Keepass Fidelity

A minimalist fidelity/loyalty card plugin

Built for Android Built with love
Build Status
## 🌄 Screenshots
Launcher View Edit
## ⭐ Features - Search entries in [Keepass2Android]( - Scan & Create entries - Recently used history for fast access - Protect entries from caching - Minimalist design and features ## 📳 Installation
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## ⚙️ Permissions - `CAMERA`: necessary for the scanning of barcodes ## 📝 Contribute Keepass-Fidelity is a user-driven project. We welcome any contribution, big or small. - **🖥️ Development:** Fix bugs, implement features, or research issues. Open a PR for review. - **🍥 Design:** Improve interfaces, including accessibility and usability. - **📂 Issue Reporting:** Report bugs and edge cases with relevant info. - **🌍 Localization:** Translate if it doesn't support your language. ## ✏️ Acknowledgements Thanks to all contributors, the developers of our dependencies, and our users. ## 📝 License ``` Copyright (C) 2024 Helcel Licensed under the Unlicense For more information, please refer to ```