# A gitignore for Altera Quartus II that tries to ignore almost all of the # automatically Quartus-generated files. This primarily leaves the project, # settings, source, and constraint files to be added. The files ignored do not # include the bulk of the MegaFunction Wizard generated files which enables # a cloned repository to be used (usually) immediately without regenerating # Altera IP blocks. # Need to keep all HDL files and timing constraint files # *.vhd # *.v # *.sdc # ignore Quartus II generated folders *_sim db greybox_tmp incremental_db simulation testbench timing synthesis .qsys_edit # ignore Quartus II generated files *_generation_script* *_inst.vhd *.bak *.cmp *.done *.eqn *.hex *.html *.jdi *.jpg *.mif *.pin *.pof *.ptf.* *.qar *.qarlog *.qws *.rpt *.smsg *.sof *.sopc_builder *.summary *.tcl *.txt # Explicitly add any text files used *~ *example* *sopc_* PLLJ_PLLSPE_INFO.txt # The generated PLL specification file