The Self-Organizing Map demonstrates tbb::flow and the use of cancellation in scheduling multiple iterations of map updates.

For tutorials on Self-organizing Maps, see here and here.

The program trains the map with several examples, splitting the map into subsections and looking for best-match for multiple examples. When an example is used to update the map, the graphs examining the sections being updated for the next example are cancelled and restarted after the update.

System Requirements

For the most up to date system requirements, see the release notes.

The main program.
Utilities for handling the map.
Definitions and utilities.
Makefile for building the example.
Contains Microsoft* Visual Studio* workspace for building and running the example (Windows* systems only).
Contains Xcode* IDE workspace for building and running the example (macOS* systems only).

For information about the minimum supported version of IDE, see release notes.

Build instructions

General build directions can be found here.

Up to parent directory
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