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2022-04-07 18:43:21 +02:00
;; In Emacs, open this file in -*- Scheme -*- mode.
(defrec print-n-char
(fun (n c)
(if (> n 0)
(char-print c)
(print-n-char (- n 1) c)))))
(defrec contains
(fun (l elem)
(and (not (list-empty? l))
(or (= (list-head l) elem)
(contains (list-tail l) elem)))))
(defrec shuffle
(fun (l seed)
(let ((v (list->vector l)))
(vector-shuffle! v seed)
(vector->list v))))
;; Cells
(def cell
(fun (r c s)
(+ (* r s) c)))
(def atE
(fun (c s)
(+ c 1)))
(def atW
(fun (c s)
(- c 1)))
(def atN
(fun (c s)
(- c s)))
(def atS
(fun (c s)
(+ c s)))
;; Walls
;; Represented as a pair of 15-bits integers (cell indices), packed in
;; a single one.
(def wall-make
(fun (c1 c2)
(int-bitwise-or (int-shift-left c1 15) c2)))
(def wall-cell-1
(fun (w)
(int-shift-right w 15)))
(def wall-cell-2
(fun (w)
(int-bitwise-and w #x7FFF)))
(def wall-up?
(fun (c1 c2 w)
(contains w (wall-make c1 c2))))
;; Create a maze that has walls everywhere
(defrec completeMaze-acc
(fun (r c s acc)
(if (< r s)
(if (< c s)
(let* ((rc (cell r c s))
(res1 (if (< c (- s 1))
(list-prepend (wall-make (cell r c s) (atE rc s)) acc)
(res2 (if (< r (- s 1))
(list-prepend (wall-make (cell r c s) (atS rc s)) res1)
(completeMaze-acc r (+ c 1) s res2))
(completeMaze-acc (+ r 1) 0 s acc))
(def completeMaze
(fun (s)
(completeMaze-acc 0 0 s list-empty)))
;; Create a list of singleton lists for each cell of the maze
(defrec fullyDisconnectedSets-acc
(fun (r c s acc)
(if (< r s)
(if (< c s)
(let ((res (list-prepend (list-make (cell r c s)) acc)))
(fullyDisconnectedSets-acc r (+ c 1) s res))
(fullyDisconnectedSets-acc (+ r 1) 0 s acc))
(def fullyDisconnectedSets
(fun (s)
(fullyDisconnectedSets-acc 0 0 s list-empty)))
(defrec connected
(fun (sets c1 c2)
(and (not (= sets list-empty))
(let ((set (list-head sets)))
(or (and (contains set c1)
(contains set c2))
(connected (list-tail sets) c1 c2))))))
;; return the first element that satisfies p
(def find
(fun (p l)
(let ((res (list-filter p l)))
(if (list-empty? res)
(list-head res)))))
(def connect
(fun (sets c1 c2)
(let ((setOfC1 (find (fun (e) (contains e c1)) sets))
(setOfC2 (find (fun (e) (contains e c2)) sets)))
(list-prepend (list-append setOfC1 setOfC2)
(list-filter (fun (e)
(and (not (contains e c1))
(not (contains e c2))))
;; execute body for each int between from and to
(defrec for
(fun (from to body)
(if (< from to)
(body from)
(for (+ from 1) to body))
(def print-maze
(fun (s w)
(let ((space ' ')
(wall 'X'))
(print-n-char (+ (* s 2) 1) wall)
(for 0 s
(fun (r)
(char-print wall)
(for 0 s
(fun (c)
(char-print space)
(if (< c (- s 1))
(let ((rc (cell r c s)))
(char-print (if (wall-up? rc (atE rc s) w) wall space)))
(char-print wall)
(if (< r (- s 1))
(char-print wall)
(for 0 s
(fun (c)
(let ((rc (cell r c s)))
(char-print (if (wall-up? rc (atS rc s) w) wall space))
(if (< c (- s 1))
(char-print wall)
(char-print wall)
(print-n-char (+ (* s 2) 1) wall)
(defrec random-maze-acc
(fun (m c acc)
(if (list-empty? m)
(let ((w (list-head m)))
(if (connected c (wall-cell-1 w) (wall-cell-2 w))
(random-maze-acc (list-tail m) c (list-prepend w acc))
(random-maze-acc (list-tail m) (connect c (wall-cell-1 w) (wall-cell-2 w)) acc))))))
(def random-maze
(fun (s seed)
(let ((m (shuffle (completeMaze s) seed))
(c (fullyDisconnectedSets s)))
(random-maze-acc m c list-empty))))
(string-print "Size: ") ; T
(let ((size (int-read)))
(string-print "Seed: ") ; G
(let ((seed (int-read)))
(print-maze size (random-maze size seed))))