2022-04-07 18:46:57 +02:00

354 lines
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* @file grading.cpp
* @author Sébastien Rouault <sebastien.rouault@epfl.ch>
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright © 2018-2019 Sébastien Rouault.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version. Please see https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* @section DESCRIPTION
* Grading of the implementations.
// External headers
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <variant>
// Internal headers
#include "common.hpp"
#include "transactional.hpp"
#include "workload.hpp"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
/** Tailored thread synchronization class.
class Sync final {
/** Synchronization status.
enum class Status {
Wait, // Workers waiting each others, run as soon as all ready
Run, // Workers running (still full success)
Abort, // Workers running (>0 failure)
Done, // Workers done (all success)
Fail, // Workers done (>0 failure)
Quit // Workers must terminate
unsigned int const nbworkers; // Number of workers to support
::std::atomic<unsigned int> nbready; // Number of thread having reached that state
::std::atomic<Status> status; // Current synchronization status
::std::atomic<char const*> errmsg; // Any one of the error message(s)
Chrono runtime; // Runtime between 'master_notify' and when the last worker finished
Latch donelatch; // For synchronization last worker -> master
/** Deleted copy constructor/assignment.
Sync(Sync const&) = delete;
Sync& operator=(Sync const&) = delete;
/** Worker count constructor.
* @param nbworkers Number of workers to support
Sync(unsigned int nbworkers): nbworkers{nbworkers}, nbready{0}, status{Status::Done}, errmsg{nullptr} {}
/** Master trigger "synchronized" execution in all threads (instead of joining).
void master_notify() noexcept {
status.store(Status::Wait, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
/** Master trigger termination in all threads (instead of notifying).
void master_join() noexcept {
status.store(Status::Quit, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
/** Master wait for all workers to finish.
* @param maxtick Maximum number of ticks to wait before exiting the process on an error (optional, 'invalid_tick' for none)
* @return Total execution time on success, or error constant null-terminated string on failure
::std::variant<Chrono, char const*> master_wait(Chrono::Tick maxtick = Chrono::invalid_tick) {
// Wait for all worker threads, synchronize-with the last one
if (!donelatch.wait(maxtick))
throw Exception::BoundedOverrun{"Transactional library takes too long to process the transactions"};
// Return runtime on success, of error message on failure
switch (status.load(::std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
case Status::Done:
return runtime;
case Status::Fail:
return errmsg;
throw Exception::Unreachable{"Master woke after raised latch, no timeout, but unexpected status"};
/** Worker spin-wait until next run.
* @return Whether the worker can proceed, or quit otherwise
bool worker_wait() noexcept {
while (true) {
auto res = status.load(::std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (res == Status::Wait)
if (res == Status::Quit)
return false;
auto res = nbready.fetch_add(1, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (res + 1 == nbworkers) { // Latest worker, switch to run status
nbready.store(0, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
status.store(Status::Run, ::std::memory_order_release); // Synchronize-with previous worker waiting for run/abort state
} else do { // Not latest worker, wait for run status
auto res = status.load(::std::memory_order_acquire); // Synchronize-with latest worker switching to run/abort state
if (res == Status::Run || res == Status::Abort)
} while (true);
return true;
/** Worker notify termination of its run.
* @param error Error constant null-terminated string ('nullptr' for none)
void worker_notify(char const* error) noexcept {
if (error) {
errmsg.store(error, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
status.store(Status::Abort, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
auto&& res = nbready.fetch_add(1, ::std::memory_order_acq_rel); // Synchronize-with previous worker(s) potentially setting aborted status
if (res + 1 == nbworkers) { // Latest worker, switch to done/fail status
nbready.store(0, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
status.store(status.load(::std::memory_order_relaxed) == Status::Abort ? Status::Fail : Status::Done, ::std::memory_order_relaxed);
donelatch.raise(); // Synchronize-with 'master_wait'
/** Measure the arithmetic mean of the execution time of the given workload with the given transaction library.
* @param workload Workload instance to use
* @param nbthreads Number of concurrent threads to use
* @param nbrepeats Number of repetitions (keep the median)
* @param seed Seed to use for performance measurements
* @param maxtick_init Timeout for (re)initialization ('Chrono::invalid_tick' for none)
* @param maxtick_perf Timeout for performance measurements ('Chrono::invalid_tick' for none)
* @param maxtick_chck Timeout for correctness check ('Chrono::invalid_tick' for none)
* @return Error constant null-terminated string ('nullptr' for none), execution times (in ns) (undefined if inconsistency detected)
static auto measure(Workload& workload, unsigned int const nbthreads, unsigned int const nbrepeats, Seed seed, Chrono::Tick maxtick_init, Chrono::Tick maxtick_perf, Chrono::Tick maxtick_chck) {
::std::vector<::std::thread> threads(nbthreads);
::std::mutex cerrlock; // To avoid interleaving writes to 'cerr' in case more than one thread throw
Sync sync{nbthreads}; // "As-synchronized-as-possible" starts so that threads interfere "as-much-as-possible"
// We start nbthreads threads to measure performance.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbthreads; ++i) { // Start threads
try {
threads[i] = ::std::thread{[&](unsigned int i) {
// This is the workload that all threads run simulataneously.
// It is devided into a series of small tests. Each test is specified in workload.hpp.
// Threads are synchronized between each test so that they run with a lot of concurrency.
try {
// 1. Initialization
if (!sync.worker_wait()) return; // Sync. of threads
sync.worker_notify(workload.init()); // Runs the test and tells the master about errors
// 2. Performance measurements
for (unsigned int count = 0; count < nbrepeats; ++count) {
if (!sync.worker_wait()) return;
sync.worker_notify(workload.run(i, seed + nbthreads * count + i));
// 3. Correctness check
if (!sync.worker_wait()) return;
sync.worker_notify(workload.check(i, std::random_device{}())); // Random seed is wanted here
// Synchronized quit
if (!sync.worker_wait()) return;
throw Exception::Unreachable{"unexpected worker iteration after checks"};
} catch (::std::exception const& err) {
sync.worker_notify("Internal worker exception(s)"); // Exception post-'Sync::worker_wait' (i.e. in 'Workload::run' or 'Workload::check'), since 'Sync::worker_*' do not throw
{ // Print the error
::std::unique_lock<decltype(cerrlock)> guard{cerrlock};
::std::cerr << "⎪⎧ *** EXCEPTION ***" << ::std::endl << "⎪⎩ " << err.what() << ::std::endl;
}, i};
} catch (...) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++j) // Detach threads to avoid termination due to attached thread going out of scope
// This is the master that synchronizes the worker threads.
// It basically triggers each step seen above.
// After all tests succeed, it returns the time it took to run each test.
// It returns early in case of a failure.
try {
char const* error = nullptr;
Chrono::Tick time_init = Chrono::invalid_tick;
Chrono::Tick times[nbrepeats];
Chrono::Tick time_chck = Chrono::invalid_tick;
auto const posmedian = nbrepeats / 2;
{ // Initialization (with cheap correctness test)
sync.master_notify(); // We tell workers to start working.
auto res = sync.master_wait(maxtick_init); // If running the student's version, it will timeout if way slower than the reference.
if (unlikely(::std::holds_alternative<char const*>(res))) { // If an error happened (timeout or violation), we return early!
error = ::std::get<char const*>(res);
goto join;
time_init = ::std::get<Chrono>(res).get_tick();
{ // Performance measurements (with cheap correctness tests)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbrepeats; ++i) {
auto res = sync.master_wait(maxtick_perf);
if (unlikely(::std::holds_alternative<char const*>(res))) {
error = ::std::get<char const*>(res);
goto join;
times[i] = ::std::get<Chrono>(res).get_tick();
::std::nth_element(times, times + posmedian, times + nbrepeats); // Partition times around the median
{ // Correctness check
auto res = sync.master_wait(maxtick_chck);
if (unlikely(::std::holds_alternative<char const*>(res))) {
error = ::std::get<char const*>(res);
goto join;
time_chck = ::std::get<Chrono>(res).get_tick();
join: { // Joining
sync.master_join(); // Join with threads
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbthreads; ++i)
return ::std::make_tuple(error, time_init, times[posmedian], time_chck);
} catch (...) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbthreads; ++i) // Detach threads to avoid termination due to attached thread going out of scope
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
/** Program entry point.
* @param argc Arguments count
* @param argv Arguments values
* @return Program return code
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
// Parse command line option(s)
if (argc < 3) {
::std::cout << "Usage: " << (argc > 0 ? argv[0] : "grading") << " <seed> <reference library path> <tested library path>..." << ::std::endl;
return 1;
// Get/set/compute run parameters
auto const nbworkers = []() {
auto res = ::std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (unlikely(res == 0))
res = 16;
return static_cast<size_t>(res);
auto const nbtxperwrk = 200000ul / nbworkers;
auto const nbaccounts = 32 * nbworkers;
auto const expnbaccounts = 256 * nbworkers;
auto const init_balance = 100ul;
auto const prob_long = 0.5f;
auto const prob_alloc = 0.01f;
auto const nbrepeats = 7;
auto const seed = static_cast<Seed>(::std::stoul(argv[1]));
auto const clk_res = Chrono::get_resolution();
auto const slow_factor = 16ul;
// Print run parameters
::std::cout << "⎧ #worker threads: " << nbworkers << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ #TX per worker: " << nbtxperwrk << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ #repetitions: " << nbrepeats << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ Initial #accounts: " << nbaccounts << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ Expected #accounts: " << expnbaccounts << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ Initial balance: " << init_balance << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ Long TX probability: " << prob_long << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ Allocation TX prob.: " << prob_alloc << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ Slow trigger factor: " << slow_factor << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎪ Clock resolution: ";
if (unlikely(clk_res == Chrono::invalid_tick)) {
::std::cout << "<unknown>" << ::std::endl;
} else {
::std::cout << clk_res << " ns" << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎩ Seed value: " << seed << ::std::endl;
// Library evaluations
double reference = 0.; // Set to avoid irrelevant '-Wmaybe-uninitialized'
auto const pertxdiv = static_cast<double>(nbworkers) * static_cast<double>(nbtxperwrk);
auto maxtick_init = Chrono::invalid_tick;
auto maxtick_perf = Chrono::invalid_tick;
auto maxtick_chck = Chrono::invalid_tick;
for (auto i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
::std::cout << "⎧ Evaluating '" << argv[i] << "'" << (maxtick_init == Chrono::invalid_tick ? " (reference)" : "") << "..." << ::std::endl;
// Load TM library
TransactionalLibrary tl{argv[i]};
// Initialize workload (shared memory lifetime bound to workload: created and destroyed at the same time)
WorkloadBank bank{tl, nbworkers, nbtxperwrk, nbaccounts, expnbaccounts, init_balance, prob_long, prob_alloc};
try {
// Actual performance measurements and correctness check
auto res = measure(bank, nbworkers, nbrepeats, seed, maxtick_init, maxtick_perf, maxtick_chck);
// Check false negative-free correctness
auto error = ::std::get<0>(res);
if (unlikely(error)) {
::std::cout << "" << error << ::std::endl;
return 1;
// Print results
auto tick_init = ::std::get<1>(res);
auto tick_perf = ::std::get<2>(res);
auto tick_chck = ::std::get<3>(res);
auto perfdbl = static_cast<double>(tick_perf);
::std::cout << "⎪ Total user execution time: " << (perfdbl / 1000000.) << " ms";
if (maxtick_init == Chrono::invalid_tick) { // Set reference performance
maxtick_init = slow_factor * tick_init;
if (unlikely(maxtick_init == Chrono::invalid_tick)) // Bad luck...
maxtick_perf = slow_factor * tick_perf;
if (unlikely(maxtick_perf == Chrono::invalid_tick)) // Bad luck...
maxtick_chck = slow_factor * tick_chck;
if (unlikely(maxtick_chck == Chrono::invalid_tick)) // Bad luck...
reference = perfdbl;
} else { // Compare with reference performance
::std::cout << " -> " << (reference / perfdbl) << " speedup";
::std::cout << ::std::endl;
::std::cout << "⎩ Average TX execution time: " << (perfdbl / pertxdiv) << " ns" << ::std::endl;
} catch (::std::exception const& err) { // Special case: cannot unload library with running threads, so print error and quick-exit
::std::cerr << "⎪ *** EXCEPTION ***" << ::std::endl;
::std::cerr << "" << err.what() << ::std::endl;
return 0;
} catch (::std::exception const& err) {
::std::cerr << "⎧ *** EXCEPTION ***" << ::std::endl;
::std::cerr << "" << err.what() << ::std::endl;
return 1;