanceID)\n if name then\n aura_env.bossname[i] = name\n end\n end\n --[[ if #aura_env.bossname == 0 then\n print(\"no bosses found for:\", instanceID, mapID, cmapID)\n end]]\n --[[ elseif mapID then\n if cmapID then\n print(\"instanceID stayed nil/0 for:\", mapID, cmapID, instanceID) \n else\n print(\"cmapID and instanceID nil/0 for:\", mapID, cmapID, instanceID) \n end\n else\n print(\"mapID is nil for:\", mapID, cmapID, instanceID)]]\n end\nend\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "karaname", ["multiline"] = false, ["default"] = "Opera Hall", ["length"] = 10, ["name"] = "Karazhan Opera Hall Name", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Display Split Timers", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "splits", ["desc"] = "This compares your boss kill time with your personal best kill time on the same keystone level and fortified/tyrannical", }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "color", ["key"] = "color", ["default"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- 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["useAdjustedMin"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["events"] = "STATUS CLEU:UNIT_DIED CHALLENGE_MODE_START CHALLENGE_MODE_DEATH_COUNT_UPDATED", ["custom"] = "function(s, e, ...)\n if e == \"OPTIONS\" then\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID();\n if mapID then\n aura_env.mapID = mapID\n else\n mapID = aura_env.mapID\n end\n if mapID and aura_env.affixinfo then\n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n deathcount = deaths,\n progressType = \"static\",\n icon = \"\",\n tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost),\n changed = true,\n keylevel = \"+\"..aura_env.level,\n dungeonname = aura_env.dungeon,\n affixes = aura_env.affixinfo,\n \n }\n return true \n \n else\n local keyfake = \"\"\n for i=1, 4 do\n keyfake = keyfake..\"\\124T\"..select(i, strsplit(\" \", \"236401 1035055 451169 1385910\"))..\":13:13:\"..1-i..\":0:64:64:6:60:6:60\\124t\"\n end \n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n progressType = \"static\",\n keylevel = \"+\"..30,\n dungeonname = \"Halls of Valor\",\n affixes = keyfake,\n deathcount = 20,\n tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(20, 100),\n changed = true,\n }\n return true\n end\n \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" or e == \"STATUS\" then\n if e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_START\" then\n aura_env.deaths = {}\n end\n local mapID = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID()\n aura_env.level, aura_env.affixes = C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo()\n aura_env.dungeon = mapID and aura_env.maptoID[mapID] and aura_env.maptoID[mapID][2] or \"\"\n aura_env.icon = \"\"\n for _, v in pairs(aura_env.affixes) do\n if aura_env.icon == \"\" then\n aura_env.icon = select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetAffixInfo(v))\n else\n aura_env.icon = aura_env.icon..\" \"..select(3, C_ChallengeMode.GetAffixInfo(v))\n end\n end\n aura_env.affixinfo = \"\"\n for i=1, 4 do\n if select(i, strsplit(\" \", aura_env.icon)) then\n aura_env.affixinfo = aura_env.affixinfo..\"\\124T\"..select(i, strsplit(\" \", aura_env.icon))..\":12:12:\"..1-i..\":0:64:64:6:60:6:60\\124t\"\n end\n end\n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n deaths = deaths or 0\n timelost = timelost or 0\n s[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n deathcount = deaths,\n progressType = \"static\",\n tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost),\n changed = true,\n keylevel = \"+\"..aura_env.level,\n dungeonname = aura_env.dungeon,\n affixes = aura_env.affixinfo,\n \n }\n return true\n \n \n elseif e == \"CHALLENGE_MODE_DEATH_COUNT_UPDATED\" and s[\"\"] then\n \n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n deaths = deaths or 0\n timelost = timelost or 0\n s[\"\"].deathcount = deaths\n s[\"\"].tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost)\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n return true\n \n elseif e == \"COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED\" then\n local destName = select(9, ...)\n local num = aura_env.deaths[destName]\n if UnitIsPlayer(destName) then\n if UnitHealth(destName) == 0 then\n aura_env.deaths[destName] = num and num+1 or 1\n end\n if s[\"\"] then\n local deaths, timelost = C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount()\n s[\"\"].deathcount = deaths\n s[\"\"].tooltip = aura_env.tooltip(deaths, timelost)\n s[\"\"].changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\n end\n \nend", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["displayText_format_defeated_format"] = "none", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = 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["text_text_format_deaths_format"] = "none", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "ICON_RIGHT", ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_text_format_affixes_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 16, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_split_format"] = "none", }, -- [4] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = " ", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "RIGHT", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_text_format_time_format"] = "none", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = -47, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", 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\"..timelost..\"\\n\"\n local list = {}\n for u, num in pairs(aura_env.deaths) do\n local name = NSAPI and NSAPI:Shorten(u, 8) or WA_ClassColorName(u)\n table.insert(list, {name, num})\n end\n table.sort(list, \n function(a, b)\n if a[2] == b[2] then -- sort by name if deathcount is equal\n return a[1] > b[1]\n else -- otherwise sort by death count\n return a[2] > b[2] \n end\n \n end)\n for _, v in ipairs(list) do\n text = text..v[1]..\" \"..v[2]..\"\\n\"\n end\n return text\nend\n\n\naura_env.maptoID = { -- MapChallengeMode = JournalInstance\n -- MoP\n [2] = {313, \"Jade Serpent\"},\n [56] = {302, \"Stromsout\"},\n [57] = {303, \"Setting Sun\"},\n [58] = {312, \"Shadow-Pan\"},\n [59] = {324, \"Niuzao\"},\n [60] = {321, \"Mogu'shan\"},\n [76] = {246, \"Scholomance\"},\n [77] = {311, \"Scarlet Halls\"},\n [78] = {316, \"Monastery\"},\n \n -- WoD\n [161] = {476, \"Skyreach\"},\n [163] = {385, \"Slag Mines\"},\n [164] = {547, \"Auchindoun\"},\n [165] = {537, \"Shadowmoon\"},\n [166] = {536, \"Grimrail\"},\n [167] = {559, \"UBRS\"},\n [168] = {556, \"Everbloom\"},\n [169] = {558, \"Iron Docks\"},\n \n -- Legion\n [197] = {716, \"Eye of Azshara\"},\n [198] = {762, \"Darkheart\"},\n [199] = {740, \"BRH\"},\n [200] = {721, \"Halls of Valor\"},\n [206] = {767, \"Neltharion's Lair\"},\n [207] = {707, \"Vault\"},\n [208] = {727, \"Maw of Souls\"},\n [209] = {726, \"Arcway\"},\n [210] = {800, \"Court of Stars\"},\n [227] = {860, \"Kara: Lower\"},\n [233] = {900, \"Cathedral\"},\n [234] = {860, \"Kara: Upper\"},\n [239] = {945, \"Seat\"},\n \n -- BfA\n [244] = {968, \"Atal'Dazar\"},\n [245] = {1001, \"Freehold\"},\n [246] = {1002, \"Tol Dagor\"},\n [247] = {1012, \"Motherlode\"},\n [248] = {1021, \"Waycrest\"},\n [249] = {1041, \"King's Rest\"},\n [250] = {1030, \"Sethraliss\"},\n [251] = {1022, \"Underrot\"},\n [252] = {1036, \"Shrine\"},\n [353] = {1023, \"Boralus\"},\n [369] = {1178, \"Junkyard\"},\n [370] = {1178, \"Workshop\"},\n \n -- Shadowlands\n [375] = {1184, \"Mists\"},\n [376] = {1182, \"Necrotic\"},\n [377] = {1188, \"Other Side\"},\n [378] = {1185, \"Halls\"},\n [379] = {1183, \"Plaguefall\"},\n [380] = {1189, \"Sanguine\"},\n [381] = {1186, \"Spires\"},\n [382] = {1187, \"Theater\"},\n [391] = {1194, \"Streets\"},\n [392] = {1194, \"Gambit\"},\n \n -- Dragonflight\n \n \n [399] = {1202, \"Ruby Pools\"},\n [400] = {1198, \"Nokhud\"},\n [401] = {1203, \"Azure Vault\"},\n [402] = {1201, \"Academy\"},\n [403] = {1197, \"Uldaman\"},\n [404] = {1199, \"Neltharus\"},\n [405] = {1196, \"Brackenhide\"},\n [406] = {1204, \"Halls\"},\n}\n\n\n--[[\nfor i = 200, 250 do \n if C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(i) then\n print(C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(i))\n end\nend]]", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["spark"] = false, ["useAdjustedMax"] = false, ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["enableGradient"] = false, 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timerheight+spacing -- bar height + text at the top + spacing\n local bosses = num*(height+spacing) -- num of states times its bar height+spacing\n if aura_env.region then\n aura_env.region:SetRegionHeight(forces+timer+bosses+info)\n aura_env.region:SetOffset(0, -2) \n return true\n end\n end\nend", ["customIcon"] = "", ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "\n\n", }, }, -- [1] ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "TOP", ["desaturate"] = false, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["version"] = 118, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["border_offset"] = 0, ["type"] = "subborder", ["border_color"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["border_visible"] = true, ["border_edge"] = "1 Pixel", ["border_size"] = 1, }, -- [2] }, ["height"] = 164, ["rotate"] = false, ["load"] = { ["use_size"] = true, ["use_never"] 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["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_affixes"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { ["single"] = 8, }, ["zoneIds"] = "g413", ["size"] = { ["single"] = "party", ["multi"] = { ["party"] = true, }, }, }, ["width"] = 120, ["mirror"] = false, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "progresstexture", ["alpha"] = 1, ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["auraRotation"] = 0, ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["overlayclip"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100005, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["semver"] = "2.0.18", ["compress"] = false, ["id"] = "Wind Debuff - Clear Available", ["startAngle"] = 0, ["frameStrata"] = 5, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Enable Say Bubbles", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "saybubble", ["desc"] = "This will enable the /say bubbles that show your marker above your head", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Change /say to include a timer", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "saybubbletimer", ["desc"] = "Makes the /say above your head show your color AND the timer left on your debuff", }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Make /say less frequent", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "lightsay", ["desc"] = "Fires off /say messages ONLY at 15, 12, 9, 6, 4.5, 3, 1.5", }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Disable Circle Visual", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "circlevisual", ["desc"] = "Disables the Circle timer around your character", }, -- [4] { ["width"] = 1, ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Master", -- [1] "Sound Effects", -- [2] "Ambient Sounds", -- [3] "Dialog", -- [4] "Music", -- [5] }, ["name"] = "Sound Channel", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "soundchannels", ["default"] = 1, ["desc"] = "Specify an Audio Channel for the 5,4,3,2,1 Countdown", }, -- [5] }, ["uid"] = "YRGetmEYC4y", ["inverse"] = false, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["do_message"] = false, ["sound"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\AirHorn.ogg", ["do_sound"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["message"] = "%c", ["message_custom"] = "function()\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared\nend", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["do_message"] = true, ["message_type"] = "SAY", }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.saybubble = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleOn = aura_env.config.saybubble\naura_env.saybubbletimer = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn = aura_env.config.saybubbletimer\naura_env.soundFiles = {}\naura_env.soundchannels = {}\naura_env.soundChannelSelected = aura_env.config.soundchannels\naura_env.lightsay = {}\naura_env.sayBubbleLightOn = aura_env.config.lightsay\naura_env.circlevisual = {}\naura_env.circleVisualOff = aura_env.config.circlevisual\n\n-- Check for Say Bubble Custom Option Selection --\nif aura_env.sayBubbleOn == true then\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"{rt7}\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"Cleared\"\nelse\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"\"\nend\n\n-- Check for BigWigs or DBM for audio file --\nif IsAddOnLoaded(\"BigWigs\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\Bigwigs\\\\Media\\\\Sounds\\\\Amy\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelseif IsAddOnLoaded(\"DBM-Core\") then\n local file = (\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\DBM-Core\\\\sounds\\\\Corsica\\\\%d.ogg\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nelse\n local file = (\"\")\n for i=1, 5 do\n aura_env.soundFiles[i] = file:format(i)\n end\nend\n\n-- Assign Audio Channel\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 1 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Master\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 2 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Sound Effects\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 3 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Ambient Sounds\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 4 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Dialog\"\nend\nif aura_env.soundChannelSelected == 5 then\n aura_env.soundChannelSelected = \"Music\"\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["orientation"] = "ANTICLOCKWISE", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -1, ["variable"] = "customcheck", ["value"] = "function(s)\n if s[1].active and s[2].active and aura_env.circleVisualOff == true then\n return true\n end\nend", }, ["changes"] = { { ["property"] = "alpha", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "15", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [2] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "14", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [3] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [4] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "13", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [5] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "12", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [6] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "11", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [7] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [8] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "10", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [9] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "9", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [10] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "8", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [11] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n elseif aura_env.sayBubbleLightOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [12] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "7", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [13] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "6", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [14] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, -- [1] 0.40000003576279, -- [2] 0.45098042488098, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "foregroundColor", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0.80718572437763, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "backgroundColor", }, -- [2] { ["property"] = "sub.2.text_visible", }, -- [3] { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_visible", }, -- [4] { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[5], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [5] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [6] }, }, -- [15] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [16] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "4", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[4], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [17] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "3", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[3], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [18] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "2", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[2], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [19] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "==", ["value"] = "1.5", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n return\n else\n return aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [20] { ["check"] = { ["op"] = "==", ["checks"] = { { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = 1, ["variable"] = "show", }, -- [2] }, ["value"] = "1", ["variable"] = "expirationTime", ["trigger"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "PlaySoundFile(aura_env.soundFiles[1], aura_env.soundChannelSelected)", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { ["message_type"] = "SAY", ["message_format_c_format"] = "none", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.sayBubbleTimerOn == true then\n local duration = (ceil(aura_env.state.expirationTime - GetTime()))\n local iconMarker = aura_env.sayBubbleOnText\n local sayReturn = string.format(\"%s %d %s\", iconMarker, duration, iconMarker)\n return sayReturn\n else\n return \n end\nend", ["message"] = "%c", }, ["property"] = "chat", }, -- [2] }, }, -- [21] }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["backgroundOffset"] = 0, }, ["10.0.7 Todo list"] = { ["controlledChildren"] = { "1007 todo list", -- [1] "1007 tdsp", -- [2] }, ["borderBackdrop"] = "Solid", ["wagoID"] = "kYkx6YlLA", ["parent"] = "Tama's Forbidden Reach Helper", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["groupIcon"] = 134329, ["anchorPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["borderColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["version"] = 19, ["subRegions"] = { }, ["load"] = { ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["backdropColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["source"] = "import", ["scale"] = 1, ["border"] = false, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:Reps Pack", ["regionType"] = "group", ["borderSize"] = 2, ["uid"] = "zcFcohckpzY", ["yOffset"] = 530, ["borderOffset"] = 4, ["semver"] = "1.0.18", ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["id"] = "10.0.7 Todo list", ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = -120.98760986328, ["config"] = { }, ["borderInset"] = 1, ["borderEdge"] = "1 Pixel", ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { }, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", }, ["Evolved Storms"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["iconSource"] = 1, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["adjustedMax"] = "7800", ["yOffset"] = -5, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["icon"] = true, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["useTooltip"] = true, ["keepAspectRatio"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.80000001192093, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_encounter"] = false, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["level"] = "70", ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["use_size"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_level"] = true, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_alive"] = true, ["level_operator"] = ">=", ["zoneIds"] = "2151,2100,2101,2102,2109,2110,2111,2118,2131,2026", }, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["displayIcon"] = "", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "kYkx6YlLA", ["parent"] = "Timers", ["customText"] = "function()\n local langDB = aura_env.langDB[GetLocale()] or aura_env.langDB[\"enUS\"]\n return langDB.title\nend\n\n\n\n", ["cooldownSwipe"] = false, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["cooldownEdge"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["unit"] = "player", ["use_unit"] = true, ["events"] = "DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER,START", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["check"] = "event", ["custom"] = "--website use to convert time to epoc/unix time stamps :- https://www.epochconverter.com/\n\nfunction(allstates, event, id)\n -- Get the configuration table from the aura environment\n local cfg = aura_env.config\n \n -- Check if the event is \"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\" and if the ID matches the aura's ID,\n -- or if the event is \"STATUS\" or \"OPTIONS\". If none of these conditions are met, exit the function.\n if event == \"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\" and id == aura_env.id or event == \"STATUS\" or event == \"OPTIONS\" then\n -- Define the region timers as a table of Unix timestamps, one for each region.\n local regionTimers = { \n -- The timers below are a work-in-progress (WIP) and can be updated manually using the website linked in the comment.\n [1] = 1680138000, -- NA: Thursday, March 30, 2023 2:00:00 AM GMT+01:00 DST\n [2] = 1680224240, -- KR: Friday, March 31, 2023 1:57:20 AM GMT+01:00 DST\n [3] = 1680141600, -- EU: Thursday, March 30, 2023 5:03:00 PM GMT+01:00 DST\n [4] = 1680222660, -- TW: Friday, March 31, 2023 1:31:00 AM GMT+01:00 DST\n }\n \n -- Get the region from the configuration table, or the current region if debugging is enabled.\n local region = cfg.Debugg.enable and cfg.Debugg.region or GetCurrentRegion()\n \n -- Get the Unix timestamp of the first event in the region from the regionTimers table.\n local first = regionTimers[region]\n \n -- If the first event timestamp is not defined, exit the function.\n if first == nil then return end\n \n -- Define the set time for the current region as the first event timestamp plus any offset from the configuration table.\n local settime1 = regionTimers[GetCurrentRegion()] + (cfg.Siegeoffset and cfg.Offsetammout * 60 or 0)\n \n -- Define the interval (in seconds) between events and the duration (in seconds) of each event.\n local interval = 7200\n local duration = 600\n \n -- Calculate the offset (in seconds) based on the offset amount from the configuration table.\n local Offsetmins = aura_env.config.Offsetammout -- get offset amount in minutes\n local Otime = Offsetmins * 60 -- multiply minutes by seconds and assign total seconds\n local offset = Otime\n \n -- Calculate the remaining time until the next event in seconds, taking into account any offset.\n local TtNK = interval - ((GetServerTime() - settime1) % interval) + offset\n \n -- Determine if the event is currently active (i.e. its duration has not elapsed).\n local active = interval - TtNK < duration\n \n -- Calculate the remaining time until the event ends (in seconds).\n local remaining = duration - (interval - TtNK)\n \n -- Define a new state with an empty key.\n allstates[\"\"] = {\n changed = true,\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n autoHide = true,\n duration = active and duration or interval-duration,\n expirationTime = GetTime() + (active and remaining or TtNK),\n remaining = TtNK,\n icon = 1380676,\n active = active,\n tooltip = \" Forbidden Reach Storm timer\\n text will turn |cff00ff00Green|r when it should be active.\\n Pleasenote that its not aware if its been completed\"\n }\n return true\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["customVariables"] = "-- 1. \"active\" is a boolean that determines whether the \"Evolved Storm\" is currently active\n-- 2. \"remaining\" is a number that represents the remaining time (in seconds) for the \"Evolved Storm\"\n{\n active = { -- a boolean indicating whether the \"Evolved Storm\" is currently active\n display = \"Evolved Storm Active\", -- a display name for the property\n type = \"bool\", -- the type of the property (in this case, a boolean)\n },\n remaining = { -- a number representing the remaining time (in seconds) for the \"Evolved Storm\"\n display = \"Remaining\", -- a display name for the property\n type = \"number\" -- the type of the property (in this case, a number)\n },\n \n expirationTime = true,\n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config.Timer then \n return true\n end \n if aura_env.config.Hide and C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70893) then\n return false\n end\nend\n\n\n", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n if trigger[2] then\n return trigger[1] \n end\nend\n\n\n", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["version"] = 19, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [2] { ["glowFrequency"] = 0.25, ["type"] = "subglow", ["glowXOffset"] = 0, ["glowType"] = "Pixel", ["glowThickness"] = 1, ["glowYOffset"] = 0, ["glowColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["useGlowColor"] = false, ["glowScale"] = 1, ["glow"] = false, ["glow_anchor"] = "bar", ["glowLength"] = 8, ["glowLines"] = 15, ["glowBorder"] = false, }, -- [3] { ["text_text_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["text_text"] = "%1.remaining", ["text_text_format_1.remaining_time_precision"] = 1, ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_1.remaining_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text_format_1.remaining_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_text_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_1.remaining_format"] = "timed", ["text_text_format_1.remaining_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["text_text_format_p_time_format"] = 2, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_BOTTOMRIGHT", ["text_text_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_text_format_1.remaining_time_format"] = 2, ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, }, -- [4] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%c ", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 1, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, 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["height"] = 16, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = true, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "EO9KteGALti", ["cooldown"] = false, ["barColor2"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.61000001430511, -- [4] }, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Event timer", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "|cFF0088ffEvolved Storms|r", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Timer", ["desc"] = "Forbidden reach storm timer|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "|cFF0088ffHide Complete|r", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Hide", ["desc"] = "If enabled, will hide siege if marked as completed |n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "|cFF0088ffUse off-set|r", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Siegeoffset", ["desc"] = "If enabled, will use the off setto assist in correcting the time|n(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r)", }, -- [4] { ["softMin"] = 1, ["type"] = "range", ["bigStep"] = 1, ["max"] = 720, ["step"] = 0.5, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 1, ["key"] = "Offsetammout", ["default"] = 1, ["softMax"] = 720, ["name"] = "|cFF0088ffSet Event Offset (in minutes)|r", ["useDesc"] = true, ["desc"] = "Off set ammount in Minutes", }, -- [5] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "enable", ["name"] = "Enable region debugging", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "multiselect", ["default"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] }, ["values"] = { "NA", -- [1] "KR", -- [2] "EU", -- [3] "TW", -- [4] }, ["name"] = "zone", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "region", ["width"] = 0.5, }, -- [2] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["name"] = "Admin mode |cffff0000Dont not use unless you know what your doing |r", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["collapse"] = false, ["type"] = "group", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["key"] = "Debugg", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [6] }, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["zoom"] = 0.3, ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["desc"] = "code sampled and edited from the original WA by putro https://wago.io/fTuRJ__jk\n\n", ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["useCooldownModRate"] = true, ["semver"] = "1.0.18", ["config"] = { ["Siegeoffset"] = false, ["Timer"] = false, ["Offsetammout"] = 1, ["Hide"] = false, ["Debugg"] = { ["enable"] = false, ["region"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] }, }, }, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["id"] = "Evolved Storms", ["frameStrata"] = 2, ["width"] = 250, ["enableGradient"] = true, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0.62334150075912, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "C_Timer.After(0, function() WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\", aura_env.id) end)", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- Name of the aura\naura_env.tn = \"EvolvedStorm\"\n\n-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\n\n-- Translations for different languages\naura_env.langDB = {\n -- English (US)\n [\"enUS\"] = {\n [\"title\"] = \"Evolved Storm\",\n },\n -- Add more translations here\n}\n\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.isComplete()\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70866) then\n return true\n end\n \n return false\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["value"] = 1, ["variable"] = "active", }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0.086274512112141, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_color", }, -- [1] { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "sub.4.text_color", }, -- [2] { ["property"] = "sub.5.text_visible", }, -- [3] { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.6.text_visible", }, -- [4] { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "sub.6.text_color", }, -- [5] { }, -- [6] }, }, -- [1] }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = false, }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, }, ["RAID"] = { ["backdropColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["controlledChildren"] = { }, ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["authorOptions"] = { 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then \n return false \n end\n \n if event == \"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\" and id == aura_env.id or event == \"STATUS\" or event == \"OPTIONS\" then\n local regionTimers = {\n [1] = 1670338860, -- NA\n [2] = 1670698860, -- KR\n [3] = 1670342460, -- EU\n [4] = 1670698860, -- TW\n [5] = 1670677260} -- CN \n \n local settime1 = regionTimers[GetCurrentRegion()]\n \n local resettimer = 120 --aura_env.config.fbre -- need to finish adding this varibles in custom options\n local Rtime = resettimer * 60 -- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local interval = Rtime\n \n local ActiveDrutation = 15 --aura_env.config.sdur -- need to finish adding this varibles in custom options\n local Atime = ActiveDrutation *60 -- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local duration = Atime\n \n \n local Offsetmins = aura_env.config.Offsetammout -- get off set amount in mins\n local Otime = Offsetmins * 60-- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local offset = Otime\n \n settime1 = aura_env.config.Siegeoffset and settime1+offset or settime1\n \n local TtNK = interval - ((GetServerTime() - settime1) % interval)\n \n local active = interval - TtNK < duration\n local remaining = duration - (interval - TtNK)\n \n allstates[\"\"] = {\n changed = true,\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n autoHide = true,\n duration = active and duration or interval-duration,\n expirationTime = GetTime() + (active and remaining or TtNK),\n icon = 236469,\n active = active\n }\n return true\n end\nend", ["use_unit"] = true, ["check"] = "event", ["events"] = "DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER,START", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["customVariables"] = "{\n active = {\n display = \"Siege Active\", \n type = \"bool\",\n },\n \n expirationTime = true,\n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["events"] = "START", ["custom"] = "function()\n if 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--\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.isComplete()\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70866) then\n return true\n end\n \n return false\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "C_Timer.After(0, function() WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\", aura_env.id) end)", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["op"] = "<=", ["variable"] = "active", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- 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["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["smoothProgress"] = true, ["useAdjustededMin"] = true, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["sparkDesaturate"] = false, ["texture"] = "VuhDo - Minimalist", ["zoom"] = 0, ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["displayIcon"] = "Liadrin's Fury Unleashed", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "gn5mrFxGL", ["parent"] = "Divine Resonance 3", ["customText"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, ["use_inverse"] = false, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["use_specific_unit"] = false, ["powertype"] = 9, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["itemSetName"] = 0, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["duration"] = "1", ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power"] = "3", ["power_operator"] = "==", ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["useRem"] = true, ["type"] = "aura2", ["unit"] = "player", ["auranames"] = { "387895", -- [1] }, ["remOperator"] = "<", ["useName"] = true, ["rem"] = "5", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = true, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 10, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] }, ["height"] = 18, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["backdropColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "a4gJI3Wi4Dx", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = true, ["color"] = { }, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, ["glow_action"] = "show", }, ["finish"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["width"] = 38, ["xOffset"] = 120, ["config"] = { }, ["semver"] = "3.0.1", ["id"] = "DR3 Holy Power 4", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["adjustedMin"] = "0", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "None", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.07843137254902, -- [1] 0.07843137254902, -- [2] 0.07843137254902, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["Rare Alerts"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "On = show / off = hide", ["key"] = "ShowCalls", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Toggle |cff00ff00On|r/ |cffff0000Off|r ", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Hightlist the bar when a rare is active", ["key"] = "taskBarFlash", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Task Bar highlgiht |cff00ff00On|r/ |cffff0000Off|r ", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Sets a Waypoint to the new Spawned Rare", ["key"] = "automaticWaypoint", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Rares Waypoint |cff00ff00On|r/ |cffff0000Off|r ", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] }, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasSeason2Helper/13", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["displayText_format_rareName_format"] = "none", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["font"] = "Expressway", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2133", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["texture"] = "Blizzard", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100100, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "5mg5d5cuB", ["parent"] = "Zone calls", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "VIGNETTES_UPDATED ", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["custom"] = "function(allstates, event, ...)\n local allVignettes = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettes()\n for name,_ in pairs(allstates) do\n if not aura_env.checkAvailable(name, allVignettes) then\n allstates[name].show = false\n allstates[name].changed = true\n end\n end\n for _,vignetteGUID in pairs(allVignettes) do\n local vignetteInfo = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignetteInfo(vignetteGUID)\n if vignetteInfo then\n if aura_env.trackVignettes[vignetteInfo.atlasName] then\n if not allstates[vignetteGUID] then\n allstates[vignetteGUID] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n rareName = vignetteInfo.name,\n rareType = aura_env.trackVignettes[vignetteInfo.atlasName],\n }\n if aura_env.config[\"taskBarFlash\"] then\n FlashClientIcon()\n end\n if aura_env.config[\"automaticWaypoint\"] then\n aura_env.setWaypoint(vignetteGUID)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n return true\nend", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "Start", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config.ShowCalls then\n return true\n end \nend\n\n", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1] and (trigger[2])\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["version"] = 13, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%rareName Active", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_rareType_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0.66666668653488, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "None", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_text_format_rareName_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 18, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, }, -- [3] }, ["height"] = 30, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["information"] = { }, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["fontSize"] = 14, ["source"] = "import", ["icon"] = false, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["uid"] = "i))dRbKHD02", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["config"] = { ["taskBarFlash"] = true, ["ShowCalls"] = true, ["automaticWaypoint"] = true, }, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["semver"] = "1.0.12", ["displayText"] = "%rareName - %rareType Spawned\n", ["id"] = "Rare Alerts", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["width"] = 300, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["sound"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Sounds\\cat2.ogg", ["do_sound"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.trackVignettes = {\n [\"VignetteLoot\"] = \"Open Chest\",\n [\"vignetteloot-locked\"] = \"Locked Chest\",\n [\"VignetteLootElite\"] = \"Open Elite Chest\",\n [\"vignettelootelite-locked\"] = \"Locked Elite Chest\",\n [\"VignetteKill\"] = \"Rare\",\n [\"VignetteKillElite\"] = \"Elite Rare\",\n}\n\nfunction aura_env.checkAvailable(name, vignettes)\n for _,vignetteGUID in pairs(vignettes) do\n if name == vignetteGUID then\n return true\n end\n end\n return false\nend\n\nfunction aura_env.setWaypoint(vignette)\n local mapID = 2133\n if C_Map.CanSetUserWaypointOnMap(mapID) then\n local pos = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettePosition(vignette, mapID)\n local mapPoint = UiMapPoint.CreateFromVector2D(mapID, pos)\n C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(mapPoint)\n else\n print(aura_env.id..\": Cannot set waypoints on this Map!\")\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["sound"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Sounds\\CatMeow2.ogg", ["do_sound"] = false, }, }, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = false, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["displayText_format_rareType_format"] = "none", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["zoom"] = 0, }, ["10.0.7 Rares"] = { ["arcLength"] = 360, ["controlledChildren"] = { "10.0.7 Rare Bars", -- [1] }, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = -3, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["borderColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["rowSpace"] = 1, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOP", ["desc"] = "green text = unkilled and in same zone\nred text = killed \nwhite text not in same zone and not killed\n\nif a rare drops a cloak ring or trinket that has int/str/agi it will be marked as always show the classes picked below are ignore those items", ["rotation"] = 0, ["load"] = { ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["animate"] = true, ["scale"] = 1, ["regionType"] = "dynamicgroup", ["hybridSortMode"] = "descending", ["constantFactor"] = "RADIUS", ["borderOffset"] = 0.5, ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["uid"] = "919Q6Tk)2fc", ["grow"] = "DOWN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "ElvUI Blank", ["wagoID"] = "kYkx6YlLA", ["parent"] = "Tama's Forbidden Reach Helper", ["sortHybridTable"] = { ["10.0.7 Rare Bars"] = false, }, ["fullCircle"] = true, ["useAnchorPerUnit"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] }, ["columnSpace"] = 1, ["radius"] = 200, ["useLimit"] = false, ["align"] = "CENTER", ["version"] = 19, ["subRegions"] = { }, ["customSort"] = "function() \n return WeakAuras.SortAscending{'name'}\nend\n--WeakAuras.SortDescending{'name'}", ["backdropColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0.88000000268221, -- [4] }, ["source"] = "import", ["centerType"] = "LR", ["border"] = false, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:item tracking", ["hybridPosition"] = "hybridFirst", ["limit"] = 5, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["borderInset"] = 1, ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["groupIcon"] = 319458, ["gridType"] = "RD", ["space"] = 2, ["semver"] = "1.0.18", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["id"] = "10.0.7 Rares", ["borderSize"] = 1, ["gridWidth"] = 5, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SELECTFRAME", ["stagger"] = 0, ["sort"] = "none", ["borderEdge"] = "None", ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["config"] = { }, }, ["10.1 list spacer Bottom"] = { ["wagoID"] = "5mg5d5cuB", ["color"] = { 0.42352944612503, -- [1] 0.42352944612503, -- [2] 0.42352944612503, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasSeason2Helper/13", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia\n-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n Header = { \n enUS = 'Tamas Embers of Neltharion Helper',\n -- deDE = 'ph1',\n -- zhTW = 'ph1', \n -- zhCN = 'ph1',\n -- ruRU = 'ph1',\n -- frFR = 'ph1',\n -- nlNL = 'ph1',\n -- jaJP = 'ph1',\n -- koKR = 'ph1',\n },\n -- intro quests\n IntroQ1 = {enUS = 'Hidden Legacies',},\n IntroQ2 = {enUS = 'Return to the reach:',},\n IntroQ3 = {enUS = 'Wings of Mercy:',},\n IntroQ4 = {enUS = 'Stemming the Irontide:',},\n IntroQ5 = {enUS = 'An Eclectic Accord:',}, \n \n IntroQ6 = {enUS = 'Emberthal Awaits:',},\n IntroQ7 = {enUS = 'The Best We Have:',},\n IntroQ8 = {enUS = 'Creche Fallen:',},\n IntroQ9 = {enUS = 'Inheritance:',},\n IntroQ10 = {enUS ='Aiding the Expedition:',}, \n \n IntroQ11 = {enUS ='An Interdisciplinary Approach:',}, \n IntroQ12 = {enUS ='Keeping the Flame at Bay:',}, \n IntroQ13 = {enUS ='Chasing the Flame:',}, \n IntroQ14 = {enUS ='A Creche Divided:',}, \n IntroQ15 = {enUS ='Return to Viridia:',}, \n \n HHaC = { enUS = 'Helping hand and claw',}, \n EoP = {enUS = 'Exploring our past',}, \n TKYN = {enUS = 'The Keys You Need',}, \n VaultAZ = {enUS = 'Zskera vault az', }, \n \n ring = {enUS = 'The forgotten ring ',}, \n PrimoEmb = {enUS = 'Primordial Embellishment', }, \n \n Stormbc = { enUS = 'Trial of Storms', },\n FBPVP = { enUS = 'Sparks of Life: The Forbidden Reach (PvP)', },\n \n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n \n { name = \"IntroQ1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74381,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73076,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73157,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74769,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75050,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"IntroQ6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74847,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72712,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72545,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72713,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73094,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"IntroQ11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72714,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72715,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73137,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72717,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73156,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"HHaC\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73160,}, }, },--HHaC- 73160\n { name = \"EoP\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73159,}, }, },\n { name = \"TKYN\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74294,}, }, },\n { name = \"VaultAZ\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72953,}, }, },--72953/zskera-vault-az\n \n { name = \"ring\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73155,}, }, },--The forgotten ring 73155\n { name = \"PrimoEmb\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74355,}, }, }, --Primordial Embellishment 74355\n \n \n { name = \"Stormbc\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74567,}, }, },\n { name = \"FBPVP \", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74567,}, }, },\n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n --Include switchesCatalyst\n local IntroQ = aura_env.config.TD.Show1\n local VaultQ = aura_env.config.TD.Show2\n local Ring42 = aura_env.config.TD.Show3\n local Storms = aura_env.config.TD.Show4\n local FBPVPs = aura_env.config.TD.Show5\n \n --Hide switches\n local IntroQh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n \n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to display\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1' and IntroQ or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ6' and IntroQ or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ7' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ8' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ9' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ10' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ11' and IntroQ or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ12' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ13' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ14' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ15' and IntroQ or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'HHaC' and VaultQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'EoP' and VaultQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'TKYN' and VaultQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'VaultAZ' and VaultQ or \n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'ring' and Ring42 or\n todoEntry.name == 'PrimoEmb' and Ring42 or \n \n todoEntry.name == 'Stormbc' and Storms or \n todoEntry.name == 'FBPVPs' and Storms then\n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2' and not IntroQh or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3' and not IntroQh or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ6' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ7' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ8' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ9' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ10' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ11' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ12' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ13' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ14' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ15' and not IntroQh or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'HHaC' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'EoP' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'TKYN' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'VaultAZ' and not IntroQh or\n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'ring' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'PrimoEmb' and not IntroQh or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'Stormbc' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'FBPVPs' and not IntroQh then\n \n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config.TD.showOverview then -- cheack if use want to show\n \n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('Header'), 'ffcf00ff') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n -- end\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["desaturate"] = false, ["rotation"] = 0, ["version"] = 13, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["height"] = 3, ["rotate"] = false, ["load"] = { ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2133,2184,2112,2022,2023,2024,2025", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["source"] = "import", ["mirror"] = false, ["regionType"] = "texture", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", 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"|cFFabababArtisan's Consortium Rep Bar|r", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["collapse"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "|cFF00ffaaBar Module|r", ["key"] = "Rep", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [2] }, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 0.67058825492859, -- [1] 0.67058825492859, -- [2] 0.48235297203064, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.Icon1=aura_env.config.Rep.CA", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, }, ["sp1"] = { ["user_y"] = 0, ["user_x"] = 0, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 7, ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n-- World quest Availibility --\naura_env.is_world_quest_available = function(quest)\n if not C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTimeLeftSeconds(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Enlightened Faction --\naura_env.factionID = 2478\n-- Title items --\n--Norah#21256 thank you for French Tranlations\n--Beatrice#2650 & Podwiznaia#2373 thank you both for help with the Russian Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion), Lars, phoi thank you all for your japanese Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion) thank you for your Dutch Translations\n--Zamy thank you for your Koreran Translations\n--三皈依#3388 thank you for your Translations\n--hohunide thank you for your Translations\n--N3cro#92 thank you for your German Translations\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n overviewHeadline = { enUS = ' Todo list:',\n deDE = 'Aufgabenliste:',\n zhTW = '的任務列表: ', \n zhCN = ' 任务列表:', \n ruRU = 'Список дел ' ,\n frFR = 'Liste de choses à faire :' ,\n jaJP = 'タマのやること帳・ ',\n koKR = '숙제 리스트 ',\n },\n \n worldBoss = { \n enUS = 'World Boss: ',\n deDE = 'Weltboss: ',\n zhTW = '世界首領', \n zhCN = '世界BOSS: ',\n ruRU = 'Мировой босс:',\n frFR = 'Boss mondial: ',\n nlNL = 'Wereld Baas',\n jaJP = 'ワールドボス',\n koKR = '필드보스',\n },\n \n worldQuests = {\n enUS = 'World Quests: ',\n deDE = 'Welt-Quests: ',\n zhTW = '世界任務', \n zhCN = '世界任务: ',\n ruRU = 'МЛокальные задания:',\n frFR = 'Quêtes mondiales: ',\n nlNL = 'World Quests',\n jaJP = 'アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '전역 퀘스트',\n },\n \n weeklyQuest = {\n enUS = 'Aiding the Accord: ',\n deDE = 'Unterstützung des Abkommens ',\n zhTW = '支援協調者:', \n zhCN = '协助援军: ',\n ruRU = 'Содействие Соглашению: ',\n frFR = 'Aider le concordat: ',\n nlNL = 'Accord Assistentie',\n jaJP='アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '협의회 지원',\n },\n \n CommunityFeast = {\n enUS = 'Community Feast: ',\n deDE = 'Gemeinschaftsfest: ',\n zhTW = '集體盛宴:', \n zhCN = '社区盛宴: ',\n ruRU = 'Большое пиршество: ',\n frFR = 'Festin tribal: ',\n nlNL = 'Gemeenschap`s Feestmaal',\n jaJP = 'コミュニティの宴会',\n koKR = '공동체 잔치',\n },\n \n elements = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Elements: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Elemente:',\n zhTW = '元素的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '元素审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание элементов: ',\n frFR = 'L’épreuve des éléments: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Elementen',\n jaJP = '五大の試し',\n koKR = '원소의 시험',\n },\n \n flood = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Flood: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Flut:',\n zhTW = '洪流的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '洪水的审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание наводнения: ', \n frFR = 'L’épreuve du déluge: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Overstroming',\n jaJP = '洪水の試し',\n koKR = '홍수의 시험',\n },\n \n SoDK = {\n enUS = 'Siege of Dragonscale Keep: ',\n deDE = 'Belagerung der Drachenschuppenburg: ',\n zhTW = '攻打龍禍要塞: ', \n zhCN = '围攻灭龙要塞: ',\n ruRU = 'Осада драконьей погибели: ',\n frFR = 'Siege du Fleau-des-dragons: ',\n nlNL = 'Belegering van Fort Dragonscale',\n jaJP =' ドラゴンスケール天守の包囲',\n koKR = '용의 파멸 성채 공성전',\n },\n \n Hunt = {\n enUS = 'Grand Hunts: ',\n deDE = 'GroBe Jagden: ',\n zhTW = '大狩獵: ', \n zhCN = '洪荒狩猎: ',\n ruRU = 'Великая охота: ',\n frFR = 'Grandes Chasses: ',\n nlNL = 'Grootse Jachten',\n jaJP = '盛大狩り',\n koKR = '사냥의 제전',\n },\n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n {name = \"weeklyQuest\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70750,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n },\n },\n \n {name = \"CommunityFeast\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70893,},-- Hidden quest ID 70893--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"SoDK\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70866,},-- confirm this Hidden ID72025 0r 70866--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Hunt\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70906,},-- WS 25.44,92.29-- Epic\n -- {questId = 69998,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n -- {questId = 69999,},-- WS 40.98,84.46--\n -- {questId = 70000,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n },\n },\n {name = \"flood\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71033,}, --Raging Torrent mobID 197221 hidden ID 71033 --\n },\n },\n {name = \"elements\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71995,}, --Therrocite mob id 197749--\n },\n },\n \n { name = \"worldBoss\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 65234,}, -- Bazual mobID 193532, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65262,},-- Liskanoth mobID 193533, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65231,},-- Strunraan mobID 193534, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65115,},-- Basrikron mobID 193535, hidden ID####--\n \n },\n },\n \n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to display\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and aura_env.config['includeWorldQuest'] or -- < not need in this version \n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and aura_env.config['includeWorldBoss'] or -- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and aura_env.config['includeCommunityFeast'] or-- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and aura_env.config['includeelements'] or--Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and aura_env.config['includeFlood'] or--Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and aura_env.config['includeSoDK'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and aura_env.config['includeHunt'] or--Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and aura_env.config['includeWeeklyQuest'] then--Aiding the Accord--\n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldQuestsIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldBossIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and not aura_env.config['hideCommunityFeastIfCompleted'] or -- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and not aura_env.config['hideelementsIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and not aura_env.config['hideFloodIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and not aura_env.config['hideSoDKIfCompleted'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and not aura_env.config['hideHuntIfCompleted'] or --Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and not aura_env.config['hideWeeklyQuestIfCompleted'] then --Aiding the Accord--\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config['showOverview'] then -- cheack if use want to show\n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('overviewHeadline'), 'ff00ff96') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["desaturate"] = true, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["startAngle"] = 0, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "texture", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Square_FullWhite", ["compress"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["uid"] = "maqhXWF)VdO", ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["wagoID"] = "9MpDLGWp3", ["parent"] = "Todo list Pack", ["customText"] = "function()\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n \n return aura_env.text \nend", ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["event"] = "Health", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["version"] = 98, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["height"] = 1, ["rotate"] = false, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["mirror"] = false, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:todo list", ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["conditions"] = { }, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.5, -- [1] 0.5, -- [2] 0.5, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["config"] = { }, ["semver"] = "5.0.4", ["anchorFrameType"] = "SELECTFRAME", ["id"] = "sp1", ["load"] = { ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_size"] = false, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_alive"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2112,2022,2023,2024,2025,2085,2151,2100,2101,2102", }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["width"] = 250, ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["inverse"] = false, ["auraRotation"] = 0, ["orientation"] = "VERTICAL", ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["color"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, }, ["10.0.7 Rare Bars 2"] = { ["user_y"] = 0, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["user_x"] = 0, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasSeason2Helper/13", ["icon"] = true, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["useTooltip"] = true, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.66666668653488, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "VERTICAL", ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100100, ["alpha"] = 1, ["displayText_format_disp_abbreviate_max"] = 8, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["barColor2"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.23921570181847, -- [2] 0.14901961386204, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "5mg5d5cuB", ["parent"] = "10.1 rares", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "isCompleted", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0.43921571969986, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_color", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -2, ["variable"] = "AND", ["checks"] = { { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "inZone", ["value"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "isCompleted", ["value"] = 0, }, -- [2] }, }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0.66666668653488, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_color", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [2] }, ["customText"] = "function()\n --Translit Edit\nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["enableGradient"] = true, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "local region = WeakAuras.GetRegion(aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId)\nif region and region.state and region.state.show then\n aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] = region\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.regions = {}\naura_env.zones = {\n { zoneID = 2151, zone = \"Forbidden Reach\" },\n { zoneID = 2024, zone = \"Azure Span\" },\n { zoneID = 2023, zone = \"Ohn'ahran Plains\" },\n { zoneID = 2025, zone = \"Thaldraszus\" },\n { zoneID = 2022, zone = \"Waking Shores\" },\n { zoneID = 2133, zone = \"Zaralek Caverns\" },\n}\n\naura_env.slots = {\n [1] = \"Helmet\",\n [2] = \"Neck\",\n [3] = \"Shoulders\",\n [4] = \"Cloak\",\n [5] = \"Chest\",\n [6] = \"Bracers\",\n [7] = \"Gloves\",\n [8] = \"Belt\",\n [9] = \"Legs\",\n [10] = \"Boots\",\n [11] = \"Ring\",\n [12] = \"Trinket\",\n [13] = \"1H\",\n [14] = \"2H\",\n [15] = \"Off Hand\",\n [16] = \"Pattern\",\n [17] = \"Key/Quest Item\",\n [18] = \"Pet\",\n [19] = \"Mount\",\n [20] = \"Skill\",\n [21] = \"Toy\",\n}\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "if aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] then\n aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] = nil\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "update", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["customVariables"] = "{\n disp = 'string',\n inZone = 'bool',\n currentZone = 'bool',\n isCompleted = 'bool'\n}", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n if event == \"GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP\" and ... then\n local button = ...\n if button == \"LeftButton\" then-----Mouse input block Start-------------------------------------------------------------\n if IsControlKeyDown() then\n local lootLink = \"\"\n if aura_env.config.rareSettings.SLpting then -- check if single line out pout has been selected in custome options\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n for _, link in ipairs(states[cloneID].links) do\n lootLink = lootLink .. link .. \" \"-- print loot to chat window (in a single line)\n end\n print(states[cloneID].disp .. \": \" .. lootLink)\n end\n end\n else\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n print(states[cloneID].disp)\n for _, link in ipairs(states[cloneID].links) do-- print loot to chat window (in a list)\n print(link)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif IsShiftKeyDown() then\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region.icon)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n local x, y = states[cloneID].X, states[cloneID].Y\n if x ~= 0 and y ~=0 then\n if IsAddOnLoaded(\"TomTom\") and aura_env.config.rareSettings.Utt then-- checks if tomtom is installed and if the users wants to use tomtom need to dig in to see if theres tomtom:resetall << its not that as i tried that :P\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(states[cloneID].zoneID, x/100, y/100, {title=states[cloneID].disp,from=\"WeakAuras\"})\n else --set blizzard work markers\n C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UiMapPoint.CreateFromCoordinates(states[cloneID].zoneID, x/100, y/100, 0))\n C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedUserWaypoint(true)\n end\n end\n break\n end\n end\n end\n elseif button == \"RightButton\" then\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n C_Map.ClearUserWaypoint()-- Clear map pins blizzard\n break\n end\n end\n end -----Mouse input block End--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n else\n local cfg = aura_env.config\n local cfg = aura_env.config\n local map = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(\"player\")\n local class = select(3, UnitClass(\"player\"))\n local update\n local playerzone = map\n for i, rare in ipairs(cfg.rares) do\n -- check zones\n local rareZone = aura_env.zones[rare.zone]\n local inZone = rareZone.zoneID == map and true or false\n -- check completion\n local isCompleted = C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(rare.questID)\n local skip = (cfg.rareSettings.hideComplete and isCompleted) or (cfg.rareSettings.onlyElites and not rare.isElite) or (aura_env.config[\"rareSettings\"].currentZone and map ~= rareZone.zoneID)\n \n if skip and states[rare.questID] then\n states[rare.questID] = { changed = true, show = false }\n update = true\n \n elseif not skip and not states[rare.questID] then\n \n -- how are we organizing this?\n local index = rare.name\n if cfg[\"rareSettings\"].rareSort == 2 then\n index = (inZone and 0 or 10) + rare.zone^2 + (rare.isElite and 0 or 1)\n end\n \n \n local tooltip = rare.name ..format(\" (%s) |cFFFFFFFF/way %s, %s|r\", rareZone.zone, rare.X, rare.Y..\"\\n\"..rare.note) -- show /way in tooltip\n --local tooltip = rare.name .. \" (\" .. rareZone.zone .. \")\" -- dont show /way in tooltip\n \n states[rare.questID] = {\n icon = rare.isElite and \"vignetteeventelite\" or \"vignetteevent\",\n disp = rare.name,\n zone = rareZone.zoneShort,\n zoneID = rareZone.zoneID,\n inZone = inZone,\n currentZone = cfg[\"rareSettings\"].currentZone,\n isCompleted = isCompleted,\n tooltip = tooltip,\n tooltipWrap = false,\n index = index,\n links = {},\n X = rare.X,\n Y = rare.Y,\n changed = true,\n show = true\n }\n \n -- check loot\n local slots = 1 -- scarp varible \n for _, a in ipairs(cfg.rares[i].loot) do\n local itemID = a.itemID\n local itemSlot = a.itemSlot\n local itemClass = a.class\n local item = Item:CreateFromItemID(itemID)\n local link\n local slot = aura_env.slots[itemSlot]\n \n if item and not item:IsItemEmpty() then\n -- check relevant only\n if cfg.rareSettings.relOnly and not itemClass[class] then\n tooltip = tooltip\n elseif aura_env.config.rareSettings.Att then\n item:ContinueOnItemLoad(function()\n tooltip = tooltip .. \"\\n|cFFFFFFFF[\" .. slot .. \"] \" .. item:GetItemLink()\n link = item:GetItemLink()\n end\n )\n table.insert(states[rare.questID].links, link)\n end\n end\n end\n states[rare.questID].tooltip = tooltip\n update = true\n elseif states[rare.questID] and states[rare.questID].isCompleted ~= isCompleted then\n states[rare.questID].isCompleted = isCompleted\n states[rare.questID].changed = true\n update = true\n elseif states[rare.questID] and states[rare.questID].inZone ~= inZone then\n states[rare.questID].inZone = inZone\n states[rare.questID].changed = true\n update = true\n end \n end\n \n return update\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "START,PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED, PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED, ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA, ZONE_CHANGED, ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n --Translit Edit\nend", }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "START", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config[\"rareSettings\"].rareEnable then\n return true\n end \nend", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1] and (trigger[2])\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["single"] = "group", ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["zoneIds"] = "2133,2112,2184", ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["use_size"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_alive"] = true, ["zone"] = "Korthia, The Rift, The Maw", ["instance_type"] = { }, }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["width"] = 250, ["zoom"] = 0, ["compress"] = false, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["version"] = 13, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [2] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%disp", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "LEFT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_LEFT", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, }, -- [3] { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_zone_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%zone", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_locy_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", ["text_justify"] = "RIGHT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["text_text_format_locx_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", }, -- [4] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_zone_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%drops", ["text_text_format_drops_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_locy_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "LEFT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 434, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = false, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "LEFT", ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["text_text_format_locx_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, }, -- [5] }, ["height"] = 16, ["rotate"] = true, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["justify"] = "CENTER", ["uid"] = ")3aCMow3pUE", ["displayText_format_disp_format"] = "string", ["mirror"] = false, ["displayIcon"] = "319458", ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["displayText_format_disp_abbreviate"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Rare Module", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "What to show!", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the rare list |n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "rareEnable", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Display Rares?", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display only known rares |n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "onlyElites", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Show only Known rares", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If enabled, will only display rares in your current zone.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "currentZone", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Current Zone Only", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If enabled, will hide rares marked as complete.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "hideComplete", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Toggle completed|r", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "How to show it!", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Show only loot for your class|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "relOnly", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Class Loot Only", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [7] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Show loot in mouse over tool tip|n(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r)", ["key"] = "Att", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Advanced tooltip", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If enabled will print loot to chat window output on single line|n(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r)", ["key"] = "SLpting", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Chat window output on single line", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [9] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Turn on Tomtom world markers|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "Utt", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "TomTom intergration", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [10] { ["desc"] = "Which order do you want the rares sorted by Name or Zone", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Name", -- [1] "Zone", -- [2] }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "rareSort", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Sort By", ["width"] = 0.5, }, -- [11] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["collapse"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "Rares", ["key"] = "rareSettings", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Rare /loot config", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "name", ["default"] = "", ["multiline"] = false, ["length"] = 10, ["name"] = "Name", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "questID", ["default"] = "79000", ["multiline"] = false, ["length"] = 10, ["name"] = "Quest ID", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "isElite", ["default"] = false, ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Known", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["desc"] = "If this is a profession rare selct which", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Alchemy", -- [1] "Blacksmithing", -- [2] "Cooking", -- [3] "Enchanting", -- [4] "Engineering", -- [5] "Fishing", -- [6] "Herbalism", -- [7] "Inscription", -- [8] "Jewelcrafting", -- [9] "Leatherworking", -- [10] "Mining", -- [11] "Skinning", -- [12] "Tailoring", -- [13] "None profession rare", -- [14] }, ["default"] = 14, ["key"] = "Profrare", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "which profession", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 2, ["multiline"] = true, ["default"] = "", ["desc"] = "Notes", ["name"] = "Notes", ["length"] = 10, ["key"] = "note", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 100, ["step"] = 0.01, ["width"] = 0.5, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "X", ["desc"] = "West - East postion", ["name"] = "X", ["default"] = 0, }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 100, ["step"] = 0.01, ["width"] = 0.5, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "Y", ["desc"] = "North - South Postion", ["name"] = "Y", ["default"] = 0, }, -- [7] { ["desc"] = "Choose a zone", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Forbidden Reach", -- [1] "Azure Span", -- [2] "Ohn'ahran Plains", -- [3] "Thaldraszus", -- [4] "Waking Shores", -- [5] "Zaralek Caverns", -- [6] }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "zone", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Zone", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [8] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "itemName", ["default"] = "", ["multiline"] = false, ["length"] = 10, ["name"] = "Item Name", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 999999999999, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "itemID", ["name"] = "Item ID", ["default"] = 0, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Helmet", -- [1] "Neck", -- [2] "Shoulders", -- [3] "Cloak", -- [4] "Chest", -- [5] "Bracers", -- [6] "Gloves", -- [7] "Belt", -- [8] "Legs", -- [9] "Boots", -- [10] "Ring", -- [11] "Trinket", -- [12] "1H Weapon", -- [13] "2H Weapon", -- [14] "Off Hand", -- [15] "Pattern", -- [16] "Key/Quest Item", -- [17] "Pet", -- [18] "Mount", -- [19] "Skill", -- [20] "Toy", -- [21] }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "itemSlot", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Slot", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "multiselect", ["values"] = { "|cFFc69b6dWarrior", -- [1] "|cFFf48cbaPaladin", -- [2] "|cFFaad372Hunter", -- [3] "|cFFfff468Rogue", -- [4] "Priest", -- [5] "|cFFc41e3aDeath Knight", -- [6] "|cFF0070ddShaman", -- [7] "|cFF3fc7ebMage", -- [8] "|cFF8788eeWarlock", -- [9] "|cFF00ff98Monk", -- [10] "|cFFff7c0aDruid", -- [11] "|cFFa330c9Demon Hunter", -- [12] "|cFF33937fEvoker", -- [13] }, ["default"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["key"] = "class", ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Class Relevance", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] }, ["hideReorder"] = false, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 1, ["collapse"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "Loot Editor", ["key"] = "loot", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "array", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [9] }, ["hideReorder"] = false, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 1, ["collapse"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "Rare Editor", ["key"] = "rares", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "array", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "description", ["text"] = "|cffff0000 Do Not |r use reset to default button it will reset rare and loot data", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [5] }, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["config"] = { ["rareSettings"] = { ["rareSort"] = 1, ["Utt"] = true, ["Att"] = false, ["onlyElites"] = true, ["relOnly"] = false, ["rareEnable"] = true, ["hideComplete"] = true, ["SLpting"] = false, ["currentZone"] = true, }, ["rares"] = { { ["note"] = "Located inside a caver under a waterfall east of Nal Ks'kol.\n\nSpawn announcement: Alcanon toils to protect the deep secrets of the cavern.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "72285", ["Y"] = 73.7, ["X"] = 56.6, ["name"] = "Alcanon ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [1] { ["note"] = "Located by a lake in the Cascades Column.\n\nSpawn announcement: Aquifon stirs the waters in the cascades.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75271", ["Y"] = 75.10000000000001, ["X"] = 48.37000000000001, ["name"] = "Aquifon", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "Aquapo", ["itemID"] = 205154, ["itemSlot"] = 18, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [2] { ["note"] = "Located by a clearing behind Glimerogg. Initially friendly, must be talked to and challenged to engage. Loot drops from the Chest of Massive Gains spawned after the rare is brought to 1 health.\n\nSpawn announcement: The strong are gathering in Glimmerogg to test their mettle.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75326", ["Y"] = 85.3, ["X"] = 42.2, ["name"] = "Brulsef the Strong", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "brul", ["itemID"] = 205114, ["itemSlot"] = 18, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [3] { ["note"] = "Located by a platform in the lava lake to the east of Brimstone Garrison.\n\nSpawn announcement: Colossian defends its ancient post.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75476", ["Y"] = 24.7, ["X"] = 48.7, ["name"] = "Colossian ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [4] { ["note"] = "Located by one of the Elder altars at the western portion of the Zaqali Caldera. \n\nWarning: Zaqali Caldera is a no-flight zone.\n\nSpawn announcement: The drone of ancient drums echoes throughout the cavern.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75353", ["Y"] = 51.4, ["X"] = 28.51, ["name"] = "Dinn", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "jrumms-drum", ["itemID"] = 205419, ["itemSlot"] = 1, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [5] { ["note"] = "Located by a cliff overlooking the Shadowflame river in the Zaqali Caldera. \n\nWarning: Zaqali Caldera is a no-flight zone.\n\nSpawn announcement: Emberdusk's plumage burns with dark flames.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75364", ["Y"] = 50.5, ["X"] = 32.1, ["name"] = "Emberdusk ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [6] { ["note"] = "Located by a cavern in the lava river that flows through Zaqali Caldera. \n\nWarning: Zaqali Caldera is a no-flight zone.\n\nSpawn announcement: A vicious roar resonates through the caldera.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75358", ["Y"] = 43.7, ["X"] = 37.5, ["name"] = "Flowfy ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [7] { ["note"] = "Located inside a building in the Brimstone Garrison.\n\nSpawn announcement: Barked orders can be heard from within the Brimstone Garrison.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75296", ["Y"] = 18.2, ["X"] = 41.4, ["name"] = "General Zskorro ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [8] { ["note"] = "By the edge of the green crystal area in the Throughway.\n\nSpawn announcement: Goopal blends its shell in with the environment.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75274", ["Y"] = 45.5, ["X"] = 68.60000000000001, ["name"] = "Goopal ", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "winding-slitherdrake-long-chin-horn", ["itemID"] = 203309, ["itemSlot"] = 20, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [9] { ["note"] = "Location unknown", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75314", ["Y"] = 0, ["X"] = 0, ["name"] = "Hadexia ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [10] { ["note"] = "Located by the edge of the lava river in the Battlefield Ruins.\n\nSpawn announcement: A champion emerges on the ancient battlefield.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75336", ["Y"] = 33.5, ["X"] = 45.8, ["name"] = "Invohq ", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "molten-lava-pack", ["itemID"] = 205796, ["itemSlot"] = 21, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [11] { ["note"] = "Located by the southwestern end of Zaralek Cavern, by a cliff overlooking the lava river that flows from Zaqali Caldera.\n\nSpawn announcement: A flesh of teeth and wings darts across the cavern ceiling.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75334", ["Y"] = 64.8, ["X"] = 42.5, ["name"] = "Karokta", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "Cobalt Shalewing", ["itemID"] = 205203, ["itemSlot"] = 19, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [12] { ["note"] = "Located by a small water pool at the northern portion of the Deepflayer Nest.\n\nSpawn announcement: Kaprachu roars after making a fresh kill.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75269", ["Y"] = 39.45, ["X"] = 59.58, ["name"] = "Kaprachu ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [13] { ["note"] = "By the center of the lake in Glitterspore Lake. \n\nWarning: Glitterspore Lake is a PvP Free-For-All area.\n\nSpawn announcement: The snapping of great claws can be heard from the waters.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75322", ["Y"] = 73.60000000000001, ["X"] = 62.8, ["name"] = "Klakatak ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [14] { ["note"] = "Inside a cave at the southern portion of the Throughway.\n\nSpawn announcement: Kob'rok hisses and slithers under the earth.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75269", ["Y"] = 73.60000000000001, ["X"] = 62.8, ["name"] = "Kob'rok ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [15] { ["note"] = "Spawn location/method unknown \n\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/npc=203642/kronkapace", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75342", ["Y"] = 0, ["X"] = 0, ["name"] = "Kronkapace ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [16] { ["note"] = "Sp[awn location / method unknown \n\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/npc=203630/lavermix", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75338", ["Y"] = 0, ["X"] = 0, ["name"] = "Lavermix ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [17] { ["note"] = "By the waterfall at the lava river that flows through the Zaqali Caldera, in Igira's Watch. Be careful with lava.\n\nSpawn announcement: The great war beast bathes in the burning fires.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75340", ["Y"] = 39.6, ["X"] = 40.8, ["name"] = "Magtembo", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [18] { ["note"] = "Inside a building north of Obsidian Rest. Lots of slimes in the way.\n\nSpawn announcement: Maniacal laughter and explosions can be heard echoing in the cavern.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75292", ["Y"] = 19.3, ["X"] = 55.76, ["name"] = "Professor Gastrinax ", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "Winding Slitherdrake: Cluster Horns", ["itemID"] = 203331, ["itemSlot"] = 20, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [19] { ["note"] = "Spawn location / method unknown \n\nhttps://www.wowhead.com/npc=204096/shadowforge-mole-machine", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75576", ["Y"] = 0, ["X"] = 0, ["name"] = "Shadowforge Mole Machine ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [20] { ["note"] = "By the southern end of the Zaqali Caldera. \n\nWarning: Zaqali Caldera is a no-flight zone.\n\nSpawn announcement: You feel the temperature within the cavern rise significantly.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75349", ["Y"] = 52.74, ["X"] = 36.4, ["name"] = "Skornak", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "Skornak's Lava Ball", ["itemID"] = 205463, ["itemSlot"] = 21, }, -- [1] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [21] { ["note"] = "At the back of a cave full of spiders in the Crystal Fields.\n\nSpawn announcement: Spinmarrow watches its prey with its many eyes.\n\n(Entrance) 54.77 65.89", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75276", ["Y"] = 65.27, ["X"] = 53.36, ["name"] = "Spinmarrow ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [22] { ["note"] = "By a platform at the eastern end of the Zaqali Caldera. \n\nWarning: Zaqali Caldera is a no-flight zone.\n\nSpawn announcement: The earth trembles in the caldera.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75360", ["Y"] = 45.9, ["X"] = 38.7, ["name"] = "Subterrax ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [23] { ["note"] = "By a mountain base just north of Nal Ks'kol.\n\nSpawn announcement: An eerie yet soothing light flickers in the darkness from underneath large wings.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75298", ["Y"] = 68.3, ["X"] = 58.7, ["name"] = "Underlight Queen ", ["loot"] = { { ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "Friendship censer", ["itemID"] = 204728, ["itemSlot"] = 12, }, -- [1] { ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["itemName"] = "Teardrop Moth", ["itemID"] = 205159, ["itemSlot"] = 18, }, -- [2] }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [24] { ["note"] = "By the central portion of the Viridian Throne. Explodes and dies once it reaches 50% health.\n\nSpawn announcement: The crystalline structures begin to stir.", ["zone"] = 6, ["questID"] = "75366", ["Y"] = 71.85000000000001, ["X"] = 39, ["name"] = "Veridian King ", ["loot"] = { }, ["Profrare"] = 14, ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [25] }, }, ["startAngle"] = 0, ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.1843137294054, -- [2] 0.27450981736183, -- [3] 0.5278508067131, -- [4] }, ["semver"] = "1.0.12", ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["id"] = "10.0.7 Rare Bars 2", ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["displayText"] = "%disp", ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = false, ["desc"] = "green text = unkilled and in same zone\nred text = killed \nwhite text not in same zone and not killed", ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["color"] = 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["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["useMatch_count"] = true, ["match_countOperator"] = "==", ["ownOnly"] = true, ["unit"] = "group", ["useRem"] = false, ["rem"] = "10", ["type"] = "aura2", ["match_count"] = "1", ["remOperator"] = ">=", ["useName"] = true, ["auranames"] = { "223306", -- [1] }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "aura2", ["auranames"] = { "387895", -- [1] }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["matchesShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["useName"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [3] ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", 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["semver"] = "3.0.1", ["id"] = "BF DR Holy Power 5", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["adjustedMin"] = "10", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "None", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.07843137254902, -- [1] 0.07843137254902, -- [2] 0.07843137254902, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["todo list"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["displayText_format_text_format"] = "none", ["wagoID"] = "9MpDLGWp3", ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["customText"] = "function()\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n \n return aura_env.text \nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia\n-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n-- World quest Availibility --\naura_env.is_world_quest_available = function(quest)\n if not C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTimeLeftSeconds(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n-- Title items --\n--Norah#21256 thank you for French Tranlations\n--Beatrice#2650 & Podwiznaia#2373 thank you both for help with the Russian Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion), Lars, phoi thank you all for your japanese Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion) thank you for your Dutch Translations\n--Zamy thank you for your Koreran Translations\n--三皈依#3388 thank you for your Translations\n--hohunide thank you for your Translations\n--N3cro#92 thank you for your Translations\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n overviewHeadline = { enUS = 'Tamas Dragonflight helper',\n deDE = 'Aufgabenliste:',\n zhTW = '的任務列表: ', \n zhCN = ' 任务列表:', \n ruRU = 'Список дел ' ,\n frFR = 'Liste de choses à faire :' ,\n jaJP = 'タマのやること帳・ ',\n koKR = '숙제 리스트 ',\n },\n \n worldBoss = { \n enUS = 'World Boss: ',\n deDE = 'Weltboss: ',\n zhTW = '世界首領', \n zhCN = '世界BOSS: ',\n ruRU = 'Мировой босс:',\n frFR = 'Boss mondial: ',\n nlNL = 'Wereld Baas',\n jaJP = 'ワールドボス',\n koKR = '필드보스',\n },\n \n worldQuests = {\n enUS = 'World Quests: ',\n deDE = 'Welt-Quests: ',\n zhTW = '世界任務', \n zhCN = '世界任务: ',\n ruRU = 'МЛокальные задания:',\n frFR = 'Quêtes mondiales: ',\n nlNL = 'World Quests',\n jaJP = 'アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '전역 퀘스트',\n },\n \n weeklyQuest = {\n enUS = 'Aiding the Accord: ',\n deDE = 'Unterstützung des Abkommens ',\n zhTW = '支援協調者:', \n zhCN = '协助援军: ',\n ruRU = 'Содействие Соглашению: ',\n frFR = 'Aider le concordat: ',\n nlNL = 'Accord Assistentie',\n jaJP='アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '협의회 지원',\n },\n \n CommunityFeast = {\n enUS = 'Community Feast: ',\n deDE = ' Gemeinschaftliches Festmahl: ',\n zhTW = '集體盛宴:', \n zhCN = '社区盛宴: ',\n ruRU = 'Большое пиршество: ',\n frFR = 'Festin tribal: ',\n nlNL = 'Gemeenschap`s Feestmaal',\n jaJP = 'コミュニティの宴会',\n koKR = '공동체 잔치',\n },\n \n elements = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Elements: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Elemente:',\n zhTW = '元素的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '元素审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание элементов: ',\n frFR = 'L’épreuve des éléments: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Elementen',\n jaJP = '五大の試し',\n koKR = '원소의 시험',\n },\n \n flood = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Flood: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Flut:',\n zhTW = '洪流的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '洪水的审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание наводнения: ', \n frFR = 'L’épreuve du déluge: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Overstroming',\n jaJP = '洪水の試し',\n koKR = '홍수의 시험',\n },\n \n SoDK = {\n enUS = 'Siege of Dragonscale Keep: ',\n deDE = 'Belagerung der Drachenfluchfestung: ',\n zhTW = '攻打龍禍要塞: ', \n zhCN = '围攻灭龙要塞: ',\n ruRU = 'Осада драконьей погибели: ',\n frFR = 'Siege du Fleau-des-dragons: ',\n nlNL = 'Belegering van Fort Dragonscale',\n jaJP =' ドラゴンスケール天守の包囲',\n koKR = '용의 파멸 성채 공성전',\n },\n \n Hunt = {\n enUS = 'Grand Hunts: ',\n deDE = 'Große Jagd: ',\n zhTW = '大狩獵: ', \n zhCN = '洪荒狩猎: ',\n ruRU = 'Великая охота: ',\n frFR = 'Grandes Chasses: ',\n nlNL = 'Grootse Jachten',\n jaJP = '盛大狩り',\n koKR = '사냥의 제전',\n },\n Chests = {\n enUS = 'Supply Chest (warmode): ',\n deDE = 'Versorgungstruhe (Kriegsmodus): ',\n zhTW = '补给箱(战争模式): ', \n zhCN = '补给箱(战争模式): ',\n ruRU = 'Сундук питания (теплоход): ',\n frFR = 'Coffre d\\'approvisionnement (mode guerre): ',\n nlNL = 'Forsyningskiste (krigstilstand):',\n jaJP = '補給箱(ウォーモード)',\n koKR = '보급 상자 (전쟁 모드)',\n },\n Chests = {\n enUS = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n deDE = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n zhTW = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ', \n zhCN = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n ruRU = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n frFR = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n nlNL = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n jaJP = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n koKR = 'Sparks of life (warmode): ',\n },\n Catalyst = {\n enUS = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n deDE = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n zhTW = 'Revival Catalyst: ', \n zhCN = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n ruRU = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n frFR = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n nlNL = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n jaJP = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n koKR = 'Revival Catalyst: ',\n },\n \n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n {name = \"weeklyQuest\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70750,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Catalyst\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 72528,},--revival-catalyst\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"CommunityFeast\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70893,},-- Hidden quest ID 70893--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"SoDK\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70866,},-- confirm this Hidden ID72025 0r 70866--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Hunt\",maximum = 3,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70906,},\n {questId = 71136,},\n {questId = 71137,},\n },\n },\n {name = \"flood\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71033,}, --Raging Torrent mobID 197221 hidden ID 71033 --\n },\n },\n {name = \"elements\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71995,}, --Therrocite mob id 197749--\n },\n },\n { name = \"worldBoss\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 69927,}, -- Bazual mobID 193532, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 69928,},-- Liskanoth mobID 193533, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 69929,},-- Strunraan mobID 193534, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 69930,},-- Basrikron mobID 193535, hidden ID####--\n \n },\n },\n {name = \"Chests\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 72376,}, --Supply Chest (warmode)\n },\n },\n {name = \"SparksOfLife\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 72646,},--Sparks of Life: The Waking Shores\n {questId = 72647,},--Sparks of Life: Ohn'ahran Plains\n {questId = 72648,},--Sparks of Life: The Azure Span\n {questId = 72649,},--Sparks of Life: Thaldraszus\n },\n },\n \n \n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n --Include switchesCatalyst\n local todov = aura_env.config.TD.showOverview\n local wbv = aura_env.config.TD.includeWorldBoss\n local Cfv = aura_env.config.TD.includeCommunityFeast\n local elev = aura_env.config.TD.includeelements\n local floodv = aura_env.config.TD.includeFlood\n local SoDKv = aura_env.config.TD.includeSoDK\n local huntv = aura_env.config.TD.includeHunt\n local Catav = aura_env.config.TD.includeCatalyst\n local Warv = aura_env.config.TD.includeWar\n local WQv = aura_env.config.TD.includeWeeklyQuest\n --Hide switches\n local wbh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Cfh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local eleh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local floodh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local SoDKh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local hunth = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local WQh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Warh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local Catah = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n local tracking = 0\n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to displaySparksOfLife\n todoEntry.name == 'SparksOfLife' and Warv or--Sparks of Life (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'Chests' and Warv or--Supply Chest (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and wbv or -- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and Cfv or-- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and elev or--Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and floodv or--Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and SoDKv or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and huntv or--Grand Hunts\n todoEntry.name == 'Catalyst' and Catav or--Catalyst\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and WQv then--Aiding the Accord--\n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n tracking = tracking +1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n tracking = tracking +1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n todoEntry.name == 'SparksOfLife' and Warv or--Sparks of Life (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'Chests' and not Warh or--Supply Chest (warmode)--\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and not wbh or-- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and not Cfh or -- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and not eleh or --Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and not floodh or --Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and not SoDKh or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and not hunth or --Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'Catalyst' and not Catah or--Catalyst\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and not WQh then --Aiding the Accord--\n \n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config.TD.showOverview then -- cheack if use want to show\n -- if tracking <5 then\n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('overviewHeadline'), 'ff00ff96') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n -- end\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display() \n \n return true\nend", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display() \n \n return true\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["check"] = "event", ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["useTooltip"] = true, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["desc"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 98, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["load"] = { ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_size"] = false, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_alive"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2112,2022,2023,2024,2025,2085,2151,2100,2101,2102", }, ["uid"] = "ZmTSbhCcKka", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:BGtd", ["regionType"] = "text", ["conditions"] = { }, ["displayText"] = "%c", ["parent"] = "Todo list Pack", ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["semver"] = "5.0.4", ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["id"] = "todo list", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SELECTFRAME", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["config"] = { ["TD"] = { ["includeCatalyst"] = true, ["showOverview"] = true, ["includeSoDK"] = true, ["includeCommunityFeast"] = true, ["includeWar"] = false, ["includeFlood"] = true, ["includeHunt"] = true, ["includeWorldBoss"] = true, ["includeelements"] = true, ["includeWeeklyQuest"] = true, ["hide"] = false, }, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Todo list", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the todo list text |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "showOverview", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cFF00ffaaWeekly Todo list|r", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Todo list items Tracking", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeWeeklyQuest", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Aiding the Accord", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeCatalyst", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Revival Catalyst", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeCommunityFeast", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Iskaara Community Feast", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeSoDK", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Siege of Dragonscale Keep", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeHunt", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Grand Hunt", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [7] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeelements", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Trial of elements", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeFlood", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Trial of Flood", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [9] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "includeWorldBoss", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "World Boss", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [10] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r\\)|nTracking of the Spark of life and war mode chest etc", ["key"] = "includeWar", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "War mode Quests ", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [11] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If enabled, will hide Tasks marked as complete.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "hide", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Hide completed", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [12] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["key"] = "TD", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = true, ["name"] = "Todo list Config", ["collapse"] = true, ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [2] }, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["fixedWidth"] = 245, 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true\n end\n \n return false\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "C_Timer.After(0, function() WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\", aura_env.id) end)", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["keepAspectRatio"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.90196084976196, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["use_size"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounter"] = false, ["use_alive"] = 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and aura_env.isComplete() then \n return false \n end\n \n if event == \"DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER\" and id == aura_env.id or event == \"STATUS\" or event == \"OPTIONS\" then\n local regionTimers = {\n [1] = 1670333460, -- NA\n [2] = 1670703360, -- KR\n [3] = 1670331583, -- EU\n [4] = 1670702460, -- TW\n }\n \n \n local settime1 = regionTimers[GetCurrentRegion()]\n \n local resettimer = 60 --aura_env.config.fbre -- need to finish adding this varibles in custom options\n local Rtime = resettimer * 60 -- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local interval = Rtime\n \n local ActiveDrutation = 25 --aura_env.config.sdur -- need to finish adding this varibles in custom options\n local Atime = ActiveDrutation *60 -- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local duration = Atime\n \n \n local Offsetmins = aura_env.config.fOffsetammout -- get off set amount in mins\n local Otime = Offsetmins * 60-- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local offset = Otime\n \n settime1 = aura_env.config.feastoffset and settime1+offset or settime1\n \n local TtNK = interval - ((GetServerTime() - settime1) % interval)\n \n local active = interval - TtNK < duration\n local remaining = duration - (interval - TtNK)\n \n allstates[\"\"] = {\n changed = true,\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n autoHide = true,\n duration = active and duration or interval-duration,\n expirationTime = GetTime() + (active and remaining or TtNK),\n icon = 3922918,\n active = active\n }\n return true\n end\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["events"] = "DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER,START", ["unit"] = "player", ["customVariables"] = "{\n active = {\n display = \"tTigger\",\n type = \"bool\",\n }\n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", 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["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 0.59607845544815, -- [1] 0.61176472902298, -- [2] 0.65882354974747, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "PALADIN", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["use_class"] = true, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = false, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "pvp", ["multi"] = { ["flexible"] = true, ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["fortyman"] = true, ["ten"] = true, ["twentyfive"] = true, ["twenty"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 65, ["multi"] = { [70] = true, [65] = true, [66] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { [385125] = true, }, }, ["use_vehicle"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["single"] = 3, ["multi"] = { [3] = true, }, }, ["use_talent"] = false, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["difficulty"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["use_vehicleUi"] = false, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spellknown"] = 337746, ["zoneIds"] = "", }, ["smoothProgress"] = false, ["useAdjustededMin"] = true, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["sparkDesaturate"] = false, ["texture"] = "VuhDo - Minimalist", ["zoom"] = 0, ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["displayIcon"] = "Liadrin's Fury Unleashed", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "gn5mrFxGL", ["parent"] = "Holy Power Dawn Missing", ["customText"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, ["use_inverse"] = false, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["use_specific_unit"] = false, ["powertype"] = 9, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["itemSetName"] = 0, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["duration"] = "1", ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power"] = "5", ["power_operator"] = ">=", ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["use_debuffClass"] = false, ["auraspellids"] = { "385127", -- [1] }, ["useExactSpellId"] = true, ["matchesShowOn"] = "showOnMissing", ["useName"] = false, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n if aura_env.dadGreyHpOn then\n return (t[1] and t[2])\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = true, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 10, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] }, ["height"] = 18, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["backdropColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "6uHiDH8icUH", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = true, ["color"] = { }, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, ["glow_action"] = "show", }, ["finish"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.dadgreyhp = {}\naura_env.dadGreyHpOn = aura_env.config.dadgreyhp\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["width"] = 38, ["xOffset"] = 160, ["config"] = { ["dadgreyhp"] = false, }, ["semver"] = "3.0.1", ["id"] = "Holy Power 5 DM", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["adjustedMin"] = "100", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "None", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.07843137254902, -- [1] 0.07843137254902, -- [2] 0.07843137254902, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["30 Minute Rares Has Spawned"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "zs_TxqV0H", ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["customText"] = "function()\n aura_env.nextRares = {}\n aura_env.currentTime = time()\n for _, v in ipairs(aura_env.rareTimers) do\n if aura_env.config[\"doNotShow\"][v[5]] and (aura_env.config.includeKilledToday or not C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v[7])) then\n aura_env.timeLeft = (v[1] - aura_env.currentTime) % aura_env.timeInterval\n table.insert(aura_env.nextRares, {aura_env.timeLeft - 40, v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7]})\n end\n end\n \n table.sort(aura_env.nextRares, function(a, b) return a[1] > b[1] end)\n aura_env.message = \"\"\n local rare = aura_env.nextRares[1]\n if rare and rare[1] > ((840 - aura_env.config.duration) * 60) and rare[1] < 840 * 60 then -- 810 and 840 minutes in seconds\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. (C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(rare[7]) == true and \"*\" or \"\") .. rare[2][GetLocale()] .. aura_env.localization[1][GetLocale()] \n if aura_env.config.toggle == false and aura_env.config.coordinates == false then\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. aura_env.localization[2][GetLocale()].. tostring(rare[3]) .. \", \" .. \n tostring(rare[4]) .. aura_env.localization[3][rare[6]][GetLocale()] .. C_Map.GetMapInfo(rare[6]).name .. \"\\n\"\n elseif aura_env.config.toggle == false and aura_env.config.coordinates then\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. aura_env.localization[3][rare[6]][GetLocale()] .. C_Map.GetMapInfo(rare[6]).name .. \"\\n\"\n else\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. \"\\n\"\n end\n return aura_env.message\n end\nend\n\n\n\n", ["yOffset"] = -19.691772460938, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.rareTimersEU = \n{\n {1674675060, \n {\n enUS = \"Phleep\",\n deDE = \"Pfliep\",\n frFR = \"Phleep\",\n esES = \"Phleep\",\n itIT = \"Phleep\",\n ruRU = \"Флюп\",\n ptBR = \"Flippo\",\n zhCN = \"Phleep\",\n zhTW = \"Phleep\",\n koKR = \"Phleep\"\n }, \n 59, 86, 1, 2025, 69866},\n \n {1674676860, \n {\n enUS = \"Magmaton\",\n deDE = \"Magmaton\",\n frFR = \"Magmaton\",\n esES = \"Magmatón\",\n itIT = \"Magmaton\",\n ruRU = \"Магматон\",\n ptBR = \"Magmaton\",\n zhCN = \"Magmaton\",\n zhTW = \"Magmaton\",\n koKR = \"Magmaton\"\n }, \n 40, 63, 2, 2022, 70979},\n \n {1674678660, \n {\n enUS = \"Gruffy\",\n deDE = \"Schroffi\",\n frFR = \"Bêla\",\n esES = \"Indomable\",\n itIT = \"Gruffy\",\n ruRU = \"Брыкун\",\n ptBR = \"Grufoso\",\n zhCN = \"Gruffy\",\n zhTW = \"Gruffy\",\n koKR = \"Gruffy\"\n },\n 33, 29, 3, 2024, 69885},\n \n {1674680460, \n {\n enUS = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n deDE = \"Ronsak der Dezimierer\",\n frFR = \"Ronsak le Dévastateur\",\n esES = \"Ronsak el Diezmador\",\n itIT = \"Ronsak il Decimatore\",\n ruRU = \"Ронсак Истребитель\",\n ptBR = \"Ronsak, o Dizimador\",\n zhCN = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n zhTW = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n koKR = \"Ronsak the Decimator\"\n }, \n 44, 57, 4, 2023, 69878},\n \n {1674682260, \n {\n enUS = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n deDE = \"Flussläufer Tamopo\",\n frFR = \"Marche-rivière Tamopo\",\n esES = \"Caminarríos Tamopo\",\n itIT = \"Calcafiume Tamopo\",\n ruRU = \"Тамопо Бороздящий Реку\",\n ptBR = \"Andarilho do Rio Tamopo\",\n zhCN = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n zhTW = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n koKR = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\"\n }, \n 40, 70, 5, 2025, 69880},\n \n {1674684060, \n {\n enUS = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n deDE = \"Amethyzar der Glitzernde\",\n frFR = \"Améthyzar le Scintillant\",\n esES = \"Amethyzar el Relumbrante\",\n itIT = \"Amethyzar lo Splendente\",\n ruRU = \"Аметизар Сверкающий\",\n ptBR = \"Amethyzar, o Lampejante\",\n zhCN = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n zhTW = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n koKR = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\"\n }, \n 64, 55, 6, 2022, 69838},\n \n {1674685860, \n {\n enUS = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n deDE = \"Eldoren der Wiedergeborene\",\n frFR = \"Eldoren le Ressuscité\",\n esES = \"Eldoren el Renacido\",\n itIT = \"Eldoren la Rinata\",\n ruRU = \"Элдорен Возрожденный\",\n ptBR = \"Eldoren, o Renascido\",\n zhCN = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n zhTW = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n koKR = \"Eldoren the Reborn\"\n }, \n 49, 50, 7, 2025, 69875},\n \n {1674689460, \n {\n enUS = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n deDE = \"Skag der Werfer\",\n frFR = \"Skag le Lanceur\",\n esES = \"Skag el Lanzador\",\n itIT = \"Skag il Lanciatore\",\n ruRU = \"Скаг Метатель\",\n ptBR = \"Skag, o Arremessador\",\n zhCN = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n zhTW = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n koKR = \"Skag the Thrower\"\n }, \n 27, 50, 8, 2024, 72154},\n \n {1674691260, \n {\n enUS = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n deDE = \"Mikrin der tobenden Winde\",\n frFR = \"Mikrin des Vents déchaînés\",\n esES = \"Mikrin de los Vientos Arrasadores\",\n itIT = \"Mikrin dei Venti Furenti\",\n ruRU = \"Микрин Дитя Вихрей\",\n ptBR = \"Mikrin dos Ventos Coléricos\",\n zhCN = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n zhTW = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n koKR = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\"\n }, \n 63, 80, 9, 2023, 69857},\n \n {1674693060, \n {\n enUS = \"Rokmur\",\n deDE = \"Rokmur\",\n frFR = \"Rokmur\",\n esES = \"Rokmur\",\n itIT = \"Rokmur\",\n ruRU = \"Рокмур\",\n ptBR = \"Rokmur\",\n zhCN = \"Rokmur\",\n zhTW = \"Rokmur\",\n koKR = \"Rokmur\"\n }, \n 50, 52, 10, 2025, 69966},\n \n {1674694860, \n {\n enUS = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n deDE = \"Schmokflunk der Feuerspeier\",\n frFR = \"Brumacien le Crache-feu\",\n esES = \"Esmogsapo Soplafuegos\",\n itIT = \"Drospog lo Sputafuoco\",\n ruRU = \"Рогожог Огнедышащий\",\n ptBR = \"Zapo-fumo, o Soprafogo\",\n zhCN = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n zhTW = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n koKR = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\"\n }, \n 70, 65, 11, 2022, 69668},\n \n {1674696660, \n {\n enUS = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n deDE = \"Matriarchin Remalla\",\n frFR = \"Matriarche Remalla\",\n esES = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n itIT = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n ruRU = \"Матриарх Ремалла\",\n ptBR = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n zhCN = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n zhTW = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n koKR = \"Matriarch Remalla\"\n }, \n 53, 59, 12, 2025, 69883},\n \n {1674698460, \n {\n enUS = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n deDE = \"O'nank Strandsieb\",\n frFR = \"O'nank Ecume-Rivage\",\n esES = \"O'nank Peinacostas\",\n itIT = \"O'nank Rovistalidi\",\n ruRU = \"О'нанк Пескорой\",\n ptBR = \"O'nank Limpacosta\",\n zhCN = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n zhTW = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n koKR = \"O'nank Shorescour\"\n }, \n 79, 53, 13, 2022, 70983},\n \n {1674700260,\n {\n enUS = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n deDE = \"Forscherin Schleichflügel\",\n frFR = \"Chercheuse Rusaile\",\n esES = \"Investigadora Alaescape\",\n itIT = \"Ricercatrice Alafurba\",\n ruRU = \"Исследовательница Незримое Крыло\",\n ptBR = \"Pesquisadora Sagasa\",\n zhCN = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n zhTW = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n koKR = \"Researcher Sneakwing\"\n }, \n 37, 54, 14, 2023, 70698},\n \n {1674702060, \n {\n enUS = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n deDE = \"Schatzbesessener Trambladd\",\n frFR = \"Chasseur de trésors Trambladd\",\n esES = \"Trambladd el Codicioso\",\n itIT = \"Trambladd l'Acchiappatesori\",\n ruRU = \"Златолюбец Зацепий\",\n ptBR = \"Tesouro-louco Trambladd\",\n zhCN = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n zhTW = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n koKR = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\"\n }, \n 35, 70, 15, 2025, 70947},\n \n {1674703860, \n {\n enUS = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n deDE = \"Harkyn Grymmstein\",\n frFR = \"Harkyn Trysteroc\",\n esES = \"Harkyn Piedrasiniestra\",\n itIT = \"Harkyn Pietracupa\",\n ruRU = \"Харкин Мрачноскал\",\n ptBR = \"Harkyn Sombrólito\",\n zhCN = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n zhTW = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n koKR = \"Harkyn Grymstone\"\n },\n 42, 40, 16, 2022, 70213},\n \n {1674705660, \n {\n enUS = \"Fulgurb\",\n deDE = \"Fulgurb\",\n frFR = \"Fulgurb\",\n esES = \"Fulgurb\",\n itIT = \"Fulgurb\",\n ruRU = \"Фулгурб\",\n ptBR = \"Fulglutão\",\n zhCN = \"Fulgurb\",\n zhTW = \"Fulgurb\",\n koKR = \"Fulgurb\"\n }, \n 76, 48, 17, 2023, 69856},\n \n {1674707460, \n {\n enUS = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n deDE = \"Sandana der Sturm\",\n frFR = \"Sandana la Tempête\",\n esES = \"Sandana la Tempestad\",\n itIT = \"Sandana il Temporale\",\n ruRU = \"Сандана Живой Ураган\",\n ptBR = \"Sandana, o Tormentoso\",\n zhCN = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n zhTW = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n koKR = \"Sandana the Tempest\"\n }, \n 38, 78, 18, 2025, 69859},\n \n {1674709260, \n {\n enUS = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n deDE = \"Gorjo der Krabbenfessler\",\n frFR = \"Gorjo le Piégeur de crabes\",\n esES = \"Gorjo el Encadenador de Cangrejos\",\n itIT = \"Gorjo l'Incatenatore di Granchi\",\n ruRU = \"Горджо Ловец Крабов\",\n ptBR = \"Gorjo, o Agrilhoador de Caranguejo\",\n zhCN = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n zhTW = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n koKR = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\"\n }, \n 79, 51, 19, 2022, 69874},\n \n {1674711060, \n {\n enUS = \"Steamgill\",\n deDE = \"Dampfkieme\",\n frFR = \"Fumenage\",\n esES = \"Branquiavapor\",\n itIT = \"Branchialercia\",\n ruRU = \"Парожабр\",\n ptBR = \"Vaporgil\",\n zhCN = \"Steamgill\",\n zhTW = \"Steamgill\",\n koKR = \"Steamgill\"\n }, \n 54, 73, 20, 2023, 69667},\n \n {1674712860, \n {\n enUS = \"Tempestrian\",\n deDE = \"Orkandrian\",\n frFR = \"Tempestrien\",\n esES = \"Tempestriano\",\n itIT = \"Tempestrian\",\n ruRU = \"Бурестриан\",\n ptBR = \"Tempestriano\",\n zhCN = \"Tempestrian\",\n zhTW = \"Tempestrian\",\n koKR = \"Tempestrian\"\n }, \n 50, 79, 21, 2025, 69886},\n \n {1674714660, \n {\n enUS = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n deDE = \"Riesige Magmakrabbe\",\n frFR = \"Magmacrabe énorme\",\n esES = \"Magmaconcha enorme\",\n itIT = \"Gusciomagma Massiccio\",\n ruRU = \"Гигантский магмапанцирь\",\n ptBR = \"Magmacasco Enorme\",\n zhCN = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n zhTW = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n koKR = \"Massive Magmashell\"\n }, \n 22, 77, 22, 2022, 69848},\n \n {1674716460, \n {\n enUS = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n deDE = \"Grollrüssel\",\n frFR = \"Barronchon\",\n esES = \"Gruñetrompa\",\n itIT = \"Proboscide Bisbetica\",\n ruRU = \"Ревохобот\",\n ptBR = \"Rabugentino\",\n zhCN = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n zhTW = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n koKR = \"Grumbletrunk\"\n }, \n 20, 43, 23, 2024, 69892},\n \n {1674718260, \n {\n enUS = \"Oshigol\",\n deDE = \"Oshigol\",\n frFR = \"Oshigol\",\n esES = \"Oshigol\",\n itIT = \"Oshigol\",\n ruRU = \"Ошигол\",\n ptBR = \"Oshigol\",\n zhCN = \"Oshigol\",\n zhTW = \"Oshigol\",\n koKR = \"Oshigol\"\n }, \n 61, 27, 24, 2023, 69877},\n \n {1674720060, \n {\n enUS = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n deDE = \"Brutweberin Araznae\",\n frFR = \"Tisse-couvée Araznae\",\n esES = \"Tejedora de la prole Araznae\",\n itIT = \"Tessistirpe Araznae\",\n ruRU = \"Ткач Гнезда Аразна\",\n ptBR = \"Tece-prole Araznae\",\n zhCN = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n zhTW = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n koKR = \"Broodweaver Araznae\"\n }, \n 60, 71, 25, 2025, 69868},\n \n {1674721860, \n {\n enUS = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n deDE = \"Azras preisgekrönte Pfingstrose\",\n frFR = \"Précieuse pivoine d'Azra\",\n esES = \"Peonía preciada de Azra\",\n itIT = \"Peonia Preziosa di Azra\",\n ruRU = \"Любимый пион Азры\",\n ptBR = \"Peônia Premiada de Azra\",\n zhCN = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n zhTW = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n koKR = \"Azra's Prized Peony\"\n }, \n 55, 72, 26, 2022, 69839},\n \n {1674723660, \n {\n enUS = \"Malsegan\",\n deDE = \"Malsegan\",\n frFR = \"Malsegan\",\n esES = \"Malsegan\",\n itIT = \"Malsegan\",\n ruRU = \"Малсеган\",\n ptBR = \"Malsegan\",\n zhCN = \"Malsegan\",\n zhTW = \"Malsegan\",\n koKR = \"Malsegan\"\n }, \n 72, 46, 27, 2023, 69871}\n}\n\naura_env.rareTimersNA = \n{\n {1674714660, \n {\n enUS = \"Phleep\",\n deDE = \"Pfliep\",\n frFR = \"Phleep\",\n esES = \"Phleep\",\n itIT = \"Phleep\",\n ruRU = \"Флюп\",\n ptBR = \"Flippo\",\n zhCN = \"Phleep\",\n zhTW = \"Phleep\",\n koKR = \"Phleep\"\n }, \n 59, 86, 1, 2025, 69866},\n \n {1674716460, {\n enUS = \"Magmaton\",\n deDE = \"Magmaton\",\n frFR = \"Magmaton\",\n esES = \"Magmatón\",\n itIT = \"Magmaton\",\n ruRU = \"Магматон\",\n ptBR = \"Magmaton\",\n zhCN = \"Magmaton\",\n zhTW = \"Magmaton\",\n koKR = \"Magmaton\"\n }, \n 40, 66, 2, 2022, 70979},\n \n {1674718260, \n {\n enUS = \"Gruffy\",\n deDE = \"Schroffi\",\n frFR = \"Bêla\",\n esES = \"Indomable\",\n itIT = \"Gruffy\",\n ruRU = \"Брыкун\",\n ptBR = \"Grufoso\",\n zhCN = \"Gruffy\",\n zhTW = \"Gruffy\",\n koKR = \"Gruffy\"\n }, \n 33, 29, 3, 2024, 69885},\n \n {1674720060, \n {\n enUS = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n deDE = \"Ronsak der Dezimierer\",\n frFR = \"Ronsak le Dévastateur\",\n esES = \"Ronsak el Diezmador\",\n itIT = \"Ronsak il Decimatore\",\n ruRU = \"Ронсак Истребитель\",\n ptBR = \"Ronsak, o Dizimador\",\n zhCN = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n zhTW = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n koKR = \"Ronsak the Decimator\"\n }, \n 44, 57, 4, 2023, 69878},\n \n {1674721860, \n {\n enUS = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n deDE = \"Flussläufer Tamopo\",\n frFR = \"Marche-rivière Tamopo\",\n esES = \"Caminarríos Tamopo\",\n itIT = \"Calcafiume Tamopo\",\n ruRU = \"Тамопо Бороздящий Реку\",\n ptBR = \"Andarilho do Rio Tamopo\",\n zhCN = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n zhTW = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n koKR = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\"\n }, \n 40, 70, 5, 2025, 69880},\n \n {1674723660, \n {\n enUS = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n deDE = \"Amethyzar der Glitzernde\",\n frFR = \"Améthyzar le Scintillant\",\n esES = \"Amethyzar el Relumbrante\",\n itIT = \"Amethyzar lo Splendente\",\n ruRU = \"Аметизар Сверкающий\",\n ptBR = \"Amethyzar, o Lampejante\",\n zhCN = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n zhTW = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n koKR = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\"\n }, \n 64, 55, 6, 2022, 69838},\n \n {1674725460, \n {\n enUS = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n deDE = \"Eldoren der Wiedergeborene\",\n frFR = \"Eldoren le Ressuscité\",\n esES = \"Eldoren el Renacido\",\n itIT = \"Eldoren la Rinata\",\n ruRU = \"Элдорен Возрожденный\",\n ptBR = \"Eldoren, o Renascido\",\n zhCN = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n zhTW = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n koKR = \"Eldoren the Reborn\"\n }, \n 49, 50, 7, 2025, 69875},\n \n {1674729060, \n {\n enUS = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n deDE = \"Skag der Werfer\",\n frFR = \"Skag le Lanceur\",\n esES = \"Skag el Lanzador\",\n itIT = \"Skag il Lanciatore\",\n ruRU = \"Скаг Метатель\",\n ptBR = \"Skag, o Arremessador\",\n zhCN = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n zhTW = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n koKR = \"Skag the Thrower\"\n }, \n 27, 50, 8, 2024, 72154},\n \n {1674730860, \n {\n enUS = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n deDE = \"Mikrin der tobenden Winde\",\n frFR = \"Mikrin des Vents déchaînés\",\n esES = \"Mikrin de los Vientos Arrasadores\",\n itIT = \"Mikrin dei Venti Furenti\",\n ruRU = \"Микрин Дитя Вихрей\",\n ptBR = \"Mikrin dos Ventos Coléricos\",\n zhCN = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n zhTW = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n koKR = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\"\n }, \n 63, 80, 9, 2023, 69857},\n \n {1674732660, \n {\n enUS = \"Rokmur\",\n deDE = \"Rokmur\",\n frFR = \"Rokmur\",\n esES = \"Rokmur\",\n itIT = \"Rokmur\",\n ruRU = \"Рокмур\",\n ptBR = \"Rokmur\",\n zhCN = \"Rokmur\",\n zhTW = \"Rokmur\",\n koKR = \"Rokmur\"\n }\n , 50, 52, 10, 2025, 69966},\n \n {1674734460, \n {\n enUS = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n deDE = \"Schmokflunk der Feuerspeier\",\n frFR = \"Brumacien le Crache-feu\",\n esES = \"Esmogsapo Soplafuegos\",\n itIT = \"Drospog lo Sputafuoco\",\n ruRU = \"Рогожог Огнедышащий\",\n ptBR = \"Zapo-fumo, o Soprafogo\",\n zhCN = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n zhTW = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n koKR = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\"\n }, \n 70, 65, 11, 2022, 69668},\n \n {1674736260, \n {\n enUS = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n deDE = \"Matriarchin Remalla\",\n frFR = \"Matriarche Remalla\",\n esES = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n itIT = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n ruRU = \"Матриарх Ремалла\",\n ptBR = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n zhCN = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n zhTW = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n koKR = \"Matriarch Remalla\"\n },\n 53, 59, 12, 2025, 69883},\n \n {1674738060, \n {\n enUS = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n deDE = \"O'nank Strandsieb\",\n frFR = \"O'nank Ecume-Rivage\",\n esES = \"O'nank Peinacostas\",\n itIT = \"O'nank Rovistalidi\",\n ruRU = \"О'нанк Пескорой\",\n ptBR = \"O'nank Limpacosta\",\n zhCN = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n zhTW = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n koKR = \"O'nank Shorescour\"\n }, \n 79, 53, 13, 2022, 70983},\n \n {1674739860, \n {\n enUS = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n deDE = \"Forscherin Schleichflügel\",\n frFR = \"Chercheuse Rusaile\",\n esES = \"Investigadora Alaescape\",\n itIT = \"Ricercatrice Alafurba\",\n ruRU = \"Исследовательница Незримое Крыло\",\n ptBR = \"Pesquisadora Sagasa\",\n zhCN = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n zhTW = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n koKR = \"Researcher Sneakwing\"\n }, \n 37, 54, 14, 2023, 70698},\n \n {1674741660, \n {\n enUS = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n deDE = \"Schatzbesessener Trambladd\",\n frFR = \"Chasseur de trésors Trambladd\",\n esES = \"Trambladd el Codicioso\",\n itIT = \"Trambladd l'Acchiappatesori\",\n ruRU = \"Златолюбец Зацепий\",\n ptBR = \"Tesouro-louco Trambladd\",\n zhCN = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n zhTW = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n koKR = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\"\n }, \n 35, 70, 15, 2025, 70947},\n \n {1674743460, \n {\n enUS = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n deDE = \"Harkyn Grymmstein\",\n frFR = \"Harkyn Trysteroc\",\n esES = \"Harkyn Piedrasiniestra\",\n itIT = \"Harkyn Pietracupa\",\n ruRU = \"Харкин Мрачноскал\",\n ptBR = \"Harkyn Sombrólito\",\n zhCN = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n zhTW = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n koKR = \"Harkyn Grymstone\"\n }, \n 42, 40, 16, 2022, 70213},\n \n {1674745260, \n {\n enUS = \"Fulgurb\",\n deDE = \"Fulgurb\",\n frFR = \"Fulgurb\",\n esES = \"Fulgurb\",\n itIT = \"Fulgurb\",\n ruRU = \"Фулгурб\",\n ptBR = \"Fulglutão\",\n zhCN = \"Fulgurb\",\n zhTW = \"Fulgurb\",\n koKR = \"Fulgurb\"\n }, \n 76, 48, 17, 2023, 69856},\n \n {1674747060, \n {\n enUS = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n deDE = \"Sandana der Sturm\",\n frFR = \"Sandana la Tempête\",\n esES = \"Sandana la Tempestad\",\n itIT = \"Sandana il Temporale\",\n ruRU = \"Сандана Живой Ураган\",\n ptBR = \"Sandana, o Tormentoso\",\n zhCN = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n zhTW = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n koKR = \"Sandana the Tempest\"\n }, \n 38, 78, 18, 2025, 69859},\n \n {1674748860, \n {\n enUS = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n deDE = \"Gorjo der Krabbenfessler\",\n frFR = \"Gorjo le Piégeur de crabes\",\n esES = \"Gorjo el Encadenador de Cangrejos\",\n itIT = \"Gorjo l'Incatenatore di Granchi\",\n ruRU = \"Горджо Ловец Крабов\",\n ptBR = \"Gorjo, o Agrilhoador de Caranguejo\",\n zhCN = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n zhTW = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n koKR = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\"\n }, \n 79, 51, 19, 2022, 69874},\n \n {1674750660, \n {\n enUS = \"Steamgill\",\n deDE = \"Dampfkieme\",\n frFR = \"Fumenage\",\n esES = \"Branquiavapor\",\n itIT = \"Branchialercia\",\n ruRU = \"Парожабр\",\n ptBR = \"Vaporgil\",\n zhCN = \"Steamgill\",\n zhTW = \"Steamgill\",\n koKR = \"Steamgill\"\n }, \n 54, 73, 20, 2023, 69667},\n \n {1674752460, \n {\n enUS = \"Tempestrian\",\n deDE = \"Orkandrian\",\n frFR = \"Tempestrien\",\n esES = \"Tempestriano\",\n itIT = \"Tempestrian\",\n ruRU = \"Бурестриан\",\n ptBR = \"Tempestriano\",\n zhCN = \"Tempestrian\",\n zhTW = \"Tempestrian\",\n koKR = \"Tempestrian\"\n }, \n 50, 79, 21, 2025, 69886},\n \n {1674754260, \n {\n enUS = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n deDE = \"Riesige Magmakrabbe\",\n frFR = \"Magmacrabe énorme\",\n esES = \"Magmaconcha enorme\",\n itIT = \"Gusciomagma Massiccio\",\n ruRU = \"Гигантский магмапанцирь\",\n ptBR = \"Magmacasco Enorme\",\n zhCN = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n zhTW = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n koKR = \"Massive Magmashell\"\n }, \n 22, 77, 22, 2022, 69848},\n \n {1674756060, \n {\n enUS = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n deDE = \"Grollrüssel\",\n frFR = \"Barronchon\",\n esES = \"Gruñetrompa\",\n itIT = \"Proboscide Bisbetica\",\n ruRU = \"Ревохобот\",\n ptBR = \"Rabugentino\",\n zhCN = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n zhTW = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n koKR = \"Grumbletrunk\"\n }, \n 20, 43, 23, 2024, 69892},\n \n {1674757860, \n {\n enUS = \"Oshigol\",\n deDE = \"Oshigol\",\n frFR = \"Oshigol\",\n esES = \"Oshigol\",\n itIT = \"Oshigol\",\n ruRU = \"Ошигол\",\n ptBR = \"Oshigol\",\n zhCN = \"Oshigol\",\n zhTW = \"Oshigol\",\n koKR = \"Oshigol\"\n }, \n 61, 27, 24, 2023, 69877},\n \n {1674759660, \n {\n enUS = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n deDE = \"Brutweberin Araznae\",\n frFR = \"Tisse-couvée Araznae\",\n esES = \"Tejedora de la prole Araznae\",\n itIT = \"Tessistirpe Araznae\",\n ruRU = \"Ткач Гнезда Аразна\",\n ptBR = \"Tece-prole Araznae\",\n zhCN = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n zhTW = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n koKR = \"Broodweaver Araznae\"\n }, \n 60, 71, 25, 2025, 69868},\n \n {1674761460, \n {\n enUS = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n deDE = \"Azras preisgekrönte Pfingstrose\",\n frFR = \"Précieuse pivoine d'Azra\",\n esES = \"Peonía preciada de Azra\",\n itIT = \"Peonia Preziosa di Azra\",\n ruRU = \"Любимый пион Азры\",\n ptBR = \"Peônia Premiada de Azra\",\n zhCN = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n zhTW = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n koKR = \"Azra's Prized Peony\"\n }, \n 55, 72, 26, 2022, 69839},\n \n {1674763260, \n {\n enUS = \"Malsegan\",\n deDE = \"Malsegan\",\n frFR = \"Malsegan\",\n esES = \"Malsegan\",\n itIT = \"Malsegan\",\n ruRU = \"Малсеган\",\n ptBR = \"Malsegan\",\n zhCN = \"Malsegan\",\n zhTW = \"Malsegan\",\n koKR = \"Malsegan\"\n }, \n 72, 46, 27, 2023, 69871}\n}\n\naura_env.localization = {\n {\n enUS = \" has spawned\",\n frFR = \" est apparau\",\n deDE = \" ist gespawnt\",\n esES = \" ha aparecido\",\n itIT = \" has spawned\",\n ruRU = \" has spawned\",\n ptBR = \" has spawned\",\n zhCN = \" has spawned\",\n zhTW = \" has spawned\",\n koKR = \" has spawned\"\n }, \n \n {\n enUS = \" at \",\n frFR = \" en \",\n deDE = \" bei \",\n esES = \" en \",\n itIT = \" at \",\n ruRU = \" at \",\n ptBR = \" at \",\n zhCN = \" at \",\n zhTW = \" at \",\n koKR = \" at \"\n },\n {\n \n [2022] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" aux \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en las \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n },\n [2023] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" aux \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en las \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n },\n [2024] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" à la \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en las \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n },\n [2025] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" à \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n \n }\n }\n}\n\naura_env.currentRegion = GetCurrentRegion()\naura_env.rareTimers = (aura_env.currentRegion == 1 or aura_env.currentRegion == 2 or aura_env.currentRegion == 4 or aura_env.currentRegion == 5) and aura_env.rareTimersNA or aura_env.rareTimersEU\naura_env.timeInterval = 14 * 60 * 60\naura_env.nextRares = {}\n\naura_env.currentTime = time()\nfor _, v in ipairs(aura_env.rareTimers) do\n if aura_env.config[\"doNotShow\"][v[5]] then\n aura_env.timeLeft = (v[1] - aura_env.currentTime) % aura_env.timeInterval\n table.insert(aura_env.nextRares, {aura_env.timeLeft, v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6]})\n end\nend\n\ntable.sort(aura_env.nextRares, function(a, b) return a[1] > b[1] end)\n\naura_env.last = GetTime()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "TIMER", ["unit"] = "player", ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.nextRares[1][1] > ((840 - aura_env.config.duration) * 60) and aura_env.nextRares[1][1] < 840 * 60 then\n return true\n end\nend\n\n\n", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["events"] = "PKT_BtnWayPoint_RMB", ["duration"] = "1", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n if not aura_env.last or aura_env.last < GetTime() - 1 then\n aura_env.last = GetTime()\n return true\n end\n return false\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["events"] = "SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", ["duration"] = "0", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [3] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n return t[1]\nend\n\n\n", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 3, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 26, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["load"] = { ["use_effectiveLevel"] = false, ["ingroup"] = { }, ["use_never"] = false, ["zone"] = "", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2112, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025", ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "mythic", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_size"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["fontSize"] = 16, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "JW)xob1sn7w", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["regionType"] = "text", ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/zs_TxqV0H/26", ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["parent"] = "Xirev's Dragonflight 30 Minute Rare Spawn Timer", ["displayText"] = "%c", ["semver"] = "3.2.10", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["tocversion"] = 100005, ["id"] = "30 Minute Rares Has Spawned", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Waypoint Button Functions", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["text"] = "Left Click:\nSet the Waypoint to the next rare that is spawning.\n\nRight Click:\nSet the Waypoint to the currently spawned rare as long as the \"spawned\" message is displayed.", ["type"] = "description", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [2] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "If the Timer Isn't Updating", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["text"] = "In order to not refresh the aura too frequently, it is relying on the Spell Update Cooldown event which fires every 3 seconds while in Dragonflight zones for some reason. In other continents it only triggers when you trigger the global cooldown or while an ability is on cooldown.", ["type"] = "description", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [4] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Location Options", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Remove Location & Coordinates", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "toggle", ["desc"] = "Removes the coordinates and zone where the rare is. Enable this option on the group so it affects both WeakAuras at the same time.", }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Remove Only Coordinates", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "coordinates", ["desc"] = "Enable to remove only the coordinates and retain the zone information.", }, -- [7] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Rare Display Options", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Include Rares Killed Today", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "includeKilledToday", ["desc"] = "Enable this option to show rares which you have already killed today. The rares will be marked with an asterisk (*) in front of their name if you have killed them on your current character today.", }, -- [9] { ["softMin"] = 0, ["type"] = "range", ["bigStep"] = 1, ["max"] = 30, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "duration", ["default"] = 3, ["softMax"] = 30, ["name"] = "Display Duration", ["useDesc"] = true, ["desc"] = "Enter an amount in minutes that you wish the \"has spawned\" message will display for. (0 to not display it)", }, -- [10] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [11] { ["width"] = 0.9, ["type"] = "multiselect", ["values"] = { "Phleep", -- [1] "Magmaton", -- [2] "Gruffy", -- [3] "Ronsak the Decimator", -- [4] "Riverwalker Tamopo", -- [5] "Amethyzar the Glittering", -- [6] "Eldoren the Reborn", -- [7] "Skag the Thrower", -- [8] "Mikrin of the Raging Winds", -- [9] "Rokmur", -- [10] "Smogswog the Firebreather", -- [11] "Matriarch Remalla", -- [12] "O'nank Shorescour", -- [13] "Researcher Sneakwing", -- [14] "Treasure-Mad Trambladd", -- [15] "Harkyn Grymstone", -- [16] "Fulgurb", -- [17] "Sandana the Tempest", -- [18] "Gorjo the Crab Shackler", -- [19] "Steamgill", -- [20] "Tempestrian", -- [21] "Massive Magmashell", -- [22] "Grumbletrunk", -- [23] "Oshigol", -- [24] "Broodweaver Araznae", -- [25] "Azra's Prized Peony", -- [26] "Malsegan", -- [27] }, ["name"] = "Exclude Rares", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "doNotShow", ["default"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] true, -- [14] true, -- [15] true, -- [16] true, -- [17] true, -- [18] true, -- [19] true, -- [20] true, -- [21] true, -- [22] true, -- [23] true, -- [24] true, -- [25] true, -- [26] true, -- [27] }, ["desc"] = "Untick rares you do not wish to track.", }, -- [12] }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = -190, ["config"] = { ["coordinates"] = false, ["toggle"] = true, ["duration"] = 5, ["includeKilledToday"] = false, ["doNotShow"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] true, -- [14] true, -- [15] true, -- [16] true, -- [17] true, -- [18] true, -- [19] true, -- [20] true, -- [21] true, -- [22] true, -- [23] true, -- [24] true, -- [25] true, -- [26] true, -- [27] }, }, ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 2, ["variable"] = "show", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "local _, addonLoaded = IsAddOnLoaded(\"TomTom\")\nif addonLoaded == false then\n C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UiMapPoint.CreateFromCoordinates(aura_env.nextRares[1][6], aura_env.nextRares[1][3]/100, aura_env.nextRares[1][4]/100, 0))\n C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedUserWaypoint(true)\nelse\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(aura_env.nextRares[1][6], aura_env.nextRares[1][3]/100, aura_env.nextRares[1][4]/100, {title=aura_env.nextRares[1][2][GetLocale()], from=\"Xirev's Dragonflight 30 Minute Rare Timer\", crazy = true })\nend", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] }, ["information"] = { }, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", }, ["BF NDR Holy Power 5"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 86, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["adjustedMax"] = "10", ["yOffset"] = -20, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/gn5mrFxGL/10", ["icon"] = false, ["fontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 0.38039219379425, -- [1] 0.68627452850342, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "PALADIN", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["use_class"] = true, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "pvp", ["multi"] = { ["flexible"] = true, ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["fortyman"] = true, ["ten"] = true, ["twentyfive"] = true, ["twenty"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 70, ["multi"] = { [70] = true, [65] = true, [66] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_vehicle"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["single"] = 3, ["multi"] = { [3] = true, }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = false, ["use_vehicleUi"] = false, ["difficulty"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["smoothProgress"] = true, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["sparkDesaturate"] = false, ["texture"] = "VuhDo - Minimalist", ["zoom"] = 0, ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["displayIcon"] = "Liadrin's Fury Unleashed", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "gn5mrFxGL", ["parent"] = "No Divine Resonance", ["customText"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, ["use_inverse"] = false, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["use_specific_unit"] = false, ["powertype"] = 9, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["itemSetName"] = 0, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["duration"] = "1", ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power"] = "4", ["power_operator"] = "==", ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["useMatch_count"] = true, ["match_countOperator"] = "==", ["ownOnly"] = true, ["unit"] = "group", ["useRem"] = false, ["rem"] = "5", ["type"] = "aura2", ["match_count"] = "1", ["remOperator"] = ">=", ["useName"] = true, ["auranames"] = { "223306", -- [1] }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "aura2", ["auranames"] = { "387895", -- [1] }, ["matchesShowOn"] = "showOnMissing", ["unit"] = "player", ["useRem"] = false, ["remOperator"] = "<", ["useName"] = true, ["rem"] = "10", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [3] ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = true, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 10, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] }, ["height"] = 18, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["backdropColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "IyigCk(97QN", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["color"] = { }, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, ["glow_action"] = "show", }, ["finish"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["width"] = 38, ["xOffset"] = 160, ["config"] = { }, ["semver"] = "3.0.1", ["id"] = "BF NDR Holy Power 5", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["adjustedMin"] = "5", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "None", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.07843137254902, -- [1] 0.07843137254902, -- [2] 0.07843137254902, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["BF DR Holy Power 2"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 86, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["adjustedMax"] = "15", ["yOffset"] = -20, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/gn5mrFxGL/10", ["icon"] = false, ["fontFlags"] = "OUTLINE", ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["enableGradient"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["barColor"] = { 0.38039219379425, -- [1] 0.68627452850342, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "PALADIN", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_encounterid"] = false, ["use_class"] = true, ["role"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "pvp", ["multi"] = { ["flexible"] = true, ["party"] = true, ["scenario"] = true, ["fortyman"] = true, ["ten"] = true, ["twentyfive"] = true, ["twenty"] = true, ["none"] = true, }, }, ["talent2"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 70, ["multi"] = { [70] = true, [65] = true, [66] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_vehicle"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["single"] = 3, ["multi"] = { [3] = true, }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = false, ["use_vehicleUi"] = false, ["difficulty"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_spellknown"] = false, ["faction"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["pvptalent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["race"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["smoothProgress"] = true, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["sparkDesaturate"] = false, ["texture"] = "VuhDo - Minimalist", ["zoom"] = 0, ["auto"] = true, ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["displayIcon"] = "Liadrin's Fury Unleashed", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "gn5mrFxGL", ["parent"] = "Divine Resonance Active", ["customText"] = "", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 0, ["use_inverse"] = false, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["use_specific_unit"] = false, ["powertype"] = 9, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["itemSetName"] = 0, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["duration"] = "1", ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power"] = "0", ["power_operator"] = "==", ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["useMatch_count"] = true, ["match_countOperator"] = "==", ["ownOnly"] = true, ["unit"] = "group", ["useRem"] = false, ["rem"] = "10", ["type"] = "aura2", ["match_count"] = "1", ["remOperator"] = ">=", ["useName"] = true, ["auranames"] = { "223306", -- [1] }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "aura2", ["auranames"] = { "387895", -- [1] }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["matchesShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["useName"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [3] ["disjunctive"] = "all", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 2, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["preset"] = "fade", }, }, ["backdropInFront"] = true, ["stickyDuration"] = false, ["version"] = 10, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] }, ["height"] = 18, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["backdropColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "Kv9AiqHBrmf", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["color"] = { }, ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["borderInFront"] = true, ["spark"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "RIGHT", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, ["glow_action"] = "show", }, ["finish"] = { ["do_glow"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["width"] = 38, ["xOffset"] = 40, ["config"] = { }, ["semver"] = "3.0.1", ["id"] = "BF DR Holy Power 2", ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["adjustedMin"] = "10", ["frameStrata"] = 4, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["borderBackdrop"] = "None", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0.07843137254902, -- [1] 0.07843137254902, -- [2] 0.07843137254902, -- [3] 0, -- [4] }, ["inverse"] = true, ["sparkDesature"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["10.0.7 Rare Bars"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["user_x"] = 0, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["displayText"] = "%disp", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "local region = WeakAuras.GetRegion(aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId)\nif region and region.state and region.state.show then\n aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] = region\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "if aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] then\n aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] = nil\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.regions = {}\naura_env.zones = {\n { zoneID = 2151, zone = \"Forbidden Reach\" },\n { zoneID = 2024, zone = \"Azure Span\" },\n { zoneID = 2023, zone = \"Ohn'ahran Plains\" },\n { zoneID = 2025, zone = \"Thaldraszus\" },\n { zoneID = 2022, zone = \"Waking Shores\" },\n}\n\naura_env.slots = {\n [1] = \"Helmet\",\n [2] = \"Neck\",\n [3] = \"Shoulders\",\n [4] = \"Cloak\",\n [5] = \"Chest\",\n [6] = \"Bracers\",\n [7] = \"Gloves\",\n [8] = \"Belt\",\n [9] = \"Legs\",\n [10] = \"Boots\",\n [11] = \"Ring\",\n [12] = \"Trinket\",\n [13] = \"1H\",\n [14] = \"2H\",\n [15] = \"Off Hand\",\n [16] = \"Pattern\",\n [17] = \"Key/Quest Item\",\n [18] = \"Pet\",\n [19] = \"Mount\",\n [20] = \"Skill\",\n [21] = \"Toy\",\n}\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["useTooltip"] = true, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.66666668653488, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "VERTICAL", ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["alpha"] = 1, ["displayText_format_disp_abbreviate_max"] = 8, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["parent"] = "10.0.7 Rares", ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "kYkx6YlLA", ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["customText"] = "function()\n --Translit Edit\nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["icon"] = true, ["zoom"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "update", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n if event == \"GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP\" and ... then\n local button = ...\n if button == \"LeftButton\" then-----Mouse input block Start-------------------------------------------------------------\n if IsControlKeyDown() then\n local lootLink = \"\"\n if aura_env.config.rareSettings.SLpting then -- check if single line out pout has been selected in custome options\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n for _, link in ipairs(states[cloneID].links) do\n lootLink = lootLink .. link .. \" \"-- print loot to chat window (in a single line)\n end\n print(states[cloneID].disp .. \": \" .. lootLink)\n end\n end\n else\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n print(states[cloneID].disp)\n for _, link in ipairs(states[cloneID].links) do-- print loot to chat window (in a list)\n print(link)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif IsShiftKeyDown() then\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region.icon)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n local x, y = states[cloneID].X, states[cloneID].Y\n if x ~= 0 and y ~=0 then\n if IsAddOnLoaded(\"TomTom\") and aura_env.config.rareSettings.Utt then-- checks if tomtom is installed and if the users wants to use tomtom need to dig in to see if theres tomtom:resetall << its not that as i tried that :P\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(states[cloneID].zoneID, x/100, y/100, {title=states[cloneID].disp,from=\"WeakAuras\"})\n else --set blizzard work markers\n C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UiMapPoint.CreateFromCoordinates(states[cloneID].zoneID, x/100, y/100, 0))\n C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedUserWaypoint(true)\n end\n end\n break\n end\n end\n end\n elseif button == \"RightButton\" then\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n C_Map.ClearUserWaypoint()-- Clear map pins blizzard\n break\n end\n end\n end -----Mouse input block End--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n else\n local cfg = aura_env.config\n local cfg = aura_env.config\n local map = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(\"player\")\n local class = select(3, UnitClass(\"player\"))\n local update\n local playerzone = map\n for i, rare in ipairs(cfg.rares) do\n -- check zones\n local rareZone = aura_env.zones[rare.zone]\n local inZone = rareZone.zoneID == map and true or false\n -- check completion\n local isCompleted = C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(rare.questID)\n local skip = (cfg.rareSettings.hideComplete and isCompleted) or (cfg.rareSettings.onlyElites and not rare.isElite) or (aura_env.config[\"rareSettings\"].currentZone and map ~= rareZone.zoneID)\n \n if skip and states[rare.questID] then\n states[rare.questID] = { changed = true, show = false }\n update = true\n \n elseif not skip and not states[rare.questID] then\n \n -- how are we organizing this?\n local index = rare.name\n if cfg[\"rareSettings\"].rareSort == 2 then\n index = (inZone and 0 or 10) + rare.zone^2 + (rare.isElite and 0 or 1)\n end\n \n \n local tooltip = rare.name ..format(\" (%s) |cFFFFFFFF/way %s, %s|r\", rareZone.zone, rare.X, rare.Y..\"\\n\"..rare.note) -- show /way in tooltip\n --local tooltip = rare.name .. \" (\" .. rareZone.zone .. \")\" -- dont show /way in tooltip\n \n states[rare.questID] = {\n icon = rare.isElite and \"vignetteeventelite\" or \"vignetteevent\",\n disp = rare.name,\n zone = rareZone.zoneShort,\n zoneID = rareZone.zoneID,\n inZone = inZone,\n currentZone = cfg[\"rareSettings\"].currentZone,\n isCompleted = isCompleted,\n tooltip = tooltip,\n tooltipWrap = false,\n index = index,\n links = {},\n X = rare.X,\n Y = rare.Y,\n changed = true,\n show = true\n }\n \n -- check loot\n local slots = 1 -- scarp varible \n for _, a in ipairs(cfg.rares[i].loot) do\n local itemID = a.itemID\n local itemSlot = a.itemSlot\n local itemClass = a.class\n local item = Item:CreateFromItemID(itemID)\n local link\n local slot = aura_env.slots[itemSlot]\n \n if item and not item:IsItemEmpty() then\n -- check relevant only\n if cfg.rareSettings.relOnly and not itemClass[class] then\n tooltip = tooltip\n elseif aura_env.config.rareSettings.Att then\n item:ContinueOnItemLoad(function()\n tooltip = tooltip .. \"\\n|cFFFFFFFF[\" .. slot .. \"] \" .. item:GetItemLink()\n link = item:GetItemLink()\n end\n )\n table.insert(states[rare.questID].links, link)\n end\n end\n end\n states[rare.questID].tooltip = tooltip\n update = true\n elseif states[rare.questID] and states[rare.questID].isCompleted ~= isCompleted then\n states[rare.questID].isCompleted = isCompleted\n states[rare.questID].changed = true\n update = true\n elseif states[rare.questID] and states[rare.questID].inZone ~= inZone then\n states[rare.questID].inZone = inZone\n states[rare.questID].changed = true\n update = true\n end \n end\n \n return update\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["events"] = "START,PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED, PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED, ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA, ZONE_CHANGED, ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["customVariables"] = "{\n disp = 'string',\n inZone = 'bool',\n currentZone = 'bool',\n isCompleted = 'bool'\n}", ["custom_hide"] = "custom", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n --Translit Edit\nend", }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "START", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config[\"rareSettings\"].rareEnable then\n return true\n end \nend", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1] and (trigger[2])\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["user_y"] = 0, ["desc"] = "green text = unkilled and in same zone\nred text = killed \nwhite text not in same zone and not killed", ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["id"] = "10.0.7 Rare Bars", ["version"] = 19, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [2] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%disp", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "LEFT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_LEFT", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_visible"] = true, }, -- [3] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_zone_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%zone", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_locy_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", ["text_justify"] = "RIGHT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_locx_format"] = "none", ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_visible"] = true, }, -- [4] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_zone_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%drops", ["text_text_format_drops_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_locy_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "LEFT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 434, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = false, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "LEFT", ["text_text_format_locx_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", }, -- [5] }, ["height"] = 16, ["rotate"] = true, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["semver"] = "1.0.18", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.1843137294054, -- [2] 0.27450981736183, -- [3] 0.5278508067131, -- [4] }, ["startAngle"] = 0, ["mirror"] = false, ["config"] = { ["rareSettings"] = { ["SLpting"] = false, ["Utt"] = true, ["Att"] = true, ["onlyElites"] = true, ["relOnly"] = false, ["rareEnable"] = true, ["hideComplete"] = false, ["rareSort"] = 1, ["currentZone"] = false, }, ["rares"] = { { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74341", ["Y"] = 60.9, ["X"] = 42.7, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Zskera Vault Key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Ashenwing", ["itemSlot"] = 18, ["itemID"] = 193374, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Bonesifter Marwak", ["note"] = "Located at the center of the Skyfox Den in Aerie Chasm. \nHas a plethora of elemental-themed attacks and at 50%, \nit summons an elite Water Elemental add which banishes \nthe rare until defeated.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [1] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74340", ["Y"] = 31.8, ["X"] = 37, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Duzalgor", ["note"] = "Located inside the Support Creche, which is overtaken by a \npoisonous gas that will leave you unconscious and kick you out \nof the Creche if not controlled.\n\nTake the Toxin Antidote at the entrance of the Creche to counter \nthe poisonous gas.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [2] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74337", ["Y"] = 41.4, ["X"] = 26.7, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Gahz'raxes", ["note"] = "Located inside an underwater cave. \nCan cause cave-ins and has a frontal cone breath attack, \nboth which must be dodged.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [3] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74342", ["Y"] = 79.10000000000001, ["X"] = 44.7, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Galakhad", ["note"] = "Located near the top of one of the mountains of the Forbidden Reach.\n Has Lightning-centric attacks that must be dodged and leave \nzones that players can stand on to get Haste buffs.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [4] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74343", ["Y"] = 90.7, ["X"] = 43.7, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Grugoth the Hullcrusher", ["note"] = "Located within a small boat by the southern coast of the Reach.\n Has a massive range AOE fear that must be interrupted and \na whirlwind that focuses on targets.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [5] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74338", ["Y"] = 14.3, ["X"] = 41.3, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Ishyra", ["note"] = "Located by a small platform overlooking the northern coast of \nthe Reach.\nHas an attack that summons Expulsion Drones that will knock \nyou out of the platform and evade the rare if not taken care of \nSimply CC the drones before they finish the cast.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [6] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74344", ["Y"] = 58.1, ["X"] = 61.2, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Lady Shaz'ra", ["note"] = "Located within a cave at the bottom of a waterfall. \nHas an attack that transforms everyone into crabs, and you \nmust kill the totems as crabs to stop her channeling.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [7] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74346", ["Y"] = 46.2, ["X"] = 69.3, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Mad-Eye Carrey", ["note"] = "Located within a cave by Hornswog Hollow. Has two crew members with him\nFirst Mate Ovdah and Navigator Bi-Yun that must be killed first, as they \nshield the rare while alive.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [8] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74349", ["Y"] = 11.8, ["X"] = 36.7, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "ancient-salamanther", ["itemSlot"] = 19, ["itemID"] = 192772, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Ookbeard", ["note"] = "Located by a small island on the northern coast of the Reach. \nRare itself is immobile and unleashes a flurry of banana-based attacks, \nas well as adds that focus targets and suicide bomb them.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [9] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74350", ["Y"] = 59.7, ["X"] = 51.9, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Pyrachniss", ["note"] = "Located deep inside the War Creche by the lava in the Earthwarder's Cauldron area - \nOnce you leave the first set of staircases into the Earthwarder's Cauldron area, take a left until you locate a small cyclone.\n This will give you a slow fall to reach the rare's location. There is a rune of return next to the rare in the lava to get you out of the location.\n/way #2151 51.9 59.7(Entrance)\n/way #2151 67.2 55.5(War Creche Coordinates)\n", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [10] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74339", ["Y"] = 19.2, ["X"] = 46.7, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Reisa the Drowned", ["note"] = "Located by a small cave near the northern coast of the Reach. \nSummons void zones that spawn elite adds if not soaked properly.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [11] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74345", ["Y"] = 67.5, ["X"] = 72.8, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Veltrax", ["note"] = "Located at the center of the naga cave by Stormsunder Crater. \nSummons adds and has a focus attack that stuns its target.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [12] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74351", ["Y"] = 54.6, ["X"] = 74.4, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Volcanakk", ["note"] = "Located inside the Siege Creche by Stormsunder Mountain. \nSummons fiery adds and has a frontal cone attack that disorients players hit. \nAs the area is small and full with Elite mobs, it's advised to clear a bit before\n engaging the rare.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [13] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74336", ["Y"] = 49.7, ["X"] = 59.1, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Scruffles", ["itemSlot"] = 18, ["itemID"] = 193364, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Vraken the Hunter", ["note"] = "Located inside a small cave by the Old Weyrn Grounds. \nThrows traps that root and deal damage and summons \nchakrams that reduce Haste if hit.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [14] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74348", ["Y"] = 59.7, ["X"] = 51.9, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "wakyn", ["itemSlot"] = 18, ["itemID"] = 191930, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Warden Entrix", ["note"] = "Located deep inside the War Creche by the first room where the Dracthyr start\nout.\nOnce you leave the first set of staircases into the Earthwarder's Cauldron area,\n take a right until you find a staircase leading to a teleporter. \nUse the teleporter to reach the inner area and fight your way to the rare.\nSummons a crystal that spawns reinforcements and has a massive AOE attack\nthat must be interrupted.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [15] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74347", ["Y"] = 30, ["X"] = 61.8, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Wyrmslayer Angvardi", ["note"] = "Located at the top of the tower that overlooks Froststone Vault. \nShares health with his companion Nidharr via Wyrm's Heart. \nAngvardi must be tanked and uses bombs to explode targets, \nwhile Nidharr remains static at the center of the platform and uses fire breath attacks.", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [16] { ["Profrare"] = 9, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74333", ["Y"] = 57.66, ["X"] = 28.94, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Conductive Ametrine Shard", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204222, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Amephyst", ["note"] = "Found at the back on the cave beind the village\n\nBase item: Crystal Fork\nSummoning Item: Crystal Tuning Fork\nSpawn Object Resonant Crystal", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [17] { ["Profrare"] = 8, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74328", ["Y"] = 41.7, ["X"] = 49.2, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Glimmering Rune of Arcantrix", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204229, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Arcantrix", ["note"] = "Base Item: Hastily Scrawled Rune\nSummoning Item: Arcane Dispelling Rune\nSpawn Object: Spellsworn Ward\n", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [18] { ["Profrare"] = 10, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74307", ["Y"] = 47.11, ["X"] = 37.13, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "slyvern-alpha-claw", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204232, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Snarfang", ["note"] = "Base Item: Pristine Pelt \nSummoning Item: Reinforced Pristine Leather\nSpawn Object: Tuskarr Tanning Rack \n", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [19] { ["Profrare"] = 13, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74321", ["Y"] = 53.42, ["X"] = 31.18, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Perfect Windfeather", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204225, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Gareed", ["note"] = "Base Item: Torn Morqut Kite\nSummoning Item: Traditional Morqut Kite\nSpawn Object: Tuskarr Kite Post", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [20] { ["Profrare"] = 2, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74325", ["Y"] = 58.9, ["X"] = 80.10000000000001, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Dense Seaforged Javelin", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204230, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Tidesmith Zarviss", ["note"] = "Base Item: Damaged Trident\nSummoning Item: Ancient Ceremonial Trident\nSpawn Object: Farscale Shrine", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [21] { ["Profrare"] = 5, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74330", ["Y"] = 26.8, ["X"] = 61.2, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Everflowing Antifreeze", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204227, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Fimbol", ["note"] = "Base Item: Broken Gnomish Voicebox\nSummoning Item: Gnomish Voicebox\nSpawn Object: Damaged Buzzspire 505", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [22] { ["Profrare"] = 1, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74331", ["Y"] = 39.02, ["X"] = 53.39, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Blazehoof Ashes", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204226, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Agni Blazehoof ", ["note"] = "Base Item: Dampening Powder\nSummoning Item: Draconic Suppression Powder\nSpawn Object: Volatile Brazier", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [23] { ["Profrare"] = 4, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74306", ["Y"] = 36.5, ["X"] = 55.4, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Speck of Arcane Awareness", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204224, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Manathema", ["note"] = "Base Item: Dull Crystal\nSummoning Item: Glowing Crystal Bookmark\nSpawn Object: Book of Arcane Entities", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [24] { ["Profrare"] = 3, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74332", ["Y"] = 51.53, ["X"] = 55.69, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Luttrok", ["note"] = "Base Item: Lackluster Spices\nSummoning Item: Sparkling Spice Pouch\nSpawn Object: Spiceless Stew", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [25] { ["Profrare"] = 7, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74329", ["Y"] = 59.14, ["X"] = 56.43, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Undigested Hochenblume Petal", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204225, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Kangalo", ["note"] = "Base Item: \nSummoning Item: Dormant Lifebloom Seeds\nSpawn Object: Awakened Soil\n", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [26] { ["Profrare"] = 11, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74329", ["Y"] = 49, ["X"] = 43.3, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Impenetrable Elemental Core", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204233, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Tectonic Rock Fragment ", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204632, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] }, ["name"] = "Tectonus", ["note"] = "Base Item: \nSummoning Item: Amplified Quaking Stone\nSpawn Object: Rumbling Deposit", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [27] { ["Profrare"] = 12, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74322", ["Y"] = 36.7, ["X"] = 45.1, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Kingly Sheepskin Pelt", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 204231, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Faunos", ["note"] = "Base Item: \nSummoning Item: Razor-Sharp Animal Bone\nSpawn Object: Raw Argali Pelts", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [28] { ["Profrare"] = 6, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74305", ["Y"] = 67.01, ["X"] = 23.07, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "zskera-vault-key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Sir Pinchalot", ["note"] = "Base Item: N/A the curio is fished up ready to use\nSummoning Item: Elusive Croaking Crab\nSpawn Object: Empty Crab Trap", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [29] { ["Profrare"] = 14, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74936", ["Y"] = 0, ["X"] = 0, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Zskera Vault Key", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 202196, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] }, ["name"] = "Loot Specialist", ["note"] = "Can spawn at any loction on the island (each of the time i've seen him its been in a cave. , once attacked you have 15 second in which to kill it before it despawns\ndrops douple loot eg 2 keys", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [30] }, }, ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Rare Module", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "What to show!", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Display Rares?", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "rareEnable", ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the rare list |n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "None Profession spawns", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "onlyElites", ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display only None Profession spawns |n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Current Zone Only", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "currentZone", ["desc"] = "If enabled, will only display rares in your current zone.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Toggle completed|r", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "hideComplete", ["desc"] = "If enabled, will hide rares marked as complete.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [5] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "How to show it!", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Class Loot Only", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "relOnly", ["desc"] = "Show only loot for your class|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [7] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Advanced tooltip", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Att", ["desc"] = "Show loot in mouse over tool tip|n(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r)", }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Chat window output on single line", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "SLpting", ["desc"] = "If enabled will print loot to chat window output on single line|n(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r)", }, -- [9] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "TomTom intergration", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Utt", ["desc"] = "Turn on Tomtom world markers|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", }, -- [10] { ["width"] = 0.5, ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Name", -- [1] "Zone", -- [2] }, ["name"] = "Sort By", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "rareSort", ["default"] = 1, ["desc"] = "Which order do you want the rares sorted by Name or Zone", }, -- [11] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["name"] = "Rares", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["collapse"] = true, ["type"] = "group", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["key"] = "rareSettings", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [2] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Rare /loot config", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "name", ["name"] = "Name", ["default"] = "", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "questID", ["name"] = "Quest ID", ["default"] = "", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "isElite", ["name"] = "None Profession rare", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["width"] = 1, ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Alchemy", -- [1] "Blacksmithing", -- [2] "Cooking", -- [3] "Enchanting", -- [4] "Engineering", -- [5] "Fishing", -- [6] "Herbalism", -- [7] "Inscription", -- [8] "Jewelcrafting", -- [9] "Leatherworking", -- [10] "Mining", -- [11] "Skinning", -- [12] "Tailoring", -- [13] "None profession rare", -- [14] }, ["name"] = "which profession", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "Profrare", ["default"] = 14, ["desc"] = "If this is a profession rare selct which", }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 2, ["default"] = "", ["name"] = "Notes", ["multiline"] = true, ["key"] = "note", ["length"] = 10, ["desc"] = "Notes", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 100, ["step"] = 0.01, ["width"] = 0.5, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "X", ["default"] = 0, ["name"] = "X", ["desc"] = "West - East postion", }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 100, ["step"] = 0.01, ["width"] = 0.5, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "Y", ["default"] = 0, ["name"] = "Y", ["desc"] = "North - South Postion", }, -- [7] { ["width"] = 1, ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Forbidden Reach", -- [1] "Azure Span", -- [2] "Ohn'ahran Plains", -- [3] "Thaldraszus", -- [4] "Waking Shores", -- [5] }, ["name"] = "Zone", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "zone", ["default"] = 1, ["desc"] = "Choose a zone", }, -- [8] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "itemName", ["name"] = "Item Name", ["default"] = "", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 999999999999, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "itemID", ["default"] = 0, ["name"] = "Item ID", }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "select", ["default"] = 1, ["values"] = { "Helmet", -- [1] "Neck", -- [2] "Shoulders", -- [3] "Cloak", -- [4] "Chest", -- [5] "Bracers", -- [6] "Gloves", -- [7] "Belt", -- [8] "Legs", -- [9] "Boots", -- [10] "Ring", -- [11] "Trinket", -- [12] "1H Weapon", -- [13] "2H Weapon", -- [14] "Off Hand", -- [15] "Pattern", -- [16] "Key/Quest Item", -- [17] "Pet", -- [18] "Mount", -- [19] "Skill", -- [20] "Toy", -- [21] }, ["name"] = "Slot", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "itemSlot", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "multiselect", ["default"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, ["values"] = { "|cFFc69b6dWarrior", -- [1] "|cFFf48cbaPaladin", -- [2] "|cFFaad372Hunter", -- [3] "|cFFfff468Rogue", -- [4] "Priest", -- [5] "|cFFc41e3aDeath Knight", -- [6] "|cFF0070ddShaman", -- [7] "|cFF3fc7ebMage", -- [8] "|cFF8788eeWarlock", -- [9] "|cFF00ff98Monk", -- [10] "|cFFff7c0aDruid", -- [11] "|cFFa330c9Demon Hunter", -- [12] "|cFF33937fEvoker", -- [13] }, ["name"] = "Class Relevance", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "class", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] }, ["hideReorder"] = false, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 1, ["name"] = "Loot Editor", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["collapse"] = false, ["type"] = "group", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "array", ["key"] = "loot", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [9] }, ["hideReorder"] = false, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 1, ["name"] = "Rare Editor", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["collapse"] = true, ["type"] = "group", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "array", ["key"] = "rares", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [4] { ["text"] = "|cffff0000 Do Not |r use reset to default button it will reset rare and loot data", ["type"] = "description", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [5] }, ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["displayText_format_disp_abbreviate"] = false, ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, 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aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"{rt6}\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"Cleared\"\nelse\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnText = \"\"\n aura_env.sayBubbleOnTextCleared = \"\"\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["orientation"] = "ANTICLOCKWISE", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -1, ["variable"] = "customcheck", ["value"] = "function(s)\n if s[1].active == true and s[2].active == false and aura_env.circleVisualOff == true then\n return true\n end\nend", }, ["changes"] = { { ["property"] = "alpha", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["backgroundOffset"] = 0, }, ["check"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["displayText_format_text_format"] = "none", ["wagoID"] = "9MpDLGWp3", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["customText"] = "", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, 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'\\r' --append todo list items\n return text\nend\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["type"] = "unit", ["use_health"] = false, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["percenthealth"] = "100", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["namerealm"] = "Unluckyluke-Silvermoon, Telepozer-Silvermoon", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["names"] = { }, ["health_operator"] = "~=", ["use_percenthealth"] = true, ["percenthealth_operator"] = "~=", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1]\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["useTooltip"] = true, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["desc"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by 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https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia\n-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n Header = { \n enUS = 'Tamas Forbidden Reach Helper',\n -- deDE = 'ph1',\n -- zhTW = 'ph1', \n -- zhCN = 'ph1',\n -- ruRU = 'ph1',\n -- frFR = 'ph1',\n -- nlNL = 'ph1',\n -- jaJP = 'ph1',\n -- koKR = 'ph1',\n },\n -- intro quests\n IntroQ1 = {enUS = 'Hidden Legacies',},\n IntroQ2 = {enUS = 'Return to the reach:',},\n IntroQ3 = {enUS = 'Wings of Mercy:',},\n IntroQ4 = {enUS = 'Stemming the Irontide:',},\n IntroQ5 = {enUS = 'An Eclectic Accord:',}, \n \n IntroQ6 = {enUS = 'Emberthal Awaits:',},\n IntroQ7 = {enUS = 'The Best We Have:',},\n IntroQ8 = {enUS = 'Creche Fallen:',},\n IntroQ9 = {enUS = 'Inheritance:',},\n IntroQ10 = {enUS ='Aiding the Expedition:',}, \n \n IntroQ11 = {enUS ='An Interdisciplinary Approach:',}, \n IntroQ12 = {enUS ='Keeping the Flame at Bay:',}, \n IntroQ13 = {enUS ='Chasing the Flame:',}, \n IntroQ14 = {enUS ='A Creche Divided:',}, \n IntroQ15 = {enUS ='Return to Viridia:',}, \n \n HHaC = { enUS = 'Helping hand and claw',}, \n EoP = {enUS = 'Exploring our past',}, \n TKYN = {enUS = 'The Keys You Need',}, \n VaultAZ = {enUS = 'Zskera vault az', }, \n \n ring = {enUS = 'The forgotten ring ',}, \n PrimoEmb = {enUS = 'Primordial Embellishment', }, \n \n Stormbc = { enUS = 'Trial of Storms', },\n FBPVP = { enUS = 'Sparks of Life: The Forbidden Reach (PvP)', },\n \n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n \n { name = \"IntroQ1\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74381,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ2\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73076,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ3\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73157,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ4\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74769,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ5\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 75050,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"IntroQ6\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74847,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ7\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72712,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ8\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72545,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ9\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72713,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ10\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73094,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"IntroQ11\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72714,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ12\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72715,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ13\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73137,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ14\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72717,}, }, },\n { name = \"IntroQ15\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73156,}, }, },\n \n { name = \"HHaC\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73160,}, }, },--HHaC- 73160\n { name = \"EoP\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73159,}, }, },\n { name = \"TKYN\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74294,}, }, },\n { name = \"VaultAZ\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 72953,}, }, },--72953/zskera-vault-az\n \n { name = \"ring\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 73155,}, }, },--The forgotten ring 73155\n { name = \"PrimoEmb\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74355,}, }, }, --Primordial Embellishment 74355\n \n \n { name = \"Stormbc\", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74567,}, }, },\n { name = \"FBPVP \", maximum = 1, quests = { {questId = 74567,}, }, },\n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n --Include switchesCatalyst\n local IntroQ = aura_env.config.TD.Show1\n local VaultQ = aura_env.config.TD.Show2\n local Ring42 = aura_env.config.TD.Show3\n local Storms = aura_env.config.TD.Show4\n local FBPVPs = aura_env.config.TD.Show5\n \n --Hide switches\n local IntroQh = aura_env.config.TD.hide\n \n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to display\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1' and IntroQ or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ6' and IntroQ or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ7' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ8' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ9' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ10' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ11' and IntroQ or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ12' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ13' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ14' and IntroQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ15' and IntroQ or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'HHaC' and VaultQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'EoP' and VaultQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'TKYN' and VaultQ or\n todoEntry.name == 'VaultAZ' and VaultQ or \n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'ring' and Ring42 or\n todoEntry.name == 'PrimoEmb' and Ring42 or \n \n todoEntry.name == 'Stormbc' and Storms or \n todoEntry.name == 'FBPVPs' and Storms then\n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ1' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ2' and not IntroQh or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ3' and not IntroQh or \n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ4' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ5' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ6' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ7' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ8' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ9' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ10' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ11' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ12' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ13' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ14' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'IntroQ15' and not IntroQh or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'HHaC' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'EoP' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'TKYN' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'VaultAZ' and not IntroQh or\n \n \n todoEntry.name == 'ring' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'PrimoEmb' and not IntroQh or\n \n todoEntry.name == 'Stormbc' and not IntroQh or\n todoEntry.name == 'FBPVPs' and not IntroQh then\n \n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ' ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config.TD.showOverview then -- cheack if use want to show\n \n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('Header'), 'ffcf00ff') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n -- end\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display() \n \n return true\nend", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["check"] = "event", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display() \n \n return true\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "CHAT_MSG_LOOT,PARTY_KILL,BAG_UPDATE,QUEST_COMPLETE,QUEST_AUTOCOMPLETE,WORLD_QUEST_COMPLETED_BY_SPELL,UPDATE_FACTION,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,ENCOUNTER_LOOT_RECEIVED,QUEST_TURNED_IN,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE", ["check"] = "event", ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["useTooltip"] = true, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["desc"] = "--code is a modified version of Korthia Checklist https://wago.io/cyRj6ikQz by Dorovon#1260 for the original todo lists in korthia", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 19, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["load"] = { ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["level"] = "70", ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["use_size"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_ingroup"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["zoneIds"] = "2151,2100,2101,2102,2109,2110,2111,2118,2131,2026", ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_alive"] = true, ["level_operator"] = ">=", ["use_level"] = true, }, ["displayText_format_3.name_format"] = "none", ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["conditions"] = { }, ["anchorFrameFrame"] = "WeakAuras:1007 BGtd", ["regionType"] = "text", ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["uid"] = "OfUlXt(bDOz", ["anchorFrameParent"] = false, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Todo list", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the todo list text |n|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "showOverview", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cFF00ffaaWeekly Todo list|r", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If enabled, will hide Tasks marked as complete.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "hide", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Hide completed", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Intro Quests", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r\\)|nTracking of the Spark of life and war mode chest etc", ["key"] = "Show1", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Introduction Story Quest Line", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r\\)|nTracking of the Spark of life and war mode chest etc", ["key"] = "Show2", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Zskera Vault Quest Line", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r\\)|nTracking of the Spark of life and war mode chest etc", ["key"] = "Show3", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "424 Ring Quest Line", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Weekly", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [7] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r\\)|nTracking of the Spark of life and war mode chest etc", ["key"] = "Show4", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Trial of storms", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the task |n|(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r\\)|nTracking of the Spark of life and war mode chest etc", ["key"] = "Show5", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Sparks of Life: The Forbidden Reach", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [9] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["key"] = "TD", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = true, ["name"] = "Todo list Config", ["collapse"] = true, ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [2] }, ["parent"] = "10.0.7 Todo list", ["semver"] = "1.0.18", ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["id"] = "1007 todo list", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SELECTFRAME", ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["config"] = { ["TD"] = { ["Show1"] = false, ["Show4"] = true, ["hide"] = true, ["showOverview"] = true, ["Show3"] = true, ["Show2"] = true, ["Show5"] = true, }, }, ["displayText_format_3.stacks_format"] = "none", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["fixedWidth"] = 245, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["displayText"] = "%c\n", }, ["Smart Misdirect Updated"] = { ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["wagoID"] = "n9Sg1NLb5", ["parent"] = "HUNT", ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "local tank_name = aura_env.config[\"priorityTankName\"]\nlocal defaultUnit = aura_env.config[\"defaultUnit\"]\nlocal debugOn = aura_env.config[\"debugOn\"]\nlocal spellName = \"\" -- Interlope doesn't work when you cast Interlope, it only works when you cast Misdirection, so we store the displayed spell here. I fucking hate blizzard.\nlocal last_tank_before_clear = \"\"\n\n--\n-- Author: Proxying - https://github.com/Proxying\n-- Idea from: Chilly @ Draenor\n-- Refactored by: Kovi @ Area52\n--\n--\n\nlocal getClassColorString = function(string)\n return WrapTextInColorCode(tostring(string), select(4, GetClassColor(select(2, UnitClass(\"player\")))))\nend\n\n-- A wrapper function with debug announcing capabilities\nlocal MisdirectSetAttribute = function(button, attribute, value)\n button:SetAttribute(attribute, value)\n \n local debugString = table.concat({\": Setting \\\"\", attribute, \"\\\" to \\\"\", tostring(value), \"\\\"\"})\n DebugPrint(table.concat({getClassColorString(\"DEBUG\"), debugString}))\n if debugOn then\n print(table.concat({getClassColorString(\"SmartMisdirect DEBUG\"), debugString}))\n end\nend\n\naura_env.setInterlopeOrMisdirect = function()\n local oldSpellName = spellName\n spellName = IsPlayerSpell(248518) and tostring(select(1, GetSpellInfo(248518))) or tostring(select(1, GetSpellInfo(34477))) -- Set displayed spell name to \"Interlope\" if we know Interlope, or \"Misdirect\" if we don't\n \n if oldSpellName ~= \"\" and oldSpellName ~= spellName then\n print(table.concat({getClassColorString(\"SmartMisdirect\"), \" updated to use \", getClassColorString(spellName)}))\n end\n \n aura_env.smart_find_tank()\nend\n\naura_env.smart_find_tank = function()\n local tank_unit = nil\n local backup_tank = nil\n local priority_tank = false\n \n if tank_name ~= \"\" then\n priority_tank = true\n end\n \n if IsInRaid() and \"raid\" or \"party\" then\n for member_unit in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n -- To display names we need names, and the server doesn't always return them (thanks Blizzard). This method will re-run itself if it doesn't get a proper name at first\n if(tank_unit == nil) and UnitGroupRolesAssigned(member_unit) == \"TANK\" and UnitName(member_unit) ~= \"Unknown\" then\n if priority_tank and tank_name == UnitName(member_unit) then\n tank_unit = UnitName(member_unit)\n elseif priority_tank then\n backup_tank = UnitName(member_unit)\n else\n tank_unit = UnitName(member_unit)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if tank_unit == nil then\n if backup_tank == nil then\n if UnitName(\"pet\") ~= nil then\n tank_unit = IsPlayerSpell(248518) and \"player\" or \"pet\" -- Set to Player if we know Interlope, else Pet\n end\n else\n tank_unit = backup_tank\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.btn:GetAttribute(\"unit\") ~= tank_unit then\n if tank_unit == nil then\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"unit\", defaultUnit)\n else\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"unit\", tank_unit)\n if(last_tank_before_clear ~= tank_unit) then -- This gate is just to limit spamming when you have a pet as your tank and mount/land repeatedly\n local coloredSpellName = getClassColorString(spellName)\n local coloredTankName = WrapTextInColorCode(UnitName(tank_unit), select(4,GetClassColor(select(2,UnitClass(tank_unit)))))\n print(table.concat({coloredSpellName, \" updated with \", coloredTankName, \" as target\"}))\n end\n last_tank_before_clear = tank_unit\n end\n end\nend\n\n-- Initialization\nif SmartMisdirect == nil then\n aura_env.btn = CreateFrame(\"Button\", \"SmartMisdirect\", UIParent, \"SecureActionButtonTemplate\")\nelse\n aura_env.btn = SmartMisdirect\nend\n\nMisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"type\", \"spell\")\nMisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"unit\", defaultUnit)\n\nif select(3, UnitClass(\"player\")) == 4 then\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"spell\", 57934)\n spellName = \"Tricks of the Trade\"\nelse\n MisdirectSetAttribute(aura_env.btn, \"spell\", 34477)\n aura_env.setInterlopeOrMisdirect()\nend\n\naura_env.smart_find_tank()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["custom"] = "--\n-- Author: Proxying - https://github.com/Proxying\n-- Idea from: Chilly @ Draenor\n-- Refactored by: Kovi @ Area52\n--\n--\n\nfunction(event)\n if event ~= \"PLAYER_STARTED_MOVING\" then\n if event == \"GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE\" or event == \"UNIT_PET\" or event == \"PET_BAR_UPDATE\" or event == \"PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD\" then\n aura_env.update_required = true\n -- Interlope PVP talent handling\n elseif (event == \"PVP_WORLDSTATE_UPDATE\" or event == \"PLAYER_PVP_TALENT_UPDATE\") and select(3, UnitClass(\"player\")) == 3 then\n aura_env.setInterlopeOrMisdirect()\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.update_required and not InCombatLockdown() then\n aura_env.smart_find_tank()\n aura_env.update_required = false\n end\nend", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE,UNIT_PET,PET_BAR_UPDATE,PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD,PLAYER_STARTED_MOVING,PVP_WORLDSTATE_UPDATE,PLAYER_PVP_TALENT_UPDATE", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["desc"] = "Smart Misdirect will try to find your intended misdirection target automatically. If you are in a party/raid it will select a tank. If there is no available tank and you are a Hunter with an active pet summon, the pet will be set as your Misdirect target.\n\nRequires one of the following macros to cast;\n\nHunter;\n#showtooltip Misdirection\n/click SmartMisdirect\n\nRogue;\n#showtooltip Tricks of the Trade\n/click SmartMisdirect\n", ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 44, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["load"] = { ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 261, ["multi"] = { [253] = true, [255] = true, [259] = true, [260] = true, [261] = true, [254] = true, }, }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = false, ["use_class"] = false, ["zoneIds"] = "", ["use_never"] = false, ["class"] = { ["single"] = "HUNTER", ["multi"] = { ["HUNTER"] = true, ["ROGUE"] = true, }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["displayText"] = "SMU", ["regionType"] = "text", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/n9Sg1NLb5/44", ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["conditions"] = { }, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Priority Tank Name", ["default"] = "", ["desc"] = "This tank will always be chosen first", ["key"] = "priorityTankName", ["length"] = 10, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Default Unit", ["default"] = "target", ["desc"] = "Default behavior when no tanks or pets are found. Use e.g. \"target\" or \"focus\" or \"party4\" etc. (without quotes)", ["key"] = "defaultUnit", ["length"] = 50, ["multiline"] = false, ["useLength"] = true, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Prints more detailed information while things are happening, in order to facilitate finding problems", ["key"] = "debugOn", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Live Debug Enabled", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] }, ["config"] = { ["debugOn"] = false, ["defaultUnit"] = "target", ["priorityTankName"] = "", }, ["semver"] = "1.0.43", ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["id"] = "Smart Misdirect Updated", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["uid"] = "OyhlBJwJUtM", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["information"] = { ["debugLog"] = false, ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = false, }, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", }, ["Items Barter Pebble"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["authorOptions"] = { { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "Keys", ["default"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Barter Pebble", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["collapse"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "Item tracking config", ["key"] = "ITC", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [1] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasSeason2Helper/13", ["icon"] = true, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["useTooltip"] = true, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.66666668653488, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["rotation"] = 0, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_size"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2133,2184,2112,2022,2023,2024,2025", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100100, ["alpha"] = 1, ["uid"] = "DQD9W9WGPRR", ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "5mg5d5cuB", ["parent"] = "10.1 bars (Reps ,Event Timers ect) ", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_exact_itemName"] = true, ["use_count"] = true, ["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "item", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Item Count", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["use_includeBank"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["count"] = "0", ["itemName"] = 205903, ["use_unit"] = true, ["names"] = { }, ["count_operator"] = ">", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "START", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config.ITC.Keys then\n return true\n end \nend", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n if trigger[2] then\n return trigger[1]\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["version"] = 13, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%n", ["text_text_format_3.name_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "LEFT", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["text_text_format_3.stacks_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_1.stacks_format"] = "none", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["text_justify"] = "CENTER", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 10, ["text_color"] = { 0.8117647767067, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["text_anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = 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}, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.23529413342476, -- [2] 0.14901961386204, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, }, ["Regrowth"] = { ["iconSource"] = -1, ["color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["cooldownSwipe"] = true, ["cooldownEdge"] = false, ["icon"] = true, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "aura2", ["use_debuffClass"] = false, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["auranames"] = { "Dream of Cenarius", -- [1] }, ["unit"] = "player", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["names"] = { }, ["useName"] = true, ["useExactSpellId"] = false, ["auraspellids"] = { "372119", -- [1] }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "unit", ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["keepAspectRatio"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["desaturate"] = false, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["glowFrequency"] = 0.25, ["type"] = "subglow", ["useGlowColor"] = false, ["glowType"] = "buttonOverlay", ["glowLength"] = 10, ["glowYOffset"] = 0, ["glowColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["glowXOffset"] = 0, ["glow"] = false, ["glowThickness"] = 1, ["glowScale"] = 1, ["glowLines"] = 8, ["glowBorder"] = false, }, -- [2] }, ["height"] = 64, ["load"] = { ["use_talent"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { [372119] = true, }, }, ["class_and_spec"] = { ["single"] = 104, }, ["instance_type"] = { }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_class_and_spec"] = true, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["regionType"] = "icon", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "show", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = true, ["property"] = "sub.2.glow", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] }, ["information"] = { }, ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, }, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["zoom"] = 0, ["uid"] = "PBZzAPx6rBL", ["alpha"] = 1, ["id"] = "Regrowth", ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["useCooldownModRate"] = true, ["width"] = 64, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["config"] = { }, ["inverse"] = false, ["xOffset"] = 128, ["displayIcon"] = 132123, ["cooldown"] = true, ["parent"] = "LayOnRegrowth", }, ["1007 tdsp"] = { ["user_y"] = 0, ["user_x"] = 0, ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 7, ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n-- World quest Availibility --\naura_env.is_world_quest_available = function(quest)\n if not C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTimeLeftSeconds(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Enlightened Faction --\naura_env.factionID = 2478\n-- Title items --\n--Norah#21256 thank you for French Tranlations\n--Beatrice#2650 & Podwiznaia#2373 thank you both for help with the Russian Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion), Lars, phoi thank you all for your japanese Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion) thank you for your Dutch Translations\n--Zamy thank you for your Koreran Translations\n--三皈依#3388 thank you for your Translations\n--hohunide thank you for your Translations\n--N3cro#92 thank you for your German Translations\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n overviewHeadline = { enUS = ' Todo list:',\n deDE = 'Aufgabenliste:',\n zhTW = '的任務列表: ', \n zhCN = ' 任务列表:', \n ruRU = 'Список дел ' ,\n frFR = 'Liste de choses à faire :' ,\n jaJP = 'タマのやること帳・ ',\n koKR = '숙제 리스트 ',\n },\n \n worldBoss = { \n enUS = 'World Boss: ',\n deDE = 'Weltboss: ',\n zhTW = '世界首領', \n zhCN = '世界BOSS: ',\n ruRU = 'Мировой босс:',\n frFR = 'Boss mondial: ',\n nlNL = 'Wereld Baas',\n jaJP = 'ワールドボス',\n koKR = '필드보스',\n },\n \n worldQuests = {\n enUS = 'World Quests: ',\n deDE = 'Welt-Quests: ',\n zhTW = '世界任務', \n zhCN = '世界任务: ',\n ruRU = 'МЛокальные задания:',\n frFR = 'Quêtes mondiales: ',\n nlNL = 'World Quests',\n jaJP = 'アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '전역 퀘스트',\n },\n \n weeklyQuest = {\n enUS = 'Aiding the Accord: ',\n deDE = 'Unterstützung des Abkommens ',\n zhTW = '支援協調者:', \n zhCN = '协助援军: ',\n ruRU = 'Содействие Соглашению: ',\n frFR = 'Aider le concordat: ',\n nlNL = 'Accord Assistentie',\n jaJP='アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '협의회 지원',\n },\n \n CommunityFeast = {\n enUS = 'Community Feast: ',\n deDE = 'Gemeinschaftsfest: ',\n zhTW = '集體盛宴:', \n zhCN = '社区盛宴: ',\n ruRU = 'Большое пиршество: ',\n frFR = 'Festin tribal: ',\n nlNL = 'Gemeenschap`s Feestmaal',\n jaJP = 'コミュニティの宴会',\n koKR = '공동체 잔치',\n },\n \n elements = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Elements: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Elemente:',\n zhTW = '元素的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '元素审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание элементов: ',\n frFR = 'L’épreuve des éléments: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Elementen',\n jaJP = '五大の試し',\n koKR = '원소의 시험',\n },\n \n flood = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Flood: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Flut:',\n zhTW = '洪流的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '洪水的审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание наводнения: ', \n frFR = 'L’épreuve du déluge: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Overstroming',\n jaJP = '洪水の試し',\n koKR = '홍수의 시험',\n },\n \n SoDK = {\n enUS = 'Siege of Dragonscale Keep: ',\n deDE = 'Belagerung der Drachenschuppenburg: ',\n zhTW = '攻打龍禍要塞: ', \n zhCN = '围攻灭龙要塞: ',\n ruRU = 'Осада драконьей погибели: ',\n frFR = 'Siege du Fleau-des-dragons: ',\n nlNL = 'Belegering van Fort Dragonscale',\n jaJP =' ドラゴンスケール天守の包囲',\n koKR = '용의 파멸 성채 공성전',\n },\n \n Hunt = {\n enUS = 'Grand Hunts: ',\n deDE = 'GroBe Jagden: ',\n zhTW = '大狩獵: ', \n zhCN = '洪荒狩猎: ',\n ruRU = 'Великая охота: ',\n frFR = 'Grandes Chasses: ',\n nlNL = 'Grootse Jachten',\n jaJP = '盛大狩り',\n koKR = '사냥의 제전',\n },\n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n {name = \"weeklyQuest\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70750,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n },\n },\n \n {name = \"CommunityFeast\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70893,},-- Hidden quest ID 70893--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"SoDK\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70866,},-- confirm this Hidden ID72025 0r 70866--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Hunt\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70906,},-- WS 25.44,92.29-- Epic\n -- {questId = 69998,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n -- {questId = 69999,},-- WS 40.98,84.46--\n -- {questId = 70000,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n },\n },\n {name = \"flood\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71033,}, --Raging Torrent mobID 197221 hidden ID 71033 --\n },\n },\n {name = \"elements\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71995,}, --Therrocite mob id 197749--\n },\n },\n \n { name = \"worldBoss\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 65234,}, -- Bazual mobID 193532, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65262,},-- Liskanoth mobID 193533, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65231,},-- Strunraan mobID 193534, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65115,},-- Basrikron mobID 193535, hidden ID####--\n \n },\n },\n \n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to display\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and aura_env.config['includeWorldQuest'] or -- < not need in this version \n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and aura_env.config['includeWorldBoss'] or -- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and aura_env.config['includeCommunityFeast'] or-- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and aura_env.config['includeelements'] or--Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and aura_env.config['includeFlood'] or--Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and aura_env.config['includeSoDK'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and aura_env.config['includeHunt'] or--Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and aura_env.config['includeWeeklyQuest'] then--Aiding the Accord--\n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldQuestsIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldBossIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and not aura_env.config['hideCommunityFeastIfCompleted'] or -- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and not aura_env.config['hideelementsIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and not aura_env.config['hideFloodIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and not aura_env.config['hideSoDKIfCompleted'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and not aura_env.config['hideHuntIfCompleted'] or --Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and not aura_env.config['hideWeeklyQuestIfCompleted'] then --Aiding the Accord--\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config['showOverview'] then -- cheack if use want to show\n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('overviewHeadline'), 'ff00ff96') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT", ["desaturate"] = true, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["startAngle"] = 0, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "texture", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Square_FullWhite", ["compress"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["uid"] = "MLke)lTlOWw", ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["wagoID"] = "kYkx6YlLA", ["parent"] = "10.0.7 Todo list", ["customText"] = "function()\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n \n return aura_env.text \nend", ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] 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vignetteGUID then\n return true\n end\n end\n return false\nend\n\n-- Sets a user waypoint on the current map to a given vignette.\n-- @param IN The GUID of the vignette to set the waypoint to.\nfunction aura_env.WayPoint(IN)\n local mapID = 2151\n if C_Map.CanSetUserWaypointOnMap(2151) then\n local pos = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettePosition(IN, 2151)\n local UMP = UiMapPoint.CreateFromVector2D(2151, pos)\n C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UMP)\n else\n print(aura_env.id..\": Unable to set Waypoint\")\n end\nend\n\n-- A table of vignette types to track, and their corresponding names.\naura_env.shouldTrack = {\n [\"VignetteLoot\"] = \"Open Chest\",\n [\"vignetteloot-locked\"] = \"Locked Chest\",\n [\"VignetteLootElite\"] = \"Open Elite Chest\",\n [\"vignettelootelite-locked\"] = \"Locked Elite Chest\",\n [\"VignetteKill\"] = \"Rare\",\n [\"VignetteKillElite\"] = \"Elite Rare\",\n}\n\n-- A table of points of interest to ignore, and their corresponding names.\naura_env.shouldNotTrack = {\n [7412] = \"Fishing Hole\",\n [7414] = \"Zskera Vaults\",\n}", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Health", ["unit"] = "player", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function(allstates, event, ...)\n local allPOIs = C_AreaPoiInfo.GetAreaPOIForMap(2151)\n local allVignettes = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettes()\n for i, state in ipairs(allstates) do\n local name = state.name\n if not aura_env.checkAvailable(name, allVignettes) then\n state.show = false\n state.changed = true\n end\n end\n for i, vignetteGUID in ipairs(allVignettes) do\n local vignetteInfo = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignetteInfo(vignetteGUID)\n if vignetteInfo then\n if aura_env.shouldTrack[vignetteInfo.atlasName] then\n local state = allstates[vignetteGUID]\n if not state then\n state = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n rareName = vignetteInfo.name,\n }\n allstates[vignetteGUID] = state\n if aura_env.config[\"Marker\"] then\n aura_env.WayPoint(vignetteGUID)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n \n return true\nend", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["events"] = "VIGNETTES_UPDATED ", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "Start", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config.Show then\n return true\n end \nend", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n if trigger[2] then\n return trigger[1]\n end\nend\n\n\n", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["wordWrap"] = "Elide", ["displayText_format_rareName_format"] = "none", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 19, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["load"] = { ["use_level"] = 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local classFilename = select(2, UnitClass(unit))\n if classFilename then\n local color = GetClassColorObj(classFilename)\n if color then\n local text = WA_Utf8Sub(UnitName(unit), num)\n if text then\n return color:WrapTextInColorCode(text)\n end\n end\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["id"] = "Lightning Debuff - List Opposite Charge", ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["icon"] = false, ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["config"] = { ["clearnames"] = false, }, ["semver"] = "2.0.18", ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Display Clear Target Names", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "clearnames", ["desc"] = "Displays the names of any eligible clear targets above your character", }, -- [1] }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, }, ["inverse"] = false, ["uid"] = "iAR3lTksliM", ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["conditions"] = { }, ["barColor2"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = false, }, ["M+ Timer "] = { ["grow"] = "DOWN", ["controlledChildren"] = { "M+ Background", -- [1] "M+ Utility", -- [2] "M+ Dynamic Group", -- [3] }, ["borderBackdrop"] = "Blizzard Tooltip", ["wagoID"] = "zkhTYrEsG", ["xOffset"] = 599.0028076171875, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 266.0015869140625, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["fullCircle"] = true, ["space"] = 3, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/M+Timer/118", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["names"] = { }, ["event"] = "Health", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] }, ["columnSpace"] = 1, ["radius"] = 200, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["align"] = "LEFT", ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["rotation"] = 0, ["sort"] = "none", ["version"] = 118, ["subRegions"] = { }, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["groupIcon"] = "525134", ["load"] = { ["use_class"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "", }, ["gridType"] = "RD", ["backdropColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 0.5, -- [4] }, ["useLimit"] = false, ["animate"] = false, ["stagger"] = 0, ["scale"] = 1, ["arcLength"] = 360, ["border"] = false, ["borderEdge"] = "Square Full White", ["regionType"] = "group", ["borderSize"] = 2, ["limit"] = 5, ["uid"] = "Eri8grwBWLO", ["parent"] = "M+", ["constantFactor"] = "RADIUS", ["rowSpace"] = 1, ["borderOffset"] = 4, ["semver"] = "1.3.29", ["tocversion"] = 100002, ["id"] = "M+ Timer ", ["borderColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["gridWidth"] = 5, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["config"] = { }, ["borderInset"] = 1, ["source"] = "import", ["authorOptions"] = { }, ["conditions"] = { }, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["groupOffset"] = false, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, }, ["Rares Bar"] = { ["user_y"] = 0, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["user_x"] = 0, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "local region = WeakAuras.GetRegion(aura_env.id, aura_env.cloneId)\nif region and region.state and region.state.show then\n aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] = region\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.regions = {}\naura_env.zones = {\n { zoneID = 2024, zone = \"Azure Span\" },\n { zoneID = 2023, zone = \"Ohn'ahran Plains\" },\n { zoneID = 2025, zone = \"Thaldraszus\" },\n { zoneID = 2022, zone = \"Waking Shores\" },\n}\n\naura_env.slots = {\n [1] = \"Helmet\",\n [2] = \"Neck\",\n [3] = \"Shoulders\",\n [4] = \"Cloak\",\n [5] = \"Chest\",\n [6] = \"Bracers\",\n [7] = \"Gloves\",\n [8] = \"Belt\",\n [9] = \"Legs\",\n [10] = \"Boots\",\n [11] = \"Ring\",\n [12] = \"Trinket\",\n [13] = \"1H\",\n [14] = \"2H\",\n [15] = \"Off Hand\",\n [16] = \"Pattern\",\n [17] = \"Toy\",\n [18] = \"Pet\",\n [19] = \"Mount\",\n [20] = \"Skill\",\n}\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "if aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] then\n aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] = nil\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["enableGradient"] = true, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "VERTICAL", ["load"] = { ["use_namerealm"] = true, ["ingroup"] = { ["multi"] = { ["solo"] = true, ["group"] = true, }, }, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { }, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_ignoreNameRealm"] = true, ["use_never"] = false, ["use_zone"] = false, ["ignoreNameRealm"] = "-EU Mythic Dungeons", ["zone"] = "Korthia, The Rift, The Maw", ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_alive"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2112,2022,2023,2024,2025,2085,2112,2022,2023,2024,2025,2085,2151,2100,2101,2102", }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["sparkTexture"] = "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["alpha"] = 1, ["displayText_format_disp_abbreviate_max"] = 8, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["zoom"] = 0, ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["outline"] = "OUTLINE", ["barColor2"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0.6235294342041, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "9MpDLGWp3", ["parent"] = "Rares Packs", ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "isCompleted", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 1, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0.015686275437474, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "sub.4.text_color", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = -2, ["variable"] = "AND", ["checks"] = { { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "inZone", ["value"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = 1, ["variable"] = "isCompleted", ["value"] = 0, }, -- [2] }, }, ["linked"] = true, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { 0, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 0.14117647707462, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["property"] = "sub.3.text_color", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [2] }, ["customText"] = "function()\n --Translit Edit\nend", ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["compress"] = false, ["customTextUpdate"] = "update", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["customVariables"] = "{\n disp = 'string',\n inZone = 'bool',\n currentZone = 'bool',\n isCompleted = 'bool'\n}", ["event"] = "Health", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function(states, event, ...)\n if event == \"GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP\" and ... then\n local button = ...\n if button == \"LeftButton\" then-----Mouse input block Start-------------------------------------------------------------\n if IsControlKeyDown() then\n local lootLink = \"\"\n if aura_env.config.rareSettings.SLpting then -- check if single line out pout has been selected in custome options\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n for _, link in ipairs(states[cloneID].links) do\n lootLink = lootLink .. link .. \" \"-- print loot to chat window (in a single line)\n end\n print(states[cloneID].disp .. \": \" .. lootLink)\n end\n end\n else\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n print(states[cloneID].disp)\n for _, link in ipairs(states[cloneID].links) do-- print loot to chat window (in a list)\n print(link)\n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif IsShiftKeyDown() then\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region.icon)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n local x, y = states[cloneID].X, states[cloneID].Y\n if x ~= 0 and y ~=0 then\n if IsAddOnLoaded(\"TomTom\") and aura_env.config.rareSettings.Utt then-- checks if tomtom is installed and if the users wants to use tomtom need to dig in to see if theres tomtom:resetall << its not that as i tried that :P\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(states[cloneID].zoneID, x/100, y/100, {title=states[cloneID].disp,from=\"WeakAuras\"})\n else --set blizzard work markers\n C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UiMapPoint.CreateFromCoordinates(states[cloneID].zoneID, x/100, y/100, 0))\n C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedUserWaypoint(true)\n end\n end\n break\n end\n end\n end\n elseif button == \"RightButton\" then\n for cloneID, region in pairs(aura_env.regions) do\n local over = MouseIsOver(region)\n if over and states[cloneID] then\n C_Map.ClearUserWaypoint()-- Clear map pins blizzard\n break\n end\n end\n end -----Mouse input block End--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n else\n local cfg = aura_env.config\n local cfg = aura_env.config\n local map = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(\"player\")\n local class = select(3, UnitClass(\"player\"))\n local update\n local playerzone = map\n for i, rare in ipairs(cfg.rares) do\n -- check zones\n local rareZone = aura_env.zones[rare.zone]\n local inZone = rareZone.zoneID == map and true or false\n -- check completion\n local isCompleted = C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(rare.questID)\n local skip = (cfg.rareSettings.hideComplete and isCompleted) or (cfg.rareSettings.onlyElites and not rare.isElite) or (aura_env.config[\"rareSettings\"].currentZone and map ~= rareZone.zoneID)\n \n if skip and states[rare.questID] then\n states[rare.questID] = { changed = true, show = false }\n update = true\n \n elseif not skip and not states[rare.questID] then\n \n -- how are we organizing this?\n local index = rare.name\n if cfg[\"rareSettings\"].rareSort == 2 then\n index = (inZone and 0 or 10) + rare.zone^2 + (rare.isElite and 0 or 1)\n end\n \n \n local tooltip = rare.name ..format(\" (%s) |cFFFFFFFF/way %s, %s|r\", rareZone.zone, rare.X, rare.Y) -- show /way in tooltip\n --local tooltip = rare.name .. \" (\" .. rareZone.zone .. \")\" -- dont show /way in tooltip\n \n states[rare.questID] = {\n icon = rare.isElite and \"vignetteeventelite\" or \"vignetteevent\",\n disp = rare.name,\n zone = rareZone.zoneShort,\n zoneID = rareZone.zoneID,\n inZone = inZone,\n currentZone = cfg[\"rareSettings\"].currentZone,\n isCompleted = isCompleted,\n tooltip = tooltip,\n tooltipWrap = false,\n index = index,\n links = {},\n X = rare.X,\n Y = rare.Y,\n changed = true,\n show = true\n }\n \n -- check loot\n local slots = 1 -- scarp varible \n for _, a in ipairs(cfg.rares[i].loot) do\n local itemID = a.itemID\n local itemSlot = a.itemSlot\n local itemClass = a.class\n local item = Item:CreateFromItemID(itemID)\n local link\n local slot = aura_env.slots[itemSlot]\n \n if item and not item:IsItemEmpty() then\n -- check relevant only\n if cfg.rareSettings.relOnly and not itemClass[class] then\n tooltip = tooltip\n elseif aura_env.config.rareSettings.Att then\n item:ContinueOnItemLoad(function()\n tooltip = tooltip .. \"\\n|cFFFFFFFF[\" .. slot .. \"] \" .. item:GetItemLink()\n link = item:GetItemLink()\n end\n )\n table.insert(states[rare.questID].links, link)\n end\n end\n end\n states[rare.questID].tooltip = tooltip\n update = true\n elseif states[rare.questID] and states[rare.questID].isCompleted ~= isCompleted then\n states[rare.questID].isCompleted = isCompleted\n states[rare.questID].changed = true\n update = true\n elseif states[rare.questID] and states[rare.questID].inZone ~= inZone then\n states[rare.questID].inZone = inZone\n states[rare.questID].changed = true\n update = true\n end \n end\n \n return update\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED, PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED, ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA, ZONE_CHANGED, ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS GLOBAL_MOUSE_UP", ["check"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n --Translit Edit\nend", }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "START", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config[\"rareSettings\"].rareEnable then\n return true\n end \nend", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n return trigger[1] and (trigger[2])\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["useTooltip"] = true, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["displayText"] = "%disp", ["width"] = 250, ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["version"] = 98, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [2] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%disp", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "LEFT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_LEFT", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, }, -- [3] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_zone_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%zone", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_locy_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["text_text_format_c_format"] = "none", ["text_justify"] = "RIGHT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_visible"] = true, ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["text_text_format_locx_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, }, -- [4] { ["text_text_format_n_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_zone_format"] = "none", ["text_text"] = "%drops", ["text_text_format_drops_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_text_format_locy_format"] = "none", ["text_selfPoint"] = "AUTO", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, ["anchorYOffset"] = 0, ["text_justify"] = "LEFT", ["rotateText"] = "NONE", ["type"] = "subtext", ["text_anchorXOffset"] = 434, ["text_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_font"] = "Expressway", ["text_shadowYOffset"] = 0, ["text_fontType"] = "OUTLINE", ["text_wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", ["text_visible"] = false, ["text_anchorPoint"] = "LEFT", ["anchorXOffset"] = 0, ["text_text_format_disp_format"] = "none", ["text_fontSize"] = 12, ["text_text_format_locx_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 0, }, -- [5] }, ["height"] = 16, ["rotate"] = true, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["source"] = "import", ["justify"] = "CENTER", ["uid"] = "Z2babwiWeNN", ["displayText_format_disp_format"] = "string", ["mirror"] = false, ["displayIcon"] = "1322722", ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["displayText_format_disp_abbreviate"] = false, ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Rare Module", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "What to show!", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display the rare list |n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "rareEnable", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Display Rares?", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If Enabled will display only the super rares |n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "onlyElites", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Supers Rares Only", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If enabled, will only display rares in your current zone.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "currentZone", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Current Zone Only", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "If enabled, will hide rares marked as complete.|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "hideComplete", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "|cFFff0000Toggle completed|r", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "How to show it!", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Show only loot for your class|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "relOnly", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Class Loot Only", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [7] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "Show loot in mouse over tool tip|n(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r)", ["key"] = "Att", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Advanced tooltip", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["desc"] = "If enabled will print loot to chat window output on single line|n(default: |cFFff0000disabled|r)", ["key"] = "SLpting", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Chat window output on single line", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [9] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["desc"] = "Turn on Tomtom world markers|n(default: |cFF02ff00enabled|r)", ["key"] = "Utt", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "TomTom intergration", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [10] { ["desc"] = "Which order do you want the rares sorted by Name or Zone", ["type"] = "select", ["values"] = { "Name", -- [1] "Zone", -- [2] }, ["default"] = 1, ["key"] = "rareSort", ["useDesc"] = true, ["name"] = "Sort By", ["width"] = 0.5, }, -- [11] }, ["hideReorder"] = true, ["useDesc"] = false, ["nameSource"] = 0, ["collapse"] = true, ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["name"] = "Rares", ["key"] = "rareSettings", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["type"] = "group", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "header", ["useName"] = true, ["text"] = "Rare /loot config", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["subOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["key"] = "isElite", ["default"] = false, ["useDesc"] = false, ["name"] = "Super Rare", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "name", ["multiline"] = false, ["name"] = "Name", ["length"] = 10, ["default"] = "", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "input", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["key"] = "questID", ["multiline"] = false, ["name"] = "Quest ID", ["length"] = 10, ["default"] = "", ["useLength"] = false, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = 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-- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { ["itemName"] = "Talisman of Sargha", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 200857, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] }, ["zone"] = 4, ["questID"] = "74042", ["name"] = "Cauldronbearer Blakor", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [6] { ["Y"] = 48.4, ["X"] = 29.8, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Enchanted Muckstompers", ["itemSlot"] = 10, ["itemID"] = 200244, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Legguards of the Deep Strata", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200683, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] 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= "Cragforge Pauldrons", ["itemSlot"] = 3, ["itemID"] = 200292, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] { ["itemName"] = "Earthen Protoscale Drape", ["itemSlot"] = 4, ["itemID"] = 200313, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [7] { ["itemName"] = "Primal Scion's Twinblade", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200293, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [8] { ["itemName"] = "Elements' Burden", ["itemSlot"] = 3, ["itemID"] = 200199, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] 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-- [12] }, ["zone"] = 4, ["questID"] = "74043", ["name"] = "Char", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [7] { ["Y"] = 69, ["X"] = 44.8, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Corrupted Drake Horn", ["itemSlot"] = 15, ["itemID"] = 200166, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Cragforge Pauldrons", ["itemSlot"] = 3, ["itemID"] = 200292, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Earthen Protoscale Drape", ["itemSlot"] = 4, ["itemID"] = 200313, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Earthpact Scepter", ["itemSlot"] = 15, ["itemID"] = 200439, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Elements' Burden", ["itemSlot"] = 3, ["itemID"] = 200199, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { ["itemName"] = "Paradox Saber", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200233, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] { ["itemName"] = "Primal Chain Hauberk", ["itemSlot"] = 5, ["itemID"] = 200294, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [7] { ["itemName"] = "Primal Scion's Twinblade", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200293, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [8] { ["itemName"] = "Primalist Prison", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 200198, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [9] { ["itemName"] = "Sandshine Chestplate", ["itemSlot"] = 5, ["itemID"] = 200204, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [10] }, ["zone"] = 3, ["questID"] = "74060", ["name"] = "Corrupted Proto-Dragon", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [8] { ["Y"] = 54.4, ["X"] = 31.8, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Blaze Ring", ["itemSlot"] = 11, ["itemID"] = 200159, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Blazing Essence", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200217, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Molten Flak Cannon", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200252, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Inextinguishable Gavel", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200247, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Volcanic Chakram", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200133, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { ["itemName"] = "Ring of Embers", ["itemSlot"] = 11, ["itemID"] = 200163, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] { ["itemName"] = "Seasoned Hunter's Trophy", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200859, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [7] { ["itemName"] = "Lucky Hunting Charm", ["itemSlot"] = 2, ["itemID"] = 200445, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [8] { ["itemName"] = "Manafrond Sandals", ["itemSlot"] = 10, ["itemID"] = 200193, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [9] { ["itemName"] = "Reclaimed Survivalist's Dagger", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200131, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [10] { ["itemName"] = "Thunderscale Legguards", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200195, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [11] { ["itemName"] = "Basilisk Hide Jerkin", ["itemSlot"] = 5, ["itemID"] = 200442, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [12] { ["itemName"] = "Bonesigil Shoulderguards", ["itemSlot"] = 3, ["itemID"] = 200174, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [13] { ["itemName"] = "Amberquill Shroud", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 200186, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [14] { ["itemName"] = "Raptor Talonglaive", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200232, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [15] { ["itemName"] = "Mage's Chewed Wand", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 200249, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [16] }, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "73074", ["name"] = "Death's Shadow", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [9] { ["Y"] = 64.8, ["X"] = 21.6, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Regurgitated Stone Handaxe", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200167, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Volcanic Chakram", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200133, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["zone"] = 4, ["questID"] = "73072", ["name"] = "Enkine the Voracious", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [10] { ["Y"] = 76.2, ["X"] = 33, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Plume of the Forgotten", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200858, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Darkmaul Soul Horn", ["itemSlot"] = 15, ["itemID"] = 200256, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Eerie Spectral Ring", ["itemSlot"] = 11, ["itemID"] = 200158, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Stole of the Iron Phantom", ["itemSlot"] = 4, ["itemID"] = 200310, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Basilisk Hide Jerkin", ["itemSlot"] = 5, ["itemID"] = 200442, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { ["itemName"] = "Raptor Talonglaive", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200232, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] { ["itemName"] = "Manafrond Sandals", ["itemSlot"] = 10, ["itemID"] = 200193, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [7] { ["itemName"] = "Bonesigil Shoulderguards", ["itemSlot"] = 3, ["itemID"] = 200174, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [8] { ["itemName"] = "Lucky Hunting Charm", ["itemSlot"] = 2, ["itemID"] = 200445, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [9] { ["itemName"] = "Reclaimed Survivalist's Dagger", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200131, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [10] { ["itemName"] = "Thunderscale Legguards", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200195, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [11] { ["itemName"] = "Amberquill Shroud", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 200186, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [12] { ["itemName"] = "Seasoned Hunter's Trophy", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200859, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [13] { ["itemName"] = "Mage's Chewed Wand", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 200249, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [14] }, ["zone"] = 4, ["questID"] = "73073", ["name"] = "Forgotten Gryphon", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [11] { ["Y"] = 37.6, ["X"] = 14, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Forest Dweller's Shield", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200259, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Reinforced Garden Tenders", ["itemSlot"] = 7, ["itemID"] = 200267, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] }, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "73996", ["name"] = "Gnarls", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [12] { ["Y"] = 77.2, ["X"] = 55.6, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Wind-Sealed Mana Capsule", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200880, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] false, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Mage's Chewed Wand", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 200249, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Manafrond Sandals", ["itemSlot"] = 10, ["itemID"] = 200193, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Raptor Talonglaive", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200232, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Amberquill Shroud", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 200186, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { 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[2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [9] { ["itemName"] = "Thunderscale Legguards", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200195, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [10] { ["itemName"] = "Seasoned Hunter's Trophy", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200859, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [11] }, ["zone"] = 3, ["questID"] = "72814", ["name"] = "Henlare", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [13] { ["Y"] = 33.6, ["X"] = 16.2, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Gnoll-Gnawed Breeches", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200283, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Gnollish Chewtoy Launcher", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200266, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Infected Ichor", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 200178, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Rotguard Cowl", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 200432, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Gold-Alloy Blade", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200127, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { ["itemName"] = "Pattern: Forlorn Funeral Pall", ["itemSlot"] = 16, ["itemID"] = 194298, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] { ["itemName"] = "Pattern: Gnoll Tent", ["itemSlot"] = 16, ["itemID"] = 194312, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [7] }, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74004", ["name"] = "High Shaman Rotknuckle", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [14] { ["Y"] = 52.6, ["X"] = 32.6, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Petrified Fungal Spores", ["itemSlot"] = 2, ["itemID"] = 200207, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Enchanted Muckstompers", ["itemSlot"] = 10, ["itemID"] = 200244, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Legguards of the Deep Strata", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200683, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Lost Delving Lamp", ["itemSlot"] = 14, ["itemID"] = 200246, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Primal Ritual Shell", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200563, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] }, ["zone"] = 4, ["questID"] = "74067", ["name"] = "Morchok", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [15] { ["Y"] = 59.2, ["X"] = 28.6, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Plans: Black Dragon Touched Hammer", ["itemSlot"] = 15, ["itemID"] = 194503, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Plans: Alvin the Anvil", ["itemSlot"] = 15, ["itemID"] = 194508, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Plans: Obsidian Seared Slicer", ["itemSlot"] = 15, ["itemID"] = 194483, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Plans: Obsidian Seared Crusher", ["itemSlot"] = 15, ["itemID"] = 194481, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Protector's Molten Cudgel", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200169, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { ["itemName"] = "Qalashi War-Helm", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 200757, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] }, ["zone"] = 4, ["questID"] = "74052", ["name"] = "Rohzor Forgesmash", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [16] { ["Y"] = 57.6, ["X"] = 24, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Amberquill Shroud", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 200186, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Basilisk Hide Jerkin", ["itemSlot"] = 5, ["itemID"] = 200442, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Bonesigil Shoulderguards", ["itemSlot"] = 3, ["itemID"] = 200174, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Lucky Hunting Charm", ["itemSlot"] = 2, ["itemID"] = 200445, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Manafrond Sandals", ["itemSlot"] = 10, ["itemID"] = 200193, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] { ["itemName"] = "Primal Ritual Shell", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200563, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [6] { ["itemName"] = "Raptor Talonglaive", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200232, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [7] { ["itemName"] = "Reclaimed Survivalist's Dagger", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200131, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [8] { ["itemName"] = "Seasoned Hunter's Trophy", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200859, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [9] { ["itemName"] = "Thunderscale Legguards", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200195, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [10] { ["itemName"] = "Mage's Chewed Wand", ["itemSlot"] = 17, ["itemID"] = 200249, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [11] { ["itemName"] = "Dragon Shard of Knowledge", ["itemSlot"] = 20, ["itemID"] = 191784, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [12] { ["itemName"] = "", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 0, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [13] }, ["zone"] = 4, ["questID"] = "74077", ["name"] = "Shas'ith", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [17] { ["Y"] = 32.2, ["X"] = 11, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Gnoll-Gnawed Breeches", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200283, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Gnollish Chewtoy Launcher", ["itemSlot"] = 13, ["itemID"] = 200266, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] true, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Pattern: Forlorn Funeral Pall", ["itemSlot"] = 16, ["itemID"] = 194298, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Pattern: Gnoll Tent", ["itemSlot"] = 16, ["itemID"] = 194312, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] }, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74032", ["name"] = "Snarglebone", ["isElite"] = true, }, -- [18] { ["Y"] = 34, ["X"] = 55, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Snowman's Icy Gaze", ["itemSlot"] = 1, ["itemID"] = 200211, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Rod of Glacial Force", ["itemSlot"] = 14, ["itemID"] = 200187, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Iceloop", ["itemSlot"] = 11, ["itemID"] = 200164, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [3] { ["itemName"] = "Torrent Caller's Shell", ["itemSlot"] = 12, ["itemID"] = 200552, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] false, -- [10] false, -- [11] false, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [4] { ["itemName"] = "Primal Ritual Shell", ["itemSlot"] = 2, ["itemID"] = 200563, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [5] }, ["zone"] = 1, ["questID"] = "74082", ["name"] = "Spellwrought Snowman", ["isElite"] = false, }, -- [19] { ["Y"] = 55.6, ["X"] = 33.6, ["loot"] = { { ["itemName"] = "Lost Delving Lamp", ["itemSlot"] = 14, ["itemID"] = 200246, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] true, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] false, -- [12] true, -- [13] }, }, -- [1] { ["itemName"] = "Enchanted Muckstompers", ["itemSlot"] = 10, ["itemID"] = 200244, ["class"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] false, -- [5] false, -- [6] false, -- [7] false, -- [8] false, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] false, -- [13] }, }, -- [2] { ["itemName"] = "Legguards of the Deep Strata", ["itemSlot"] = 9, ["itemID"] = 200683, ["class"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] false, -- [3] false, -- [4] false, -- [5] true, -- 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"HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(trigger)\n if trigger[2] then\n return trigger[1]\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["version"] = 13, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subforeground", }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [2] { ["text_shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["text_text"] = "Drakes Crest", ["text_text_format_3.name_format"] = "none", ["text_shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["text_selfPoint"] = "LEFT", ["text_automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["text_fixedWidth"] = 64, 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config", ["width"] = 1, ["useCollapse"] = true, ["noMerge"] = false, ["collapse"] = true, ["type"] = "group", ["limitType"] = "none", ["groupType"] = "simple", ["key"] = "ITC", ["size"] = 10, }, -- [1] }, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["foregroundColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sameTexture"] = true, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/Tamas_Forbidden_Reach_Helper/19", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- Default Locale --\naura_env.defaultLocale = 'enUS'\n-- User Locale Var--\naura_env.userLocale = GetLocale()\n-- Get Text sinppet --\naura_env.get_text_snippet = function(name)\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.userLocale]\n end\n if aura_env.textSnippets[name] and aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale] then\n return aura_env.textSnippets[name][aura_env.defaultLocale]\n end\n return name\nend\n-- World quest Availibility --\naura_env.is_world_quest_available = function(quest)\n if not C_TaskQuest.GetQuestTimeLeftSeconds(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Quest Completion check --\naura_env.is_quest_completed = function(quest)\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(quest) then\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n-- Enlightened Faction --\naura_env.factionID = 2478\n-- Title items --\n--Norah#21256 thank you for French Tranlations\n--Beatrice#2650 & Podwiznaia#2373 thank you both for help with the Russian Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion), Lars, phoi thank you all for your japanese Translations\n--Shokuhou (Orillion) thank you for your Dutch Translations\n--Zamy thank you for your Koreran Translations\n--三皈依#3388 thank you for your Translations\n--hohunide thank you for your Translations\n--N3cro#92 thank you for your German Translations\naura_env.textSnippets = {\n overviewHeadline = { enUS = ' Todo list:',\n deDE = 'Aufgabenliste:',\n zhTW = '的任務列表: ', \n zhCN = ' 任务列表:', \n ruRU = 'Список дел ' ,\n frFR = 'Liste de choses à faire :' ,\n jaJP = 'タマのやること帳・ ',\n koKR = '숙제 리스트 ',\n },\n \n worldBoss = { \n enUS = 'World Boss: ',\n deDE = 'Weltboss: ',\n zhTW = '世界首領', \n zhCN = '世界BOSS: ',\n ruRU = 'Мировой босс:',\n frFR = 'Boss mondial: ',\n nlNL = 'Wereld Baas',\n jaJP = 'ワールドボス',\n koKR = '필드보스',\n },\n \n worldQuests = {\n enUS = 'World Quests: ',\n deDE = 'Welt-Quests: ',\n zhTW = '世界任務', \n zhCN = '世界任务: ',\n ruRU = 'МЛокальные задания:',\n frFR = 'Quêtes mondiales: ',\n nlNL = 'World Quests',\n jaJP = 'アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '전역 퀘스트',\n },\n \n weeklyQuest = {\n enUS = 'Aiding the Accord: ',\n deDE = 'Unterstützung des Abkommens ',\n zhTW = '支援協調者:', \n zhCN = '协助援军: ',\n ruRU = 'Содействие Соглашению: ',\n frFR = 'Aider le concordat: ',\n nlNL = 'Accord Assistentie',\n jaJP='アコードを手伝う',\n koKR = '협의회 지원',\n },\n \n CommunityFeast = {\n enUS = 'Community Feast: ',\n deDE = 'Gemeinschaftsfest: ',\n zhTW = '集體盛宴:', \n zhCN = '社区盛宴: ',\n ruRU = 'Большое пиршество: ',\n frFR = 'Festin tribal: ',\n nlNL = 'Gemeenschap`s Feestmaal',\n jaJP = 'コミュニティの宴会',\n koKR = '공동체 잔치',\n },\n \n elements = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Elements: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Elemente:',\n zhTW = '元素的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '元素审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание элементов: ',\n frFR = 'L’épreuve des éléments: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Elementen',\n jaJP = '五大の試し',\n koKR = '원소의 시험',\n },\n \n flood = {\n enUS = 'Trial of Flood: ',\n deDE = 'Prüfung der Flut:',\n zhTW = '洪流的試煉: ', \n zhCN = '洪水的审判: ',\n ruRU = 'Испытание наводнения: ', \n frFR = 'L’épreuve du déluge: ',\n nlNL = 'Test van de Overstroming',\n jaJP = '洪水の試し',\n koKR = '홍수의 시험',\n },\n \n SoDK = {\n enUS = 'Siege of Dragonscale Keep: ',\n deDE = 'Belagerung der Drachenschuppenburg: ',\n zhTW = '攻打龍禍要塞: ', \n zhCN = '围攻灭龙要塞: ',\n ruRU = 'Осада драконьей погибели: ',\n frFR = 'Siege du Fleau-des-dragons: ',\n nlNL = 'Belegering van Fort Dragonscale',\n jaJP =' ドラゴンスケール天守の包囲',\n koKR = '용의 파멸 성채 공성전',\n },\n \n Hunt = {\n enUS = 'Grand Hunts: ',\n deDE = 'GroBe Jagden: ',\n zhTW = '大狩獵: ', \n zhCN = '洪荒狩猎: ',\n ruRU = 'Великая охота: ',\n frFR = 'Grandes Chasses: ',\n nlNL = 'Grootse Jachten',\n jaJP = '盛大狩り',\n koKR = '사냥의 제전',\n },\n}\n-- TODO - Items --\naura_env.todoList = {\n {name = \"weeklyQuest\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70750,},--Aiding the Accord-- \n },\n },\n \n {name = \"CommunityFeast\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70893,},-- Hidden quest ID 70893--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"SoDK\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70866,},-- confirm this Hidden ID72025 0r 70866--\n },\n },\n \n {name = \"Hunt\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 70906,},-- WS 25.44,92.29-- Epic\n -- {questId = 69998,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n -- {questId = 69999,},-- WS 40.98,84.46--\n -- {questId = 70000,},-- WS 25.44,92.29--\n },\n },\n {name = \"flood\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71033,}, --Raging Torrent mobID 197221 hidden ID 71033 --\n },\n },\n {name = \"elements\",maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 71995,}, --Therrocite mob id 197749--\n },\n },\n \n { name = \"worldBoss\", maximum = 1,\n quests = {\n {questId = 65234,}, -- Bazual mobID 193532, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65262,},-- Liskanoth mobID 193533, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65231,},-- Strunraan mobID 193534, hidden ID####--\n {questId = 65115,},-- Basrikron mobID 193535, hidden ID####--\n \n },\n },\n \n}\n\n--Output Varible--\naura_env.text = '';\n--Output Main function--\naura_env.update_overview_display = function()\n local text = ''\n -----------------------------------------------------Todo list Prep--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n for _, todoEntry in ipairs(aura_env.todoList) do\n -- PINK --\n local entry, color, completed, maximum = '', 'ffff00ff', 0, #todoEntry.quests\n if \n --set up the items to display\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and aura_env.config['includeWorldQuest'] or -- < not need in this version \n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and aura_env.config['includeWorldBoss'] or -- world boss\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and aura_env.config['includeCommunityFeast'] or-- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and aura_env.config['includeelements'] or--Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and aura_env.config['includeFlood'] or--Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and aura_env.config['includeSoDK'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and aura_env.config['includeHunt'] or--Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and aura_env.config['includeWeeklyQuest'] then--Aiding the Accord--\n if todoEntry.maximum then\n maximum = todoEntry.maximum\n end\n for _, todoQuest in ipairs(todoEntry.quests) do\n if todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' then\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n else\n if aura_env.is_quest_completed(todoQuest.questId) then\n completed = completed + 1\n end\n end\n end\n if (maximum > 1) and (completed >= (maximum / 2)) then\n -- Burnt Orange --\n color = 'ffff7801'\n end \n if completed >= maximum then\n -- JADE--\n color = 'FF00ff96'\n end\n \n if completed >= maximum then\n if\n --check if the use wants to hide the line after complete\n -- todoEntry.name == 'worldQuests' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldQuestsIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'worldBoss' and not aura_env.config['hideWorldBossIfCompleted'] or\n todoEntry.name == 'CommunityFeast' and not aura_env.config['hideCommunityFeastIfCompleted'] or -- Tuskarr Community Feast--\n todoEntry.name == 'elements' and not aura_env.config['hideelementsIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Elements --\n todoEntry.name == 'flood' and not aura_env.config['hideFloodIfCompleted'] or --Trial of Floods --\n todoEntry.name == 'SoDK' and not aura_env.config['hideSoDKIfCompleted'] or--Siege of Dragonscale Keep --\n todoEntry.name == 'Hunt' and not aura_env.config['hideHuntIfCompleted'] or --Grand Hunts --\n todoEntry.name == 'weeklyQuest' and not aura_env.config['hideWeeklyQuestIfCompleted'] then --Aiding the Accord--\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n else\n entry =' ' .. aura_env.get_text_snippet(todoEntry.name) .. ': ' .. WrapTextInColorCode(completed .. ' / ' .. maximum, color) .. '\\r\\n'\n end\n \n text = text .. entry\n end\n end\n \n return text\nend\n\n--Update output varible--\naura_env.update_display = function()\n local text = ''\n ---todo list items update---\n if aura_env.config['showOverview'] then -- cheack if use want to show\n text =' ' .. text .. WrapTextInColorCode(aura_env.get_text_snippet('overviewHeadline'), 'ff00ff96') .. '\\r\\n'--apped header\n text = text .. aura_env.update_overview_display() .. '\\r' --append todo list items\n end \n return text\nend\naura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()", }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPRIGHT", ["desaturate"] = true, ["rotation"] = 0, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["crop_y"] = 0.41, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["startAngle"] = 0, ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "texture", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["slantMode"] = "INSIDE", ["texture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Square_FullWhite", ["compress"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["uid"] = "wpB)GpSrlPX", ["backgroundOffset"] = 2, ["wagoID"] = "kYkx6YlLA", ["parent"] = "item tracking", ["customText"] = "function()\n aura_env.text = aura_env.update_display()\n \n return aura_env.text \nend", ["desaturateBackground"] = false, ["desaturateForeground"] = false, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["realSpellName"] = 0, ["use_spellName"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["unit"] = "nameplate", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["use_track"] = true, ["spellName"] = 0, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["endAngle"] = 360, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["discrete_rotation"] = 0, ["version"] = 19, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["height"] = 5, ["rotate"] = false, ["useAdjustededMax"] = false, ["backgroundTexture"] = 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true, ["level_operator"] = ">=", ["use_level"] = true, }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["width"] = 250, ["foregroundTexture"] = "Interface\\Addons\\WeakAuras\\PowerAurasMedia\\Auras\\Aura3", ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["inverse"] = false, ["auraRotation"] = 0, ["orientation"] = "VERTICAL", ["crop_x"] = 0.41, ["information"] = { ["forceEvents"] = true, ["ignoreOptionsEventErrors"] = true, }, ["color"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, }, ["winterpelt furblog"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["wagoID"] = "9MpDLGWp3", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.Icon1=aura_env.config.Rep.ITSH", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_factionID"] = true, ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = 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assign total secs\n local interval = Rtime\n \n local ActiveDrutation = 15 --aura_env.config.sdur -- need to finish adding this varibles in custom options\n local Atime = ActiveDrutation *60 -- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local duration = Atime\n \n \n local Offsetmins = aura_env.config.fOffsetammout -- get off set amount in mins\n local Otime = Offsetmins * 60-- multiply mins by secs and assign total secs\n local offset = Otime\n \n settime1 = aura_env.config.feastoffset and settime1+offset or settime1\n \n local TtNK = interval - ((GetServerTime() - settime1) % interval)\n \n local active = interval - TtNK < duration\n local remaining = duration - (interval - TtNK)\n \n allstates[\"\"] = {\n changed = true,\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n autoHide = true,\n duration = active and duration or interval-duration,\n expirationTime = GetTime() + (active and remaining or TtNK),\n icon = 4687629,\n active = active\n }\n return true\n end\nend", ["use_unit"] = 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= -1, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "--Actions\n-- Define zones and their IDs\nlocal zones = {\n [2022] = \"Waking Shores\",\n [2023] = \"Ohn'ahran Plains\",\n [2024] = \"Azure Span\",\n [2025] = \"Thaldraszus\",\n}\n\nlocal SkillToLow =\" |cffffffff>>|r |cffff6666You must Have 25+ skill|r |cffffffff<<|r\"\nlocal LevleToLow =\" |cffffffff>>|r |cffff6666You must be Level 70|r |cffffffff<<|r\"\nlocal oth =\"\"\n\n\n-- Retrieve the name of a given zone ID\nlocal function getZoneName(zoneID)\n return zones[zoneID]\nend\n\n-- Available profession related knowledge not tied to an specific profession\nlocal knowOther = {\n {\n source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Thomas Bright\", \n zone=2112, coordX=39.4, coordY=70.1, \n quests={70221}, optKey=\"other\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Khadin\", \n zone=2023, coordX=51.8, coordY=33, \n quests={69979}, optKey=\"other\", optSlot=2\n },\n {\n name=191784, source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Khadin\", \n zone=2023, coordX=51.8, coordY=33, \n optKey=\"other\", optSlot=3\n },\n}\n\n--Consortium Rep Quest\nlocal questsConsortium = {\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2022, coordX=68.1, coordY=50.9,\n questID=66363, optKey = \"Leatherworking\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2022, coordX=80.6, coordY=33.9,\n questID=66364,optKey = \"Leatherworking\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023, coordX=75.0, coordY=25.5,\n questID=72407,optKey = \"Leatherworking\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023, coordX=73.1, coordY=49.4,\n questID=66951,optKey = \"Leatherworking\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023, coordX=81.7, coordY=30.7,\n questID=66940,optKey = \"Alchemy\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=\"Cave Entrance\", \n zone=2025, coordX=56.9, coordY=67.5,\n questID=72427,optKey = \"Alchemy\"\n }, \n { \n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024, coordX=17.4, coordY=38.2, \n questID=66937,optKey = \"Alchemy\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023, coordX=72.7, coordY=49.8, \n questID=66938,optKey = \"Alchemy\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024, coordX=22.5, coordY=40.0 ,\n questID=66890,optKey = \"Engineering\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2022,coordX=65.8 , coordY=23.3, \n questID=66891,optKey = \"Engineering\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2025,coordX=39.2, coordY=82.0, \n questID=66942,optKey = \"Engineering\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2025, coordX=37.9, coordY=77.9, \n questID=72396,optKey = \"Engineering\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2025, coordX=34.8, coordY=66.4, \n questID=72410,optKey = \"Tailoring\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024, coordX=23.6,coordY=42, \n questID=66952,optKey = \"Tailoring\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023,coordX=61.0,coordY=23.5, \n questID=66953,optKey = \"Tailoring\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\", who=\"Cave Entrance\", \n zone=2024,coordX=34.9,coordY=30, \n questID=66899,optKey = \"Tailoring\"\n },\n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024,coordX=23.9,coordY=42.4, \n questID=66900,optKey = \"Enchanting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2022,coordX=66.8,coordY=38, \n questID=66884,optKey = \"Enchanting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023,coordX=85.1,coordY=54, \n questID=72423,optKey = \"Enchanting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023,coordX=24.5,coordY=58.6, \n questID=66935,optKey = \"Enchanting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=\"Lava Snails/Slugs\", \n questID=66897,zone=2022,coordX=38.8,coordY=69.4,\n optKey = \"Blacksmithing\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024,coordX=69.8,coordY=44.2, \n questID=66517,optKey = \"Blacksmithing\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2022,coordX=67.8,coordY=39, \n questID=66941,optKey = \"Blacksmithing\"\n }, \n {\n who=\"Cave Entrance\",\n zone=2025,coordX=45.0,coordY=59, \n questID=72398,optKey = \"Blacksmithing\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2022,coordX=67.0,coordY=37.7, \n questID=66516,optKey = \"Jewelcrafting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=\"Cave Entrance\",\n zone=2022,coordX=63.8,coordY=40.7,\n questID=72428,optKey = \"Jewelcrafting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2023,coordX=79.1,coordY=36.3, \n questID=66950,optKey = \"Jewelcrafting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024,coordX=24.0,coordY=40.6, \n questID=66949, optKey = \"Jewelcrafting\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024,coordX=17.9,coordY=39.2, \n questID=66943,optKey = \"Inscription\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024,coordX=26.9,coordY=45.9, \n questID=66944,optKey = \"Inscription\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2025,coordX=55.9,coordY=68.1, \n questID=72438,optKey = \"Inscription\"\n }, \n {\n name=nil,source=\"\",who=nil,\n zone=2024,coordX=63.9,coordY=30.0, \n questID=66945,optKey = \"Inscription\"\n }, \n}\n\n-- Alchemy\nlocal Prof_Alc = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Conflago\", \n zone=2112, coordX=36.4, coordY=71.7, \n quests={70530, 70532, 70533, 70531}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={66940, 72427, 66937, 66938}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=2\n },\n -- NO CRAFTING ORDER QUEST optSlot=3\n {\n name=194697, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74108}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=4},\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={66373, 66374}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=5},\n {\n name=198964, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Any mob that drops Rousing elements\", \n zone=2022, coordX=37.6, coordY=72.1, \n quests={70511}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=6},\n {\n name=198963, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Decaying (Rotting Treants, Oozing Decay)\", \n zone=2024, coordX=17.7, coordY=39, \n quests={70504}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=6},\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Grigori Vialtry\", \n zone=2022, coordX=60.92, coordY=75.84, \n quests={70247}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=7},\n {\n name=198685, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=25.1, coordY=73.3, \n quests={70289}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198663, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=55, coordY=81, \n quests={70274}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198599, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=16.4, coordY=38.5,\n quests={70208}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198710, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=79.2, coordY=83.8, \n quests={70305}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198712, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=67, coordY=13.2, \n quests={70309}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=203471, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=55.2, coordY=30.5, \n quests={70278}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198697, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=59.5, coordY=38.4, \n quests={70301}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=8\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Sylannia\", \n zone=407, coordX=50.2, coordY=69.4, \n quests={29506}, optKey=\"alchemy\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Blacksmithing\nlocal Prof_BS = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Metalshaper Kuroko\", \n zone=2112, coordX=37, coordY=47.1, \n quests={70233, 70235, 70234, 70211}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={66897, 66517, 66941, 72398}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=2\n },\n {\n name=\"Crafting Orders Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Azley\", \n zone=2112, coordX=35.4, coordY=58.8, \n quests={70589}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=3\n },\n {\n name=198454, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74109}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=4\n },\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={66381, 66382}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=5\n },\n {\n name=198966, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Rousing Fire\", \n zone=2022, coordX=37.6, coordY=72.1, \n quests={70513}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=198965, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Earth (Crushing Elementals)\", \n zone=2022, coordX=46.35, coordY=37.26, \n quests={70512}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Grekka Anvilsmash\", \n zone=2022, coordX=43.32, coordY=66.6, \n quests={70250}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=7\n },\n {\n name=198791, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=56.4, coordY=19.5,\n quests={70230}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201007, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=22, coordY=87, \n quests={70246}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201005, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=65.5, coordY=25.7, \n quests={70312}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201008, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=35.5, coordY=64.3, \n quests={70296}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201010, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=34.5, coordY=67.1, \n quests={70310}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201004, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=81.1, coordY=37.9, \n quests={70313}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201009, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=50.9, coordY=66.5, \n quests={70353}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201011, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=53.1, coordY=65.3, \n quests={70314}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201006, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=52.2, coordY=80.5, \n quests={70311}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=8\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Yebb Neblegear\", \n zone=407, coordX=51, coordY=81.8, \n quests={29508}, optKey=\"blacksmithing\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Enchanting\nlocal Prof_Ench = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Soragosa\", \n zone=2112, coordX=31.1, coordY=61.4, \n quests={72173, 72172, 72175, 72155}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={66900, 66884, 72423, 66935}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=2\n },\n -- THERE'S NO CRAFTING ORDER QUEST FOR ENCHANTING\n {\n name=194702, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74110}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=4\n },\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={66377, 66378}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=5\n },\n {\n name=198968, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Humanoid Primalists\", \n zone=2025, coordX=53.2, coordY=65.6, \n quests={70515}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=198967, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Arcanes (Wyrmlings and Destabilized Elementals)\", \n zone=2024, coordX=38.3, coordY=61.5, \n quests={70514}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Shalasar Glimmerdusk\",\n zone=2023, coordX=62.42, coordY=18.7, \n quests={70251}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=7\n },\n {\n name=198798, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=57.5, coordY=83.6, \n quests={70320}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198675, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=68, coordY=26.8, \n quests={70283}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201012, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=57.5, coordY=58.5, \n quests={70272}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198689, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=61.4, coordY=67.6, \n quests={70291}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198799, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=38.5, coordY=59.2, \n quests={70336}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201013, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=45.1, coordY=61.2, \n quests={70290}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198694, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=21, coordY=45, \n quests={70298}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198800, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=59.9, coordY=70.4, \n quests={70342}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201359, source=\"\", who=\"Primal Storms - Earth [Need Sub Specialization: Primal Extraction]\", \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={71940}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=9\n },\n {\n name=201358, source=\"\", who=\"Primal Storms - Air [Need Sub Specialization: Primal Extraction]\", \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={71939}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=9\n },\n {\n name=201357, source=\"\", who=\"Primal Storms - Frost [Need Sub Specialization: Primal Extraction]\", \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={71942}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=9\n },\n {\n name=201356, source=\"\", who=\"Primal Storms - Fire [Need Sub Specialization: Primal Extraction]\", \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={71941}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=9\n },\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Sayge\", \n zone=407, coordX=53, coordY=75.8, \n quests={29510}, optKey=\"enchanting\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Engineering\nlocal Prof_Eng = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Clinkyclick Shatterboom\", \n zone=2112, coordX=42.2, coordY=48.6, \n quests={70557, 70540, 70545, 70539}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={66890, 66891, 66942, 72396}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=2\n },\n {\n name=\"Crafting Orders Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Azley\", \n zone=2112, coordX=35.4, coordY=58.8, \n quests={70591}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=3\n },\n {\n name=198510, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74111}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=4\n },\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil,\n quests={66379, 66380}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=5\n },\n {\n name=198970, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Dragonkin\", \n zone=2024, coordX=66, coordY=59.6,\n quests={70517}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=198969, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Titans\", \n zone=2025, coordX=58.8, coordY=58.8, \n quests={70516}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master Frizz Buzzcrank\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Frizz Buzzcrank\", \n zone=2024, coordX=17.8, coordY=21.7, \n quests={70252}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=7\n },\n {\n name=201014, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=56, coordY=44.9, \n quests={70270}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198789, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=49.09, coordY=77.54, \n quests={70275}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=8\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Rinling\", \n zone=407, coordX=49.4, coordY=60.8, \n quests={29511}, optKey=\"engineering\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Herbalism\nlocal Prof_Herb = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Agrikus\", \n zone=2112, coordX=37.5, coordY=67.9, \n quests={70616, 70613, 70614, 70615}, optKey=\"herbalism\", optSlot=1\n },\n -- NO CONSORTIUM QUEST optSlot=2\n -- NO CRAFTING ORDER QUEST optSlot=3\n {\n name=194704, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74107}, optKey=\"herbalism\", optSlot=4\n },\n -- NO EXPEDITION DROPS optSlot=5\n {\n name=200677, source=\"RNG Drop while Gathering\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={71857, 71858, 71859, 71860, 71861, 71864}, optKey=\"herbalism\", optSlot=6},\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Hua Greenpaw\", \n zone=2023, coordX=58.42, coordY=50.04, \n quests={70253}, optKey=\"herbalism\", optSlot=7\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME CHEST optSlot=8\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Chronos\", \n zone=407, coordX=55, coordY=70.6, \n quests={29514}, optKey=\"herbalism\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Inscription\nlocal Prof_Insc = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Talendara\", \n zone=2112, coordX=38.9, coordY=73.4, \n quests={70559, 70560, 70558, 70561}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={66943, 66944, 72438, 66945}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=2},\n {\n name=\"Crafting Orders Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Azley\", \n zone=2112, coordX=35.4, coordY=58.8, \n quests={70592}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=3},\n {\n name=194699, source=\"Inscription Crafted/Crafing Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74105}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=4},\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={66375, 66376}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=5},\n {\n name=198972, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Dragonkin\", \n zone=2024, coordX=65.4, coordY=59.3, \n quests={70519}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=6},\n {\n name=198971, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Djaradin (Qalashis)\", \n zone=2022, coordX=64.9, coordY=30.5, \n quests={70518}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=6},\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Lydiara Whisperfeather\", \n zone=2024, coordX=40.2, coordY=64.3, \n quests={70254}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=7},\n {\n name=198704, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=67.87, coordY=57.96, \n quests={70306}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198703, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=85.7, coordY=25.2, \n quests={70307}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198693, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=46.2, coordY=23.9, \n quests={70297}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198686, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=43.7, coordY=30.9, \n quests={70293}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198669, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=13.2, coordY=63.68, \n quests={70281}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198659, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=56.3, coordY=41.2, \n quests={70264}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198659, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=47.24, coordY=40.1, \n quests={70248}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201015, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=56.1, coordY=40.9, \n quests={70287}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=8\n },\n -- THERE'S NO ONE-TIME DROPS FOR INSCRIPTION\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Sayge\", \n zone=407, coordX=53, coordY=75.8, \n quests={29515}, optKey=\"inscription\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Jewelcrafting\nlocal Prof_JC = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Tuluradormi\", \n zone=2112, coordX=40.8, coordY=61.1, \n quests={70565, 70563, 70564, 70562}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={66516, 72428, 66950, 66949}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=2\n },\n {\n name=\"Crafting Orders Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Azley\", \n zone=2112, coordX=35.4, coordY=58.8, \n quests={70593}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=3\n },\n {\n name=194703, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74112}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=4\n },\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={66388, 66389}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=5\n },\n {\n name=198974, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Nokhud/Sundered Flame\", \n zone=2023, coordX=74, coordY=41, \n quests={70521}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=198973, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Elemental Enemies\", \n zone=2024, coordX=74.9, coordY=37.8, \n quests={70520}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Pluutar\", \n zone=2024, coordX=46.21, coordY=40.79, \n quests={70255}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=7\n },\n {\n name=198687, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=50.4, coordY=45.1, \n quests={70292}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201017, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=33.9, coordY=63.7, \n quests={70273}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198670, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=25.2, coordY=35.4, \n quests={70282}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198660, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=61.8, coordY=13, \n quests={70263}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198664, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=45, coordY=61.3, \n quests={70277}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201016, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=44.6, coordY=61.2, \n quests={70271}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198682, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=59.8, coordY=65.2, \n quests={70285}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198656, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=56.91, coordY=43.72, \n quests={70261}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=8\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Chronos\", \n zone=407, coordX=55, coordY=70.6, \n quests={29516}, optKey=\"jewelcrafting\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Leatherworking\nlocal Prof_LW = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Hideshaper Koruz\", \n zone=2112, coordX=28.5, coordY=61.3, \n quests={70568, 70569, 70571, 70567},optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil,\n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={66363, 66364, 72407, 66951}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=2\n },\n {\n name=\"Crafting Orders Quest\", source=\"\",who=\"NPC: Azley\", \n zone=2112, coordX=35.4, coordY=58.8, \n quests={70594}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=3\n },\n {\n name=194700, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74113}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=4\n },\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={66384, 66385}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=5\n },\n {\n name=198976, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Slyvern/Vorquin\", \n zone=2024, coordX=38.5, coordY=37.2, \n quests={70523}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=198975, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Proto-dragon/drakes\", \n zone=2022, coordX=42.8, coordY=82.4, \n quests={70522}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Erden\", \n zone=2023, coordX=82.45, coordY=50.67,\n quests={70256}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=7\n },\n {\n name=198711, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=39, coordY=86, \n quests={70308}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198667, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=64.3, coordY=25.4, \n quests={70280}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=8\n },\n \n {\n name=198696, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=86.4, coordY=53.7, \n quests={70300}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201018, source=\"\",\n who=nil, zone=2024, coordX=12.5, coordY=49.4, \n quests={70269}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198658, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=16.7, coordY=38.8, \n quests={70266}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198683, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=57.5, coordY=41.3, \n quests={70286}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=8},\n {\n name=198690, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=56.8, coordY=30.5, \n quests={70294}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=8},\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=nil, source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Rinling\", \n zone=407, coordX=49.4, coordY=60.8,\n quests={29517}, optKey=\"leatherworking\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Mining\nlocal Prof_Mine = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Sekita the Burrower\", \n zone=2112, coordX=38.8, coordY=51.4, \n quests={70617, 72157, 70618, 72156}, optKey=\"mining\", optSlot=1\n },\n -- NO CONSORTIUM QUEST optSlot=2\n -- NO CRAFTING ORDER QUEST optSlot=3\n {\n name=194708, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74106}, optKey=\"mining\", optSlot=4\n },\n -- NO EXPEDITION DROPS optSlot=5\n {\n name=201300, source=\"RNG Drop while Mining\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={72160, 72161 ,72162, 72163, 72164, 72165}, optKey=\"mining\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Bridgette Holdug\", \n zone=2025, coordX=61.41, coordY=76.86, \n quests={70258}, optKey=\"mining\", optSlot=7\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME CHEST optSlot=8\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Rinling\", \n zone=407, coordX=49.4, coordY=60.8, \n quests={29518}, optKey=\"mining\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Skinning\nlocal Prof_Skin = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Ralathor the Rugged\", \n zone=2112, coordX=28.5, coordY=60.4, \n quests={70620, 72159, 70619, 72158}, optKey=\"skinning\", optSlot=1\n },\n -- NO CONSORTIUM QUEST optSlot=2\n -- NO CRAFTING ORDER QUEST optSlot=3\n {\n name=201023, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74114}, optKey=\"skinning\", optSlot=4\n },\n -- THERE'S NO EXPEDITION DROPS FOR SKINNING\n {\n name=198837, source=\"RNG Drop while Skinning\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={70381, 70383, 70384, 70385, 70386, 70389}, optKey=\"skinning\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Zenzi\", \n zone=2022, coordX=73.34, coordY=69.72, \n quests={70259}, optKey=\"skinning\", optSlot=7\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME CHEST optSlot=9\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Chronos\", \n zone=407, coordX=55, coordY=70.6,\n quests={29519}, optKey=\"skinning\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\n\n-- Tailoring\nlocal Prof_Tail = {\n {\n name=\"Instructor Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Fulafong\", \n zone=2112, coordX=31.9, coordY=67.2, \n quests={70572, 70587, 70586, 70582}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=1\n },\n {\n name=\"Consortium Quest\", source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2112, coordX=36.6, coordY=62.9, \n quests={72410, 66952, 66953, 66899}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=2\n },\n {\n name=\"Crafting Orders Quest\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Azley\", \n zone=2112, coordX=35.4, coordY=58.8, \n quests={70595}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=3\n },\n {\n name=194698, source=\"Inscription Crafting Order\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={74115}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=4\n },\n {\n name=\"Expedition Drop\", source=\"Disturbed Dirt/Expedition Scout's Pack\", who=nil, \n zone=nil, coordX=nil, coordY=nil, \n quests={66386, 66387}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=5\n },\n {\n name=198977, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Nokhud\", \n zone=2023, coordX=74, coordY=41, \n quests={70524}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=198978, source=\"\", who=\"Mobs: Gnolls\", \n zone=2024, coordX=23.9, coordY=42.4, \n quests={70525}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=6\n },\n {\n name=\"Profession Master\", source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Elysa Raywinder\", \n zone=2112, coordX=27.96, coordY=45.76, \n quests={70260}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=7\n },\n {\n name=198699, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=74.7, coordY=37.9, \n quests={70302}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198702, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2022, coordX=24.9, coordY=69.7, \n quests={70304}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198692, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2023, coordX=35.34, coordY=40.12, \n quests={70295}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201020, source=\"\", who=nil,\n zone=2023, coordX=66.1, coordY=52.9, \n quests={70303}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198680, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=16.2, coordY=38.8, \n quests={70284}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198662, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2024, coordX=40.7, coordY=54.5, \n quests={70267}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=198684, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=60.4, coordY=79.7, \n quests={70288}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n {\n name=201019, source=\"\", who=nil, \n zone=2025, coordX=58.6, coordY=45.8, \n quests={70372}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=8\n },\n -- NO ONE-TIME DROPS optSlot=9\n {\n name=\"\",source=\"\", who=\"NPC: Selina Dourman\", \n zone=407, coordX=55.4, coordY=54.8, \n quests={29520}, optKey=\"tailoring\", optSlot=10\n },\n}\nlocal profList = {\n {\n prof=Prof_Alc, profID=171, \n name=\"alchemy\",\n r=195, g=0, b=255\n },\n {\n prof=Prof_BS, profID=164, \n name=\"blacksmithing\",\n r=201, g=142, b=100\n }, \n {\n prof=Prof_Ench, profID=333, \n name=\"enchanting\",\n r=48, g=0, b=255\n }, \n {\n prof=Prof_Eng, profID=202, \n name=\"engineering\", \n r=48, g=170, b=255\n },\n {\n prof=Prof_Herb, profID=182, \n name=\"herbalism\",\n r=0, g=255, b=89\n },\n {\n prof=Prof_Insc, profID=773, \n name=\"inscription\", \n r=225, g=255, b=153\n }, \n {\n prof=Prof_JC, profID=755, \n name=\"jewelcrafting\",\n r=255, g=0, b=102\n },\n {\n prof=Prof_LW, profID=165, \n name=\"leatherworking\", \n r=255, g=170, b=0\n },\n {\n prof=Prof_Mine, profID=186, \n name=\"mining\",\n r=255, g=102, b=51\n }, \n {\n prof=Prof_Skin, profID=393, \n name=\"skinning\", \n r=136, g=68, b=34\n },\n {\n prof=Prof_Tail, profID=197, \n name=\"tailoring\",\n r=255, g=255, b=0\n },\n}\n\n-- Main table\nlocal knowAll = {}\n\n-- Dynamic table\naura_env.Table1 = {}\n--DMF dates set up start\n-- Gets values for today day number and first sunday of the month day number\n-- date() returns a dict with those keys\n-- year=YYYY, month=MM, day=DD, yday=day of the year(1-365), wday=day of the week(sunday to saturday 1-7), hour=HH, min=MM, sec=SS, isdst=bolean for Daylight Saving Time\nlocal today = date(\"*t\", time())\ntoday.day = 1\nlocal firstDayMonthWeekday = date(\"*t\", time(today)).wday\nlocal firstSundayDay\nif firstDayMonthWeekday == 1 then\n firstSundayDay = 1\nelse\n firstSundayDay = 9-firstDayMonthWeekday\nend\ntoday = date(\"*t\", time())\n--DMF dates set up End\n\n\n-- Gets current character learned profession IDs\nlocal prof1, prof2, profSkill1, profID1, profSkill2, profID2, profName1, profName2, _\nfunction aura_env.professionGrabber()\n prof1,prof2,_,_,_ = GetProfessions()\n profSkill1, profID1, profSkill2, profID2, profName1, profName2 = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil\n if prof1 ~= nil then\n profName1,_,profSkill1,_,_,_,profID1 = GetProfessionInfo(prof1)\n end\n if prof2 ~= nil then\n profName2,_,profSkill2,_,_,_,profID2 = GetProfessionInfo(prof2)\n end\nend\naura_env.professionGrabber()\n\n\n-- Edits main table \"knowAll\" and adds the profession tables content\nlocal function updtList()\n for i=1, #knowOther do\n table.insert(knowAll,knowOther[i])\n end\n for _, each in ipairs(profList) do\n if profID1 == each.profID or profID2 == each.profID then\n for i=1, #each.prof do\n table.insert(knowAll,each.prof[i])\n end\n end\n end\n for index, each in ipairs(knowAll) do\n if each.optSlot==10 then\n if not (today.day >= firstSundayDay and today.day < (firstSundayDay+7)) then--- DMF checks\n table.remove(knowAll,index)\n end\n end\n end\nend\n\n-- Checks for \"Custom Options\" to see if the entry has to be added or not\nlocal function isOptEnabled(knowledge)\n if knowledge.optKey ~= \"other\" then\n if aura_env.config.allProf.list[knowledge.optSlot] then\n return false\n else\n if not aura_env.config[knowledge.optKey].list[knowledge.optSlot] then\n return false\n else\n return true\n end\n end\n else\n if not aura_env.config.other.list[knowledge.optSlot] then\n return false\n else\n return true\n end\n end\nend\n\n-- Checks if the entry has more than 1 quest available in a week\nlocal function singleKnowledge(knowledge)\n local single\n if knowledge.optKey ~= \"other\" then\n if (knowledge.optSlot >= 1 and knowledge.optSlot <= 4) or (knowledge.optSlot >= 7 and knowledge.optSlot <= 10) then\n single = true\n elseif knowledge.optSlot == 6 and not (knowledge.optKey == \"herbalism\" or knowledge.optKey == \"mining\" or knowledge.optKey == \"skinning\") then\n single = true\n else\n single = false\n end\n elseif knowledge.optKey == \"other\" and knowledge.optSlot == 3 then\n single = false\n else\n single = true\n end\n return single\nend\n\n-- Checks how many quests are left to do that week for each entry\nlocal function questsLeft(knowledge)\n local count\n local singleQuest = singleKnowledge(knowledge)\n if singleQuest == true then\n count = #knowledge.quests - (#knowledge.quests - 1)\n elseif not knowledge.quests and tonumber(knowledge.name) ~= nil then\n count = GetItemCount(knowledge.name, true)\n return count\n else\n count = #knowledge.quests\n end\n for _, questID in ipairs(knowledge.quests) do\n if C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(questID) then\n count = count - 1\n else\n if knowledge.optSlot == 2 then\n if C_QuestLog.IsOnQuest(questID) and not C_QuestLog.ReadyForTurnIn(questID) then\n for _, each in ipairs(questsConsortium) do\n if questID == each.questID then\n if each.who then\n knowledge.source = C_Map.GetMapInfo(each.zone).name .. \" - \" .. each.who .. \" - Coords: X:\" .. each.coordX .. \", Y:\" .. each.coordY\n else\n knowledge.source = C_Map.GetMapInfo(each.zone).name .. \" - Coords: X:\" .. each.coordX .. \", Y:\" .. each.coordY\n end\n knowledge.zone, knowledge.coordX, knowledge.coordY = each.zone, each.coordX, each.coordY\n end\n end\n elseif C_QuestLog.IsOnQuest(questID) and C_QuestLog.ReadyForTurnIn(questID) then\n knowledge.source = knowledge.sourceOriginal\n knowledge.zone, knowledge.coordX, knowledge.coordY = knowledge.zoneOriginal, knowledge.coordXOriginal, knowledge.coordYOriginal\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if knowledge.optSlot == 6 then\n if knowledge.optKey == \"herbalism\" then\n if count == 1 then\n knowledge.name = 200678\n end\n elseif knowledge.optKey == \"mining\" then\n if count == 1 then\n knowledge.name = 201301\n end\n elseif knowledge.optKey == \"skinning\" then\n if count == 1 then\n knowledge.name = 198841\n end\n end\n end\n return count\nend\n\n-- Checks if you have the requisites to be able to get the knowledge\nlocal function profSkillCheck(knowledge)\n if knowledge.optSlot == 7 or knowledge.optSlot == 8 then\n for _, each in ipairs(profList) do\n if knowledge.optKey == each.name then\n if profID1 == each.profID then\n if profSkill1 < 25 then\n knowledge.source = SkillToLow\n end\n elseif profID2 == each.profID then\n if profSkill2 < 25 then\n knowledge.source = SkillToLow\n end\n end\n end\n end\n elseif knowledge.optSlot == 9 and knowledge.optKey == \"enchanting\" then\n if UnitLevel(\"player\") < 70 then\n knowledge.source = LevleToLow\n end\n end\nend\n\n-- Generates the source string\nlocal function sourceStr(knowledge)\n if knowledge.zone then\n knowledge.source = C_Map.GetMapInfo(knowledge.zone).name\n end\n if knowledge.who and knowledge.source == \" - \" then\n knowledge.source = knowledge.who\n elseif knowledge.who and knowledge.source ~= \"\" then\n knowledge.source = knowledge.source .. \" - \" .. knowledge.who\n end\n if knowledge.coordX and knowledge.coordY then\n knowledge.source = knowledge.source .. \" - |cffffff00Coords: X:\" .. knowledge.coordX .. \", Y:\" .. knowledge.coordY.. \".|r\"\n end\nend\n\n-- Colorizes the profession text\nlocal function professionColor(knowledge)\n local profession = nil\n local alpha,r,g,b = 255,0,0,0\n \n if knowledge.optKey ~= \"other\" then\n for _, each in ipairs(profList) do\n if knowledge.optKey == each.name then\n if profID1 == each.profID then\n profession = profName1\n elseif profID2 == each.profID then\n profession = profName2\n end\n r,g,b = each.r, each.g, each.b\n end\n end\n else\n profession = \"Other\"\n r,g,b = 255,00,255\n end\n \n if profession ~= nil then\n profession = string.format(\"\\124c%02x%02x%02x%02x%s\\124r\",alpha,r,g,b,profession)\n profession = profession .. \" - \"\n end\n return profession\nend\n\n-- Colorizes the knowledge item color\nlocal function itemColor(knowledge)\n local localizedName\n local alpha,r,g,b = 255,0,112,221\n if knowledge.name then\n if tonumber(knowledge.name) ~= nil then\n if GetItemInfo(knowledge.name) == nil then\n localizedName = \"Loading... \"\n r,g,b = 255,15,150\n else\n localizedName = GetItemInfo(knowledge.name)\n local _,_,quality = GetItemInfo(knowledge.name)\n if quality == 5 then\n r,g,b = 255,128,50--lego/orange\n elseif quality == 4 then\n r,g,b = 163,53,255--epic/purple\n elseif quality == 3 then\n r,g,b = 51,150,255--Rare/Blue\n elseif quality == 2 then\n r,g,b = 0,155,0--uncommon/green\n end\n end\n else\n localizedName = knowledge.name\n end\n else\n if C_QuestLog.GetTitleForQuestID(knowledge.quests[1]) == nil then\n localizedName = \"Loading... \"\n r,g,b = 255,85,00\n else\n localizedName = C_QuestLog.GetTitleForQuestID(knowledge.quests[1]) .. \" Quest\"\n end\n end\n if knowledge.source == SkillToLow or knowledge.source == LevleToLow then\n r,g,b = 204,0,102\n end\n localizedName = string.format(\"\\124c%02x%02x%02x%02x%s\\124r\",alpha,r,g,b,localizedName)\n return localizedName\nend\n\nupdtList()\nfor _, each in ipairs(knowAll) do\n sourceStr(each) \n each.sourceOriginal, each.zoneOriginal, each.coordXOriginal, each.coordYOriginal = each.source, each.zone, each.coordX, each.coordY\nend\n\nif aura_env.config.allProf.misc[2] == true then\n aura_env.longStatus = true\nelse\n aura_env.longStatus = false\nend\n\n-- Main function\nfunction aura_env.showText()\n knowAll = {}\n aura_env.Table1 = {}\n updtList()\n aura_env.text = nil\n for _, each in ipairs(knowAll) do\n local count = questsLeft(each)\n local singleQuest = singleKnowledge(each)\n local isEnabled = isOptEnabled(each)\n profSkillCheck(each)\n local profession = professionColor(each)\n local localizedName = itemColor(each)\n each.prof, each.locName, each.count, each.single = profession, localizedName, count, singleQuest\n if count > 0 then\n if isEnabled then\n table.insert(aura_env.Table1,each)\n if aura_env.text and each.single == true then\n aura_env.text = aura_env.text .. \"\\n\" .. profession .. localizedName\n elseif aura_env.text and each.single == false then\n aura_env.text = aura_env.text .. \"\\n\" .. profession .. localizedName..\"|cff00ff00 - [x\" .. each.count .. \"] |r\"\n elseif (not aura_env.text) and each.single == true then\n aura_env.text = profession .. localizedName\n else\n aura_env.text = profession .. localizedName..\"|cff00ff00 - [x\" .. each.count .. \"] |r\"\n end\n if aura_env.longStatus == true then\n aura_env.text = aura_env.text .. \" = [\" .. each.source..\"]\"\n end\n end\n end\n end\n if #aura_env.Table1 == 0 then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"CompletionCheck\", true)\n elseif #aura_env.Table1 > 0 then\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"TodoCheck\", true)\n end\nend\n\naura_env.showText()\n\n\n\n\n", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["unit"] = "player", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["names"] = { }, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Combat Log", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["events"] = "QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,QUEST_DATA_LOAD_RESULT,ITEM_COUNT_CHANGED,BAG_UPDATE", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function()\n return true\nend", ["check"] = "event", ["use_unit"] = true, ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n aura_env.showText()\n return true\nend", }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n aura_env.showText()\n if aura_env.Table1 ~= nil then\n if #aura_env.Table1 > 0 then\n return true\n end\n else\n return false\n end\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "custom", ["unit"] = "player", ["events"] = "ADDON_LOADED:WeakAuras,QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,QUEST_DATA_LOAD_RESULT,ITEM_COUNT_CHANGED,BAG_UPDATE,PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD,MINIMAP_ZONE_CHANGED,WORLD_MAP_UPDATE,WORLD_MAP_NAME_UPDATE,ZONE_CHANGED,ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA,ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.Table1 ~= nil then\n if #aura_env.Table1 > 0 then\n return false\n end\n else\n return true\n end\nend", }, }, -- [3] { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n \n return true\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["duration"] = "1", ["events"] = "Btn_LMB", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n \n return true\nend", }, }, -- [4] { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n return true\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["duration"] = "1", ["events"] = "Btn_RMB", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [5] { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n return true\nend", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["duration"] = "1", ["events"] = "Btn_MMB", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [6] { ["trigger"] = { ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["names"] = { }, ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Combat Log", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["events"] = "TRAINER_UPDATE LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB NEW_RECIPE_LEARNED GUILD_TRADESKILL_UPDATE", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function()\n aura_env.professionGrabber()\n return true\nend", ["check"] = "event", ["use_unit"] = true, ["dynamicDuration"] = false, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { ["custom"] = "function()\n aura_env.showText()\n return true\nend", }, }, -- [7] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n aura_env.showText()\n if #aura_env.Table1 == 0 then\n return t[1] and t[3]\n elseif #aura_env.Table1 > 0 then\n return t[1]\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["desc"] = "Thanks for using Tama's Dragonflight helper\nif your haveing issue please let me know on https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelperand ill do me best to answer your question", ["font"] = "Expressway", ["version"] = 98, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["load"] = { ["use_petbattle"] = false, ["use_never"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { }, ["use_vehicle"] = false, ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["level_operator"] = ">=", ["difficulty"] = { }, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_size"] = true, ["use_vehicleUi"] = false, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["level"] = "58", ["use_level"] = 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then\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(each.zone, each.coordX/100, each.coordY/100, {title=\"No title\", from=\"Profession todo listv2 [Weak Auras 2]\"})\n else\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(each.zone, each.coordX/100, each.coordY/100, {title=each.tomtom, from=\"Profession todo listv2 [Weak Auras 2]\"})\n end\n end\n end\n else\n each.tomtom = each.prof .. each.locName\n if each.zone and each.coordX and each.coordY then\n if not each.tomtom then\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(each.zone, each.coordX/100, each.coordY/100, {title=\"No title\", from=\"Profession todo listv2 [Weak Auras 2]\"})\n else\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(each.zone, each.coordX/100, each.coordY/100, {title=each.tomtom, from=\"Profession todo listv2 [Weak Auras 2]\"})\n end\n end\n end\n end\n end\n TomTom:ReloadWaypoints()\n TomTom:SetClosestWaypoint(false)\nend", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 5, ["variable"] = "show", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "local _, addonLoaded 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C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v[7])) then\n aura_env.timeLeft = (v[1] - aura_env.currentTime) % aura_env.timeInterval\n table.insert(aura_env.nextRares, {aura_env.timeLeft + 10, v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7]})\n end\n end\n table.sort(aura_env.nextRares, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end)\n if #aura_env.nextRares < 1 then\n return \"\" \n end\n if aura_env.config.enableSound and (aura_env.nextRares[1][1] < aura_env.config.startPlayingSound and \n (not aura_env.lastCheck or aura_env.lastCheck < GetTime() - aura_env.config.soundFrequency)) then\n PlaySound(aura_env.config.soundID)\n aura_env.lastCheck = GetTime()\n end\n aura_env.message = \"\"\n for i = 1, aura_env.config.numRares do\n local rare = aura_env.nextRares[i]\n if rare then\n if aura_env.config.enableSound and aura_env.config.showSoundOnMessage and aura_env.message == \"\" then\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. \"Sound On\\n\"\n end\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. (C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(rare[7]) == true and \"*\" or \"\") .. rare[2][GetLocale()] .. \n aura_env.localization[1][GetLocale()] .. (rare[1] > 60 and string.lower(SecondsToTime(rare[1], true, true)) or string.lower(SecondsToTime(rare[1], false, true)))\n if aura_env.config.toggle == false and aura_env.config.coordinates == false then\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. aura_env.localization[2][GetLocale()] .. tostring(rare[3]) .. \", \" .. tostring(rare[4]) .. \n aura_env.localization[3][rare[6]][GetLocale()] .. C_Map.GetMapInfo(rare[6]).name .. \"\\n\"\n elseif aura_env.config.toggle == false and aura_env.config.coordinates then\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. aura_env.localization[3][rare[6]][GetLocale()] .. C_Map.GetMapInfo(rare[6]).name .. \"\\n\"\n else\n aura_env.message = aura_env.message .. \"\\n\"\n end\n end\n end\n return aura_env.message\nend", ["yOffset"] = -36.410461425781, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["displayText_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { }, ["finish"] = { }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "aura_env.rareTimersEU = \n{\n {1674675060, \n {\n enUS = \"Phleep\",\n deDE = \"Pfliep\",\n frFR = \"Phleep\",\n esES = \"Phleep\",\n itIT = \"Phleep\",\n ruRU = \"Флюп\",\n ptBR = \"Flippo\",\n zhCN = \"Phleep\",\n zhTW = \"Phleep\",\n koKR = \"Phleep\"\n }, \n 59, 86, 1, 2025, 69866},\n \n {1674676860, \n {\n enUS = \"Magmaton\",\n deDE = \"Magmaton\",\n frFR = \"Magmaton\",\n esES = \"Magmatón\",\n itIT = \"Magmaton\",\n ruRU = \"Магматон\",\n ptBR = \"Magmaton\",\n zhCN = \"Magmaton\",\n zhTW = \"Magmaton\",\n koKR = \"Magmaton\"\n }, \n 40, 63, 2, 2022, 70979},\n \n {1674678660, \n {\n enUS = \"Gruffy\",\n deDE = \"Schroffi\",\n frFR = \"Bêla\",\n esES = \"Indomable\",\n itIT = \"Gruffy\",\n ruRU = \"Брыкун\",\n ptBR = \"Grufoso\",\n zhCN = \"Gruffy\",\n zhTW = \"Gruffy\",\n koKR = \"Gruffy\"\n },\n 33, 29, 3, 2024, 69885},\n \n {1674680460, \n {\n enUS = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n deDE = \"Ronsak der Dezimierer\",\n frFR = \"Ronsak le Dévastateur\",\n esES = \"Ronsak el Diezmador\",\n itIT = \"Ronsak il Decimatore\",\n ruRU = \"Ронсак Истребитель\",\n ptBR = \"Ronsak, o Dizimador\",\n zhCN = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n zhTW = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n koKR = \"Ronsak the Decimator\"\n }, \n 44, 57, 4, 2023, 69878},\n \n {1674682260, \n {\n enUS = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n deDE = \"Flussläufer Tamopo\",\n frFR = \"Marche-rivière Tamopo\",\n esES = \"Caminarríos Tamopo\",\n itIT = \"Calcafiume Tamopo\",\n ruRU = \"Тамопо Бороздящий Реку\",\n ptBR = \"Andarilho do Rio Tamopo\",\n zhCN = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n zhTW = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n koKR = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\"\n }, \n 40, 70, 5, 2025, 69880},\n \n {1674684060, \n {\n enUS = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n deDE = \"Amethyzar der Glitzernde\",\n frFR = \"Améthyzar le Scintillant\",\n esES = \"Amethyzar el Relumbrante\",\n itIT = \"Amethyzar lo Splendente\",\n ruRU = \"Аметизар Сверкающий\",\n ptBR = \"Amethyzar, o Lampejante\",\n zhCN = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n zhTW = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n koKR = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\"\n }, \n 64, 55, 6, 2022, 69838},\n \n {1674685860, \n {\n enUS = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n deDE = \"Eldoren der Wiedergeborene\",\n frFR = \"Eldoren le Ressuscité\",\n esES = \"Eldoren el Renacido\",\n itIT = \"Eldoren la Rinata\",\n ruRU = \"Элдорен Возрожденный\",\n ptBR = \"Eldoren, o Renascido\",\n zhCN = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n zhTW = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n koKR = \"Eldoren the Reborn\"\n }, \n 48, 51, 7, 2025, 69875},\n \n {1674689460, \n {\n enUS = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n deDE = \"Skag der Werfer\",\n frFR = \"Skag le Lanceur\",\n esES = \"Skag el Lanzador\",\n itIT = \"Skag il Lanciatore\",\n ruRU = \"Скаг Метатель\",\n ptBR = \"Skag, o Arremessador\",\n zhCN = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n zhTW = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n koKR = \"Skag the Thrower\"\n }, \n 27, 50, 8, 2024, 72154},\n \n {1674691260, \n {\n enUS = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n deDE = \"Mikrin der tobenden Winde\",\n frFR = \"Mikrin des Vents déchaînés\",\n esES = \"Mikrin de los Vientos Arrasadores\",\n itIT = \"Mikrin dei Venti Furenti\",\n ruRU = \"Микрин Дитя Вихрей\",\n ptBR = \"Mikrin dos Ventos Coléricos\",\n zhCN = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n zhTW = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n koKR = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\"\n }, \n 63, 80, 9, 2023, 69857},\n \n {1674693060, \n {\n enUS = \"Rokmur\",\n deDE = \"Rokmur\",\n frFR = \"Rokmur\",\n esES = \"Rokmur\",\n itIT = \"Rokmur\",\n ruRU = \"Рокмур\",\n ptBR = \"Rokmur\",\n zhCN = \"Rokmur\",\n zhTW = \"Rokmur\",\n koKR = \"Rokmur\"\n }, \n 50, 52, 10, 2025, 69966},\n \n {1674694860, \n {\n enUS = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n deDE = \"Schmokflunk der Feuerspeier\",\n frFR = \"Brumacien le Crache-feu\",\n esES = \"Esmogsapo Soplafuegos\",\n itIT = \"Drospog lo Sputafuoco\",\n ruRU = \"Рогожог Огнедышащий\",\n ptBR = \"Zapo-fumo, o Soprafogo\",\n zhCN = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n zhTW = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n koKR = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\"\n }, \n 70, 65, 11, 2022, 69668},\n \n {1674696660, \n {\n enUS = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n deDE = \"Matriarchin Remalla\",\n frFR = \"Matriarche Remalla\",\n esES = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n itIT = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n ruRU = \"Матриарх Ремалла\",\n ptBR = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n zhCN = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n zhTW = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n koKR = \"Matriarch Remalla\"\n }, \n 53, 59, 12, 2025, 69883},\n \n {1674698460, \n {\n enUS = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n deDE = \"O'nank Strandsieb\",\n frFR = \"O'nank Ecume-Rivage\",\n esES = \"O'nank Peinacostas\",\n itIT = \"O'nank Rovistalidi\",\n ruRU = \"О'нанк Пескорой\",\n ptBR = \"O'nank Limpacosta\",\n zhCN = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n zhTW = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n koKR = \"O'nank Shorescour\"\n }, \n 79, 53, 13, 2022, 70983},\n \n {1674700260,\n {\n enUS = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n deDE = \"Forscherin Schleichflügel\",\n frFR = \"Chercheuse Rusaile\",\n esES = \"Investigadora Alaescape\",\n itIT = \"Ricercatrice Alafurba\",\n ruRU = \"Исследовательница Незримое Крыло\",\n ptBR = \"Pesquisadora Sagasa\",\n zhCN = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n zhTW = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n koKR = \"Researcher Sneakwing\"\n }, \n 37, 54, 14, 2023, 70698},\n \n {1674702060, \n {\n enUS = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n deDE = \"Schatzbesessener Trambladd\",\n frFR = \"Chasseur de trésors Trambladd\",\n esES = \"Trambladd el Codicioso\",\n itIT = \"Trambladd l'Acchiappatesori\",\n ruRU = \"Златолюбец Зацепий\",\n ptBR = \"Tesouro-louco Trambladd\",\n zhCN = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n zhTW = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n koKR = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\"\n }, \n 35, 70, 15, 2025, 70947},\n \n {1674703860, \n {\n enUS = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n deDE = \"Harkyn Grymmstein\",\n frFR = \"Harkyn Trysteroc\",\n esES = \"Harkyn Piedrasiniestra\",\n itIT = \"Harkyn Pietracupa\",\n ruRU = \"Харкин Мрачноскал\",\n ptBR = \"Harkyn Sombrólito\",\n zhCN = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n zhTW = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n koKR = \"Harkyn Grymstone\"\n },\n 42, 40, 16, 2022, 70213},\n \n {1674705660, \n {\n enUS = \"Fulgurb\",\n deDE = \"Fulgurb\",\n frFR = \"Fulgurb\",\n esES = \"Fulgurb\",\n itIT = \"Fulgurb\",\n ruRU = \"Фулгурб\",\n ptBR = \"Fulglutão\",\n zhCN = \"Fulgurb\",\n zhTW = \"Fulgurb\",\n koKR = \"Fulgurb\"\n }, \n 76, 48, 17, 2023, 69856},\n \n {1674707460, \n {\n enUS = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n deDE = \"Sandana der Sturm\",\n frFR = \"Sandana la Tempête\",\n esES = \"Sandana la Tempestad\",\n itIT = \"Sandana il Temporale\",\n ruRU = \"Сандана Живой Ураган\",\n ptBR = \"Sandana, o Tormentoso\",\n zhCN = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n zhTW = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n koKR = \"Sandana the Tempest\"\n }, \n 38, 78, 18, 2025, 69859},\n \n {1674709260, \n {\n enUS = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n deDE = \"Gorjo der Krabbenfessler\",\n frFR = \"Gorjo le Piégeur de crabes\",\n esES = \"Gorjo el Encadenador de Cangrejos\",\n itIT = \"Gorjo l'Incatenatore di Granchi\",\n ruRU = \"Горджо Ловец Крабов\",\n ptBR = \"Gorjo, o Agrilhoador de Caranguejo\",\n zhCN = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n zhTW = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n koKR = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\"\n }, \n 79, 51, 19, 2022, 69874},\n \n {1674711060, \n {\n enUS = \"Steamgill\",\n deDE = \"Dampfkieme\",\n frFR = \"Fumenage\",\n esES = \"Branquiavapor\",\n itIT = \"Branchialercia\",\n ruRU = \"Парожабр\",\n ptBR = \"Vaporgil\",\n zhCN = \"Steamgill\",\n zhTW = \"Steamgill\",\n koKR = \"Steamgill\"\n }, \n 54, 73, 20, 2023, 69667},\n \n {1674712860, \n {\n enUS = \"Tempestrian\",\n deDE = \"Orkandrian\",\n frFR = \"Tempestrien\",\n esES = \"Tempestriano\",\n itIT = \"Tempestrian\",\n ruRU = \"Бурестриан\",\n ptBR = \"Tempestriano\",\n zhCN = \"Tempestrian\",\n zhTW = \"Tempestrian\",\n koKR = \"Tempestrian\"\n }, \n 50, 79, 21, 2025, 69886},\n \n {1674714660, \n {\n enUS = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n deDE = \"Riesige Magmakrabbe\",\n frFR = \"Magmacrabe énorme\",\n esES = \"Magmaconcha enorme\",\n itIT = \"Gusciomagma Massiccio\",\n ruRU = \"Гигантский магмапанцирь\",\n ptBR = \"Magmacasco Enorme\",\n zhCN = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n zhTW = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n koKR = \"Massive Magmashell\"\n }, \n 22, 77, 22, 2022, 69848},\n \n {1674716460, \n {\n enUS = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n deDE = \"Grollrüssel\",\n frFR = \"Barronchon\",\n esES = \"Gruñetrompa\",\n itIT = \"Proboscide Bisbetica\",\n ruRU = \"Ревохобот\",\n ptBR = \"Rabugentino\",\n zhCN = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n zhTW = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n koKR = \"Grumbletrunk\"\n }, \n 20, 43, 23, 2024, 69892},\n \n {1674718260, \n {\n enUS = \"Oshigol\",\n deDE = \"Oshigol\",\n frFR = \"Oshigol\",\n esES = \"Oshigol\",\n itIT = \"Oshigol\",\n ruRU = \"Ошигол\",\n ptBR = \"Oshigol\",\n zhCN = \"Oshigol\",\n zhTW = \"Oshigol\",\n koKR = \"Oshigol\"\n }, \n 61, 27, 24, 2023, 69877},\n \n {1674720060, \n {\n enUS = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n deDE = \"Brutweberin Araznae\",\n frFR = \"Tisse-couvée Araznae\",\n esES = \"Tejedora de la prole Araznae\",\n itIT = \"Tessistirpe Araznae\",\n ruRU = \"Ткач Гнезда Аразна\",\n ptBR = \"Tece-prole Araznae\",\n zhCN = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n zhTW = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n koKR = \"Broodweaver Araznae\"\n }, \n 60, 71, 25, 2025, 69868},\n \n {1674721860, \n {\n enUS = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n deDE = \"Azras preisgekrönte Pfingstrose\",\n frFR = \"Précieuse pivoine d'Azra\",\n esES = \"Peonía preciada de Azra\",\n itIT = \"Peonia Preziosa di Azra\",\n ruRU = \"Любимый пион Азры\",\n ptBR = \"Peônia Premiada de Azra\",\n zhCN = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n zhTW = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n koKR = \"Azra's Prized Peony\"\n }, \n 55, 72, 26, 2022, 69839},\n \n {1674723660, \n {\n enUS = \"Malsegan\",\n deDE = \"Malsegan\",\n frFR = \"Malsegan\",\n esES = \"Malsegan\",\n itIT = \"Malsegan\",\n ruRU = \"Малсеган\",\n ptBR = \"Malsegan\",\n zhCN = \"Malsegan\",\n zhTW = \"Malsegan\",\n koKR = \"Malsegan\"\n }, \n 72, 46, 27, 2023, 69871}\n}\n\naura_env.rareTimersNA = \n{\n {1674714660, \n {\n enUS = \"Phleep\",\n deDE = \"Pfliep\",\n frFR = \"Phleep\",\n esES = \"Phleep\",\n itIT = \"Phleep\",\n ruRU = \"Флюп\",\n ptBR = \"Flippo\",\n zhCN = \"Phleep\",\n zhTW = \"Phleep\",\n koKR = \"Phleep\"\n }, \n 59, 86, 1, 2025, 69866},\n \n {1674716460, {\n enUS = \"Magmaton\",\n deDE = \"Magmaton\",\n frFR = \"Magmaton\",\n esES = \"Magmatón\",\n itIT = \"Magmaton\",\n ruRU = \"Магматон\",\n ptBR = \"Magmaton\",\n zhCN = \"Magmaton\",\n zhTW = \"Magmaton\",\n koKR = \"Magmaton\"\n }, \n 40, 66, 2, 2022, 70979},\n \n {1674718260, \n {\n enUS = \"Gruffy\",\n deDE = \"Schroffi\",\n frFR = \"Bêla\",\n esES = \"Indomable\",\n itIT = \"Gruffy\",\n ruRU = \"Брыкун\",\n ptBR = \"Grufoso\",\n zhCN = \"Gruffy\",\n zhTW = \"Gruffy\",\n koKR = \"Gruffy\"\n }, \n 33, 29, 3, 2024, 69885},\n \n {1674720060, \n {\n enUS = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n deDE = \"Ronsak der Dezimierer\",\n frFR = \"Ronsak le Dévastateur\",\n esES = \"Ronsak el Diezmador\",\n itIT = \"Ronsak il Decimatore\",\n ruRU = \"Ронсак Истребитель\",\n ptBR = \"Ronsak, o Dizimador\",\n zhCN = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n zhTW = \"Ronsak the Decimator\",\n koKR = \"Ronsak the Decimator\"\n }, \n 44, 57, 4, 2023, 69878},\n \n {1674721860, \n {\n enUS = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n deDE = \"Flussläufer Tamopo\",\n frFR = \"Marche-rivière Tamopo\",\n esES = \"Caminarríos Tamopo\",\n itIT = \"Calcafiume Tamopo\",\n ruRU = \"Тамопо Бороздящий Реку\",\n ptBR = \"Andarilho do Rio Tamopo\",\n zhCN = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n zhTW = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\",\n koKR = \"Riverwalker Tamopo\"\n }, \n 40, 70, 5, 2025, 69880},\n \n {1674723660, \n {\n enUS = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n deDE = \"Amethyzar der Glitzernde\",\n frFR = \"Améthyzar le Scintillant\",\n esES = \"Amethyzar el Relumbrante\",\n itIT = \"Amethyzar lo Splendente\",\n ruRU = \"Аметизар Сверкающий\",\n ptBR = \"Amethyzar, o Lampejante\",\n zhCN = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n zhTW = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\",\n koKR = \"Amethyzar the Glittering\"\n }, \n 64, 55, 6, 2022, 69838},\n \n {1674725460, \n {\n enUS = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n deDE = \"Eldoren der Wiedergeborene\",\n frFR = \"Eldoren le Ressuscité\",\n esES = \"Eldoren el Renacido\",\n itIT = \"Eldoren la Rinata\",\n ruRU = \"Элдорен Возрожденный\",\n ptBR = \"Eldoren, o Renascido\",\n zhCN = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n zhTW = \"Eldoren the Reborn\",\n koKR = \"Eldoren the Reborn\"\n }, \n 49, 50, 7, 2025, 69875},\n \n {1674729060, \n {\n enUS = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n deDE = \"Skag der Werfer\",\n frFR = \"Skag le Lanceur\",\n esES = \"Skag el Lanzador\",\n itIT = \"Skag il Lanciatore\",\n ruRU = \"Скаг Метатель\",\n ptBR = \"Skag, o Arremessador\",\n zhCN = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n zhTW = \"Skag the Thrower\",\n koKR = \"Skag the Thrower\"\n }, \n 27, 50, 8, 2024, 72154},\n \n {1674730860, \n {\n enUS = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n deDE = \"Mikrin der tobenden Winde\",\n frFR = \"Mikrin des Vents déchaînés\",\n esES = \"Mikrin de los Vientos Arrasadores\",\n itIT = \"Mikrin dei Venti Furenti\",\n ruRU = \"Микрин Дитя Вихрей\",\n ptBR = \"Mikrin dos Ventos Coléricos\",\n zhCN = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n zhTW = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\",\n koKR = \"Mikrin of the Raging Winds\"\n }, \n 63, 80, 9, 2023, 69857},\n \n {1674732660, \n {\n enUS = \"Rokmur\",\n deDE = \"Rokmur\",\n frFR = \"Rokmur\",\n esES = \"Rokmur\",\n itIT = \"Rokmur\",\n ruRU = \"Рокмур\",\n ptBR = \"Rokmur\",\n zhCN = \"Rokmur\",\n zhTW = \"Rokmur\",\n koKR = \"Rokmur\"\n }\n , 50, 52, 10, 2025, 69966},\n \n {1674734460, \n {\n enUS = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n deDE = \"Schmokflunk der Feuerspeier\",\n frFR = \"Brumacien le Crache-feu\",\n esES = \"Esmogsapo Soplafuegos\",\n itIT = \"Drospog lo Sputafuoco\",\n ruRU = \"Рогожог Огнедышащий\",\n ptBR = \"Zapo-fumo, o Soprafogo\",\n zhCN = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n zhTW = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\",\n koKR = \"Smogswog the Firebreather\"\n }, \n 70, 65, 11, 2022, 69668},\n \n {1674736260, \n {\n enUS = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n deDE = \"Matriarchin Remalla\",\n frFR = \"Matriarche Remalla\",\n esES = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n itIT = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n ruRU = \"Матриарх Ремалла\",\n ptBR = \"Matriarca Remalla\",\n zhCN = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n zhTW = \"Matriarch Remalla\",\n koKR = \"Matriarch Remalla\"\n },\n 53, 59, 12, 2025, 69883},\n \n {1674738060, \n {\n enUS = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n deDE = \"O'nank Strandsieb\",\n frFR = \"O'nank Ecume-Rivage\",\n esES = \"O'nank Peinacostas\",\n itIT = \"O'nank Rovistalidi\",\n ruRU = \"О'нанк Пескорой\",\n ptBR = \"O'nank Limpacosta\",\n zhCN = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n zhTW = \"O'nank Shorescour\",\n koKR = \"O'nank Shorescour\"\n }, \n 79, 53, 13, 2022, 70983},\n \n {1674739860, \n {\n enUS = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n deDE = \"Forscherin Schleichflügel\",\n frFR = \"Chercheuse Rusaile\",\n esES = \"Investigadora Alaescape\",\n itIT = \"Ricercatrice Alafurba\",\n ruRU = \"Исследовательница Незримое Крыло\",\n ptBR = \"Pesquisadora Sagasa\",\n zhCN = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n zhTW = \"Researcher Sneakwing\",\n koKR = \"Researcher Sneakwing\"\n }, \n 37, 54, 14, 2023, 70698},\n \n {1674741660, \n {\n enUS = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n deDE = \"Schatzbesessener Trambladd\",\n frFR = \"Chasseur de trésors Trambladd\",\n esES = \"Trambladd el Codicioso\",\n itIT = \"Trambladd l'Acchiappatesori\",\n ruRU = \"Златолюбец Зацепий\",\n ptBR = \"Tesouro-louco Trambladd\",\n zhCN = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n zhTW = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\",\n koKR = \"Treasure-Mad Trambladd\"\n }, \n 35, 70, 15, 2025, 70947},\n \n {1674743460, \n {\n enUS = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n deDE = \"Harkyn Grymmstein\",\n frFR = \"Harkyn Trysteroc\",\n esES = \"Harkyn Piedrasiniestra\",\n itIT = \"Harkyn Pietracupa\",\n ruRU = \"Харкин Мрачноскал\",\n ptBR = \"Harkyn Sombrólito\",\n zhCN = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n zhTW = \"Harkyn Grymstone\",\n koKR = \"Harkyn Grymstone\"\n }, \n 42, 40, 16, 2022, 70213},\n \n {1674745260, \n {\n enUS = \"Fulgurb\",\n deDE = \"Fulgurb\",\n frFR = \"Fulgurb\",\n esES = \"Fulgurb\",\n itIT = \"Fulgurb\",\n ruRU = \"Фулгурб\",\n ptBR = \"Fulglutão\",\n zhCN = \"Fulgurb\",\n zhTW = \"Fulgurb\",\n koKR = \"Fulgurb\"\n }, \n 76, 48, 17, 2023, 69856},\n \n {1674747060, \n {\n enUS = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n deDE = \"Sandana der Sturm\",\n frFR = \"Sandana la Tempête\",\n esES = \"Sandana la Tempestad\",\n itIT = \"Sandana il Temporale\",\n ruRU = \"Сандана Живой Ураган\",\n ptBR = \"Sandana, o Tormentoso\",\n zhCN = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n zhTW = \"Sandana the Tempest\",\n koKR = \"Sandana the Tempest\"\n }, \n 38, 78, 18, 2025, 69859},\n \n {1674748860, \n {\n enUS = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n deDE = \"Gorjo der Krabbenfessler\",\n frFR = \"Gorjo le Piégeur de crabes\",\n esES = \"Gorjo el Encadenador de Cangrejos\",\n itIT = \"Gorjo l'Incatenatore di Granchi\",\n ruRU = \"Горджо Ловец Крабов\",\n ptBR = \"Gorjo, o Agrilhoador de Caranguejo\",\n zhCN = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n zhTW = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\",\n koKR = \"Gorjo the Crab Shackler\"\n }, \n 79, 51, 19, 2022, 69874},\n \n {1674750660, \n {\n enUS = \"Steamgill\",\n deDE = \"Dampfkieme\",\n frFR = \"Fumenage\",\n esES = \"Branquiavapor\",\n itIT = \"Branchialercia\",\n ruRU = \"Парожабр\",\n ptBR = \"Vaporgil\",\n zhCN = \"Steamgill\",\n zhTW = \"Steamgill\",\n koKR = \"Steamgill\"\n }, \n 54, 73, 20, 2023, 69667},\n \n {1674752460, \n {\n enUS = \"Tempestrian\",\n deDE = \"Orkandrian\",\n frFR = \"Tempestrien\",\n esES = \"Tempestriano\",\n itIT = \"Tempestrian\",\n ruRU = \"Бурестриан\",\n ptBR = \"Tempestriano\",\n zhCN = \"Tempestrian\",\n zhTW = \"Tempestrian\",\n koKR = \"Tempestrian\"\n }, \n 50, 79, 21, 2025, 69886},\n \n {1674754260, \n {\n enUS = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n deDE = \"Riesige Magmakrabbe\",\n frFR = \"Magmacrabe énorme\",\n esES = \"Magmaconcha enorme\",\n itIT = \"Gusciomagma Massiccio\",\n ruRU = \"Гигантский магмапанцирь\",\n ptBR = \"Magmacasco Enorme\",\n zhCN = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n zhTW = \"Massive Magmashell\",\n koKR = \"Massive Magmashell\"\n }, \n 22, 77, 22, 2022, 69848},\n \n {1674756060, \n {\n enUS = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n deDE = \"Grollrüssel\",\n frFR = \"Barronchon\",\n esES = \"Gruñetrompa\",\n itIT = \"Proboscide Bisbetica\",\n ruRU = \"Ревохобот\",\n ptBR = \"Rabugentino\",\n zhCN = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n zhTW = \"Grumbletrunk\",\n koKR = \"Grumbletrunk\"\n }, \n 20, 43, 23, 2024, 69892},\n \n {1674757860, \n {\n enUS = \"Oshigol\",\n deDE = \"Oshigol\",\n frFR = \"Oshigol\",\n esES = \"Oshigol\",\n itIT = \"Oshigol\",\n ruRU = \"Ошигол\",\n ptBR = \"Oshigol\",\n zhCN = \"Oshigol\",\n zhTW = \"Oshigol\",\n koKR = \"Oshigol\"\n }, \n 61, 27, 24, 2023, 69877},\n \n {1674759660, \n {\n enUS = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n deDE = \"Brutweberin Araznae\",\n frFR = \"Tisse-couvée Araznae\",\n esES = \"Tejedora de la prole Araznae\",\n itIT = \"Tessistirpe Araznae\",\n ruRU = \"Ткач Гнезда Аразна\",\n ptBR = \"Tece-prole Araznae\",\n zhCN = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n zhTW = \"Broodweaver Araznae\",\n koKR = \"Broodweaver Araznae\"\n }, \n 60, 71, 25, 2025, 69868},\n \n {1674761460, \n {\n enUS = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n deDE = \"Azras preisgekrönte Pfingstrose\",\n frFR = \"Précieuse pivoine d'Azra\",\n esES = \"Peonía preciada de Azra\",\n itIT = \"Peonia Preziosa di Azra\",\n ruRU = \"Любимый пион Азры\",\n ptBR = \"Peônia Premiada de Azra\",\n zhCN = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n zhTW = \"Azra's Prized Peony\",\n koKR = \"Azra's Prized Peony\"\n }, \n 55, 72, 26, 2022, 69839},\n \n {1674763260, \n {\n enUS = \"Malsegan\",\n deDE = \"Malsegan\",\n frFR = \"Malsegan\",\n esES = \"Malsegan\",\n itIT = \"Malsegan\",\n ruRU = \"Малсеган\",\n ptBR = \"Malsegan\",\n zhCN = \"Malsegan\",\n zhTW = \"Malsegan\",\n koKR = \"Malsegan\"\n }, \n 72, 46, 27, 2023, 69871}\n}\n\naura_env.localization = {\n {\n enUS = \" spawns in \",\n frFR = \" apparaitera dans \",\n deDE = \" spawnt in \",\n esES = \" aparecerá en \" ,\n itIT = \" spawns in \",\n ruRU = \" spawns in \",\n ptBR = \" spawns in \",\n zhCN = \" spawns in \",\n zhTW = \" spawns in \",\n koKR = \" spawns in \"\n }, \n {\n enUS = \" at \",\n frFR = \" en \",\n deDE = \" bei \",\n esES = \" en \",\n itIT = \" at \",\n ruRU = \" at \",\n ptBR = \" at \",\n zhCN = \" at \",\n zhTW = \" at \",\n koKR = \" at \"\n },\n {\n \n [2022] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" aux \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en las \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n },\n [2023] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" aux \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en las \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n },\n [2024] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" à la \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en las \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n },\n [2025] = {\n enUS = \" in \",\n frFR = \" à \",\n deDE = \" in \",\n esES = \" en \",\n itIT = \" in \",\n ruRU = \" in \",\n ptBR = \" in \",\n zhCN = \" in \",\n zhTW = \" in \",\n koKR = \" in \"\n }\n \n },\n}\n\naura_env.currentRegion = GetCurrentRegion()\naura_env.rareTimers = (aura_env.currentRegion == 1 or aura_env.currentRegion == 2 or aura_env.currentRegion == 4 or aura_env.currentRegion == 5) and aura_env.rareTimersNA or aura_env.rareTimersEU\naura_env.timeInterval = 14 * 60 * 60\naura_env.nextRares = {}\n\naura_env.currentTime = time()\nfor _, v in ipairs(aura_env.rareTimers) do\n if aura_env.config[\"doNotShow\"][v[5]] then\n aura_env.timeLeft = (v[1] - aura_env.currentTime) % aura_env.timeInterval\n table.insert(aura_env.nextRares, {aura_env.timeLeft, v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6]})\n end\nend\n\ntable.sort(aura_env.nextRares, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end)\n\naura_env.last = GetTime()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["custom_type"] = "event", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["events"] = "", ["unit"] = "player", ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Chat Message", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function()\n return true\nend", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["events"] = "PKT_BtnWayPoint_LMB", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["custom"] = "function()\n if not aura_env.last or aura_env.last < GetTime() - 1 then\n aura_env.last = GetTime()\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n\n", ["custom_type"] = "event", ["events"] = "SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN", ["duration"] = "0", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [3] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n return t[1]\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 3, }, ["displayText_format_p_time_mod_rate"] = true, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["font"] = "Friz Quadrata TT", ["version"] = 26, ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["load"] = { ["use_effectiveLevel"] = false, ["ingroup"] = { }, ["use_never"] = false, ["zone"] = "", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2112, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025", ["difficulty"] = { ["single"] = "mythic", ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_zone"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = false, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["use_size"] = true, ["instance_type"] = { }, ["size"] = { ["single"] = "none", ["multi"] = { }, }, }, ["fontSize"] = 16, ["source"] = "import", ["uid"] = "R3oEURnl30L", ["shadowXOffset"] = 1, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] }, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["regionType"] = "text", ["fixedWidth"] = 200, ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/zs_TxqV0H/26", ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["parent"] = "Xirev's Dragonflight 30 Minute Rare Spawn Timer", ["displayText"] = "%c", ["semver"] = "3.2.10", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["tocversion"] = 100005, ["id"] = "30 Minute Rare Countdown", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Waypoint Button Functions", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["text"] = "Left Click:\nSet the Waypoint to the next rare that is spawning.\n\nRight Click:\nSet the Waypoint to the currently spawned rare as long as the \"spawned\" message is displayed.", ["type"] = "description", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [2] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "If the Timer Isn't Updating", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [3] { ["text"] = "In order to not refresh the aura too frequently, it is relying on the Spell Update Cooldown event which fires every 3 seconds while in Dragonflight zones for some reason. In other continents it only triggers when you trigger the global cooldown or while an ability is on cooldown.", ["type"] = "description", ["fontSize"] = "medium", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [4] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Location Options", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [5] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Remove Location & Coordinates", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "toggle", ["desc"] = "Removes the coordinates and zone where the rare is. Enable this option on the group so it affects both WeakAuras at the same time.", }, -- [6] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Remove Only Coordinates", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "coordinates", ["desc"] = "Enable to remove only the coordinates and retain the zone information.", }, -- [7] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Sound Options", ["noMerge"] = true, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [8] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Play Sound For Upcoming Rare", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "enableSound", ["desc"] = "Enable this option to play a sound when a rare is about to spawn.", }, -- [9] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Show \"Sound On\" Message", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "showSoundOnMessage", ["desc"] = "Displays a message that sound from the WeakAura is enabled. Mostly so you don't forget and don't know where the sound is coming from.", }, -- [10] { ["softMin"] = 0, ["type"] = "range", ["bigStep"] = 1, ["max"] = 300, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "soundFrequency", ["default"] = 60, ["softMax"] = 300, ["name"] = "Sound Frequency", ["useDesc"] = true, ["desc"] = "Choose how often you want the sound to play in seconds.", }, -- [11] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [12] { ["softMin"] = 0, ["type"] = "range", ["bigStep"] = 1, ["max"] = 300, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "startPlayingSound", ["default"] = 120, ["softMax"] = 300, ["name"] = "Sound Start Time", ["useDesc"] = true, ["desc"] = "Choose how many seconds before the rare spawns you want the sound to start playing.", }, -- [13] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [14] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = true, ["max"] = 1000000, ["step"] = 0.05, ["width"] = 0.5, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "soundID", ["default"] = 46109, ["name"] = "Add Custom Sound", ["desc"] = "Input your preferred sound ID to change the sound, you can find them on sites like Wowhead. Default: 46109 ", }, -- [15] { ["type"] = "space", ["variableWidth"] = true, ["height"] = 1, ["useHeight"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [16] { ["useName"] = true, ["type"] = "header", ["text"] = "Rare Display Options", ["noMerge"] = false, ["width"] = 1, }, -- [17] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = true, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Include Rares Killed Today", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "includeKilledToday", ["desc"] = "Enable this option to show rares which you have already killed today. The rares will be marked with an asterisk (*) in front of their name if you have killed them on your current character today.", }, -- [18] { ["softMin"] = 1, ["type"] = "range", ["bigStep"] = 1, ["max"] = 27, ["step"] = 1, ["width"] = 1, ["min"] = 1, ["key"] = "numRares", ["default"] = 3, ["softMax"] = 27, ["name"] = "Change amount of rares displayed", ["useDesc"] = true, ["desc"] = "Pull the slider to adjust how many rares are displayed in advance.", }, -- [19] { ["width"] = 0.9, ["type"] = "multiselect", ["values"] = { "Phleep", -- [1] "Magmaton", -- [2] "Gruffy", -- [3] "Ronsak the Decimator", -- [4] "Riverwalker Tamopo", -- [5] "Amethyzar the Glittering", -- [6] "Eldoren the Reborn", -- [7] "Skag the Thrower", -- [8] "Mikrin of the Raging Winds", -- [9] "Rokmur", -- [10] "Smogswog the Firebreather", -- [11] "Matriarch Remalla", -- [12] "O'nank Shorescour", -- [13] "Researcher Sneakwing", -- [14] "Treasure-Mad Trambladd", -- [15] "Harkyn Grymstone", -- [16] "Fulgurb", -- [17] "Sandana the Tempest", -- [18] "Gorjo the Crab Shackler", -- [19] "Steamgill", -- [20] "Tempestrian", -- [21] "Massive Magmashell", -- [22] "Grumbletrunk", -- [23] "Oshigol", -- [24] "Broodweaver Araznae", -- [25] "Azra's Prized Peony", -- [26] "Malsegan", -- [27] }, ["name"] = "Exclude Rares", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "doNotShow", ["default"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] true, -- [14] true, -- [15] true, -- [16] true, -- [17] true, -- [18] true, -- [19] true, -- [20] true, -- [21] true, -- [22] true, -- [23] true, -- [24] true, -- [25] true, -- [26] true, -- [27] }, ["desc"] = "Untick rares you do not wish to track.", }, -- [20] }, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = -190, ["config"] = { ["coordinates"] = false, ["startPlayingSound"] = 300, ["doNotShow"] = { true, -- [1] true, -- [2] true, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] true, -- [8] true, -- [9] true, -- [10] true, -- [11] true, -- [12] true, -- [13] true, -- [14] true, -- [15] true, -- [16] true, -- [17] true, -- [18] true, -- [19] true, -- [20] true, -- [21] true, -- [22] true, -- [23] true, -- [24] true, -- [25] true, -- [26] true, -- [27] }, ["showSoundOnMessage"] = false, ["soundFrequency"] = 3, ["numRares"] = 2, ["toggle"] = true, ["enableSound"] = false, ["includeKilledToday"] = false, ["soundID"] = 46109, }, ["shadowYOffset"] = -1, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["shadowColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0, -- [2] 0, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["conditions"] = { { ["check"] = { ["trigger"] = 2, ["variable"] = "show", ["value"] = 1, }, ["changes"] = { { ["value"] = { ["custom"] = "local _, addonLoaded = IsAddOnLoaded(\"TomTom\")\nif addonLoaded == false then\n C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(UiMapPoint.CreateFromCoordinates(aura_env.nextRares[1][6], aura_env.nextRares[1][3]/100, aura_env.nextRares[1][4]/100, 0))\n C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedUserWaypoint(true)\nelse\n TomTom:AddWaypoint(aura_env.nextRares[1][6], aura_env.nextRares[1][3]/100, aura_env.nextRares[1][4]/100, {title=aura_env.nextRares[1][2][GetLocale()], from=\"Xirev's Dragonflight 30 Minute Rare Timer\", crazy = true })\nend", }, ["property"] = "customcode", }, -- [1] }, }, -- [1] }, ["information"] = { }, ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap", }, ["Dig Maps"] = { ["sparkWidth"] = 10, ["iconSource"] = -1, ["xOffset"] = 0, ["preferToUpdate"] = true, ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "BOTTOMLEFT", ["sparkRotation"] = 0, ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasSeason2Helper/13", ["backgroundColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.1843137294054, -- [2] 0.27450981736183, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["icon_color"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["enableGradient"] = true, ["selfPoint"] = "TOPLEFT", ["barColor"] = { 0, -- [1] 0.66666668653488, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["desaturate"] = false, ["rotation"] = 0, ["sparkOffsetY"] = 0, ["gradientOrientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["load"] = { ["use_size"] = false, ["use_zoneIds"] = true, ["talent"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["zoneIds"] = "2133,2184,2112,2022,2023,2024,2025", ["class"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["spec"] = { ["multi"] = { }, }, ["size"] = { ["multi"] = { ["none"] = true, }, }, }, ["textureWrapMode"] = "CLAMPTOBLACKADDITIVE", ["useAdjustededMin"] = false, ["regionType"] = "aurabar", ["blendMode"] = "BLEND", ["texture"] = "WorldState Score", ["zoom"] = 0, ["spark"] = false, ["tocversion"] = 100100, ["alpha"] = 1, ["sparkColor"] = { 1, -- [1] 1, -- [2] 1, -- [3] 1, -- [4] }, ["sparkOffsetX"] = 0, ["wagoID"] = "5mg5d5cuB", ["parent"] = "10.1 bars (Reps ,Event Timers ect) ", ["customText"] = "\n\n", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_exact_itemName"] = false, ["use_count"] = true, ["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "item", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Item Count", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["use_includeBank"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["count"] = "0", ["itemName"] = 205982, ["use_unit"] = true, ["names"] = { }, ["count_operator"] = ">", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["use_exact_itemName"] = true, ["use_count"] = true, ["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "item", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Item Count", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", ["use_includeBank"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["count"] = "0", ["itemName"] = 205984, ["use_unit"] = true, ["names"] = { }, ["count_operator"] = ">", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "START", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", 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end\n)\nregion.PKT_Btn:SetScript(\"OnEnter\", function()\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"Waypoint0\", true)\n GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, UIParent)\n GameTooltip:SetOwner(region.PKT_Btn,\"ANCHOR_CURSOR\")\n GameTooltip:SetText(tooltipText)\n GameTooltip:Show()\n end\n)\nregion.PKT_Btn:SetScript(\"OnLeave\", function()\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"Waypoint1\", true)\n GameTooltip:Hide()\n end\n)\n\nfunction aura_env.btnStatus()\n if aura_env.complete == true then\n region.PKT_Btn:Hide()\n elseif aura_env.complete == false then\n region.PKT_Btn:Show()\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["finish"] = { }, }, ["texture"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\WeakAuras\\Media\\Textures\\Square_AlphaGradient.tga", ["url"] = "https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/98", ["zoom"] = 0.3, ["semver"] = "5.0.4", ["tocversion"] = 100007, ["id"] = "PBG", ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["alpha"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["xOffset"] = 0, ["uid"] = "wserjBdDBth", ["inverse"] = false, ["rotation"] = 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["text_anchorPoint"] = "INNER_RIGHT", ["text_text"] = "%1.angle", ["text_text_format_1.angle_format"] = "none", ["text_text_format_p_time_format"] = 0, ["text_text_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["text_text_format_1.angle_decimal_precision"] = 1, }, -- [6] }, ["height"] = 16, ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL", ["sparkBlendMode"] = "ADD", ["useAdjustededMax"] = true, ["fontSize"] = 12, ["source"] = "import", ["config"] = { ["speedshow"] = true, ["speedshowunits"] = true, ["speedunits"] = 2, ["hideblizz"] = true, }, ["selfPoint"] = "BOTTOM", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "if aura_env.reshow then\n EncounterBar:Show()\n aura_env.reshow = false\nend\naura_env.cancelCallback()", ["do_custom"] = true, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "---- Parameters ----\n\nlocal ascentSpell = 372610\nlocal thrillBuff = 377234\nlocal thrillSpeed = 60\nlocal maxSamples = 5\nlocal ascentDuration = 3.5\nlocal ascentBoostMax = 35\nlocal pollRate = 1 / 10\nlocal updatePeriod = 1 / 10\nlocal showSpeed = aura_env.config.speedshow\nlocal hideBlizz = aura_env.config.hideblizz\n\nlocal speedTextTypeAir = aura_env.config.speedtype == 1\nlocal speedTextFormat, speedTextFactor = \"\", 1\nif aura_env.config.speedunits == 1 then\n speedTextFormat = aura_env.config.speedshowunits and \"%.1fyd/s\" or \"%.1f\"\nelse\n speedTextFormat = aura_env.config.speedshowunits and \"%.0f%%\" or \"%.0f\"\n speedTextFactor = 100 / 7\nend\n\n---- Variables ----\n\nlocal active = false\nlocal updateHandle = nil\nlocal ascentStart = 0\nlocal lastX, lastY, lastT = 0, 0, 0\nlocal samples = 0\nlocal skipped = false\nlocal smoothSpeed, lastSpeed = 0, 0, 0\nlocal smoothAccel, lastAccel = 0, 0\n\n---- Localized functions ----\n\nlocal ScanEvents = WeakAuras.ScanEvents\nlocal GetTime = GetTime\nlocal After = C_Timer.After\n\n---- Trigger 1 ----\n\n-- Events:\n-- UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED:player\n-- DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_UPDATE\n\nlocal function setActive(allstates, state)\n active = state\n After(0, function()\n ScanEvents(\"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_SHOW\", state)\n end)\n \n if active then\n if hideBlizz and EncounterBar:IsVisible() then\n aura_env.reshow = true\n EncounterBar:Hide()\n end\n \n if not updateHandle then\n updateHandle = C_Timer.NewTicker(pollRate, function()\n if active then\n ScanEvents(\"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_UPDATE\", true)\n end\n end)\n end\n \n if not allstates[\"\"] then\n allstates[\"\"] = {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = 0,\n accel = 0,\n total = 100,\n boosting = false,\n thrill = false,\n speedtext = \"\",\n angle = \"\",\n }\n return true\n end\n else\n if updateHandle then\n updateHandle:Cancel()\n updateHandle = nil\n end\n \n if allstates[\"\"] then\n allstates[\"\"].show = false\n allstates[\"\"].changed = true\n return true\n end\n end\nend\n\naura_env.cancelCallback = function()\n if updateHandle then\n updateHandle:Cancel()\n updateHandle = nil\n end\nend\n\naura_env.trigger1 = function(allstates, event, _, newAngle, spellId)\n if event ~= \"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_UDPATE\" then\n if event == \"OPTIONS\" then\n return setActive(allstates, false)\n end\n \n if event == \"STATUS\" then\n return setActive(allstates, true)\n end\n \n -- Detect ascent boost\n if event == \"UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED\" then\n if spellId == ascentSpell then\n ascentStart = GetTime()\n end\n return false\n end\n end\n \n local time = GetTime()\n \n -- Delta time\n local dt = time - lastT\n if dt < updatePeriod then\n -- Rate limit speed updates!\n return false\n end\n lastT = time\n \n if not allstates or not allstates[\"\"] then return false end\n \n -- Get flying speed\n local isGliding, canGlide, forwardSpeed = C_PlayerInfo.GetGlidingInfo()\n local speed = forwardSpeed\n \n local thrill = C_UnitAuras.GetPlayerAuraBySpellID(thrillBuff)\n local boosting = thrill and time < ascentStart + ascentDuration\n \n -- Compute smooth speed\n samples = math.min(maxSamples, samples + 1)\n local lastWeight = (samples - 1) / samples\n local newWeight = 1 / samples\n smoothSpeed = speed\n local newAccel = smoothSpeed - lastSpeed\n lastSpeed = smoothSpeed\n \n -- Compute smooth acceleration\n smoothAccel = smoothAccel * lastWeight + newAccel * newWeight\n if speed > 63 then\n -- Don't track negative acceleration when boosting\n smoothAccel = max(0, smoothAccel)\n end\n if not IsFlying() then\n smoothAccel = 0 -- Don't track acceleration on ground\n end\n lastAccel = smoothAccel\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"DMUI_DRAGONRIDING_ACCEL\", smoothAccel)\n \n -- Update display variables\n local s = allstates[\"\"]\n s.changed = true\n s.value = smoothSpeed\n s.boosting = boosting\n s.thrill = not not thrill\n if showSpeed then\n s.speedtext = smoothSpeed < 1 and \"\" or string.format(speedTextFormat, smoothSpeed * speedTextFactor)\n end\n \n return true\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["zoom"] = 0, 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"player", ["use_unit"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["custom_type"] = "status", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Power", ["unit"] = "player", ["events"] = "UNIT_POWER_UPDATE:player", ["check"] = "event", ["use_unit"] = true, ["custom"] = "function(e,_,t)\n if aura_env.check_rage and t == \"RAGE\" then\n local r = UnitPower(\"player\",Enum.PowerType.Rage)\n \n if r > aura_env.tmp_rage then\n aura_env.tmp_rage = r\n end\n end\n \n return false\nend\n\n\n", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] { ["trigger"] = { ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["custom_type"] = "status", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Power", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["names"] = { }, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom"] = "function(e,_,_,id)\n if aura_env.spell_list[id] then\n local diff = aura_env.tmp_rage - UnitPower(\"player\",Enum.PowerType.Rage)\n \n aura_env.check_rage = false\n aura_env.counter = aura_env.counter + diff\n C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage(\"AFTERTHEWILDFIRE\",tostring(aura_env.counter))\n end\n \n return false\nend\n\n\n\n", ["events"] = "UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED:player", ["check"] = "event", ["unit"] = "player", ["use_unit"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [3] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "combatlog", ["spellId"] = "371982", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_HEAL", ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Combat Log", ["unit"] = "player", ["destUnit"] = "player", ["use_spellId"] = true, ["use_sourceUnit"] = true, ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["use_destUnit"] = false, ["sourceUnit"] = "player", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [4] { ["trigger"] = { ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "custom", ["events"] = "CHALLENGE_MODE_START", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["custom"] = "function()\n aura_env.counter = 0\n \n return false\nend\n\n\n", ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["unit"] = "player", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [5] { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["use_alwaystrue"] = true, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["event"] = "Conditions", ["use_unit"] = true, }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [6] ["disjunctive"] = "any", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["finish"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, }, ["displayText_format_c2_format"] = "none", ["version"] = 7, ["subRegions"] = { { ["type"] = "subbackground", }, -- [1] { 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currencymax = currencyInfo.maxQuantity\n if currencyAmount >= 10^6 then\n return string.format(\"%.1fm\", currencyAmount / 10^6) ..\"/\".. currencymax\n elseif currencyAmount >= 10^3 then\n return string.format(\"%.1fk\", currencyAmount / 10^3) ..\"/\".. currencymax\n else\n return tostring(currencyAmount) ..\"/\".. currencymax\n end\n allstates[flightstoneId] = {\n changed = true,\n show = true,\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = aura_env.getCurrencyCount(amount, max),\n icon = idnum,\n name = idnum,\n index =idnum,\n }\n return currencyAmount..\"/\".. currencymax\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["sparkRotationMode"] = "AUTO", ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["use_exact_itemName"] = true, ["use_count"] = false, ["use_genericShowOn"] = true, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnCooldown", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", ["type"] = "item", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["event"] = "Item Count", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["unit"] = "player", 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local time_to_next = interval - ((GetServerTime() - firstEvent) % interval)\n local active = interval - time_to_next < duration\n local remaining = duration - (interval - time_to_next)\n \n \n allstates[\"\"] = {\n changed = true,\n show = true,\n progressType = \"timed\",\n autoHide = true,\n duration = active and duration or interval-duration,\n expirationTime = GetTime() + (active and remaining or time_to_next),\n icon = 237385,\n active = active\n }\n \n return true\n end\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", ["use_unit"] = true, ["check"] = "event", ["events"] = "DRAGONFLIGHT_EVENT_TRACKER", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["customVariables"] = "{\n active = {\n display = \"Camp Moving Active\", \n type = \"bool\",\n },\n expirationTime = true,\n}\n\n\n\n\n", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "custom", ["custom_type"] = "status", ["event"] = "Chat Message", ["unit"] = "player", ["custom"] = "function()\n if aura_env.config.Aylaag then\n return true\n end \nend", 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["duration"] = "1", ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["power"] = "3", ["power_operator"] = ">=", ["event"] = "Power", ["use_itemName"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["unevent"] = "auto", ["use_powertype"] = true, ["spellIds"] = { }, ["custom_type"] = "status", ["check"] = "event", ["use_power"] = true, ["custom_hide"] = "timed", ["names"] = { }, }, ["untrigger"] = { ["itemName"] = 137048, }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["unit"] = "player", ["type"] = "aura2", ["use_debuffClass"] = false, ["auraspellids"] = { "385127", -- [1] }, ["useExactSpellId"] = true, ["matchesShowOn"] = "showOnMissing", ["useName"] = false, ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n if aura_env.dadGreyHpOn then\n return (t[1] and t[2])\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = 1, }, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["type"] = "none", ["easeType"] = "none", ["easeStrength"] = 3, 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[3] }, ["name"] = "Modifier key", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "modKey", ["width"] = 1, }, -- [1] { ["type"] = "number", ["useDesc"] = false, ["max"] = 60, ["step"] = 0.1, ["width"] = 2, ["min"] = 0, ["key"] = "TIMEOUT", ["default"] = 2, ["name"] = "Hold key down for # seconds before enabling the release button", }, -- [2] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["key"] = "AUTO_RELEASE", ["name"] = "Auto-release when release button is clickable", ["useDesc"] = false, ["width"] = 2, }, -- [3] { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 2, ["name"] = "Enable Ape mode (EXPERIMENTAL)", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "APE", ["desc"] = "Enabling this makes the dialog shake a lot when you get closer to the button with your cursor.", }, -- [4] { ["type"] = "multiselect", ["default"] = { false, -- [1] false, -- [2] false, -- [3] true, -- [4] true, -- [5] true, -- [6] true, -- [7] }, ["values"] = { "Party - Normal", -- [1] "Party - Heroic", -- [2] "Party - Mythic", -- [3] "Party - Mythic Keystone", -- [4] "Raid - Normal", -- [5] "Raid - Heroic", -- [6] "Raid - Mythic", -- [7] }, ["name"] = "Enable release blocking behavior in the following instance types", ["useDesc"] = false, ["key"] = "enableIn", ["width"] = 2, }, -- [5] }, ["displayText"] = " ", ["customText"] = "", ["yOffset"] = 0, ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER", ["customTextUpdate"] = "update", ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto", ["actions"] = { ["start"] = { ["message"] = "", ["do_sound"] = false, ["message_type"] = "PRINT", ["do_custom"] = false, ["do_message"] = false, }, ["finish"] = { ["custom"] = "", ["do_custom"] = false, }, ["init"] = { ["custom"] = "-- seconds to hold down modifier to enable the release button\naura_env.TIMEOUT = aura_env.config.TIMEOUT\n\n-- should we auto-release if modifier is held down long enough?\naura_env.AUTO_RELEASE = aura_env.config.AUTO_RELEASE\n\n-- format the text that explains this behavior\naura_env.INFO_TEXT = \"Hold %s for %d seconds to release.\"\naura_env.INFO_TEXT_SAFE = \"Keep holding and click the button.\"\n\n-- text shown below if someone can get back up and revive the group\naura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS = \"|cffFF5555%d |4RESSER:RESSERS; CAN REVIVE EVERYONE!|r\"\naura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS_NEARBY = \"|cffFF5555%d |4RESSER:RESSERS; CAN REVIVE YOU!|r\"\n\n-- the filters below sets up the behavior in a specific check order\n-- first we check the type of instance, followed by the difficultyID, then instanceID\n-- this allows you to specify a waterfell type check depending on what you wish to accomplish:\n-- (1) type - by default we ignore scenarios, arena and pvp environments, and specify exactly what kind of party and raid content to run in\n-- (2) difficulty - by default we only check for mythic keystones, and modern raids in normal, heroic or mythic to run in\n-- (3) instance - anything unspecified above, you may specifically add it to the last list of instance ids\n-- these values should always be either true, false, or just comment to ignore\n-- true means to run the release blocking behavior, false means to disable it, and comment/ignore so the next check in order is ran instead\n\n-- (1) instance types\n-- https://wow.gamepedia.com/API_GetInstanceInfo\naura_env.INSTANCE_TYPES = {\n scenario = false,\n -- party = true, -- uncomment to enable in any party content\n -- raid = true, -- uncomment to enable in any raid content\n arena = false,\n pvp = false,\n}\n\n-- (2) instance difficulties\n-- https://wow.gamepedia.com/DifficultyID\naura_env.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES = {\n -- party\n -- [1] = false, -- Normal\n -- [2] = false, -- Heroic\n -- [23] = false, -- Mythic\n -- [8] = true, -- Mythic Keystone\n -- raid\n -- [14] = true, -- Normal\n -- [15] = true, -- Heroic\n -- [16] = true, -- Mythic\n}\n\n-- (3) instances\n-- https://wow.gamepedia.com/InstanceID\naura_env.INSTANCES = {\n -- [2296] = true, -- Castle Nathria\n -- [2450] = true, -- Sanctum of Domination\n}\n\n-- load config overrides into `aura_env.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES`\nlocal enableInMapToDifficultyID = {\n [1] = 1, -- Party - Normal\n [2] = 2, -- Party - Heroic\n [3] = 23, -- Party - Mythic\n [4] = 8, -- Party - Mythic Keystone\n [5] = 14, -- Raid - Normal\n [6] = 15, -- Raid - Heroic\n [7] = 16, -- Raid - Mythic\n}\nfor k, v in ipairs(aura_env.config.enableIn) do\n if v ~= nil then\n local instDiffID = enableInMapToDifficultyID[k]\n aura_env.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES[instDiffID] = v\n end\nend\n\n-- get modifier key\nlocal function IsModifierKeyDown()\n if aura_env.config.modKey == 1 then\n return IsShiftKeyDown, \"SHIFT\"\n elseif aura_env.config.modKey == 3 then\n return IsAltKeyDown, \"ALT\"\n end\n return IsControlKeyDown, \"CTRL\"\nend\n\n-- unit can revive others\nlocal function UnitCanReviveOthers(unit, cr)\n local _, _, classID = UnitClass(unit)\n return classID == 2 or classID == 5 or classID == 7 or classID == 10 or classID == 11 or classID == 13 or (cr and classID == 9)\nend\n\n-- any class with self-revive that can revive the group?\nlocal function GetNumRessers()\n local c, n = 0, 0\n for unit in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n if UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unit) then\n if UnitHasIncomingResurrection(unit) and UnitCanReviveOthers(unit, true) then\n c = c + 1\n end\n elseif UnitInRange(unit) and UnitCanReviveOthers(unit) then\n n = n + 1\n end\n end\n return c, n\nend\n\n-- copied from StaticPopup.lua#L26\nlocal function GetSelfResurrectDialogOptions()\n local resOptions = GetSortedSelfResurrectOptions()\n if resOptions then\n if IsEncounterLimitingResurrections() then\n return resOptions[1], resOptions[2]\n else\n return resOptions[1]\n end\n end\nend\n\n-- returns true if we are in a instance we want to run the release blocking behavior\nfunction aura_env:IsRunningAllowed()\n local _, instType, instDiffID, _, _, _, _, instID = GetInstanceInfo()\n local typeVal = instType and self.INSTANCE_TYPES[instType]\n local diffVal = instDiffID and self.INSTANCE_DIFFICULTIES[instDiffID]\n local instVal = instID and self.INSTANCES[instID]\n if typeVal ~= nil then\n return not typeVal\n elseif diffVal ~= nil then\n return not diffVal\n elseif instVal ~= nil then\n return not instVal\n end\n return true\nend\n\n-- returns the popup widget\nfunction aura_env:GetPopup()\n local _, sp = StaticPopup_Visible(\"DEATH\")\n return sp\nend\n\n-- returns true if we can release and the button is enabled by default\nfunction aura_env:CanRelease()\n local sp = self:GetPopup()\n local allowed = true\n if sp then\n if IsFalling() and not IsOutOfBounds() then\n allowed = false -- wait until corpse lands\n elseif IsEncounterSuppressingRelease() then\n allowed = false -- encounter keeps us dead\n elseif HasNoReleaseAura() then\n allowed = false -- forced to stay dead\n else\n -- self ress options with potential restrictions\n local option1, option2 = GetSelfResurrectDialogOptions()\n if option1 and not option1.canUse then\n allowed = false\n end\n if option2 and not option2.canUse then\n allowed = false\n end\n end\n end\n return allowed, sp\nend\n\n-- returns true if we aren't restricted and can release\nfunction aura_env:IsReleaseAllowed()\n local canRelease, sp = self:CanRelease()\n if canRelease and sp then\n -- is running not worth it?\n local allowed = aura_env:IsRunningAllowed()\n -- check if we have held modifier long enough - if we aren't allowed to run\n if not allowed then\n local _, remain = aura_env:UpdateModifierStatus()\n if remain then\n return remain < 1\n end\n end\n -- is running allowed?\n return allowed\n end\n return true\nend\n\n-- called every second in order to keep the button status up-to-date\nfunction aura_env:UpdateButton()\n local canRelease, sp = self:CanRelease()\n if canRelease then\n -- update button status\n local status = self:IsReleaseAllowed()\n -- sp.button1:SetEnabled(status)\n sp.button1:SetShown(status)\n -- auto repop if the option is enabled\n if status and aura_env.AUTO_RELEASE then\n RepopMe()\n end\n -- append our explanation text and resize the popup widget\n local text = sp.text:GetText()\n if text then\n local _, remain, modName = aura_env:UpdateModifierStatus()\n local t\n if remain and remain >= 1 then\n t = format(self.INFO_TEXT, modName, max(0, remain))\n elseif remain then\n t = self.INFO_TEXT_SAFE\n else\n t = format(self.INFO_TEXT, modName, aura_env.TIMEOUT)\n end\n local c, n = GetNumRessers()\n if n > 0 then\n t = aura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS_NEARBY:format(n) .. \"\\n\" .. t\n elseif c > 0 then\n t = aura_env.INFO_TEXT_HAS_RESS:format(c) .. \"\\n\" .. t\n end\n sp.text:SetText(t)\n StaticPopup_Resize(sp, sp.which)\n end\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n-- called to update modifier status, returns also seconds elapsed\nfunction aura_env:UpdateModifierStatus()\n local isModifierKeyDown, modifierKeyName = IsModifierKeyDown()\n if aura_env.TIMEOUT <= 0 then\n return 0, 0, modifierKeyName\n elseif isModifierKeyDown() then\n if not aura_env.keyPressed then\n aura_env.keyPressed = GetTime() + aura_env.TIMEOUT\n end\n else\n aura_env.keyPressed = nil\n end\n local elapsed = aura_env.keyPressed\n if elapsed then\n return elapsed, elapsed - GetTime() + 1, modifierKeyName\n end\n return elapsed, nil, modifierKeyName\nend\n\n-- creates shake animation group\nlocal function CreateShake(sp)\n local a = sp:CreateAnimationGroup()\n a:SetLooping(\"REPEAT\")\n local t = a:CreateAnimation(\"Translation\")\n t:SetDuration(0)\n t:SetOffset(0, 0)\n a.t = t\n a:SetScript(\"OnStop\", function() t:SetOffset(0, 0) end)\n sp:HookScript(\"OnHide\", function() a:Stop() end)\n return a\nend\n\n-- starts shaking and updates the animation each call\nlocal function StartShaking(sp)\n local a = sp.DontReleaseAnimationGroup\n if not a then\n a = CreateShake(sp)\n sp.DontReleaseAnimationGroup = a\n end\n if not a:IsPlaying() then\n a:Play()\n end\n -- get distance from cursor to button\n local x1, y1 = sp.button1:GetCenter()\n local scale, x2, y2 = UIParent:GetEffectiveScale(), GetCursorPosition()\n x2, y2 = x2/scale, y2/scale\n local dist = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2)\n -- create a linear shake that intensifies up to 100 pixels the closer we get to the button\n local t = min(100, max(1, 1000/(dist+1)))\n a.t:SetOffset(random(-t, t), random(-t, t))\nend\n\n-- stops shaking\nlocal function StopShaking(sp)\n local a = sp.DontReleaseAnimationGroup\n if not a then\n return\n end\n if a:IsPlaying() then\n a:Stop()\n end\nend\n\n-- update shake effect on the popup dialog\nfunction aura_env:UpdateShake()\n local canRelease, sp = self:CanRelease()\n if not sp then\n return\n end\n if not aura_env.config.APE then\n StopShaking(sp)\n elseif canRelease and self:IsReleaseAllowed() then\n StopShaking(sp)\n else\n StartShaking(sp)\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["triggers"] = { { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START", ["duration"] = "1", ["event"] = "Conditions", ["names"] = { }, ["genericShowOn"] = "showOnActive", ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL", 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return true\n end\n end\n end\nend", ["custom_type"] = "stateupdate", ["check"] = "event", ["spellIds"] = { }, ["use_itemName"] = true, ["customVariables"] = "{\n expirationTime = true,\n duration = true,\n \n}", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [1] { ["trigger"] = { ["type"] = "unit", ["use_absorbHealMode"] = true, ["use_absorbMode"] = true, ["use_character"] = true, ["use_unit"] = true, ["use_inCombat"] = true, ["character"] = "player", ["unit"] = "group", ["event"] = "Unit Characteristics", ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL", }, ["untrigger"] = { }, }, -- [2] ["disjunctive"] = "custom", ["customTriggerLogic"] = "function(t)\n if aura_env.thunderingBarOn then\n return t[1]\n end\nend", ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10, }, ["displayText_format_p_format"] = "timed", ["displayText_format_p_time_legacy_floor"] = false, ["displayIcon"] = 237589, ["animation"] = { ["start"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 3, ["type"] = "none", ["duration_type"] = "seconds", ["easeType"] = "none", }, ["main"] = { ["easeStrength"] = 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= GetClassColorObj(classFilename)\n if color then\n local text = WA_Utf8Sub(UnitName(unit), num)\n if text then\n return color:WrapTextInColorCode(text)\n end\n end\n end\nend", ["do_custom"] = true, }, }, ["customTextUpdate"] = "event", ["id"] = "Wind Debuff - List Opposite Charge", ["displayText_format_c_format"] = "none", ["justify"] = "LEFT", ["icon_side"] = "LEFT", ["icon"] = false, ["sparkHeight"] = 30, ["displayText_format_p_time_precision"] = 1, ["internalVersion"] = 65, ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER", ["config"] = { ["clearnames"] = false, }, ["semver"] = "2.0.18", ["cooldownTextDisabled"] = false, ["sparkHidden"] = "NEVER", ["displayText_format_p_time_dynamic_threshold"] = 60, ["frameStrata"] = 1, ["anchorFrameType"] = "SCREEN", ["authorOptions"] = { { ["type"] = "toggle", ["default"] = false, ["width"] = 1, ["name"] = "Display Clear Target Names", ["useDesc"] = true, ["key"] = "clearnames", ["desc"] = "Displays the names of any eligible clear targets above your character", }, -- 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