This directory contains common code that is used in the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) samples.
This code is not intended to be used directly. It is incorporated automatically by the examples that need it.

GUI code for examples that have graphical user interfaces. Currently supports:
  • GDI+*, DirectDraw*, Direct2D* (Windows* systems)
  • OpenGL* (macOS* systems)
  • X window (Linux* or macOS* systems)
See the examples that use the GUI (stereo, tachyon, seismic, fractal) for more details.
Common driver and utility code for examples. Currently provides:
  • class FastRandom - a random number generator that uses linear congruential method (fast_random.h)
  • class thread_number_range - a class to specify the numbers of threads an example should use (utility.h)
  • support for command line interface - class cli_argument_pack and function parse_cli_arguments (utility.h)
Common information

Number of threads

Most Intel TBB examples allow to specify n-of-threads, the set of thread numbers that should be used to run an example.
Usually, it is a range of the form low[:high[:(+|*|#)S]], where low and optional high are non-negative integers or 'auto' for the default choice, and optional step expression (+|*|#)S specifies how thread numbers are chosen within the range:

A default value for the number of threads can be customized in an example. If not customized, it is '1:auto:#4'. The 'auto' parameter is substituted with a value returned by a specified function (this function is typically utility::get_default_num_threads(), which returns a copy of constant that was initialized with tbb::global_control::active_value(tbb::global_control::max_allowed_parallelism) at the start of the program).

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