30558 lines
1015 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-12-23 17:08:14 +01:00
DBMPartyLegion_AllSavedVars = {
["Helca-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = false,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = false,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1825"] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = false,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1718"] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1480"] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1835"] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Holy",
["1826"] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = false,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = false,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1657"] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1497"] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1702"] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1663"] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = false,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
}, -- [1]
["1492"] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["Timer192706target"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1491"] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1653"] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1512"] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = false,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1654"] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1720"] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1479"] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = false,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1662"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["1688"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1687"] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1498"] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1501"] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["MawTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["HoVTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1469"] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1500"] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1470"] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["1468"] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1820"] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1485"] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1664"] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["AVHTrash"] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = false,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = false,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1518"] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1672"] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["NLTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SoTTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = false,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["BRHTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1719"] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1502"] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = false,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = false,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1693"] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = false,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1697"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1695"] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1694"] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1655"] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1467"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1827"] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = false,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = false,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1904"] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = false,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1686"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1878"] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1486"] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Nightbane"] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = false,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1906"] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = false,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["CoSTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = false,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = false,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["RTKTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = false,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = false,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1836"] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
}, -- [1]
["1489"] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = false,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1673"] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1487"] = {
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196543cd"] = true,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1696"] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1490"] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1488"] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1905"] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = false,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["DHTTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["VoWTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1656"] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1837"] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = true,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = true,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1982"] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1817"] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = false,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1818"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1838"] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = false,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1665"] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1711"] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1499"] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["CoENTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = false,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1979"] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1980"] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = false,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["EoATrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Helnen-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["1825"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["1480"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1835"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["1826"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
["1657"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["1497"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["1702"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["1663"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
["1492"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["1491"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["1653"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1512"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["1654"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["1479"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["1688"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["MawTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
["1469"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1500"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
["1470"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["1468"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1485"] = {
[2] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["AVHTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
[2] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["1672"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["NLTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SoTTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["1719"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["1502"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["1693"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["1655"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["talent2"] = "Enhancement",
["1467"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = true,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["EoATrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1980"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["1979"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["1486"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Nightbane"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1906"] = {
[2] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["CoSTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["RTKTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["1836"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["1489"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["VoWTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["1487"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cd"] = true,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["1696"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1490"] = {
[2] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1488"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["1665"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
["1905"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["1838"] = {
[2] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["1818"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["1817"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1982"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1837"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["1656"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["DHTTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1673"] = {
[2] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
["1711"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1499"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["1878"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["CoENTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1686"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Hellë-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1825"] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1718"] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["1480"] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1835"] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = true,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [2]
["talent1"] = "Blood",
["1826"] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [2]
["1657"] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["Timer200182cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1497"] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1702"] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["1663"] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1492"] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cd"] = true,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1491"] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = false,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = false,
["Timer193093cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1653"] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = true,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = true,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = true,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1512"] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1654"] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = true,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1720"] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1479"] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1662"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["Timer188169cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = true,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1688"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1687"] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = true,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["1498"] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["1501"] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["MawTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["HoVTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1469"] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [2]
["1500"] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [2]
["1470"] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = true,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1468"] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1820"] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["1485"] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193092cd"] = true,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce193092spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1664"] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [2]
["AVHTrash"] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = false,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1518"] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1672"] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer198635cd"] = true,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [2]
["NLTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["SoTTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["BRHTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1719"] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [2]
["1502"] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = true,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1693"] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1697"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1695"] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1694"] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = true,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce201379spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1655"] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = true,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = true,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["EoATrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1467"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = true,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1827"] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1904"] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer236543cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["1980"] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1979"] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = false,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["CoENTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1486"] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["Nightbane"] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1906"] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["CoSTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = true,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["RTKTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1836"] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1489"] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [2]
["1838"] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell229242"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1487"] = {
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1490"] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1673"] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199176next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
}, -- [2]
["1488"] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = true,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["DHTTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1665"] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = true,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1818"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [2]
["1817"] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1837"] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = true,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1982"] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1656"] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [2]
["VoWTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1905"] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = true,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [2]
["1696"] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202217cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1711"] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Yell203641"] = true,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [2]
["1499"] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [2]
["1878"] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["Timer233155cd"] = true,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [2]
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["1686"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [2]
["talent2"] = "Frost",
["Heloce-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = false,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1825"] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = false,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1718"] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1480"] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1835"] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = true,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Devastation",
["1826"] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = false,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = false,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1657"] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1497"] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1702"] = {
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["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1663"] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = false,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1492"] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1491"] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1653"] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1512"] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = false,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1654"] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1720"] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1479"] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = false,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1662"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1688"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1687"] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1498"] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1501"] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = false,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["MawTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["HoVTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1469"] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["1500"] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1470"] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1468"] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1820"] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1485"] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1664"] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["AVHTrash"] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = false,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1518"] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1672"] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["NLTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SoTTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = false,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["BRHTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1719"] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1502"] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = false,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193364cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1693"] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1697"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1695"] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1694"] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1655"] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1467"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1827"] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = false,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1904"] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["EoATrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1980"] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1979"] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1486"] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Nightbane"] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1906"] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = false,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["CoSTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = false,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["CoENTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = false,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1836"] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1489"] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = false,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1490"] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1487"] = {
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cd"] = true,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1488"] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1673"] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["1696"] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1905"] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["DHTTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1838"] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = false,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell229242"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1818"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1817"] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = false,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1982"] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1837"] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1656"] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["VoWTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1665"] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1711"] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1499"] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["RTKTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = false,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = false,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1878"] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1686"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Hexcel-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = false,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["1825"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = false,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["1480"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1835"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
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["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["1826"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = false,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = false,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
["1657"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["1497"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = false,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["1702"] = {
[0] = {
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["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["1663"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = false,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
["1492"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["1491"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["1653"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
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["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1512"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = false,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["1654"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["1479"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = false,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800gtfo"] = true,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192800gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["1688"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = false,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["MawTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198595interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192158cd"] = true,
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["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200901cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191508cd"] = true,
["Timer200901cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["Timer198934cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198595interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
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["Timer192158cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["Timer200901cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191508cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192563cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Timer215433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer215433cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer198934cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer215433cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
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["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198595cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198595cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198595cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
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["Timer192158cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198595interrupt"] = false,
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["1469"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1500"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
["1470"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["1468"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1485"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["AVHTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = false,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
[0] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["1672"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["NLTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn186576gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201983dispel"] = false,
["announceother193803target"] = false,
["SpecWarn200154runSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201983dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn186576gtfo"] = true,
["announce226406cast"] = false,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn201983dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154run"] = true,
["announce193585cast"] = true,
["announce202108cast"] = true,
["announce183433spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge2"] = false,
["announce193505cast"] = false,
["announce183548cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn186576gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce226287cast"] = true,
["announce226296cast"] = false,
["SoTTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = false,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["1719"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
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["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
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["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["1502"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = false,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193364cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["1693"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = false,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["1655"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["1467"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = false,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
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["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["EoATrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["1980"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
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["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["1979"] = {
[0] = {
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["announceother244433target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["1486"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn192307dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192048cd"] = true,
["Timer192048cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192307dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192048cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn192307dodge"] = true,
["Nightbane"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["1906"] = {
[0] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = false,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["CoSTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212773interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = false,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = false,
["Timer211299cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209033interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = false,
["Timer209413cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["Timer207979cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer211470cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer211299cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer209033cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["AGBuffs"] = true,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer397897cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer397897cd"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["Timer207979cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["Timer225100cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209378cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodge2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer207979cd"] = true,
["Timer211470cd"] = false,
["Timer207980cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer211464cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer211470cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209378cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer209413cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = false,
["announce210261cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212773interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer397892cd"] = true,
["Timer209413cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer211464cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209033interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer209378cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209495dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer211464cd"] = true,
["Timer207980cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212784cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer212784cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer209033cd"] = false,
["Timer212784cd"] = true,
["Timer211299cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn212773interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer225100cdTColor"] = 4,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer209404cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer397892cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["Timer209027cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209495dodge2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer209033cdTColor"] = 4,
["announce212773cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["Timer209027cd"] = false,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["Timer397892cdCVoice"] = 0,
["warnAvailableItems"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209404cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer209404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["Timer209027cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = false,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033interrupt"] = false,
["Timer397897cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer207980cd"] = false,
["Timer225100cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodge2"] = false,
["CoENTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = false,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1836"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["1489"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["RuneBehavior"] = "Generic",
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1878"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["1487"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196512cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cd"] = true,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196512cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["Timer196512cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["1905"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["1673"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210150cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188494gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn188494gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
["SpecWarn188494gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199176ends"] = true,
["1488"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["RTKTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = false,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["DHTTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1838"] = {
[0] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = false,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["1818"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["1817"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = false,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1982"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1837"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["1656"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["VoWTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1490"] = {
[0] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1711"] = {
[0] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1499"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1686"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1696"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1665"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
["Helfael-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["1825"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["1480"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1835"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = true,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["1826"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
["1657"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["1497"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1702"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["1663"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = false,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["1492"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = true,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1491"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = false,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = false,
["Timer193093cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = true,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["1653"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = true,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = true,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["1512"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1654"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = true,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = true,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["1479"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = true,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["1688"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = true,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["MawTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1469"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["1500"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
["1470"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = true,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1468"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1485"] = {
[2] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193092spell"] = true,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer193092cd"] = true,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["AVHTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = false,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
[2] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["1672"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer198635cd"] = true,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NLTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SoTTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1719"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1502"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1693"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = true,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1655"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = true,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = true,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["1686"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["1467"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = true,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = true,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["Timer236543cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["CoENTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1878"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = true,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1486"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Nightbane"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["1906"] = {
[2] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["CoSTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = true,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["RTKTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["1836"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["1489"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["VoWTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1487"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["1673"] = {
[2] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["1490"] = {
[2] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1696"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202217cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1905"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = true,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["DHTTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1656"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1837"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = true,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["1817"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1982"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1818"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["1838"] = {
[2] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["1665"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = true,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
["1488"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = true,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["1711"] = {
[2] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["1499"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["1979"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["1980"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["EoATrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["talent2"] = "Vengeance",
["Helcel-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = false,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = false,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = false,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1825"] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = false,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1718"] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["1480"] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1835"] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Discipline",
["1826"] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = false,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = false,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1657"] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1497"] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1702"] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1663"] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = false,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1492"] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1491"] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1653"] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1512"] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = false,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1654"] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1720"] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1479"] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = false,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1662"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1688"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1687"] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1498"] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1501"] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = false,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["MawTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["HoVTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = false,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1469"] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["1500"] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1470"] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1468"] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1820"] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1485"] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1664"] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["AVHTrash"] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = false,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = false,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1518"] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1672"] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["NLTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["SoTTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = false,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["BRHTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1719"] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["1502"] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = false,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193364cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1693"] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = false,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1697"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1695"] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1694"] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1655"] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1467"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1827"] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = true,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = false,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1904"] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = false,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["EoATrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1980"] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1979"] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1486"] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Nightbane"] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1906"] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = false,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["CoSTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = false,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["CoENTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = false,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1836"] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1489"] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = false,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["1490"] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1487"] = {
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cd"] = true,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1488"] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1673"] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199176next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1696"] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["DHTTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1665"] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1838"] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = false,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1818"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["1817"] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = false,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1982"] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1837"] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1656"] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["VoWTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1905"] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = false,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["1711"] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1499"] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["RTKTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = false,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["1878"] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["1686"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["Helfara-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["1825"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1480"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1835"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["1826"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
["1657"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["1497"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1702"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["1663"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["1492"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1491"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1653"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["1512"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1654"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["1479"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["1688"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["MawTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["1469"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["1500"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
["1470"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1468"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1485"] = {
[3] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["AVHTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
[3] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["1672"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NLTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SoTTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1719"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1502"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1693"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1655"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["1686"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["1467"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = true,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1878"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RTKTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["1486"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Nightbane"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["1906"] = {
[3] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoSTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["VoWTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["1836"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["1489"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["1711"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["1487"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell197556"] = true,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["1673"] = {
[3] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["1490"] = {
[3] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1488"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["1665"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
["1905"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["1656"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1837"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["1817"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1982"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1818"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["1838"] = {
[3] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["DHTTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1696"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["talent3"] = "Survival",
["1499"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoENTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1979"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["1980"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["EoATrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Helefir-Draenor"] = {
["1981"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["1825"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["1480"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1835"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = true,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["1826"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
["1657"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["1497"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1702"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["1663"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = false,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["1492"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = true,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1491"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = false,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = false,
["Timer193093cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = true,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["1653"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = true,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = true,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["1512"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1654"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = true,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = true,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["1479"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = true,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["1688"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = true,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
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["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["MawTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["1469"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["1500"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
["1470"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = true,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1468"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1485"] = {
[3] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193092spell"] = true,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193092cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["AVHTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = false,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
[3] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["1672"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer198635cd"] = true,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NLTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SoTTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
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["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1719"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1502"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1693"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = true,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1655"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = true,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = true,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["1686"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["1467"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = true,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer236543cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1878"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = true,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RTKTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["1486"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Nightbane"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["1906"] = {
[3] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["CoSTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = true,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["VoWTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["1836"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["1489"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["1711"] = {
[3] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["1487"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1490"] = {
[3] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1673"] = {
[3] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["1696"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202217cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["DHTTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1665"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = true,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
["1656"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1837"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = true,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1817"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1982"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1818"] = {
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["1838"] = {
[3] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1905"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = true,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["1488"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["talent3"] = "Guardian",
["1499"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoENTrash"] = {
[3] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1979"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = false,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["1980"] = {
[3] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["EoATrash"] = {
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Heltha-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
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["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
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[3] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
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["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
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["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["1825"] = {
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["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
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["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
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["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
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["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1480"] = {
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["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1835"] = {
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["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
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["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
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["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["talent1"] = "Arms",
["1826"] = {
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["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
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["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
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["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
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["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
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["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
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["1657"] = {
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["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
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["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200182cd"] = false,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
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[3] = {
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["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
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["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
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["Yell200243"] = true,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
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["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["1497"] = {
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["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
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["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
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["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
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[3] = {
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["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
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["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
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["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
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["1702"] = {
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["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
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["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
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[3] = {
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["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
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["1663"] = {
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["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
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[3] = {
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["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
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["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = false,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
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["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["1492"] = {
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["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
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["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
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["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
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["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
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[3] = {
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["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = true,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1491"] = {
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = false,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = false,
["Timer193093cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1653"] = {
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["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = true,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = true,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["1512"] = {
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1654"] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = true,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = true,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcount"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["1479"] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = true,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = true,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["1688"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = true,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
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["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
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["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["MawTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["announce215433cast"] = true,
["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce198934cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["announceother198892target"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce192563cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1469"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["1500"] = {
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["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
["1470"] = {
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["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = true,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1468"] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1485"] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193092spell"] = true,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193092cd"] = true,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
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["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = true,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["AVHTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = false,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["1672"] = {
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["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer198635cd"] = true,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NLTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SoTTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
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["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
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["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = true,
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["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1719"] = {
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["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
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["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1502"] = {
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["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1693"] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
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["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
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["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = true,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1655"] = {
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["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
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[3] = {
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["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = true,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["1686"] = {
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["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["1467"] = {
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["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
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["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = true,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
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["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
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["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
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["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
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["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
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[3] = {
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["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer236543cd"] = true,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
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["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
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[3] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["1878"] = {
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["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
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[3] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RTKTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["1486"] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Nightbane"] = {
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["1906"] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoSTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = true,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["VoWTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["1836"] = {
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["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["1489"] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["1711"] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["1487"] = {
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Yell197556"] = true,
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["1673"] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = true,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["1490"] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1488"] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = true,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["1665"] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = true,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
["1905"] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = true,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["1656"] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = true,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1837"] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = true,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = true,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["1817"] = {
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1982"] = {
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1818"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["1838"] = {
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["Yell229159position"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["DHTTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1696"] = {
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["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202217cd"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["talent3"] = "Protection",
["1499"] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoENTrash"] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1979"] = {
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["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["1980"] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["EoATrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
[3] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Helom-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["1825"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1480"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1835"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["1826"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = true,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
["1657"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["1497"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1702"] = {
[0] = {
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["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["1663"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["1492"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1491"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1653"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["1512"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1654"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer209676cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
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["Timer209676cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["1479"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["1688"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["MawTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["AGSkovaldTrash"] = true,
["SpecWarn198892you"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198892youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interrupt"] = false,
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["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210875dodge"] = true,
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["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198892youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn215433interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
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["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn198934interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn210875dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["AGStartOdyn"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805you"] = true,
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["Yell198892shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215433interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn198934interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1469"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["1500"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
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["1470"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
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["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1468"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1485"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn191284spell"] = true,
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["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191284spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
[0] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["AVHTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
[0] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["1672"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NLTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SoTTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
["announce248304cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1719"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer208165cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1502"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = true,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = true,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1693"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1655"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["1467"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191941activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = false,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["1686"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1878"] = {
[0] = {
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["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
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["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1486"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Nightbane"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["1906"] = {
[0] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = true,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoSTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SendToChat2"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpyHelperClose2"] = false,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["AGBoat"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = false,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["AGDisguise"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["RTKTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["1836"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["1489"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["1673"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["1487"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196543cd"] = false,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce196838ends"] = true,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["1696"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1490"] = {
[0] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1488"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193659youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193659youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193783target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193659you"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["DHTTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["1665"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer198496cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer216290cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer216249cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother216290target"] = true,
["Timer198496cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce216249spell"] = true,
["Timer216249cd"] = true,
["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce193375spell"] = true,
["Yell216290"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer216290cd"] = true,
["VoWTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother193069target"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["1656"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1837"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1982"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer247930cd"] = true,
["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1817"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interrupt"] = true,
["announceother228269target"] = true,
["announce228269cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228261youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227628defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1818"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227523spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227523cd"] = true,
["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227297next"] = true,
["Timer227297nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227297nextTColor"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["1838"] = {
[0] = {
["announceother229242target"] = true,
["Yell229242"] = true,
["Timer229284cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell229159position"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcount"] = true,
["announce229151spell"] = true,
["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cd"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer229151cd"] = true,
["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159you"] = true,
["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1905"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["1711"] = {
[0] = {
["Yell203641"] = true,
["announceother205233target"] = true,
["announceother210879target"] = true,
["Yell210879"] = true,
["Timer205233target"] = true,
["announceother203641target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879you"] = true,
["Timer210879cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodge"] = true,
["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["1499"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212030cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12489switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197776cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
["Timerej12489next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoENTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239161switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn242760run"] = true,
["SpecWarn236737dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother236737target"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1979"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer246134cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244602cd"] = true,
["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244579cd"] = true,
["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer244621activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["Timer244602cdTColor"] = 1,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["1980"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer247206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245802dodge"] = true,
["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interrupt"] = true,
["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
["Timer247245cd"] = true,
["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["EoATrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Helsora-Ravencrest"] = {
["1981"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer249336addsCVoice"] = 0,
["announceej16424addsleft"] = true,
["Timer248736castCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248736castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn246324spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer248736cast"] = true,
["announce244769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer244769cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249336adds"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce248736cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244751interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn246324spell"] = true,
["Timer246324cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer246324cd"] = true,
["Timer244769cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249336addsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244769cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244751cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer244751cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer244751cd"] = true,
["Timer249336adds"] = true,
["Timer246324cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer249336addsTColor"] = 1,
["1825"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227800cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227800interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227789cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227789youSWNote"] = true,
["announce227823cast"] = true,
["Timer227789cd"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer227823castTColor"] = 4,
["Yell227789"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227800interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227789youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227800cdCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227800cd"] = true,
["Timer227508cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227508cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother227789target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227789you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227508movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227823castCVoice"] = 1,
["1718"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn207278jump"] = true,
["Timer207261cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207278cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer219488cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn207806switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodge"] = true,
["Timer207278cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer207261cd"] = true,
["Timer207278cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer207261cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn207806switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce207815spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207278jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer219488cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother219488target"] = false,
["Timer219488cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1480"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer192094cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother192094target"] = true,
["SpecWarn192094movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192072cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Yell192094"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197502interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192072switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn191900dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192072switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192094cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192072cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192094moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn191900dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192072cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192094cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1835"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227493nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227365dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2"] = true,
["Timer227493next"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Yell228852"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer228852nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228852moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227365dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227493defensive2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer228852next"] = true,
["SpecWarn227363castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227339dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227493nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228852nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227363cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn228852movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["1826"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227568aiTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568ai"] = false,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227783aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227568run"] = false,
["Timer227783aiTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227777ai"] = true,
["Yell227777"] = true,
["SpecWarn227777moveaway"] = true,
["Timer227783ai"] = true,
["SpecWarn227783dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227420interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn227568runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn227568runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227568aiCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227777moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer227777aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227777aiTColor"] = 3,
["1657"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer200182cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother200289target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWNote"] = true,
["announce200050spell"] = true,
["Yell200289"] = true,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200289moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200243youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200289moveaway"] = true,
["Timer200243cd"] = true,
["Timer200359cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200359cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200182cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200359cd"] = true,
["announceother200243target"] = true,
["Yell200243"] = true,
["Timer200182cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200182dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200243cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200243you"] = true,
["Timer200243cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnNightmare"] = true,
["1497"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn196562moveaway"] = true,
["announceother196562target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWNote"] = true,
["Yell196562"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805youSWSound"] = 1,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196562cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196562cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196805moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196392interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805you"] = true,
["SpecWarn196805move"] = true,
["Timer196562cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer196805cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196562moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer196805cd"] = true,
["Timer196392cd"] = true,
["announceother196805target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196392interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer196392cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1702"] = {
[0] = {
["Yell202792shortfade"] = true,
["announceother202779target"] = true,
["announceother202792target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202779you"] = true,
["Timer203381nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn202792youSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202792fades"] = true,
["announceother202804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn202779youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer203381nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202792fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer202792fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["announce203381spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202792you"] = true,
["Timer203381next"] = true,
["1663"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarnej12364switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227233dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn198495interrupt"] = true,
["Timer197596nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227233nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197596next"] = true,
["Timer197262cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198495cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother197262target"] = false,
["SpecWarn198495interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn227233dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer227233next"] = true,
["Timer196947fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197262cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202088dodge"] = true,
["Timer197596nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196947target"] = true,
["Timer227233nextCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196947endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198495cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196947ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12364switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn202088dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer196947fades"] = true,
["Timer198495cdTColor"] = 4,
["1492"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn192706moveaway"] = true,
["Timer192617cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192680cd"] = true,
["Timer192680cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192617dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192617cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother192706target"] = true,
["Timer192706targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192617cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer192706cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192706cd"] = true,
["Timer192706cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192706moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192617dodge"] = false,
["Timer192706target"] = false,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["Timer192680cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce192680spell"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["1491"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn193018spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193018spell"] = true,
["Timer193018nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193018next"] = true,
["Timer193093cd"] = false,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodge"] = true,
["Timer193152cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193152spell"] = true,
["Timer193152cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193051nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193152cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193051nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193051next"] = true,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193051dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193093dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn193152spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193018spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193093cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193093cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193018nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1653"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn197687runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197687runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197687run"] = true,
["Yell197687"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodge"] = false,
["Timer197687nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197546target"] = true,
["Yell197546"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensive"] = false,
["announceother197687target"] = true,
["Timer197478cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197797interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnDarkRush"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478you"] = true,
["SpecWarn197478youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197546moveaway"] = true,
["Timer197418cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer197687nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197797interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn197418defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197418cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197546moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197478cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother197478target"] = true,
["SpecWarn197974dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197418cd"] = false,
["Timer197546cd"] = true,
["Timer197546cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197478cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197687next"] = true,
["1512"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn194216dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWNote"] = true,
["announceother194327target"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194231cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194216dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn194327switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194327switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interrupt"] = true,
["Timer194231cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer194327cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn194266interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194231switchSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer194327cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer194327cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194231cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1654"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn198408move"] = true,
["Timer196346cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198379cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer198379cd"] = false,
["Timer198408cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother196346target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensive"] = false,
["Timer196346cd"] = true,
["Yell196346"] = true,
["Timer198379cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196346cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198408cd"] = true,
["announce198401spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198408cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn198408moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1720"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer209676cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer209602cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodge"] = true,
["Timer209602cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer209602cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer209628cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209676spellSWNote"] = true,
["Yell209602"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother209602target"] = true,
["Timer209628cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209628dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209676spell"] = true,
["Timer209676cd"] = true,
["Timer209628cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209602you"] = true,
["Timer209676cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1479"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother191855target"] = true,
["Timer191798nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn191855runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191848interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191855cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191848interrupt"] = true,
["Timer191798next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer191798nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn191855run"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191855runSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer191855cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191855cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192005interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192003interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn192003interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce191798spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn191858move"] = true,
["SpecWarn191873spellSWNote"] = true,
["1662"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer188169cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn188169spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce188114spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn192800moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192800move"] = true,
["Timer188114cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn188169spell"] = false,
["Timer188114cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer188114cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer188169cd"] = false,
["Timer188169cdTColor"] = 5,
["1688"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1687"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn200154youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200154youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer200404cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer200551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200732cdCVoice"] = 2,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200404cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200637cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200732defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["announce200551spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200154you"] = true,
["Timer200551cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200637cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200637switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200700spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn200732defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn200700spell"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer200732cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer200732cd"] = false,
["Timer200404cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200637switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn200404moveto"] = true,
["Timer200551cd"] = true,
["Timer200700cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn200404movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200700cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1498"] = {
[0] = {
["Yell196070"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804target"] = false,
["Timer196070nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceother196070target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196070next"] = true,
["Timer195804nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer196115next"] = true,
["Timer196115nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn196070runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196070run"] = true,
["SpecWarn195804targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer195804next"] = true,
["SpecWarn196115spell"] = true,
["Timer196115nextTColor"] = 2,
["announceother195804target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196070runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell195804"] = true,
["SetIconOnQuarantine"] = true,
["Timer196070nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer195804nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1501"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announceother203176target"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833move"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203833moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer203914fadesCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn203957interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202974spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176move"] = true,
["Timer203914fadesTColor"] = 6,
["announceother203957target"] = true,
["Timer203914fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn203176dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202974cd"] = true,
["Timer202974cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202974spellSWSound"] = 2,
["MawTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn195031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198405interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["HoVTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Yell215430shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveaway"] = true,
["Yell199805shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199805dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn199210dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199726interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191508dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199805dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199210dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn215430moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192563interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191508dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199805target"] = true,
["1469"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce194942spell"] = true,
["Timer194942cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194945gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn194289spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn194945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194942cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn194289spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194942cd"] = true,
["1500"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer200040cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother199811target"] = true,
["Timer200040cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer200284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199811nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer200284cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200284cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200040moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnWeb"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother200284target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn200040move"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199811run"] = true,
["Timer200040cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell199811"] = false,
["Timer199811next"] = true,
["SpecWarn199811close"] = true,
["Timer199811nextTColor"] = 3,
["1470"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer197251cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn205004moveto"] = true,
["Timer197251cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer213583cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205004movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn192750spell"] = true,
["Timer197422activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer213583cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197422activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205004cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192750endsSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn197251spell"] = false,
["announce213583spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583moveto"] = true,
["announce205004spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197251spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn213583movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer205004cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197251cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192750ends"] = true,
["SpecWarn197422dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197422active"] = true,
["Timer205004cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn192750spellSWSound"] = 2,
["1468"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer192522cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192631cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192631cd"] = true,
["announce192621spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer192522cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn192631dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer192631cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer192621cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer192621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer192621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192522spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn192631dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer192522cd"] = true,
["1820"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227416move"] = true,
["Timer227477cd"] = true,
["Timer198006cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227776moveto"] = true,
["Timer227416cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn227776movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce227477spell"] = true,
["Timer198006cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer227416cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227416cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227477cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198006cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227477cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227416moveSWSound"] = 1,
["1485"] = {
[0] = {
["announce188404count"] = true,
["SpecWarn188404soonSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer193235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer188404castcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn193235gtfo"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce193092spell"] = false,
["announce193235count"] = true,
["Timer193092cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn188404soon"] = true,
["Timer191284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193092cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn188404soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193092cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer188404castcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer188404castcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer191284cd"] = true,
["Timer191284cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193235gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["1664"] = {
[0] = {
["Yell198079"] = true,
["Timer198073cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn198079defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soon"] = false,
["Timer198079cdTColor"] = 3,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother198079target"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198073cd"] = true,
["Timer198073cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer198079cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198073spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198079cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198079defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198245defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnHatefulGaze"] = true,
["AVHTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["WarningPortalSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortalCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interrupt"] = true,
["announce204966spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn205090spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn204608switch"] = true,
["announceother204962target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPortalTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205090spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204963interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn204962moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["TimerPortal"] = true,
["SpecWarn204608switchSWNote"] = true,
["Yell204608"] = true,
["SpecWarn204762move"] = true,
["SpecWarn205088interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1518"] = {
[0] = {
["announce196078spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer194956nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966next"] = true,
["Timer194956nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer194966nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn195254dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer195254cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer194966nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn194956dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn194966runSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer195254cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer194956next"] = true,
["SpecWarn194966run"] = true,
["announceother195254target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194956dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Yell195254"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn195254closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195254close"] = true,
["Timer195254cdTColor"] = 3,
["1672"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer198635cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201733cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193ends"] = true,
["Timer199143cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer198820cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193cd"] = true,
["Timer198820cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202019cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198635cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198635cd"] = false,
["Timer199143cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWNote"] = true,
["announceother201733target"] = true,
["Timer199193cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce199143spell"] = true,
["Timer199193fades"] = true,
["SpecWarn198820dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer198820cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn202019defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn199193dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199193cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201733cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199143cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199193endsSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201733youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer199193fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201733you"] = true,
["Timer201733cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199193fadesTColor"] = 6,
["Timer202019cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer202019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NLTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother200154target"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183407move"] = true,
["SpecWarn183407moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn183088dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn183088dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SoTTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn248184interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell245510"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother245510target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother249081target"] = true,
["SpecWarn248227switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081you"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interrupt"] = true,
["Yell249081"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249081youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245510moveaway"] = true,
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["SpecWarn245510moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn249081youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn245585interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248227switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245727interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn248133interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn248184interruptSWNote"] = true,
["BRHTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn225573interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn221688runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn221688runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn221634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn225573interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn221688run"] = true,
["SpecWarn200261dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200343dodge"] = true,
["Yell200343"] = true,
["announceother194966target"] = true,
["SpecWarn200343dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn200261dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn214003defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1719"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer207906cd"] = true,
["Timer208165cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodge"] = true,
["Timer208165cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce207906spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn207881dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer207906cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce208165spell"] = true,
["Timer207881cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer207906cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer207881cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["1502"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer193211cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn193364runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn193364runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer193364cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce193460spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193211defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn193211defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193211cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193566switch"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193977spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer193364cd"] = false,
["Timer193364cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193460cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer193977cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193364run"] = false,
["Timer193460cd"] = true,
["Timer193460cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193566switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193977cd"] = true,
["Timer193977cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193566cd"] = true,
["Timer193566cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer193566cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1693"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12651switch"] = true,
["Timer201598nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12646switch"] = true,
["Timer201598next"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202266moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12651switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201598nextCVoice"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn202266move"] = true,
["1697"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["1695"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer212567nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212564youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer212567next"] = true,
["Timer200905cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200905cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer200905cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer200905cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn200905castSWNote"] = true,
["announce200898spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer212567nextTColor"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564you"] = true,
["SpecWarn212564youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200905interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn201488spell"] = true,
["1694"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer201672nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672moveaway"] = true,
["Timer202062nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201960dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer201379next"] = false,
["Timer201672next"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn201672dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201960dodgeSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer201672nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce201379spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn201672moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202062nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201960nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer201960next"] = true,
["Timer202062next"] = true,
["Timer201960nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer201379nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer201379nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1655"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn204667defensive"] = false,
["Timer204666cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer204667cd"] = false,
["Timer204574cd"] = true,
["Yell204658"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodge"] = true,
["Timer204574cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce204666spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer204666cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer204667cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer204667cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204667defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer204658cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer204666cd"] = true,
["Timer204658cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother204658target"] = true,
["SpecWarn204574dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer204574cdTColor"] = 3,
["1467"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn191823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn202919gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn204151defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn191823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn202913dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn202919gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202913dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer191941active"] = false,
["Timer191941activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn204151defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn191823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1827"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer228019cd"] = true,
["Timer228221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193move"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227987interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227985cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228025cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228013moveto"] = true,
["Timer228025cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228019cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228013movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce232153spell"] = true,
["announceother228221target"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228221run"] = true,
["Timer228221cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227985cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228193moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228019interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispel"] = true,
["SetIconOnDusting"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn228225dispelSWNote"] = true,
["Timer227987cdTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn228221runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227987interrupt"] = true,
["Timer227985cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227985defensive"] = true,
["SpecWarn228019interrupt"] = true,
["Timer228019cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227985defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228221runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer227987cd"] = true,
["Timer228025cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227987cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228025interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1904"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer241622castTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200597adds"] = true,
["Timer236543cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn234107moveto"] = true,
["Timer234107cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer241622cast"] = true,
["Timer236543cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn236543dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer241622castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234107cd"] = true,
["Timer236543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn234107movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236543dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn200597addsSWNote"] = true,
["announce241622cast"] = true,
["Timer234107cdCVoice"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["1686"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce201920spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn201148defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn201148defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn201153switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn201153switchSWNote"] = true,
["ArcwayTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn226206interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211757interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn210750move"] = true,
["SpecWarn194006moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211757interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210750moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745move"] = true,
["SpecWarn211745moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn226206interruptSWNote"] = true,
["1878"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn233963moveaway"] = true,
["announceother233963target"] = true,
["announce234817spell"] = true,
["Timer234817cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell233963"] = true,
["Timer233155cdTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["announce233206ends"] = true,
["Timer233963cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer233963cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn233155spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn233155spellSWSound"] = 1,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceej14965spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn233963moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer234817cd"] = true,
["announce233206spell"] = true,
["Timer233963cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer234817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233155cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer233206cd"] = true,
["Timer233206cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer233155cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer233206cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1486"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer0cdspecialTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0cdspecial"] = true,
["Timer192018cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn200901moveto"] = true,
["Yell192048"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn192018defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveaway"] = true,
["announceother192048target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn192158dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn192018defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn192048moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn192288interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn200901movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer192018cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer192018cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer0cdspecialCVoice"] = 1,
["Nightbane"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer228785cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer228785cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228829cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228796cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer228785cd"] = false,
["Timer228829cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229307cd"] = true,
["Timer228829cd"] = true,
["Timer228806cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228837spell"] = true,
["announceother228796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228837cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer228806cd"] = true,
["Timer228796cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228837spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer228837cd"] = true,
["Timer229307cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer228837cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce228785spell"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcount"] = true,
["Yell228796shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229307cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn228796movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer228796cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn228808gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229307interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnIgnite"] = true,
["SpecWarn228796moveto"] = true,
["1906"] = {
[0] = {
["announce243124spell"] = true,
["announceother237726target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276run"] = false,
["Timer237726cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn237726moveto"] = true,
["Timer243124cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer243124cd"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer237276cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn237726movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn237276runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer237726cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn237276runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell237726"] = true,
["Show special announce to switch targets for $spell:238484SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer237276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237726cd"] = true,
["Timer243124cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer237276cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoSTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn209413interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211464movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn209485interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209033dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn397907moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn211470interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother397907target"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209495dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn211464moveto"] = true,
["announce212784cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209410interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpyHelper"] = true,
["Yell397907shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211299interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn209378runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn211299interrupt"] = true,
["announceother373552target"] = true,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce397897cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn209485interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207979dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn397892cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn209410interrupt"] = true,
["Yell397907"] = true,
["SpecWarn209413interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn212031dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn209027dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209378run"] = false,
["SendToChat"] = false,
["SpecWarn209404run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn397907moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn211470interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn207980interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn225100interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209512gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn209495dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn225100interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn397892castSWSound"] = 1,
["RTKTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229714interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228239interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228625interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228606interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn227917interrupt"] = true,
["Yell228610"] = true,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228255interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228239interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227917interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229074activeTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227966lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227966lookaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228331moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn228606interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229489switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227925dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228610moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228625interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell228331"] = true,
["SpecWarn229716dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227925spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn229489switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228255interrupt"] = true,
["Timer229074active"] = true,
["Timer229074activeCVoice"] = 0,
["1836"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer227465cd"] = true,
["announce227254spell"] = true,
["Timer227254activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cdCVoice"] = 1,
["announce227267spell"] = true,
["Timer227465cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227267next"] = true,
["Timer227465cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfo"] = true,
["Timer227254cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer227267nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227254cd"] = true,
["announce227254ends"] = true,
["Timer227267nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227465gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227254active"] = true,
["Timer227254activeTColor"] = 6,
["1489"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn201221switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interrupt"] = true,
["announce198072spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn198263run"] = true,
["Timer198077cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198077cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn198750interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn197961moveto"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn201221switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer198077cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer201221cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn197961movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcount"] = true,
["Timer201221cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn198263runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer201221cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn198077dodge"] = true,
["Timer198263cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer198263cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer197961cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197961cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["1673"] = {
[0] = {
["announceother209906target"] = false,
["Timer199817cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer205549cd"] = false,
["Timer199176nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199817switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn209906youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199176runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer210150cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199176next"] = false,
["Timer205549cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn209906youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer205549cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn199176runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn199176run"] = true,
["Timer210150cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199817cd"] = true,
["Timer199176nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199817switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn209906you"] = true,
["Timer210150cd"] = false,
["Timer199817cdTColor"] = 1,
["1487"] = {
[0] = {
["Timerej12600cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196543castSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196543cast"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej12600switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn196838runSWSound"] = 4,
["announceother196838target"] = true,
["Timer196543cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce196512spell2"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838endsSWNote"] = true,
["Timer196838cd"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838run"] = true,
["Timer196838cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer196543cd"] = true,
["Timer196838cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer197556cdTColor"] = 3,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timerej12600cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn196838endsSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838ends"] = true,
["SpecWarnej12600switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer197556cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["announceother197556target"] = true,
["SpecWarn196838runSWNote"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn197556moveaway"] = true,
["Yell197556"] = true,
["Timer196543cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197556moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["1696"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn202485move"] = true,
["announce201863spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202341cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202217defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn202341moveaway"] = true,
["Timer201863cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer202217cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell202341"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer202480cd"] = true,
["announceother202480target"] = true,
["Timer202480cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer202217cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn202341moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer202341cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn202485moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202480cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202341cd"] = true,
["Timer201863cd"] = true,
["announceother202341target"] = true,
["Timer201863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer202217cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn202217defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["1490"] = {
[0] = {
["announceother193698target"] = true,
["Timer193682cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193597cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn193682switch"] = false,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWNote"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193682cd"] = true,
["Timer193597cdCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer193611next"] = true,
["Timer193597cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn193682switchSWNote"] = true,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597"] = true,
["Timer193682cdTColor"] = 1,
["Show special announce to dodge $spell:193597SWNote"] = true,
["Yell193698shortfade"] = true,
["Show pre-special announce for $spell:193611SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193611nextCVoice"] = 0,
["1488"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn193702move"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensive"] = false,
["Timer0roleplayCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer0roleplayTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn193826movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer193826cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother193659target"] = true,
["Timer193659cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer193826cd"] = true,
["announceother202711target"] = true,
["Timer193668cd"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer193668cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn193702moveSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193659"] = true,
["Timer193826cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer0roleplay"] = true,
["SpecWarn193826moveto"] = true,
["Timer193659cd"] = true,
["Timer193659cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer193668cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce194112spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn193668defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["1905"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer236527cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce236524spell"] = true,
["Timer236639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer238598cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236639switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switch"] = true,
["Timer235751cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn238598run"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674run"] = true,
["Yell238674"] = true,
["Timer235751cdCVoice"] = 2,
["Timer236524cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer238598cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn238598runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn235751defensive"] = false,
["Timer236524cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer236527cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer238598cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn235751defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238598runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn236527switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn240065move"] = true,
["Timer236527cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer236639cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn236639switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238674runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn240065moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer236524cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer235751cdTColor"] = 5,
["DHTTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn198379dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["VoWTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196799spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn196799spell"] = true,
["announceother202615target"] = true,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell193069"] = true,
["Yell202615"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn196249spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn193069interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["1656"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer199389cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer199332cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer199389cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer199345cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce199389spell"] = true,
["Timer199332cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn199460moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn199332dodge"] = false,
["Timer199345cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn199345spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer199345cd"] = true,
["Timer199389cdCVoice"] = 0,
["1837"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn227672spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2"] = false,
["SpecWarn227672spell"] = false,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceother227616target"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensive"] = true,
["announce227545cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn227672spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["announce227578cast"] = true,
["Timer227578aiCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer227832nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn227832dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227672cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer227737cd"] = true,
["Timer227672cd"] = false,
["Timer227832nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce227872spell"] = true,
["Timer227832next"] = false,
["Timer227578aiTColor"] = 0,
["announce227737spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227832defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer227737cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227737cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer227672cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer227578ai"] = true,
["1982"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn247795switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spell"] = true,
["Timer247816activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer247816activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn249009dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announceother248535target"] = true,
["Timer247930cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn249009dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer249009cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother247816target"] = true,
["SpecWarn245164spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer249009cd"] = true,
["Timer247816active"] = true,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer249009cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer247930cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247795switchSWSound"] = 1,
["1817"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn227615moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615close"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn227615moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer228582cdspecial"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn228261you"] = true,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227628defensiveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn227615moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn228334switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn228334switch"] = true,
["announceother227615target"] = true,
["Yell228261"] = true,
["SpecWarn227615closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227592interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer228582cdspecialTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn227779spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnWreath"] = true,
["1818"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer227523cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn227507spellSWSound"] = 3,
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["Timer227523cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce227618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn227507spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn227297movetoSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn227297movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["InfoFrame"] = true,
["1838"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer229242cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229242cd"] = true,
["Timer229159cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn229242run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer229242cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother229159target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer229284cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn229159youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn229159youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer229159cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer229159cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn229242run2"] = true,
["SetIconOnShadows"] = true,
["Timer229151cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn229083interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer229151cdCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
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["1665"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn216290dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn216290dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer198496cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer216249cdTColor"] = 6,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn198496defensive2"] = false,
["Timer216290cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["1711"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn210879youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer202328cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn202328spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn203641dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn202328spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn202328spellSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer210879cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer210879cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn210879youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer202328cdTColor"] = 2,
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["Timer205233targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer205233targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnSeeds"] = true,
["1499"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn212030spellSWSound"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn197810spellSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn212030spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn197810spell"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer197810cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn212030spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer212030cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn197776dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn197810spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej12489switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej12489nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer197776cd"] = true,
["Timer212030cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn197776dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer197810cd"] = true,
["Timer197810cdTColor"] = 2,
["CoENTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn238543interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn237391interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Yell236737"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688run"] = true,
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["SpecWarn242724interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn238688runSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn242760run"] = false,
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["SpecWarn242760runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn238653dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn239232spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239232spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn242724interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn239232spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn239161switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn238543interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239320dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn239266dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn236737dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["1979"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn244433youSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer246134cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer244579cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer244621activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn244433youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother244657target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn244657runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWNote"] = true,
["announceother244433target"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer244433cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn244602switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn244657run"] = true,
["SpecWarn244433you"] = true,
["Timer244433cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother244621target"] = true,
["Timer244621active"] = true,
["SpecWarn246134dodge2SWSound"] = 2,
["Timer244579cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer244433cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer246134cdTColor"] = 3,
["1980"] = {
[0] = {
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["Yell247245"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn247245moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer248831cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer246026cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn245802dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn247245moveaway"] = true,
["Timer248831cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer246026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce246026spell"] = true,
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["Timer247245cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247206cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn248831interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer245802cd"] = true,
["Timer246026cd"] = true,
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["Timer247206cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer247245cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn247206dodge"] = true,
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["Timer245802cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer245802cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer248831cd"] = true,
["announceother247245target"] = true,
["EoATrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn196870interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196870interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195284interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn195284interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn195046interrupt"] = true,
["Yell192706"] = true,
["SpecWarn196127dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn195046interruptSWSound"] = 1,