2024-04-03 01:32:02 +02:00
import { readFileSync , existsSync } from 'fs'
import area from '@turf/area'
import * as turf from '@turf/turf'
const countries =
"AFG" , "XAD" , "ALA" , "ALB" , "DZA" , "ASM" , "AND" , "AGO" , "AIA" , "ATG" , "ARG" , "ARM" , "ABW" , "AUS" , "AUT" , "AZE" ,
"BHS" , "BHR" , "BGD" , "BRB" , "BLR" , "BEL" , "BLZ" , "BEN" , "BMU" , "BTN" , "BOL" , "BES" , "BIH" , "BWA" , "BVT" , "BRA" , "IOT" , "VGB" , "BRN" , "BGR" , "BFA" , "BDI" , "KHM" ,
"CMR" , "CAN" , "CPV" , "XCA" , "CYM" , "CAF" , "TCD" , "CHL" , "CHN" , "CXR" , "XCL" , "CCK" , "COL" , "COM" , "COK" , "CRI" , "CIV" , "HRV" , "CUB" , "CUW" , "CYP" , "CZE" , "COD" ,
"DNK" , "DJI" , "DMA" , "DOM" , "ECU" , "EGY" , "SLV" , "GNQ" , "ERI" , "EST" , "ETH" , "FLK" , "FRO" , "FJI" , "FIN" , "FRA" , "GUF" , "PYF" , "ATF" ,
"GAB" , "GMB" , "GEO" , "DEU" , "GHA" , "GIB" , "GRC" , "GRL" , "GRD" , "GLP" , "GUM" , "GTM" , "GGY" , "GIN" , "GNB" , "GUY" , "HTI" , "HMD" , "HND" , "HUN" ,
"ISL" , "IND" , "IDN" , "IRN" , "IRQ" , "IRL" , "IMN" , "ISR" , "ITA" , "JAM" , "JPN" , "JEY" , "JOR" , "KAZ" , "KEN" , "KIR" , "XKO" , "KWT" , "KGZ" ,
"LAO" , "LVA" , "LBN" , "LSO" , "LBR" , "LBY" , "LIE" , "LTU" , "LUX" , "SXM" ,
"MKD" , "MDG" , "MWI" , "MYS" , "MDV" , "MLI" , "MLT" , "MHL" , "MTQ" , "MRT" , "MUS" , "MYT" , "MEX" , "FSM" , "MDA" , "MCO" , "MNG" , "MNE" , "MSR" , "MAR" , "MOZ" , "MMR" ,
"NAM" , "NRU" , "NPL" , "NLD" , "NCL" , "NZL" , "NIC" , "NER" , "NGA" , "NIU" , "NFK" , "PRK" , "ZNC" , "MNP" , "NOR" , "OMN" ,
"PAK" , "PLW" , "PSE" , "PAN" , "PNG" , "PRY" , "PER" , "PHL" , "PCN" , "POL" , "PRT" , "PRI" , "QAT" , "COG" , "REU" , "ROU" , "RUS" , "RWA" , "BLM" , "MAF" ,
"SHN" , "KNA" , "LCA" , "SPM" , "VCT" , "WSM" , "SMR" , "STP" , "SAU" , "SEN" , "SRB" , "SYC" , "SLE" , "SGP" , "SVK" , "SVN" , "SLB" , "SOM" , "ZAF" , "SGS" , "KOR" , "SSD" , "ESP" ,
"LKA" , "SDN" , "SUR" , "SJM" , "SWZ" , "SWE" , "CHE" , "SYR" , "TWN" , "TJK" , "TZA" , "THA" , "TLS" , "TGO" , "TKL" , "TON" , "TTO" , "TUN" , "TUR" , "TKM" , "TCA" , "TUV" , "UGA" ,
"UKR" , "ARE" , "GBR" , "USA" , "UMI" , "URY" , "UZB" , "VUT" , "VAT" , "VEN" , "VNM" , "VIR" , "WLF" , "ESH" , "YEM" , "ZMB" , "ZWE"
const groups = {
"EEE" : [ "ALB" , "AND" , "AUT" , "BLR" , "BEL" , "BIH" , "BGR" , "HRV" , "CYP" , "CZE" , "DNK" , "EST" , "FIN" , "FRA" , "DEU" , "GRC" , "HUN" , "ISL" , "IRL" , "ITA" , "KAZ" , "XKO" , "LVA" , "LIE" , "LTU" , "LUX" , "MLT" , "MDA" , "MCO" , "MNE" , "NLD" , "MKD" , "NOR" , "POL" , "PRT" , "ROU" , "RUS" , "SMR" , "SRB" , "SVK" , "SVN" , "ESP" , "SWE" , "CHE" , "UKR" , "GBR" , "VAT" , "XAD" ] ,
"ABB" : [ "AFG" , "ARM" , "AZE" , "BHR" , "BGD" , "BTN" , "BRN" , "KHM" , "CHN" , "GEO" , "HKG" , "IND" , "IDN" , "IRN" , "IRQ" , "ISR" , "JPN" , "JOR" , "KWT" , "KGZ" , "LAO" , "LBN" , "MAC" , "MYS" , "MDV" , "MNG" , "MMR" , "NPL" , "PRK" , "OMN" , "PAK" , "PSE" , "PHL" , "QAT" , "SAU" , "SGP" , "KOR" , "LKA" , "SYR" , "TWN" , "TJK" , "THA" , "TLS" , "TUR" , "TKM" , "ARE" , "UZB" , "VNM" , "YEM" , "ZNC" ] ,
"FFF" : [ "DZA" , "AGO" , "BDI" , "BEN" , "BWA" , "BFA" , "BDI" , "CPV" , "CMR" , "CAF" , "TCD" , "COM" , "COG" , "COD" , "CIV" , "DJI" , "EGY" , "GNQ" , "ERI" , "SWZ" , "ETH" , "GAB" , "GMB" , "GHA" , "GIN" , "GNB" , "KEN" , "LSO" , "LBR" , "LBY" , "MDG" , "MWI" , "MLI" , "MRT" , "MUS" , "MYT" , "MAR" , "MOZ" , "NAM" , "NER" , "NGA" , "COD" , "REU" , "RWA" , "STP" , "SEN" , "SYC" , "SLE" , "SOM" , "ZAF" , "SSD" , "SHN" , "SDN" , "TZA" , "TGO" , "TUN" , "UGA" , "COD" , "ZMB" , "ZWE" , "ESH" ] ,
"NNN" : [ "ABW" , "AIA" , "ATG" , "BHS" , "BRB" , "BLZ" , "BMU" , "VGB" , "CAN" , "CYM" , "CRI" , "CUB" , "CUW" , "DMA" , "DOM" , "SLV" , "GRL" , "GRD" , "GLP" , "GTM" , "HTI" , "HND" , "JAM" , "MTQ" , "MEX" , "MSR" , "ANT" , "CUW" , "NIC" , "PAN" , "PRI" , "KNA" , "LCA" , "MAF" , "SPM" , "VCT" , "TTO" , "TCA" , "USA" , "XCL" ] ,
"SRR" : [ "ARG" , "BOL" , "BRA" , "CHL" , "COL" , "ECU" , "FLK" , "GUF" , "GUY" , "PRY" , "PER" , "SUR" , "URY" , "VEN" ] ,
"UUU" : [ "ASM" , "AUS" , "COK" , "FJI" , "PYF" , "GUM" , "KIR" , "MHL" , "FSM" , "NRU" , "NCL" , "NZL" , "NIU" , "NFK" , "MNP" , "PLW" , "PNG" , "PCN" , "SLB" , "TKL" , "TON" , "TUV" , "VUT" , "WLF" ] ,
"XXX" : [
"ATA" , // Antarctica: not in any other region
"ALA" , // Åland Islands: an autonomous region of Finland, but not a member of the EU or UN
"BES" , // Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba: special municipalities of the Netherlands in the Caribbean
"BVT" , // Bouvet Island: an uninhabited territory of Norway in the South Atlantic
"IOT" , // British Indian Ocean Territory: a British overseas territory in the Indian Ocean
"CXR" , // Christmas Island: an Australian external territory in the Indian Ocean
"CCK" , // Cocos (Keeling) Islands: an Australian external territory in the Indian Ocean
"FRO" , // Faroe Islands: an autonomous region of Denmark
"ATF" , // French Southern and Antarctic Lands: a territory of France located in the southern Indian Ocean
"GIB" , // Gibraltar: a British overseas territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula
"GGY" , // Guernsey: a British Crown dependency in the English Channel
"HMD" , // Heard Island and McDonald Islands: an uninhabited Australian external territory in the southern Indian Ocean
"IMN" , // Isle of Man: a British Crown dependency located in the Irish Sea
"JEY" , // Jersey: a British Crown dependency located in the English Channel
"BLM" , // Saint Barthélemy: an overseas collectivity of France in the Caribbean
"WSM" , // Samoa: an independent island nation in the South Pacific
"SXM" , // Sint Maarten: a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Caribbean
"SGS" , // South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: a British overseas territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean
"SJM" , // Svalbard and Jan Mayen: an archipelago administered by Norway
"UMI" , // United States Minor Outlying Islands: a collection of nine insular areas of the United States
"VIR" , // United States Virgin Islands: an unincorporated territory of the United States in the Caribbean
var dict0 = { }
var dict1 = { }
2024-04-08 21:24:20 +02:00
const formatStr = ( str ) => str . replace ( /(?<!\b\w\u00E0-\u00FC)\B[A-Z\u00C0-\u00DC]|,(?!$)/g , match => {
2024-04-03 01:32:02 +02:00
if ( match . startsWith ( ',' ) ) {
return ', ' ;
} else {
return ' ' + match ;
2024-04-12 19:41:38 +02:00
} } ) . replace ( "ofthe " , " of the " ) . replace ( "dela " , " de la " ) . replace ( "delos " , " de los " ) . replace ( "áD" , "á D" ) . replace ( "eÁ" , "e Á" )
. replace ( "ed'" , "e d'" ) . replace ( "leof " , "le of " ) . replace ( "dde " , "d de " ) . replace ( "iode " , "io de " ) . replace ( "àde " , "à de " )
2024-04-08 21:24:20 +02:00
. replace ( "yof " , "y of " ) . replace ( "Andrésy " , "Andrés y" )
. replace ( "aand " , "a and " ) . replace ( "iand " , "i and " ) . replace ( "tsand " , "ts and " ) . replace ( "onand " , "on and " ) . replace ( "reand " , "re and " )
. replace ( "odel " , "o del " ) . replace ( "adel " , "a del " ) . replace ( "ndel " , "n del " ) . replace ( "zdel " , "z del " ) . replace ( "falde " , "fal de " ) . replace ( "casdel " , "cas del " )
. replace ( "odosÓ" , "o dos Ó" )
. replace ( "Grandedo " , "Grande do " ) . replace ( "Grandede " , "Grande de " )
. replace ( "Santiagode " , "Santiago de " ) . replace ( "Joséde " , "José de " ) . replace ( "Pedrode " , "Pedro de " )
. replace ( "andthe " , " and the " )
. replace ( "emunicipality" , "e municipality" ) . replace ( "Villede " , "Ville de " )
. replace ( "Valledel " , "Valle del " ) . replace ( "Valde " , "Val de " ) . replace ( "Îlesdu " , "Îles du " )
. replace ( "sÉ" , "s É" ) . replace ( "áO" , "á O" ) . replace ( "N C Tof " , "NCT of " ) . replace ( "N A" , "NA" )
. replace ( "Nortede " , "Norte de " )
2024-04-12 17:00:02 +02:00
. replace ( "Pinardel " , "Pinar del " )
. replace ( "Greeceand" , "Greece and the Ionian" )
. replace ( "Vientiane" , "Vientiane Province" )
. replace ( "Vientiane Province[prefecture]" , "Vientiane Prefecture" )
. replace ( "Valduz" , "Vaduz" )
2024-04-08 21:24:20 +02:00
. trim ( )
2024-04-03 01:32:02 +02:00
const parse0 = ( country ) => {
const filepath = ` temp/0/ ${ country } .json `
try {
let geo0 = JSON . parse ( readFileSync ( filepath ) )
let area = turf . area ( geo0 )
for ( let f of geo0 . features ) {
let feat = f . properties
if ( feat . GID _0 == country ) {
let gr = ""
for ( let g in groups ) {
if ( groups [ g ] . includes ( country ) ) {
gr = g
dict0 [ feat . GID _0 ] = ` ${ country } | ${ gr } | ${ formatStr ( feat . COUNTRY ) } | ${ Math . round ( area / 1e6 ) } `
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( country , " PARSE Error" )
console . log ( e )
const parse1 = ( country ) => {
const filepath = ` temp/1/ ${ country } .json `
try {
if ( ! existsSync ( filepath ) ) {
// console.log(`No L1 for ${country}`)
let geo0 = JSON . parse ( readFileSync ( filepath ) )
for ( let f of geo0 . features ) {
let feat = f . properties
let area = turf . area ( f . geometry )
dict1 [ feat . GID ] = ` ${ feat . GID } | ${ country } | ${ formatStr ( feat . NAME ) } | ${ Math . round ( area / 1e6 ) } `
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( country , " PARSE Error" )
console . log ( e )
var mis = [ ]
const mergePrint = ( c ) => {
// console.log(dict0[c])
for ( const key in dict1 ) {
if ( key . startsWith ( c ) ) {
console . log ( dict1 [ key ] )
mis . push ( key )
} }
const wgPrint = ( ) => {
console . log ( "WWW||World|-1" )
console . log ( "XXX|WWW|Other|-1" )
console . log ( "EEE|WWW|Europe|-1" )
console . log ( "ABB|WWW|Asia|-1" )
console . log ( "FFF|WWW|Africa|-1" )
console . log ( "NNN|WWW|North America|-1" )
console . log ( "SRR|WWW|South America|-1" )
console . log ( "UUU|WWW|Oceana|-1" )
async function run ( ) {
countries . forEach ( c => parse0 ( c ) )
countries . forEach ( c => parse1 ( c ) )
// wgPrint()
countries . forEach ( c => mergePrint ( c ) )
for ( const key in dict1 ) {
if ( ! mis . includes ( key ) ) {
console . log ( dict1 [ key ] )
run ( )