928 lines
34 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-12-23 17:08:14 +01:00
DBMZuldazarRaid_AllSavedVars = {
["Helfara-Ravencrest"] = {
["ZuldazarRaidTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn289917you"] = true,
["SpecWarn290578youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn290578youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn289917youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn289917youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother289917target"] = true,
["announce290578targetsource"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn290578you"] = true,
["2323"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn285428switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn286379interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn284388spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother286425target"] = true,
["Timer285645cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284374cdcount"] = true,
["Timer286425cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn285632youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn285632youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285428switch"] = true,
["Timer282030cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284374cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn286425targetchangeSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother282037stack"] = false,
["Timer286988cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer284374cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer282030cd2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn282037stackSWSound"] = 1,
["NPAuraOnExplosion"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer286427cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell285632"] = true,
["SpecWarn285632you"] = true,
["SpecWarn284388spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn285818spellSWSound"] = 3,
["announce284374count"] = true,
["SpecWarn286425targetchangeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282030youSWNote"] = true,
["announce282040spell"] = true,
["Timer285645cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn284388spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn285428switchSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn285818spell"] = true,
["Timer286427cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn286379interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer286988cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconEmbers"] = true,
["Timer285428cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282040cd"] = true,
["NPAuraOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer285428cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer284388cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284388cd"] = true,
["Yell282037shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn286379interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282030youSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer286425cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn285818spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282037tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer285428cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn286988you2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer285645cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn282037taunt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer284388cdTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn282037tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282037stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn286988you2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282030cd2"] = true,
["SpecWarn282037stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer286988cd"] = true,
["Timer286425cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn282030you"] = true,
["Timer282040cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce285647spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn286988you2"] = false,
["SpecWarn286425targetchange"] = false,
["Timer286427cd"] = false,
["2340"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn285875taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn285671taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn282533interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer285994cdCVoice"] = 3,
["SpecWarn285994spell"] = true,
["Timer282467cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285875tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282533interruptcount"] = true,
["Yell289307shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn282399count"] = true,
["Timer286450cd"] = false,
["announceother285671stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn285994spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer285994cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn282526switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282543dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn282526switch"] = true,
["Timer282526cdCVoice"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer282543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother289307target"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn282533interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer282467cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn289292tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282526cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer282526cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn282526switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282467cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282543cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn289307moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Timer282543cd"] = true,
["Timer286450cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer286450cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn285671tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell289307"] = true,
["SpecWarn282399countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn289307moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn289307moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn282399countSWNote"] = true,
["announceother285875stack"] = false,
["announce282467spell"] = true,
["announceother286434target"] = true,
["Timer285994cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn285994spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn289292tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285671tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn289292taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn285875tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn282543dodge"] = true,
["2334"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn287167dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer288049nextcountCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn289023youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282153nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer287952nextcountCVoice"] = 3,
["SpecWarn289864runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn289864run"] = true,
["SpecWarn284168tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287929dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=8 stacks of $spell:289699SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288410switchcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn282205dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn289023youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288410switchcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn284168youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn286646moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn289870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell286105repeatplayer"] = true,
["Timer286646nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=8 stacks of $spell:289699"] = true,
["SpecWarn282205dodgecountSWSound"] = 4,
["announce288410count"] = true,
["SpecWarn284168you"] = true,
["SpecWarn282153dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn287114youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell287114"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SetIconBot"] = true,
["Timer282205nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconGigaVolt"] = true,
["Timer287929nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn282205dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother286646target"] = true,
["SpecWarn288410switchcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn287929dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother284168target"] = true,
["Timer287929nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer286646nextcountCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer287929nextcount"] = true,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn286646taunt"] = true,
["Yell284168shortyell"] = true,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn287167dispel"] = false,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=8 stacks of $spell:289699SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer288049nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer288049nextcount"] = true,
["Timer288410nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell286646position"] = true,
["Timer288410nextcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timer288410nextcount"] = true,
["Timer287952nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284168taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn287929dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn287952countSWSound"] = 2,
["Yell289023"] = true,
["Timer287952nextcount"] = true,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["Timer287797castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer287797castTColor"] = 3,
["Timer282205nextcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn286646movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer282205nextcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer282153nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282153nextcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn286646tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer287797cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn286646youpos"] = true,
["SpecWarn282153dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn289699taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn289870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn289870interrupt"] = true,
["Timer286646nextcount"] = true,
["announceother287114target"] = true,
["SpecWarn286646youposSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn284168youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn287167dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287952countSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn289864runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287114youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn287114you"] = true,
["announceother286051target"] = true,
["Yell286646iconfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn289023you"] = true,
["SpecWarn286646movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn284168tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn286646tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Yell284168repeatplayer"] = true,
["SpecWarn289699tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282153dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn287952count"] = true,
["SpecWarn286646youposSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn289699tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["2342"] = {
[3] = {
["announce285479spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn285995switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285995switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn289383you"] = true,
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["announce284081spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn284470youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer284081activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer283604cdsourceTColor"] = 3,
["Timer282939cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer285995cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell283507fade"] = true,
["Yell284470fade"] = true,
["SpecWarn283507moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn285014moveto2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn289155dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer285014cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer287072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn284798you"] = true,
["Timer285014cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["announceother289383target"] = true,
["Yell287072fade"] = true,
["Timer287424fadesTColor"] = 3,
["announceother283507target"] = true,
["Timer282939castCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother284470target"] = true,
["Timer284470cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn284798youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer283604cdsource"] = true,
["SpecWarn284941countSWSound"] = 2,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer284081active"] = true,
["announceother284798target"] = true,
["SpecWarn283606dodge"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["NPAuraOnGoldenRadiance"] = true,
["SpecWarn283507moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer289155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer289155cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer284941cd"] = true,
["Timer284470cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer287037cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell289383"] = false,
["Timer287037cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer289383cd"] = true,
["Timer287037cd"] = false,
["Timer287424fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell283507"] = true,
["Timer284941cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell285014"] = true,
["Timer283604cdsourceCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn284470you"] = true,
["Timer284941cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn285995switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn287037tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer289155cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn285014moveto2"] = true,
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["Timer287072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284081activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282939castTColor"] = 6,
["Timer282939cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn284941count"] = true,
["SpecWarn283507moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287072moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282939cd"] = true,
["Timer287072cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn287072moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer282939cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer283507cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284470cd"] = true,
["Yell284798"] = true,
["SpecWarn283606dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer283507cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn284941countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287072moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn285014moveto2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer289383cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn289383youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer289383cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282939dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn282939dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Yell287072"] = true,
["SpecWarn289155dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer287424fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn283606dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn289155dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn287037tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287037taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn284798youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer283507cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282939dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell285014fade"] = true,
["Yell284470"] = true,
["SpecWarn284470youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother287072target"] = true,
["2343"] = {
[3] = {
["NPAuraOnRefractiveIce"] = true,
["SetIconAvalanche"] = true,
["SpecWarn287993stack"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer288169cdcountTColor"] = 6,
["announceother288212targetcount"] = true,
["Timerej19690cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn287490tauntSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn290084interruptcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn290084interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["NPAuraOnMarkedTarget2"] = false,
["Timer288619cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn288345dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288475dodgecount"] = true,
["Yell288412"] = true,
["SpecWarn289220moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceotherej19690target"] = true,
["SpecWarn288212moveawaycount"] = true,
["Timer289220cd"] = true,
["Yell288038"] = false,
["InfoFrame2"] = true,
["SpecWarn287490taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn288475dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn287626dispel3"] = false,
["SpecWarn288212moveawaycountSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn288374moveawaycount"] = true,
["SpecWarn288619count"] = true,
["announce290053count"] = true,
["announceej19690soon"] = true,
["Yell288374"] = true,
["SpecWarn287626dispel3SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn287565tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother288374targetcount"] = true,
["Timer285459cdcount"] = true,
["Timer288212cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn285177dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn285253taunt"] = false,
["SpecWarn287626dispel3SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288619countSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother289220target"] = true,
["SpecWarn285254youposSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn288374moveawaycountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer285177cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn285177dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Timer288475cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer290084cdcountTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn288374moveawaycountSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn288412youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285459runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer288619cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer290084cdcount"] = true,
["Timer287322targetTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn288297gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn289220moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn288619countSWNote"] = true,
["Timer288475cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer289220cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["announceother285253stack"] = false,
["Timer287565cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["announce289219cast"] = true,
["InterruptBehavior"] = "Three",
["SpecWarn288412closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn288747switchcount2"] = true,
["announce288345bait"] = true,
["Yell288212iconfade"] = true,
["Timer287626cd"] = true,
["announce285177spell"] = true,
["Yell288212position"] = true,
["Timer285177cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn285253tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn288038runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer288169cdcount"] = true,
["NPAuraOnHowlingWinds2"] = false,
["Timer285459cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SetWeather"] = true,
["ShowOnlySummary2"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer289940cdcount2"] = true,
["NPAuraOnTimeWarp"] = true,
["announceother287490target"] = true,
["Timer289940cdcount2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer289940cdcount2TColor"] = 5,
["SetIconBroadside"] = true,
["SpecWarn289220moveaway"] = true,
["announce288221cast"] = true,
["Timer288747cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer288747cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timer288747cdcount"] = true,
["Timer288619cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell285254position"] = true,
["SpecWarn288747switchcount2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer289220cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer288475cdcount"] = true,
["Timer288345cdcountCVoice"] = 3,
["SpecWarn285459runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer288345cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer288345cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn289387moveto3SWNote"] = true,
["Yell289387fade2"] = true,
["Timer287322targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother287322target"] = true,
["SpecWarn288412you"] = true,
["Timer288374cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn288475dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288297gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announce289488spell"] = true,
["announce289940count"] = true,
["Timer288374cdcount"] = true,
["Timer289488cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer288212cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer288212cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn285459run"] = true,
["SpecWarn288412close"] = true,
["announce287925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn285253tauntSWNote"] = true,
["announce285725spell"] = true,
["Timer289488cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn287565taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn290084interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287565tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer285459cdcountCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn288038run"] = true,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["Timer287565cd2"] = true,
["Timerej19690cdTColor"] = 1,
["Yell289220"] = true,
["Timer288169cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer285177cdCVoice"] = 0,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer288374cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell288374shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn288412closeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother288038target"] = true,
["Timer287565cd2TColor"] = 5,
["Timerej19690cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn289387moveto3SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer287322target"] = true,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn288345dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn285177dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn289387moveto3"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn287993stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn288412youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn288297gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer287626cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn288747switchcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer290084cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn285254youposSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288038runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn287993stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer287626cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer289488cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn287490tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288212moveawaycountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288345dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn285254youpos"] = true,
["2330"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn282444stackSWNote"] = true,
["Yell282135shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn282411run"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:118212SWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:118212"] = false,
["announce282107soon"] = true,
["Timer285889cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282107cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn282834closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:270447SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer285878cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn282135you"] = true,
["SpecWarn282107moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn282209runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282444taunt"] = true,
["Timer283685cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285889defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282209runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer282098cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn282834closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer282098cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn282155switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn285878youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282834cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284663dispel"] = false,
["Timer285889cd"] = false,
["SetIconHex"] = false,
["NPAuraOnFixate"] = true,
["SpecWarn282834you"] = true,
["SpecWarn282135closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer282107cdcountCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer282444cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer284666cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn284663dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer284666cdcount"] = true,
["announceother282444stack"] = false,
["announce282098spell"] = true,
["Timer282636cdCVoice"] = 3,
["Timer282636cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282135close"] = true,
["SpecWarn282834youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer282135cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn285878you"] = true,
["Timer282411cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282411runSWNote"] = true,
["Yell282834"] = true,
["SpecWarn285889defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn285945taunt"] = true,
["announceother118212target"] = true,
["Yell282135position"] = true,
["SpecWarn284663dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer282411cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell282834fade"] = true,
["Timer283685cd"] = true,
["Timer285878cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282834close"] = true,
["SpecWarn282834youSWSound"] = 1,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:270447"] = true,
["Timer282636cd"] = true,
["Timer283685cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer282411cd"] = true,
["Timer282834cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn285945tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282444cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NPAuraOnPact"] = true,
["Timer282444cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn282155switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother282135target"] = true,
["Timer282155cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn286811youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer285889cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn282209run"] = true,
["Timer282155cd"] = true,
["Timer282135cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn282107movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer282135cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer285878cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn282135closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn282155switch"] = true,
["NPAuraOnPackHunter"] = true,
["SpecWarn286811you"] = true,
["SpecWarn282135youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn282444stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer282107cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer282098cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn286811youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer284666cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284663youSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=12 stacks of $spell:270447SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn284663youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284663you"] = true,
["SpecWarn282444tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282135youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282411runSWSound"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell286811fade"] = true,
["Timer282834cd"] = true,
["Yell282135iconfade"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:118212SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn282444stack"] = true,
["Yell286811"] = true,
["announceother285878target"] = true,
["SpecWarn285878youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285889defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn282444tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell282135"] = true,
["SpecWarn285945tauntSWNote"] = true,
["announceother284663target2"] = false,
["announceother286811target"] = true,
["Yell282209"] = true,
["talent3"] = "Survival",
["2335"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer285003cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn284686moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn285349moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Yell288449"] = true,
["Yell284831fade"] = true,
["Timer284831cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn288415defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn284933dodge"] = true,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["SpecWarn284662runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288449moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn286779interrupt"] = true,
["Timer284686cd"] = true,
["AnnounceAlternatePhase"] = false,
["SpecWarn286779interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn285003switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer287116cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn286742defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer284478cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn288415defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["NPAuraOnFocusedDemise"] = true,
["announceother284781target"] = false,
["NPAuraOnRelentlessness"] = true,
["SpecWarn285172run2"] = true,
["Timer285172cd"] = true,
["Timer286742cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn288415taunt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Yell285349"] = true,
["SpecWarn286742tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287333runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell284686"] = true,
["Timer286695cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer286695cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn288415taunt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn286742defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer286695cd"] = true,
["Timer284446addsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284446addsTColor"] = 1,
["Timer284446adds"] = true,
["SpecWarn285172switch2"] = false,
["SpecWarn284933dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn284831moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer286742cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn284781defensive"] = false,
["Timer284933cdTColor"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn286742defensive"] = true,
["Timer284933cd"] = true,
["Timer287333cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn288415taunt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer287116cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer284686cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer287116cd"] = true,
["Timer284478castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284478castTColor"] = 6,
["Timer288449cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer288449cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn286742taunt"] = true,
["Yell284686shortfade"] = true,
["Timer288449cd"] = true,
["Timer285003cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer285003cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn285172switch2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer285347cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer285172cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn284662runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn286742tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn287333runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer285347cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn285172run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer285347cd"] = true,
["Timer284781cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284781cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer284781cd"] = true,
["Timer284686cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284831moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Timer284662cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284831cdcount"] = false,
["Timer284662cd"] = true,
["Timer285172cdTColor"] = 1,
["Yell284831"] = true,
["announce287333spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn286779interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer284933cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer287333cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Yell288449fade"] = true,
["SpecWarn288449moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer284662cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284831tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer286742cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn284686movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announceother284831target"] = true,
["SpecWarn284686movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn284662run"] = true,
["SpecWarn286742dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce287116spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn285349moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn286742dodgeSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn285172run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn284831tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285172switch2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer284831cdcountCVoice"] = 2,
["Yell284662"] = true,
["announceother284686target"] = true,
["Timer287333cdcountCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn287333run"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn288449moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284831taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn284831moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn288415defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother284662target"] = true,
["SpecWarn285003switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother288449target"] = true,
["announce285003spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn285003switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn284933dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn284781defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce286695spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn284781defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn286742dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn285349moveaway"] = true,
["2337"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn289487spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Yell288205"] = true,
["SpecWarn285350moveto2"] = true,
["SpecWarn284383switchcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288205moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285017soakSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn285350moveto2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn288205moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer284106cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284383switchcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn289479spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Yell285350"] = true,
["SpecWarn284383switchcount"] = false,
["Timer288696castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer285350cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn284405runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer284360cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer287995cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer286558cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell285350shortfade"] = true,
["Timer287169cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer286558cdTColor"] = 4,
["NPAuraOnKepWrapping"] = true,
["announceother284361target"] = true,
["announceother284405target"] = true,
["SpecWarn289487spell"] = true,
["Timer284106cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn284262dodgecountSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother285000stack"] = false,
["Timer288696castTColor"] = 4,
["Timer284360cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284765interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarnej19312switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn289479spell"] = true,
["Timer285350cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn289487spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer285017cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn284361moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Yell284405"] = true,
["SpecWarn284262dodgecount"] = true,
["Timer285017cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej19312switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn289479spellSWNote"] = true,
["Yell284361shortfade"] = true,
["Timer285118cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn284262dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej19312switch"] = false,
["Timer287995cdTColor"] = 4,
["Yell284361"] = true,
["announceother287995target"] = true,
["Timer284262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn284361moveaway"] = true,
["Timer285350cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer287169cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn288205moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn285017soak"] = true,
["Timer287169cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother286558target"] = true,
["Timer285017cd"] = true,
["Timer285118cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer285118cd"] = true,
["Timer288696cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn285350moveto2SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284405run"] = true,
["announce288696cast"] = true,
["Timer284383cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer284383cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timer284383cdcount"] = true,
["Timer284360cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Yell288205shortfade"] = true,
["Timer287995cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn284405runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer284106cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother285350target"] = true,
["SpecWarn284765interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce287169count"] = true,
["SetIconWail"] = true,
["Timer284262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284361moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer286558cd"] = true,
["announceother284393target"] = true,
["SpecWarn285118dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer284262cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn285118dodge2SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn285017soakSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn285118dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn284765interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother288205target"] = true,
["2344"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn283598target2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn287469spellSWSound"] = 3,
["announce284436spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn283598you"] = true,
["Timer284474next"] = true,
["SpecWarn283573taunt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer283933next"] = true,
["announce283573spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn283582gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn283662targetchange"] = true,
["SpecWarn283582gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn283628interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn283582gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer284474nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn283626interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer283933nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer287469cd"] = true,
["Timer284474cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn283598youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn283573stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer283598cd"] = true,
["Yell283598"] = true,
["SpecWarn283650lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn283598target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn283662targetchangeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn283573taunt2SWNote"] = true,
["NPAuraOnWave"] = true,
["NPAuraOnJudgment"] = true,
["SpecWarn284578interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn283573stack"] = true,
["Timer283933nextCVoice"] = 1,
["announceother283598target"] = true,
["SpecWarn283650lookawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284578interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn283598youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn284474soonSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn283626interrupt2"] = false,
["Timer283598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NPAuraOnAngelicRenewal"] = true,
["Timer284474nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn287469spell"] = true,
["Timer283598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn284474soon"] = true,
["announceother283933target"] = true,
["SpecWarn283662switch2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother283573stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn283598dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["NPAuraOnBlindingFaith"] = true,
["SpecWarn283626interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["NPAuraOnRet2"] = false,
["SpecWarn283598dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn284474soonSWNote"] = true,
["announceother282113target"] = true,
["Timer284474cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn283598dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer287469cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn283662targetchangeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn287469spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn283650lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer284474cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn284578interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn283573stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer287469cdCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn283662switch2"] = false,
["SpecWarn283628interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn283573taunt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn283628interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn283662switch2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn283598target2SWSound"] = 1,