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2022-04-07 18:43:21 +02:00
;; In Emacs, open this file in -*- Scheme -*- mode
;; Build and display random maze, using Kruskal's spanning-tree algorithm.
;; See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal's_algorithm
;; Uses Unicode's box-drawing characters for display.
;; Cells
;; Maze cells are identified by their row and column indices in the
;; maze. Rows and columns are numbered from 0, the origin being the
;; top-left cell, as illustrated below:
;; |-------+-------+-------+-----|
;; | (0,0) | (0,1) | (0,2) | ... |
;; |-------+-------+-------+-----|
;; | (1,0) | (1,1) | (1,2) | ... |
;; |-------+-------+-------+-----|
;; | ... | | | |
;; The two indices are represented as 15-bits (unsigned) integers,
;; packed in a single 30-bits integer. The row index is put in the
;; high-order bits, the column index in the low-order bits.
(def cell-make
(fun (r c)
(int-bitwise-or (int-shift-left r 15)
(def cell-row
(fun (i)
(int-shift-right i 15)))
(def cell-column
(fun (i)
(int-bitwise-and i #x7FFF)))
(def cell= =)
(def cell< <)
;; Return true iff the cell is an exterior cell (i.e. it is surrounded
;; by less than eight neighboring cells).
(def cell-exterior?
(fun (cell rows columns)
(let ((r (cell-row cell))
(c (cell-column cell)))
(or (= 0 r) (= (- rows 1) r)
(= 0 c) (= (- columns 1) c)))))
(def cell-interior?
(fun (cell rows columns)
(not (cell-exterior? cell rows columns))))
;; Walls
;; Walls are represented by the two cells they separate. The two cells
;; are stored in a pair, with the smaller one first, to ensure that
;; each wall has a unique representation.
(defrec wall-make
(fun (c1 c2)
;; (require (cell-index-valid? c1))
;; (require (cell-index-valid? c2))
(if (cell< c1 c2)
(pair-make c1 c2)
(wall-make c2 c1))))
(def wall-cell-1 pair-fst)
(def wall-cell-2 pair-snd)
(def wall= (pair-derive= cell= cell=))
(def wall< (pair-derive< cell< cell<))
;; Maze
(def maze-make
(fun (rows columns walls)
(let ((m (vector-make 3)))
(vector-set! m 0 rows)
(vector-set! m 1 columns)
(vector-set! m 2 walls)
(def maze-rows
(fun (maze) (vector-get maze 0)))
(def maze-columns
(fun (maze) (vector-get maze 1)))
(def maze-walls
(fun (maze) (vector-get maze 2)))
;; Maze building
;; Return the list of all walls for a maze with the given number of
;; [rows] and [columns]. Notice that only walls separating two cells
;; of the maze are returned (e.g. those on the outside, separating
;; cells with the surroundings of the maze, are not returned as they
;; cannot be represented).
(def all-walls
(fun (rows columns)
(let ((last-row (- rows 1))
(last-column (- columns 1)))
(rec loop ((r 0) (c 0) (walls list-empty))
(cond ((= r last-row)
((= c last-column)
(loop (+ r 1) 0 walls))
(let* ((cell (cell-make r c))
(wall-E (wall-make cell (cell-make r (+ c 1))))
(walls (list-prepend wall-E walls))
(wall-S (wall-make cell (cell-make (+ r 1) c)))
(walls (list-prepend wall-S walls)))
(loop r (+ c 1) walls))))))))
(def maze-build-random-connected
(fun (rows columns rng-seed)
(let* ((wall-interiority
(fun (w)
(let ((c1 (wall-cell-1 w))
(c2 (wall-cell-2 w)))
(+ (if (cell-interior? c1 rows columns) 1 0)
(if (cell-interior? c2 rows columns) 1 0)))))
(wall-interior? (fun (w) (= (wall-interiority w) 2)))
(wall-exterior? (fun (w) (= (wall-interiority w) 0)))
(icell-index (fun (cell)
(let ((r (cell-row cell))
(c (cell-column cell)))
(+ (* (- columns 2) (- r 1))
(- c 1)))))
(icells-count (* (- rows 1) (- columns 1))))
(let* ((non-ext-walls (list-filter (fun (w)
(not (wall-exterior? w)))
(all-walls rows columns)))
(int/bnd-walls (list-partition wall-interior? non-ext-walls))
(int-walls (list->vector (pair-fst int/bnd-walls))))
(vector-shuffle! int-walls rng-seed)
(let* ((icells-sets (vector-tabulate icells-count
(fun (_) (diset-make))))
(fun (ws w)
(let* ((c1 (wall-cell-1 w))
(e1 (vector-get icells-sets
(icell-index c1)))
(c2 (wall-cell-2 w))
(e2 (vector-get icells-sets
(icell-index c2))))
(if (diset-same? e1 e2)
(list-prepend w ws)
(diset-merge! e1 e2)
(maze-make rows
(list-append (pair-snd int/bnd-walls)
;; Maze printing
(def char-for-walls
(let ((wall-chars " ╵╶└╷│┌├╴┘─┴┐┤┬┼"))
(fun (n e s w)
(string-get wall-chars
(+ (if n #b0001 0)
(if e #b0010 0)
(if s #b0100 0)
(if w #b1000 0))))))
(def maze-print
(fun (maze)
(let ((last-row (- (maze-rows maze) 1))
(last-column (- (maze-columns maze) 1))
(let ((sorted-walls (begin
(let ((ws (list->vector
(maze-walls maze))))
(vector-sort! ws wall<)
(fun (c1 c2)
(let ((w (wall-make c1 c2)))
(>= (vector-binary-search sorted-walls w wall<)
(rec loop ((r 0) (c 0))
(cond ((= r last-row)
((= c last-column)
(loop (+ r 1) 0))
(let ((c-tl (cell-make r c))
(c-tr (cell-make r (+ c 1)))
(c-bl (cell-make (+ r 1) c))
(c-br (cell-make (+ r 1) (+ c 1))))
(let ((w-n (has-wall? c-tl c-tr))
(w-e (has-wall? c-tr c-br))
(w-s (has-wall? c-br c-bl))
(w-w (has-wall? c-bl c-tl)))
(char-print (char-for-walls w-n w-e w-s w-w))
(loop r (+ c 1))))))))))
(def int-read/prompt
(fun (prompt)
(string-print prompt)
(let* ((columns (int-read/prompt " Maze width: "))
(rows (int-read/prompt "Maze height: "))
(seed (int-read/prompt "Random seed: ")))
(maze-build-random-connected rows columns seed)))