2022-04-07 18:46:57 +02:00

163 lines
6.2 KiB

#include "python.h"
#include <pybind11/operators.h>
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wself-assign-overloaded"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-lambda-capture"
template <typename Array>
auto register_vector_type(py::module &m, const char *name) {
constexpr size_t Size = Array::Size;
using Value = typename Array::Value;
auto array = py::class_<Array>(m, name, py::buffer_protocol());
.def(py::init<const Array &>())
.def(py::init([Size](const std::array<Value, Size> &arr) {
Array a;
for (size_t i = 0; i < Size; ++i)
a[i] = arr[i];
return a;
.def(py::self == py::self)
.def(py::self != py::self)
.def(py::self + py::self)
.def(py::self - py::self)
.def(py::self * py::self)
.def(Value() + py::self)
.def(Value() - py::self)
.def(Value() * py::self)
.def(Value() / py::self)
.def(py::self / py::self)
.def(py::self += py::self)
.def(py::self -= py::self)
.def(py::self *= py::self)
.def(py::self /= py::self)
.def("__getitem__", [Size](const Array &a, size_t index) -> Value {
if (index >= Size)
throw py::index_error();
return a[index];
}, "index"_a)
.def("__setitem__", [Size](Array &a, size_t index, Value value) {
if (index >= Size)
throw py::index_error();
a[index] = value;
}, "index"_a, "value"_a)
.def_property("x", [](const Array &a) { return a.x(); },
[](Array &a, const Value &v) { a.x() = v; })
.def_property("y", [](const Array &a) { return a.y(); },
[](Array &a, const Value &v) { a.y() = v; })
.def_buffer([Size](Array &m) -> py::buffer_info {
return py::buffer_info(
m.v, // Pointer to buffer
sizeof(Value), // Size of one scalar
py::format_descriptor<Value>::format(), // Python struct-style format descriptor
1, // Number of dimensions
{ Size }, // Buffer dimensions
{ sizeof(Value) }
.def("__repr__", [](const Array &a) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << a;
return oss.str();
if constexpr (Size == 2)
array.def(py::init<Value, Value>());
if constexpr (Size == 3) {
array.def(py::init<Value, Value, Value>());
array.def_property("z", [](const Array &a) { return a.z(); },
[](Array &a, const Value &v) { a.z() = v; });
py::implicitly_convertible<py::sequence, Array>();
py::implicitly_convertible<Value, Array>();
return array;
#if defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
void register_vector(py::module &m) {
register_vector_type<Vector2i>(m, "Vector2i");
register_vector_type<Vector2f>(m, "Vector2f");
register_vector_type<Vector3f>(m, "Vector3f");
py::class_<Matrix4f>(m, "Matrix4f", py::buffer_protocol())
.def("__matmul__", [](const Matrix4f &a, const Matrix4f &b) { return a * b; }, py::is_operator())
[](const Matrix4f &m, std::pair<size_t, size_t> index) -> float {
if (index.first >= 4 || index.second >= 4)
throw py::index_error();
return m.m[index.second][index.first];
[](Matrix4f &m, std::pair<size_t, size_t> index, float value) {
if (index.first >= 4 || index.second >= 4)
throw py::index_error();
m.m[index.second][index.first] = value;
"index"_a, "value"_a)
[](const Vector3f &amount) { return Matrix4f::translate(amount); },
[](const Vector3f &amount) { return Matrix4f::scale(amount); },
[](const Vector3f &axis, float angle) {
return Matrix4f::rotate(axis, angle);
"axis"_a, "angle"_a)
[](float fov, float near_, float far_, float aspect) {
return Matrix4f::perspective(fov, near_, far_, aspect);
"fov"_a, "near"_a, "far"_a, "aspect"_a = 1.f)
[](float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near_, float far_) {
return Matrix4f::ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near_, far_);
"left"_a, "right"_a, "bottom"_a, "top"_a, "near"_a, "far"_a)
[](const Vector3f &origin, const Vector3f &target, const Vector3f &up) {
return Matrix4f::look_at(origin, target, up);
"origin"_a, "target"_a, "up"_a)
.def_buffer([](Matrix4f &m) -> py::buffer_info {
return py::buffer_info(
m.m, // Pointer to buffer
sizeof(float), // Size of one scalar
py::format_descriptor<float>::format(), // Python struct-style
// format descriptor
2, // Number of dimensions
{ 4, 4 }, // Buffer dimensions
{ sizeof(float), sizeof(float) * 4 });
.def("__repr__", [](const Matrix4f &m) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << m;
return oss.str();