(function() { function alert(username, desc, tpe) { var pb = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder("/usr/bin/python3", "./main.py", tpe, username, desc, "/opt/PhantomBot/config/gif-alerts/"); var proc = pb.start(); proc.waitFor(); $.panelsocketserver.alertImage(tpe+".gif?noise=" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000 + 1)); } $.bind('twitchFollow', function(event) { var follower = event.getFollower(); alert(follower.toUpperCase(), "NEW FOLLOWER", "follow"); }); $.bind('twitchSubscriber', function(event) { var subscriber = event.getSubscriber(); alert(subscriber.toUpperCase(), "NEW SUBSCRIBER", "subscribe"); }); $.bind('command', function(event) { const sender = "" + event.getSender().toLowerCase(), command = event.getCommand(), args = event.getArgs(), action = args[0]; if (command.equalsIgnoreCase('calert')) { if (!action) { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('calert.help', ' Use "!calert [follow | subsribe | donation] user" to trigger alert.')); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase('follow')) { alert(args[1].toUpperCase(), "NEW FOLLOWER", "follow"); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase('subscribe')) { alert(args[1].toUpperCase(), "NEW SUBSCRIBER", "subscribe"); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase('donation')) { alert(args[1].toUpperCase(), "NEW DONATION", "donation"); } else { $.say($.whisperPrefix(sender) + $.lang.get('calert.help', ' Use "!calert [follow | subsribe | donation] user" to trigger alert.')); } } }); $.bind('initReady', function() { $.registerChatCommand('./custom/custom/customAlerts.js', 'calert'); $.registerChatSubcommand('calert', 'follow', 2); $.registerChatSubcommand('calert', 'subscribe', 2); $.registerChatSubcommand('calert', 'donation', 2); }); })();