12574 lines
380 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-12-23 17:08:14 +01:00
DBMPartyCataclysm_AllSavedVars = {
["Helmenel-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103888cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn103888run"] = true,
["Timer103888activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerTyrandeHelpCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888active"] = true,
["TimerTyrandeHelp"] = true,
["Timer103888cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["TimerTyrandeHelpTColor"] = 6,
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["176"] = {
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["WarnRevive"] = false,
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["SpecWarn96740dodge"] = true,
["Timer96684nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother96776target"] = true,
["SpecWarnOhganSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96724castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96776cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96717nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96724spell"] = true,
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["Timer96724cd"] = true,
["Timer96684nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer96724cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96776cd"] = true,
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["Timer96776target"] = true,
["Timer96684next"] = true,
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["Timer96724castTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96776targetCVoice"] = 0,
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["SetIconOnOhgan"] = false,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer96724cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["97"] = {
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["announce93956spell"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93956fades"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["93"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["133"] = {
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["SpecWarn90950dodge"] = true,
["Timer90950activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn82850runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother82850target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer90949cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90949cd"] = true,
["Timer90950activeTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn82850run"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90950cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer90950cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
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["177"] = {
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer96306activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96306run2"] = true,
["Timer96306cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96306run2SWNote"] = true,
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["Akmahat"] = {
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["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer93578fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cd"] = true,
["announce94968spell"] = true,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
["Timer93561cd"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spell"] = true,
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["Timer93561cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer94946cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fades"] = false,
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["112"] = {
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["SpecWarn78807run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn78903dodge"] = true,
["Timer78807cast2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce78807soon"] = true,
["Timer78939cd"] = true,
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["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce80467spell"] = true,
["Timer78807cast2"] = true,
["Timer78807cast2TColor"] = 2,
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["115"] = {
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["Timer88308cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88286moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWNote"] = true,
["BreathIcon"] = true,
["Timer88308cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308you2"] = false,
["SpecWarn88286move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn88308closeSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer88308cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother88308target"] = true,
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["111"] = {
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["specWarnCrystalStorm"] = true,
["WarnAirphase"] = true,
["WarnGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80803cd"] = true,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWNote"] = true,
["TimerGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer92265active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseTColor"] = 6,
["announce80803spell"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn80801moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["TimerAirphase"] = true,
["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
["Timer80803cdTColor"] = 3,
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["114"] = {
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["Timer86340cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer86292next"] = true,
["Timer86292nextTColor"] = 6,
["Timer86340cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["119"] = {
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["SpecWarn88814move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81942move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce82320spell"] = true,
["Timer82255cd"] = true,
["Timer82506target2TColor"] = 5,
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["Timer82622target2"] = false,
["announceother82506target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer82255cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer82255targetTColor"] = 1,
["Timer82506target2"] = true,
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["291"] = {
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["WarnAdds"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["Timer102334cd"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["191"] = {
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["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer97930nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce42606spell"] = true,
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["Timer43093nextTColor"] = 5,
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["Timer43093nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer43095next"] = true,
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["announce97930spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43217moveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43217move"] = true,
["announce17207spell"] = true,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
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["178"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["130"] = {
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["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer73872cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["107"] = {
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["TimerSuperheatedCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75846stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWNote"] = true,
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["96"] = {
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["announce93720spell"] = true,
["announce93757spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93423cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93581target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["186"] = {
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["Timer43648cd"] = true,
["Timer43648castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43648soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43648moveto"] = true,
["SetIconOnEagle"] = true,
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["timer_berserk"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["StormIcon"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["92"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["103"] = {
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer76307active2"] = false,
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["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = false,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = false,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76234activeTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["106"] = {
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["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75823cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
["WarnAdd"] = true,
["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announceother75823target"] = true,
["Timer82362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75823castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75697fades"] = true,
["Timer75823cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
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["187"] = {
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["TimerNormalCVoice"] = 0,
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["WarnBear"] = true,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnBearSoon"] = true,
["TimerBearTColor"] = 6,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["announce42398spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerBearCVoice"] = 0,
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["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerNormal"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["TimerBear"] = true,
["TimerNormalTColor"] = 6,
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}, -- [1]
["322"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103252nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103252next"] = true,
["Timer103252nextTColor"] = 0,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["announce102582spell"] = true,
["announceother103252target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["122"] = {
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["specWarnPhase2Soon"] = true,
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["Timer83151cd2"] = false,
["Timer83066activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83151spell2"] = false,
["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
["Timer84522cast"] = true,
["announce84589spell"] = true,
["announce84522cast"] = true,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83066spell"] = true,
["Timer84982active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer84522castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer84522castTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer84982active2"] = false,
["announce84982spell"] = true,
["announce84547count"] = true,
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["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWNote"] = true,
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["Xariona"] = {
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["Timer93553nextTColor"] = 3,
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["announceother93551target2"] = false,
["Timer93556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93556cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93546target"] = true,
["Timer93551target"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93551cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer93546cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer93546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93556cd"] = true,
["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93553spell"] = true,
["Timer93551cd"] = true,
["Timer93553nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
["Timer93546cd"] = true,
["Timer93551targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93553next"] = true,
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["JulakDoom"] = {
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93612move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93610nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother93621target"] = true,
["Timer93621next"] = true,
["Timer93621nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnMC"] = true,
["announce93610cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93621nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["125"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce77370spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["108"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76028cd"] = true,
["Timer76031targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdTColor"] = 0,
["announce76028spell"] = true,
["Timer76031target"] = true,
["announceother76031target"] = true,
["Timer76031targetTColor"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["129"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Mobus"] = {
["Timer93492nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93492nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn93494move"] = true,
["announceother93491target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93490nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93494cd"] = true,
["Timer93492next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["340"] = {
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["Timer101614nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother101840target"] = true,
["Timer101614nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101614spell"] = true,
["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["124"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce74938spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2"] = false,
["Timer75592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74938soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117move"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother75592target"] = true,
["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["100"] = {
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["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = false,
["Timer93707next"] = true,
["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93675stack"] = true,
["announceother93675stack"] = true,
["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93520active"] = true,
["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce93707spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer93520activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93520next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["188"] = {
["SpecWarn43962spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
["announce43962soon"] = true,
["announce43140spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = true,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
["Timer42630castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["Timer42630cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer42630next"] = true,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
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["95"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer92614activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["announce92614spell"] = true,
["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
["SpecWarn92614reflect"] = false,
["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
["Timer92622active"] = true,
["Timer5371achievement"] = true,
["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["117"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
["announce83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer83113next"] = true,
["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother83113target"] = true,
["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["91"] = {
["announce88522spell"] = true,
["Timer88495cast"] = true,
["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer88481activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["113"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce79002spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetTColor"] = 3,
["announce79340spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce82858spell"] = true,
["Timer79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["116"] = {
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce87618spell"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["99"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93527active"] = true,
["announce93505spell"] = true,
["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["89"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce88009spell"] = true,
["announce87859spell"] = true,
["announce87861spell"] = true,
["Timer87859activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87859active"] = true,
["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = true,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["118"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer81642active"] = true,
["Timer81690target"] = true,
["announceother81690target"] = true,
["Timer81690targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce81706spell"] = true,
["announce81642spell"] = true,
["Timer81690targetTColor"] = 3,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer81642activeTColor"] = 3,
["announceother81630target2"] = true,
["Yell81690"] = true,
["Timer81642activeCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["190"] = {
["SpecWarn43436switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43436switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce43383spell"] = true,
["announceother43501target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
["Timer43383nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43383active"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["Timer43383nextTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer43383next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43383activeTColor"] = 2,
["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce43383soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = true,
["Timer43383activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["134"] = {
["Timer75792target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75704cd"] = true,
["announceother75861target"] = true,
["announceother75792target2"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3378switch"] = false,
["Timer75792cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer75664cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce75763spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
["Timer75664cd"] = true,
["Timer75664cast"] = true,
["Timer75664castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75792cd"] = true,
["Timer75792target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer75704cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792target2"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer75664castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["179"] = {
["Timer96640nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96639cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer96639cd"] = true,
["Timer96646activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96646cd"] = true,
["Timer96646active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer96646cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2"] = true,
["Timer96646activeTColor"] = 2,
["announce96639spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer96646cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96640next"] = true,
["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["131"] = {
["Timer74846cd"] = true,
["Timer90170active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarnej3358switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn74670you"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother74837target"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensive"] = true,
["announce74853spell"] = true,
["Timer74670cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell74670"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother74846target"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce74853soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74670cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn74670youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670close"] = true,
["announceother74670target"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90170active2"] = true,
["Timer74846cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer90170active2CVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["175"] = {
["SpecWarn96521moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96509spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96521moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96477target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnToxicLink"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96466target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96477nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96466interrupt"] = true,
["announce96512spell"] = true,
["Timer96509nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96509next"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680move"] = true,
["Timer96466targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96560spell"] = true,
["Timer96466targetTColor"] = 4,
["Timer96509nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96477next"] = true,
["Timer96477nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["110"] = {
["TimerEmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81634youSWNote"] = true,
["announce82415spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSubmerge"] = true,
["announceother81634target2"] = false,
["TimerEmergeTColor"] = 6,
["WarnSubmerge"] = true,
["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnEmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSubmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82415cd"] = true,
["TimerEmerge"] = true,
["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["323"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer101348nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer100686nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce100686spell"] = true,
["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2"] = false,
["announce101348spell"] = false,
["Timer100686next"] = true,
["Timer100686nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101348next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Augh"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce91408spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3TColor"] = 5,
["announceother84799target2"] = false,
["Timer84799target3"] = true,
["announce84768spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3CVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["342"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce103558spell"] = true,
["Timer103558nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce103419spell"] = true,
["Timer103558next"] = true,
["Timer103558nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108374next"] = true,
["Timer108374nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer108374nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce108374spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["90"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88352targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother88352target"] = true,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88352target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveaway"] = true,
["Timer88352targetCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["285"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101927cd"] = true,
["announce101339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer101339nextCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateTColor"] = 2,
["Timer101339next"] = true,
["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonate"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["126"] = {
["Timer77235target"] = true,
["Timer75622active"] = true,
["Timer76184cd"] = true,
["Timer76184cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer76184activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce77241spell"] = true,
["Timer75622cd"] = true,
["Timer77235targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother75603target2"] = false,
["Timer77235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother77336target"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer77336cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer77336cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother77235target"] = true,
["Timer75603target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75622spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer77241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
["Timer77235targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75603target2"] = false,
["Timer75603target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76184active"] = true,
["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer5296achievement"] = true,
["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce76184spell"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["180"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96697next"] = true,
["announceother96697target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce96698cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96697nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697close"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710move"] = true,
["Timer96697nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["98"] = {
["announceother93852target"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["announce93693spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93685next"] = false,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce93687spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93685spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn93691move"] = true,
["Timer93685nextCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93685nextTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["127"] = {
["Timer74134active"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookaway"] = true,
["WarnSplitSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74136cast"] = true,
["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74134spell"] = true,
["announce74133spell"] = true,
["Timer74134activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74134activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136castTColor"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["102"] = {
["SpecWarn76094dispel2"] = false,
["announce76047spell"] = true,
["Timer76047cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother76026target"] = true,
["Timer76026target"] = true,
["Timer76100active2"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce76100spell"] = true,
["Timer76026cd"] = true,
["Timer76026targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76026cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76026targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = true,
["Timer76026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76100active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["283"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn102173interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn102173interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce102472spell"] = true,
["announce102472count"] = false,
["Timer102472cd"] = true,
["Timer102472cdTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102173interrupt"] = true,
["Timer102472cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["184"] = {
["Timer96342targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnGaze"] = false,
["SpecWarn96342runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96342runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother96342target"] = true,
["Timer96338activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96316cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn96342run"] = true,
["Timer96316cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce96316spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916move"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["announce96338spell"] = true,
["Timer96342target"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxicSWSound"] = 8,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96316cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnToxicSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96338active"] = true,
["announce96914spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96338activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
["Timer96342targetTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["105"] = {
["Timer75272castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75571targetTColor"] = 3,
["announce75272spell"] = true,
["Timer75272cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75571target"] = true,
["announce75539spell"] = true,
["Timer75543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75571targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75539soon"] = true,
["Timer75272cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272cd"] = true,
["announceother75571target2"] = true,
["Timer75272cast"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["185"] = {
["announceother97198target"] = true,
["SpecWarn97198youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97172active"] = true,
["Timer97172nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce97170spell"] = true,
["BodySlamIcon"] = true,
["Timer97172nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce97172cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn97320move"] = true,
["Timer97170nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97172next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97198you"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172moveto"] = true,
["Timer97172activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer97172activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer97170nextTColor"] = 3,
["WarnBarrierDown"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97170next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["101"] = {
["announce75863spell"] = true,
["Timer75722castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76008cd2"] = true,
["Timer80564fades2"] = true,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76008cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76008interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75863activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother80564target2"] = true,
["Timer75863activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76008cd2TColor"] = 4,
["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75863active"] = true,
["announce75722spell"] = true,
["Timer75722cast"] = true,
["Timer75722castTColor"] = 3,
["announce75863soon"] = true,
["Timer80564fades2TColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["181"] = {
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer96457cd"] = true,
["Timer96435castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96423target2"] = false,
["Timer96457cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce96457spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother96423target2"] = false,
["Timer96435cast"] = true,
["Timer96592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96435castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96423target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer96423target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96457cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer96592target"] = false,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2"] = true,
["Timer96592targetTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["189"] = {
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97499move"] = true,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["SpecWarn43139dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother43139target"] = true,
["announceother43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["289"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce102569spell"] = true,
["announce101591spell"] = true,
["announce102381spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["109"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76189targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76188targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76188target2"] = false,
["announce76200spell"] = true,
["Timer76188target"] = false,
["Timer76188targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76189target"] = false,
["SetIconOnBoss"] = true,
["Timer76189targetCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["132"] = {
["SpecWarn74987moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74908activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75000spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce74976spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007runSWSound"] = 4,
["announce75007spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007run"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74908active"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74981active"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75007activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74908spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754move"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987move"] = true,
["announce74981spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer74981activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer74908activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75007activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer75007active"] = true,
["Timer74981activeCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["128"] = {
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["Timer76043target2CVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer80968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76043target2"] = false,
["Timer76043target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother80968target"] = true,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer80968target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76043cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968target2"] = false,
["Timer80968target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043target2"] = false,
["Timer80968cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["104"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPhaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerPhase"] = true,
["Timer83985activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer83985active"] = true,
["TimerPhaseCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83985spell"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["290"] = {
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["Timer105544target"] = false,
["Timer104905activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108141nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother105544target"] = false,
["SpecWarn108141move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer108141nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer105544nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer105544nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother108141target"] = true,
["announceother104905target"] = true,
["Timer105544next"] = false,
["SpecWarn108141moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer108141next"] = true,
["Timer104905activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer105544targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer104905active"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["341"] = {
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["Timer103678nextTColor"] = 2,
["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653move"] = true,
["announceother103151target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn103780moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775move"] = true,
["Timer103678nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103780nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce103565spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce103767spell"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103780next"] = true,
["Timer103678next"] = true,
["announceother103363target2"] = false,
["Timer103780nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Brewmaster",
["Garr"] = {
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["SpecWarn93508runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer93508nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93508nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93508run"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93506cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer93508next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93508runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer93506cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["Helfael-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103888cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn103888run"] = true,
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["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer103888active"] = true,
["TimerTyrandeHelp"] = true,
["Timer103888cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["TimerTyrandeHelpTColor"] = 6,
["176"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarnOhganSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96800spell"] = true,
["WarnRevive"] = false,
["Timer96776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96740dodge"] = true,
["Timer96684nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother96776target"] = true,
["SpecWarnOhganSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer96776cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96717nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96724spell"] = true,
["Timer96724cast"] = true,
["Timer96724cd"] = true,
["Timer96684nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer96724cdTColor"] = 1,
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["Timer96684next"] = true,
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["Timer96724castTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96776targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnOhgan"] = true,
["SetIconOnOhgan"] = false,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96717next"] = true,
["Timer96724cdCVoice"] = 0,
["97"] = {
[2] = {
["announce93857spell"] = true,
["announce93956spell"] = true,
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["Timer93956fades"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["93"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["133"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn75317move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn90950dodge"] = true,
["Timer90950activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn82850runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother82850target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer90949cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90949cd"] = true,
["Timer90950activeTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn82850run"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90950cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer90950cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
["177"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn96306run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96619you"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96619youSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer96306cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96619close"] = true,
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["Timer96306activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96306run2"] = true,
["Timer96306cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96306run2SWNote"] = true,
["Akmahat"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93561cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer94968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cd"] = true,
["announce94968spell"] = true,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
["Timer93561cd"] = true,
["Timer93578fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spell"] = true,
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["Timer93561cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer94946cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fades"] = false,
["112"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn78807run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn78903dodge"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer78939cd"] = true,
["Timer78939active"] = true,
["Timer78939cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer78939activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce78939spell"] = true,
["Timer78939activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce80467spell"] = true,
["Timer78807cast2"] = true,
["Timer78807cast2TColor"] = 2,
["115"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer88308cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer88308cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce88282spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother88308target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["BreathIcon"] = true,
["Timer88276cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer88276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308you2"] = false,
["Timer88276cd"] = true,
["announce88276spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn88286spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWNote"] = true,
["111"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer92265activeCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStorm"] = true,
["WarnAirphase"] = true,
["WarnGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80803cd"] = true,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWNote"] = true,
["TimerGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer92265active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseTColor"] = 6,
["announce80803spell"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAirphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAirphaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerAirphase"] = true,
["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
["Timer80803cdTColor"] = 3,
["114"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86292nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce86340spell"] = true,
["Timer86340cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer86292next"] = true,
["Timer86292nextTColor"] = 6,
["Timer86340cdCVoice"] = 0,
["119"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn82255youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn82255you"] = true,
["Timer82506target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88814move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81942move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82622target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82255cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother82622target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce82320spell"] = true,
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["Timer82506target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer82255target"] = true,
["Timer82622target2"] = false,
["announceother82506target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer82255cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother82255target"] = true,
["Timer82255targetTColor"] = 1,
["Timer82506target2"] = true,
["291"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn102334spellSWNote"] = true,
["WarnAdds"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["Timer102334cd"] = true,
["Timer103241cdTColor"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["191"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn43217moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer97930nextTColor"] = 1,
["announceother43093target"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother43150target"] = true,
["Timer43093nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer43093next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["ThrowIcon"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer43095next"] = true,
["Timer97930next"] = true,
["announce42606spell"] = true,
["announce42608spell"] = true,
["ClawRageIcon"] = false,
["Timer43095nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce42607spell"] = true,
["announce43095spell"] = true,
["announce97930spell"] = true,
["Timer97930nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43217move"] = true,
["Timer43093nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["announce17207spell"] = true,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
["178"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["130"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interrupt"] = true,
["Timer76355activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce73872spell"] = true,
["announce87653spell"] = true,
["announce76355spell"] = true,
["Timer73872cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76355active"] = true,
["Timer76355activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer73872cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
["107"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce75846count"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn75846stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75842spell"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75846stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWNote"] = true,
["96"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn93468interrupt"] = true,
["Timer93423cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93423cd"] = true,
["announce93720spell"] = true,
["announce93757spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93423cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93581target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
["186"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer43648cd"] = true,
["Timer43648castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43648soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43648moveto"] = true,
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["announceother97318target"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["StormIcon"] = true,
["92"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["103"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer76307active2"] = false,
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["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = false,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = false,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76234activeTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
["106"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn75697stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75823targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75823target"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75823cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
["WarnAdd"] = true,
["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announceother75823target"] = true,
["Timer82362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75823castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75697fades"] = true,
["Timer75823cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
["187"] = {
[2] = {
["WarnNormalSoon"] = true,
["TimerNormalCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
["WarnBear"] = true,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnBearSoon"] = true,
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["timer_berserk"] = true,
["announce42398spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerBearCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerNormal"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["TimerBear"] = true,
["TimerNormalTColor"] = 6,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["322"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103252nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103252next"] = true,
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["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["announce102582spell"] = true,
["announceother103252target"] = true,
["122"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer83151cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2Soon"] = true,
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["Timer83151cd2"] = false,
["Timer83066activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
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["announce84589spell"] = true,
["announce84522cast"] = true,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["announce83066spell"] = true,
["Timer84982active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer84522castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer84522castTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer84982active2"] = false,
["announce84982spell"] = true,
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["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWNote"] = true,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWSound"] = 2,
["Xariona"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn93546youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93553nextTColor"] = 3,
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["announceother93551target2"] = false,
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["SpecWarn93556movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["announceother93546target"] = true,
["Timer93551target"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93551cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer93546cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer93546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93556cd"] = true,
["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93553spell"] = true,
["Timer93551cd"] = true,
["Timer93553nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
["Timer93546cd"] = true,
["Timer93551targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93553next"] = true,
["JulakDoom"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93612move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93610nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother93621target"] = true,
["Timer93621next"] = true,
["Timer93621nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnMC"] = true,
["announce93610cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93610next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93621nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWNote"] = true,
["125"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce77370spell"] = true,
["108"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76028cd"] = true,
["Timer76031targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdTColor"] = 0,
["announce76028spell"] = true,
["Timer76031target"] = true,
["announceother76031target"] = true,
["Timer76031targetTColor"] = 0,
["129"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Mobus"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer93492nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93492nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn93494move"] = true,
["announceother93491target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93490nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93494cd"] = true,
["Timer93492next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = true,
["340"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer101614nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother101840target"] = true,
["Timer101614nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101614spell"] = true,
["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
["124"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce74938spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2"] = false,
["Timer75592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74938soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117move"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother75592target"] = true,
["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["100"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer93520activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = false,
["Timer93707next"] = true,
["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93675stack"] = true,
["announceother93675stack"] = true,
["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93520active"] = true,
["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce93707spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer93520activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93520next"] = true,
["188"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn43962spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
["announce43962soon"] = true,
["announce43140spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = true,
["Timer42630next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
["Timer42630castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["Timer42630cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["95"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer92614activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["announce92614spell"] = true,
["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
["SpecWarn92614reflect"] = false,
["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
["Timer92622active"] = true,
["Timer5371achievement"] = true,
["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["117"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
["announce83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer83113next"] = true,
["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother83113target"] = true,
["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["91"] = {
[2] = {
["announce88522spell"] = true,
["Timer88495cast"] = true,
["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer88481activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["113"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce79002spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetTColor"] = 3,
["announce79340spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce82858spell"] = true,
["Timer79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = false,
["116"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer87618cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87618cd"] = true,
["Timer87618cdTColor"] = 2,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
["99"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93527active"] = true,
["announce93505spell"] = true,
["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
["89"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce88009spell"] = true,
["announce87859spell"] = true,
["announce87861spell"] = true,
["Timer87859activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87859active"] = true,
["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = true,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
["BlackrockCavernsTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76686stopmove"] = true,
["announceother76686target"] = false,
["SpecWarn76686stopmoveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76686stopmoveSWSound"] = 1,
["118"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer81642active"] = true,
["Timer81690target"] = true,
["announceother81690target"] = true,
["Timer81690targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce81706spell"] = true,
["announce81642spell"] = true,
["Timer81690targetTColor"] = 3,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer81642activeTColor"] = 3,
["announceother81630target2"] = false,
["Yell81690"] = true,
["Timer81642activeCVoice"] = 0,
["talent2"] = "Vengeance",
["190"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn43436switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43436switch"] = false,
["announce43383spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2"] = true,
["announceother43501target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
["Timer43383nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43383active"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["Timer43383nextTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer43383next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43383activeTColor"] = 2,
["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce43383soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = true,
["Timer43383activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["134"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer75792target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75704cd"] = true,
["announceother75861target"] = true,
["announceother75792target2"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3378switch"] = false,
["Timer75792cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer75664cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce75763spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75664castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75664cd"] = true,
["Timer75664cast"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer75792cd"] = true,
["Timer75792target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer75704cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
["Timer75664castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
["179"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer96640nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96639cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer96639cd"] = true,
["Timer96646activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96646cd"] = true,
["Timer96646active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer96646cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2"] = true,
["Timer96646activeTColor"] = 2,
["announce96639spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer96646cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96640next"] = true,
["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWNote"] = true,
["131"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer74846cd"] = true,
["Timer90170active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarnej3358switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn74670you"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother74837target"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensive"] = true,
["announce74853spell"] = true,
["Timer74670cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell74670"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother74846target"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce74853soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74670cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn74670youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670close"] = true,
["announceother74670target"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90170active2"] = true,
["Timer74846cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer90170active2CVoice"] = 0,
["175"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn96521moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96509spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96521moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96477target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnToxicLink"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96466target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96477nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96466interrupt"] = true,
["announce96512spell"] = true,
["Timer96509nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96509next"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680move"] = true,
["Timer96466targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96560spell"] = true,
["Timer96466targetTColor"] = 4,
["Timer96509nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96477next"] = true,
["Timer96477nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
["110"] = {
[2] = {
["TimerEmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81634youSWNote"] = true,
["announce82415spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSubmerge"] = true,
["announceother81634target2"] = false,
["TimerEmergeTColor"] = 6,
["WarnSubmerge"] = true,
["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnEmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSubmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82415cd"] = true,
["TimerEmerge"] = true,
["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
["323"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer101348nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer100686nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce100686spell"] = true,
["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2"] = false,
["announce101348spell"] = false,
["Timer100686next"] = true,
["Timer100686nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101348next"] = true,
["Augh"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce91408spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3TColor"] = 5,
["announceother84799target2"] = false,
["Timer84799target3"] = false,
["announce84768spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3CVoice"] = 0,
["342"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce103558spell"] = true,
["Timer103558nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce103419spell"] = true,
["Timer103558next"] = true,
["Timer103558nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108374next"] = true,
["Timer108374nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer108374nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce108374spell"] = true,
["90"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88352targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother88352target"] = true,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88352target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveaway"] = true,
["Timer88352targetCVoice"] = 0,
["285"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101927cd"] = true,
["announce101339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer101339nextCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateTColor"] = 2,
["Timer101339next"] = true,
["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonate"] = true,
["126"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer77235target"] = true,
["Timer75622active"] = true,
["Timer76184cd"] = true,
["Timer76184cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer76184activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce77241spell"] = true,
["Timer75622cd"] = true,
["Timer77235targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother75603target2"] = false,
["Timer77235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother77336target"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer77336cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer77336cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother77235target"] = true,
["Timer75603target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75622spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer77241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
["Timer77235targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75603target2"] = false,
["Timer75603target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76184active"] = true,
["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer5296achievement"] = true,
["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce76184spell"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["VortexPinnacleTrash"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer88055cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87761cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn88010interrupt"] = true,
["Timer88010cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87779interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn88186dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announce88201cast"] = true,
["Timer88061cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn87762interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer87759cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88055run"] = true,
["Timer88010cd"] = true,
["Timer88055cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn87779interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce88194cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn88010interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce87923spell"] = true,
["Timer88194cd"] = true,
["announce87761cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn87762interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer87923cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer88010cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88010interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88194cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87759cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88055runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer87759cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer87923cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn88186dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn88171gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer88061cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87761cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87761cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88055runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88061cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87923cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88171gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88194cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother88010target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88186dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn87762interrupt"] = true,
["Timer88055cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn88171gtfo"] = true,
["announce88061cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn87779interrupt"] = true,
["98"] = {
[2] = {
["announceother93852target"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["announce93693spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interrupt"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93685next"] = false,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce93687spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93685spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn93691move"] = true,
["Timer93685nextCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93685nextTColor"] = 5,
["180"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96697next"] = true,
["announceother96697target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce96698cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96697nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697close"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710move"] = true,
["Timer96697nextTColor"] = 3,
["102"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn76094dispel2"] = false,
["announce76047spell"] = true,
["Timer76047cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother76026target"] = true,
["Timer76026target"] = true,
["Timer76100active2"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce76100spell"] = true,
["Timer76026cd"] = true,
["Timer76026targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76026cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76026targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = true,
["Timer76026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76100active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
["283"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
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["184"] = {
[2] = {
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
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["SpecWarnToxicSWNote"] = true,
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["105"] = {
[2] = {
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["132"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce74976spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987moveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn75007run"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodge"] = true,
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["announce74908spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754move"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987move"] = true,
["announce74981spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer75007activeTColor"] = 6,
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["Timer74981activeCVoice"] = 0,
["101"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer80564fades2"] = false,
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["Timer75863activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
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["181"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer96457cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer96435castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96423target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer96423target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96457cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn96435interrupt2"] = true,
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["189"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
["289"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce101591spell"] = true,
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["109"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76188targetTColor"] = 5,
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["SetIconOnBoss"] = true,
["Timer76189targetCVoice"] = 0,
["185"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer97170nextTColor"] = 3,
["WarnBarrierDown"] = true,
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["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["128"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother80968target"] = true,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer76043cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968target2"] = false,
["Timer80968target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043target2"] = false,
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["104"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce83985spell"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
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["127"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce74133spell"] = true,
["Timer74134activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74134activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136castTColor"] = 2,
["290"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer108141nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer105544nextTColor"] = 5,
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["announceother104905target"] = true,
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["Timer104905activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer105544targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer104905active"] = true,
["341"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn103653move"] = true,
["announceother103151target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn103780moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775move"] = true,
["Timer103678nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce103565spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce103767spell"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer103678nextTColor"] = 2,
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["Garr"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer93508nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn93508run"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93506cdTColor"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn93508runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer93506cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Helom-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerTyrandeHelpCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
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["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
["176"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer96684nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["97"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93956fades"] = true,
["93"] = {
[0] = {
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["133"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer90950cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850runSWSound"] = 4,
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["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
["177"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
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["Akmahat"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer93561cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
["Timer94946cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
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["announce94968spell"] = false,
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["112"] = {
[0] = {
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["115"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn88308you2"] = true,
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["SpecWarn88286spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWNote"] = true,
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["111"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["specWarnCrystalStormSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
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["114"] = {
[0] = {
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["119"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
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["announceother82622target2"] = false,
["announceother82255target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
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["291"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer103241cdTColor"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
["191"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer97930nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce17207spell"] = true,
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["178"] = {
[0] = {
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["130"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce87653spell"] = true,
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["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn80352interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["107"] = {
[0] = {
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["96"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce93757spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
["186"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["StormIcon"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
["92"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["103"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer76170activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76307active2"] = false,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = false,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
["Timer76234activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = false,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["announceother76165target2"] = false,
["106"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823cast"] = true,
["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fades"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
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["Timer82362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn75823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823castCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn75823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
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["Timer75823targetTColor"] = 5,
["187"] = {
[0] = {
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["WarnNormal"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["TimerBear"] = true,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["TimerNormalTColor"] = 6,
["TimerNormal"] = true,
["322"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer103252nextTColor"] = 0,
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["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["announce102582spell"] = true,
["announceother103252target"] = true,
["122"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
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["announce84522cast"] = true,
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["Timer84982active2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWSound"] = 2,
["Xariona"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer93551cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
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["Timer93546cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93553spell"] = true,
["Timer93551cd"] = true,
["Timer93553nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
["Timer93546cd"] = true,
["Timer93551targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93546cdTColor"] = 3,
["JulakDoom"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93621nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93621next"] = true,
["Timer93610nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother93621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93621nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnMC"] = true,
["announce93610cast"] = true,
["Timer93610next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612move"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWNote"] = true,
["125"] = {
[0] = {
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["108"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdTColor"] = 0,
["announce76028spell"] = true,
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["Timer76031targetTColor"] = 0,
["announceother76031target"] = true,
["129"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Mobus"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn93494move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93490nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93494cd"] = true,
["Timer93492next"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = false,
["340"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer101614nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
["124"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn75592dispel2"] = false,
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["SpecWarn75117move"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother75592target"] = true,
["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["100"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = false,
["Timer93707next"] = true,
["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93675stack"] = true,
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["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520next"] = true,
["Timer93520activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93707spell"] = true,
["188"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn43962spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
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["announce43140spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42630castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer42630next"] = true,
["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
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["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
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["95"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer92614activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["announce92614spell"] = true,
["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
["SpecWarn92614reflect"] = false,
["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer92622active"] = true,
["Timer5371achievement"] = true,
["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
["117"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer83445cd"] = true,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer83113next"] = true,
["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother83113target"] = true,
["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
["91"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer88481activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
["113"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce79002spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = false,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351target"] = true,
["announce82858spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce79340spell"] = true,
["116"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer87618cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87618cd"] = true,
["Timer87618cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
["99"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93527active"] = true,
["announce93505spell"] = true,
["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
["89"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce88009spell"] = true,
["announce87859spell"] = false,
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["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87859active"] = false,
["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = false,
["BlackrockCavernsTrash"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76686stopmove"] = true,
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["SpecWarn76686stopmoveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76686stopmoveSWSound"] = 1,
["118"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce81642spell"] = true,
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["Timer81642activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Yell81690"] = true,
["Timer81690target"] = true,
["190"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn43436switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43436switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother43501target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = false,
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["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43383next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43383activeTColor"] = 2,
["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["announce43383soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = true,
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["134"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer75704cd"] = true,
["announceother75861target"] = true,
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["SpecWarnej3378switch"] = true,
["Timer75792cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer75664cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce75763spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75664castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer75664cd"] = true,
["Timer75664cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
["Timer75792cd"] = false,
["Timer75704cdTColor"] = 1,
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["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer75664castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn75763interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
["179"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer96646activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96646cd"] = true,
["Timer96646active"] = true,
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["Timer96646cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer96646activeTColor"] = 2,
["announce96639spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer96646cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["131"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer90170active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer90170active2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670you"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn90170defensive"] = false,
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["Timer74670cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = true,
["Yell74670"] = true,
["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74846cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74670cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn74670youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670close"] = true,
["announceother74670target"] = true,
["announce74853soon"] = false,
["Timer90170active2"] = false,
["announceother74846target"] = false,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej3358switch"] = true,
["175"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn96521moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96509spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96521moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96477target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnToxicLink"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96466target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96477nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477you"] = true,
["Timer96477nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96477next"] = true,
["Timer96509nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96509nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96509next"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96466targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680move"] = true,
["announce96560spell"] = true,
["Timer96466targetTColor"] = 4,
["announce96512spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
["110"] = {
[0] = {
["TimerEmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81634youSWNote"] = true,
["announce82415spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSubmerge"] = true,
["TimerEmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerSubmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
["WarnEmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82415cd"] = true,
["TimerEmerge"] = true,
["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSubmerge"] = true,
["announceother81634target2"] = false,
["323"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer101348nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer100686nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce100686spell"] = true,
["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2"] = false,
["Timer101348next"] = true,
["Timer100686next"] = true,
["Timer100686nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101348spell"] = false,
["Augh"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce91408spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3TColor"] = 5,
["announceother84799target2"] = false,
["Timer84799target3"] = false,
["Timer84799target3CVoice"] = 0,
["announce84768spell"] = true,
["342"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce103558spell"] = true,
["Timer103558nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce103419spell"] = true,
["Timer103558next"] = true,
["Timer103558nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108374next"] = true,
["Timer108374nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer108374nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce108374spell"] = true,
["90"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer88352targetCVoice"] = 0,
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["Garr"] = {
[0] = {
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["126"] = {
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["Timer76184activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
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["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["VortexPinnacleTrash"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer88010cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer88194cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87759cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer87761cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer88194cdTColor"] = 3,
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["98"] = {
[0] = {
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["341"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer103780nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["102"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer76047cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce76100spell"] = false,
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["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = false,
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["290"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer105544nextTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn108141moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
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["Timer105544next"] = false,
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["184"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn96342runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer96342targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96316cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
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["Timer96338activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn96916moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarnToxicSWSound"] = 8,
["announce96338spell"] = true,
["announce96316spell"] = true,
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["105"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer75272cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer75272cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castCVoice"] = 0,
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["announceother75571target2"] = false,
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["127"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74134spell"] = true,
["announce74133spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
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["Timer74134activeTColor"] = 2,
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["101"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn76008interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76008cd2CVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer80564fades2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer75722castTColor"] = 3,
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["128"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer80968cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer76043target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer80968target2TColor"] = 5,
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["Timer80968target2"] = false,
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["189"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn43139dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
["289"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce102381spell"] = true,
["185"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn97320moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn97172movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["WarnBarrierDown"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["109"] = {
[0] = {
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["181"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
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["104"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
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["TimerPhaseCVoice"] = 0,
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["132"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn90754moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["announce74976spell"] = true,
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["Timer74981active"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["announce74981spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn75007runSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn90754moveSWNote"] = true,
["283"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer102472cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer102472cdTColor"] = 0,
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["180"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn96710moveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96710moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn96710move"] = true,
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["285"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Helnen-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerTyrandeHelpCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888active"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer103888cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
["176"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer96776cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["announceother96776target"] = true,
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["97"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce93956spell"] = true,
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["Timer93956fades"] = true,
["93"] = {
[2] = {
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["133"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn75317moveSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer90949cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
["177"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["Akmahat"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer93561cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
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["Timer93578fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93561spell"] = true,
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["Timer93561cdTColor"] = 5,
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["announce94968spell"] = false,
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["112"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn78807run2SWNote"] = true,
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["Timer78939cdTColor"] = 5,
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["115"] = {
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["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
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["Timer88308cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308you2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286move"] = true,
["Timer88308cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce88282spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother88308target"] = true,
["111"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer92265activeCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStorm"] = true,
["WarnAirphase"] = true,
["WarnGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80803cd"] = true,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWNote"] = true,
["TimerGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer92265active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseTColor"] = 6,
["announce80803spell"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAirphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAirphaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerAirphase"] = true,
["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
["Timer80803cdTColor"] = 3,
["114"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer86340cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce86340spell"] = true,
["Timer86340cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer86292next"] = true,
["Timer86292nextTColor"] = 6,
["Timer86340cd"] = true,
["119"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn82255youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn82255you"] = true,
["Timer82506target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88814move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81942move"] = true,
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["Timer82255targetTColor"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82255cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother82622target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer82506target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer82255cd"] = true,
["announce82320spell"] = true,
["Timer82255target"] = true,
["Timer82622target2TColor"] = 5,
["announceother82506target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2"] = false,
["Timer82255cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother82255target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switch"] = true,
["291"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn102334spellSWNote"] = true,
["WarnAdds"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer102334cd"] = true,
["Timer103241cdTColor"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
["191"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43093nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother43093target"] = true,
["Timer43095next"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announceother43150target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43093next"] = true,
["announce42608spell"] = true,
["announce97930spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217move"] = true,
["Timer97930next"] = true,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWNote"] = true,
["ClawRageIcon"] = false,
["ThrowIcon"] = false,
["announce42607spell"] = true,
["announce43095spell"] = true,
["Timer43095nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer97930nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43093nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce42606spell"] = true,
["Timer97930nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce17207spell"] = true,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["178"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["130"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interrupt"] = true,
["Timer76355activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce73872spell"] = true,
["announce87653spell"] = true,
["announce76355spell"] = true,
["Timer73872cd"] = true,
["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer73872cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76355activeTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn80352interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["107"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce75846count"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn75846stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75842spell"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75846stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWNote"] = true,
["96"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn93468interrupt"] = true,
["Timer93423cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93423cd"] = true,
["announce93720spell"] = true,
["announce93757spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93423cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93581target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
["186"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer43648castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43648soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43648moveto"] = true,
["SetIconOnEagle"] = true,
["announceother97318target"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["StormIcon"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
["92"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["103"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer76170activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76307active2"] = true,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = false,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
["Timer76234activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = true,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["announceother76165target2"] = false,
["106"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn75697stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75823cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823target"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823cast"] = true,
["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fades"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announceother75823target"] = true,
["Timer82362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn75823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823castCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75823cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
["WarnAdd"] = true,
["Timer75823targetTColor"] = 5,
["187"] = {
[2] = {
["WarnNormalSoon"] = true,
["TimerNormalCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
["WarnBear"] = true,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnBearSoon"] = true,
["TimerBearTColor"] = 6,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["announce42398spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerBearCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["TimerBear"] = true,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["TimerNormalTColor"] = 6,
["TimerNormal"] = true,
["322"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103252nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103252next"] = true,
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["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["announce102582spell"] = true,
["announceother103252target"] = true,
["122"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer83151cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2Soon"] = true,
["Timer83066activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83151cd2"] = false,
["Timer83066activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83151spell2"] = false,
["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
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["announce84589spell"] = true,
["announce84522cast"] = true,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83066spell"] = true,
["Timer84522castTColor"] = 3,
["Timer84522castCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWNote"] = true,
["announce91872cast"] = true,
["Timer84982active2"] = false,
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["announce84982spell"] = true,
["Timer83066active"] = true,
["Timer84982active2TColor"] = 0,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["Timer84982active2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWSound"] = 2,
["Xariona"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer93551targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn93546youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93553nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546you"] = true,
["announceother93551target2"] = false,
["Timer93556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93556cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93546target"] = true,
["Timer93551target"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93551cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
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["announce93556prewarn"] = true,
["Timer93546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93556cd"] = true,
["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93553spell"] = true,
["Timer93551cd"] = true,
["Timer93553nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
["Timer93546cd"] = true,
["Timer93551targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93546cdTColor"] = 3,
["JulakDoom"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93621nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93621next"] = true,
["Timer93610nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother93621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93621nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnMC"] = true,
["announce93610cast"] = true,
["Timer93610next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612move"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWNote"] = true,
["125"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce77370spell"] = true,
["108"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdTColor"] = 0,
["announce76028spell"] = true,
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["Timer76031targetTColor"] = 0,
["announceother76031target"] = true,
["129"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Mobus"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93490nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93494cd"] = true,
["Timer93492next"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = false,
["340"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer101614nextTColor"] = 5,
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["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
["124"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce74938spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2"] = false,
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["SpecWarn75117move"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["100"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = true,
["Timer93707next"] = true,
["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93675stack"] = true,
["announceother93675stack"] = false,
["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520next"] = true,
["Timer93520activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93707spell"] = true,
["188"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn43962spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = false,
["Timer42630next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42630castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer42630cast"] = true,
["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["announce43962soon"] = true,
["95"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer92614activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["announce92614spell"] = true,
["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
["SpecWarn92614reflect"] = true,
["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer92622active"] = true,
["Timer5371achievement"] = true,
["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
["117"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445cd"] = true,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer83113next"] = true,
["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother83113target"] = true,
["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
["91"] = {
[2] = {
["announce88522spell"] = true,
["Timer88495cast"] = true,
["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer88481activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
["113"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce79002spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = true,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351target"] = true,
["announce82858spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce79340spell"] = true,
["116"] = {
[2] = {
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["announce87618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
["99"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93527active"] = true,
["announce93505spell"] = true,
["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
["89"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce88009spell"] = true,
["announce87859spell"] = false,
["announce87861spell"] = false,
["Timer87859activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87859active"] = false,
["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = false,
["118"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce81706spell"] = true,
["announce81642spell"] = true,
["Timer81642activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer81642activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer81690targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother81630target2"] = false,
["Yell81690"] = true,
["Timer81690target"] = true,
["talent2"] = "Enhancement",
["190"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn43436switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43436switch"] = true,
["announce43383spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2"] = true,
["announceother43501target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
["Timer43383nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43383active"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = true,
["Timer43383nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43383next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43383activeTColor"] = 2,
["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["announce43383soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = true,
["Timer43383activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["134"] = {
[2] = {
["Timer75792target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75704cd"] = true,
["announceother75861target"] = true,
["announceother75792target2"] = false,
["SpecWarnej3378switch"] = true,
["Timer75792cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer75664cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce75763spell"] = true,
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["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
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["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
["179"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["131"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = true,
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["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
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["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarnej3358switch"] = true,
["175"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["announce96512spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
["110"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
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["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
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["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
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["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
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["323"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
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["Augh"] = {
[2] = {
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["342"] = {
[2] = {
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["90"] = {
[2] = {
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["126"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
["announce75622spell"] = true,
["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Garr"] = {
[2] = {
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["98"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce93693spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interrupt"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93691move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93844interruptSWNote"] = true,
["341"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn103653moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn103775moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn103678movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce103565spell"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780moveto"] = true,
["Timer103780nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["102"] = {
[2] = {
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["announce76100spell"] = false,
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["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer76026targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76100active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76047cd"] = true,
["Timer76026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWNote"] = true,
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["290"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn108141moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
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["184"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer96342targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96316cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer96342target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916move"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
["Timer96338activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarnToxicSWSound"] = 8,
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["announce96316spell"] = true,
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["105"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer75272cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce75539spell"] = true,
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["Timer75571targetCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer75272cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272cast"] = true,
["announceother75571target2"] = false,
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["127"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn74136lookaway"] = true,
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["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce74133spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
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["101"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75722castTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer76008cd2TColor"] = 4,
["185"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn97320moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn97320move"] = true,
["Timer97170nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn97198you"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["189"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn43139dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
["289"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce101591spell"] = true,
["announce102381spell"] = true,
["109"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76189target"] = false,
["Timer76189targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76188targetTColor"] = 5,
["128"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer80968cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer76043target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer80968target2"] = false,
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["181"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn96435interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96423target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96457cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer96592target"] = false,
["announceother96592target"] = true,
["Timer96423target2TColor"] = 5,
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["104"] = {
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["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
["announce83985spell"] = true,
["TimerPhaseCVoice"] = 0,
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["132"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn90754moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer74981activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74976spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn75007run"] = false,
["SpecWarn90819dodge"] = true,
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["Timer74981active"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer75007activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74908spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754move"] = true,
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["announce74981spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987move"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74908activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75007runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWNote"] = true,
["283"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn102173interrupt"] = true,
["Timer102472cdTColor"] = 0,
["Timer102472cd"] = true,
["180"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn96710moveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96697youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn96710move"] = true,
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["285"] = {
[2] = {
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["TimerFlarecoreDetonateTColor"] = 2,
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["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Heloce-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
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["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerTyrandeHelpCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888active"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer103888cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103888run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["176"] = {
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["Timer96776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96740dodge"] = true,
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["Timer96724cd"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother96776target"] = true,
["WarnRevive"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["97"] = {
["announce93857spell"] = true,
["announce93956spell"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93956fades"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["93"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["133"] = {
["SpecWarn75317move"] = true,
["Timer90949cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn90950dodge"] = true,
["Timer90950activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn82850runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother82850target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer90950active"] = true,
["Timer90949cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90950cd"] = true,
["Timer90949cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850run"] = true,
["Timer90950cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer90950activeTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["177"] = {
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["SpecWarn96306run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96619you"] = true,
["announceother96306target"] = true,
["Timer96306cd"] = true,
["Timer96306activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn96619youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96306run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619close"] = true,
["Timer96306cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96306active"] = true,
["Timer96306activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96306run2"] = true,
["Timer96306cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Akmahat"] = {
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93561cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer94968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93578fades"] = false,
["Timer94946cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
["Timer93561cd"] = true,
["Timer93578fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93561spell"] = true,
["announceother93578target"] = true,
["Timer93561cdTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce94968spell"] = false,
["Timer94946cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["112"] = {
["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce80467soon"] = false,
["Timer78939cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn78807run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn78903dodge"] = false,
["Timer78807cast2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce78807soon"] = true,
["Timer78939cd"] = true,
["Timer78807cast2TColor"] = 2,
["Timer78939cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer78807cast2"] = false,
["announce78939spell"] = true,
["Timer78939activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce80467spell"] = false,
["Timer78939activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer78939active"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["115"] = {
["SpecWarn88286spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88308cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer88308cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce88282spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother88308target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["BreathIcon"] = true,
["Timer88276cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer88276cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308you2"] = true,
["Timer88276cd"] = true,
["announce88276spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn88286spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer88308cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["111"] = {
["Timer92265activeCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStorm"] = true,
["WarnAirphase"] = true,
["WarnGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80803cd"] = true,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWNote"] = true,
["TimerGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer92265active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseTColor"] = 6,
["announce80803spell"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAirphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAirphaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerAirphase"] = true,
["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
["Timer80803cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["114"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86292nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86340cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce86340spell"] = true,
["Timer86340cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer86292next"] = true,
["Timer86292nextTColor"] = 6,
["Timer86340cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["119"] = {
["SpecWarn82255youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn82255you"] = true,
["Timer82506target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88814move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81942move"] = true,
["Timer82506target2"] = false,
["Timer82255targetTColor"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2CVoice"] = 0,
["announceother82622target2"] = false,
["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer82506target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer82255cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82255target"] = true,
["Timer82622target2TColor"] = 5,
["announceother82506target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2"] = false,
["Timer82255cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce82320spell"] = true,
["Timer82255cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother82255target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switch"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["291"] = {
["SpecWarn102334spellSWNote"] = true,
["WarnAdds"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["Timer102334cd"] = true,
["Timer103241cdTColor"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["191"] = {
["Timer42402next"] = true,
["Timer43095nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce42594spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43093next"] = true,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother43093target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217move"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother43150target"] = true,
["Timer43093nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer97930nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["ThrowIcon"] = false,
["Timer43095nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer43095next"] = true,
["Timer97930next"] = true,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["announce42608spell"] = true,
["announce97930spell"] = true,
["ClawRageIcon"] = false,
["announce42607spell"] = true,
["announce43095spell"] = true,
["Timer43093nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer97930nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce42606spell"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce17207spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["178"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["130"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interrupt"] = false,
["Timer76355activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce73872spell"] = true,
["announce87653spell"] = true,
["announce76355spell"] = true,
["Timer73872cd"] = true,
["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer73872cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76355activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76355active"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["107"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce75846count"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedTColor"] = 5,
["TimerSuperheated"] = true,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75842spell"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75846stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["96"] = {
["SpecWarn93468interrupt"] = false,
["Timer93423cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93423cd"] = true,
["announce93720spell"] = true,
["announce93757spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93423cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93581target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["186"] = {
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer43648cd"] = true,
["Timer43648castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43648soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43648moveto"] = true,
["SetIconOnEagle"] = true,
["announceother97318target"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["StormIcon"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["92"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["103"] = {
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer76170active"] = false,
["Timer76170activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76307active2"] = true,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = false,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
["Timer76234activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = true,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["announceother76165target2"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["106"] = {
["SpecWarn75697stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
["Timer75823target"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75823cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823cast"] = true,
["Timer75823targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75697fades"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announceother75823target"] = true,
["Timer82362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn75823interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823castCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75823cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
["WarnAdd"] = true,
["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["187"] = {
["WarnNormalSoon"] = true,
["TimerNormalCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
["WarnBear"] = true,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnBearSoon"] = true,
["TimerBearTColor"] = 6,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["announce42398spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerBearCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["TimerBear"] = true,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["TimerNormalTColor"] = 6,
["TimerNormal"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["322"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103252nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103252next"] = true,
["Timer103252nextTColor"] = 0,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["announce102582spell"] = true,
["announceother103252target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["122"] = {
["Timer83151cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2Soon"] = true,
["Timer83066activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83151cd2"] = false,
["Timer83066activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83151spell2"] = false,
["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
["Timer84522cast"] = true,
["announce84589spell"] = true,
["announce84522cast"] = true,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83066spell"] = true,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer84522castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer84522castTColor"] = 3,
["announce91872cast"] = true,
["Timer84982active2"] = false,
["announce84547count"] = true,
["announce84982spell"] = true,
["Timer83066active"] = true,
["Timer84982active2TColor"] = 0,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["Timer84982active2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["Xariona"] = {
["Timer93551targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn93546youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93553nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546you"] = true,
["announceother93551target2"] = false,
["Timer93556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93556cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93546target"] = true,
["Timer93551target"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93551cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer93553next"] = true,
["announce93556prewarn"] = true,
["Timer93546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93556cd"] = true,
["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93553spell"] = true,
["Timer93551cd"] = true,
["Timer93553nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
["Timer93546cd"] = true,
["Timer93551targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93546cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["JulakDoom"] = {
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93621nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother93621target"] = true,
["Timer93621next"] = true,
["Timer93621nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnMC"] = true,
["announce93610cast"] = true,
["Timer93610next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612move"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["125"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce77370spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["108"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76028cd"] = true,
["Timer76031targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdTColor"] = 0,
["announce76028spell"] = true,
["Timer76031target"] = true,
["Timer76031targetTColor"] = 0,
["announceother76031target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["129"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Mobus"] = {
["Timer93492nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93492nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn93494move"] = false,
["announceother93491target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93490nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93494cd"] = true,
["Timer93492next"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["340"] = {
["Timer101614next"] = true,
["Timer101614nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother101840target"] = true,
["Timer101614nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101614spell"] = true,
["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["124"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce74938spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2"] = false,
["Timer75592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74938soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117move"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother75592target"] = true,
["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["100"] = {
["Timer93520activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = false,
["Timer93707next"] = true,
["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93675stack"] = true,
["announceother93675stack"] = false,
["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93520active"] = true,
["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520next"] = true,
["Timer93520activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93707spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["188"] = {
["SpecWarn43962spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["announce43140spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = false,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43962soon"] = true,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42630castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer42630cast"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["Timer42630next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["95"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer92614activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["announce92614spell"] = true,
["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
["SpecWarn92614reflect"] = true,
["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer92622active"] = true,
["Timer5371achievement"] = true,
["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["117"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer83113next"] = true,
["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother83113target"] = true,
["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["91"] = {
["announce88522spell"] = true,
["Timer88495cast"] = true,
["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer88481activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["113"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce79002spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = false,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351target"] = true,
["announce82858spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce79340spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["116"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer87618cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87618cd"] = true,
["Timer87618cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["99"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93527active"] = true,
["announce93505spell"] = true,
["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["89"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce88009spell"] = true,
["announce87859spell"] = false,
["announce87861spell"] = false,
["Timer87859activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87859active"] = false,
["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["BlackrockCavernsTrash"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76686stopmove"] = true,
["announceother76686target"] = false,
["SpecWarn76686stopmoveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76686stopmoveSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["118"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer81642active"] = true,
["Timer81642activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother81690target"] = true,
["Timer81690targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer81690target"] = true,
["announce81642spell"] = true,
["Timer81642activeTColor"] = 3,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer81690targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother81630target2"] = false,
["Yell81690"] = true,
["announce81706spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["190"] = {
["SpecWarn43436switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43436switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce43383spell"] = true,
["announceother43501target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
["Timer43383nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43383active"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = false,
["Timer43383nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer43383next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43383activeTColor"] = 2,
["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["announce43383soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = false,
["Timer43383activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["134"] = {
["Timer75792target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75704cd"] = true,
["announceother75861target"] = true,
["announceother75792target2"] = false,
["SpecWarnej3378switch"] = true,
["Timer75792cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer75664cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce75763spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75664castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
["Timer75664cd"] = true,
["Timer75664cast"] = true,
["Timer75664castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75792cd"] = false,
["Timer75792target2"] = false,
["Timer75704cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn75763interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["179"] = {
["Timer96640nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96639cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer96639cd"] = true,
["Timer96646activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96646cd"] = true,
["Timer96646active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer96646cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2"] = true,
["Timer96646activeTColor"] = 2,
["announce96639spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer96646cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96640next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["131"] = {
["Timer74846cd"] = false,
["Timer90170active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer90170active2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670you"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switch"] = true,
["announceother74837target"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensive"] = false,
["announce74853spell"] = false,
["Timer74670cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = false,
["Yell74670"] = true,
["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74846cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWNote"] = true,
["announce74853soon"] = false,
["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74670cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn74670youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670close"] = true,
["announceother74670target"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90170active2"] = false,
["announceother74846target"] = false,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["175"] = {
["SpecWarn96521moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96509spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96521moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96477target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnToxicLink"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96466target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96477nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477you"] = true,
["Timer96477nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96477next"] = true,
["Timer96509nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96509nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96509next"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96466targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680move"] = true,
["announce96560spell"] = true,
["Timer96466targetTColor"] = 4,
["announce96512spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["110"] = {
["TimerEmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81634youSWNote"] = true,
["announce82415spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSubmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
["TimerEmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWSound"] = 1,
["WarnSubmerge"] = true,
["TimerSubmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
["WarnEmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82415cd"] = true,
["TimerEmerge"] = true,
["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother81634target2"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["323"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer101348nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer100686nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce100686spell"] = true,
["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2"] = false,
["Timer101348next"] = true,
["Timer100686next"] = true,
["Timer100686nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101348spell"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["Augh"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce91408spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3TColor"] = 5,
["announceother84799target2"] = false,
["Timer84799target3"] = false,
["Timer84799target3CVoice"] = 0,
["announce84768spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["342"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce103558spell"] = true,
["Timer103558nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce103419spell"] = true,
["Timer103558next"] = true,
["Timer103558nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108374next"] = true,
["Timer108374nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer108374nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce108374spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["90"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88352targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother88352target"] = true,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88352target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer88352targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88352moveaway"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Garr"] = {
["announce93506spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93508runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93506cd"] = true,
["Timer93508nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93508nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93508run"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93506cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer93508next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93508runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer93506cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["VortexPinnacleTrash"] = {
["Timer88055cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87761cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn88010interrupt"] = false,
["Timer88010cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87779interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn88186dispelSWNote"] = true,
["announce88201cast"] = true,
["Timer88061cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn87762interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer87759cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn88055run"] = true,
["Timer88010cd"] = true,
["Timer88055cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn87779interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce88194cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn88010interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce87923spell"] = false,
["Timer88194cd"] = false,
["announce87761cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn87762interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer87923cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer88010cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88010interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88194cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87759cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88055runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer87759cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88186dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn88171gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer87923cdTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer88061cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87761cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87761cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88055runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88061cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87923cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn88171gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88194cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother88010target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88186dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn87762interrupt"] = false,
["Timer88055cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn88171gtfo"] = true,
["announce88061cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn87779interrupt"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["126"] = {
["Timer77235target"] = true,
["Timer75622active"] = true,
["Timer76184cd"] = true,
["Timer76184cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer76184activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce77241spell"] = true,
["Timer75622cd"] = true,
["Timer77235targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother75603target2"] = false,
["Timer77235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother77336target"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer77336cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer77336cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother77235target"] = true,
["Timer75603target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer5296achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["announce76184spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer77241cd"] = true,
["Timer77241cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer77235targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75603target2"] = false,
["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer5296achievement"] = true,
["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer77235cd"] = true,
["Timer76184active"] = true,
["Timer75603target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
["announce75622spell"] = true,
["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Devastation",
["98"] = {
["announceother93852target"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["announce93693spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interrupt"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93685next"] = false,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93685nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce93687spell"] = true,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93685spell"] = false,
["Timer93685nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93691move"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["341"] = {
["SpecWarn103678moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["Timer103678nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother103363target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775move"] = true,
["Timer103678nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103780nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653move"] = true,
["announceother103151target2"] = false,
["Timer103678next"] = true,
["announce103767spell"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103780next"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780moveto"] = true,
["Timer103780nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce103565spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["102"] = {
["SpecWarn76094dispel2"] = false,
["announce76047spell"] = true,
["Timer76047cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother76026target"] = true,
["Timer76026target"] = true,
["Timer76100active2"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce76100spell"] = false,
["Timer76026cd"] = true,
["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76026cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76026targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76100active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76047cd"] = true,
["Timer76026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer76026targetCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["290"] = {
["SpecWarn108141moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer105544target"] = false,
["Timer104905activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108141nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother105544target"] = false,
["SpecWarn108141move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer108141nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer105544nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother108141target"] = true,
["Timer105544nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother104905target"] = false,
["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn108141moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer108141next"] = true,
["Timer104905activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer105544next"] = false,
["Timer105544targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer104905active"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["184"] = {
["Timer96342targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnGaze"] = false,
["SpecWarn96342runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96342runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother96342target"] = true,
["Timer96338activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96316cd"] = true,
["Timer96342targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96316cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer96338activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96916move"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["Timer96342target"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96914spell"] = true,
["Timer96316cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96338active"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxicSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxicSWSound"] = 8,
["announce96338spell"] = true,
["announce96316spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96342run"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["105"] = {
["Timer75272castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75571targetTColor"] = 3,
["announce75272spell"] = true,
["Timer75272cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75571target"] = false,
["announce75539spell"] = true,
["Timer75543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75571targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75539soon"] = true,
["Timer75272cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272cast"] = true,
["announceother75571target2"] = false,
["Timer75272cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["128"] = {
["announce75790spell"] = true,
["Timer76043target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76043cd"] = true,
["Timer80968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968cd"] = true,
["Timer76043target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother76043target2"] = false,
["Timer80968target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer80968target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968target2"] = false,
["Timer76043cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76043target2"] = false,
["announceother80968target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["101"] = {
["announce75863spell"] = true,
["Timer75722castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76008cd2"] = false,
["Timer80564fades2"] = false,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76008cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76008interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75863activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother80564target2"] = false,
["Timer75863activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80564fades2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75722castTColor"] = 3,
["announce75722spell"] = true,
["Timer75722cast"] = true,
["Timer75863active"] = true,
["announce75863soon"] = true,
["Timer76008cd2TColor"] = 4,
}, -- [1]
["185"] = {
["announceother97198target"] = true,
["SpecWarn97198youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97172active"] = true,
["Timer97172nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce97170spell"] = true,
["BodySlamIcon"] = true,
["Timer97172nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce97172cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn97320move"] = true,
["Timer97170nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97172next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97198you"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172moveto"] = true,
["Timer97172activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer97170nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer97172activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["WarnBarrierDown"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97170next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["189"] = {
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97499move"] = false,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["SpecWarn43139dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother43139target"] = true,
["announceother43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["289"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce102569spell"] = true,
["announce101591spell"] = true,
["announce102381spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["109"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76189targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76188targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76188target2"] = false,
["announce76200spell"] = true,
["Timer76188target"] = false,
["Timer76189targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76189target"] = false,
["SetIconOnBoss"] = true,
["Timer76188targetTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["132"] = {
["SpecWarn74987moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74908activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75000spell"] = true,
["Timer74981activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74976spell"] = true,
["Timer75007active"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn74987moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007run"] = false,
["SpecWarn90819dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74908active"] = true,
["Timer75007activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer74981active"] = true,
["Timer74981activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer75007activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74908spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754move"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce74981spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987move"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74908activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75007runSWNote"] = true,
["announce75007spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["181"] = {
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer96457cd"] = true,
["Timer96435castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96423target2"] = false,
["Timer96457cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce96457spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother96423target2"] = false,
["Timer96592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer96592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2"] = false,
["announceother96592target"] = true,
["Timer96423target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96457cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer96592target"] = false,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96423target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer96435castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96435cast"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["104"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPhaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerPhase"] = true,
["Timer83985activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
["announce83985spell"] = true,
["TimerPhaseCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83985active"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["283"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn102173interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn102173interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce102472spell"] = true,
["announce102472count"] = false,
["Timer102472cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102173interrupt"] = false,
["Timer102472cdTColor"] = 0,
["Timer102472cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["127"] = {
["Timer74134active"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookaway"] = true,
["WarnSplitSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74136castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74134spell"] = true,
["announce74133spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer74134activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer74134activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136cast"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["180"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96697nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96697next"] = true,
["announceother96697target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96697nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96697youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697close"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710move"] = true,
["announce96698cast"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["285"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101927cd"] = true,
["announce101339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spell"] = true,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonate"] = true,
["Timer101339nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer101339next"] = true,
["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateTColor"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["Helcel-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103888cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888run"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103888activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerTyrandeHelpCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888active"] = true,
["TimerTyrandeHelp"] = true,
["Timer103888cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["TimerTyrandeHelpTColor"] = 6,
}, -- [1]
["176"] = {
["SpecWarnOhganSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96800spell"] = true,
["WarnRevive"] = false,
["Timer96776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96740dodge"] = true,
["Timer96684nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother96776target"] = true,
["SpecWarnOhganSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96724castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96776cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96717nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96724spell"] = true,
["Timer96724cast"] = true,
["Timer96724cd"] = true,
["Timer96684nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96717nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96724cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96776cd"] = true,
["Timer96776targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer96776target"] = true,
["Timer96684next"] = true,
["announceother96684target"] = true,
["Timer96724castTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96776targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnOhgan"] = true,
["SetIconOnOhgan"] = false,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96717next"] = true,
["Timer96724cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["97"] = {
["announce93857spell"] = true,
["announce93956spell"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93956fades"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["93"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["133"] = {
["SpecWarn75317move"] = true,
["Timer90949cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn90950dodge"] = true,
["Timer90950activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn82850runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother82850target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer90950active"] = true,
["Timer90949cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90950activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer90949cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850run"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer90950cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer90950cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["177"] = {
["announceother96619target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96306run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96619you"] = true,
["announceother96306target"] = true,
["Timer96306cd"] = true,
["Timer96306activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn96619youSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96306cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96619close"] = true,
["Timer96306active"] = true,
["Timer96306activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96306run2"] = true,
["Timer96306cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96306run2SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Akmahat"] = {
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93561cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer94968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cd"] = true,
["announce94968spell"] = true,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
["Timer94946cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spell"] = true,
["announceother93578target"] = true,
["Timer93561cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93561cd"] = true,
["Timer93578fades"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["112"] = {
["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce80467soon"] = false,
["Timer78939cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn78807run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn78903dodge"] = false,
["Timer78807cast2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce78807soon"] = true,
["Timer78939cd"] = true,
["Timer78939active"] = true,
["Timer78939cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer78939activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce78939spell"] = true,
["Timer78939activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce80467spell"] = false,
["Timer78807cast2"] = false,
["Timer78807cast2TColor"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["115"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer88308cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88286moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWNote"] = true,
["BreathIcon"] = true,
["Timer88308cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308you2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286move"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce88282spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88308cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother88308target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["111"] = {
["Timer92265activeCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStorm"] = true,
["WarnAirphase"] = true,
["WarnGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80803cd"] = true,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWNote"] = true,
["TimerGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer92265active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseTColor"] = 6,
["announce80803spell"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAirphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAirphaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerAirphase"] = true,
["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
["Timer80803cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["114"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86292nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86340cd"] = true,
["announce86340spell"] = true,
["Timer86340cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer86292next"] = true,
["Timer86292nextTColor"] = 6,
["Timer86340cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["119"] = {
["SpecWarn82255youSWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn82255you"] = true,
["Timer82506target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88814move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81942move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82622target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82255cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce82320spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82255cd"] = true,
["Timer82506target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer82255target"] = true,
["Timer82622target2"] = true,
["announceother82506target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer82255cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother82622target2"] = true,
["announceother82255target"] = true,
["Timer82255targetTColor"] = 1,
["Timer82506target2"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["291"] = {
["SpecWarn102334spellSWNote"] = true,
["WarnAdds"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["Timer102334cd"] = true,
["Timer103241cdTColor"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["191"] = {
["Timer43095nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce42594spell"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother43093target"] = true,
["Timer43093next"] = true,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["announceother43150target"] = true,
["Timer43093nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer97930nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce42606spell"] = true,
["ClawRageIcon"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217move"] = true,
["Timer97930next"] = true,
["Timer43093nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce97930spell"] = true,
["Timer43095nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce42607spell"] = true,
["announce43095spell"] = true,
["ThrowIcon"] = false,
["Timer97930nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce42608spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer43095next"] = true,
["announce17207spell"] = true,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["178"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["130"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interrupt"] = false,
["Timer76355activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce73872spell"] = true,
["announce87653spell"] = true,
["announce76355spell"] = true,
["Timer73872cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76355active"] = true,
["Timer76355activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer73872cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["107"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce75846count"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedTColor"] = 5,
["TimerSuperheated"] = true,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75842spell"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75846stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["96"] = {
["SpecWarn93468interrupt"] = false,
["Timer93423cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93423cd"] = true,
["announce93720spell"] = true,
["announce93757spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93423cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93581target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["186"] = {
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer43648cd"] = true,
["Timer43648castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43648soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43648moveto"] = true,
["SetIconOnEagle"] = true,
["announceother97318target"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["StormIcon"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["92"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["103"] = {
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer76170active"] = true,
["Timer76170activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76307active2"] = true,
["announceother76165target2"] = true,
["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = true,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = true,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76234activeTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["106"] = {
["SpecWarn75697stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823target"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
["WarnAdd"] = true,
["Timer75823targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announceother75823target"] = true,
["Timer82362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75823castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75697fades"] = true,
["Timer75823cast"] = true,
["Timer75823cdTColor"] = 4,
}, -- [1]
["187"] = {
["WarnNormalSoon"] = true,
["TimerNormalCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
["WarnBear"] = true,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnBearSoon"] = true,
["TimerBearTColor"] = 6,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["announce42398spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerBearCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerNormal"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["TimerBear"] = true,
["TimerNormalTColor"] = 6,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["322"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103252nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103252next"] = true,
["Timer103252nextTColor"] = 0,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["announce102582spell"] = true,
["announceother103252target"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["122"] = {
["Timer83151cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2Soon"] = true,
["Timer83066activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83151cd2"] = false,
["Timer83066activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83151spell2"] = false,
["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
["Timer84522cast"] = true,
["announce84589spell"] = true,
["announce84522cast"] = true,
["Timer0stage"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer0stageCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83066spell"] = true,
["Timer84982active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer84522castCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWNote"] = true,
["announce91872cast"] = true,
["Timer84982active2"] = false,
["announce84982spell"] = true,
["announce84547count"] = true,
["Timer83066active"] = true,
["Timer84982active2TColor"] = 0,
["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["Timer84522castTColor"] = 3,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWSound"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["Xariona"] = {
["Timer93551targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn93546youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93553nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546you"] = true,
["announceother93551target2"] = false,
["Timer93556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93556cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93546target"] = true,
["Timer93551target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93551cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer93546cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce93556prewarn"] = true,
["Timer93546cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93556cd"] = true,
["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce93553spell"] = true,
["Timer93551cd"] = true,
["Timer93553nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
["Timer93546cd"] = true,
["Timer93551targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93553next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["JulakDoom"] = {
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93612move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93610nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother93621target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93621nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnMC"] = true,
["announce93610cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93610next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = false,
["Timer93621next"] = true,
["Timer93621nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["125"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce77370spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["108"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76028cd"] = true,
["Timer76031targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdTColor"] = 0,
["announce76028spell"] = true,
["Timer76031target"] = true,
["announceother76031target"] = true,
["Timer76031targetTColor"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["129"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Mobus"] = {
["Timer93492nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93492nextTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn93494move"] = false,
["announceother93491target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93490nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93494cd"] = true,
["Timer93492next"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["340"] = {
["Timer101614next"] = true,
["Timer101614nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother101840target"] = true,
["Timer101614nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101614spell"] = true,
["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["124"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce74938spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2"] = true,
["Timer75592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74938soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117move"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother75592target"] = true,
["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["100"] = {
["Timer93520activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = false,
["Timer93707next"] = true,
["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93675stack"] = true,
["announceother93675stack"] = true,
["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93520active"] = true,
["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce93707spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer93520activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93520next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["188"] = {
["SpecWarn43962spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce43140spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce43962soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
["Timer42630castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer42630next"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer42630cast"] = true,
["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["95"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer92614activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["announce92614spell"] = true,
["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
["SpecWarn92614reflect"] = true,
["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
["Timer92622active"] = true,
["Timer5371achievement"] = true,
["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["117"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
["announce83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer83113next"] = true,
["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother83113target"] = true,
["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["91"] = {
["announce88522spell"] = true,
["Timer88495cast"] = true,
["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer88481activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["113"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce79002spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interrupt"] = false,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetTColor"] = 3,
["announce79340spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce82858spell"] = true,
["Timer79351target"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["116"] = {
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce87618spell"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["99"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93527active"] = true,
["announce93505spell"] = true,
["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["89"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce88009spell"] = true,
["announce87859spell"] = true,
["announce87861spell"] = true,
["Timer87859activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87859active"] = true,
["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = true,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["118"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer81642active"] = true,
["announce81706spell"] = true,
["announceother81690target"] = true,
["Timer81690targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer81690target"] = true,
["announce81642spell"] = true,
["Timer81690targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer81642activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer81642activeTColor"] = 3,
["announceother81630target2"] = false,
["Yell81690"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["190"] = {
["SpecWarn43436switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43436switch"] = false,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother43501target"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
["Timer43383nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43383active"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["Timer43383nextTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer43383next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer43383activeTColor"] = 2,
["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["announce43383soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = false,
["Timer43383activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43383spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["134"] = {
["Timer75792target2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75704cd"] = true,
["announceother75861target"] = true,
["announceother75792target2"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3378switch"] = false,
["Timer75792cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer75664cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce75763spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer75664cd"] = true,
["Timer75664cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
["Timer75792cd"] = false,
["Timer75792target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer75792target2"] = true,
["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75704cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer75664castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75664castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["179"] = {
["Timer96640nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96639cdTColor"] = 6,
["Timer96639cd"] = true,
["Timer96646activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96646cd"] = true,
["Timer96646active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer96646cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2"] = true,
["Timer96646activeTColor"] = 2,
["announce96639spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer96646cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96640next"] = true,
["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["131"] = {
["Timer74846cd"] = true,
["Timer90170active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670you"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switch"] = false,
["announceother74837target"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensive"] = false,
["announce74853spell"] = true,
["Timer74670cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell74670"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother74846target"] = true,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce74853soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74670cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn74670youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670close"] = true,
["announceother74670target"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90170active2"] = true,
["Timer74846cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer90170active2CVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["175"] = {
["SpecWarn96521moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96509spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96521moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96477target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnToxicLink"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96466target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96477nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96466interrupt"] = false,
["announce96512spell"] = true,
["Timer96509nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96509next"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680move"] = true,
["Timer96466targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96560spell"] = true,
["Timer96466targetTColor"] = 4,
["Timer96509nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96477next"] = true,
["Timer96477nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["110"] = {
["TimerEmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81634youSWNote"] = true,
["announce82415spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSubmerge"] = true,
["announceother81634target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSubmerge"] = true,
["WarnEmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSubmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82415cd"] = true,
["TimerEmerge"] = true,
["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerEmergeTColor"] = 6,
}, -- [1]
["323"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer101348nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer100686nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce100686spell"] = true,
["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2"] = true,
["announce101348spell"] = false,
["Timer100686next"] = true,
["Timer100686nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101348next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["Augh"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce91408spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3TColor"] = 5,
["announceother84799target2"] = false,
["Timer84799target3"] = false,
["announce84768spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3CVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["342"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce103558spell"] = true,
["Timer103558nextTColor"] = 3,
["announce103419spell"] = true,
["Timer103558next"] = true,
["Timer103558nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108374next"] = true,
["Timer108374nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer108374nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce108374spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["90"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88352targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother88352target"] = true,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88352target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveaway"] = true,
["Timer88352targetCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["285"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101927cd"] = true,
["announce101339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spell"] = true,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateTColor"] = 2,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonate"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer101339next"] = true,
["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["Timer101339nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["126"] = {
["Timer77235target"] = true,
["Timer75622active"] = true,
["Timer76184cd"] = true,
["Timer76184cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer76184activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce77241spell"] = true,
["Timer75622cd"] = true,
["Timer77235targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother75603target2"] = true,
["Timer77235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother77336target"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer77336cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer77336cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother77235target"] = true,
["Timer75603target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75622spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer77241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
["Timer77235targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75603target2"] = true,
["Timer75603target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76184active"] = true,
["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer5296achievement"] = true,
["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce76184spell"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["180"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697youSWNote"] = true,
["announce96698cast"] = true,
["Timer96697next"] = true,
["announceother96697target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96697nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697close"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710move"] = true,
["Timer96697nextTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["98"] = {
["announceother93852target"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["announce93693spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interrupt"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93685next"] = false,
["SpecWarn93691moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce93687spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93685spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn93691move"] = true,
["Timer93685nextCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93685nextTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["127"] = {
["Timer74134active"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookaway"] = true,
["WarnSplitSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74136cast"] = true,
["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74134spell"] = true,
["announce74133spell"] = true,
["Timer74134activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74134activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136castTColor"] = 2,
}, -- [1]
["102"] = {
["SpecWarn76094dispel2"] = false,
["announce76047spell"] = true,
["Timer76047cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother76026target"] = true,
["Timer76026target"] = true,
["Timer76100active2"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce76100spell"] = false,
["Timer76026cd"] = true,
["Timer76026targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76026cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76026targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = false,
["Timer76026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76100active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["283"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn102173interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn102173interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announce102472spell"] = true,
["announce102472count"] = false,
["Timer102472cd"] = true,
["Timer102472cdTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102173interrupt"] = false,
["Timer102472cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["184"] = {
["Timer96342targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnGaze"] = false,
["SpecWarn96342runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96342runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother96342target"] = true,
["Timer96338activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96316cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn96342run"] = true,
["Timer96316cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce96316spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916move"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["announce96338spell"] = true,
["Timer96338activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnToxicSWSound"] = 8,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce96914spell"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxicSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96338active"] = true,
["Timer96316cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
["Timer96342target"] = true,
["Timer96342targetTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["105"] = {
["Timer75272castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75571targetTColor"] = 3,
["announce75272spell"] = true,
["Timer75272cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75571target"] = true,
["announce75539spell"] = true,
["Timer75543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75571targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75539soon"] = true,
["Timer75272cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272cd"] = true,
["announceother75571target2"] = true,
["Timer75272cast"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["185"] = {
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["SpecWarn97198youSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer97172nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce97170spell"] = true,
["BodySlamIcon"] = true,
["Timer97172nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce97172cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn97320move"] = true,
["Timer97170nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97172next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97198you"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172moveto"] = true,
["Timer97172activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer97172activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer97170nextTColor"] = 3,
["WarnBarrierDown"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97170next"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["101"] = {
["announce75863spell"] = true,
["Timer75722castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76008cd2"] = false,
["Timer80564fades2"] = true,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76008cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76008interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75863activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother80564target2"] = true,
["Timer75863activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76008cd2TColor"] = 4,
["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75863active"] = true,
["announce75722spell"] = true,
["Timer75722cast"] = true,
["Timer75722castTColor"] = 3,
["announce75863soon"] = true,
["Timer80564fades2TColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["181"] = {
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer96457cd"] = true,
["Timer96435castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96423target2"] = true,
["Timer96457cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce96457spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother96423target2"] = true,
["Timer96435cast"] = true,
["Timer96592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96435castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96423target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer96423target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96457cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer96592target"] = false,
["announceother96592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2"] = false,
["Timer96592targetTColor"] = 5,
}, -- [1]
["189"] = {
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["SpecWarn97499move"] = false,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["SpecWarn43139dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother43139target"] = true,
["announceother43303target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["289"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce102569spell"] = true,
["announce101591spell"] = true,
["announce102381spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["109"] = {
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["announceother76188target2"] = true,
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["Timer76188target"] = true,
["Timer76188targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76189target"] = true,
["Timer76189targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnBoss"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["132"] = {
["SpecWarn74987moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74908activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75000spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce74976spell"] = true,
["announce75007spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn74987moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007run"] = false,
["SpecWarn90819dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn75007runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74981active"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75007activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74908spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754move"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987move"] = true,
["announce74981spell"] = true,
["Timer74981activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer74908activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75007activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer75007active"] = true,
["Timer74981activeCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["128"] = {
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["Timer76043target2CVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer80968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother80968target"] = true,
["Timer76043target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother76043target2"] = true,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer80968target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76043cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968target2"] = true,
["Timer80968target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043target2"] = true,
["Timer80968cd"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["104"] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerPhaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerPhase"] = true,
["Timer83985activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer83985active"] = true,
["TimerPhaseCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83985spell"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["290"] = {
["SpecWarn108141moveSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer104905activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108141nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother105544target"] = true,
["SpecWarn108141move"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer108141nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer105544nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer105544nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother108141target"] = true,
["announceother104905target"] = true,
["Timer105544targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn108141moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer108141next"] = true,
["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer105544next"] = true,
["Timer104905activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer104905active"] = true,
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["341"] = {
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["SpecWarn103780movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["announce103565spell"] = true,
["announceother103151target2"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775move"] = true,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103678nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653move"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["announce103767spell"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103780next"] = true,
["Timer103678next"] = true,
["announceother103363target2"] = true,
["Timer103780nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103780nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer103678nextCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Discipline",
["Garr"] = {
["announce93506spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93508runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer93508nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93508nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93508run"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93506cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer93508next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93508runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer93506cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]
["Hexcel-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer103888cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888run"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103888activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerTyrandeHelpCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888active"] = true,
["TimerTyrandeHelp"] = true,
["Timer103888cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["TimerTyrandeHelpTColor"] = 6,
["176"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce96800spell"] = true,
["WarnRevive"] = false,
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["SpecWarn96740dodge"] = true,
["Timer96684nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother96776target"] = true,
["SpecWarnOhganSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96724castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96776cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96717nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96724spell"] = true,
["Timer96724cast"] = true,
["Timer96724cd"] = true,
["Timer96684nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96717nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96724cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96776cd"] = true,
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["Timer96684next"] = true,
["announceother96684target"] = true,
["Timer96724castTColor"] = 1,
["Timer96776targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnOhgan"] = true,
["SetIconOnOhgan"] = false,
["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96717next"] = true,
["Timer96724cdCVoice"] = 0,
["97"] = {
[0] = {
["announce93857spell"] = true,
["announce93956spell"] = true,
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["Timer93956fades"] = true,
["Timer93956fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["93"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["133"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn75317move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn90950dodge"] = true,
["Timer90950activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn82850runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother82850target"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer90950active"] = true,
["Timer90949cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90950activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer90949cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850run"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer90950cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer90950cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
["177"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn96306run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96619you"] = true,
["announceother96306target"] = true,
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["Timer96306activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn96619youSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer96306cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96619close"] = true,
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["Timer96306activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96306run2"] = true,
["Timer96306cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96306run2SWNote"] = true,
["Akmahat"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93561cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer94968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cd"] = true,
["announce94968spell"] = false,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
["Timer94946cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spell"] = true,
["announceother93578target"] = true,
["Timer93561cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93561cd"] = true,
["Timer93578fades"] = false,
["112"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn78807run2"] = false,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn78807run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn78903dodge"] = false,
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer78939cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer78939activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce78939spell"] = true,
["Timer78939activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce80467spell"] = false,
["Timer78807cast2"] = false,
["Timer78807cast2TColor"] = 2,
["115"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer88308cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88286moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWNote"] = true,
["BreathIcon"] = true,
["Timer88308cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308you2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286move"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce88282spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88308cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother88308target"] = true,
["111"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer92265activeCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStorm"] = true,
["WarnAirphase"] = true,
["WarnGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80803cd"] = true,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer92265active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseTColor"] = 6,
["announce80803spell"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAirphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAirphaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerAirphase"] = true,
["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
["Timer80803cdTColor"] = 3,
["114"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86292nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86340cd"] = true,
["announce86340spell"] = true,
["Timer86340cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer86292next"] = true,
["Timer86292nextTColor"] = 6,
["Timer86340cdCVoice"] = 0,
["119"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn82255youSWSound"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn88814move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81942move"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82622target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82255cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother82622target2"] = false,
["announce82320spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer82506target2TColor"] = 5,
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["Timer82622target2"] = false,
["announceother82506target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn82255switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer82255cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother82255target"] = true,
["Timer82255targetTColor"] = 1,
["Timer82506target2"] = false,
["291"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn102334spellSWNote"] = true,
["WarnAdds"] = true,
["TimerAddsTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAdds"] = true,
["Timer102334cd"] = true,
["Timer103241cdTColor"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["191"] = {
[0] = {
["Timer43095nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce42594spell"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother43093target"] = true,
["Timer43093next"] = true,
["announceother42402target"] = true,
["announceother43150target"] = true,
["Timer43093nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer97930nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce42606spell"] = true,
["ClawRageIcon"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43217move"] = true,
["Timer97930next"] = true,
["Timer43093nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43217moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce97930spell"] = true,
["Timer43095nextTColor"] = 5,
["announce42607spell"] = true,
["announce43095spell"] = true,
["ThrowIcon"] = false,
["Timer97930nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce42608spell"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer43095next"] = true,
["announce17207spell"] = true,
["Timer42402next"] = true,
["178"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["130"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interrupt"] = false,
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["announce73872spell"] = true,
["announce87653spell"] = true,
["announce76355spell"] = true,
["Timer73872cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76355active"] = true,
["Timer76355activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer73872cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
["107"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce75846count"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn75846stackSWSound"] = 1,
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["TimerSuperheatedCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75846stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWNote"] = true,
["96"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn93468interrupt"] = false,
["Timer93423cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93423cd"] = true,
["announce93720spell"] = true,
["announce93757spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93423cdTColor"] = 2,
["announceother93581target"] = true,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
["186"] = {
[0] = {
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
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["Timer43648castCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn43648moveto"] = true,
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["announceother97318target"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
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["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["StormIcon"] = true,
["92"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["103"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
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["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = false,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = true,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76234activeTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
["106"] = {
[0] = {
["SpecWarn75697stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75823target"] = true,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
["WarnAdd"] = true,
["Timer75823targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
["announceother75823target"] = true,
["Timer82362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75823interrupt"] = true,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn75823interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["187"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
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["TimerNormalTColor"] = 6,
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["322"] = {
[0] = {
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["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["announce102582spell"] = true,
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["122"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
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["specWarnPhase2SoonSWSound"] = 2,
["Xariona"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
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["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
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["JulakDoom"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = false,
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["125"] = {
[0] = {
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["108"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["announceother76031target"] = true,
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["129"] = {
[0] = {
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["Mobus"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = false,
["340"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
["124"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["100"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = false,
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["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
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["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
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["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
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["188"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = false,
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["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["95"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
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["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["117"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
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["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
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["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
["91"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["113"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce82858spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = false,
["116"] = {
[0] = {
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce87618spell"] = true,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
["99"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
["89"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = false,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
["118"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer81690target"] = true,
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["Timer81690targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer81642activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer81642activeTColor"] = 3,
["announceother81630target2"] = false,
["Yell81690"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["190"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["Timer43383nextTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
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["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = false,
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["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["134"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce75763spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer75664cd"] = true,
["Timer75664cast"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer75792cd"] = false,
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["Timer75792target2"] = false,
["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75704cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
["Timer75664castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
["179"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer96646cd"] = true,
["Timer96646active"] = true,
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["Timer96646cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer96646activeTColor"] = 2,
["announce96639spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWSound"] = 4,
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["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWNote"] = true,
["131"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer74670cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell74670"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74670cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn74670youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670close"] = true,
["announceother74670target"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer90170active2"] = false,
["Timer74846cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer90170active2CVoice"] = 0,
["175"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce96509spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96521moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96477target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96466interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn96842spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96477nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96466interrupt"] = false,
["announce96512spell"] = true,
["Timer96509nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96509next"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680move"] = true,
["Timer96466targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce96560spell"] = true,
["Timer96466targetTColor"] = 4,
["Timer96509nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96477next"] = true,
["Timer96477nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
["110"] = {
[0] = {
["TimerEmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81634youSWNote"] = true,
["announce82415spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSubmerge"] = true,
["announceother81634target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSubmerge"] = true,
["WarnEmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSubmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82415cd"] = true,
["TimerEmerge"] = true,
["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerEmergeTColor"] = 6,
["323"] = {
[0] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer101348nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer100686nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce100686spell"] = true,
["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2"] = false,
["announce101348spell"] = false,
["Timer100686next"] = true,
["Timer100686nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101348next"] = true,
["Augh"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer84799target3"] = false,
["announce84768spell"] = true,
["Timer84799target3CVoice"] = 0,
["342"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce103419spell"] = true,
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["Timer103558nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer108374next"] = true,
["Timer108374nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer108374nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["90"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveaway"] = true,
["Timer88352targetCVoice"] = 0,
["126"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer76184cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer76184activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce77241spell"] = true,
["Timer75622cd"] = true,
["Timer77235targetTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer77235cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother77336target"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer77336cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer77336cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother77235target"] = true,
["Timer75603target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75622spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer77241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
["Timer77235targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75603target2"] = false,
["Timer75603target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76184active"] = true,
["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77235cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer77241cdTColor"] = 2,
["announce76184spell"] = true,
["Timer5296achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["285"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn101927spell"] = true,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateTColor"] = 2,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonate"] = true,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer101339next"] = true,
["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["Timer101339nextCVoice"] = 0,
["98"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce93687spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93685spell"] = false,
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["Timer93685nextCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93685nextTColor"] = 5,
["180"] = {
[0] = {
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["102"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer76047cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce76100spell"] = false,
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["Timer76026targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76026cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76026targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = false,
["Timer76026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76100active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
["283"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer102472cdTColor"] = 0,
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["Timer102472cdCVoice"] = 0,
["184"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer96316cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce96316spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916move"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["announce96338spell"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
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["SpecWarnToxicSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer96316cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer96338activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96342targetTColor"] = 3,
["105"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer75272cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce75539spell"] = true,
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["Timer75272cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castCVoice"] = 0,
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["announceother75571target2"] = false,
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["132"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn90754moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["announce74976spell"] = true,
["announce75007spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn74987moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007run"] = false,
["SpecWarn90819dodge"] = true,
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["SpecWarn75007runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74981active"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75007activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74908spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754move"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987move"] = true,
["announce74981spell"] = true,
["Timer74981activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer74908activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75007activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer75007active"] = true,
["Timer74981activeCVoice"] = 0,
["101"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer80564fades2"] = false,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76008cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn76008interrupt"] = true,
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["announceother80564target2"] = false,
["Timer75863activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76008cd2TColor"] = 4,
["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["announce75722spell"] = true,
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["Timer75722castTColor"] = 3,
["announce75863soon"] = true,
["Timer80564fades2TColor"] = 5,
["109"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer76188targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76189target"] = false,
["Timer76189targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnBoss"] = true,
["189"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn97499move"] = false,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["SpecWarn43139dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn97499moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
["289"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce101591spell"] = true,
["announce102381spell"] = true,
["185"] = {
[0] = {
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["announce97170spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn97320moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer97172next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97198you"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172moveto"] = true,
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["SpecWarn97172movetoSWSound"] = 2,
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["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer97170nextTColor"] = 3,
["WarnBarrierDown"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["181"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer96457cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce96457spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announceother96423target2"] = false,
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["Timer96592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96435castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96423target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer96423target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96457cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["Timer96592target"] = false,
["announceother96592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2"] = false,
["Timer96592targetTColor"] = 5,
["128"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer80968cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother76043target2"] = false,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer80968target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76043cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968target2"] = false,
["Timer80968target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043target2"] = false,
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["104"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer83985activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer83985active"] = true,
["TimerPhaseCVoice"] = 0,
["announce83985spell"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
["announce3stage"] = true,
["127"] = {
[0] = {
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["SpecWarn74136lookaway"] = true,
["WarnSplitSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74134spell"] = true,
["announce74133spell"] = true,
["Timer74134activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74134activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136castTColor"] = 2,
["290"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer105544nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer105544nextTColor"] = 5,
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["announceother104905target"] = false,
["Timer105544targetCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
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["341"] = {
[0] = {
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["TimerCombatStart"] = true,
["announce103565spell"] = true,
["announceother103151target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn103780moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775move"] = true,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103678movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653move"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["announce103767spell"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103780movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer103678next"] = true,
["announceother103363target2"] = false,
["Timer103780nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103678nextTColor"] = 2,
["Timer103678nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Garr"] = {
[0] = {
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["Timer93508nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93508nextTColor"] = 2,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93506cdTColor"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn93508runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer93506cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Hellë-Ravencrest"] = {
["292"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer103888cd"] = true,
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["TimerTyrandeHelp"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer103888activeCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerTyrandeHelpCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888active"] = true,
["SpecWarn103888runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer103888cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer103888cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103888run"] = true,
["176"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer96776cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96740dodge"] = true,
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["Timer96684nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer96684next"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96740dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother96776target"] = true,
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["97"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce93956spell"] = true,
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["Timer93956fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93956fades"] = true,
["93"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["133"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn90950dodge"] = true,
["Timer90950activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn82850runSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer90949cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90950cd"] = true,
["Timer90949cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850run"] = true,
["Timer90950cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer90950cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90950dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn82850runSWSound"] = 4,
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["SpecWarn75317moveSWNote"] = true,
["177"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn96619you"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96306run2SWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96619closeSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer96306activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96306run2"] = true,
["Timer96306cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96619closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96619youSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Akmahat"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn94946dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn93561spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn94946dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer94968cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578fadesCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94968cd"] = true,
["Timer93578cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer94946cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93578fades"] = false,
["Timer94946cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93578cd"] = true,
["Timer93561cd"] = true,
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["Timer93578cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93561spell"] = true,
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["Timer93561cdTColor"] = 5,
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["announce94968spell"] = false,
["Timer94946cd"] = true,
["112"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn78807run2SWSound"] = 4,
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["Timer78939cdTColor"] = 5,
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["announce78939spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn78903dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce80467spell"] = false,
["Timer78939activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["115"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn88286moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308close"] = true,
["SpecWarn88308you2SWNote"] = true,
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["Timer88308cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88308you2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88286move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn88308closeSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn88308you2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother88308target"] = true,
["111"] = {
[2] = {
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["specWarnCrystalStorm"] = true,
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["WarnGroundphase"] = true,
["Timer80803cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80803cd"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
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["announce80803spell"] = true,
["TimerGroundphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerAirphaseCVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnCrystalStormSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWSound"] = 1,
["TimerAirphaseTColor"] = 6,
["TimerAirphase"] = true,
["Timer92265activeTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn80801moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn80801move"] = true,
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["114"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer86292nextTColor"] = 6,
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["119"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn88814move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn81942moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn81942move"] = true,
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["Timer82255targetTColor"] = 1,
["Timer82622target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82255targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82255cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81942moveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer82506target2TColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn82255switchSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer82622target2TColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn88814moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["announce82320spell"] = true,
["announceother82622target2"] = false,
["announceother82255target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88814moveSWNote"] = true,
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["291"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn103241interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer102334cd"] = true,
["Timer103241cdTColor"] = 4,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer102334cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer102334cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer103241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn103241interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103241cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn103241interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn102334spellSWSound"] = 2,
["TimerAddsCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102334spell"] = true,
["191"] = {
[2] = {
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["announceother42402target"] = true,
["announceother43150target"] = true,
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["Timer97930nextTColor"] = 1,
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["Timer43095next"] = true,
["Timer97930next"] = true,
["announce42606spell"] = true,
["announce42608spell"] = true,
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["announce42607spell"] = true,
["ThrowIcon"] = false,
["announce43095spell"] = true,
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["Timer97930nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer43093nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43093next"] = true,
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["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["178"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["130"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn80352interrupt"] = true,
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["announce73872spell"] = true,
["announce87653spell"] = true,
["announce76355spell"] = true,
["Timer73872cd"] = true,
["Timer73872cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer73872cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76355activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76355active"] = true,
["SpecWarn80352interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["107"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn75846stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75842spell"] = true,
["TimerSuperheatedCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75846stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn75846stackSWNote"] = true,
["96"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce93757spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93468interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93468interruptSWNote"] = true,
["186"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce43648soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43648moveto"] = true,
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["Timer43648cdTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["StormIcon"] = true,
["Timer43648castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer43648cast"] = true,
["Timer43648cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43648movetoSWNote"] = true,
["92"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["103"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn76307reflectSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer76170activeTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn76171interruptSWNote"] = true,
["announceother84931target"] = true,
["Timer76170activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76170target2"] = false,
["Timer76234activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76171interrupt"] = true,
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["Timer76307active2CVoice"] = 0,
["announceother76207target"] = true,
["Timer76307active2TColor"] = 5,
["announce2stage"] = true,
["announce76339spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931move"] = true,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn84931moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn76307reflect"] = false,
["Timer76234active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce76234spell"] = true,
["announceother76165target2"] = false,
["106"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn75697stack"] = true,
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["SpecWarn82362interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75823cdTColor"] = 4,
["Timer75823cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn82362interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer75823castTColor"] = 4,
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["Timer75823targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75697fades"] = true,
["Timer75697fadesTColor"] = 5,
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["SpecWarn75697stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer82362castTColor"] = 4,
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["SpecWarn75823interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer75697fadesCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn82362interrupt"] = true,
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["Timer82362castCVoice"] = 0,
["187"] = {
[2] = {
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["WarnNormal"] = true,
["Timer42402nextCVoice"] = 0,
["WarnBearSoon"] = true,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerBearCVoice"] = 0,
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["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
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["Timer42402nextTColor"] = 3,
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["322"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer103252nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["announce102582spell"] = true,
["announceother103252target"] = true,
["122"] = {
[2] = {
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["specWarnPhase2Soon"] = true,
["Timer83066activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83151cd2"] = false,
["Timer83066activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer83151cd2TColor"] = 0,
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["announce84522cast"] = true,
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["announce84982spell"] = true,
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["Timer0stageTColor"] = 6,
["Timer84982active2CVoice"] = 0,
["specWarnPhase2SoonSWSound"] = 2,
["Xariona"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn93546youSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93553nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93546you"] = true,
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["Timer93556cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93556cdTColor"] = 2,
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["Timer93551target"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93546youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93556movetoSWSound"] = 3,
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["Timer93546cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer93551cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer93553nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93556moveto"] = true,
["Timer93546cd"] = true,
["Timer93551targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93546cdTColor"] = 3,
["JulakDoom"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93621nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93610nextTColor"] = 3,
["announceother93621target"] = true,
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["Timer93621nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SetIconOnMC"] = true,
["announce93610cast"] = true,
["Timer93610next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93610dodge"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612move"] = true,
["SpecWarn93612moveSWNote"] = true,
["125"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce77370spell"] = true,
["108"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76028cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76028cdTColor"] = 0,
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["Timer76031targetTColor"] = 0,
["announceother76031target"] = true,
["129"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Mobus"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn93494move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93490nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93490nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer93494cd"] = true,
["Timer93492next"] = false,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93494moveSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn93490moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93490move"] = true,
["Timer93494cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93494cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer93490next"] = true,
["SpecWarn93492dodge"] = false,
["340"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer101614nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer101625nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101625spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer101625next"] = true,
["Timer101625nextTColor"] = 3,
["124"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn75117move"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75117moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer75592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer75592target"] = true,
["SpecWarn75592dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["100"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer93520nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2"] = false,
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["Timer93707nextTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn93675stack"] = true,
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["announce93520spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer93707nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer93520next"] = true,
["Timer93520activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93520nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93629dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn93675stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announce93707spell"] = true,
["188"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn43962spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["announce43140spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce43144spell"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn43144spell"] = false,
["SpecWarn42630dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce43962soon"] = true,
["Timer42630nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer42630castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43144spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer42630next"] = true,
["Timer43962nextTColor"] = 1,
["Timer42630nextTColor"] = 3,
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["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43962next"] = true,
["Timer42630castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43962spellSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn42630dodge"] = true,
["Timer43962nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43962spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497move"] = true,
["SpecWarn97497moveSWSound"] = 1,
["95"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer92614activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWSound"] = 1,
["announce92614spell"] = true,
["Timer92622activeTColor"] = 3,
["Timer92614active"] = true,
["SpecWarn92614reflect"] = false,
["Timer5371achievementTColor"] = 0,
["Timer5371achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer92622active"] = true,
["Timer5371achievement"] = true,
["Timer92622activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce92622spell"] = true,
["Timer92614activeTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn92614reflectSWNote"] = true,
["117"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn91263dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["announce83445cast"] = true,
["Timer83445castTColor"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83113nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer83445cdTColor"] = 2,
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["Timer83445cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer83445castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn91263dodge"] = true,
["91"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer88495castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer88481activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88495castTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer88481activeTColor"] = 2,
["HarvestIcon"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495run2"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495close"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer88481active"] = true,
["SpecWarn88495closeSWNote"] = true,
["announceother88495target"] = true,
["announce88481spell"] = true,
["113"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce79002spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn79351interruptSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn79345dispel2"] = false,
["Timer79351targetCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn79351interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer79351target"] = true,
["announce82858spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn79345dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["announce79340spell"] = true,
["116"] = {
[2] = {
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer86911cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cd"] = true,
["Timer86911castTColor"] = 2,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911SWNote"] = true,
["Timer86911cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Show special announce to run away from $spell:86911"] = true,
["Timer86911cdTColor"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer86911castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn87618jump"] = true,
["announce87618spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn87618jumpSWSound"] = 1,
["99"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer93527active"] = true,
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["Timer93689activeCVoice"] = 0,
["RedLightGreenLight"] = true,
["Timer93689activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer93527activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer93527activeTColor"] = 0,
["Timer93689active"] = true,
["announce93697spell"] = true,
["announce93527spell"] = true,
["89"] = {
[2] = {
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce88009spell"] = true,
["announce87859spell"] = false,
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["Timer87859activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer87861activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer87859active"] = false,
["Timer87859activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer87861active"] = false,
["118"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer81690target"] = true,
["announce81642spell"] = true,
["Timer81642activeTColor"] = 3,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer81690targetTColor"] = 3,
["announceother81630target2"] = false,
["Yell81690"] = true,
["announce81706spell"] = true,
["talent2"] = "Frost",
["190"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn43436switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43436switch"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn43431interrupt2"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfo"] = true,
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["SpecWarn43421dispel"] = false,
["Timer43383nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["TimerSiphon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer43383next"] = true,
["SpecWarn43451interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["TimerSiphonCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn43421dispelSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43440gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
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["TimerSiphonTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn43436switchSWNote"] = true,
["announce43383soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn43431interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43548interrupt2"] = true,
["Timer43383activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce43383spell"] = true,
["134"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn75664spellSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarnej3378switch"] = true,
["Timer75792cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75664spellSWSound"] = 2,
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["announce75763spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75664castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer75664cd"] = true,
["Timer75664cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn75664spell"] = true,
["Timer75792cd"] = false,
["Timer75792target2"] = false,
["Timer75704cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer75704cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarnej3378switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75763interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer75792target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer75664castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn75763interrupt"] = true,
["Timer75664cdCVoice"] = 0,
["179"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer96639cdTColor"] = 6,
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["Timer96646activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96646cd"] = true,
["Timer96646active"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer96646cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96646run2"] = true,
["Timer96646activeTColor"] = 2,
["announce96639spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWSound"] = 4,
["Timer96646cdTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96646run2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer96640nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96639cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96640next"] = true,
["131"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer90170active2CVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn90170defensive"] = false,
["announce74853spell"] = false,
["Timer74670cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodge"] = true,
["Yell74670"] = true,
["Timer74846cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer74670cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74846cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn90170defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWNote"] = true,
["announce74853soon"] = false,
["SpecWarn74670youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74670cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn74670youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn74670close"] = true,
["announceother74670target"] = true,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer90170active2"] = false,
["announceother74846target"] = false,
["SpecWarn74670closeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnej3358switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn74634dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["175"] = {
[2] = {
["SpecWarn96521moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96509spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96521moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother96477target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnToxicLink"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96466target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96477nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn96477you"] = true,
["Timer96477nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96477next"] = true,
["Timer96509nextCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96509nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96509next"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer96466targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96680move"] = true,
["announce96560spell"] = true,
["Timer96466targetTColor"] = 4,
["announce96512spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96466interrupt"] = true,
["SpecWarn96842spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn96521move"] = true,
["110"] = {
[2] = {
["TimerEmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn81634youSWNote"] = true,
["announce82415spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634close"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["TimerSubmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634you"] = true,
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["SpecWarn81634closeSWSound"] = 1,
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["TimerSubmergeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn81634youSWSound"] = 1,
["WarnEmerge"] = true,
["SpecWarn81634closeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer82415cd"] = true,
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["TimerSubmergeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer82415cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother81634target2"] = false,
["323"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2SWNote"] = true,
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["Timer100686nextTColor"] = 1,
["announce100686spell"] = true,
["Timer101348nextTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn101412dispel2"] = false,
["Timer101348next"] = true,
["Timer100686next"] = true,
["Timer100686nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce101348spell"] = false,
["Augh"] = {
[2] = {
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["announceother84799target2"] = false,
["Timer84799target3"] = false,
["Timer84799target3CVoice"] = 0,
["announce84768spell"] = true,
["342"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce103558spell"] = true,
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["announce103419spell"] = true,
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["Timer103558nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer108374nextTColor"] = 5,
["Timer108374nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["90"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["announce59304spell"] = true,
["Timer88352target"] = true,
["SpecWarn88352moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer88352targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn88352moveaway"] = true,
["126"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76184activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75622cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce77241spell"] = true,
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["Timer77235targetTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer77235cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer77336cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer75622activeTColor"] = 6,
["announceother77235target"] = true,
["Timer75603target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76184cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer5296achievementCVoice"] = 0,
["announce76184spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer77241cd"] = true,
["Timer77241cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer77235targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75603target2"] = false,
["Timer77235cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer5296achievement"] = true,
["Timer77336cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn76956moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer77235cd"] = true,
["Timer76184active"] = true,
["Timer75603target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn76956move"] = true,
["announce75622spell"] = true,
["Timer77241cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Garr"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer93508nextCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn93508run"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer93506cdTColor"] = 2,
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["98"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce93693spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn93844interrupt"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93691moveSWSound"] = 1,
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["announce93685spell"] = false,
["Timer93685nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn93691move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn93844interruptSWNote"] = true,
["341"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn103678movetoSWSound"] = 2,
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["SpecWarn103780movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn103653moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother103363target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn103775move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn103678movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn103653moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn103653move"] = true,
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["SpecWarn103780movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer103780next"] = true,
["TimerCombatStartCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn103775moveSWNote"] = true,
["announce2prestage"] = true,
["SpecWarn103780moveto"] = true,
["Timer103780nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce103565spell"] = true,
["Timer103780nextTColor"] = 2,
["102"] = {
[2] = {
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["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76047cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodgeSWSound"] = 1,
["announce76100spell"] = false,
["Timer76026cd"] = true,
["Timer76100active2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76026cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer76026targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer76100active2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76047cd"] = true,
["Timer76026cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76047dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn76094dispel2SWNote"] = true,
["Timer76026targetCVoice"] = 0,
["290"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer108141nextTColor"] = 3,
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["announceother108141target"] = true,
["Timer105544nextTColor"] = 5,
["announceother104905target"] = false,
["Timer105544targetTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn108141moveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer108141next"] = true,
["Timer104905activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer105544next"] = false,
["Timer105544targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer104905active"] = false,
["184"] = {
[2] = {
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["SetIconOnGaze"] = false,
["SpecWarn96342runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn96342runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother96342target"] = true,
["Timer96338activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96316cd"] = true,
["Timer96342targetTColor"] = 3,
["Timer96316cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxic"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916move"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = false,
["Timer96338activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96342target"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce96914spell"] = true,
["Timer96316cdTColor"] = 1,
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["SpecWarnToxicSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96916moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarnToxicSWSound"] = 8,
["announce96338spell"] = true,
["announce96316spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn96342run"] = true,
["105"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer75272castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75571targetTColor"] = 3,
["announce75272spell"] = true,
["Timer75272cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75571target"] = false,
["announce75539spell"] = true,
["Timer75543cast"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75571targetCVoice"] = 0,
["announce75539soon"] = true,
["Timer75272cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer75543castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer75272cast"] = true,
["announceother75571target2"] = false,
["Timer75272cd"] = true,
["127"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn74136lookaway"] = true,
["WarnSplitSoon"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer74136castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136castCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74134spell"] = true,
["announce74133spell"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn74136lookawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer74134activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer74134activeTColor"] = 2,
["Timer74136cast"] = true,
["101"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer80564fades2"] = false,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer76008cd2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn76008interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer75863activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80564fades2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer80564fades2CVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer75722castTColor"] = 3,
["announce75722spell"] = true,
["Timer75722cast"] = true,
["Timer75863active"] = true,
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["Timer76008cd2TColor"] = 4,
["185"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn97198youSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer97172nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announce97170spell"] = true,
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["Timer97172nextTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn97198youSWSound"] = 1,
["announce97172cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn97320move"] = true,
["Timer97170nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn97320moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer97172next"] = true,
["SpecWarn97198you"] = true,
["SpecWarn97172moveto"] = true,
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["Timer97170nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer97172activeCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn97172movetoSWSound"] = 2,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["SpecWarn97172movetoSWNote"] = true,
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["189"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn97499move"] = false,
["WarnNormal"] = true,
["SpecWarn43139dispel"] = false,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWSound"] = 1,
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["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn97499moveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2"] = false,
["SpecWarn43302switch"] = true,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer43303target2CVoice"] = 0,
["WarnSpirit"] = true,
["SpecWarn97499moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn43302switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer43303target2TColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn43139dispelSWNote"] = true,
["289"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce102569spell"] = true,
["announce101591spell"] = true,
["announce102381spell"] = true,
["109"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76189targetCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76189target"] = false,
["SetIconOnBoss"] = true,
["Timer76188targetTColor"] = 5,
["128"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer76043target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer76043cd"] = true,
["Timer80968cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968cd"] = true,
["Timer76043target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer76043cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer80968cdTColor"] = 3,
["announceother76043target2"] = false,
["Timer80968target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer80968target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer80968target2"] = false,
["Timer76043cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer76043target2"] = false,
["announceother80968target"] = true,
["181"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer96457cdTColor"] = 3,
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["Timer96592targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer96592targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2"] = true,
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["Timer96423target2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer96457cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["Timer96592target"] = false,
["SpecWarn96435interrupt2SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer96423target2TColor"] = 5,
["Timer96435castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer96435cast"] = true,
["104"] = {
[2] = {
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["announce3stage"] = true,
["Timer83985activeTColor"] = 3,
["announce83985spell"] = true,
["TimerPhaseCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer83985active"] = true,
["132"] = {
[2] = {
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["Timer74908activeTColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWSound"] = 1,
["announce75000spell"] = true,
["Timer74981activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74976spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn74987moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn75007run"] = false,
["SpecWarn90819dodge"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer74908active"] = true,
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["Timer74981active"] = true,
["Timer74981activeTColor"] = 6,
["Timer75007activeCVoice"] = 0,
["announce74908spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754move"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce74981spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn74987move"] = true,
["SpecWarn90819dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer74908activeCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn75007runSWNote"] = true,
["announce75007spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn90754moveSWNote"] = true,
["283"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn102173interruptSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer102472cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn102173interrupt"] = true,
["Timer102472cdTColor"] = 0,
["Timer102472cd"] = true,
["180"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn96697youSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn96710moveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697closeSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer96697nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn96697youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96710moveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn96697you"] = true,
["SpecWarn96697close"] = true,
["SpecWarn96710move"] = true,
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["285"] = {
[2] = {
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["SpecWarn101927spell"] = true,
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["Timer101339nextCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer101339next"] = true,
["Timer101927cdCVoice"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn101927spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer101927cdTColor"] = 5,
["Timer101339nextTColor"] = 0,
["TimerFlarecoreDetonateTColor"] = 2,