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<img src="dist/img/build.jpg" alt="System Diagram" style="height: 300px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo">
<br/><small>A measurement station by <a href="">Cedric Hölzl</a></small>
<p>Build an environment quality monitor.</p>
<small>Powered by FreeRTOS, a low power IOT device</small>
<h2>Global System Design</h2>
<img src="dist/img/sysd.svg" alt="System Diagram" style="height: 240px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo">
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/espressif.svg" alt="ESPressif" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>Low power, dual-core processor</li>
<li>C/C++ & FreeRTOS support</li>
<li>WiFi & BLE support</li>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/meter.svg" alt="Measure" style="height: 170px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>BM280: temperature, humidity & pressure</li>
<li>SGP40: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)</li>
<li>LTR390-UV-1: UV</li>
<li>TSL25911: ambient light (infrared & visible)</li>
<li>PMSA003I : particle concentration by size</li>
<h2>Touch E-ink Display</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/display.svg" alt="TouchDisplay" style="height: 140px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>GT1151: Touch</li>
<li>Multiple views of live data</li>
<li>Low power consumption</li>
<li>User interaction</li>
<h2>Open Weather Map</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/openweathermap.png" alt="OWM" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>Exterior realtime data source</li>
<li>Free API access</li>
<li>+200'000 cities</li>
<h2>Time-Series Database</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/influxdb.svg" alt="InfluxDB" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background:transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li><b>Influx DB</b>, open source database system</li>
<li>Time-Series optimized storage</li>
<li>Lightweight HTTP client</li>
<h2>Network Time Protocol</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/time.svg" alt="Time" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>Get time from the network</li>
<li>Compute & display local time</li>
<li>Keep it up-to-date using internal RTC</li>
<img src="dist/img/i2cd.svg" alt="I2C Block" style="height: 160px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius:25px;" class="demo-logo"/>
<li>2 wires: clock & data</li>
<li>Device have unique address</li>
<li>Bi-directional, half-duplex</li>
<li>Simple protocol</li>
<h2>I2C protocol</h2>
<img src="dist/img/i2c.png" alt="System Diagram" style="height: auto; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius:15px" class="demo-logo"/>
<li>Select device with R/W capability</li>
<li>Select register</li>
<li>Send/Read data</li>
<h2>Technical specs</h2>
<li>100kbps usually, up to multiple Mbps</li>
<li>120 target devices in 7 bit mode</li>
<li>Some devices have 10 bit addresses</li>
<li>Some devices have multi-byte register addresses</li>
<img src="dist/img/spid.svg" alt="SPI Block" style="height: 160px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius: 25px;" class="demo-logo"/>
<li>+4 wires: clock, controller-data, target-data, chip-select</li>
<li>Device have unique address</li>
<li>Bi-directional, full duplex</li>
<li>More complex protocol</li>
<h2>SPI protocol</h2>
<li>Multiple configurations (direct or chained, data lines)</li>
<li>For the EPD, library is provided by constructor</li>
<h2>Technical specs</h2>
<li>1Mbps usually, ~2x the speed of I2C, up to hundreds of Mbps</li>
<li>Possibility for multiple data lines to increase bandwidth further</li>
<li>Target number limited by IO in direct configuration</li>
<li>Target number limited by delay in chained configuration</li>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/lock.svg" alt="Secure" style="height: 120px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>Manually imported certificates</li>
<li>GET from OWM (JSON)</li>
<li>POST to Telegram & DB (String)</li>
<li>JSON handled with <b>arduinojson</b> library</li>
<!-- <section>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/lock.svg" alt="Secure" style="height: 120px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>Send 16 byte request</li>
<li>Parse Unix-time from responde (32bit)</li>
<li>Adjusted with locale & daylight-saving</li>
</section> -->
<h2>ESP32 Configuration</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/esp32d.png" alt="ESP32 Internal" style="height: 400px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius:15px;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<h2>Internal Timer</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/timer.svg" alt="Timer" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>Base clock runs at 80Mhz</li>
<li>We set the scaler to run at 1Mhz</li>
<li>We trigger IRQ every 1 second</li>
<h2>Core Configuration</h2>
<small style="display:block;">3 FreeRTOS core pinned tasks</small>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/cpu.svg" alt="Timer" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius:30cm;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>Sensor read, network get & post (Core 0)</li>
<li>Touch screen IRQ polling & handling (Core 1)</li>
<li>E-Ink Display refresh & drawing (Core 1)</li>
<h2>Sleep Mode</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/green.svg" alt="Sleep" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius:30cm;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>After inactivity the device goes into sleep mode</li>
<li>Wakes up periodically to run measurements</li>
<li>Returns to standard mode on touch IRQ <b>[WIP]</b></li>
<h2>Task Timing</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/timer.svg" alt="Timer" style="height: 100px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<li>List of functions with their run frequency</li>
<li>On minute tick check if any should have run since last tick</li>
<li>Not affected by function execution time</li>
<h2>Power Consumption</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/power.svg" alt="Power" style="height: 170px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: transparent;rotate:-90deg;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<td>20-200 mA</td>
<td>10-800 uA</td>
<td>EPD & Touch</td>
<td>26 mA</td>
<td>122 uA</td>
<td>104.7 mA</td>
<td>245.4 uA</td>
<td>~330 mA (33mAh)</td>
<td>~1.1 mA (1mAh)</td>
<p style="font-size:x-small">(default state for ~30s per 5min, sleep state remaining time: 34mAh in total)</p>
<h2>Case Design</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/case_front.png" alt="Case front" style="height: 400px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius:15px;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<h2>Case Design</h2>
<a href=""><img src="dist/img/case_back.png" alt="Case back" style="height: 400px; margin: 0 auto 4rem auto; background: white;border-radius:15px;" class="demo-logo"/></a>
<h2>Future Features</h2>
<li>Sleep between measurements (wake from touch/timer interrupt)</li>
<li>Improved "Air quality" metric</li>
<li>More views & layouts to choose from</li>
<li>Support to control IOT heating/cooling/ventilation</li>
<li>Solar power by 4-5W cell (~450cm²)</li>
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