**Final Project Proposal**
Student name: Cedric Hölzl
Sciper number: 257844
Scene description and motivation
The idea is to render the famous "Matterhorn", viewed from the "Riffelsee" during the night, with Stone Balancing on one another in the foreground
The is achieved by combining/composing the following 3 pictures (taken from Wikipedia):
Feature list
Feature | Standard point count | Adjusted point count | Notes |
Public Dataset | 10 | 10 | NASA Star Map, Swiss Height Map |
Textures | 10 | 10 | Skybox, Stone, Ground |
Image-Based Illumination | 30 | 30 | Skybox Star Light (Infinite Area Light) |
Advanced BRDF/BSDF | 30 | 30 | Disney BSDF |
Total | 80 | 80 |