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276 lines
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#ifndef __TBB_memory_pool_H
#define __TBB_memory_pool_H
#error Set TBB_PREVIEW_MEMORY_POOL to include memory_pool.h
/** @file */
#include "scalable_allocator.h"
#include <new> // std::bad_alloc
#include <stdexcept> // std::runtime_error, std::invalid_argument
// required in C++03 to construct std::runtime_error and std::invalid_argument
#include <string>
#include <utility> // std::forward
#define __TBBMALLOC_ASSERT(a,b) ((void)0)
namespace tbb {
namespace interface6 {
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
//! Base of thread-safe pool allocator for variable-size requests
class pool_base : tbb::internal::no_copy {
// Pool interface is separate from standard allocator classes because it has
// to maintain internal state, no copy or assignment. Move and swap are possible.
//! Reset pool to reuse its memory (free all objects at once)
void recycle() { rml::pool_reset(my_pool); }
//! The "malloc" analogue to allocate block of memory of size bytes
void *malloc(size_t size) { return rml::pool_malloc(my_pool, size); }
//! The "free" analogue to discard a previously allocated piece of memory.
void free(void* ptr) { rml::pool_free(my_pool, ptr); }
//! The "realloc" analogue complementing pool_malloc.
// Enables some low-level optimization possibilities
void *realloc(void* ptr, size_t size) {
return rml::pool_realloc(my_pool, ptr, size);
//! destroy pool - must be called in a child class
void destroy() { rml::pool_destroy(my_pool); }
rml::MemoryPool *my_pool;
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// Workaround for erroneous "unreferenced parameter" warning in method destroy.
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4100)
//! Meets "allocator" requirements of ISO C++ Standard, Section 20.1.5
/** @ingroup memory_allocation */
template<typename T, typename P = internal::pool_base>
class memory_pool_allocator {
typedef P pool_type;
pool_type *my_pool;
template<typename U, typename R>
friend class memory_pool_allocator;
template<typename V, typename U, typename R>
friend bool operator==( const memory_pool_allocator<V,R>& a, const memory_pool_allocator<U,R>& b);
template<typename V, typename U, typename R>
friend bool operator!=( const memory_pool_allocator<V,R>& a, const memory_pool_allocator<U,R>& b);
typedef typename tbb::internal::allocator_type<T>::value_type value_type;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
template<typename U> struct rebind {
typedef memory_pool_allocator<U, P> other;
explicit memory_pool_allocator(pool_type &pool) throw() : my_pool(&pool) {}
memory_pool_allocator(const memory_pool_allocator& src) throw() : my_pool(src.my_pool) {}
template<typename U>
memory_pool_allocator(const memory_pool_allocator<U,P>& src) throw() : my_pool(src.my_pool) {}
pointer address(reference x) const { return &x; }
const_pointer address(const_reference x) const { return &x; }
//! Allocate space for n objects.
pointer allocate( size_type n, const void* /*hint*/ = 0) {
pointer p = static_cast<pointer>( my_pool->malloc( n*sizeof(value_type) ) );
if (!p)
return p;
//! Free previously allocated block of memory.
void deallocate( pointer p, size_type ) {
//! Largest value for which method allocate might succeed.
size_type max_size() const throw() {
size_type max = static_cast<size_type>(-1) / sizeof (value_type);
return (max > 0 ? max : 1);
//! Copy-construct value at location pointed to by p.
template<typename U, typename... Args>
void construct(U *p, Args&&... args)
{ ::new((void *)p) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
void construct( pointer p, value_type&& value ) {::new((void*)(p)) value_type(std::move(value));}
void construct( pointer p, const value_type& value ) { ::new((void*)(p)) value_type(value); }
//! Destroy value at location pointed to by p.
void destroy( pointer p ) { p->~value_type(); }
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning (pop)
#endif // warning 4100 is back
//! Analogous to std::allocator<void>, as defined in ISO C++ Standard, Section 20.4.1
/** @ingroup memory_allocation */
template<typename P>
class memory_pool_allocator<void, P> {
typedef P pool_type;
typedef void* pointer;
typedef const void* const_pointer;
typedef void value_type;
template<typename U> struct rebind {
typedef memory_pool_allocator<U, P> other;
explicit memory_pool_allocator( pool_type &pool) throw() : my_pool(&pool) {}
memory_pool_allocator( const memory_pool_allocator& src) throw() : my_pool(src.my_pool) {}
template<typename U>
memory_pool_allocator(const memory_pool_allocator<U,P>& src) throw() : my_pool(src.my_pool) {}
pool_type *my_pool;
template<typename U, typename R>
friend class memory_pool_allocator;
template<typename V, typename U, typename R>
friend bool operator==( const memory_pool_allocator<V,R>& a, const memory_pool_allocator<U,R>& b);
template<typename V, typename U, typename R>
friend bool operator!=( const memory_pool_allocator<V,R>& a, const memory_pool_allocator<U,R>& b);
template<typename T, typename U, typename P>
inline bool operator==( const memory_pool_allocator<T,P>& a, const memory_pool_allocator<U,P>& b) {return a.my_pool==b.my_pool;}
template<typename T, typename U, typename P>
inline bool operator!=( const memory_pool_allocator<T,P>& a, const memory_pool_allocator<U,P>& b) {return a.my_pool!=b.my_pool;}
//! Thread-safe growable pool allocator for variable-size requests
template <typename Alloc>
class memory_pool : public internal::pool_base {
Alloc my_alloc; // TODO: base-class optimization
static void *allocate_request(intptr_t pool_id, size_t & bytes);
static int deallocate_request(intptr_t pool_id, void*, size_t raw_bytes);
//! construct pool with underlying allocator
explicit memory_pool(const Alloc &src = Alloc());
//! destroy pool
~memory_pool() { destroy(); } // call the callbacks first and destroy my_alloc latter
class fixed_pool : public internal::pool_base {
void *my_buffer;
size_t my_size;
inline static void *allocate_request(intptr_t pool_id, size_t & bytes);
//! construct pool with underlying allocator
inline fixed_pool(void *buf, size_t size);
//! destroy pool
~fixed_pool() { destroy(); }
//////////////// Implementation ///////////////
template <typename Alloc>
memory_pool<Alloc>::memory_pool(const Alloc &src) : my_alloc(src) {
rml::MemPoolPolicy args(allocate_request, deallocate_request,
sizeof(typename Alloc::value_type));
rml::MemPoolError res = rml::pool_create_v1(intptr_t(this), &args, &my_pool);
if (res!=rml::POOL_OK)
tbb::internal::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("Can't create pool"));
template <typename Alloc>
void *memory_pool<Alloc>::allocate_request(intptr_t pool_id, size_t & bytes) {
memory_pool<Alloc> &self = *reinterpret_cast<memory_pool<Alloc>*>(pool_id);
const size_t unit_size = sizeof(typename Alloc::value_type);
__TBBMALLOC_ASSERT( 0 == bytes%unit_size, NULL);
void *ptr;
__TBB_TRY { ptr = self.my_alloc.allocate( bytes/unit_size ); }
__TBB_CATCH(...) { return 0; }
return ptr;
// Workaround for erroneous "unreachable code" warning in the template below.
// Specific for VC++ 17-18 compiler
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4702)
template <typename Alloc>
int memory_pool<Alloc>::deallocate_request(intptr_t pool_id, void* raw_ptr, size_t raw_bytes) {
memory_pool<Alloc> &self = *reinterpret_cast<memory_pool<Alloc>*>(pool_id);
const size_t unit_size = sizeof(typename Alloc::value_type);
__TBBMALLOC_ASSERT( 0 == raw_bytes%unit_size, NULL);
self.my_alloc.deallocate( static_cast<typename Alloc::value_type*>(raw_ptr), raw_bytes/unit_size );
return 0;
#pragma warning (pop)
inline fixed_pool::fixed_pool(void *buf, size_t size) : my_buffer(buf), my_size(size) {
if (!buf || !size)
// TODO: improve support for mode with exceptions disabled
tbb::internal::throw_exception(std::invalid_argument("Zero in parameter is invalid"));
rml::MemPoolPolicy args(allocate_request, 0, size, /*fixedPool=*/true);
rml::MemPoolError res = rml::pool_create_v1(intptr_t(this), &args, &my_pool);
if (res!=rml::POOL_OK)
tbb::internal::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("Can't create pool"));
inline void *fixed_pool::allocate_request(intptr_t pool_id, size_t & bytes) {
fixed_pool &self = *reinterpret_cast<fixed_pool*>(pool_id);
__TBBMALLOC_ASSERT(0 != self.my_size, "The buffer must not be used twice.");
bytes = self.my_size;
self.my_size = 0; // remember that buffer has been used
return self.my_buffer;
} //namespace interface6
using interface6::memory_pool_allocator;
using interface6::memory_pool;
using interface6::fixed_pool;
} //namespace tbb
#endif// __TBB_memory_pool_H