#include #include using namespace Eigen; int main() { // A common Euler system by many armies around the world, // where the first one is the azimuth(the angle from the north - // the same angle that is show in compass) // and the second one is elevation(the angle from the horizon) // and the third one is roll(the angle between the horizontal body // direction and the plane ground surface) // Keep remembering we're using radian angles here! typedef EulerSystem<-EULER_Z, EULER_Y, EULER_X> MyArmySystem; typedef EulerAngles MyArmyAngles; MyArmyAngles vehicleAngles( 3.14/*PI*/ / 2, /* heading to east, notice that this angle is counter-clockwise */ -0.3, /* going down from a mountain */ 0.1); /* slightly rolled to the right */ // Some Euler angles representation that our plane use. EulerAnglesZYZd planeAngles(0.78474, 0.5271, -0.513794); MyArmyAngles planeAnglesInMyArmyAngles = MyArmyAngles::FromRotation(planeAngles); std::cout << "vehicle angles(MyArmy): " << vehicleAngles << std::endl; std::cout << "plane angles(ZYZ): " << planeAngles << std::endl; std::cout << "plane angles(MyArmy): " << planeAnglesInMyArmyAngles << std::endl; // Now lets rotate the plane a little bit std::cout << "==========================================================\n"; std::cout << "rotating plane now!\n"; std::cout << "==========================================================\n"; Quaterniond planeRotated = AngleAxisd(-0.342, Vector3d::UnitY()) * planeAngles; planeAngles = planeRotated; planeAnglesInMyArmyAngles = MyArmyAngles::FromRotation(planeRotated); std::cout << "new plane angles(ZYZ): " << planeAngles << std::endl; std::cout << "new plane angles(MyArmy): " << planeAnglesInMyArmyAngles << std::endl; return 0; }