## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in pyexec_LTLIBRARIES = imathmodule.la lib_LTLIBRARIES = libPyImath.la libPyImath_la_SOURCES = PyImath.cpp \ PyImathAutovectorize.cpp \ PyImathBox2Array.cpp \ PyImathBox3Array.cpp \ PyImathBox.cpp \ PyImathColor3.cpp \ PyImathColor4.cpp \ PyImathEuler.cpp \ PyImathFixedArray.cpp \ PyImathFrustum.cpp \ PyImathLine.cpp \ PyImathMatrix33.cpp \ PyImathMatrix44.cpp \ PyImathPlane.cpp \ PyImathQuat.cpp \ PyImathRandom.cpp \ PyImathShear.cpp \ PyImathStringArray.cpp \ PyImathStringTable.cpp \ PyImathTask.cpp \ PyImathUtil.cpp \ PyImathFixedVArray.cpp \ PyImathVec2fd.cpp \ PyImathVec2si.cpp \ PyImathVec3fd.cpp \ PyImathVec3siArray.cpp \ PyImathVec3si.cpp \ PyImathVec4fd.cpp \ PyImathVec4siArray.cpp \ PyImathVec4si.cpp libPyImathinclude_HEADERS = PyImath.h \ PyImathAutovectorize.h \ PyImathBoxArrayImpl.h \ PyImathBox.h \ PyImathColor3ArrayImpl.h \ PyImathColor4Array2DImpl.h \ PyImathColor4ArrayImpl.h \ PyImathColor.h \ PyImathDecorators.h \ PyImathEuler.h \ PyImathExport.h \ PyImathFixedArray2D.h \ PyImathFixedArray.h \ PyImathFixedMatrix.h \ PyImathFrustum.h \ PyImathLine.h \ PyImathMathExc.h \ PyImathMatrix.h \ PyImathOperators.h \ PyImathPlane.h \ PyImathQuat.h \ PyImathRandom.h \ PyImathShear.h \ PyImathStringArray.h \ PyImathStringArrayRegister.h \ PyImathStringTable.h \ PyImathTask.h \ PyImathUtil.h \ PyImathFixedVArray.h \ PyImathVec2Impl.h \ PyImathVec3ArrayImpl.h \ PyImathVec3Impl.h \ PyImathVec4ArrayImpl.h \ PyImathVec4Impl.h \ PyImathVec.h \ PyImathVecOperators.h libPyImath_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @LIBTOOL_VERSION@ \ -no-undefined libPyImath_la_LIBADD = -lz $(top_builddir)/PyIex/libPyIex.la \ @ILMBASE_LIBS@ @BOOST_PYTHON_LIBS@ libPyImathincludedir = $(includedir)/OpenEXR imathmodule_la_SOURCES = imathmodule.cpp \ PyImathFun.cpp \ PyImathBasicTypes.cpp imathmodule_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version -module imathmodule_la_LIBADD = -lPyImath @BOOST_PYTHON_LIBS@ noinst_HEADERS = PyImathFun.h \ PyImathBasicTypes.h INCLUDES = @ILMBASE_CXXFLAGS@ \ -I$(top_builddir) \ -I$(top_srcdir)/PyIex \ -I$(top_srcdir)/config