/* This file is part of Nori, a simple educational ray tracer Copyright (c) 2015 by Wenzel Jakob Nori is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Nori is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include NORI_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct EmitterSample{ Vector3f o; Vector3f p; Vector3f n; Vector3f dir; float dist; float pdf=1.0; Point2f uv; EmitterSample(Vector3f& p, Vector3f& n, Vector3f& dir, float dist, float pdf, Point2f& uv): p(p),n(n),dir(dir),dist(dist),pdf(pdf),uv(uv){}; EmitterSample(){}; }; /** * \brief Intersection data structure * * This data structure records local information about a ray-triangle intersection. * This includes the position, traveled ray distance, uv coordinates, as well * as well as two local coordinate frames (one that corresponds to the true * geometry, and one that is used for shading computations). */ struct Intersection { /// Position of the surface intersection Point3f p; /// Unoccluded distance along the ray float t; /// Ray WI (input vector) Vector3f wi; /// UV coordinates, if any Point2f uv; /// Shading frame (based on the shading normal) Frame shFrame; /// Geometric frame (based on the true geometry) Frame geoFrame; /// Pointer to the associated mesh const Mesh *mesh; /// Create an uninitialized intersection record Intersection() : mesh(nullptr) { } /// Transform a direction vector into the local shading frame Vector3f toLocal(const Vector3f &d) const { return shFrame.toLocal(d); } /// Transform a direction vector from local to world coordinates Vector3f toWorld(const Vector3f &d) const { return shFrame.toWorld(d); } /// Return a human-readable summary of the intersection record std::string toString() const; }; /** * \brief Triangle mesh * * This class stores a triangle mesh object and provides numerous functions * for querying the individual triangles. Subclasses of \c Mesh implement * the specifics of how to create its contents (e.g. by loading from an * external file) */ class Mesh : public NoriObject { public: /// Release all memory virtual ~Mesh(); /// Initialize internal data structures (called once by the XML parser) virtual void activate(); /// Return the total number of triangles in this shape uint32_t getTriangleCount() const { return (uint32_t) m_F.cols(); } /// Return the total number of vertices in this shape uint32_t getVertexCount() const { return (uint32_t) m_V.cols(); } /// Return the surface area of the given triangle float surfaceArea(uint32_t index) const; //// Return an axis-aligned bounding box of the entire mesh const BoundingBox3f &getBoundingBox() const { return m_bbox; } //// Return an axis-aligned bounding box containing the given triangle BoundingBox3f getBoundingBox(uint32_t index) const; //// Return the centroid of the given triangle Point3f getCentroid(uint32_t index) const; /** \brief Ray-triangle intersection test * * Uses the algorithm by Moeller and Trumbore discussed at * http://www.acm.org/jgt/papers/MollerTrumbore97/code.html. * * Note that the test only applies to a single triangle in the mesh. * An acceleration data structure like \ref BVH is needed to search * for intersections against many triangles. * * \param index * Index of the triangle that should be intersected * \param ray * The ray segment to be used for the intersection query * \param t * Upon success, \a t contains the distance from the ray origin to the * intersection point, * \param u * Upon success, \c u will contain the 'U' component of the intersection * in barycentric coordinates * \param v * Upon success, \c v will contain the 'V' component of the intersection * in barycentric coordinates * \return * \c true if an intersection has been detected */ bool rayIntersect(uint32_t index, const Ray3f &ray, float &u, float &v, float &t) const; /* * \brief Uniform Sampling for a position on the mesh * * \param s SamplePoint * \param es EmitterSample */ void samplePosition(const Point2f &s, EmitterSample& es) const; /// Return a pointer to the vertex positions const MatrixXf &getVertexPositions() const { return m_V; } /// Return a pointer to the vertex normals (or \c nullptr if there are none) const MatrixXf &getVertexNormals() const { return m_N; } /// Return a pointer to the texture coordinates (or \c nullptr if there are none) const MatrixXf &getVertexTexCoords() const { return m_UV; } /// Return a pointer to the triangle vertex index list const MatrixXu &getIndices() const { return m_F; } /// Is this mesh an area emitter? bool isEmitter() const { return m_emitter != nullptr; } /// Return a pointer to an attached area emitter instance Emitter *getEmitter() { return m_emitter; } /// Return a pointer to an attached area emitter instance (const version) const Emitter *getEmitter() const { return m_emitter; } /// Return a pointer to the BSDF associated with this mesh const BSDF *getBSDF() const { return m_bsdf; } /// Return DPDF Normalization factor float getDPDFNormalization() const { return m_dpdf->getNormalization(); } /// Register a child object (e.g. a BSDF) with the mesh virtual void addChild(NoriObject *child); /// Return the name of this mesh const std::string &getName() const { return m_name; } /// Return a human-readable summary of this instance std::string toString() const; /** * \brief Return the type of object (i.e. Mesh/BSDF/etc.) * provided by this instance * */ EClassType getClassType() const { return EMesh; } protected: /// Create an empty mesh Mesh(); protected: std::string m_name; ///< Identifying name MatrixXf m_V; ///< Vertex positions MatrixXf m_N; ///< Vertex normals MatrixXf m_UV; ///< Vertex texture coordinates MatrixXu m_F; ///< Faces BSDF *m_bsdf = nullptr; ///< BSDF of the surface DiscretePDF *m_dpdf = nullptr; ///< DPDF Emitter *m_emitter = nullptr; ///< Associated emitter, if any BoundingBox3f m_bbox; ///< Bounding box of the mesh float m_surface_total; ///< Surface Total }; NORI_NAMESPACE_END