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2022-04-07 18:43:21 +02:00
* Author: Cedric Holzl - Mohamed Khadri
* Sciper: 257844 - 261203
package ch.epfl.alpano;
import java.util.Locale;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;
import static java.lang.Math.cos;
import static java.lang.Math.sin;
import static java.lang.Math.PI;
import static java.lang.Math.atan2;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import static java.lang.Math.toDegrees;
import static ch.epfl.alpano.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static ch.epfl.alpano.Math2.haversin;
import static ch.epfl.alpano.Distance.toMeters;
import static ch.epfl.alpano.Azimuth.fromMath;
import static ch.epfl.alpano.Azimuth.canonicalize;
* Definition of a geographical point on Earth's surface using spherical
* coordinates.
public class GeoPoint {
private final double longitude;
private final double latitude;
* Constructor of a GeoPoint
* @param longitude
* : longitude position
* @param latitude
* : latitude position
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if longitude is not in [Pi;Pi] or latitude is not in
* [2Pi;2Pi]
public GeoPoint(double longitude, double latitude) {
checkArgument(!(abs(longitude) > PI || abs(latitude) * 2.0 > PI));
this.longitude = longitude;
this.latitude = latitude;
* Returns the longitude value of the GeoPoint
* @return longitude
public double longitude() {
return this.longitude;
* Returns the latitude value of the GeoPoint
* @return latitude
public double latitude() {
return this.latitude;
* Computes the distance between two points
* @param that
* : a GeoPoint
* @return distance in meters between two points
public double distanceTo(GeoPoint that) {
return toMeters(
2 * Math.asin(sqrt(haversin(this.latitude - that.latitude)
+ cos(this.latitude) * cos(that.latitude)
* haversin(this.longitude - that.longitude))));
* Mathematical angular distance from a geoPoint to another
* @param that
* @return angle expressed in radian in the mathematical convention
private double mathAzimuthTo(GeoPoint that) {
return atan2(
(sin(this.longitude - that.longitude) * cos(that.latitude)),
(cos(this.latitude) * sin(that.latitude)
- sin(this.latitude) * cos(that.latitude)
* cos(this.longitude - that.longitude)));
* Angular distance from a geoPoint to another in azimuth
* @param that
* : a GeoPoint
* @return angle expressed in radian in the azimuth convention
public double azimuthTo(GeoPoint that) {
return fromMath(canonicalize(mathAzimuthTo(that)));
* Redefines the to String method
* @return a string , [lon,lat], lon and lat being the longitude and
* latitude values of the GeoPoint
public String toString() {
return String.format((Locale) null, "(%.4f,%.4f)",
toDegrees(this.longitude), toDegrees(this.latitude));