914 lines
33 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-12-23 17:08:14 +01:00
DBMCastleNathria_AllSavedVars = {
["Helca-Draenor"] = {
["2426"] = {
["announce346698spell"] = true,
["Timer330965cd"] = true,
["NPAuraOnFixate"] = true,
["Timer346657cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn331634moveto"] = true,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["Timer346698cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn346698switchSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn337110interruptcount"] = false,
["Timer346657cdCVoice"] = 0,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn346657moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer327497cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn330967runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn346690stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer330978cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn327616dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn331634movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer327497cd"] = false,
["Timer346690cdTColor"] = 5,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Timer346654cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn330964switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer327616cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn330964switch"] = false,
["announce330965spell"] = true,
["Yell347350"] = false,
["Timer346762cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce328497ends"] = true,
["announce330978spell"] = true,
["Timer346657cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn327497dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer347350cdcount"] = true,
["announce337110count"] = true,
["SpecWarn331634movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announceother347350target"] = true,
["announceother330967target"] = true,
["NPAuraOnUproar"] = true,
["Timer330965cdTColor"] = 1,
["SetIconOnDancingFools"] = true,
["Timer346654cd"] = true,
["Timer330964cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer330964cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer346762cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer330964cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn330964switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announce330964spell"] = true,
["Timer337110cdTColor"] = 2,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["Timer327616cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer337110cd"] = true,
["SetIconOnDutiful"] = true,
["Timer327616cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn327616dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn330967run"] = true,
["Timer346690cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn337110interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceother346690stack"] = true,
["Yell331634repeaticon"] = true,
["SpecWarn327616dodge"] = true,
["Timer331634cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer346654cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn346690taunt"] = true,
["Timer330965cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer331634cdTColor"] = 3,
["SetIconOnImage"] = true,
["Timer331634cd"] = true,
["Timer327497cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother331634target"] = true,
["SpecWarn327497dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn337110interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer346698cdTColor"] = 5,
["announce346654count"] = true,
["SpecWarn346698switch"] = false,
["Timer347350cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn346690tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn346690stack"] = true,
["Timer346762cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn330967runSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn346690tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn346945gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn346698switchSWNote"] = true,
["announce346790spell"] = true,
["Timer330978cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer346698cd"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn346690stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer337110cdCVoice"] = 0,
["NPAuraOnShield"] = true,
["SpecWarn346945gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn346657moveaway"] = true,
["Timer330978cdTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn328497spell2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn327497dodge"] = true,
["SpecWarn328497spell2SWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn328497spell2"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer347350cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn346657moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn346945gtfo"] = true,
["Timer346690cd"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["CastleNathriaTrash"] = {
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["Yell339525shortfade"] = true,
["announceother339607target"] = true,
["SpecWarn310780moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Yell339525"] = true,
["SpecWarn310780moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn310780moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn339607youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn339607youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother339525target"] = true,
["SpecWarn339607you"] = true,
["announceother339528stack"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["2393"] = {
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["Timer342863cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn328921spell"] = true,
["Timer330711cd"] = true,
["Timer343005cd"] = true,
["Timer330711cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer345936castCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn340324gtfo"] = true,
["Timer342863cd"] = true,
["Timer328857cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn328897stackSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer345397cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn330711movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn328857tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn330711movetoSWNote"] = true,
["announce345936cast"] = true,
["Timer345397cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn328897stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer345936castTColor"] = 5,
["Timer342074cdCVoice"] = 1,
["SpecWarn328857defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer329362castTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn343005defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn343021youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn328857defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announceother341684target"] = true,
["SpecWarn328921spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn328921spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn342074moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn342863dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SetIconOnEcholocation"] = true,
["SpecWarn340324gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn343021you"] = true,
["SpecWarn342074moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother342074target"] = true,
["SpecWarn342863dodge"] = true,
["announceother328897stack"] = true,
["Timer328857cd"] = true,
["Timer345397cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn328897stack"] = true,
["Timer328921cd"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["Yell342074position"] = true,
["announceother343024target"] = true,
["Timer329362cast"] = false,
["Timer328921cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell343021"] = false,
["announce345397count"] = true,
["Timer330711cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer342863cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn328857taunt"] = true,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn343005defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn343021youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer343005cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn343005defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer343005cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn330711moveto"] = true,
["SpecWarn340324gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer328921cdTColor"] = 6,
["announce328921ends"] = true,
["Timer345936cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn328857tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn342863dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn342074moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer328857cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer342074cd"] = true,
["Timer342074cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce329362cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn328857defensive"] = true,
["Yell342074iconfade"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["2425"] = {
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["Timer333376cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["announceother342655target"] = false,
["Timer333376cdcount"] = true,
["Yell344496fade"] = true,
["SpecWarn334929defensive"] = true,
["Timer334009cdcount3"] = true,
["Timer332683castTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn342425defensive"] = true,
["Timer342253cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell333376iconfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn334498dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["Timer334765cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["NPAuraOnVolatileShell"] = true,
["SpecWarn344496youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn334765countSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn340037switch"] = false,
["Yell339690fade"] = true,
["Timer342253cd"] = true,
["announce342985spell"] = true,
["Timer344496cdcount3"] = true,
["announce342722cast"] = true,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["Timer334929cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["announceother343273targetcount"] = true,
["Yell334009fade"] = true,
["SetIconOnHeartRend"] = true,
["announceej22777spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn342425tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer332683cast"] = true,
["announceother339690targetcount"] = true,
["SetIconOnWickedBlade2"] = false,
["SpecWarn340037switchSWSound"] = 1,
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["Timer342256cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn332683spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn340037switchSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn334009youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn334765youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn334765countSWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
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["SpecWarn344496you"] = true,
["Yell333376position"] = true,
["SetIconOnCrystalize"] = true,
["SpecWarn334009you"] = true,
["SetIconOnEruption2"] = false,
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["Timer334498cdcount"] = true,
["announceother336212target"] = true,
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["SetIconOnShadowForces"] = true,
["Timer342425cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn332683spellSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer333376cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn334765count"] = false,
["Timer339690cdcount3TColor"] = 5,
["Timer339690cdcount3"] = true,
["Timer334498cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell342544"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn334498dodge"] = true,
["Timer334498cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer334009cdcount3CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer342256cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn334929defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
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["announceother342253target"] = false,
["SpecWarn342544you"] = true,
["announceother333376targetcount"] = true,
["Yell344496"] = true,
["SpecWarn342425taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn342425defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn339690moveto"] = false,
["SpecWarn342544youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn339690movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn342425tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer342253cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer334929cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer342256cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn344721movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn344721moveto"] = false,
["Yell339690"] = true,
["SpecWarn339690movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn333376countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn342544youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn339690youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn339690youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn333376youposSWNote"] = true,
["announceother342544targetcount"] = true,
["announceother344496targetcount"] = true,
["announceother334009targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn339690you"] = true,
["SpecWarn334765you"] = false,
["SpecWarn334498dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn344721movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer334765cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Enabled"] = true,
["announce329636ends"] = true,
["Yell334009"] = true,
["SpecWarn333376countSWSound"] = 2,
["ExperimentalTimerCorrection"] = true,
["SpecWarn334009youSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer334765cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn333376youpos"] = true,
["BladeMarking"] = "SetOne",
["announceother334765targetcount2"] = true,
["SpecWarn344496youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn334929defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer334929cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn333376count"] = false,
["announce342256count"] = true,
["SpecWarn334765youSWSound"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["2428"] = {
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=6 stacks of $spell:332295"] = true,
["SpecWarn329298youposSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer329298cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn334266youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn329725moveaway"] = true,
["SortDesc"] = false,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["timer_berserk"] = true,
["SpecWarn332295tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnVolatileEjection2"] = true,
["SpecWarn329774tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn329725moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn334522run"] = true,
["SetIconOnGluttonousMiasma"] = true,
["SpecWarn334266you"] = true,
["SpecWarn334266youSWSound"] = 1,
["timer_berserkCVoice"] = 0,
["timer_berserkTColor"] = 0,
["SpecWarn334522runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer329774nextcountCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn334266soonSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer329774nextcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer329774nextcount"] = false,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=6 stacks of $spell:332295SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn329774defensive"] = false,
["SpecWarn329774defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn329774taunt"] = true,
["Timer329455nextcount"] = true,
["Timer334522nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer329725nextcount"] = true,
["Timer329725nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn329774tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer334522nextcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn332295taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn329774defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn332295tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer334522nextcountTColor"] = 2,
["announceother334266target"] = true,
["Timer329725nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer329298cdcountCVoice"] = 1,
["Show special announce when you are affected by >=6 stacks of $spell:332295SWNote"] = true,
["Timer334266nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer334266nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn334266soonSWNote"] = true,
["Timer329298cdcount"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn334755stack2"] = false,
["Timer329455nextcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer334266nextcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn334266soon"] = false,
["ShowTimeNotStacks"] = false,
["SpecWarn334522runSWNote"] = true,
["Yell329298shortposition2"] = false,
["Timer329455nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell334266"] = true,
["announceother329298target"] = true,
["SpecWarn334755stack2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn334755stack2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn329725moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn329298youposSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn329298youpos"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["2422"] = {
["SpecWarn328479youSWNote"] = true,
["announceej21993count"] = true,
["Timerej21952cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej21966switchSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother326456stack"] = false,
["SpecWarn326456stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn328579gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Timer326455cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn328579gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn326456tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Yell341473"] = true,
["Yell325877"] = true,
["SpecWarn328885moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarnej21966switchSWNote"] = true,
["Timer329509cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn341473moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timerej21954cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timer337859nextcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn325442tauntSWNote"] = true,
["Timer328885nextCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother325877target"] = true,
["SpecWarn328885moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer326455cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn325877moveto"] = false,
["Timer329509cd"] = true,
["NPAuraOnPhoenixFixate"] = true,
["SpecWarn325442taunt"] = true,
["announceother341473target"] = true,
["Timer328731castCVoice"] = 0,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn329509dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer328731castTColor"] = 1,
["Timer328885nextTColor"] = 3,
["Timer325506cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timerej21954cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn329509dodge"] = true,
["Timer325440cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn328479youSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn326456stack"] = true,
["SetIconOnEmberBlast"] = true,
["SpecWarn326456tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["announceej22090spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn328479you"] = true,
["Timerej21952cdcount"] = true,
["Timer329509cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer326455cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announce326455cast"] = false,
["Timerej21953cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timerej21954cdcount"] = true,
["announceother328479target"] = true,
["Timerej22082cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timerej21953cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn328885moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timerej21953cdcount"] = true,
["Timerej22082cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timerej22082cdcount"] = true,
["Timer325877cdTColor"] = 3,
["announce326075count"] = true,
["announce325665spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn337865interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timerej21952cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn333002interruptSWNote"] = true,
["Timer325440cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn341473moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn333002interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["announce329565spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn333002interrupt"] = false,
["announceej21952count"] = true,
["SpecWarn328579gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn326455spell"] = false,
["Timerej21993cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn341473moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnBirdo"] = true,
["Timerej21993cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer337859nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer325506cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer328731cast"] = true,
["announceother333145target"] = false,
["Timer325440cd"] = false,
["SpecWarn325877movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarnej21966switch"] = true,
["announce325506count"] = true,
["SpecWarn329509dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn326456taunt"] = true,
["Timer337859nextcountTColor"] = 5,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Yell325877fade"] = true,
["SpecWarn326456stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn325442tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn337865interruptSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timerej21993cdcountTColor"] = 1,
["Timer325877cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn337865interrupt"] = true,
["Timer325506cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn325442stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn326455spellSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn325442stack"] = true,
["Timer325877cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer328885next"] = true,
["SpecWarn325442stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn325877movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn326455spellSWNote"] = true,
["announceej21954count"] = true,
["announceother325442stack"] = false,
["Yell328479"] = false,
}, -- [1]
["2420"] = {
["SpecWarn342321moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn325713gtfo"] = true,
["Timer342321cdcount2TColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn335396you"] = true,
["timerContainers2"] = false,
["announceother325936target"] = true,
["Timer325064cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SetIconOnAdds"] = true,
["SpecWarn341621defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["Timer341621cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn335396taunt2SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn325769soak"] = false,
["Timer342321cdcount2"] = true,
["Timer342321cdcount2CVoice"] = 0,
["Timer342280cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother342321target"] = true,
["SpecWarn331550interruptcount2SWSound"] = 1,
["announceother324983target"] = true,
["Timer340452target"] = true,
["SpecWarn324983youcountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn341621defensive"] = false,
["Timer325064cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn342321moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Yell335396"] = false,
["SetIconOnSharedSuffering"] = true,
["Timer325064cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell342321shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn340452moveaway"] = true,
["Timer341621cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn335396taunt2"] = false,
["Yell324983shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn324983youcountSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn324983youcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn335396youSWNote"] = true,
["announce334017cast"] = false,
["SpecWarn331550interruptcount2"] = false,
["timerContainers2CVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn325713gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn325382taunt3"] = true,
["SpecWarn342321moveaway"] = true,
["timerContainers2TColor"] = 6,
["SpecWarn335396taunt2SWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn325769soakSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn325769soakSWNote"] = true,
["announce325769spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn325713gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer340452targetCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn335396youSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother340452target"] = true,
["Timer340452targetTColor"] = 5,
["Timer342280cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn325382taunt3SWSound"] = 1,
["Timer341621cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn325382taunt3SWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn341621defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn331550interruptcount2SWNote"] = true,
["Yell340452fade"] = true,
["announceother325382stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn340452moveawaySWSound"] = 3,
["SpecWarn340452moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer342280cdTColor"] = 3,
}, -- [1]
["2394"] = {
["SetIconGaze"] = true,
["announceother331314target"] = true,
["SpecWarn335300movetoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn332318runSWNote"] = true,
["Timer335300cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer332318cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn332572dodge"] = true,
["Timer335470cdcount"] = true,
["Timer340817cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer340817cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer340817cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn335470youSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn332572dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn335470target"] = true,
["SpecWarn335470targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer332687cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn335470youSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell331209shortfade"] = true,
["Timer332687cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn335300moveto"] = true,
["Yell335300repeaticon2"] = false,
["Timer331209cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer332572cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn335300movetoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer331209cdcountCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer332572cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer332572cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn331209moveto"] = true,
["announceother341250target"] = true,
["SpecWarn332318run"] = false,
["SpecWarn332318runSWSound"] = 4,
["Yell331209shortyell"] = true,
["Timer332318cdcount"] = true,
["Timer331314activeCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell335470shortyell"] = true,
["SpecWarn331212soon"] = true,
["SpecWarn332687spell"] = true,
["Timer335300cdcount"] = true,
["Timer335470cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn331209movetoSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer335470cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer332687cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["RangeFrame"] = true,
["Timer331314active"] = true,
["SpecWarn335470targetSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn332572dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn331209movetoSWNote"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Yell335470shortfade"] = true,
["announceother335470targetcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn335470you"] = true,
["SpecWarn340817moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer331209cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn340817moveawaySWSound"] = 2,
["announceother331209targetcount"] = true,
["Timer331314activeTColor"] = 5,
["Timer335300cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn331212soonSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn332687spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn332687spellSWNote"] = true,
["Timer332318cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn340817moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn331212soonSWNote"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["2424"] = {
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["SpecWarn329181taunt"] = true,
["SpecWarn330042dodgecountSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn326707countSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn332619count"] = true,
["Timer330042cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer327039cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell332794iconfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn336162dodge"] = false,
["SpecWarn329906stackSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn329181defensiveSWNote"] = true,
["announce344313spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn332794moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn332585taunt"] = true,
["announceother332585stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn327039moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["InfoFrame"] = true,
["SpecWarn327796targetSWNote"] = true,
["Timer329181cdcount"] = true,
["Timerej22131nextcount"] = true,
["Timer332794cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn344776interruptcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn336162dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["announce326851count"] = true,
["SpecWarn332585stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn326707count"] = true,
["SpecWarn326707countSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer327227cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn344776interruptcountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer332619cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["Timer327039cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn327039moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn328117spellSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn329906tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Yell327039fade"] = true,
["SpecWarn329906stack"] = true,
["Timer333979castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer333932cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["SpecWarn327992gtfoSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer326707nextcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn327992gtfo"] = true,
["SpecWarn329906taunt"] = true,
["Timerej22131nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn328117spellSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn327227count"] = true,
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["Timer329951nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn329951moveaway"] = true,
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["Timer330042cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["announceother327796target"] = true,
["SpecWarn332619countSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer326851cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn333979countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn333932runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn333932run"] = true,
["SpecWarn332619countSWNote"] = true,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
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["Timer333979cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn329951moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["announceother329906stack"] = true,
["SpecWarn327992gtfoSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn332585stackSWNote"] = true,
["Timer333979castTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn327039moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer333979cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn332794moveaway"] = true,
["SpecWarn329951moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn327227countSWSound"] = 2,
["SpecWarn327796youposSWSound"] = 1,
["SetIconOnImpale"] = true,
["SpecWarn332585tauntSWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn327796target"] = false,
["Timerej22131nextcountTColor"] = 1,
["SpecWarn328117spell"] = true,
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["SpecWarn329181defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer326851cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer326707nextcountCVoice"] = 2,
["SpecWarn329906tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn329181tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn327796youpos"] = true,
["SetIconOnBalefulShadows"] = false,
["SpecWarn332585tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn329181defensive"] = false,
["Timer333979cast"] = true,
["SpecWarn332585stackSWSound"] = 1,
["announceother327039target"] = true,
["Yell327796shortposition"] = true,
["Timer333979cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer328117stageTColor"] = 6,
["Yell332794shortposition"] = true,
["Timer326851cdcount"] = true,
["Yell327039"] = true,
["Timer326707nextcountTColor"] = 5,
["Yell327796iconfade"] = true,
["Timer329951nextcountTColor"] = 3,
["Timer332619cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer327227cdcountCVoice"] = 1,
["Timer332794cdcount"] = true,
["Timer327039cdcount"] = true,
["Timer332619cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn333979countSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer332794cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn333979count"] = true,
["SpecWarn332794moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Yell329951iconfade"] = true,
["Timer329181cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn333932runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn327227countSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn336162dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn327796targetSWSound"] = 1,
["Enabled"] = true,
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["Timer327796nextcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer330042cdcount"] = true,
["Timer327227cdcountTColor"] = 2,
["Timer329181cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn330042dodgecount"] = true,
["SpecWarn327796youposSWNote"] = true,
["Timer333932cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn329906stackSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn344776interruptcountSWNote"] = true,
["announceej22131spell"] = true,
["Yell329951shortposition"] = true,
["SpecWarn329181tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer333932cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["announce336162spell"] = true,
}, -- [1]
["talent1"] = "Holy",
["2418"] = {
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["SpecWarn325361moveawaycountSWNote"] = true,
["announce342854count"] = true,
["SpecWarn327902runSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn328437youposSWNote"] = true,
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["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["Timer326271cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn325361taunt"] = true,
["Timer325399cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer328437cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn326271dodge"] = true,
["Timer325399cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn326271dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer329770cd"] = true,
["announce325399count2"] = false,
["SetIconOnTear"] = true,
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["SpecWarn327902run"] = true,
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["announce329834spell"] = true,
["Timer328789cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer342854cdTColor"] = 5,
["Yell325361shortfade"] = true,
["SpecWarn327902runSWSound"] = 4,
["SpecWarn328789runSWSound"] = 4,
["Timer329107castTColor"] = 2,
["Timer328437cdTColor"] = 3,
["Timer326271cd"] = true,
["announceother328437target"] = true,
["Timer340758cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn325361moveawaycountSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer328789cd"] = true,
["Timer325361target2CVoice"] = 0,
["announceother327414target"] = true,
["Timer342854cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer328789castTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn328437youposSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer328789castCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer342854cd"] = true,
["Timer328789cast"] = true,
["Timer329770cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer335013cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer328437cd"] = true,
["Timer325361target2TColor"] = 2,
["Timer328789cdTColor"] = 2,
["Timer329107castCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell328437iconfade"] = true,
["Yell328437position"] = true,
["Timer326271cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer329107cast"] = true,
["Timer325361cdcount"] = false,
["SpecWarn328789run"] = true,
["Timer329770cdTColor"] = 5,
["Enabled"] = true,
["Timer340758cd"] = true,
["Timer325361cdcountTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn335013dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn335013dodge"] = true,
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["Timer325399cd"] = true,
["SpecWarn325361tauntSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn328789runSWNote"] = true,
["announceother327902target"] = true,
["Timer325361cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn325361moveawaycount"] = true,
["SpecWarn326271dodgeSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn335013dodgeSWSound"] = 2,
["Timer335013cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn328437youpos"] = 327770,
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["2429"] = {
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["Timer335114cdcount"] = true,
["SpecWarn334945youSWNote"] = true,
["SetIconOnSinSeeker"] = true,
["SetIconOnShades"] = true,
["announceother335114target"] = true,
["announce334404spell"] = true,
["SpecWarn335114youposSWNote"] = true,
["Timer334852cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn334971taunt"] = true,
["Timer334852cdTColor"] = 3,
["SpecWarn334852moveawaySWSound"] = 1,
["Timer334404cd"] = true,
["Timer334757cd"] = true,
["Timer334852cd"] = true,
["announceother334852target"] = true,
["Yell334852"] = true,
["SpecWarn334852moveawaySWNote"] = true,
["Timer334404cdTColor"] = 2,
["Yell334852fade"] = true,
["SpecWarn334797targetSWSound"] = 1,
["SpecWarn334797target"] = true,
["Yell334945fade"] = true,
["SpecWarn334971tauntSWSound"] = 1,
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["SpecWarn334797targetSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn334757switch2SWNote"] = true,
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["SpecWarn334971tauntSWNote"] = true,
["SpecWarn334945you"] = true,
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["Timer334757cdTColor"] = 1,
["Timer334971cdTColor"] = 5,
["SpecWarn334945youSWSound"] = 3,
["Timer334797cdTColor"] = 5,
["announceother334860stack"] = true,
["Timer334945cd"] = true,
["Timer334757cdCVoice"] = 0,
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["SpecWarn334797defensiveSWNote"] = true,
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["Timer334945cdCVoice"] = 0,
["SpecWarn334797defensiveSWSound"] = 1,
["Timer334797cdCVoice"] = 0,
["Yell334945"] = true,
["Enabled"] = true,
["SpecWarn334852moveaway"] = true,
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["Timer335114cdcountTColor"] = 3,
["announceother334971stack"] = true,
["Timer334945cdTColor"] = 3,
["Yell335114iconfade"] = true,
["Timer334971cdCVoice"] = 0,
["announceother334945target"] = true,
["SpecWarn335114youposSWSound"] = 3,
["announce0stagechange"] = true,
["SpecWarn335114youpos"] = true,
["SpecWarn334757switch2"] = false,
["Timer335114cdcountCVoice"] = 0,
["Timer334404cdCVoice"] = 0,
}, -- [1]