This directory contains a simple tbb::flow example that performs
binpacking of N integer values into a near-optimal number of bins
of capacity V.
It features a source_node which passes randomly
generated integer values of size<=V to a queue_node. Multiple
function_nodes set about taking values from this queue_node and
packing them into bins according to a best-fit policy. Items that
cannot be made to fit are rejected and returned to the queue. When
a bin is packed as well as it can be, it is passed to a buffer_node
where it waits to be picked up by another function_node. This final
function nodes gathers stats about the bin and optionally prints its
contents. When all bins are accounted for, it optionally prints a
summary of the quality of the bin-packing.
For the most up to date system requirements, see the release notes.
For information about the minimum supported version of IDE, see release notes.
General build directions can be found here.
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