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2022-04-07 18:54:11 +02:00
The file tree shown at the end of this README lists all the contents of the
provided template. In addition to the standard file hierarchy you have been
using for the previous labs, the template for this lab contains the VHDL files
and Linux kernel module of 2 new custom interfaces:
1) framebuffer device
2) VGA output
The hardware files are available under hw/hdl/displays/
The Linux kernel device tree is available under sw/hps/linux/device_tree/
The Linux kernel module is available under sw/hps/linux/driver/fbdev/
How to use the template
We need to re-create a linux system in this lab, but we cannot directly copy
and modify the one you created in the previous labs since some of the tools
used in the middle hard-code absolute paths in many generated files...
Therefore, we provide you with a shell script which performs all the steps
you did in lab 3.0 and 3.1 in order to get a bootable linux system. Namely
the script performs the following steps automatically:
1) Compiles the Quartus project.
2) Generates and compiles the Preloader.
3) Downloads and compiles U-Boot.
4) Downloads and compiles Linux.
5) Downloads and creates a Ubuntu 14.04.5 root filesystem.
6) Partitions the sdcard.
7) Writes all files to the sdcard.
BEFORE you start your mini-project
Follow the steps listed below in order to create a bootable sdcard
containing a Linux OS:
1) Replace all files indicated with the "OVERWRITE" label in the file
tree shown at the end of this README with the files you implemented
in the previous labs.
2) Plug in your sdcard into your Linux computer/VM and take note of the
identifier the OS assigned to it. This README assumes the identifier
assigned to the sdcard is "/dev/sdb".
WARNING : Be ABSOLUTELY SURE that you have the correct drive
identifier or else we will later accidentally format the
wrong drive!
3) Start an embedded command shell.
4) Execute the create_linux_system.sh script as follows:
$ ./create_linux_system.sh /dev/sdb
WARNING : Again, be absolutely sure that you have used the correct
drive identifier before running the command above!
The lower bound for the execution time of the script is around 25
minutes (the time it takes to compile all files). However, the script
also clones large git repositories, so the total execution time can
vary greatly depending on the download speed. Be patient :).
AFTER you start your mini-project
You can now follow the steps explained in the lab statement.
File tree
├── create_hw_headers.sh
├── create_linux_system.sh
├── hw
│   ├── hdl
│   │   ├── DE0_Nano_SoC_PrSoC_extn_board_top_level.vhd
│   │   ├── displays
│   │   │   ├── framebuffer_manager
│   │   │   │   └── hdl
│   │   │   │   ├── dc_video_fifo.vhd
│   │   │   │   ├── framebuffer_manager_hw.tcl
│   │   │   │   └── framebuffer_manager.vhd
│   │   │   └── vga_sequencer
│   │   │   └── hdl
│   │   │   ├── vga_sequencer_hw.tcl
│   │   │   └── vga_sequencer.vhd
│   │   ├── joysticks
│   │   │   ├── hdl
│   │   │   │   ├── mcp3204_hw.tcl
│   │   │   │   ├── mcp3204_spi.vhd ------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   │   │   └── mcp3204.vhd
│   │   │   └── tb
│   │   │   ├── tb_mcp3204_spi.vhd
│   │   │   └── tb_mcp3204.vhd
│   │   ├── lepton
│   │   │   ├── hdl
│   │   │   │   ├── avalon_st_spi_master.vhd
│   │   │   │   ├── byte2pix.vhd
│   │   │   │   ├── dual_ported_ram.vhd
│   │   │   │   ├── lepton_hw.tcl
│   │   │   │   ├── lepton_manager.vhd
│   │   │   │   ├── lepton_stats.vhd -----------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   │   │   ├── lepton.vhd
│   │   │   │   ├── level_adjuster.vhd ---------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   │   │   ├── lpm_divider.vhd
│   │   │   │   ├── ram_writer.vhd
│   │   │   │   └── utils.vhd
│   │   │   └── tb
│   │   │   └── lepton_tb.vhd
│   │   └── pantilt
│   │   ├── hdl
│   │   │   ├── pwm_constants.vhd ----------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   │   ├── pwm_hw.tcl
│   │   │   └── pwm.vhd --------------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   └── tb
│   │   └── tb_pwm.vhd
│   ├── modelsim
│   └── quartus
│   ├── ip
│   │   └── components.ipx
│   ├── lab_4_0.qpf
│   ├── lab_4_0.qsf
│   ├── lab_4_0.sdc
│   └── soc_system.qsys
└── sw
└── hps
├── application
│   ├── hw_headers
│   └── lab_4_0
│   ├── app.c ----------------------------------> # TODO : Your lab_4_0 mini-project application code goes here.
│   ├── displays
│   │   ├── batman_320x240.jpg -----------------> # IMAGE : sample input images for "fbv" binary.
│   │   ├── batman_480x272.jpg -----------------> # IMAGE : sample input images for "fbv" binary.
│   │   ├── fb_multiple_buffering_example.c ----> # DEMO : how to use a framebuffer driver.
│   │   └── fbv --------------------------------> # BINARY : "framebuffer viewer" outputs an image to a framebuffer device (http://freecode.com/projects/fbv).
│   ├── io_custom.h
│   ├── joysticks
│   │   ├── joysticks.c ------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   ├── joysticks.h ------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   └── mcp3204
│   │   ├── mcp3204.c ----------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   ├── mcp3204.h ----------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   └── mcp3204_regs.h -----------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   ├── lepton
│   │   ├── lepton.c ---------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   ├── lepton.h ---------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   │   └── lepton_regs.h ----------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   └── pantilt
│   ├── pantilt.c --------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   ├── pantilt.h --------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   └── pwm
│   ├── pwm.c --------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   ├── pwm.h --------------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
│   └── pwm_regs.h ---------------------> # OVERWRITE : Overwrite with your previous implementation.
└── linux
├── device_tree
│   └── socfpga_cyclone5_de0_sockit_prsoc.dts --> # DEMO : source code of our custom device tree.
├── driver
│   └── fbdev
│   ├── Makefile ---------------------------> # DEMO : makefile of our custom framebuffer driver.
│   └── prsoc_fbdev.c ----------------------> # DEMO : source code of our custom framebuffer driver.
└── rootfs
├── config_post_install.sh
└── config_system.sh
35 directories, 59 files